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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.15 MB, 937x685, retards1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5485288 No.5485288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Premade/store bought everything
>Shit technique
>Jump cuts galore
>Not even that healthy in most cases
>1 million views
What worries me the most about these YT "health" bloggers is that they are spreading misinformation to the masses, making it harder for the average person to truly provide for themselves and their family in a sensible manner.


>> No.5485293
File: 157 KB, 600x659, sandra lee glamour shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Premade/store bought everything
Sandra Lee's replacement? lel

>> No.5485296
File: 298 KB, 500x628, idontlikething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't pay them any more attention than they already get, mate.

>> No.5485315

/fit/ here, this fat asian bitch pisses me off a lot
>lelelel NYR~
>I don't like it that sweet~
>Adds 3 servings of honey


>> No.5485319
File: 221 KB, 1536x1024, ckgeneral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it op.

this is healthier than i, and i imagine 80% of ck eat most of the time.

>> No.5485324
File: 910 KB, 1163x639, retards2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna make some sick veggie gains brah.
Plant protons are best protons.

>> No.5485330

>Tons of fruits/carbs
>Almost no protein even in main dish
It might be low calorie, but it certainly isn't healthy in the sense of a balanced diet.

>> No.5485331
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Whoops, meant for this image.

>> No.5485336

and again, healthier than 80% of what i and most of ck eats.

yesterday i had two slices of cake (because I work in a bakery and cake is free), a bunch of peanuts, and a chickpea based curry with rice. the only vegetable involved here was an onion.

unless frosting is a vegetable.

>> No.5485341

If a bunch of neckbears eat worse, does that make the slightly less shit option healthy?

>> No.5485352

I was going to say, somebody talking shit about my avocado is going to get wrecked.

>> No.5485356

Avocados are great, but when I see people removing the pit like that all I think is

>> No.5485358

Yeah, gotta chop the blade in, not stab your palm.

>> No.5485359

Exactly. What functioning adult looks at the pit and thinks "I should stab that shit while holding it in the other hand!"

>> No.5485371

I don't see a problem here except for the way she removes the avocado pits

>> No.5485377


>uses pre-cooked shrimp

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.5485378

There's probably over 60g of sugar in that fucking smoothie. I really don't get people who think fruit is healthy just because it's fruit. Bananas, grapes, watermelon, apples, all nigger tier garbage that's just as bad as candy.

Outside of berries, avocado, kiwi, coconut, there's almost no reason to eat fruit over vegetables. It's mostly candy for adults thinking they're healthy.

>> No.5485379
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1395432051599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your back bro

>> No.5485381

Careful, I've seen at least 1 guy get banned for that picture here.

>> No.5485416

Fruit has nutrients that candy does not, nigger.

>> No.5485433

Nice fucking giant plastic clamshell for the spinach. How big do you think her carbon footprint is?

>> No.5485435
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>> No.5485462


your and idort.

go back to /b/ with your gaia worshipping, anthropomorphic global warming, population control bullshit.

>> No.5485469
File: 20 KB, 500x333, 1278643192340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's be healthy and self-conscious guys!
>Proceeds to buy organic shit in oversized packaging

>> No.5485477


Her head looks gigantic

>> No.5485479


WHY would anybody do it like this?

>> No.5485480

do you even know what idort means?

>> No.5485560


Why would you possibly think fruit/carbohydrate are bad? And you don't need 200+ grams of protein a day unless you're a 400 pound Russian power lifter

>> No.5485563


It's cool that you think that, but since no science supports what you're saying it's not cool to say that in public to other people.

>> No.5485569
File: 137 KB, 1400x980, HAES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say carbs or fruits are bad, I said ONLY eating carbs is bad. You need fats for crucial hormone synthesis and you need proteins for basically everything. I'm not saying to need to eat bodybuilding levels of protein, but these meals have almost none, and those present are incomplete proteins like the vegan protein powder bullshit.
>No icky chemicals in my protein! Totally worth the $70/lb pricepoint~

>> No.5485573


The only way you're only eating carbs is if the meal is just refined sugar. Food isn't just "this thing is carbs, this thing is fat, this thing is protein." You need all 3, but you're going to get all 3 from whole foods regardless of what you're eating, and the main thing you want is carbohydrate.

>> No.5485576

I hope she wakes up with crooked teeth, acne and only $300 in her savings account.

I'm sure she's a nice girl, but I just want her to know how lucky she really is, and I am a horrible person inside too.

>> No.5485577

Seriously? I'm almost sure that the contents of this bottle are anything but honey.

>> No.5485580

>You need all 3, but you're going to get all 3 from whole foods

So I have to eat things I can swallow in one bite

>> No.5485582

>Man I ate 30 bananas today, I got plenty of proteins and fats!

Freelee pls go

>> No.5485585

I'd stick my rolling pin in her. If you know what I mean.

>> No.5485596


30 large bananas is about 45 grams of protein, 12 grams of fat. That's pretty good for eating one food

>> No.5485609

You think 45g of proteins and 12g of fat is enough for a person to operate healthily on for an entire day? Meanwhile, that is over 3000 calories and 433g of sugars, not dietary fiber. Look at the macronutrients and micronutrients, all of them instead of the ones that fit your stupid fad diet's talking points, when determining what to eat.

>> No.5485617
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You think 45g of proteins and 12g of fat is enough for a person to operate healthily on for an entire day?

It seems to be enough for a person to operate healthily for 100+ years if Okinawa is anything to go by.

I'm not a fruitarian by the way, nor does anyone (fruitarians included) suggest eating only bananas day in and day out, but it shows that it's not "just carbs" you're eating even in the most carb-rich foods, and your ideas of nutrition are off-base and misguided.

>> No.5485621

>Something is 90% carbs

>le oriental magic diet face

>> No.5485628


I don't know why you're fighting this so much when you obviously don't even research nutrition

>> No.5485637


>> No.5485646

You can't speak for all of /ck/, just for yourself, like the rest of us. I'm a /ck/ greybeard (not that it's anything to be proud of) and I eat quite healthy. Sure, I eat unhealthy meals occasionally, but not on a daily basis. My diet is mainly composed of vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish, eggs, and nuts and seeds. Today, I'm making gazpacho, which has a fuckton of vegetables in it, and will probably make some sort of salad with grilled meat on it for dinner. Or maybe some baked sweet potatoes. That's my normal diet. Yes, I do get cravings for french fries, burgers, chicken fried steak, fried chicken, etc. But I eat those rarely, I let the cravings build up over time until it becomes a real treat to eat it, not a normal part of my diet. I eat pasta maybe once a week or once every two weeks, depending on if I'm just cooking for myself or other people. But that's not really the point here, I shouldn't be rambling about my diet.
Anyway, what OP is bitching about is that the people in those stupid videos go about things the wrong way, making their version of "being healthy" way over-complicated and improperly done, like he said, with bad techniques and false information and very little common sense.

>> No.5485650


Sounds like you need whole grains and legumes in your diet. Also,


Cease and desist.


>> No.5485660

>Eating all of the yolks

>> No.5485808

Sounds like you're a huge faggot that I should ignore.

>> No.5485841


>"I eat really healthy!"
>not really...

>> No.5485849

>How to healthy bullshit
Why the fuck did she even think anyone would take her seriously?

>> No.5485854

Professor Joe Schwarcz of McGill University recommends Greger's videos but says they contain "cherry-picking of data" and that Greger has swallowed veganism "hook, line, and sinker".[4] Sceptic and physician Harriet A. Hall has also criticized Greger's video Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death, saying his videos are part of a genre featuring "a charismatic scientist with an agenda who makes sweeping statements that go beyond the evidence, makes unwarranted assumptions about the meaning of studies, and omits any reference to contradictory evidence"

>> No.5485857


Oh god she's letting the food get cold. I hate her.

>> No.5485859

I do eat healthy, you're just another loudmouthed misinformed piece of shit. Go take some nutrition classes and then get back to me.

>> No.5485861

>Taking any nutritional advice from a twenties something perky girl on youtube

>> No.5485862


What I don't understand: she's saying things like
>3 tablespoons of this
>3/4s of a cup of that

Why doesn't she use a tablespoon or a cup? Why is she using those plastic measuring spoon things?

>> No.5485863

>ALL that fucking honey for that amount of oatmeal
>THAT much fucking strawberry for that much oatmeal
Is it any wonder why she's obese?

>> No.5485864


Because a spoon you use at a table doesn't have a consistent volume. Neither does the average drinking cup.

the plastic measuring spoon things are the correct volume. random spoons and cups are not.

>> No.5485867


If I want exact measurements, I want milliliters or grams or something. Tablespoon is a rough measurement for me.


>> No.5485901


That specific video isn't even Dr. Gregor's opinion, it's the USDA's

>> No.5485903

Cite a USDA source saying anything even in that ballpark

>> No.5485904
File: 35 KB, 527x326, moronsgivingnutritionadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only people disagreeing are retards that think EVOO needs to be on everything.

>> No.5485906

americans use volumetric measurements for pretty much all cooking except baking. Deal with it

>> No.5485909


Oh well what do you know.

>> No.5485910
File: 469 KB, 757x426, hurrdurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5485920
File: 289 KB, 1024x768, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow u orthorexic faggots sure know how to suck the fun out of everything

>> No.5485926

>Beauty guru
Is she serious?
When I saw her a couple things came to mind and "beauty guru" wasn't one of them.
The first was "receding hairline" actually.

>> No.5485937

You don't need all those ingredients to make that kind of smoothie.There's an easier way to make it. Just get me some beers, boiled eggs, Bacardi 151 and a toothbrush.

>> No.5485938


>> No.5485956

the avocado dark chocolate pudding looks pretty good actually... not sure if I'd add the chia seeds but I've enjoyed chocolate avocado confections before, simple desserts are the bomb

>> No.5485967


That face.. the color doesn't match her neck/rest of the body.. My god.. Why do people do this.

>> No.5485969
File: 57 KB, 600x480, mercyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that fake homeopathic toxin cleaning bullshit
>Normalfags eat this shit up like Americans eat burgers

>> No.5485976


>Healthy lunch ideas
>put some type of cookie for thursday

My god she can't even pronounce easy words. Is she retarded or what..

>> No.5485978
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>> No.5485988

>inspired by my life
you know someone's full of shit when they talk like that

>> No.5485993


>intro is her drinking that "hip and totally new" water with fruits in it
>and her making a fucking sandwich

Iron chef, man, she's so healthy the vitamins are oozing out her pores.

>> No.5485996


Her sick knife skills are also amazing, look how she butchers that fucking apple man.

>> No.5486000

>Lime and mint in water
>Calls it fucking vitamin infused water

>> No.5486004


You mean the Grainy Smith Apple?

And man, she must've received some CQC military-grade knife-handling training.

I just can't, man.

Oh god

>> No.5486007

I don't want to imagine people being this dumb.. What a sad world we live in.

>> No.5486009

the whole 'fruit in water' thing is a school girl tier fad. Stupid people like her think adding huge amounts of fruit into your water is somehow healthy, but all it does it increase your sugar intake

they do it because 'look at me im so hip and healthy!'
and its fucking obnoxious

>> No.5486013
File: 16 KB, 394x88, All hope is lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even want to click on it. I want to go to bed and sleep it all away.

>> No.5486014

I shall watch it for science.

>> No.5486016

Why are women so boring /ck/

>> No.5486017
File: 1.40 MB, 1283x707, tard painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also a great painter

>> No.5486022

>Playing soccer again has made me decide to be a lot more healthy and kind to my body... so I figured I would start grocery shopping!
i died

>> No.5486025


Maybe you should have eaten more bagels with cream cheese because those are totes healthy and tumblr

>> No.5486026
File: 625 KB, 1272x708, happy tardo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll never know

>> No.5486028


>she's got a retina MBP
>she's using motherfucking Beats

Figures. I'd like the MBP though

>> No.5486029

oh shit check out that gradient

its totally like not subtle at all

>> No.5486036
File: 87 KB, 444x500, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they just so dumb?
>Tomatoes and peaches in a container

>> No.5486038
File: 1.00 MB, 1273x701, kissing my tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so great how people need some dumb cunt to regurgitate some unoriginal ideas so they too can be unoriginal in their house.

Look at her being all funny and edgy.

>> No.5486043
File: 54 KB, 500x374, Idonotrikethiswaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muhfugging bix nood leo oscar

>> No.5486046

>I like my veggies more on the raw side
>I find it more healthy


>> No.5486066
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x617, how do i sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She even explains how to make a freaking peanut butter jelly sandwich.. Does her audience consist of mentally challenged people or what?

>> No.5486074


Well you have to use Beurre d'amandes and organic biologique le wild sauvage on hand-crafted mouth-kneaded sourdough bread

>> No.5486083

Don't forget you must use a butterblade forged in grorious nippon folded 9000 times.

>> No.5486109

>scrambling eggs inside the pan while they're cooking.
Do people actually do this? Are they this lazy?

>> No.5486146
File: 35 KB, 491x339, sarah_lee_alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5486253

so what the fuck is organic honey? Do the bees only eat pollen from non GMO plants? lmao. fuck outta here

>> No.5486263
File: 67 KB, 300x100, 3543255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying your food at places the overprice food because they want stupid uninformed people to pay more just because its organic.

>not finding a legit place where even organic food can be cheaper than conventional

>> No.5486267
File: 47 KB, 720x703, 1394465282179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you
I think I found the one /ck/

>> No.5486675


it's probably all in the ovaries - the source of all of their feelings. Seriously, I don't get it, I consider myself a pretty boring guy 'cause I'm into some obscure technical stuff like guitar amps, but some chicks just seem to run around being vapid and doing the dumbest shit in the name of trying to be chic or spiritual or deep in some way. I try not to let things bug me, but that's one of the big ones.

>> No.5486690



I don't know how you guys feel about Tony Bourdain, but he was right when he called her the Antichrist

>> No.5486693

>Plant protons are best protons

...we talking the ETC here?

>> No.5486694

Anyone who buys into it deserves the struggle they receive through it. At least try to find solace in that.

>> No.5487834


I don't know why but I can't stop watching her videos even though I hate everything about them (except for the music; not exactly what I'm listening to but it reminds me of summer so that's neat)