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File: 37 KB, 448x298, burgerbar-innards[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5467947 No.5467947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are you supposed to eat hamburgers medium rare, too? like steaks?

>> No.5467954

If you like diarrhea.

>> No.5467957

If you make your own from ground beef you can. If you buy the premade patties, then no.

>> No.5467977

They make especially tasty burgers when you can trust the ground beef you use.
Ernest Hemingway's burger recipe makes nice pink burgers.

>> No.5467984

If you're at a place that makes quality burgers, definitely go medium rare. There's a place a few blocks from me that makes a great medium rare burger.

>> No.5468025

store-bought minced meat should always be thoroughly cooked.

>> No.5468026

What about ground sirloin

>> No.5468028

Don't listen to these idiots.
You can eat all the rare burgers you like.
Whenever dangerous contamination appears in food it makes the news.

In the US its perfectly safe.

>> No.5468036

I like eating raw bacon better than cooking it first

>> No.5468038


>> No.5468040

>should always be thoroughly cooked.
o noes bullshit datas that consider accidental outbreaks to be acceptable in the average values told you you would die so it must be true!

>> No.5468045

>oh no, PARASITES!

You're eating a fucking burger, you gave up on health long ago

>> No.5468055

what's unhealthy about a burger

>> No.5468058


Have at it.

There is always a possibility of contamination with e-coli, but it doesn't happen all that often.

If you are paranoid, buy the ground beef and keep it in the refrigerator. After two or three months, if there haven't been any recalls on it, go ahead and eat it.

>> No.5468059

yeah, although its not as important

>> No.5468060

Medium rare burgers can be really good.
>you need to use fresh ground beef, that you've ground yourself, so you can control quality.
>The patties need to be fairly thin. The reason for this, is that thick burger patties that are cooked rare or medium-rare don't get hot enough for the fat to melt on the inside. In a thin patty, it's not such an issue, but in a thick patty, it will just make it a little too chewy.
>basically, thick patties = medium, thin patties = rare to medium- rare. No patties should be well done.
>Also, you want to sear the outsides really well, so you still get the malliard reaction (caramelization). In which case, I prefer to cook my rare burgers on a cast iron griddle instead of the grill. Easier heat control.

>> No.5468072


Thin hamburgers are for those who think that Burger King makes great hamburgers.

The secret to cooking thicker hamburgers is low and slow. Sear when finished.

I am completely amused by how you want to sear a thin patty and end up with a rare to medium rare patty.

>> No.5468086

Americans think burgers are healthy

>> No.5468113

You really don't understand meat. Go back to your shit tier burgers and STFU.

>> No.5468115

okay, and you know nothing about nutrition or metabolism

>> No.5468127

enjoy your giant burger balls, fatty.

>> No.5468128


Have you ever actually cooked a hamburger?

>> No.5468135

there is a lot space between burger king patties and lardballs.

>> No.5468136
File: 139 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should i set my dial on for said fat patty

>> No.5468141

>giant burger balls

Ground up calf fries?

>> No.5468143

Your an unpleasant person

>> No.5468144

I've cooked more burgers than you could shake a stick at. I've also been a professional cook, including as head chef (although that was a while back now, luckily I was able to get out of the industry and use my expertise with food in other ways). Beef is one of my areas of expertise. Any other questions?

>> No.5468148

>medium rare burger
disgusting...go eat some steak

>> No.5468153


And you think you can make a thin hamburger patty, sear it, and end up with something that is rare or medium rare?

>> No.5468162
File: 39 KB, 450x309, simmons-quote4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw meat crazy eat that.

>> No.5468165


To be completely honest, I can see that you wouldn't melt the fat in the center of a rare hamburger that is very thick. By the time you got that far, most of it would be close to medium or higher.

However, it also doesn't make sense that you can have much of a sear on a thin hamburger without cooking the inside at least medium well.

What temperature do you have to get hamburger to melt the fat? How does that compare with the temperature for rare to medium rare?

>> No.5468171

How thin do you think a proper thin hamburger patty is? No one in their right mind makes a patty like a McDonalds or Burger King patty, because those aren't good burgers. There's a proper way to make thin patties. And yes, I can make thin patty burgers, and sear them and still have them be medium rare (or even rare). Maybe you're not using the right heat, or equipment. Thick rare burgers are way too chewy. With thick burgers, you need the fat to melt, which makes the burger more tender and juicy, with a good mouthfeel and bite. If I want a mound of raw beef, I'll make tartar, which is infinitely more pleasant than a thick burger patty that's been cooked rare. Also, no one should ever cook their patties well done. That's another problem on the opposite side of the spectrum.

>> No.5468197

Well, the general consensus on the internal temp to cook a burger to get fat melt is around 160, but I think that's too high, they are erring on the side of safety with that (no one wants to be responsible for someone getting sick, so they always recommend a higher temp than it actually should be.) I really prefer it a little less, at around 150 for medium, but that's my personal preference. Rare would be around 125, medium rare is around 135. My favorite temp (as far as what I like to eat) is 130.
The trick with thinner patties, is you need a smoking hot griddle (with some clarified butter). I don't recommend doing thin patties on a grill. It's just not as good, and you will wind up overcooking them. Thick patties are great for the grill.

>> No.5468202


Ok. I see the problem. When someone says thin hamburger, I think of Burger King, McDonalds, Wendys, Whataburger, ... . I can't imagine any part of the hamburger being less than well done after those are seared.

My best hamburgers are about 1 inch thick cooked over medium low heat with limiting searing at the end, but I always aim for between medium rare and medium.

>> No.5468206


I concede your point. You were right all along.

>> No.5468226

You can eat your hamburgers however you want, although generally you don't want them to be -quite- as juicy as you want your steaks, since y'know, it soaks through the bun which then falls apart, getting condiments and shit all over your fingers mere moments before the patty itself begins to crumble apart, forcing you to eat your burger with a knife and fork like a retard. I'd say medium to medium-well makes the ideal burger. It really depends on your bun though.

And yeah, not supposed to eat undercooked grocery store ground beef. I do it anyway. I also eat my eggs undercooked and make my own garlic oil. My stomach is made of steel.

>> No.5468266

>but, but... MUH METABOLISM!!!

>> No.5468273


I usually paint the bun with a thin layer of mayonnaise to repel the juice from disintegrating the bun. I also let the hamburger rest for about five minutes on cloth or paper towels to soak up much the juice that's running out easily. Then when eating the hamburger, most of the juice that does run out and gets past the mayonnaise doesn't have much time to soak into the bun before getting eaten.

If you transfer the hamburger patty directly onto the bun from the pan, then it will usually soak in and compromise the integrity of the bun before you can eat it.

>> No.5468287


Also, I eat much of my hamburger in the form of a hamburger steak with bacon wrapped around the perimeter and cooked in the oven. The last five minute are so, I turn the broiler on to sear the burger. I eat these on a plate without a bun and so juices aren't a problem.

Also, my usual sides with this are mashed potatoes and field peas (and fresh corn on the cob in season) so it doesn't matter if the juices run into the sides.

>> No.5468313


Saturated fat, cholesterol, heterocyclic amines, compounds in red meat like carnitine, and then a refined grain bun that raises your blood sugar and spikes your triglycerides

>> No.5468316

I wouldn't do it with pre-ground beef or from a chain restaurant.

If you grind it yourself or go to a specialty burger joint, then be my guest.

>> No.5468358

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.5468366

Yeah, I consider hamburger steak to be a whole different dish than a hamburger. You really can't cook it the same way, or you will have an inferior product. I do love me some hamburger steak with mashed potatoes, though. Although, I prefer the meat chopped fine (as in Chopped Steak) rather than ground, but I'll use ground in a pinch.

>> No.5468400

>supposed to


>> No.5468403


american on average eat TOO MANY burgers

burgers aren't unhealthy. overconsumption is.

>> No.5468413


I never thought about that.

When I think of "chopped beef", I usually just think of smoked brisket chopped up for a sandwich.

Normally, I won't order a chopped (bbq) beef sandwich, but there was one time that I really wished I had.

Years ago there was a fairly decent barbecue place on the west side of I-45 in League City, Texas on the way to Galveston. Late one afternoon when I was driving to Galveston to do some work I hadn't eaten yet. Also, shortly after I arrived at the building, I would be there by myself -- if I left to go eat supper, I wouldn't be able to get back in. So I stopped at that barbecue place and got a barbecue sandwich to go. Sliced barbecue, of course. I figured I'd eat it while I drove and make it there on time.

While driving down I-45, nearly every time I tried to take a bite of that damned sandwich, the barbecue would slide out onto my lap and I'd stuff it back into the sandwich. By the time I got there, about 30 or 40 minutes later, I had only managed to eat half the sandwich so I finished the other half of the sandwich in the parking lot. As I walked in, I looked down and saw that my entire crotch was covered with barbecue sauce.

Fortunately, there were only a couple of employees still there when I arrived and so I was able to sit down and get to work without anyone seeing all the barbecue sauce.

When I finished for the night after midnight, the barbecue sauce wasn't too noticeable so I did stop for a late supper on the way home.

I did wonder what it looked like on the video surveillance as I entered the building and walked down the hallway.

>> No.5468445

Lel, that's a funny story.
Yeah, chopped steak is pretty much similar to hamburger steak, but you chop the raw beef fine before forming the patty. It helps to partially freeze the meat before chopping, so it doesn't slip and slide around while you chop. I really love the texture of it, opposed to hamburger steak, but hamburger steak is plenty good itself. Something you might want to experiment with when you have the time and inclination.

>> No.5468452

I think you should worry more about the phalates in your big black buttplugs, you douchey little twit.

Protip: Nobody likes you. Go eat quinoa and die.

>> No.5468459


Wait, carnitine is bad?

>> No.5468500

Carnitine is an essential nutrient. It's by no means bad. But veg-faggots will spew out words they don't understand to justify their totally screwed up world view.

ods.od.nih DOT gov/factsheets/Carnitine-HealthProfessional/

>> No.5468512


I'm a meat minimalist and I don't think veg-faggots have a screwed up world view any more than meat militants. I've seen plenty of meat militants sticking their fingers in their ears and going "lalala", don't even pretend it's exclusive to one camp.

>> No.5468521


Burgers can take more heat than a steak before becoming tough, so I prefer medium.

>> No.5468541

>muh ignorance

>> No.5468546

>carnitine transporter

>> No.5468585

You've shown that a) burnt meat is bad and b) you otherwise know nothing about nutrition. Congratulations.

>> No.5468587


ITT no one wants to admit this because they haven no concept of moderation

>> No.5468591


I eat about 2 burgers a month, is that allowed?

>> No.5468597

Pffft. I've been eating 2 burgers a day a lot of the time recently. When people say overconsumption they're usually talking about too many calories, not too much of any specific food item.

>> No.5468651

Except (for the most part, more on this later), almost all veg-faggots are absolutists who delight on spewing bullshit and trying to force their view on others. Most people who are normal, which means they eat meat, aren't. Oh, BTW, aside from some religious groups, vegetarianism is a modern trend, brought about by the abundance of food factory farming has produced, and in my experience practiced by people who were abused and/or have emotional trauma in their background.

There are always exceptions to the rule, but like most things, there's a common trend: lefties (anti-gun, anti-meat, anti-energy, anti-whatever) follow the following patterns: they are driven by their emotions, they will not accept facts, and they want to force their will on others. Other people aren't.

I don't give a damn if someone doesn't want to eat a nice Black Angus steak. I won't tell them they are bad because they eat hummus and look dejected. Whatever. But they want to blast me with their bullshit propaganda and messaging to stop me from liking something they don't like. Well, fuck that noise. Don't tread on me, hippie.

The nice thing is that we away from the bleeding heart left tend to be smarter, better educated, and in more positions of power. Tee hee, you fucking dolts. Enjoy your bran muffins and go fuck yourselves while we run the world.

>> No.5468657


I think maybe you've only been around college-aged vegetarians. All kids at that age are highly opinionated and nowhere near as informed as they think.

Also I don't want to eat Black Angus steak because I'd rather not waste a beef meal on something so pedestrian. Piedmontese or Galloway would be more enjoyable.

As a final note, people with higher education tend to be more left leaning and tend to earn more, so I'm not sure what you are referring to unless by "bleeding heart" you mean to distinguish ordinary left leaning people with the extreme lunatic fringe.

>> No.5468669

>they are driven by their emotions, they will not accept facts, and they want to force their will on others.

You just described practically everyone who loudly has a stupid opinion, yourself and 'Lefties' included.

>> No.5468691

Oh but I don't. I don't try to force myself on anyone, I read the stats that say red meat really isn't the VX nerve gas the eco-twits say, I read history that says everyone that could ever get meat did so (barring some religious groups), and make my own decisions without trying to bar anyone else from their freedom to choose.

PS I used to raise cattle, and my stock was happy and well-treated throughout their lives. You might want to look into the fact that not everybody who eats meat embraces some of the practices of farms (generally Eastern Euro) who abuse their animals.

BTW I'm not loud. Nobody is forcing you to read this thread.

>> No.5468700


Nobody is forcing you to drive a fuel efficient car either, but apparently you're obsessed enough about it to bring it up in a thread about hamburgers.

> trying to force their view on others

The irony

>> No.5468715

I recently undercooked a frozen President's Choice Angus Burger whilst cooking under the influence.

Needless to say, the food poisoning that I incurred was not worth it and under-the-influence-me needs to step up their cooking skills.

>> No.5468830

Oh, so you think the anti-energy folks are strictly behind low-mileage cars? You're fucking stupid. I drive the best MPG-performance car I can, but I support the best drilling and petroleum exploitation plans for my country, because I'm not a fucking idiot hippie.

First: Renewable energy is a lie until truly revolutionary energy storage becomes an affordable reality. Protip: it's not. Wind doesn't blow when you want, the sun doesn't necessarily shine when you want.

Second: People can't just magically ride bikes instead of driving. That's the kind of hippie madness driven by children living in cities.

Third: Public transportation is basically a lie most of the time, as it only becomes economically effective when ~75% of the vehicle is filled. When's the last time you were on a bus that full?

BTW, beef is good. Hummus is okay. Get past it, hippie scum.

>> No.5468849

>anti-energy folks

What the fuck is an "anti energy folk"?

>I support the best drilling and petroleum exploitation plans for my country, because I'm not a fucking idiot hippie.

So you're happy to take your farm subsidies but reducing carbon emissions is evil socialism? Right.

>Second: People can't just magically ride bikes instead of driving. That's the kind of hippie madness driven by children living in cities.

Sure they can. My dad used to carry me around town on a kid seat all the time. When I got out of school I sold my car, got an expensive bike, and used that as my only transport for 6 months, was in amazing shape and loved it. This was in a shitty worthless town of less than 1 million. The reason I quit was that I got tired of living in a cultureless wasteland and moved back to a city with a real mass transit grid, so riding is only one of several legitimate options.

>When's the last time you were on a bus that full?

I dislike buses because they are slow and inefficient, but generally speaking when I do take one, it's full.

You've successfully forced your shitty opinions on me, good job angry rural white guy with an axe to grind about literally everything under the sun. You're even more annoying than a 19 year old college vegan.

>> No.5468863

I make my rare and juicy. Goes great with caramelized onions. Do a slow cook.

I've seen a lot of different viewpoints regarding seasoning though. I just use Trader Joe's Organic 80/20 ground beef and salt and pepper. I've read that 5 guys uses Kosher Salt, White Pepper, reduced Soy Sauce and Worchestershire sauce. Tried that once and it was good, but I used too much soy sauce and it was overpowering.

I'm about to cook some burgers now, and I'm curious what you guys use. How can I up my burg game?

>> No.5468877

>What the fuck is an "anti energy folk"?

People who think any petroleum exploitation is inherently evil.

I don't support farm subsidies.

Your comments on using a bike mean you're a city-bound liberal. Must be nice. Tell that to the rest of the nation.

Your type doesn't understand either the realities of petroleum use, nor the facts of living outside very congested inner cities (BTW, I live in SF, but I don't project my reality on some poor immigrant living in Fresno. You do.)

Congrats, you're the problem, not the solution. Well done, hippie. Enjoy it. Some of us try to make the world better instead of flat denying the realities of physics and geography. I'm sure you're quite the man, peddling around a nice neighborhood on a fixie. Prick idiot.

>> No.5468886

> flat denying the realities of physics and geography

You mean like building massive sprawling housing tracts across the central valley that will turn into horrific ghetto traps as soon as gas stops being practically free?

You act like there's some fundamental law of the universe that forces people to live this way, as opposed to say, the short sighted belief that everyone will continue to be able to burn a fuck ton of gas on a whim forever.

The most efficient way to live, and the best way to extend the lifetime of civilization as we know it, is for as many people as possible to pack together in densely populated areas. This is science. Deal with it.

>> No.5468894

Oh, I forgot, you liberals think there are jobs everywhere, perfectly distributed. Magic! Agriculture is perfectly spread out according to a Gaussian spread. Of course! And you also think that there should be a grand plan to regulate everyone, preferably dictated by lefties.

Umm, fuck no. You are stupid. Your ideas are quaint at best, naiive at most. And Let's just say no sane person takes you seriously.

>> No.5468910

medium rare is the way to go when youre just slapping some meat on the grill and generally not giving a fuck. oh and you are definitely going to need some serious buns for this sloppy monster.

medium is the way to go when you're planning on dressing up the burger. medium-rare just leaks too much myoglobin for this to work out very well.

>> No.5468913


please stop talking about not food.

>> No.5468919


Because the only possibilities are no one lives in rural areas, and everyone lives in rural areas.

Do you honestly believe that all those people living in Livermore and Pleasanton are farm workers keeping America fed? It's a commuter suburb. They just want a big lawn and a driveway with 3 cars. You can still have farming without exurban sprawl.

It's hilarious how you turned a conversation about hamburgers into an unhinged rant about a point of view that doesn't actually exist outside of your paranoid imagination. How much time do you spend on barf.com? Or are you more of a stormfront type?

>> No.5468928


I asked a simple question about carnitine, was accused of being an America hating hippie vegan who wants to round up white people and put them in FEMA camps. Go figure.

>> No.5468929

>The most efficient way to live, and the best way to extend the lifetime of civilization as we know it, is for as many people as possible to pack together in densely populated areas.

WIthout oil and gas just how are essential supplies such as food going to be delivered to them?

I have news for you -- a community/town/city can be no larger than the ability to deliver food to them. The reason that the old time cities were so small was out of necessity.

Places like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, or Dallas would quickly become a death trap. I'm not too sure that, without oil and gas, the largest cities in the most productive areas might not be able to exceed 25,000 to 50,000 people.

I would argue that without oil and gas, the most efficient would be small communited surrounded by farmland with the people in these communities growing most of their foods locally. And farm yields would typically be rather limited. Instead of having 1% or so of people farming, you could expect something 75% of 90%. Maybe even 98%.

>> No.5468938


Without oil and gas, many people would probably never travel more than 20 to 40 miles from home their entire lives. Some might not even make it 5 miles away.

>> No.5468941

>WIthout oil and gas just how are essential supplies such as food going to be delivered to them?

There's an important step between "a fuck ton of oil and gas" and "no oil and gas" and that's "some oil and gas".

If NYC was its own state its residents would be 51st out of 51 for per capita petroleum use. And that includes taxis, delivery vehicles, subway trains, personal vehicles, buses, etc.

Sure, we could dismantle civilization wholesale, but if you note my words, "civilization as we know it", the most efficient way of life is to minimize suburban sprawl. Shattering into tiny autonomous agricultural communities is quite a bit more radical and was not part of my point.

>> No.5468943


So say goodby to the idea of going to a regional hospital. If you get sick, the doctor is going to have to come to you or you'd better live near the doctor. Of course, if 98% of the population is farmers, don't expect much of a doctor. And without oil and gas to transport medicine, be ready to live without most modern medicines. And forget modern medical equipment.

>> No.5468951


You don't realize how much oil and gas it takes to deliver food and other products to the local stores.

In the event of a great reduction in oil and gas without replacements to bring food to the cities, the cities would die. Imagine New York City as little more than a ghost town.

>> No.5468958


I wonder how many people could be fed if New York City had to depend on horses by land or sailing ships by sea to have their food delivered.

>> No.5468963


I'm not sure what your point is. You're saying that if the suburbs can't have their 1 SUV per capita, that you'll throw a tantrum and make it so that shipping can't happen anymore either?

Or are you suggesting the radical "everyone moves to farm communities immediately" scenario?

>> No.5468973


What I am saying is that large populated places need an enormous amount of energy to bring in products for their consumption.

>> No.5468980


And the notion of reducing energy use by encouraging everyone to move to densely packed cities is completely absurd.

>> No.5468987

>ship food to feed 10,000,000 people from regional farms to a city
>move 10,000,000 people 20 miles each way in 10,000,000 personal vehicles

Which of the two do you suppose takes more energy?

>> No.5468999


>> No.5469005


It's not even comparable. For a city the size of 10,000,000 people, you are talking about supply lines that are far longer than 20 miles. Think hundreds of miles at the very least.

Of course, in today's world, those supply lines circle the globe.

It seems rather silly to talk about New York City as being 51st in energy if it were a state by itself without considering the energy used to keep it supplied with food and other goods. That food and goods is hardly being produced in New York City.

>> No.5469021

>you are talking about supply lines that are far longer than 20 miles. Think hundreds of miles at the very least.

Sure, but it's far fewer vehicles. Maybe 1 truck per several hundred people per day. Decades ago, rail was a much bigger part of our infrastructure, and is much more fuel efficient for longer distances.

Suppose we all sprawl out as you propose. Are those supply lines going to magically disappear? No. All you're doing is burning the same energy you would have before, but now burning hundreds of times more fossil fuels because you can't even buy milk without driving 20 miles to the nearest grocery store/farm/whatever.

Unless, again, we get rid of this pesky modernity and everyone becomes a farmer again. Is that what you'd like?

>> No.5469028


Nothing but an opinion piece that completely ignores many factors.

New York City works (if you can say that it works) because oil and gas is abundant. Sure, an average resident may not personally use much in his daily living, but the amount of energy it takes to support him is hardly small.

It's funny that the author of that opinion piece mentioned water. Think of all the energy it takes just to build the infrastructure it takes to bring water to New York City. Imagine doing that without plentiful oil and gas.

>> No.5469039


I'm not saying that I favor such a future. I'm saying that without oil and gas and without a suitable replacement for that oil and gas, that is the kind of future we would have to look forward to.

Sure, nuclear could take over some of that, but it would be of little use in raising crops and transporting them to centers where they could be hauled to New York City.

>> No.5469045


An interesting comment from that link you provided:

>Yes, urban density can provide sustainability value if citizens walk, cycle, use public transit, develop co-housing, and other cooperative relationships that lower biophysical demands per capita.

>However, the fine citizens of NYC remain among the most prolific consumers on the planet, and as a result require over 23-acres of global productive capacity per person (the global average is about 5-acres per person).

>Thus, New Yorkers (the five boroughs) require a global productive area of about 200-million-acres to supply their annual consumption of energy and materials. This demand represents 650-times the urban area, equal to the entire US eastern seaboard from Maine to South Carolina, just to feed the consumption of New York City. Of course, this "footprint" is scattered across the globe, making the impact less visible to New Yorkers.

>Cities are only ecologically "green" if the citizens utilize urban density to consume less resources. Unfortunately, NY City does not yet qualify as a low-consumption city. Most rural communities remain far less consumptive per capita, and therefore more sustainable than New York City.

>> No.5469049


The infrastructure has already been built. It tends to flow downhill due to some crazy shit called gravity, so energy requirements are low. Ironically poorly regulated gas extraction being conducted upstate is the biggest threat to the water supply in NYC.

>> No.5469051


Another appropriate comment:

>Electricity and transportation are only a piece of what makes a city environmentally sound. Waste management is a huge piece of that too- and NYC gets an "F" in this category - it transports its waste to other states' landfills and incinerators, spends an enormous amount of money doing so and has only a 16 percent diversion rate with one of the worst recycling programs in the country. That doesn't sound so green to me.

When you start dumping your trash in landfills in Central Park because it costs to much to haul it off, think about this again.

>> No.5469057

>over 23-acres of global productive capacity per person

That number is actually the US national average according to


I'd be curious to see the breakdown per city, but it probably doesn't exist

>> No.5469058


Already built?


>New York City Water Tunnel No. 3

>This project is so massive in scope, time and money (a cost of up to $6 billion) that it boggles the mind. New York City politicians first authorized a third water tunnel for the city in 1954, and construction began on the 60-mile pipeline in 1970. Plans call for the tunnel to be completed in 2020, more than 65 years after its conception. The tunnel stretches from the Hillview Reservoir in Yonkers and runs as deep as 800 feet beneath the surface of four of the city’s five boroughs. Parts of the tunnel that are finished have already been put into service, but when completed, the tunnel will for the first time allow the closure of the city’s two earlier water tunnels, built in 1917 and 1936, for inspection and repair. The construction has claimed 24 lives, including a child who was killed while playing on the job site. By the way, the one borough the tunnel doesn’t cross, Staten Island, launched its own $250 million water main project in spring 2012.

>> No.5469064


I've lived in places in the midwest where they literally dump waste in a pit outside the city limits, causing strange little clusters of exotic diseases to crop up among the residents.

Of course compared to Portland Oregon, NYC is pretty bad.

>> No.5469068


That's like saying the NY subway system doesn't exist because they haven't finished the 2nd avenue line.

>> No.5469076


These days, I expect most cities would be using modern methods of waste treatment.

In my community, there is no city waste treatment, but then the population density in my community is approximately 1.4 people per square mile.

In the nearby town, the sewer plant treats the sewage. There are fish living in the final pond of the treatment although I wouldn't suggest anyone eat them just in case.

>> No.5469083


Nope. I was just pointing out that the infrastructure is not complete. Expansion is always under development.\

>> No.5469151


God, the people that take everything seriously here are beyond stupid.

>> No.5469154

nobody cares.... go start a thread on

Now what kind of FOOD or COOKING is going to be at the Fema camps? hmm?

>> No.5469351


If my answers frighten you, Vincent, then you should cease asking scary questions


Your body makes carnitine for itself, but dietary carnitine is turned into trimethylamine n-oxide (TMAO) by bacteria in your gut, which has been shown to be atherogenic

>> No.5469360

thin patties, cooked medium

>> No.5469365

If the burger is made from good cuts like sirloin and such then eat it medium rare for the flavor. If it's made out of chuck or you're not sure then cook it medium well or well done.

>> No.5469374

I once tried making medium rare burgers, needless to say i threw them back to the pan and made them well done.

>> No.5469381


>thinks any town under 1 million is small
>thinks everyone can afford to ride a bike

Not everyone lives in the city, bro. If I had to bike to my office everyday, it would take 2.5 hours.

Self-sage because I know I'm horribly off topic

>> No.5469392

Most bacon is already smoked before being packaged...

>> No.5469404


Except it really hasn't. The studies are weak at best. Like many other "facts" spewed out at random, there really isn't any substance to them. It's just noise, and in the end problems have to do with overindulgence, not some made up boogeyman.

PS: decent ground beef is best served medium rare. Dog food is better served well done. You decide what you want to put into your body.

PPS: In N Out will make your burger medium rare. If they had ever had a problem, do you think they'd do that? No. So, not shoveling shit ingredients into your mouth means you get to eat it how you like.

>> No.5469410

damn, you can tell the fatties are out in full force in this thread, in defense of fucking hamburgers. Hamburgers are not good for your body you lazy blobs of protoplasm.

>> No.5469417

actually, if you want to talk about the majority, it's just cured with liquid smoke.

>> No.5469437

>Hamburgers are not good for your body you lazy blobs of protoplasm.

Hamburgers are not bad for you, you lazy blob of self-loving hippie shit. You just project your lack of control on everyone else. Oh, BTW, your ancestors would leave a baby who rejected meat out to be exposed to the elements. Only a fool would reject such a wonderful source of essential nutrients. Only a true fool would seek to force this bizarre behavior on others.

>> No.5469446

I mean it's not stellar, but can you point out one part of this that's unhealthy?

>> No.5469463


>nah, that can't be right
>meanwhile everybody eating red meat regularly continues to die of atherosclerosis

>> No.5469466


Meat and white bread. Does the 3 inch long sheet of iceberg lettuce make it healthy or something?

>> No.5469469

I've always wondered is it bad for you to eat raw hot dogs?
because I used to do that when I was younger

>> No.5469470

>Meanwhile most people who eat red meat die of old age.

>Meanwhile most people who reject red meat also die of old age, but die butthurt and dissatisfied with their culinary existence.


>> No.5469471

It's not hard to make a tasty and healthy boiga

>> No.5469474

Moderation, having it with salad instead of fries, and some of that... what was it called... jazzersauce? applesauce? that thing where you turn off the tv and go somewhere but, like, not in the car... what was it called... ? I think it helps though.

>> No.5469473


>die of old age

That isn't actually a thing.

>> No.5469476
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>> No.5469479

Almost all hot dogs / frankfurters are pre-cooked, so it's not harmful to eat them "raw". I admit, I don't want one, but it won't hurt you.

>> No.5469482


>what rednecks consider a balanced meal

>> No.5469488

If you put a toothpick in the american cheese it's fiber, and so it's balanced. Don't you understand nutrition?

>> No.5469489

>That isn't actually a thing.

I'll give you that. It isn't. However, if you're 99 and you get pneumonia, it's not quite the same thing as dying of it when you're in your 40's.

TL;DR: I'll take dying of something "red meat related" in my 90's" vs. living on hummus into my slightly-later-90's. Sauce: all of my relatives lived into their 90's and ate good food. Many smoked and drank to excess, though I stay away from tobacco. Needless to say, even if things were a little different, I'll take a couple fewer years of "life" if I can enjoy oysters Rockefeller, foie gras, cheeseburgers, and the other wonderful things self-hating idiots deny themselves. Better 10 years good than 10.1 years crap.

Oh, and if you have high blood pressure? Look into tricyclics. It's not like God punished us by giving us a brain. Better living through chemistry, people.

>> No.5469498
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Why do you think it's common for regular red meat eaters to live into their 90 and why do you think you're guaranteed to? And why is hummus the only thing you think of when trying to think of food that isn't meat?

>> No.5469500

>If you want to be a troll, shouldn't you try harder? Don't you understand trolling, yuropoor?

>> No.5469514

sarcasm ≠ trolling, wtf

>> No.5469517
File: 31 KB, 468x340, haight-hippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think it's common for regular red meat eaters to live into their 90 and why do you think you're guaranteed to?

Because both sides of my family did.

>And why is hummus the only thing you think of when trying to think of food that isn't meat?

Because hummus is a convenient shortcut for the "protein" vegfags celebrate. I actually eat and enjoy hummus. I just don't use it as some kind of substitute for what we as humans were meant to consume in moderation. Oh that would be meat.

>> No.5469524

yeah that's why I just eat my 2kg of fruits :^)

>> No.5469530


>though I stay away from tobacco

Why are you such a pussy? Smoke some fucking cigarettes, man was meant to smoke, native americans have done it for thousands of years.

>> No.5469542

Oh don't try to compare me to the habits of dirty hatchet-packing gas-huffing red niggers. Those fucknuts deserve an early death: they had an entire continent to enslave, and they only squandered it with their own incompetence.

>> No.5469544

most centennials eat meat.
name one that is vegan.

>> No.5469551
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Most people who exist on the planet eat meat. Okinawa is known for having the most people live to 100, and while they aren't strictly vegan, you can't tell me 15 grams of meat makes a difference

>> No.5469552

as a smoker, i'm befuddles as to why you would recommend your curse onto others....

i smoke and i don't wish it on anybody. Smoking is like.... imagine your "feel good juice" for the day in a clear glass. Every day when you wake up, its somewhat half-empty half full... then you eat, that puts a drop in, you work out, have fun, more drops.

When you do drugs - any kind of drugs. Especially stimulants because then i can just call the feel good juice serotonin....

you are basically chugging the whole cup of feel good juice all at the same time.

It's easy to chug it down... but refilling the cup only happens a drop at a time.

Being a smoker, weed smoker, alcoholic, or any other "vice" abuser means you are constantly waking up with an empty glass.... desperately trying to put a few drops in.... and then chugging it all over again.

And I say this and right now i am drinking my 5th beer, smoking my 5th bowl, and my 5th cigarette.

if you're gonna be an addict, don't be an addict in denial....

>> No.5469558

Yep, we're also meant to be alcoholics and huff gasoline. The natives do it.

>> No.5469560


The oldest woman who ever lived smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol. Checkmate.

>> No.5469562

>i smoke and i don't wish it on anybody

I used to smoke -- quitting was one of the toughest things I ever did.

Not only does smoking markedly increase the risk of lung cancer and various pulmonary diseases, but it also markedly increases your chance of having a heart attack.

One of my brothers died a couple of years ago. At the time, he had been diagnosed with lung cancer and was getting ready for chemotherapy, but it was a heart attack that got him. In retrospect, I think he had a couple of heart attacks in the week before the one that killed him, but from the way he told us about being sore, we thought it was the lung cancer.

>> No.5469564



If it was up to me, I'd ban tobacco today.

>> No.5469572

My grandma used to eat raw bacon all the time. Gross as fuck. She spat out the unchewable fat into her ash tray.

>> No.5469576
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> If it was up to me, I'd ban tobacco today.
me too, man. Me fucking too.

You know the nicotine molecule is only 1 link away from being meth?
Just missing that last hydrogen connection...
> Nicotine and methamphetamine share discriminative stimulus effects.
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17961933

>> No.5469578

your grandma sounds hot. I'd wife a girl like that.

>> No.5469579

Yeah, all kidding aside (and yes I know this is 4chan), smoking is some nasty stuff. My late father was a vascular surgeon who did a lot of work on those afflicted by smoking. Though of course he didn't work on him, my paternal grandfather died from emphysema when I was less than a month old. It was caused by his smoking habit. He had conquered the Irish curse of the drink, but didn't beat smoking.

Don't smoke cigarettes. Just don't. Even if it's not for you, think of kids you might be around (who get shit like ear drains and the like when they're around smokers). It's not a myth, and bear in mind I'm Mr. cheeseburger man - I believe in enjoying yourself etc. - just not too far.

And in any event, I gather the buzz off cigarettes isn't really worth it.

>> No.5469584

> Don't smoke cigarettes. Just don't.
im even worse. i dont smoke the sticks but i break them up into my weed bowls and smoke them out of an unfilitered pipe. Im gonna die young.

> And in any event, I gather the buzz off cigarettes isn't really worth it.
well, actually... it is. Being a smoker makes you a part of a secret organization of Men Who Smoke (MWS). As an agent of MWS, you can easily leave your true identity behind and just be "another guy smoking in the smoking section."

You also get a license to take random breaks whenever you feel like it. Most jobs I've worked at are really flexible to smokers and will let them have smoke breaks every hour. I used to smoke the shit out of my hourly wage.

Also, it's so simple to meet people.
> hey, do you have a smoke? That's a cool shirt.
> ok, lets have sex now.

Also, if you're not a smoker and your girl is a smoker, she tastes nasty... but if you're both smokers it doesn't matter.

Smoking makes you an elite member of the super secret smokers squad. (SSSS)

>> No.5469587

> (SSSS)
SSSS has been officially shortened to 4S.

>> No.5469622

It's not actually not much worse. God bless you man, and good travels.

I hear you about smokers being part of a social clubs. It's like that with us drinkers, too, just your club is more socially acceptable.

I almost wrote I wanted to die, but I don't. I want to live. I want all y'all to live too. Fuck knows how that might accomplish, but in any event if you're having a drink, feel bad, and want to keep on going, well there's another traveler with you.

>> No.5469624

burgers are not healthy. You'll never hear a doctor say, "You need to eat healthier foods. I suggest burgers."

>> No.5469652




>> No.5469657


a burger is just a sandwich
depending on how you make it they can be healthy or unhealthy
but theres nothing unhealthy by default about ground beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese, bread, etc...

>> No.5469665

>the buzz off cigarettes isn't really worth it.
you've missed the point... it's not the buzz, it's the relief of not having the buzz and then getting it back that makes it worth it. nonsmokers can't just ask for a 5 minute break to sit alone outside ; nonsmokers don't get that feeling of satiating an external "hunger" that develops from addiction. Until you smoke a pack a day you can't relate to a smoker, and your opinion on how silly smoking may seem is moot.

>> No.5469673

ITT: fat people logic
>durrr what unhealthy about donuts? its just flour, sugar, butter, eggs.....

>> No.5469676


are you trying to say sugar and butter aren't unhealthy if you eat them all by themselves?

>> No.5469684


I used to smoke four or more packs a day and I think it is a pretty God damned stupid "habit".

>> No.5469691

>four or more packs a day
you're either lying or in the hospital right now for lung cancer. there's hardly enough time in a day for 3 packs. fuck off summerfag go smoke some cigarettes so you'll die faster.

>> No.5469698


how is it that my body starts to reject cigrarettes when i smoke too much? i can't really do more than a pack a month and i rarely even smoke that much. it's been that way since i was 18 (23 now). oftentimes the "buzz" is just nausea for me, but i can smoke without problems sometimes.

>> No.5469745


Not lying and don't, as far as I know, have lung cancer.

>> No.5469778


>durr smoking's bad, nobody should smoke!

This is why everyone hates non-smokers. Preachy, self-righteous assholes.

>> No.5469952

Obviously the obammunist hippie freedom haters are going to be serving quinoa and avocados. It's part of the gay liberal secular agenda.

>> No.5469963

it will fall apart

>> No.5469971

i get the nausea too
have to lie down or puke a lil

>> No.5469978

It's called nicotine poisoning. Keep practicing and in a few days you'll be used to it. In 20 years you won't know how to live without it.

>> No.5469981
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mfw I purposely get titanic headspins when smoking cigarettes

>> No.5469985

I ate some rare burgers today, they were fucking delicious.

>> No.5469994


Toasting the bun also helps with that, I find.

>> No.5470498

> You'll never find a doctor...

Horseshit. He may have been old-school, but my late father (triple board certified MD) recommended that some anemic vegan college girls go out and eat a damned cheeseburger.

Protip: they're not that bad for you.

Super Protip: if you need to manage cholesterol and/or high blood pressure, diet largely doesn't do dick. Rx does.

>> No.5471574

Your grandma sounds more manly than I am.

>> No.5471590

Nicotine's not the bad part of tobacco. In fact, it's kind of healthy.

>> No.5471607

Was your nutrition textbook written in 1974?

>> No.5471613

>Super Protip: if you need to manage cholesterol and/or high blood pressure, diet largely doesn't do dick. Rx does.

or you know, going to a gym and busting your ass once in a while

>> No.5471895

>Nicotine's not the bad part of tobacco. In fact, it's kind of healthy.

I would agree that there are worse things in tobacco smoke, but the nicotine is pretty bad.

You do realize, don't you, that nicotine is conisdered to be an insecticide?

>> No.5471897

>Toasting the bun also helps with that, I find.

I've wondered about that. I nearly always toast my hamburger buns and any bread used to make a sandwich simply because I like the additional crunchiness.

>> No.5471942

Goddamit I've told you a thousand times /ck/ bacon is not raw. If it were raw it would just be pork.

>> No.5471978

You mean once a fortnight, yank

>> No.5471981

I have a friend that eats his steaks medium and his burgers medium-rare. Is this weird?

>> No.5471997

>spat out the unchewable fat into her ash tray.
shit man, that's awesome and horrid. Thanks for that.
In kiwiland the govt gets more money from tax on cigarettes than it spends on the increased health costs. Theoretically all of the tax from cigarettes goes into the health system so there's that.
Sometimes some must suffer for the many to benefit though the best outcome would always be for no one to smoke because of all the other health and socioeconomic implications.

Pretty sure it's not the same elsewhere though.

>> No.5472003

yeah it should be the other way around.
You need to cook the patties a little bit more to get the to stay together but otherwise medium rare is the perfect way to cook beef.

>> No.5473436

Fuck you, I dunno what third world fascist state you live in but why not let people make a choice for themselves?

More people die from shit diets than Cigs every year, should we ban shitty food?

Kill yourself statist scrub.

>> No.5473467


A fortnight is not a month.