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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 350x233, angryadultholdinggreenonion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5465026 No.5465026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>move in with some guy looking for roommates
>he has a garden of various peppers
>he has pickled jars of various peppers (mostly banana, jalapeno, and those asian red and green chili peppers)
>he eats almost everything with hot sauce or peppers
>before he leaves the house he always eats 2 whole chili peppers
>when asked about it he answers "I'm tricking myself into thinking that eating peppers will boost my immune system so I don't get sick from anything outside"

>> No.5465034

Obscure, but try and leech a bit on the Jalapenos, they can be godly when properly cooked,

even a simple grilled cheese sandwich with sliced jalapenos can be extremely tasty.

>> No.5465039
File: 253 KB, 1600x1600, jalapeno fucking poppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godlike use of jalapenos

pic related

>> No.5465041

fuck you motherfuckers getting all the jalapeno farms to grow bland monstrosities

>> No.5465045

Oh I grow my own buddies :^)

pls no hate, this is my life

>> No.5465067
File: 37 KB, 442x317, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move in with two working people
>one's from inner Austria
>the other's German
>The German always cleans the hallway and bathroom to perfection
>when our dishwasher broke down, we simply took turns with cleaning/drying the dishes, pots and pans.
>the two of them are good cooks and neither's a picky eater

Honestly, I got nothing to complain about - they're both lovely people.

>> No.5465090

Not actually ck related but what's worse having Male or female roommates,

or what's better either way's fine.

>> No.5465092

Well you picked god-tier ethnicities.

Room mate stories can be accurately attributed to race. Asians cook smelly food and keep the food they bought locked up. Mexicans keep greasy chicken bones in the fridge for months and cook everything in tin foil. Aspie/neet/american whites keep food and dirty dished in their room until they infect the house with mold, and make a mess of the microwave. Blacks steal (Shocking I know) and leave dirty pots on the stove. Indians are generally ok and always have at least a half palette of cheap beer on hand.

Europeans are god-tier, especially germanic or nordic.

>> No.5465132


>guy roommates
>fart everywhere
>"LOL cleaning and cooking is a woman's job"
>steals your food whatever chance they get
>will break into your room if you hide any food or cooking stuff there
>steals your meds to get high
>drinks all of your alcohol

>girl roommates
>moon blood everywhere
>"I'm too hurt/tired to clean, I'll do it next time. Promise."
>steals your food whatever chance they get
>will break into your room if you hide any food or cooking stuff there
>steals your meds to get high
>drinks all of your alcohol

>> No.5465143

you are a pussy, you deserve this

>> No.5465154

In my experience, whites don't cook, asians don't cook, and black people share their giant fridge(s) with everyone and cook nothing but meat and pilsbury cookies

>> No.5465157

>Fiance can barely make Velveeta
>Means she stays out of the kitchen and doesn't fuck with my stuff
>I cook whatever I want
>She does the dishes

works for me

>> No.5465163

Room mate stories can be accurately attributed to social environment.

>> No.5465165

You are stupid and your experiences are yours and not reflective of entire groups of people at all.

Fucking simpleton

>> No.5465170

>Freshman year of college
>Go home for the weekend
>Come back
>Where are my Chewy bars
>Why is my bed all wrinkled

>> No.5465182

more ignorant racism ploz?

>> No.5465197

>Roommate eating milk and cereal
>Doesn't drink literally any of the leftover milk

This wouldn't bother me so much if you weren't using MY FUCKING MILK.

got damn at least let the cat drink it or something fuck

>> No.5465198
File: 837 KB, 2274x1506, Soyuz_TMA-7_spacecraft2edit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw crewmate makes me wait in descent module while he takes a shit instead of waiting to use toilet at the station because he was too squeamish for pre-flight enema

>> No.5465199

Weaned cats cannot digest lactose.

>> No.5465201

You are an ignorant twat.
This is accurate.

The are good housemates and bad housemates. Race and gender is irrelevant.

>> No.5465202

Why not shit outside? It'll just float away r-right?

>> No.5465204
File: 19 KB, 280x250, 42354_pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have offended me with your opinion. To correct this, you must sell me your team, your house and your wife. All will be better and forgiven once this is all done.

>> No.5465210


then it becomes solid space debris that travels at over 100 mph that destroys anything in its path

>> No.5465211


>> No.5465216

>Shit is left in orbit
>at same elevation as station
>Shit zooms around above Earth's atmosphere at hundreds of miles per hour, if not thousands, completely uncontested as it hurdles through space.
>Comes around to back of satellite, impacts against it
>Frozen turn going hundreds of miles per hour breaks through, shattering the machine as it zooms past for another orbit.

>> No.5465223

Shit that low doesn't stay up long
The ISS drops four meters per orbit and must be boosted regularly.

>> No.5465225

This kill the satellite

>> No.5465230

Soyuz-TMA has about 390 meters per second of delta-v, so if shit were left in an orbit from which the spacecraft could reach space station, the highest possible relative velocity shouldn't be more than 872 miles per hour?

>> No.5465231

Alright, so not "if not thousands". Still, the two mentions of hundreds of miles per hour is correct.

>> No.5465242

It would still miss, because spacecraft do not approach in a way that a collision would be possible if control were lost, and ISS and poop would not be experiencing the same orbital perturbations. Space is big, even in LEO.

>> No.5465245

You're failing to take into account the size of the poop though

>> No.5465255

If you shit in the general direction of Earth, wouldn't it just burn up in the atmosphere?

>> No.5465261

>Back in the day
>Live with two other people
>Wake up early before work
>Put together a beef curry in the crock pot
>Very simple, just the beef (a 4 pound chunk, cut up), carrots, potatoes, and my spice mix, with a bit of water
>Just fits in the pot, a large batch for sharing
>Put it on, go to work
>Get home, looking forward to my meal
>Roomates had friends over, cool
>Get to the kitchen, the crockpot is empty
>Everything is gone, but they left it in the shell, with the heat on
>Curry remnants burned all inside the pot
>And this wasn't the first time

I wouldn't have minded them having some, that's kind of why I made a huge batch in the crockpot, but for fuck sake, leave some for the guy who made it.

>> No.5465264

After several months. It will happen slightly sooner if you shit opposite the direction of your orbit. This will also slightly raise the opposite side of your orbit.

>> No.5465267

How did they not learn this shit living with parents? It's rude to finish something not specifically for you if you're not the one who put it there.

>> No.5465277

It would hit the earth sooner if you put against the direction of your orbit. Slowing is down and speeding up is "up".

>> No.5465285

What if I have overpowered space opera engines?

>> No.5465355

>muh blacks din do nuffin! he a good boy

>He said a bad thing about minorities! Someone heal my feelings ;_;

gb2 tumblr

this guy gets it

>> No.5465394

FYI sex is done 1 year after marriage but the rest will remain. Looking forward to seeing your bitter posts then ;^)

>> No.5465397


>> No.5465412


>> No.5465416

FYI been married for years and you're wrong. :^)

>> No.5465421

congrats then....

>> No.5465436

Someone sounds bitter and ignorant
>mfw married five years, together almost fifteen
>gets better every day

>> No.5465440

Find someone who enjoys active hobbies and 85% chocolate and your marriage is less likely to be like that.

>> No.5465445

Yeah, milk chocolate is the surest indicator of future obesity.

>> No.5465447

Stealing food is when violence becomes acceptable in my book. Especially when they the audacity to take it from somewhere where it was obviously not meant to be shared.

>> No.5465462

You go to jail if you assault and batter people.

>> No.5465512 [DELETED] 

gb2 gaia, indoctrinated liberal fucknut

>> No.5465523 [DELETED] 

gb2 appalacia bubba

>> No.5465534

>pattern recognition isn't a basic human evolutionary trait, ITS BIGOTRY

And that is why discourse in this country has become retarded.

>> No.5465548
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Omgosh... i'm like SO over black people...

>> No.5465552

>Sweeping generalizations isn't bigotry, it's experience.

>> No.5465572 [DELETED] 


lol this fucking faggot.

Do you even know what a sweeping generelization is? It's lumping in a huge group of people to gether and saying they're the same.

Like for example saying all ethnicities are the same. You're the one generalizing.

I know black people steal because out of all the people that i have ever brough to my house, (at least 100 different people over the course of 3 years), only 3 of them were back. And out of the 8 times i got robbed.... 8 times was these same 3 blacks.

niggas steal. Mexicans are fucking dirty and STUPID as fuck. White people (american born) live in the fucking clouds. They're the equivalent of a deer in headlights on the road of life. Fucking clueless.

Asians are rude. Cause of their shitty culture and weird, cold, distant body language.

basically the only decent people are white people from europe, just like racist anon said.

So you're the one that's generelizing. We're actually detecting patterns.

Telling me every armenian and persion you'v ever known doesn't wish to have a White BMW 760 or that Whatever-Class mercedes? come on.

>> No.5465582

I wonder if he realizes that the placebo effect requires him to actually believe the thing he's trying.

>> No.5465598

> Asians cook smelly food

That's fairly subjective, to say at least. Some guy I know said that their asian flatmate complained about the reel of milk in the kitchen.

>> No.5465610

Most kid's don't talk to there parents after middle school.

My point is no one prepares there kid to live on their own.

>> No.5465617

I think the worst is when you get a sammach on a friday or saturday night knowing that your gonna get drunk and want something later, so put the sammach in the refrigerator KNOWING that it'll be there the next morning... But then some cunt fucking roomate eats the fucking thing.

This is why I like living alone, if I had a girlfriend and it was her that would be ok, but some fucking rude ass cunt roommate... NO! The stupid answers are really goofy.

Was that your sammach? no
Who's was it? I dunno. Fucking nigger!

>> No.5465626

> That's fairly subjective, to say at least.
That's fairly subjective, to say the least. <-- correct

>> No.5465631

it's a shock to me that anyone does this kind of shit.

but then its really not a shock to me since its the main reason i never lived with roommates- sharing every single thing in a house with another person? FUCK THAT.

>> No.5465638

i'm married and we both love 85% organic dark chocolate. we're also active and every day just gets better and better.

>> No.5465639

then don't batter them, don't have to fry everything tubby

>> No.5465645
File: 84 KB, 1006x921, argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 85% organic dark chocolate.
> organic dark chocolate.
> organic chocolate
> organic

>> No.5465647

>buying hershey's conventional shit

enjoy your mycotoxins and other chemicals they put in there

>> No.5465652
File: 60 KB, 720x720, 1356505763067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5465656 [DELETED] 

americaNS are puretty dumb yes, they'll talk to their dogs and call dogs by their name expecting them to understand what they want etcetc

they also don't know how to cook, literally. in europe we have cooking classes after middle school. americans just eat out 24/7

>> No.5465657

lol hersheys? hahahaha. fucking americans - their only choice is hersheys and organic...

how about some non-fake normal real chocolate? but that also doesn't have to pose as "a healthier alternative" by jumping on the organic bandwagon.

i recommend swiss or belgian.

>> No.5465658

Your eating 100% COCK AND CREAMPIE!

>> No.5465664

Not my roommate but two friends who used to live together
>friend 1 owns house. Pretty decent house.
>Friend 1 is a fucking slob, had boxes in the room after 2 years of moving in
>friend 1 has 2 cats
>Friend 2 comes living there because of reasons
>Friend 2 is a decent person, cleans, is polite, buys groceries, but a fucking pushover who would never confront anyone
>The litter box is never clean, it would fit next to the frond door, so when you come in to the house it smells like 2 week old cat shit.
>cathair everywhere
>dust everywhere
>kitchen is a mess
>everything is a mess
>shit marks in the toilet while having company over
>smokes indoor, friend 2 has bad lungs
>HOLY FUCK, have never seen a bathroom with so much mold (no window, no air fend)
>friend 2 tries so hard to keep everything clean
>Friend 2 pays most the rent because friend 1 charges way to much
>friend 2 does the majority of the groceries
>Friend 2 moves because she can't pay anymore
>friend 1 wonders why everything started to get more dirty and complains she has less than €100 to live of a month.

I absolutely do not get why she has ever put up with her in the first place. friend 1 is really nice, but cares so little about hygiene, clean house and almost everything in her life. her house is plain gross

>> No.5465666


where do you think your swiss or belgian comes from? protip: africa

>> No.5465667

You can get lots of European chocolate in America, even at Wal-Mart.

>> No.5465668

Also who want chocolate the kind of tastes like rancid milk....

>> No.5465674

Fuck off you french fop.

>> No.5465676 [DELETED] 

yup. Hahah! The dog thing is funny. I guess it's true, everyone talks to their dogs - but everyone is joking .American lady really does get mad at her dog and starts giving it the cold shoulder and like... "staying mad at it". lol!

You know what else Americans are terrible at? Kids. You'll see a grown woman being slapped around by a 6 year old. "I WANT THAT ONE!" "ok honey. No problem. We'll get you that one."

They can't hit them back because of the american laws. If you hit a child he can call the po-po on you.

But the biggest issue I have with them is since they're retards, they always hop onto some fad or some "side". Like democrats and republicans are fucking the same. They're both moderate. Fucking Americans start all these partisan discussions "Dems do this! Reps do this!" THEYRE THE FUCKING SAME! You don't have a left leaning party (a real socialist party) and you don't have a decent fashist party... da fuq are you talking about.

Here's a guy that thinks there are only two kinds of chocolate: fake palm-oil based crap like hersheys, and "organic" chocolate.

Cause he fucking heard this shit from commercials!

>> No.5465681

Most of the chocolate I enjoy most happens to come from South America. Coincidence?

>> No.5465683

yeah, i know. I like the milk chocolate seashells haha. I know, they're pleb but they taste so good.

so? its still made by swiss and belgian recipes.
Another american detected. (he thought pulling up a random trivia fact out of his asshole would cause me to seizure.) OH NO THE CACAO IS GROWN UNDER NIGGERS! *self destruct mode initiatted* Go back to watching "Ow-My ballz!"

>> No.5465686

There's also plenty of domestic chocolate that isn't shit. But most of it is imported.

>> No.5465687

This is when you beat the shit out of someone

>> No.5465698 [DELETED] 

It's OK to talk to your dog, the problem would be when one thinks the dog is talking back to you and telling you to become an axe murderer.

Not a commercial...

>> No.5465706 [DELETED] 

ar15.com? sorry you're going to have to try harder then that. I'm not clicking anything on an obviously buyist pro-gun site.

Im pro gun too but I want a fair source. Do you want me to get you a study on gun violence deaths from "faggothippiesspreadAIDS.com" ?

>> No.5465712 [DELETED] 

I forgot the description...

David Berkowitz, "the dog told me to do it"

>> No.5465775


>roommates say that anything that it's in the Fridge is for shares
>they complain when you eat their food, but don't hesitate eat all of your food
>"Anon, if you don't want anyone taking your food, why don't you just get a mini fridge?"

>> No.5465778

Horse-radish and coarse brown mustard do wonders in behavioural modification.

>> No.5465781

Flatmates are ok, save for stealing my milk and making a mess in the kitchen which obviously, I with my OCD, will spend hours cleaning.

It's my family which are the worst. My dad is anorexic, my mom's a fatty who complains about being fat, refuses to do anything about it, and gets pissed when I try to help her.

I have to cook for them because they're both students doing phDs and of course, have no time to cook whereas I with my shift work have all the time in the world.
I need to make my dad eat more, but every time I make nutrient and energy dense food for him in the hopes that I can trick/coax him into consuming enough calories to live, he refuses to eat it and my mom scoffs it all.. even when my younger brother and sister who are pretty normal would have wanted some.

Not only that, but my dad and his nutrient-deprived brain keeps buying more and more food which I have to then cook to keep it from going off yet everyone refuses to eat it. Because none of them like eating anything more than once in a row- even my mom. I have to eat it because I hate food waste and our freezer is full.

>> No.5465792

They do it because you write sandwich as 'sammach'

>> No.5465804

If they're so smart and getting PhDs how come they can't cook for themselves? They sound lkie morons, if one is gonna spend the time to get a PhD at least have some fun and not make the kid cook for you. If I spent the time and suckupness to get a PhD I'd get one in math then become a quant, opening salary 650k if from a good school.

>> No.5465811

Thanks captain obvious, I wouldn't have known that if you hadn't pointed it out.
Really. Where are the space aliens?

>> No.5465829


>I did this
>Put it in my room
>A long time friend was getting out of the military
>Hadn't seen him in years
>Bought a bottle of his favorite liquor for him
>Wage slave, so I had to save for a few weeks
>Leave the bottle in my room, go to work
>Come home, going to jump in the shower
>Notice the bag with the bottle isn't where I put it
>Take the bottle out of the bag
>1/3 of the liquor is missing
>Flip out on my roommates
>"Dude, relax, its not like its empty, right?"
>And that was when I started jerking off into their shampoo bottles and spiking food in the fridge

>> No.5465840

where do you find such shitty people? Seriously, it's almost like it has to be your fault for accpeting this shit

>> No.5465845 [DELETED] 

well, you have generalized 318 million people, its just not true with everyone. Yes, I will admit most are fucking dumber than mold, but not all of us, same as any country really.

My friend has a dog that knows well over 30 commands, and can get a beer for you out of the fridge if you tell it to 'get me a beer', but people that talk to their animals with no prior training like, "WHOS A CUTE LITTLE SNUGGLE WUFFIN LOVIN BUTT BUTT", yes those people are inferior beans.

as well in my highschool culinary arts were offered, and I took 2 classes - didn't learn anything but how to make stuffing - but had fun frying bacon on most days, fuck yeah.

as for roommates: Clean up after yourself, and yourself only, keep your dishes to yourself, if they make a mess and not clean it, they will come back to their mess - don't even acknowledge it, if it gets too bad, throw the garbage away, and don't replace it - if they get fussy tell them maybe if you wouldn't let it depreciate to garbage I wouldn't have thrown it away - beta to the max you are if you do not do this.

>> No.5465852


Stuck in a lease, people that I was rooming with transferred schools (I'm working they were still students), and transferred the lease to the new roommates. New roommates are freeloaders, their parents pay their rent. Like, not even having the money put into their account to write a check for the rent, they just pass a check from their parents to the landlord.

>> No.5465874 [DELETED] 

Americans are the most diverse group of people on the planet, you can't generalise such a widely varying population.

I'm British btw.

>> No.5465884 [DELETED] 

From the depressingly ignorant to the intentionality ignorant, what a rainbow.

>> No.5465889
File: 190 KB, 800x600, DSCN6562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Bean in old western films would hang person 4 stealing 50 cents.Reason cuz if person will steal 50 cent they will steal million.You should hang your room mate

>> No.5465890 [DELETED] 

as an american, it is very sad to look at our masses.

but the top 20% make up for and then some, just ignore ignorant people - from every country.

>> No.5465894

This happened this year. I got a random assignment form my apartment/dorm because I transferred in and couldn't find a decent apartment in time that wasn't a studio.

>Move into apartment/dorm
>Have 3 suitmates and 1 roommate
>We discuss sharing food, having people over, etc.
>I mention that if anyone wants food of mine to just ask and get my okay before taking it, as I'm paying for it for myself and not them
>They agree and reiterate it back
>A few weeks go by and during this time I come to realize what a complete and utter cunt my roommate is
>Buy ice cream that I'd saved up for for over a week b/c poor college student; that and it's really fucking expensie b/c its fantastic fucking ice cream
>Put it in the freezer
>Go to class
>Come home, exhausted because two tests
>Roommate has people over, whatever
>They're all eating something, too tired to give a fuck
>Make myself dinner (Steak I'd been marinating+asparagus+potatoes)
>"Ooooooo anon that smells so good! Can I have some?"
>Theres literally one tiny fucking piece of steak on my plate
>I tell her she can have some potatoes or asparagus and she huffs but takes it anyway, distributes it to her friends and leaves none for me
>Go to get my ice cream
>It's all gone, maybe a tablespoon is left
>Confront roommate
>"Oh well I mean you said we could share so I didn't think youd mind."
>Bitch eats all of my food, complains when I have friends over despite her never asking, bitches if I ask to borrow an egg, bitches when I don't give her food I specifically made for my friends and/or me
>Thus if I ever made anything she'd want I'd purposely eat a decent portion for myself, save some, then leave the rest in a pot for her that'd been overly salted/spiced/etc. to the point where shed no longer take my food
>Bitch still tries to take my ice cream


Thankfully I'm moved out and living with friends.

>> No.5465900

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make it an -ism or phobia you fucking pathetic shitstain. Get over yourself.

Do you live life for the purpose of being offended?

>> No.5465901

Why, you wanna invite me to the club?

>> No.5465912


don't live with cunts or lock your food up

>> No.5465913 [DELETED] 

What's your point?
There are a lot of morons from socialist retard zone that make statements without making points.

Be direct if your capable.

>> No.5465915

Hell yeah, cheers m8 time for a beer or three!

>> No.5465936

>idiocracy reference
You I like you

>> No.5465937

Didn't have a choice whether or not I lived with them.

And I did, eventually.
just shit they did because of it pissed me off.

>Making apple pie tarts and pumpkin pie tarts for dinner party friend is having
>Take them out and let them cool
>As their cooling the smell wafts through the air
>If smells fucking amazing
>Cunt 1 and Cunt 2 find their way to the kitchen
>Ask about the tarts
>"Yeah they're for a dinner party my friend is having; she asked me to make dessert."
>"Well can I have one Anon? Pleeeease?"
>There were maybe 25 of each and there were about 30 guests, myself included who were going to be at the party; explain this to them
>Offer (through gritted teeth) that if there are any left i'll bring them back
>"Yeah but I mean, I'm just worried there won't be any when you get back."
>Bitch thats not your fucking concern.
>Take the tarts into my room so I can keep an eye on them, I dont give a fuck how stupid I look
>Head to party, end up having four leftover tarts
>Leave them with host friend
>Cunts 1 & 2 get upset when I tell them there are none left and bitch at me for not making more

What pissed me off is that they'd expect me to make extra food for them. I gave them the recipe I used and they complained about it being too expensive, and consequently set the fire alarm off while burning their Kraft mac & cheese.

Fucking people.

>> No.5465942

Wow, fucking grammar

>> No.5465960

Welcome to the world.
That's why you get a job so to not have to live with others, unless it's a cute girl, even then, it's better to live alone or with a girl, make sure the contract is in your name so you can boot the bitch if necessary.

>> No.5465962 [DELETED] 

I was agreeing most people are ignorant.

to be direct would take a very long essay - capable yes, willing no - not for your ignorant ass.

>> No.5465972 [DELETED] 

Since you're so much smarter than everyone here on /ck, tell us why you're posting here on a Sunday night instead of enjoying your millions and banging a hot model chick?

>> No.5465986

no way dude, you're a meanie. Who makes tarts and doesn't share?

Obviously, i would make two seperate batches... one for the party, and one for myself and my roommates.

Come on man, where's your heart? Have you considered maybe it was a passive aggressive jab cause you hate the cunts?

Either way, i feel dissapointed in you. You should have been the bigger man. At the very least if you wanted to be kind of a dick, you could have made that second (smaller) batch in secret and then pretended to have run out... and then when they pout say
> well you know you're not supposed to be expecting extra food... BUTTT
> yaay lets party like its 1999

You're a shitty roommate too. Cooking fancy food and taking to fancy shmancy parties.. meanie.

>> No.5465990

>That's why you get a job so to not have to live with others
That makes me sad for you.

If that was true, nobody would ever join the armed forces, or any job that requires shared accomodation. Actually, that wouldn't be such a bad world...

>> No.5465995

army guys have houses dude, what are you smoking. they just serve together, they live with their wives and two huge dogs.

>> No.5466013

Holy shit
I didn't know you went on 4chan Kelly

And I did make food for them in the beginning until I realized they were eating the portions I made for myself and actual friends without asking, when I wasn't there. Why spend my money on a bunch of assholes who dont know the difference between sliced kraft cheese and brie
>"Because it's all just cheese anon"
The bitch actually threw out my blue cheese. Because it was "moldy."

So much rage

>> No.5466024

>what are you smoking
Just harmless tobacco.

But I think serving together for 4 years at a time in shared barracks counts as living together. I'll admit, I don't know shit about the army, but I'm pretty sure they have to bunk with a bunch of dudes for extended periods of time.

>> No.5466064
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>Holy shit
>I didn't know you went on 4chan Kelly

that was funny thanks for the laff m8

>> No.5466074 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 750x600, 1263449726263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so mods delete my post about standing up to bad room mates, so now I post porn on a blue board - I've already changed my IP by the time you read this so go ahead and ban it, fucking beta to the max.

>> No.5466076 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5466081 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5466089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5466091

Its because most people don't have any concepts of respect or self awareness. They don't think of things like cleaning up their own mess, or sharing or getting fucking quieter later at night.

when its fuckign 3 am don't stand otuside my dorm yelling to my other roomate beause he walked away from you

>> No.5466094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5466097

Why do you have to fuck up a thread just because a mod deleted your post. Fuck off.

>> No.5466114 [DELETED] 
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because I contributed techniques that would stop roommates from walking over betamax peeps, problem?

>> No.5466122 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5466123

Getting your PHD just means you are 'good' at one specific thing.

most students getting their PHD are too fucking incompetent to even get their own thesis paper bound.

>> No.5466132

With NSFW shit being dumped on a SFW board? Obviously.

Your fight is with the mod, not with us. Learn to channel your anger in appropriate directions young jedi, this lack of control can only lead to the dark side.

>> No.5466136

>roomate is a complete asshole
>constantly invited friends over
>left trash everywhere
>stayed up until 2am dancing to shitty dupstep
>used every single dish and piled them on the stove
>doesn't clean them for weeks, starts to mold
>have to move shit out of the way to cook
>little shit steals food

I put about 4 ounces of apple vinegar into his $180 bottle of whiskey. I laughed since him and his friends couldn't buy booze. Since I was living in canada at the time I just kept most of my food in my room which stayed at a pretty solid 40~ all winter

>> No.5466144

>two solid bass
>proper bass boat

This picture is very appealing to me. Thank you and saved, enjoy the b&.

>> No.5466173

You are a faggot.

>> No.5466179

No their too scared and retarded to get a job in real life.

They can't write either so are useless except as middle manager types. They can make themselves useful by filling out TPS reports while the rest of us do useful stuff.

>> No.5466182

You seem jealous.

>> No.5466192

Eh, I have a roommate who lets it sit in the sink until it turns into sour cream and yogurt. That is unless I turn it over in time.

>> No.5466196


>> No.5466227

85% isn't milk, kiddie.

>> No.5466231


>> No.5466234

Will you just fuck off already?

>> No.5466252

Getting a PhD is actually a lot of fucking work. Pair a PhD with a full-time job and you barely have a chance to scratch your ass, especially if your supervisor is on you about pumping out your thesis faster.

>> No.5466296




>> No.5466325

Hi Elliot.

>> No.5466337

sounds like you should stop living with indians(with a feather not a dot, the dot ones are cool)

>> No.5466424

>moving out of home
>decide that I don't want to move in with any of my friends because holy shit most of them still behave like they're 16 and I'll end up hating any one of them
>browsing for places online
>visit a few
>visit one
>nice room to rent, room for my shit in it
>house is tidy and not in a we-cleaned-it-just-for-this-occasion kind of way, but in a always-this-clean kind of way
>2 grills living there
>7/10 and 8/10
>both seem to be at least more intelligent than a plank of wood

>oh god why penis, why would you do that
>girls are hot! but leave their shit everywhere
>clothes, shoes, papers, laptops, chargers, misc electronics, snacks, fucking anything that can be picked up and moved is left wherever it falls
>total slobs when they cook
>although at least they clean up afterward
>monthly hell cycles
>they're kind of bros but also pretty bitchy when it suits them
>hardcore believers in "that's a man's job"
>their friends are even worse
>oh my god I'm having PTSD flashbacks

Guys. Don't let your penis do the deciding when moving out of home. Live somewhere where there are more guys than girls at the very least. Just do what I tell you, just this once.

>> No.5466434

>My dad is anorexic
Look kid, this is a psych disorder. Don't take on codependent personal responsibility behaviors trying to "trick" him to eat more. He likes the control he has over his ability to eat. That's what his problem is, controlling people. You play into it? You're just upsetting yourself.

Throw shit out of the freezer that is past the date. Go onto use by guidelines, 3mo, 6mo, buhbye. Make sure you are making things that actually taste good later, from the freezer a week or two down the line. Very few people love two days in a row eating. So, pack it up!

>> No.5466440

>If they're so smart and getting PhDs how come they can't cook for themselves?
Yea, that's actually not a free ride. Even medical students can barely cook for themselves or get laundry done. Ever. There are cycles where the best and smartest needs help. Besides, cooking for someone else? Same thing as cooking for yourself. Big deal to make extra for the rest of the people who live in your house.

>PhD I'd get one in math then become a quant, opening salary 650k if from a good school.
Hrm. No. No one has that opening salary. Zero. Zip. No one. That's professional athlete stuff.

>> No.5466449

I understand that you can't stand these leeches and that you wanted to make sure there were enough later, but seriously, if you do stuff to be nice, you could get nice back. Wouldn't have been any skin off your back to tell your host that of the 4 left, could I take two? I promised the roommates I would. They were tortured by the yummy smells. Oh sure! Take two!

Then, points at home. You were a person of your word. What a nice guy! Oh wow, yum!

And when making something that you don't want to share the leftovers? Pack that shit up into freezer containers before you even sit down. Say, sorry girls, it's in the freezer, it's my lunch tomorrow, won't have time to buy/go get any. Or. I saved you a bite in the pan, though, in case you wanted to try it.

>> No.5466454

>I put about 4 ounces of apple vinegar into his $180 bottle of whiskey
ROFL. Nice revenge.

>> No.5466459

>No their too scared and retarded to get a job in real life.
Most people getting phds are doing so because it's required for their job, namely, the science professions.

The rest of the people getting phds likely worked for several years before or after the masters, and are validating their hard work with the doctorate.

In neither case does your rant make sense. You seem jealous, indeed.

>> No.5466462

>>hardcore believers in "that's a man's job"
You talking about repairing a toilet, lifting heavy shit and taking the trash out? Or are you just lazy?

>> No.5466478

>No their too scared and retarded to get a job in real life.
you say that like it's a bad thing

maybe I want to study things until I'm thirty

>> No.5466486

They left pretty much everything around the house and yard to me for the whole 12 months. I would have kicked up a fuss about it but it wasn't worth causing the trouble just to avoid having to vacuum and mow a few times.

>> No.5466489

I'll make that a bit clearer: basically anything that required effort was "teehee, a man's job".

>> No.5466557

>Move from the east coast to Chicago
>Have two midwestern as fuck roommates
>They're always very friendly, and helpful
>They eat respectably and are generous
>They're mild mannered as all hell
>They never shut the fuck up about cars.

Oh, and if one of them is pissed, he won't say anything about it until it becomes a huge issue.

Mixed blessings.

>> No.5466584

>have roommates
>tell them what they're allowed and not allowed to do
>they don't do it, it's all ok
>they do it, I get up in their faces and they don't anymore


>> No.5466590

>that feel when you treat your roommates like shit because they won't get up in your face about it

I don't even know if they know what I do at this point.

>Drink all their booze
>Eat all their food
>Do none of the cleaning

>> No.5466687

>implying that when the mighty cosmonaut ejects his shit from his stupendous Soviet anus, he does not impart sufficient energy to it to put it in an elliptical orbit that intersects the geosynchronous levels, thereby endangering communications satellites

>> No.5466704

Also methylene blue dye.
>why is my piss green?!?!

>> No.5466709

Roommate used to take the big scoop Fritoes and fill them all up with mustard and eat for dinner

>> No.5466754


>> No.5466788

>look for housing on craigslist
>find an ad
>good location everything
>good price
>tell them I am a chef
>I am
>ok great stop by and we can meet you!
>show me the room
>cool people, looks like I fit in
>looks like I am getting the place
>no call/email for a week
>da fuq
>go back on craigslist
>new ad is up for the same place

why am I so fucking pathetic? How the fuck do you guys find housing?

>> No.5466790
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holy fuck is that sad

>> No.5466812
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Alright sounds good

>Be making pic related
>Three different types, Chocolate, Salted Caramel, Pistachio
>This is the beginning of the year, before I ultimately despised these cunts
>They've never had a macaroon before, didn't even know what they were
>They were meant to be for a friend who was visiting
>Inform roommates of this several times
>Still make quite a few, So I allow roommates to try one of each
>Go to pick up friend, leave macaroons
>Before I leave ask roommates to NOT eat any more, as they're for my friend
>Keep in mind, for a college student almond flour is expensive as fuck
>I was gone maybe 20 minutes
>Come back, roommates have friends over, all but two of my macaroons are gone
>There were 30 when I left
>What the fuck
>Question roommates
>"Oh sorry anon, we thought they were for everyone"

Thats pretty much when my hatred began. Thats when I started refusing to share and/or to hide my food

>> No.5466813


What's even more hilarious is that women usually only want other women as roommates.

And not because they will be cleaner - but because they can be slobs and no guy will ever know how disgusting they actually are.

>> No.5466820

That rustles my jimmies by proximity.

>> No.5466823

I have never roomed with a woman who is more neat and tidy than a man. Sure, men who are slobs exist, but women seem to be slobs on a different order of magnitude. Their idea about what constitutes being an acceptable level of cleanliness isn't even on the same scale.

For every dish that a woman is more likely to wash, there are a dozen articles of clothing that they are going to leave on the floor.

>> No.5466826

They're called Macarons you uncultured swine. Only one O.

>> No.5466829

> be me
> shitty day at work, had to work overtime without any extra pay
> ordered some pizza the night before
> going home, looking forward to some nice cold onion pizza, my favorite
> walk in front door, go to MY ROOM to take off work jacket and to prepare my tools to be cleaned
> open door to my room, find room mate (cunt ginger) and girlfriend (cunt brunette) fucking
> do not invite me to join in
> what the fuck ever, will go over this later
> pizza time
> open fridge
> pizza is gone
> Moved out a week later

You pussies need to stop bitching

>> No.5466838


you just sound like a beta

>> No.5466840

Have you never heard of a lock?

>> No.5466845

The also ruined some pans I had. One of them literally melted a plastic spoon onto the bottom of one of them. They also never cleaned their shit. Heres another story about that.

>Just cooked crab cakes because parents visited and bought me crab so why the fuck not
>Sharing them with friends and SO (Theres four of us all together)
>While they eat I set two aside and clean up my pan and bowl, crab shells, etc
>Now nothing in the kitchen that is mine is dirty/out, even wiped down the stove and counters
>Sniff Sniff Sniff
>Here comes captain cuntbag
>"Oh hey anon! So whatd you make today?"
>"Just some crabcakes. None left though, sorry."
>"What about those two over there?"
>"Oh sorry, those are mine."
>Keep in mind, my friends and SO are there when she starts her rant
>"Well you know anon, you should really clean up better, we've found dirty dishes and bugs and moldy food in the fridge (Keep in mind, the "moldy food" was blue cheese that she'd thrown out. Yes, it was mine, yes I was pissed, no, she still doesn't understand that blue cheese is supposed to look like that)! You really haven't been pulling your weight and we're tired of it!"
>Friends and I gape at this cunt as she leaves the room before I can say anything, slamming and locking the door to her/our room in the process
>"Anon...arent those her dishes...?"
>Friends clean their plates, I clean mine, leave the dirty/disgusting plates of my roommate in the sink and leave
>She then tries to pull a "apartment meeting" about me not pulling my weight
>I agree, schedule it, never show up
>She still expects me to clean up after her and cook her food

How the fuck do people live on their own when they do shit like this. It's pathetic. If she'd pulled me aside and asked me instead of trying to embarrass me in front of my friends, I probably would have helped her clean. Instead, she had a vengeance rant because I wouldn't give her my food. So glad I don't live with her anymore.

>> No.5466855

Please tell me you went off on those bitches at some point??

>> No.5466867

Sounds like a candidate for a good old CUNT PUNT.

>> No.5466879
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I wonder if girls wanna live with other girls so they can not have pressure to be like super perfect and some like to be just as messy as us. It must suck to have to gush blood every fucking month. Dude. I figure if we got periods we'd have to pass the blood clots through our dickholes like kidney stones

>> No.5466883

>me and my fiance used to live with annoying cousin
>this guy swore up and down that he was "head chef at a 4-star restaurant" in a small town too trashy for one
>threw basically any and all seasonings and sauces we had in the fridge into whatever he was cooking
>FIFTEEN bay leaves in a pot of CHILI
>bay leaves, everywhere. so fucking nasty
>would do that weird "chef" thing where he'd kiss his fucking fingers and be all "voila!"
> i came home from work at 10 pm one night after helping unload a 2400-piece truck at work, all loose freight, and he DEMANDED i cook "RIGHT THIS INSTANT"
He's now making $18 dollars an hour but doesn't know shit about finances and is about to go under. lul.

>> No.5466888

She deserves more than just that.
And I did, but they didn't give a fuck. A past friend of theirs (now mine) told me this had happened before but the cycle just continues. However, they're living together next year so I have no idea how the fuck they're gonna survive that. Heres another reason why

>Come back to apartment, gonna cook dinner when I see the fire department outside and multiple people outside the building
>Find my neighbor and ask WTF is going on
>"Apparently the fire alarm in your room was set off"
>The minute we get the okay to go back in I rush upstairs only to find three pissed-off firefighters, one of them holding a bowl of mine with what looks like blackened ramen noodles
>"That looks like my bowl but I literally just got home I have no idea what--"
>"Oh I am SO sorry!" Here comes Captain Cuntbaaaaag
>"I must have forgotten to put water in the bowl again!"
>We all look incredulous as she says "again"
>"Well you can just put it in the sink, i'll clean it later, thanks!"
>Firefighters are dumbfounded, I'm pissed
>Apologize, take the bowl, attempt to clean it but its salvageable
>Literally blackened ramen stuck to the bowl; bitch literally microwaved a bowl of dry ramen because she FORGOT TO ADD WATER
>That night had a friend help me move all of my bowls/plates/etc to my room
>Cunt would actually look for and use my plates if she found them

I complained about her, so many fucking times to the RA, but nothing got done. Not that he was incompetent, she just didn't listen. I tried reasoning with her, nothing. Fucking cunt. I'm waiting to hear she burned down her appt by accident because she forgot to add liquid to her pancakes or something.

>> No.5466892


>> No.5466893

Should've told the firefighters to hose her down right then and there.

>> No.5466901

I think they wanted to. I think we were just too shocked that this wasn't the first time she'd forgotten to put water into ramen. I mean, how hard is it to remember an essential ingredient for SOUP of all things??

>> No.5466910

>forgot to add water
>to a dish that requires three ingredients
>one of which is water

Oh my god. Was she hot? That's the only way I can see her not being a perpetual failure for the rest of her life - if she finds some shallow dude to put up with her shit.

>> No.5466915

He sounds autustic. That's said a lot on this site but for chrissakes.

>> No.5466918

In her selfies shes not terrible, but in person? Ugh.
Short, dumpy, and has the most nasally voice I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.

Did I mention she ends every sentence as if questioning someone?

>> No.5466920

>>>muh feels

>> No.5466924

Shorter than 5'5"? Taller than that is just unattractive in a girl. Short girls are what guys like.

>> No.5466928

wait until she surprises you with a kid :^) family court isn't nice to males :^)

>> No.5466929

I think he was agreeing...

>> No.5466932

She's short but dumpy; maybe 5' at the most. But like I said, not attractive. He voice would literally make my skin crawl, not to mention the fact that she was never taught to chew quietly or with her mouth closed for the matter.

I can still hear those disgusting chewing sounds when I try to sleep at night.

>> No.5466933


>> No.5466960
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>> No.5466964

>american english
theres your first mistake

>> No.5466997


>couldn't buy whiskey but had $180 of it

Nigger what? Why would they spend that much on fancy whiskey?

>> No.5467006

>moving the goalposts

>> No.5467199

>b-b-b-but senpai
>t-t-t-the goalposts made you notice me

>> No.5467202

ok, I laughed. you win man

>> No.5467210

>live with my brother
>he's a chef
>always have good food in the house
>he's hardly there because he's a chef
>when he's not he's got bud so we get high and watch game of thrones while eating food he makes

>> No.5467213

All the women I have lived with have been complete slobs. It's extremely shocking.

>> No.5467217
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>friend is going through breakup with GF
>she throws him out of house (it was hers anyway)
>let him crash at my place for a few months until he gets his shit together
>leaves wooden cutting board in sink full of water
>leaves acidic/salty shit and/or water in cast iron
>uses metal spatula on my nonstick pans
>feeds his chanky friends with my fucking food
>never does dishes
>leaves mugs of coffee half full for days

This motherfucker is going to get thrown down the stairs like my last roommate pretty soon.

>> No.5467226


>fucking in your room


>> No.5467251
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>living with two attractive girls
>both slobs
>neither can cook, neither willing to clean
>put up with it because they are both really cool and cute and I'm some kind of sucker for dependent women

>mfw after hours we all hang out, watch movies/tv and they're touchy-feely and like to cuddle up all three of us, especially in winter

It suits me at the moment.

>> No.5467260

>roommates best friend and his girlfriend
>neither can cook for shit
>girlfriend is a younger wannabe hippie vegetarian
>she is hot enough to not irritate me
>neither can cook for shit but she is a cleaning machine but leaves her dirty panties where ever she happens to take them off
> let her help me cook in hopes she'll learn something
>friend is gone for a week at time
>spend most of our time renovating the house or doing electrical and carpentry side jobs
>if anyone sees something that needs doing it gets done without asking

All in all.... I'm pretty content.

>> No.5467261

no, they really dont.
option 1)Bunk with people
option 2) on base housing; it's a house, you pay VERY low rent.
option 3) use the housing allowance the allot to you to live on your own.
several friends, various family members, and my father have all server in the navy. This is the system for the navy at least; I don't see it being drastically different. Bootcamp is another thing entirely.

>> No.5467268

>be gay
>move in with a guy from work
>hes straight
>apartment is a dump when I move in
>his old roommate was a total shit bag
>take his disgusting old couch out into the desert and literally shoot it until its a pile of fluff and wood splinters
>set it on fire
>clean it up
>its a fairly nice apartment
>never have a problem with him
>I'm the messy one
>mess is confined to my room and its clothing lying around
>we cook and eat separately mostly
>everything went better than expected
>never have to deal with me dick making bad decisions based on MUH GIRLS7/10QTWOODBANG!
>thanks gay!
this one time; he used a pan with out asking...then cleaned it and put it back.

>> No.5467269

I would feel kind of a duty to inform them that if they want to keep a guy in the long run they have to hone their domestic skills.
Feminists don't want to admit it, but a good 40% of keeping a man happy is keeping him fed and cleaning/organizing his shit. another 50% is just putting out which they're to doing either.

>> No.5467280

>live with a bunch of mainland chinese
>kitchen smells delicious when this one guy cooks
>fries things in an inch of oil, mad spatters everywhere
>noone ever cleans the nasty electric hob
>it's gross but im moving out in two days
im glad that's not my problem any longer

>keeping him fed and cleaning/organizing his shit
implying all men are helpless children who can't take care of themselves and need their gfs to be their mothers

>> No.5467288

They've shown minimal interest in learning how to cook, I can probably work on them but since I'm not angling toward marrying one of them, it's a bit of a case of 'not my problem'.

But I agree nevertheless. Women, yes, but people in general need to be able to cook and clean, if only for themselves.

>> No.5467294

I have stories... not really bad ones- but a few bad ones

>live at privately run dorm near campus
>as long as you payed rent and could prove that you studied you could live there
>place was 8 'hallways', each hallway had 10 small appartments and one shared kitchen with a tiny fridge, freezer, oven, stove and what have you
>each room came with its own fridge

and so it begins
>one of the other guys living there
>had a bulldog in his room - we weren't allowed to have pets
>was a 6 foot 2 stack of bricks - you didn't want to tell him he shouldn't have that fucking dog
>he loved himself his deepfried everything (he's white)
>had his own deep frying machine (one of those really cheap ones) - would leave it in the kitchen.
>never changed the oil
>whole kitchen would get that sticky oily film whenever he used the damn thing - and he did so every day
>at one point he had apparently fallen behind on his power bill (not covered by rent - you paid that seperatly for your own room)
>so what did he do? He took an extension cord out to a socket in the kitchen and got his juice from there... and put up a sticker on the power switch threatening anyone who might turn 'his' power off

hell, towards the end of me living there he didn't even study anymore - how he kept his room was beyond me. He worked in a moving company...

>> No.5467358

>do not invite me to join in

>> No.5467365

this is a joke right? Please tell me this is a joke otherwise; Holy fuck this current generation is unearned entitlement.

>> No.5467375

/pol/ pls go

>> No.5467386

> move in with old m8 from boarding school
> he isn't a good cook, but it could be so much worse, and he cleans
> 50% of the time he forgets to turn the stovetop off, we have one of those glass ones that might shatter

Only thing really. I love these threads, makes me feel lucky

>> No.5467387

You don't spend 4 years in barracks together. How long do you think basic is?

>but I'm pretty sure they have to bunk with a bunch of dudes for extended periods of time.

Yeah in a conflict area or training, otherwise you get housing on base or your own place off base and on base there are rules and regs to keep the chucklefucks in line. Plus you would be eating in a mess hall with a chow line where someone else handles the food supply and cooking for you. Those freeloaders stealing food wouldn't even be an issue. Even in a conflict zone if you are inside the wire you eat in a mess tent outside the wire you get MREs. Nobody is stealing food.

>> No.5467398

This is the part where you go on a shotting spree.

>> No.5467423

>Feminists don't want to admit it

I think you're confused -- they're fully aware of this fact, but don't want to accept a SO that has to be taken care of like a baby.

>> No.5467607

For fuck sake /ck/

>> No.5467632
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>>move in with bff
>>she can't cook
>>I cook everything
>>she only likes mashed potatoes and overcooked red meat
>>no flavouring allowed
>>we can't afford to cook 2 dinners

>> No.5467638

>/ck/- applied aerospace trajectory physic of shit

>> No.5467642

you're a dick and I feel bad for whoever has to talk to/deal with you on a daily basis, but since that's almost no one, I think you're safe.

>> No.5467662





>> No.5467802
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>not really bad ones- but a few bad ones

>> No.5467817
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>third year of college, freshmen arrive
>typical mexican dudebros freshmen arrive, getting wasted and yelling stupid shit at night
>they steal or break some of my shit I had in the shared kitchen, didn't mind too much because it was cheap stuff and I rarely cooked, I only did on weekends
>we return from mexican spring break, they knock on my door, giggling like the retards they are, they tell me to come with them to the kitchen
>retards had left lettuce, ground beef and other shit in the fridge, and they disconnected it before going for spring break, smelled like hell
>they kept taking pictures and laughing like retards at the rotten meat and veggies

Good thing their parents later found out they were getting terrible grades and getting drunk everyday, so next semester they all moved or some moved back to their city. They were worst than children.

>> No.5467901


They're jalapenos, not Aztec gold.

>> No.5467902


le smash dem patwiachy

>> No.5467918

For some reason I don't mind if I have a guy roommate and I hear him fucking, but if I have a girl roommate I can't stand listening to her fuck

>> No.5467928

Because they were a bunch of retarded 17 year olds? I could just tell his parents had done everything for him because he was just terrible to be around

>> No.5467980
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>live with my dad
>cousin is getting evicted so my dad lets him and his fiance move in with us
>not so bad the first month or so but things quickly decline
>I've always bought my own food, since I was in highschool even
>I make minimum wage ($250 a week) while they make $1000+ a week
>my food starts disappearing, getting eaten, thrown away, whatever
>my dad is spending $250+ on food a week
>they don't help pay for shit
>"Well we just see it as whatever is in the house belongs to everybody"
>my dad thinks me bitching about them eating my food is stupid (It's just food, anon!)
>one weekend bought a bunch of melon
>cut up the watermelon and put it in the fridge for after work
>come back from work, watermelon is sitting on the counter dried up with ants all over it, my cantaloupe and honeydew melon are just fucking gone
>ask them why they left the watermelon out
>"Oh, we don't like it with seeds in it. Buy the good kind next time"
>another weekend
>have to go away and watch my mom's dog
>come back Sunday night
>"Oh you have moldy fruit in the fridge, you need to clean that out"
>It wasn't moldy when I left, and they were too lazy to throw two fucking strawberries away

They've moved out now, but that's the second set of cousins that have moved in with me that have made me contemplate killing them. And still to this day my dad doesn't see anything wrong with the things they did living with us, even though after they moved out his cost of weekly groceries dropped to just $50 a week.

I could go on and on about this couple, but not all of it would be /ck/ related.

>> No.5467988

Another one, since I think I hit the character limit.
>dad goes away for a weekend
>decide to surprise him by cleaning the kitchen
>hell couple is gone
>our fridge leaks since the thing in the freezer is clogged
>unplug the fridge and push it into the corner while I clean everything
>they come home
>"Why is the fridge unplugged"
>the drainage is clogged and thawing, leave it alone
>they keep opening the fridge every two seconds because "we're hungry"
>then they complain about the milk being warm because "I" was stupid and unplugged the fridge in the first place, even though it was clearly their opening it all the time that did so

>> No.5468046

i would have kicked them out whenever it was least convenient for them and let them know i would never speak to them again in my life. blood ties are meaningless when people aren't truly treating you like family.

>> No.5468051

Trust me, I wanted to, but it wasn't my call, it was my dad's.
The only moved out after my dad insulted my cousin by telling him to pick up more (since he made his fiance do it because "hurr she's a woman"), which made his fiance angry because she believes that my cousin is perfect, so she made him look for a house since after that she hated my dad and I.

>> No.5468092

why fix all the errors when you can just fix one?

uchiness associations

>> No.5468098

>Move in with best friends from childhood
>All the usual issues described here, food missing, not cleaning and so on
>One of the girls wants to fuck
>I don't because old friend with a bad temper. Also, she's ginger, fat and Irish.
>Turn her down whenever she gets drunk enough to try her luck
>She gets increasingly bitter
>Move out at end of the college year
If I may give those of you going into uni next year a piece of advice: DON'T MOVE IN WITH OLD FRIENDS.

The year after
>Move in withe neckbeards from my course (Computer programming)
>Everyone is friendly
>Food is shared, no one gives a fuck because we take turns cooking
>Shared idea of cooking is meat, fat and spices with a symbolic amount of starch
>Convert them to cast iron cookware because fucking bombproof
>Most of the time is actually spent with housemates, either drinking, eating, studying or (most often) gaming
Neckbeards make the best housemates.

>> No.5468103

If by guys you mean manlets.

>> No.5468131

You should pee on their beds and break their stuff.

>> No.5468147

When will they learn?

>> No.5468167


>> No.5468422

>Decide to move far away for Junior year at a four year university
>Get three random roommates
>Two of them are childhood friends
>One is a neckbeard
>Two childhood friends never do anything without the other
>Neckbeard doesn't drink, smoke, hides food in his room, and is overall a very awkward person that gave himself a nickname

I disagree.

>> No.5468428

What was the nickname?

>> No.5468447

>doesn't drink, smoke, hides food in his room,
Yeah, fuck him for wanting to live his life the way he wants to. And how dare he buy food solely to feed himself and not give away to some asshole he barely knows?

>> No.5468457

A Japanese name that means something equivalent to stormcloud. I really don't know how to spell it.

>Living life the way he wants
It's just always a lot of good times to have someone come out, judge everyone else, and then go back to his room.
>Feeding himself
Bitch, please. This is the equivalent of not trusting your roommates enough to leave shampoo in the bathroom.

>> No.5468470

>It's just always a lot of good times to have someone come out, judge everyone else, and then go back to his room.
Well that's somewhat different from the initial impression you gave of him.

>> No.5468475

>A Japanese name
Oh wow, if he's not Japanese then that is some next level weaboosting.

I lived with a guy who named his cat something Japanese. I can't remember what it meant but he would always correct you on the pronunciation, even though it was just some basic two syllable noise.

I ended up just calling that cat by whatever swear word took my fancy.

>> No.5468485

Nah, he's white as driven snow.

>> No.5468489

Well, like I said, completely different experience. Probably because we were five neckbeards in one house so we felt more comfortable. Hard to be awkward when everyone is on the same level.

That being said, we drank, we smoked and we all played Yu-Gi-Oh after dinner pretty much every night. Two dudes were very much into anime but only one of them actually did the whole repeat-simple-japanese-phrases thing that can really get on your nerves.

>> No.5468515

He's probably on 4chan. He sounds like a troubled young man, you should try to make him more at ease if he's uncomfortable and awkward around you guys. It's gotta be way harder to be the one lonely guy who stands out than be part of the close knit group of buddies living with him.

>> No.5468520

Is he going to stab us?

>> No.5468528

With a katana that, in it's construction, was folded over 987435783 times...

Nah, I just mean he's probably having a harder time than you realise, and it's best for everyone if there's no "outcast" member of the group, or if there's division in the home.

Maybe he just wants to be left alone, or maybe his samurai pride won't let him admit that he wants to join in. Maybe you should invite him for some group activity everyone will enjoy.

>> No.5468531

>Europeans are god-tier, especially germanic or nordic.

I had a dutch roommate once and he turned the heat off every night all winter because he didn't like the noise from the oil furnace.
when we forbade him from touching the thermostat he went into the furnace room and manually shut the thing down instead.

>> No.5468538

>/american whites keep food and dirty dished in their room until they infect the house with mold, and make a mess of the microwave.

you got me.

>> No.5468543

>oil furnace
Oh god you live in the stone age.

I'll bet you're a Brit or even worse, an Irishman.

>> No.5468560

>spiking food in the fridge

with what?

>> No.5468566

Not him but judging by previous threads laxatives are popular.

>> No.5468582


I tried
They don't deserve my food

>> No.5468612

>but leaves her dirty panties where ever she happens to take them off
>bad thing

>> No.5468615

I always turn off the heat because fucktard roommates always think 75F is an appropriate setting. It doesn't work better/faster if you turn it way up! And the heater dries the air out so badly that when they turn it on while I'm sleeping I always wake up like an hour later sweating and choking.

Just put on a fucking sweater damn. Or if you're in bed get another damned blanket for the winter. How fucking hard is that?

>> No.5468623

>Holy fuck this current generation is unearned entitlement.

are boomers this out of touch? or are millennials trenchant trolls?

>> No.5468629

>aryan supermen are our superiors
no shit, nigga

>> No.5468632

>Just put on a fucking sweater damn. Or if you're in bed get another damned blanket for the winter. How fucking hard is that?
Same thing with my autistic roommate. Except he sets it to 78F. In summer. In Northern California. I wake up at 2am and turn the AC on since I'm burning up. I'm leaving in 2 weeks though.

>> No.5468641

>hides food in his room

anon, YOU were probably the shitter

>> No.5468652

>tfw terrified of drugs from bad experiences
>tfw drugged food is a big fear of mine

laxatives aren't bad though, but the food tampering flares my autism

>> No.5468658
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>not using fungicides DECREASES mycotoxin concentrations

>> No.5468660
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This is practically how I lived when growing up.
>Mom always working so she can support a family of four on low income
>Dad nothing but a dead beat
>Brother who has numerous mental problems
>4 animals who liked to piss, shit and leave hair everywhere
>Me the only one who does anything in the house. Cleaning, cooking etc...
>Both parents smoke so that also doesn't help with odor
>Years go by brother gets kicked out of high school due to behavior so he decides to do nothing for the rest of his life
>Dad still a dead beat
>I did well enough in school enough to get into uni
> Immediately left home because I couldn't handle everyone
>now I live on my own currently finishing up with uni

Honestly I would probably go into a murderous rage if I had to live with anyone like that girl or my family again, I just don’t know how anyone could live like that.

>> No.5468665

>Except he sets it to 78F. In summer. In Northern California. I wake up at 2am and turn the AC on since I'm burning up
not that anon, but this shit right here is why one of the first things i do with any new roommate is agree upon AC settings. last fucking thing i need is to be spending extra money on my damn utilities because you're too much of a bitch to deal with 78F. shit when i was a kid, were were happy for it to get as low as 85 because no goddamn AC you sissy.

>> No.5468671

I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for pussies like him, and you, who insist on having the heat on when it's 75F outside. Put on a sweater, you faggot.

>> No.5468684
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But on the topic of my family, I do have some good stories of my brother doing stupid shit.

>Brother decides one day to cook some burgers
>takes entire package of burger and begins cooking
>I come home from school and smell something burning
>look in the kitchen to find an entire box of burgers burnt sitting on a plate with the room filled with smoke
>Brother turns to me and asks "you want some?"
>I turned down his burnt offerings and went to my room
>hours later... I decide I need a snack
>open the fridge to only find the plate of charcoal bricks
>he ate one of them decided they tasted bad and left them there for a couple days till I ended up throwing them out much to my dismay
>A day later he bitches at my because I threw them out and says he was saving them...

I decided not to punch him in the fucking head for wasting food when we were poor as it was but I did bitch him out on him it but it didn't matter because he continued to do this shit and probably still does it.

>> No.5468685

Yeah, but he's done this since he moved in.

There was never a time where I could have gotten drunk and eaten all his food.

>> No.5468708

>be 21
>move out and rent room from 31 year old divorcee
>7/10 on the average day, 9/10 when dolled up
>want to try my luck with her
>don't want to fuck up living arrangements

Life is hard.

>> No.5468716


Most likely she'll use you for sex, you'll become emotionally attached, and she'll have to kick you out because you confused sex with love.

>> No.5468727

Nah, I'm emotionally dead inside. Typical post-first-love reaction taken to the extreme. It's just one of those things where you don't shit where you eat. Living with her is good, if this thread is any indication, the house is nice and is well located for my job. I might have a crack at her when I'm ready to move out, but not before then.

>> No.5468733

she's old enough that it'll be fine. or she'll kill your pets

>> No.5468751

I am non-confrontational as can be, so I generally just clean up after my roommates.

Then this happened.

>Finish meal
>Go to sink to wash dish
>Like always, there are a couple of bowls, plates and silverwares 'soaking'
>I clean my dish and then clean up the rest of the shit in the sink
>Roommate knocks on my door later
>"Listen, I am more than capable of cleaning up after myself you do not need to patronize me."
>Stop cleaning their dishes
The sink is never actually clear now.

Bitch is constantly using my pan and lets that 'soak' too. When she finally does clean it, it is usually still covered in grease and shit so I have to re-clean it anyway.

I never thought people would get mad about that kind of stuff though.

>> No.5468759

Off topic, but some studies have found that a placebo will work even if you know it's a placebo.


>> No.5468774
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>Be Italian
>Normal for Italian families to live at home until you get married/can buy house
>Able to live at home for free until I can put a down payment on a house
>Never need to deal with roommates
>Never have to throw money into a black hole for rent
>lol Americans

>> No.5468826

But are you one of those meek people who always looks passive aggressive? Like, you clean your roommates dishes without hassling them over it, but you sigh loudly and roll your eyes so that they know you're pissed?

>> No.5468856

ITT: Why I live alone.

>> No.5468900

>Brother moved out to California with his wife
>Sister moved to Delaware for grad school
>Parents divorced, dad moved out and now lives on his own
>Mom lives with her new boyfriend
>Have the family house to myself while I commute to campus as a grad student
>Just me and my dog

8/10 could be comfier, but I'll take it

>> No.5468933


Absolutely not.
I genuinely never minded cleaning them because I figured it would make their lives easier and I do not mind cleaning in general.

I think part of the problem was that I am shy as fuck and never really talked to them outside the occasional "Hello" when they were in the living space when I came in. Oh well.

>> No.5468940

You're proud of this? I lived in Rome for 6 months (dutchfag), and I think this is the reason all italians are whiny little bitches.

>having to bring girls home when your parents are there after you're 18 years old
>not learning to manage on your own
>being proud of this faggotry

>> No.5468954

>Implying my mom didn't teach me to cook, clean and take care of my self from a young age
>implying any girl I'd want to stay with for any extended amount of time would care.
>Implying I don't live in the basement suite so it doesn't matter when I take girls home anyways.

Sounds like you had shit parents who didn't want to make sure you will be successful in life.

>> No.5468966

I thought that stuf was illegal in america.
If you live in europe (on the mainland at least) peole should know.

>> No.5468993

I don't need a woman to cook and clean for me, I'm not a manchild. I'd rather cook for a girl.

>> No.5469002

>implying women can't cook for themselves
check your privilege

>> No.5469054

Do they have a milk projector to go with that?

>> No.5469059 [DELETED] 

> I don't need a woman to cook and clean for me, I'm not a manchild. I'd rather cook for a girl.

You're not a manchild. You're a woman.... obviously a woman doesn't need another woman. What you need is a female businessman. She'll come home, slap your ass and tell you to get dinner started. Browse some internet and tell you "oh, its nothing dont worry about it sweet cheeks" when you ask what she's looking at on the computer.

Then she'll tie you down and fuck you really hard, and right as she's gettting off spit in your face.

You'd like that, wouldn't you? hahahaha.

TLDR; you're the bitch in the relationship.

>> No.5469095

you sound like the bearded, alcoholic, racist, woman-hating construction laborers I used to have to work with

>> No.5469097
File: 73 KB, 692x414, tips fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's dinner m'lady. let me pull your chair out for you
>*tips fedora*

>> No.5469105

> you sound like the bearded, alcoholic, racist, woman-hating construction laborers I used to have to work with

you mean real men? lol. I'm exactly like them. I also don't greentext (unless it's to quote) and I definitly don't think saying "hurr durr" in an argument makes me look better.

Lol fucking loser ass kid. Enjoy cooking for your bitch while shes blowing me daily on the side.

>> No.5469108
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> bearded
He said bearded as if it was an insult. Lol.

>> No.5469109

what part of any of that was an insult?

>> No.5469117

>you sound like the bearded, alcoholic, racist, woman-hating construction laborers I used to have to work with

bearded - high testostorone
alcoholic - not underage
racist - realist
woman hating - woman hating.
construction worker - hard working man

As far as I can tell, these are all supreme compliments. But he thought calling me a bearded alcoholic was offensive. Lol.

>> No.5469161

>bearded, alcoholic, racist

like Ernst Haeckel, Karl Vogt, or Charles Darwin?

>> No.5469168

he is clearly a liberal. im sure he has used 'hyper-masculine' or 'hegemonic' as an insult before

>> No.5469187

>Browse some internet and tell you "oh, its nothing dont worry about it sweet cheeks" when you ask what she's looking at on the computer.

that is really funny and cute. something about a girl inquiring about the computer, such childish curiosity

>> No.5469215

iktf, I've never had bad experiences with drugs or drugged food but the thought of food tampering bothers me so much

>> No.5469217

he's a fag, just ignore it.

>> No.5469221

>implying you have to hate the wimminz to have a traditional view of their responsibilities

>> No.5469267

spoken like a true virgin ;0D

>> No.5469273


what the fuck? those cunts didn't deserve anon's delicious tarts which he/she paid for and made himself. why the fuck would you reward two shitty cunts for being greedy?

>> No.5469281

>thinking being an alcoholic is something to be proud of
i know /pol/ leaks all over this website so i'm not going to bother with the racist/womanhating parts of this post but why would anyone think it's good to be an alcoholic

>> No.5469345


>> No.5469385

sounds pretty hot actually

>> No.5469803

I think you're missing the point -- they expect to be coddled and be given everything they want out of a relationship, but refuse to bear any of the burden.

>> No.5469809

Was it something like "Boisaya"?

>> No.5469861

I moved in with a 38 year old divorcee when I was 20. Fucked her a couple of times but then she came to me and said we can't keep doing this. Kinda acted like she was afraid I would fall in love with her. Was cool though. Thought about trying it on with her again when she was sunbathing topless one time but decided against it

>> No.5469864

>Nah, I'm emotionally dead inside
>I'm 21

>> No.5469931

There's your problem.

>> No.5469936

>if you do stuff to be nice, you could get nice back
That's terrible advice. Do nice things for nice people, being nice to a dick does nothing but tell the dick that it's okay to be a dick.

>> No.5469942

He didn't say if she was 2D or not.

2D hers are fine in my books, anon-kun :)

>> No.5469991

>living with 4 other girls in a 4 bedroom house.
>A southern farm girl, an asian office worker, a russian artist, an indian neet and a culinary student! what a wacky fun time sitcom!
>southern girl grows tomatoes, corn, many different types of squash, keeps a hanging garden of many types of herbs, raises chickens and small game.
>always gives them to me to cook
> Russian girl always leaves her paintbrushes in the sink for some godamn reason
>indian girls room smells like fucking curry all the time
>asian girl is never here, I have probably only seen her like 8 times in the year i have lived here she communicates completely through sticky notes
>I always cook stuff and generally just wrap it up for everyone since everyone eats at different times
>leave a plate outside indian neets room at lunch
> leave Tupperware with food on the table
>gets returned with asian girls sticky note saying thank you
>sometimes leave baked sweets on the kitchen counter so the girls get fatter than me

the only thing I dislike is that i have become the mom of the entire house since I cook for all the girls and do laundry.
But no one else cooks and they all generally stay out of the kitchen so it stays relatively clean

>> No.5469999

I always assumed women cant cook.

I remember my grandma telling me when I was a kid that no woman would ever love a man who cant dance a proper dance like salsa or tango (since were beaners) or waltz.
or cook masterfully.
And I grow up to find most women cant cook for shit or dance at all.

>> No.5470325


You're the douchebag anon, if he keeps to himself just let him be, he might had a shit experience with roomates before.

>> No.5470332

>move in with some guy
>find out he is a cook
>like me
we only eat chinese take out #yolo

>> No.5470340
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more stories please

>> No.5470342

and this is why dikes are disgusting.

>> No.5470355
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wearing a sweater doesn't stop our water pipes from bursting and getting out of bed in sub-zero temperatures is difficult at best.

>> No.5470361

As an Italian, I despise this faggot.


>> No.5470366

Had a buddy with a black room mate. He was always drunk but the nicest guy. Shared his groceries if you wanted to cook with something. Other than being kinda messy he was alright. Hard to understand though.

>> No.5470368

An old coworker once confided in me that she wanted to make her own Velveeta Shells 'n' Cheese so she tried to melt an entire block of Velveeta in a pan to pour over some macaroni. Shockingly, the Velveeta burned.

>> No.5470476
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>Has absolutely no sense of money so we buy our own things and split cost if we share it
>Go buy pizza and beer + misc items from shop
>Ask if she wants anything
>Ask again and she got mad. Leave house
>Return with groceries
>As I walked to the shop which was 2 miles away I got sweaty and decided to take a nice hot shower before enjoying MY pizza and MY beer
>Suddenly she gets so fucking hungry for pizza and thirsty for beer while I'm in the shower
>5 slices of 8 pizza left
>3 beer left from 6-pack
>I ask why didn't she ask for me to bring her some
I don't want to get fat
They are too expensive
I don't have money
I was hungry and thirsty
>She can afford to buy bunch of clothes, shoes and other junk with her money
>She literally can spend her entire month of salary in a week long shopping spree
After this "incident" I realized that this shit happens way too ofter where she leeches off of me and gives nothing back thus why she's an EX now
This happens with like 50% of women and I have no fucking idea why. Why can't they just ask for something instead of taking it from me. I'm not a cheapskate. I would pay to bring them something but I just fucking hate it when I buy something for me and someone takes it

>> No.5470501

I'd drop the bitch; I don't understand why people think pussy is worth putting up with that shit.

>> No.5470510

Dot indians are disgusting and smell like shit.

>> No.5470515
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I didn't take that shit for long. Now I have a wonderful girl who can actually reason and financually smart. Even though we share everything she still asks for permission to take something which I have bought.
That ex was like a savage compared to my current girl. I hope no one else makes this mistake where you give something but won't recieve anything back. Especially roommates who tend to be temporary

>> No.5470545
File: 248 KB, 1257x1490, ck_food&amp;cooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought that this needed to be done

>> No.5470552

>go visit my parents occasionally
>younger brother still lives there
>29 years old, no job
>leaves one slice of bread in bag
>drop of milk, juice or pop in the fridge
>one broken cookie left in the bag
>never throws anything away

I'd visit more if he wasn't there.

>> No.5470596

bb but horse radish and coarse mustard are tasty

>> No.5470602

minorities and spoiled manchildren

>> No.5470603

>implying all men are helpless children who can't take care of themselves and need their gfs to be their mothers

Eh, it's basically having a mum who's young, attractive and puts out.

Considering all the incest porn going around, I am not surprised that many men apparently find that notion very attractive.

>> No.5470604

how about you stand the fuck up for yourself

>> No.5470738

Got some stories

>gf kicked out of house, moves to my state from ohio
>living at my parents house bc 19 and still saving up
>opportunity to move in with 4 people and only pay 200 a month
>move out

>shortly after moving in, food is disappearing
>suspect its oldest roommate
>hadn't gone grocery shopping in the month we'd lived there
>confront him
>says it wasn't him
>completely stops after that
>he goes grocery shopping

>two girl roommates downstairs
>nurses // huge fucking bitch cunts
>one has a cat and a dog
>works crazy hours
>goes out and parties and blows the entire state of minnesota when not working
>leaves me and gf to take care of needy ass dog and crazy fucking cat

>other bitch nurse roommate gets fuckfaced at our housewarming party
>i call off party bc underage friend gets plastered and is running around outside
>live near police station
>nurse fat cunt 2 starts throwing a fit and covers me and other roommate who has given us no problems in alcohol
>we don't drink
>next day refuses to apologize
>tells us "you don't understand how drunk people work"

>trying to move out

>> No.5470850

>implying he would get anything at all in return except more entitlement

>> No.5470854

>Teehee I'm not your man

>> No.5470872

I have found pissing on mattresses to be an excellent mans of getting revenge.

see, what you (and everyone in this thread) are experiencing is called the 'nigger gap'

basically, it's that dreadful separation in legality between nigger tier behavior which is legal, and the retaliation which isn't. nearly everything in this thread is the type of stuff you just have to take, because what they are doing is not explicitly legal, or necessarily prosecutable, but any retaliation on your part is

all you can really do is be just as much of an ass to them

>> No.5470886

>like a baby
because being too busy supporting a household makes you a baby

back to tumblr, foul whore

>> No.5470894

>blood ties are meaningless when people aren't truly treating you like family.
because blood ties signify a relationship stronger than that of mere freindship

they are not the end all be all

>> No.5470918

the word 'alcoholic' is problematic, and almost always used by pantywaists who don't know the actual meaning of alcoholic, and use it as a generic insult for someone they don't like who may drink alcohol.

personally, i take it as a compliment, even though i am about as far from an alcoholic as possible.

>> No.5470921

Keep your shit at 50 or 60, nigger
I bet you wear your puffy jacket if it's under 75

>> No.5471077

>will break into your room if you hide any food or cooking stuff there

Bitch, if I need pots/pan/dishes and they're all missing from the kitchen because you have them dirtied up and piled in your room, you bet your nasty ass I'm going to break in there. If you're hiding clean stuff so others can't abuse them, that's a different story.

Personal story about my sister, whom I've spoken of in previous roommate story threads:
>be me
>in kitchen, making something to eat
>try to grab utensils to eat with, but none were there
>search all of the rooms except my sisters since it's locked; house is spotless
>sister's room is notorious among my extended family for being a pigsty
>pop the lock on my sister's door with a screwdriver, go inside
>1/2 of all of the dishes my family owns are in there, piled on her computer table along with every utensil we owned
>half eaten food on some dishes
>cups full of mystery liquid with what looks like mold growing on surface of one, weird film over the tops of some others
>maneuver around mountains of clothes and garbage, take all the dishes, cups, utensils into kitchen and clean them all
>sister wrongly accuses our mom of coming into her room
>I interrupt, tell her that I was the one who went in and tell her why
>mom gives sister a lecture for being nasty as fuck
>sister stomps back into her room shrieking, "I was going to clean the dishes, I really was!!!"
She's a grown ass woman who's been pulling this shit for 10+ years now (since she was a teen). Being that I'm the younger sibling, I have almost no respect for her for not having her shit together.

A+ comment

Your life is adorable.

Appreciating your efforts

>> No.5471138

>come home one day with grocerys
>one rare time everyone is home and out of their rooms
>Its kinda strange since P, the neet is never out of her room, and the asian girl is always off working or with her boyfriend and never home.
>start heading into the kitchen
>southern girl comes up to me and asks me what Im gonna make
>uh I thought wed eat enchiladas blancas tonight!
>she takes the groceries and then tells me to go grab her some herbs and stuff from her garden
> I say okay but I need to put the stuff in the kitchen first
>her and the indian girl grab the stuff and they tell me to go
> could hear the asian girl and the russian girl arguing and whispering in the kitchen
>come back and before I walk into the kitchen the southern girl and the indian girl grab me and sit me down at the table
>you always cook, let us cook today
>oh are you sure I dont mind cooking
>no sit down
> after a few minuetes of sitting down the girls come out with a cake
>it says happy birthday in really scribbly leathers
>its really badly iced and it has only one candle
>Happy birthday!!
>also we burned all the food so we ordered pizza.
>laugh and cry.
>spend the time waiting for the pizza guy showing them how to properly ice a cake and we eat it before the pizza comes.
>was gonna wash the disehes and all the pots they used but they told me to go to sleep and they would clean up
>they stayed up till 3 am cleaning.
>they fell asleep in the living room and dining room
>make them breakfast.

>> No.5471150
File: 58 KB, 310x326, kinda jealous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5471164

Your roommates sound pretty moe.

>> No.5471406


It's just like my chinese cartoons!!

>> No.5472375

You are a sad little man.

>> No.5472437

I love these threads
>couple of years ago
>live with a girl (5/10 nuthin special)
>she never cooks, always eats micowavable stuff
>one day I decide to cook a large batch of lentil soup(family recipe)
>delicious as fuck, smells fantastic
>have a bowl and go to work
>return 6 hours later
>1/10 of the soup remaining
>I had cooked enough to last me half a week
>roommate isnt fat or anything
>don't really feel bad, feel kinda proud on the inside that somebody liked my cooking so much
>don't even confront her
>fast forward a week
>cook massive batch of spinach soup
>8/10 pretty good but not my best work
>had to go out for a few hours
>return home to find roommate has invited her boyfriend, they are dining on my soup
>never asked permission
>decide "fuck it" it's just food
>boyfriend compliments her on her cooking
>cringe internally when she says "thank you"
>bitch is taking credit for my cooking
>say nothing
>devise a plan


>> No.5472451


>She never thanked me or even mentioned the spinach soup fiasco
>wait a few days
>cook lentil soup again
>smell from kitchen attracted bitch roommate
>soup is done, smells amazing again
>have a huge bowl in front of her
>she never asks, she's waiting for me to leave again so she can steal my food
>if she had asked i would have gladly obliged
>wait for her to go upstairs
>proceed to dump half a jar of home-made chilli sauce into pan of soup
>really spread it
>i love spicy food so its no problem for me
>leave flat
>return a few hours later
>things have gone precisely as i expected
>bitch had tried to steal my soup again
>coulndt handle the spice
>overhear her talking on the phone that she had vomited and her stomach hurts
>that stopped her from stealing my food for a while

>> No.5472464

Story is funny but you and your housemate's passive-aggressive behavior is unhealthy. If you want to actually solve the problem you should talk about it.

>> No.5472468

it's cool she moved out. Having said that - she was very passive aggressive and did a lot of bitchy things. Talking to her was not an option, i had attempted it in the past. She would always lock herself in her room the moment I came home.

>> No.5472503

me again - different story
>best friend was having his 25th birthday party
>buy a bottle of Johny Walker blue label as a present
>store it in a cupboard in the kitchen
>return home one evening
>there's a party
>i don't know anyone of the guests
>roommate at the time is drunk
>notice a blue box in the rubbish bin
>they even ripped the box apart
>check to make sure it's my bottle, it is - mine is gone
>lose my shit
>yell at roommate
>"relax dude its a party!"
>too enraged to talk
>storm out to a friend's house
>told roommate next morning that he owes me 150 pounds for the bottle
>he denies taking it
>wasnt able to raise money to buy same gift for friends birthday
>roommate showed no trace of remorse or intention of paying me back
>ended up selling his xbox online to reimburse myself