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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5475984 No.5475984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am so fucking sick of you people. You are up your own ass with the sheer number of ingredients you say you put into shit. There is a thread here about egg salad that has, I shit you not, 17 ingredients. SEVENTEEN. EGG SALAD. What, do you buy 40 dollars worth of shit for every meal and toss the mass of left overs out in a few days? I'm not buying a whole lemon when a zest is all I need. I'm not buying a $20 jar of 'majoram' of whatever the fuck when I only use a tsp if that. Oh, and it all has to be FRESH, so fuck keeping some for later. Justify yourselves. You can't even taste half the shit.

>> No.5475998
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Y u mad bro?

>> No.5476000
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Obviously. Why else would I write all that?

>> No.5476001
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>> No.5476009

Nigga, I make shit that I have lying in my fridge.

God help me, you need some smoked salmon and garlic tabasco to make some god-tier tuna salad.

>> No.5476018
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>> No.5476021

I agree with OP

>> No.5476024

.....Some people like FLAVOR op.

>> No.5476029

>I'm not buying a whole lemon when a zest is all I need.


and I am serious about this

Where do you get lemon zest if not from a lemon


>Don't know marjoram

>> No.5476051


I think marjoram is some kind of margarine jam that you spread on white bread for a snack

>> No.5476059

>What, do you buy 40 dollars worth of shit for every meal and toss the mass of left overs out in a few days?
No. It's called having a stocked pantry with things you use frequently (spices, herbs, dried goods, etc) and a plan when doing groceries so you roll ingredients over into the next day's meal.

>I'm not buying a whole lemon when a zest is all I need.
seconding >>5476029... lemon zest isn't sold on it's own... and once you zest the lemon the fruit is still good and you can use the juice for other things.

>I'm not buying a $20 jar of 'majoram'
Majoram is an herb, same family as oregano, a bit sweeter. Available, like all dried herbs, in bags, jars, bulk or other cheap options

>Oh, and it all has to be FRESH, so fuck keeping some for later.
Once again, not being an idiot and buying the thing you'll use in quantities that you will use before it goes bad.

>> No.5476068


>> No.5476072


>> No.5476075

I don't know if you know this OP but a lot of "weird" ingredients are actually very common in a properly stocked pantry. Most of the time when making a "complicated" dish with tons of ingredients I only need to get a couple of things from the grocery store. Maybe you're just bad at cooking, OP

>> No.5476079

>Implying you aren't creative enough to find a use for lemon juice after you've used the lemon zest
>Implying you can't buy dried marjoram

>> No.5476082

As the person who's egg salad recipe you are bitching about, let me say...now, I want to get this right.....ahem....:

>> No.5476087

I'm great at cooking. I just can't keep a fucking revolving list of ingredients and dishes in my head, so it seems.


>> No.5476096

>I'm great at cooking

Sure you are. Maybe at cooking cocks with your mouth.

>> No.5476098
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Your egg salad is pretentious and a shallow testament to your egotism.

>> No.5476099


> not going to buy a whole lemon just for zest
> not going to buy a 'jar' of 'fresh' marjoram

Easily the two worst examples you could have picked.

If you don't want to buy a whole thing of fresh horseradish just so you can grate off a tablespoon or whatever, that's your business, but c'mon, man. If you can't find a way to use a lemon in your day to day life, you should probably just drink a jug of bleach and call it a life.

>> No.5476110

Boo hoo, cry me a river. IDGAF what some tasteless whore on 4chan thinks about my recipes. My egg salad is awesome and fantastically delicious.

>> No.5476117

I guess I could agree that it would be silly to pay a lot for an ingredient you personally wouldn't use often enough to justify the price, but lemons? Lemons are cheap, delicious, and useful.

Fucking wish I had a lemon right now. Some lemon blueberry syrup to go on lemon blueberry pancakes. Lemon cake with cream cheese frosting. Lemonade. Lemon chicken. Lemon bars. Then I'll boil the lemon carcass to make my kitchen smell lemony fresh while I go sit down to watch Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.

>> No.5476118

>eating egg salad

>> No.5476142

That's a hell of a lot to ask from a single lemon. Especially a lemon missing it's zest. A soulless lemon, if you will. A sad lemon that stays in the corner of the fridge collecting a fine pelt of blue green fuzz as it is forgotten. A lemon that would cause the sensitive into a fit of existential anxiety.

>> No.5476148


> existential anxiety

Also known as the seasoning of life.

>> No.5476151

My lemons are never lonely. There's also usually a bag of gleeful, childish key limes running amok around them.

>> No.5476157

He's not wrong.
When I get to work tomorrow I'll take a picture of a box of assorted zested soulless lemons and oranges.

>> No.5476161
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>mfw tasting majoram for the first time

>> No.5476333

>I am so fucking sick of you people. You are up your own ass with the sheer number of ingredients you say you put into shit. There is a thread here about egg salad that has, I shit you not, 17 ingredients. SEVENTEEN. EGG SALAD.
You seem to be strangely effected by the number of ingredients in egg salad.

>What, do you buy 40 dollars worth of shit for every meal and toss the mass of left overs out in a few days?
What does that have to do with an over complicated egg salad recipe?

>I'm not buying a whole lemon when a zest is all I need.
Focus man, egg salad.

>I'm not buying a $20 jar of 'majoram' of whatever the fuck when I only use a tsp if that.
Where are you buying your Marjoram?

>> No.5476369

>I can't figure out what to do with one lemon.
>I'm seriously so awful at cooking and understanding what makes lemons good on food, that my lemons go bad in the fridge after I've used the zest

HOLY fuck OP. There is such a thing as exploring recipes with similar ingredients. You stock up on spices as you need them (the shit in jars, or even better, in bags from an asian store or indian store or some shit, it's fucking cheap and you really don't need that much when you're first starting). Keep commonly used veggies stocked as you will be using them a lot. Meat can be frozen and kept for several months very well, then it's all learning how that shit goes together and how to deal with the actual cooking.

You're not going to be a 5 star chef in a month, but you'll get better week to week if you actually pay attention and learn from what mistakes you do make.

>> No.5476389

Most of the ingredients in those long lists are stuff you should already have in your pantry.

And wow, great cooking doesn't come from throwing two or three ingredients together, what a surprise. There's a difference between cooking on a budget and cooking something special. Both are valid

>> No.5476413

Egg salad is one of the worst things ever invented. Get over yourself.

>> No.5476425

I get you OP. And you SHOULDN'T buy a bunch of ingredients you know you won't use. But I defend fresh produce - the trick to that is buying the right amount and cooking it immediately. If there's some weird ass expensive ingredient (that isn't absolutely essential to the dish), just skip it or substitute. That being said, the good thing about buying a lot of ingredients is that you can reuse them which saves you money in the end, and your food will never be boring. At least find out what else you can do with obscure ingredients. Then you won't have to shop as much thereafter, and you'll have a huge culinary arsenal in a short matter of time! :D

>> No.5476440

> my pleb, shit tier taste is perfect.


>> No.5476448
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>> No.5476455

you have no sense of taste if you enjoy egg mush

>> No.5476461

You don't understand food or taste if you can't appreciate the wonderful textures and simplicity of a good egg salad. You suck at life.

>> No.5476493
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 16562-22061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. You all doubt my cooking prowess just becuase I won't ...bow to staples and... shit. Fucking think i can't do with stray bits? Fuck that. Soon it begins. Soon. You won't be laughing then. THen you can shove your majoram coacked dildos up yer fucking asses and the egg salad pulled out with the sucktion with taste just as good as if it had lemonzest. Mark it. Now to show what/s what.

See you there bitches

>> No.5476527


curry powder
red onion
green onion
hot sauce

boom 17 ingredient egg salad
all ingredients on hand
no marjoram paste required

>> No.5476538

I know, I hate people who act like their Gordon Ramsay, thinking that they know how to make beef wellingtons.

Beef Wellingtons should only contain 2 things:
Beef and Wellingtons.

Pretentious dicks.