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File: 10 KB, 275x183, sliced bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5477626 No.5477626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is such shit bread I don't believe anyone eats it.

>> No.5477628

Quite profound, OP.
What's your position on railway travel?

>> No.5477629
File: 41 KB, 304x303, DavesKillerBread_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, all sliced bread?

Them's fighting words.

>> No.5477862

Speaking of bread, has anyone here ever had Spelt Bread? I live next to a pavilion where a farmers market is held every weekend and there used to be a woman there nicknamed "the bread lady" who sold spelt bread. I found it was absolutely delicious and made wonderful toast. I wish she still had a stall there...

>> No.5477867

Brioche and Sourdough are the only breads worth eating.

>> No.5477884

>being completely unaware of what middle-class, middle-Americans like
Why do you think Wonder bread is still in business and movie sequels keep getting made?

>> No.5477895

Because americans love mediocrity?

>> No.5477909

Most americans, but yes.

>> No.5477959

Shitty bread and good bread serve different purposes.
Good bread is for the day you go to the grocery store, because it will be stale the next day.
Shitty bread is for all the other 9 out of 10 days in between grocery store trips, because it lasts forever.

>> No.5479835
File: 198 KB, 952x768, moldly white bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative, sir.

>> No.5479863

that doesn't happen in 9 to 10 days unless can't into basic food preservation. try again, friendo.

>> No.5479983

that bread is for consumption by children and for that purpose it's fine.

>> No.5479996
File: 112 KB, 500x369, pb-slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else are we gonna put our PB slices on?

>> No.5480002

When I become emperor of the dyson sphere, I'm going to drag the fuckers that conceived these from the past, force them through a clinical immortality treatment and have them tortured forever.

>> No.5480074

I know. when I was in England, I could walk to a bakery (pub for that matter) you are correct. tasty bread. I live 7 miles(10kilometers?) from the nearest grocery store. and to be honest. i can't bake for shit.I love fresh baked yeast bread. Home results are terrible. so I settle for "natures own" butter bread or sara lee whole wheat. 3 bucks/loaf where I live.best of the "industrial" breads .often sold out.I worked with a couple from Romania They baked their own bread and would sometimes give me a loaf.. great crusty bread. Hate to admit, Je parle Francais,ne' pas tres bonne they make the best bread. even my biscuits are like hockey pucks I can make corn bread and muffins. thats about all.

>> No.5480090

the white bread phenomenon can be summed up by my friend who puts ketchup on everything, even chicken parm and cheese steaks and stuff.

he has his big pile of mush with cheese, ketchup, chicken, threw some soggy fries in there. Its just a slop with no texture and he says "I like soft food"

and there you have the average american flavor profile

>> No.5480122

This looks good though

Like the kind of peanut butter that's on cracker sandwiches. Would try, especially cold

>> No.5480124

ketchup on cheesesteaks isn't super gross though
I don't do it often, but occasionally I get a little packet and smear some on the end and take a bite out of it

>> No.5480628

because americans dont sit around at lunch and savor the flavor of fucking bread for 3 hours.

>> No.5482225

amerishits like it grilled with "american chesse"

>> No.5482247

Just cut the moldy spots off. I'm sure the center of the loaf is perfectly fine.

>> No.5482249


lol what a faggot


yeah spelt is good times

>> No.5482264

>implying you posted a picture of bread
Thats a fucking sponge, OP!

>> No.5482268

>no rye
>no pumpernickel
>no amish white
>no french bread
>no focaccia
>no ciabatta
who the fuck do you even think you are son

>> No.5482279

I went to the US recently and i must say the veggies,material is totally different from europe. Tomatoes taste like water and cucumber taste like soap. healty food is also terrible expensive. Junk food is cheap.

Even the bread tastes totally different, also it has too many preservatives.

The good thing was the beef and steaks, which i will miss.

You should try the same bread in europe (germany/france/netherlands).

After tasting it, you will change your mind. Also in europe we still have seperate bakeries stores which make fresh bread.

Supermarket/groceries bread is just plain carbage.

I only buy supermarket bread for convenience when i don't have time to do the groceries.

>> No.5482299
File: 1002 KB, 480x355, 1367555939308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made with sourdough
Type of rye bread, made with sourdough

>> No.5482300

How can something be bland and sweet you fucking idiot?

>> No.5482332

>Also in europe we still have seperate bakeries stores which make fresh bread.

We have plenty of these in America.

>> No.5482352

>white bread is bad

What is like being ridiculous?

I'm not arguing that bread has tiers of execution but you guys are acting like it's inedible or some shit. Jesus did you all check your fedoras in at the door?

>> No.5482368


Not OP, but it's pretty much sugar. It's bad in that it should not be consumed to nearly the level it is in America.

>> No.5482465
File: 17 KB, 216x186, seedstheday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Dave's bread is awesome.
Similar, but not the same is Eureka bread, which is also fucking god tier. (pic related, my favorite)

>> No.5482477

By being largely tasteless but also vaguely sweet? It seems pretty obvious. White bread doesn't taste like much, but all starch tastes sweet when broken down by the saliva in your mouth.

>> No.5482563

Sliced wheat bread is good for french toast and grilled cheese though.

>> No.5482568


do you not know what bland means?

>> No.5482581


What world do you live in that mould doesnt penetrate bread?

>> No.5482593


Fucking sugar in bread America. What the hell is wrong with you

>> No.5482596

it doesnt really if its not presliced unless its super old

>> No.5482598

Why are you so obsessed with Americans? Worry about your own shitty country.

>> No.5482638


>Mentioning something as strange as sugar in bread means im obsessed with america

>> No.5482643


Fair enough. But do you see the giant slice marks in the pic

>> No.5482647

you have to admit
>Fucking sugar in bread America. What the hell is wrong with you
is an oddly specific and obscure rant

>> No.5482659

not a single bread being sold in american supermarkets is good.

you either buy at local bakery or bake yourself.

>> No.5482670


I used to work in one of those shitty retail bakerys. The bread won't even start to mold until 5-6 days.

Some of it can be decent but all the specialty bread has been left in a freezer for 2-3 weeks prior to being cooked and put out in the super market.

One thing I would recommend is to ask when the bread was made that day. Usually all the pre-sliced loafs on shelf were made yesterday while all the unsliced ones are cooked daily.

To avoid getting a shitty squashed loaf from those slicer machines to make sure the loaf isn't warm but has been baked within the past 2-3 hours. Usually best time to get one is before 12pm.

>> No.5482700


Baker here, sugar of some form is pretty common in many types of bread. If you're going to try to shitpost about a country at least put some effort into it.

>> No.5482705

>The bread won't even start to mold until 5-6 days.
are you dense?

if bread is stored properly and made properly it will go dry, not mold.

Mold on bread means shitty ingredients and bad package

>> No.5482713


What breads do you put sugar in?

>> No.5482715

sweet buns

>> No.5482724

I recently had some of that bimbo bear bread and it was way better than that garbage wonderbread my mom had been buying since I was a kid.
it wasnt the tastiest thing in the world however it didn't offend me to eat a sandwich made with it

>> No.5482733


Honey wheat, cinnamon raisin, many sandwich breads in which you either want to balance the flavor against salt/some topping OR if you want to jump start your yeast, depending on what kind you're using.

Bread that has no sugar in it is not better or more "refined" than sugarless bread. Both are good and have their uses, no matter how highbrow you want to make yourself look on the internet.

>> No.5482736

>Bread that has no sugar in it

Meant "that has sugar in it"

>> No.5482760

Sugar for yeast doesn't count

Actual sweet breads where it is expected is ok.

Sandwich bread, get fucked. Sugarless bread is way better and more refined than sugar bread. I know that the whole north american continent has had its taste buds fucked with by US farm subsidies but that doest mean putting sugar in sandwich bread is ok.

>> No.5482769

nigga please. even without sugar your society is used to horrible wheat flour with zero nutritional value

>> No.5482789


>> No.5482797
File: 165 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_7610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn the difference, faglord

>> No.5482799

>Sugarless bread is way better and more refined than sugar bread.

You're either trolling or beyond help. No serious or intelligent individual would assert such absolutist opinions about something as relative as taste, especially in something so versatile and complex as bread.

>> No.5482802
File: 174 KB, 600x399, chleb-zytni-razowy-wieloziarnisty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5482807
File: 1.13 MB, 1685x1128, Dark Bread Riser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5482836

Youre going to have to explain yourself

>> No.5482850

babby never seen real bread before?

>> No.5482866


What is your point

>> No.5482903
File: 115 KB, 560x420, Ezekiel_Sprouted_Grain_Bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else like this stuff?

Only bread I eat.

>> No.5482950
File: 40 KB, 435x435, dwight disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this guy trying so hard to shitpost and doing it so poorly

>> No.5482961

I love that shit man. Brofist. Even for hotdog buns and flatbreads I sitll get Ezekiel.

Their flatbreads are the shit. Try them if you haven't.

>> No.5483032

Anyone ever have Amish friendship bread?
My mom made it a couple of times, it's really sweet you're supposed to give it to your friends it some shit really tasty

>> No.5483068
File: 103 KB, 311x300, 1370712636098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate buys whole wheat wonderbread
>mfw whole wheat wonderbread
I'm not even going to explain what I think is wrong with that shit... it should be self-evident to anyone with a brain

>> No.5483218


Anon 1

Anon 2

One anon shit posting, One anon doesnt like sugar