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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5470813 No.5470813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You must choose. But choose wisely.

>> No.5470842 [DELETED] 

i'll have the weiner

>> No.5470855
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I'll have relish, mustard, raw onion

>> No.5470877


Give me that or chicago any day.

>> No.5470966
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If it don't look like this, I'm not interested.

>> No.5470974

They both look inedible, did they cook it in a dishwashing machine?

Chili, chopped white onion, cheddar cheese, yellow mustard and sliced pickled jalapenos is best dog.

>> No.5470977

>Not eating hotdog with just fries on top of it

>> No.5470992
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I choose Danish style.
Mustard (both sweet french and hot), ketchup, remoulade, grilled wiener, pickles, raw white onion and crispy fried onions.

It is glorious.

>> No.5470999

Both anally.

>> No.5471631

>Be in Milwaukee
>Drunk as fuck walking down the street
>Hot dog place
>Walk in
>Order a hotdog
>Get a dog that had fried onions, some sliced meat, and not a standard hotdog.
>They then dip it in au jus
>Best damn hot dog I've ever had
If Milwaukee wasn't on the other side of the state, I'd be there now eating one of those.

>> No.5471633

>dog longer than bun

>> No.5471634

Ugh, god. Is one topped with Taco Bell ground beef and the other with generic spaghetti sauce?

I'd go with the top one as the lesser of two evils.

>> No.5471637


Why not just eat a fucking salad with a sausage on the side.

I will never understand the need to put an entire pickle spear on a hot dog that already has pickle relish. That and the giant tomato wedges, and the sport peppers that are almost impossible to bite into... Fuck, why is this city so dumb.

>> No.5471639

Not unless I'm being held at gunpoint, OP.

Since everybody else is posting favorite condiments:
>diced cucumber
>diced raw sweet onion
>diced tomato
>celery salt
>beer mustard

>> No.5471641
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I have brought a peace offering for my vegetarian acquaintances for some reason.

>> No.5471654

>mushy banana texture
>creamy peanut butter
>soft, chewy hot dog bun

I want to throw up just imagining how this would feel in my mouth.

>> No.5471656

>finely chopped onions and cabbage
>crushed potato chips
>mayo and mustard
>fuck ketchup

I saw some ferner baseball player eating these on the local news one day, and blow me over if'n it ain't a winning combo.

>> No.5471669
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Coney dog master race

>> No.5471682

>Eating hotdog with just fries on top of it

>> No.5471691

Don't be a faggot, it probably tastes like semen which is delicious.

>> No.5471697


That's what semen tastes like?

Um. I need to go... uh... I think I left my oven on. BRB.

>> No.5471749
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>sweet mustard, fried onion, raw onion and remoulade
Icelandic Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur reporting in.

>> No.5471763


I'm never trusting you again.

>> No.5471765
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It's more beautiful than I'd ever imagined. This certainly is the hotdog of the King of Kings!

>> No.5472112
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What's wrong with you people?

>> No.5472123

Just mustard and relish, thanks.

>> No.5472189

I choose brown shit hotdog %looks sot tasty%

>> No.5472223


People don't really know about coleslaw on hot dogs outside of WV.

That, pepperoni rolls, and Don Knotts are our biggest world contributions.

>> No.5472236
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And they cut down my food I post?You got b kidding me.

>> No.5472259

this guy gets it

>> No.5472271

Not true! I live in Georgia and my friends and I always get the chili slaw dogs from this unassuming southern place that will blow you away. I do them with Brussels sprout slaw at home too.

>> No.5472291

Hello fellow Georgian. Columbus here.... Now I don't feel so lonely

>> No.5472318

>no nacho cheese sauce

>> No.5472319

There's lots of us on here! I'm sorry you live in Colombus. My SO went to school there and said it was a shithole. Though I heard you have a giant burger king so.. that's something!

>> No.5472321
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>> No.5472322

>dat QT dog with fake chili fake cheese and budget slaw

>> No.5472323

this. brings back childhood memories. and why should it bother me if the wiener is longer than the bun? its delicious itself.

>> No.5472335

If by shithole, you mean overrun with DuRti SouTh Niggers, then yes. Thank god I live in the Northern part of town where they can't afford housing

>> No.5472438

We're both lucky. I'm about thirty minutes north of Atlanta in the whitest suburb I know of. I hate going downtown for that exact reason. I only ever go there to see a show.

>> No.5472466

Ausbro here.

I bought some kangaroo sausages and fresh buns today. Fried up some red capsicum with them and used hot sauce on top. Fucking excellent stuff.

So I'll have another one or two of those.

>> No.5472697

That's good to hear anon! As far as hot dogs go.....
I'll take chili, cheese, onion, and mustard on just about any shitty hot dog made, but Nathan's Dinner Franks are GOAT and could be eaten plain. Preferred method is boiled in beer them grilled over natural coals

>> No.5473345

The fried onion and tomatoe sauce is the original hot dog sauce., in Brazil at least. The sausages are actually cooked in the sauce. I would choose the bottom one.

>> No.5473363
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>ketchup and mustard
>shrimp salad
>crispy fried onions

>> No.5473444
File: 24 KB, 250x312, 89dc1136-fd3c-4b15-b7a2-45c7f39b0c63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly enough, Joyce DeWitt is also from WV.

Without West Virginia, Three's Company itself would have literally been impossible

>> No.5473452

The chili dog lacks onions and shredded cheese, but I'll take it anyway. Nothing beats a good chili dog.

>> No.5473490


What is it with you Nords and shrimp salad?

>> No.5473491

It's a weird term to begin with since it barely contains shrimp and have no trace of any vegetable in it.

>> No.5473577
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>Nathan's wieners
>great value buns
>Rico's cheese sauce

You wish you could

>> No.5473582

Both are fucking repulsive.

>> No.5473597


Only serious choice.

>> No.5473605

My nigga

>> No.5473617

Elitist swine.
Also, dat file size.
Amerifat confirmed.

>> No.5473623

Chili dog. Hands down.

>> No.5473641

Thanks for Don

>> No.5473643

Dog and Shake?

>> No.5474300

They don't know about fucking pepperoni rolls outside WV either. My God, what's happening in this country? What will I do if I move to the west coast? WHO WILL MAKE MY HOT DOGS? :~(

>> No.5474312
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I'll have one of these, please
With mustard and ketchup on the side

>> No.5474314

>American-brand foods
>Amerifat confirmed.
I could make a dumb joke about you pointing out obvious things, but I decided not to. Instead I'm posting to tell you that I'm making red kidney beans for dinner tomorrow, and that I love you. I hope you make it to my birthday party.