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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5472367 No.5472367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Attention restaurant workers;
What is the worst revenge you have seen for a rude customer?
I once saw a dishwasher with a horrible cold blow his snotty nose into a hamburger bun.
Turns out it the cop who had busted him for drunk driving had just come in for a meal.
Whole kitchen staff kept coming up with excuses to enter the dining area to watch the burger go down.

Whatcha got /ck/?

>> No.5472424
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>hates his job
>projects his hate for himself on the customers
>watches ASMR videos to calm his hatred
>it doesn't work
>it just doesn't work
>why is my life such an endless stretch of horrible things happening to me
>why are other people happier than me
>why did i drop out of school
>if I disappeared from the face of the earth right now, would anybody care
>father, why did you leave mom when we kids were too young to understand

>> No.5472462

This kind of stuff is why I always try to let the waiter know in advance that I tip well and am not a fussy customer.
Usually just by joking around or will try to say I was once a waiter as well.

>> No.5472484

That's fucking sad. You're so afraid of them fucking with your food that you prostrate yourself to a server? They're just doing their job. Treat them normally. Tip them if they go above and beyond their job requirements which isn't hard anymore since the bar has been lowered on what constitutes good service. Pro servers get lots of tips, it's the terrible ones that expect and sometimes demand tips just for doing their jobs.

>> No.5472487

>Pro servers get lots of tips, it's the terrible ones that expect and sometimes demand tips just for doing their jobs.

yeah those are the ones who mess with your food.

>> No.5472488

>Those are the ones that are kids or burnout drug addicts.

fixed that for you

>> No.5472492


waitress at one of the most expensive restaurants in my city, and no we don't

sometimes if someone is especially nice we will give them a free appetizer if something goes wrong in the kitchen and we have an extra sitting around (unless someone is on break, then they might nab it)

once I told one of the mexicans who gives "bread refills" to not go to a certain table because they were intolerable cunts, that's it

>> No.5472494


No, those are the ones who serve at denny's.

>> No.5472499

>waitress at one of the most expensive restaurants in my city
Just fuck off.

>> No.5472500

I would rape his ass with baseball bat 4 that

>> No.5472509

When I was a cop we'd get Mcdonalds and Burger King for free but if you were going through the drive thru you'd have to state that it's a police order. I was amazed at how many guys actually did this. Not fucking me. Brown bag all day erry day.

>> No.5472510


Why? I'm telling you that we don't fuck with your food, that's what the shitbags at ghetto local diners do.

I don't live in san francisco so it's not like I'm talking about waitressing at the french laundry. I live in a vacation hippy beach town, our average entree is between $25-30

>> No.5472512

>Tip them if they go above and beyond their job requirements

You must not be from america.
You must ALWAYS tip here unless your meal was so bad you didn't eat it. Then you do not even have to pay.

>> No.5472516

>I live in a vacation hippy beach town, our average entree is between $25-30

Wow, no one fucking cares.

>> No.5472517


>> No.5472519

>Person does something stupid
>Cop does job
>Person takes "revenge" on cop for doing his job because said person was doing something stupid


>> No.5472527


What, jealous that you're still working at burger king? There's a reason we don't hire angsty fucks like you.

No, about 2 hours from there.

>> No.5472533

Welcome to the restaurant business.

>> No.5472535
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>implying restaurant business is something to be jealous for

>> No.5472536

Correction first I would drive nails in the bat.Then a good ass fucking!

>> No.5472542

>There's a reason we don't hire angsty fucks like you.

Said the waitress.

>> No.5472543


my friend works as a waiter in a high end restaurant and makes as much in tips in a weekend than I make in a week working full time

>> No.5472548

Yep, it's definitely an admirable position to serve people who made the money they're spending by doing actual work and not just by wandering around and go "Hiiii, how's everyone dooing tonight? How about I start you guys off with some drinks and then tell you about tonight's specials?"

>> No.5472549

>bread sticks have pork fat in them
>when we get muslims, jews, vegetarians whatever no one tells them it's in their.

>> No.5472550

That's how it is were my brother used manage@ cork+cleaver.

>> No.5472552


Everyone who works at our restaurant is really nice and we love our job, I'm not sure what you mean. I used to work at diners and most of the people were young entitled douchebags or alcoholics so maybe that's what you're referring to?

>> No.5472556

A good waiter in a fancy place will make 150k easy.
Add to that the fact that most under report tips, they end up paying tax on much less than that.

>> No.5472562

It is 'actual work' when i stick my fingers in your drink. I have to stop what i'm doing, run to the loo, stick my fingers up my cunt and then come back and bring that salty lemonade to your table.

You keep belittling what i do and i'll just keep re-enforcing that stereotype.

>> No.5472564


nobody said its admirable but if you make a lot of money then someone who doesn't make nearly as much money is probably going to be jealous, like I am of my friend

>> No.5472570

>tipping people for doing their jobs

You are part of the reason a whole bunch of self-entitled failures think they're entitled to tips when most of them can't even do their jobs competently.

>> No.5472575


it's just part of the culture

not saying that I like it or think that it is just, but I alone am not going to change that and I'd rather tip than look like a douchebag

>> No.5472584

It wasn't always that way.

>> No.5472585

I'd say the entitled server who can't do their job correctly is the douchebag.

>> No.5472586

No but it most certainly is that way now.

Go out on a date in America and don't tip.
I guarantee you will not be having see that night.

>> No.5472587


well it is now, and there's nothing I can do about that on my own.

when was it not that way?

>> No.5472592


i don't tip people if they are rude and can't do their job, but that's not what I was saying. The guy before said

>tipping people for doing their jobs

so I don't know why you would even think that's what I was referring to

>> No.5472594
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>ever tipping somebody who LITERALLY just carries food

Why not tip people whose work actually means something?

>> No.5472597
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He was worth it knew menue hustled his ass off.were did u say u stuck finger?>>5472562

>> No.5472623

In my little ski resort town I have friends who are waiters that make more than my pediatrician girlfriend.
Makes her ducking livid since she puts in crazy hours and then is always reading boring med shit with her free time.

>> No.5472633


>tfw ducking

I know that iphone feel

and yeah I make more right now while going to school than I will when I graduate (going to be a dietitian though which makes less than pediatrician of course), I just don't want to do this for the rest of my life

>> No.5472638

It's my note2 actually and it's starting to make me insane.

>> No.5472681

Tipping is not an extra payment. It is the payment for services rendered.
Tipping in America is not the same as tipping in europe.

>> No.5472687

As in that it's mandatory in the US?

>> No.5472688


See, this is the evidence of how broken American tipping culture has become. It's mad to have to go around bribing everybody to do their jobs properly. The problem is that your bullshit is infecting the rest of the world, especially anywhere with a lot of tourists. I was just in Italy, there they only tip more than loose change if service goes above and beyond. Service was fast, friendly, and efficient, and there were none of those fucking irritating chit-chat bullshit attempts to ingratiate that you get in the states.

>> No.5472694


In numerous states service staff now have to be paid minimum wage. Besides, as evidenced by numerous comments on this thread, waiters could make a perfectly good living on tips half the size of what they get at the moment.

>> No.5472698


All states, actually. Minimum wage laws are Federal. All servers must be paid at least minimum wage. Restaurants can only pay them less if they can document that the difference is made up in tips.

>> No.5472704

It's common in third world countries to bribe your way around to get anything done at all; Renting a car,getting a visa renewal,having a police officer find your stolen property, even buying a meal.

America is supposed to be better than that.

>> No.5472712

>Tipping is not an extra payment. It is the payment for services rendered.

Not true. Why isn't it included on the price on the menu then? If I just pay the menu [rice, will I go to jail for not paying the full amount? Of course not.

>> No.5472715

>just ordered a pizza
>afraid to eat it now

Thanks OP you fag.

>> No.5472718

A kid in my country got AIDS or something like that because the gyros guy was wanking wanking off in the sauce.

>> No.5472720

We like that chitchat anon.
We believe it's part of good service.
When Europeans come stay with me (I do airbnb) they are always amazed at how good American service is.
He'll even in non tipping places like retail.
The euros I've met have been blown away by the level of service and variety of products available.

>> No.5472725

Take them to Detroit or Chiraq

>> No.5472727

>We like that chitchat anon.

Speak for yourself.

>> No.5472729

>french laundry
>san francisco
pick one

>> No.5472732

American service is over the top in your face and annoying.
Service anywhere else in the world is friendly, fast and discreet.

>> No.5472733

>The euros I've met

That was a pretty nice pun.

>> No.5472735

Well admittedly I have no experience in the flyover states.

>> No.5472738

>commit road violation
>get called on it
>commit felony against the guy who called you on it

>> No.5472759


Speaking as a European (or at least a Britbong) who has been to the US numerous times, I can reassure you that I loathe American service. It's a transparent and obvious attempt to get me to give them an even larger tip than they already expect. Good service is fast and effective, there if you need it, and stays the fuck away from you if you don't. I'm not at Hooters, I don't need to pretend I'm friends with someone who's just trying to squeeze money out of me. Waiters in Paris are about as rude as its possible to be, and I'd take that over American service any day.

The 'service' in American retail units is, if it's even possible, even more irritating than the service in American restaurants. Bothering you while you're trying to browse in peace, commenting (invariably positively, lying shits) on how an article of clothing suits you, thrusting the priciest items in the shop at you, all in an attempt to get commission. If I wanted the fucking opinion of a fucking shop assistant I'd ask, until then, piss off.

>> No.5472761

vote UKIP

>> No.5472763

>a Britbong

You just invalidated your whole post by saying that.

>> No.5472766

Wow you are pretty cynical anon.
I am sure you have a terrible time when you come here.
Sorry your work makes you do it.

>> No.5472771

No wonder most cops look like they can't run a 5k. How does that work? Did they just not charge you at all or did they get the money for the order through some other way

>> No.5472778

No charge at all. I worked a particularly rough zone and the owners didn't mind 'buying' a police presence.

>> No.5472798

>Years ago when I was a young 16yo dishwasher

Waitress had a rude customer. I saw her run the straw in her mouth and put that end in the drink.

Ethnic workers never washed their hands in the bathroom whenever I was there with them. I gave up trying to remind them.

>> No.5472799

>I saw her run the straw in her mouth

Was she a qt though>

>> No.5472803


Oh yeah, bad example. I was staying in a hotel in san francisco when I went there so I guess I sort of associate them because of that.

>> No.5472805

Good question. I might pay extra for that.

>> No.5472806

jesus this thread, ive never fucked with anyones food or seen a cook fuck with anyones food. if a customer does something that would deserve it we just ask them to leave. if i ever say a waitress do anything like this they'd be fired on the spot. just one more reason everyone hates waitresses i guess, they dont do shit, dont have to cook the food but still think they have the right to fuck with it.

>> No.5472810

or maybe youre just a stupid cunt

>> No.5472814

6/10 would date if I had the chance

>> No.5472815


Fuck UKIP and all the people retarded enough to vote for them.


You've got me there, I'll stay away from the irritating word in future.


No, I go to America on holiday. There are a lot of things I like about the place, but the cynical service isn't one of them.

>> No.5472825


whatever floats your boat

>> No.5472826

>No wonder most cops look like they can't run a 5k.
Only in amerifag it seems.
In Germany you have to pass a fucking hard fitness test, also they're training regularly at their working hours (well at least the ones who are not having a desk job only).
You'll never see obese police officers in Germany. Also they all look very similar to each other (very tall, blond, blue eyed, typical german facial features, ottermode fit).

>> No.5472827


You say cynical service but it sounded like you were complaining about the waiters making polite small talk, which is it?

>> No.5472836

>In Germany
They also like to beat the shit out of you at the drop of a dime. Any and all whiny Americans that think cops in the US are too harsh should go over there and see how they operate.

>> No.5472842

Do they have guns?

>> No.5472843

best revenge i've ever done in a kitchen for a shitty customer:

cook the food they want, how they want it, and have the wait staff serve with a smile.

source: i'm not a babbyfaggot and i take my job (very) seriously

>> No.5472844
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After reading this thread I'd just like to say that I'm glad i gave up any trust i had for the food service industry long ago.

After all, that's what /ck/ is here for... to learn about how to, and discuss the best ways to, COOK FOR YOURSELF!

the food tastes better, is more satisfying, and you don't have to worry about filthy mexicans, drug addict burnouts, terrible sluts, and all around absolutely abhorrant people expecting to extort you in every step of the process

remember people, if you're buying food from any place, and its cheap, you are getting bottom of the barrel meat/veg/bread. and when you get the stuff that's the same quality as the food you buy from the supermarket you pay like 30-50 dollars a plate.

remember this and cook for yourself! you'll be glad you did.

pic related, it's the dudes you;'re trusting your food to when you go to any restaurant that isn't 4star and above

>> No.5472845

>remember people, if you're buying food from any place, and its cheap, you are getting bottom of the barrel meat/veg/bread. and when you get the stuff that's the same quality as the food you buy from the supermarket you pay like 30-50 dollars a plate.

lel no

>> No.5472847

As bad as restaurant workers can be, the average customer is over 9000 times worse.

>> No.5472852


as someone who works in the industry I've actually found the mexicans and el salvadorians to, on average, be more reliable and consistent than the other caucasians I've worked with

>> No.5472857


True to some extent. If you get a teenager who was fortunate enough to become a server they might be equally as intolerable as your average customer.

That said working in food service, both at coffee shops and later at restaurants, has made me somewhat racist in a humorous way. I've found white people to be by far the most likely to be intolerable cunts (I'm white). And to my surprise black people actually do tip, although I work at a fairly upscale place.

>> No.5472861


oh hi ACLU (or is it SPLC... whatever)

welcome to /ck/ now take your white bashing and GTFO

>> No.5472863


nah I hate the ACLU, those bunch of fucking pussies wasting everybody's fucking time makes me want to pull my goddamn hair out. Just sharing my experiences.

>> No.5472867

Internet high five! Couldn't agree more.

>> No.5472869

Those are oreos. Real black people do not tip and get angry at the mere suggestion of tipping.

The oreos have mostly white friends and actually over tip to show they are not nigglebottoms.

>> No.5472872

"Real Niggas" also try to get out of paying every time. Forget about them tipping. "Dat Raciss" gets said anytime you call them out on their behavior. The ensuing chimpouts and monkeyshines are a bright spot on an otherwise dull day.

>> No.5472875


yeah that's why I mentioned that it's an upscale place, I haven't worked in a dingy shithole but I have a couple of friends who have and they said they almost never got tips from black people

>> No.5472879

>>remember people, if you're buying food from any place, and its cheap, you are getting bottom of the barrel meat/veg/bread. and when you get the stuff that's the same quality as the food you buy from the supermarket you pay like 30-50 dollars a plate.
Uhhh, no.

All our meat, except for the stuff we use for phillys, is store bought. Hell, all our produce comes from a local farmer's market.

We charge $12.50 for a plate of chicken fettucine alfredo. We cook the chicken ourselves, and make the sauce from scratch for each order. That includes a small salad and a couple pieces of garlic bread.

>> No.5472881

Quoted the wrong person, was meant for:


>> No.5472883

its okay, i knew what you meant.

>> No.5472889

It doesn't even have to be a dingy shithole, just any middle tier pedestrian cafe/bar/restaurant.

They'll go there to eat with zero intention of ever paying as it's something they could barely afford anyway. They start trying to look for reasons not to pay and make up the most ridiculous reasons for not paying before calling you a racist and running from the bill. Police don't even bother coming in a timely manner because the odds of catching them are so low it's laughable. They'll be gone before the police even get off their ass.

>> No.5472903


Cynical, as in false, dishonest, self-centred. If you do something in a cynical fashion, you're doing it out of selfishness, rather than for its own sake. Waiters don't make polite small talk, tell you how good your choices are, or compliment your dress sense because they actually mean any of what they're saying, they do it to get more money out of you.

>> No.5472906

I like to believe the waitress is being extra nice to me because she wants to fuck me.

>> No.5472910

sycophantic isn't polite.

>> No.5472932

I remember reading about one incident in south Texas a few years ago where a cop ordered a hamburger. When he got it, he looked under the bun and saw what appeared to be saliva. Instead of eating it, he took it to the lab where they confirmed that it was saliva. The person responsible was quickly identified and arrested.

>> No.5472954

of course. No guns rule only applies to civilians.

>> No.5472959
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"The moral is, never be sorry for a waiter. Sometimes when you sit in a restaurant, still stuffing yourself half an hour after closing time, you feel that the tired waiter at your side must surely be despising you. But he is not. He is not thinking as he looks at you, ‘What an overfed lout’; he is thinking, ‘One day, when I have saved enough money, I shall be able to imitate that man.’ He is ministering to a kind of pleasure he thoroughly understands and admires. And that is why waiters are seldom Socialists, have no effective trade union, and will work twelve hours a day — they work fifteen hours, seven days a week, in many cafes. They are snobs, and they find the servile nature of their work rather congenial."

- George Orwell, "Down and Out in London and Paris"

>> No.5472967


not to say that many people in customer service aren't sycophantic but that doesn't make them cynical

I work as a waiter and I am always genuinely polite because I would feel uncomfortable if I didn't act that way, I wonder if people think that I am being disingenuous to try to get tips out of them? Do you feel that way toward any server who is cordial and might throw out a quip or two if appropriate?

>> No.5472971


That's not always true, I do that because that's just how I interact with people. I do the same thing with people I don't know (if I'm chatting with a classmate or a new coworker, friends of friends that I haven't met before, or sometimes even random people) because I'm really social. There are some waiters or waitresses that lay it on thick and you can tell they're being fake, but it seems really cynical to assume everyone is like that.

>> No.5472974


I once worked as a waiter for a short while in my favorite Mexican restaurant, mainly because the owner was in a bind and needed someone to fill in for a while until the regular waiter could return to work.

Maybe I didn't work there long enough, but I never did anything with the intention of trying to get more tips. My primary intention was to do a good job regardless of tips.

It must have showed. I ended up getting far more in tips than I had expected.

>> No.5472975

as long as you're not doing it with any expectation or in a manner akin to the chatty succubi who manipulate you . YOu're alright anon

>> No.5472976
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>take a woman to a mid class restaurant
>want to engage in a conversation
>waiter keeps barging in "Hoooooows everyyythiiiiiiiiiiing?"
>"You guys dooooin okaaay?"
>cup is still half full "Lemme fill that up for you real quick"

>> No.5472978
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I sneaked in to the back storage room and pissed in a few olive oil bottles. Don't ever fuck with my food nigger.

>> No.5472984


To put that in a little context, Goerge Orwell was writing in a different time. Back in the late 20s restaurants were fewer and farther between, the clientele were more limited to the wealthier classes, and the staff came from the same social group as the maids and valets who were still prevalent. Far more people bought into that kind of world-view, waiters weren't all the entitled product of contemporary western culture like they are today.

>> No.5472987


No I'm actually genuine, but I've actually wondered on many occasions if some people do just think I'm trying to manipulate them. I'm very good at telling when people are genuine (obviously the over the top people are going to be annoying to just about anyone), but I don't know if everyone is. I'd feel really bad if people think that I'm just trying to be nice to them for tips, I honestly just like trying to improve peoples' experience no matter what setting I'm in.

>> No.5472988


I don't mind when people refill my cup when it is half full. It is more convenient since they are already at your table, better that than let it remain empty for a little bit before refill it if they get busy with other tables.

>> No.5472994
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thinks service people in restaurants have changed

poor sap
cf. Anthony Bourdain

>> No.5472999

you're not saccharine about it, and those who feel you are probably feel that about the world in general. Don't dwell on it

Out of curiousity, do you make better tips than a cajoler?

>> No.5473009

American style service basically boils down to treating the customer like a five year old. Keep them entertained and always say everything that you do out aloud.

>> No.5473012


Are you somehow incapable of picking up a bottle yourself?

>> No.5473015

>Upper class restaurants
Will never touch your food in a bad way, standards there are on a different level. They'll be more likely to complain to a manager than do anything themselves assuming you're extremely unruly. 9/10 staff members are gold

>Lower class restaurants
Good chance they won't touch your food unless you deserve it. In lower class, shitholes, a lot of them cook their food right in front of you. But in places like this, where fights can be common and people duck out of checks once a day or more, they don't care to cause shit with anyone unless it's earned. 7/10 staff members are gold

>Middle class restaurants
The worst. Unless you're old or are friendly/declare you tip well, you're food is basically at the whim of the staff. Chances are everyone makes minimum to near minimum, they value the tip like no other class of restaurant, and cooks are most likely cheap labor. As a result, food gets dropped on the floor and put back on a place with disregard, staff half ass their job and quality of food and will take everything out on you. Typical chains here, Fridays is a good example. 3/10 staff members are gold

>Fast food restaurants
Good luck. There's such a stigma with this now that standard fast food chains (Anything with a drivethrough especially) will undercook, improperly cook, improperly handle food without any care. Here you'll find staff that will intentionally drop all their food on the floor, spit in food for no reason, and even make games with this stuff to see who can do it more often without getting noticed. 1/10 staff members are gold and will treat you and your food well.

>Eating in the US
That'l be $65 plus tip!

>> No.5473018

>one of the most expensive restaurants in the city
Jesus that's cheap for an 'expensive' restaurant, at my work we charge around $100 for an entree and there's tons of places that charge more. I should move to your town so I can afford to eat fancy.

>> No.5473023

I don't trust drive thrus for this reason. You seriously can't walk in to the store you mcfats?
Doors too small for your rascal scooter?

>> No.5473026

$65 + 30% tip minimum :^)

>> No.5473029

Fuck dude, what do waiters make at your place?
The tips must be insane!
25 bucks per plate of food they set down!
I would rather have that than making partner where I work way to many hours.

>> No.5473031

work on the bait


>> No.5473041

Drivethrough or not it's the same people. It's just that places WITH drivethroughs have a different culture, one that demands quick work at expense of quality

>> No.5473042

>Restaurant charges VAT and service charge
>Waiters still expect me to tip
Once a waiter wanted to get into a fist fight with me because I didn't want to tip him so I spoke up loudly for the other customers to hear "See this thing called service charge? That's the obligated tip I have to pay at this establishment. You did not do anything that warranted a tip and don't think you can extort money from me with your threats or I'll notify the police." The manager intervened and offered me a complimentary dessert but I declined stating that due to the experience I won't take it because a staff member will tamper with it and I won't be returning to the restaurant because their staff is extorting the customers.

>> No.5473043

you can see it getting assembled and you tweak your order (like unsalted fries) to get it fresh

>> No.5473050

This guy is being a dick because you said "waitress" instead of "server" and now he's mad that you're a female

>> No.5473056


hippy beach town you say...fellow Floridian, I gather?

>> No.5473057

Are you perchance a gentleman of color?

>> No.5473065

>Jesus that's cheap for an 'expensive' restaurant, at my work we charge around $100 for an entree and there's tons of places that charge more.
Oh c'mon. Idiot or braggart, or both.

Entrees for $100? Not at the top rated 150 restaurants in the world are entree more than $25-50, typically, and the higher end item will make sense, prime aged or some rare fish or contains truffles, caviar or iberico ham or some oddity. Most top restaurants will be completely only prix fixe tasting menus to soften the blow, and prevent people from not running up a bill with wine, appetizers, desserts, and just coming in for a bowl of soup and the atmosphere. And, including wine that top that, but that's absolutely not the same thing as an entree price. Inn at Little Washington = $168, the whole bill. French laundry $250, including tip. El Bulli $275. Per Se $225. Le Bernadin $250 with wine! Worst thing on the menu at Jaleo is $60, but most if $15. Dabbous $60 prix fixe.

Top of my head, you're just an idiot. Tell us where you live/work, we'll decide if you're a liar.

>> No.5473073

I believe you belong in /pol/
Not all white people are gods among men, y'all can be cunts just like every other race.

>> No.5473086

Shut the fuck up, I'm black, I tip sometimes, it has nothing to do with being an "Oreo" or proving anything. Its based on the quality of service i receive. have you even met a black person beyond getting punked out and then crying about it on 4 chan? Fucking racists, can't even let people enjoy the cooking board without spreading your disease

>> No.5473089


A customer complained about a hot dog I made her.
So I took it back and threw the dog back into the steam.
Then I pulled down my pants and underwear to my knees and placed my flaccid penis in the hot dog bun.
I then wagged my penis in hot dog bun around making sure my crabs got a new home in the bun.
Then I placed the overcooked dog back into the bun and handed it back to the lady.
She said it was the best hot dog she had ever eaten before.

This was at a hot dog stand on a corner in the downtown.

>> No.5473093

Nah I was unlucky enough to be born white.

>> No.5473097


I assume you mean that there is a carafe of water on the table, or that there is a soda can that is poured into a separate glass. I have only been to restaurants that do this a handful of times. Typically they get whatever the drink is from a soda fountain or whatever they get water out of.

>> No.5473104


I make better tips than most of the other staff, and for many of them the phrase "cajoler" would fit. I don't know if it's directly because they are "fake" about their demeanor or if it is more of an indirect thing, in that I am very passionate about food in general and am excited to give people suggestions when they request them. Whereas for many of our other staffs they might not be able to give as articulate off the cuff answers about our dishes.

>> No.5473117

>I'm black, I tip sometimes,

Where I live, blacks are few and far between. When I lived in the city, I had several black friends and coworkers. They tipped at least as well as I did.

It was kind of interesting coming from an area where there were no blacks. I heard all the racist stereotype stories, but when I finally moved away for college and met blacks for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the blacks I met didn't match the stereotypes at all.

>> No.5473139

Thank you
I know there are some blacks that fit the stereotype, but these ignorant assholes just spout the same separatist rhetoric wherever they go. I just wanna read some stories and maybe get some recipe ideas. And tips are a way to show appreciation, if the service sucked or was just mediocre, why should I spend more of my hard earned money that could go towards a million other things in my life, to reward a waiter for doing what they get a paycheck for doing?

>> No.5473157

Wait you are black and you only sometimes tip?
How is that different from the stereotype?
Whites in america ALWAYS tip.

>> No.5473221


>soda fountain

Pick one. When I refer to a bottle, I'm referring to the bottle of wine on my table, not a bottle of sugar-water.

The subject of having your glass refilled reminds me of the time I was dining with my parents and a bunch of other people at a pretty swish restaurant. There were a fair number of us there, so we'd ordered red and white. I'd started my boozing on the latter, intending to move on to red after about one glass of white. For some reason, though, the wine was decanted into these vessels with abnormally long necks, which the staff would use to refill our glasses, something they could as good as achieve by reaching over your shoulder. Every time I got close to finishing my glass I'd look away for the briefest of moments to find that it had been refilled by one of the numerous and discreet waiters. I had to nail a good bottle and a half with my starter before I managed to move onto red.

>> No.5473231

>dat raciss

/pol/ called it.

>> No.5473282


Why didn't you just tell the waiter that you wanted to switch to red?

>> No.5473293

Talk to a servant?
You and I come from different worlds my friend

>> No.5473394


What are you doing here?


>> No.5473488

Why do you have to take this kind of gratuitous crap from some retarded nobody you don´t know and don´t even want to know?

>> No.5473580

>customer is excessively rude to me
>don't go out of my to give them an excellen dining experience

it's that simple

>> No.5473622

for me its been hit and miss, most mexican employees are either like really steller or super bad, theres not a lot of middle ground.

>> No.5473656

>working line at shitty restaurant awhile back
>customer requests extra jalapenos on burger
>give them 2x the regular amount
>they send it back, it wasn't enough
>add more so it's 4x the regular amount
>at this point it already looks gross
>they send it back, wasn't enough
>busy as fuck, they need to quit this
>grab fistful sized ball of pickled jalapenos and slam it inside, next order plz
>it looked revolting
>they didn't send it back this time

not sure if I did them a favor or got revenge

>> No.5473691

Yesterday we were having a beer festival at the place where I work. I actually had a customer follow me around for 10 minutes, after he'd already kicked up a fuss about something and gotten free sweet potato fries out of it just because the cashier was being kind to him. I don't even know what he was raving about- he was talking about my attitude or something- I hadn't done anything to him but it somehow related to the fact that he had to get his own mayo or.. something. My only consolation was that he probably went home in a bad mood and was, by no-one's fault but his own, angry and unable to enjoy himself.
In a place where I used to work, the chefs would spit in the food of rude customers and give bigger portions to those who were polite, but no one does that here.

>> No.5473710

Why you trying to skimp out on the jalapeños anon?

>> No.5473722

sheeeiit, 2x is at least considered extra, I was very generous. They should've just asked for a jalapeno sandwich with a beef patty.

>> No.5473876

I've never seen it done because I haven't encountered anyone who was that much of a cunt.

>> No.5473904

That's not possible

>> No.5473922

there should be a fucking hippocratic oath you take if you work in foodservice, at least make sure you honor the fucking food by making it edible.

>> No.5473996

or you could not be a cunt to the people who handle your food.

I don't agree with them but my idea is a better one

>implying anyone would give a fuck about an oath

>> No.5474002

In 8 years working at my restaurant I've never seen any of out staff purposely sabotage or defile a customers food/drink.

How degenerate can you be? Kill yourself you fucking lowlife

>> No.5474005

Whaddaya expect? Assholes gonna shit.

>> No.5474008

No offense, but 25-30 bucks an entree isn't expensive.

Regardless, I have friends who are waitresses too. Interestingly enough, the ones who work in places that are around 15 to 20 an entree have fewer reasons to mess with people's food than both the ones who work in places that are more expensive and the ones who work in cheaper places. The ones working in cheap places have some of the worst horror stories ever and the pricier restaurant waitresses' stories mostly consist of how rich people are absolutely horrible people who do douchebaggy things and don't tip even remotely fairly. The other week, one of my friends' tables racked up an 800 dollar tab and received less than 3 dollars tip... Even rich people need to be taught a lesson.

>> No.5474016

It would help to professionalize the trade, and maybe make people realize that cooking is super duper important to basic human survival.

>> No.5474027

30 appetizers are expensive almost everywhere except super nice places

also its not the waitstaffs job to teach anyone a lesson, theyre there to do a job. while they should have tipped more for decent service its no excuse to fuck with someones food that they already are paying for. if they are that much of an ass say something to the FOH management and theyll ask them to leave if its bad enough

>> No.5474031

>he thinks entree means main course

>> No.5474036


I worked in fast food for over a year and it took nearly all my willpower not to fuck with some people's food. The worst I ever did was serve one particularly nasty customer a hash brown that barely touched my apron. There are so many shitty customers who deserved so fucking bad to be fucked with but I never did shit to them.

Quit that job half a year ago and now I work in an upscale French pastry boutique (getting paid almost double the amount as the fast food place, with lunch breaks and paid sick leave for the first time in my life, fuck yeah). Luckily, working in a pricier place keeps a lot of the trash out and I have less reasons to mess with people at this place. The worst thing I do now when customers really anger me is I serve them less than perfect pastries (like macarons that are cracked). The executive chef is a perfectionist and doesn't want any pastries that aren't perfect to be sold; they either get thrown out or the employees take them home.

>> No.5474057

Not the person you're responding to, but I'm guessing this person lives in a large city. I live in New York and $100/an entree here is not unheard of.

>> No.5474096

noun, plural gra·tu·i·ties.
a gift of money, over and above payment due for service, as to a waiter or bellhop; tip.

Just because it's socially more common in USA to tip for shitty and average service because we're pressured to feel bad for them for making an average wage doesn't mean a tip is the "payment for the services rendered."

>> No.5474115

OK guys, it's confession time.

Any current or ex-waiters, on your taxes did/do you always account for 100% of your earnings(tip+wage)?

>> No.5474117

>irs plz go

>> No.5474129

Not a waiter, but we did get tips at my old workplace. Like about 3 bucks a day in coins. Never occurred to me to report that stuff.

>> No.5474136

25-30 dollars? Lol you must work at Red Lobster.

>> No.5474139

It's not fair I agree but unless you want to go back to a restaurant and feel confident your food isn't getting fucked with then you better at least put in your 15%.

>> No.5474153

red lobsters apps are half that at most

>> No.5474154

as a cook i would never fuck with someones food just because a dumb waitress wanted me to

>> No.5474155

State police anywhere in the US has fitness exams as a prerequisite. And police academy is like 85% gym and 15% law. Our police officers are in great shape to start and patrolman tend to stay that way. It's when they've been on the force for a long time and aren't required to constantly patrol do they get fat.

>> No.5474158

I've worked in a restaurant for some time as a teenager. I personally never did anything but I've seen some shit. And you said you would unless some waitress wanted you to, well those are the ones that wouldn't be getting the tips for bad service which means they are probably just shitty individuals which means they are more likely to want to fuck with your food.

Captcha: encouraged wthsemen
Couldn't make that up if I tried.

>> No.5474163


Was so confused to see a picture of Maria in /ck/

>> No.5474196


Too busy talking and such, and they moved silently and swiftly, so I didn't even realise they were there until the glass was filled and they had moved on. I would have said as much if I'd managed to catch them in thw act, but I don't really believe in calling over a waiter just to tell them not to let anyone refill my glass again. Besides, I'm a ravening alcoholic, so drinking a bottle of wine with my starter is no biggie.

>> No.5474199

They can start by refusing all tips and unionising. Oh wait. America. That'll never happen. Remember, professionalism is socialism in disguise.

>> No.5474203

This sort of shit shows that no matter how much Americans try and deny it, their country runs on bribery, extortion and slavery at the lowest levels.

>> No.5474266

Yea but what are customers in that situation supposed to do? Because like it or not he's right.

>> No.5474276

Exactly what was your nation founded on? Don't be a fucking hypocrite here on 4c and expect to get away with it.

>> No.5474284

What kind of stupid assertion is that?
Being a professional is making money for what you do and being done with it to live your own life and enjoy the fruits of your labor. It has nothing to do with socialism.

Once you're older you'll get out into the real world, out of university and deal with reality.

>> No.5474287

She's done some cooking videos but, she's not what you would call professional.

>> No.5474291

Petty thievery, isolationism, and the inability to agree on a standard rail gauge. Australian here.

All things considered? Get the hell out of America ASAP. The country isn't going anywhere good.

>> No.5474293

This is why restaurant workers need to be replaced with robots as soon as possible.

Robots have no snot and no pubic hair as well.

>> No.5474294

Clearly my feeble attempts at sarcasm failed to translate over to the wide world of text. Totally serious about the refusing tips and unionising bit though.

>> No.5474297

I agree absolutely. They also don't have sexual harassment lawsuits. Smack that robot ass. Smack it hard.

>> No.5474305

I live a very comfortable life here. Every country has shitty things about it, any problem with the US is usually blown out of proportion. Sometimes it's worth the media attention but you get my point. The non American 4chan community is very focused on trying to convince Americans that their lives suck but really we are living just as well if not better than you. Not trying to makes this a debate so it's all I'm gonna say on the matter.

>> No.5474466


That makes sense.

The best/worst I ever saw at waiters refilling glasses was in a Chinese restaurant in Nassau Bay, Texas (across the street from the Johnson Space Center). It was a bit early for supper and we were the only table in the place. It was almost like a game for the waiters to see how fast they could refill our glasses for us.

>> No.5474580

Entre does mean main course.

>> No.5474587

Only in America friend. Only in America.

>> No.5474593

A bully from my school years came in one time to get a pizza, and i went under the make line into the cold storage area and swept all that frozen nasty goo/freon gunk and condensation into his pizza.... guy punched me in the head once and used to throw rocks at me during PE... he had it coming...
He even tipped before i made his pizza... prolly cus he knew i was gonna fuck with it... but he was with a girl, so i guess he couldnt leave...

>> No.5474609

You should have penised the pizza .

>> No.5474621

qq moar nigger

>> No.5474625
File: 49 KB, 585x621, ...yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soda fountain
>drinking soda at a restaurant
>drinking soda ever

>> No.5474627

You gotta let that shit go bro. Imagine if he found out and you got fired and he ended up waiting for you in the parking lot with a wheelbarrow full of rocks.

You would be canned and walking out all forlorn with your cardboard box of personal items (the framed picture of your dakimakura, a shoehorn, old moldy tupperware, etc) when you hear the familiar shout of ridicule. The shame would course through your body and you would suddenly be transported to PE class again.

He would throw rock after rock while gleefully calling you all the old names (senior flubber, the thigh clapper, Mantits Montgomery, etc.) as you lumbered as quickly to your '98 Saturn SL, which would suffer several dents and a chipped front window due to your cowardice. As you fumble for your keys and drop them you bend over and are suddenly pushed into the side of your noble steed. You cry out and find yourself being the recipient of your special pizza. The bully crams it in your mouth, punches your nose a few times for good measure, and informs you that you are still the same fat faggot that you always were and couldn't let bygones be bygones.

His girlfriend is laughing the entire time. Normally she would be appalled by her man's behavior, but not this time. The bully was in town for the week and heard you were working the shit job and wanted to balance the wheels of karma. He had matured and had misgivings about what he had done and wanted to ease your painful memories by giving you a good tip and trying to make friendly chitchat. After the meal, he would have approached you and apologized for terrorizing you. He was a mean kid and had learned the errors of his adolescence and made changes. Too bad the same can't be said for you.

His girlfriend was surprised by her callousness, but she was also angry that you would do such a thing to someone who was seeking forgiveness. And what had she done to you?

She came 3 times that night while you sobbed into your pillow goddess.