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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5479881 No.5479881 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to actually enjoy vegetables? I force feed myself vegetables for health, but could I enjoy them (without smothering them in cheese or hiding small amounts of it in food)?

>> No.5479884

You'll understand when you get out of grade school.

>> No.5479885

I love vegetables. There's many of them out there, with various textures and tastes.

First examine how you are cooking them. Are you boiling/steaming them until they resemble tasteless mush?

>> No.5479888


I enjoyed vegetables since my earliest memories. Certainly well before grade school. Sounds to me more like you and op just have bad parents.

>> No.5479927

when i was young i ate too much pumpkin and carrot and i turned orange. see http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1104368-overview

i love sweet potato and boiled carrot the most,

kale chips are amazing please look up a recipe i was actually stunned that they're really good

try looking into new ways of cooking them and when you do eat them try not to think 'oh man i hate vegetables this is going to taste gross'

>> No.5479934
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>> No.5479936

>Is it possible to actually enjoy vegetables?
No. Fuck no. Unless your a girl, btw.

>> No.5479939

the fact that she was literally afraid of vegetables and the give her the most infamous vegetable to try, boiled,

like, ill eat brussels sprouts, only because ive been forced to eat them for so long its like some kind of cabbage stockholm syndrome, but they're really not the most pleasant food, especially fro someone who hasn't eaten anything green for like 20 years.

>> No.5479943

If your taste is adjusted to fat, salt, starch and sugar overload vegetables won't be the least bit interesting to you. Why eat broccoli when you can eat a quarter pound of cheese? Why eat kale when you could have a few strips of bacon?

This is how a fatty thinks. Or a five year old. For some people this becomes part of their self-image, and they hang on to it. They think, "I don't like vegetables", and just assume it's true, because they don't taste as "good" as meat or fucking cheese.

Most folks can readjust their taste in about three weeks, if they want to. They don't because doing so would be a threat to their identity. We define ourselves by what we do and don't eat. Acknowledging that this is arbitrary shit is too threatening for most people.

You want to like vegetables? Easy. Eat nothing but vegetable based foods for three weeks. For the first two weeks everything will taste like cardboard. Power through. Somewhere around week three vegetables will start to taste amazing.

Then go to Taco Bell or Five Guys. That will taste amazing, too, but it will also seem like crazy overkill (which it actually is). But as long as your baseline taste sees crazy overkill as "normal" you won't find vegetables terribly interesting.

>> No.5479947

Cool story bro

>> No.5479950

I fucking love brussel sprouts and have since I was a little kid. Boiled, fried, idfc, I love them.

>> No.5479952

to me they have a weird taste, like an artificial almost like marker pen undertone i dont know how to describe it, but i find myself liking them more and more.

>> No.5479955

lol what is that from?

>> No.5479960

A TLC show called freaky eaters. It's the cheesy potato episode. The woman's only eaten cheesy potatoes for most of her life.

>> No.5479962

she only eats cheesy potatoes
shes done it since she was a kid

>> No.5480005

How did she not die from malnutrition?

>> No.5480144

But I don't eat junk food and I'm not from America.

I force myself to eat vegetables at every meal except breakfast and I hate it, I've never enjoyed it

>> No.5480147

Is it the mustardy 'bitterness'? Do you feel the same way about white cabbage?

>> No.5480149

This. I'm vegan now, but before was eating nothing but salty, cheesy, and fried foods. When I first started it was hard, but after learning how to cook and prepare things right, how to season them, and letting my tastes adjust, the smell and look of the stuff I used to eat just seems plain disgusting.

>> No.5480374

hey OP I used to be obese, like mega terrible fat.

all I ate was mcdonalds and terrible diluted fake chocolate that didn't even have a high cacao percentage and no cocao butter content at all. I used additive tainted "table" salt and I didn't even know that pink himalayan sea salt existed. I ate like NO vegetables.

I said "THAT IS IT" as my folds of fat and moobs jiggled and slapped everyone in the face.

I forced myself to stop eating processed crap and ate only whole foods (no pun) like fruits and vegetables, nuts seeds beans and no soda or fast food at all. I stopped brushing my teeth with fluoride toothpaste too.

eventually I tried to taste the other stuff again and it tasted like crap while I realized that fruits and vegetables now tasted great to me.

the end.

p.s. now I am skinny and healthy.

>> No.5480378

we have to start tipping fedoras to people on /an/ now? come on. this fag...

>> No.5480480

What is a stirrfry?

>> No.5480514


I have this and no matter how hard I try I can't eat fruits and vegetables, even if they are mixed in with things. Sometimes even just the smell of certain ones (like bananas) makes me throw up. It makes it really hard to cook because there aren't a lot of interesting recipes without them. I really enjoy cooking and baking but I feel like I'll never really be good at it because I can't even eat most foods without wanting to throw up, so how can I ever know if it tastes good or not?

I'm not fat either, quite underweight, actually.

>> No.5480608

LOL once attained hard to get rid of ( if in the hospital and someone mentions spironolactone,. a potassium sparing diuretic say no thanks)omnivore but I like vegetables - green beans, snow peas, peas, broccoli cauliflower, greens, squash corn lima beans cabbage turnips,beets - the tops steamed with balsamic vinegar -most are pretty good if not cooked to death. (tatters and or rice really don't count as vegetable)sweet potato or yam (baked or boiled as long as not drenched in syrup or marshmallow.. Only vegetables I really dislike are carrots and eggplant, I like garlic and raw onions, but they don't like me.I eat meat but like my vegetables. if fresh I can easily go with out meat. I even like boiled okra

>> No.5480629 [DELETED] 
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Scotch/what are you drinking thread.
Drinking Ben Riach 10. Asked the guy in the Whisky Shop to recommend me something other than an Islay to drink for a change. It's fine, but nothing special. Probably wouldn't have it again.

>> No.5480634

I eat those frozen diced vegetable mixes as a snack, go through a bag every 2-3 days.

Other than that I am indifferent of vegetables and fucking hate fruit. Force feed myself bananas and apples every once In a while.

>> No.5480661
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I eat potatoes, onions, rice and mushrooms.

I'm perfectly happy with these, otherwise I am too lazy to learn how to make other dishes.

>> No.5480667

I hated brussels sprouts.

still do if uncooked or steamed.. awful.

but one day I was given a recipe for bacon brussels sprouts and since then i never turned back. (however, this is the only way i can eat them so far.)

basically take like 4 strips of bacon and cut them into silvers.

then take your brussels sprouts, peel off the outer layer, and cut into slices (reasonably thin slices). you want to use like 10 or so sprouts.. or less depending on the size of your pan.

take the bacon and cook in a pan until its nice and crispy, then remove from the pan using a slotted spoon or spatula. you want to keep the fat in the pan.

take your sprouts and dump them in the pan and cook over medium/high heat. Season them with crushed garlic (or garlic powder). onion powder, and black pepper. saute them until they're wilted and semi caramelized.

dump it into a bowl and then dump the bacon on top. mix well so the bacon is evenly mixed into the sprout bits.


you won't believe how actually good they are.

>> No.5480672

Alternative, throw them on the barbie and then cover in kosher salt.

>> No.5480684

Try preparing vegetables in different ways and season them well. Roasting, grilling, making frites, preparing with different sauces, pickling. Roasted brussels with a touch of pom-honey mustard sauce is pretty amazing.

Also be sure to try many different kinds of veg. There are some you just won't like no matter how hard you try but I'm thinking you'll find avocado or roasted shitake mushrooms palatable.

Lastly, never miss an opportunity to add vegetables to your food. Something like spinach can be added to most things and makes a surprisingly good addition to soups. If you eat them all the time you'll learn to appreciate the freshness.

>> No.5480808

stopped reading there

>> No.5480820

msg, lard and stir fry

>> No.5480853


I hate you and your shitpost. If you don't like vegetables you're a child. There is literally no adult in the world that doesn't enjoy the taste of vegetables. When you grow up, your palate will grow up too.

That being said, please kill yourself before that happens.

>> No.5480865

Stir fry

>> No.5480866

Brussels sprouts are incredible if you tear them apart leaf by leaf when they are still raw (keep each leaf as whole as possible). Then you char them over coals or a fire. Then you dip that shit in light soy sauce and its amazing.

>> No.5480888

you can live on potatoes and cheese and get most of your nutrients if you eat a shitload of them, which she does

The husband should lock er in the basement with a gallon of water, some bread, veggies and fruit

starve or live your choice

>> No.5480898

I'm ordering chinese food with no vegetables in it.

Then I'm going to eat it while playing video games.

What now?

>> No.5480946

Heart attacks, probably

>> No.5480965

Heart attacks from playing 22 minutes a game in junior league hockey, or from taking my mountain bike out for a 30+ mile trip tomorrow?

You vegetable people need to get a grip.

>> No.5480974

>I enjoyed vegetables since my earliest memories. Certainly well before grade school. Sounds to me more like you and op just have bad parents.
This. I can recall not liking at most two vegetables as a child. I like veggies roasted, steamed crisp, sauteed, in recipes, with dips, salad bar creations, all of it! What the fuck did your parents do to you freaks?

>> No.5480977

Oh c'mon. You love that you have a disorder!

>> No.5480980
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>carrots, onions and potatoes tossed in a little olive oil/salt/pepper and baked

>> No.5480981

I, too, once thought as you do. Then I saw the light. Cook Brussels sprouts right, maybe with a little bacon (a LITTLE, don't overwhelm it), and they're fucking delicious.

>> No.5480983
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"Fuck eating healthy, I exercise" -- every bodybuilder who dies of a massive chest explosion.

Hell, The Ultimate Warrior recently died of a heart attack at 54. CT Fletcher was another bodybuilder who got much more exercise than you ever would, yet suffered a heart attack from fueling his workouts with McDonalds cheeseburgers

>> No.5480992

i'd bet steroids had more to do with his death than cheeseburgers

>> No.5480998


chemophobe pls go

>> No.5480999

that's a pretty egregious accusation, anon

>> No.5481004


did you not see the picture above?

>> No.5481007

buy fresh & steam them

>> No.5481017
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>that feel when this guy's heart gave out at 22 years old

>> No.5481024

pure speculation

>> No.5481026

you're retarded, humans don't look like that.

>> No.5481028


the traps and shoulders are the giveaway.

>> No.5481032

I feel your pain op.

Hate eating vegetables in anything other than an omelet for the most part.

Here's an idea though - make your own garden cocktail in a blender and drink it with vodka. Best ceasar I ever made was with tomatoes out of the garden and a bit of whatever else was kicking around in the fridge. Throw in some worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and salt.

>> No.5481036

Why do you have a garden if you hate vegetables?

>> No.5481041
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Are you new?

>> No.5481047

you seem very child like yourself for someone preaching the wonders of adulthood.

>> No.5481051

boil veggies with frozen green peas, and add some salt when done. the sweetness of the peas will sweeten the other veggies. And drink the broth, or pour it on them.

>> No.5481053

i don't get it

>> No.5481056

That's what he got for being homosex.

>> No.5481064


I live off the fruits of others' labor.

>> No.5481092

Live in India

>> No.5481127

>>that feel when this guy's heart gave out at 22 years old
that's a dead guy?

>> No.5481142

Make soup, add herbs and spices.

>> No.5481179



>> No.5481191

stop that. you reminded me of Don Henly in the garden Damn, showing my age thanks

>> No.5481214

Funny enough I NEVER ate vegetables growing up, I wouldn't eat lettuce for years and save for say starchy roots.

My parents tried to make me eat a lot of things; beef, tomatoes, pizza, vegetables, certain fruit and cheeses, pigs feet, fish, lobster, pate, etc... But I would literally starve myself before they finally would break down and made me mac and cheese/pb&j/ramen :-P

Then at around 14 I started to eat wild foods that grew in my hometown; miners lettuce, surling/oxalis, grape leaves, etc... almost two years later I got a job at a local herbal and health food store and fell in love with the produce

(I lived not too far away from Capay valley which most of our food came from for my job which was higher quality then most American produce which comes mostly from the southern Valleys of California)

You'll get used to it, although at the health food store I was at I met a man who got bad skin reactions when he'd eat ANYTHING plant based beyond tapioca, arrowroot, canna root starches. Dude mostly ate meat, butter, and basic "breads" but this was before paleo became really known like 10 years ago almost.

>> No.5483170

"On 5 August 2011, Aziz Shavershian suffered a heart attack in a sauna, while on holiday in Pattaya, Thailand.[26] He was taken to a hospital, where doctors were unable to revive him.[4][9][13] His family and friends placed news of his death on Facebook. His death was confirmed on Tuesday, 9 August, by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).[5]

An autopsy revealed a previously undiagnosed congenital heart defect.[5] His family stated he had shown several minor symptoms in the few months leading up to August, including high blood pressure and occasional shortness of breath. He had a family history of heart problems.[5]"

He died because of a heart defect, not because of food. This drips with irrelevance to the subject at hand.

>> No.5483197

At 22. Heart defect, or not. 22 is YOUNG to die from heart problems.

His lack of vegetables, lack of cardio, and MASSIVE steroid use is why he died.

>> No.5483225

I like splitting them in half, lightly coating with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and oven roasting the suckers

>> No.5483229

>At 22. Heart defect, or not. 22 is YOUNG to die from heart problems.

22 may be young, but it is less uncommon than many might imagine.

When I was 20, they gave me 5 years to live because of a congenital heart defect. Fortunately, they were able to repair it and I'm still alive.

>> No.5483279

The only thing I don't like is mushrooms. I don't know why they just are repulsing to me. I tried them 3 days ago AGAIN to see if I liked them in some steak and potatoe dish but no.
Try cooking with fucktons of olive oil and salt that's how I like my shit, steamed broccoli with tony satcheries(seasoning from Louisiana) it's good on most blander vegetables

>> No.5483297

>The woman's only eaten cheesy potatoes for most of her life.

and you can't even tell...

i love broccoli.. steamed is best, with a touch of salt. but i'll eat it raw, boiled, whatever. god tier vegetable.