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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 258 KB, 1500x1500, american-pepperidge-farm-cheddar-cheese-goldfish-crackers-big-878g-31oz-carton-11931-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5456628 No.5456628 [Reply] [Original]

What's your weakness?

That one thing you'll eat almost endlessly. That one thing that replaces all of your meals. That one thing you don't like sharing.

>that feel when eating a carton of Goldfish in less than a week

Had to drink so much water

>> No.5456639

nuts, mainly pistachios and pecans

>tfw you gather the walnuts out of the yard and spend time cleaning and cracking them and saving the big whole chunks and someone comes in a eats those instead of the broken pieces

>> No.5456645
File: 3.69 MB, 4405x2521, wine-not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5456680

Gingersnaps. I have a ... problem with them. It got to the point where I realized that after 5 days I REALLY needed to eat something other than gingersnaps. I have a really good gingersnap recipe. No, I'm not going to share it, these fuckers are like crack.

>> No.5456687

green tea pumpkin seeds. find some at your local asian mart, they are like crack.

>> No.5456694

ice cream
black licorice

coming down from former fatass and building muscle, 5'10' 172 pounds, 14% bf

but I stuff my face at a buffet or eat a bunch of garbage one Saturday a month

>> No.5456706
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 0004767700051_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bad boys right here.

>> No.5456745

Goldfish, like you (and to a lesser degree Cheez-its). Would probably eat a carton a week if I lived alone and wouldn't have anyone around for me to be ashamed about it
Cashews... jesus they're so good. Too expensive to buy loads of them all the time.
Also, fat-free milk. I don't know why. I can drink a gallon a day, no problem. I fucking love milk, it's so good. Best drink ever.

Also, FUCK Cheese Nips. I think everybody at one point in their lives had their mom bring home Cheese Nips instead of Cheez-its one day as a kid because they were cheaper, and you tried them and they tasted like ass... how can you fuck up a baked cheese cracker so bad?

>> No.5456752

>loves milk
>drinks fat free milk
pick one

>> No.5456763

I grew up on it and didn't try 1%, 2% or whole until I was 14. It tastes like milk mixed with butter to me.
Maybe someday I can appreciate it, anon... someday.

>> No.5456789

Cheez-its. I can kill a box of those in like, 2 days. Also, pomegranates. I will eat those little rubies of flavor forever, if I can

>> No.5456794

im used to eating snack food with actual taste.
I dont get why people buy that shit when they could buy some crackers and cheese or an avocado for the same price

>> No.5456846

These little fuckers are evil. I don't care for sweets and a lot of the other shit that make people fat. But these motherfuckers, I will eat until I hate myself. Then keep eating. Those giant cartons are a giant middle finger to my inability to control myself.

>> No.5456944

Cheeze-its especially the baby swiss kind. Rosemary garlic cashews. BBQ smoked pistachios and basically any kind of pistachio. Honey sunflower seeds. Sun drops. Sour cream and cheddar lays.

I'm fat though so I could eat a lot of thing endlessly.

>> No.5456973

I love those, but the only time I'll ever go ham on those is with those Xtra Cheddar ones.

Dear God.

>> No.5456977

>a carton
>less than a week

you don't know shit about weakness. you have no idea what a real binge is.

>> No.5456979

>tfw can't eat cashews anymore after walking into a sweatshop of kids, teenagers, and women cleaning off the hard parts of the cashews with small knives for 12 hours a day

>> No.5457068

Roasted seaweed. My dad bought me like a 10 pack of boxes from Costco a week ago and I have one left.

Also spinach artichoke dip with tortilla chips. I'll make a huge tray of it and pretty much eat it in one night.

>> No.5457073

>being a weeb
you should kill yourself

>> No.5457090
File: 188 KB, 1296x1936, PRINGLES_SOUR_CREAM_ONION_181_GM_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty confident I could get through 10 of these in an hour

>> No.5457103

>That one thing you'll eat almost endlessly.
>That one thing that replaces all of your meals.
>That one thing you don't like sharing.
Pizza. I'm addicted to it. Good thing is, I can make it pretty well by myself so I don't have to resort to frozen crap all the time.

>> No.5457107

I know that feel bro, I work in a warehouse that sells dried fruit and nuts. I can't even look a cashew in the eye anymore.

>> No.5457108


Pistachios are my weakness, whenever I buy them I have to have a handful and then go put the bag in another room or I will sit there and eat the entire fucking thing.

>> No.5457109


>im used to eating snack food with actual taste
>an avocado

But avocados taste like paste, they are fucking awful, I thought retards only ate them for the texture

>> No.5457128

What the literal fuck is a goldfish? You eat family pets? Fucking Americans

>> No.5457151

Thai sweet chilli Pop Chips. If they weren't so expensive, I would eat them constantly.

I already eat them so much they cut my mouth to shreds, but they're so fucking good. Prawn crackers get an honorable mention of being addictive AS FUCK

>> No.5457155

Cold cuts and sausage. I feel like as an Italian american from New England I was destined to eat excessive amount of both. Sopressata, cappicole, all kinds of sausage, ham, turkey, all this terrible stuff. I'm going to get cancer so hard

>> No.5457166

i have the pleasure of living right next to mexico... there is nothing like an avocado from mexico so much taste you have no idea might be the e-coli

>> No.5457929

Fried potatoes. Hell, potatoes in general.
I don't much care if someone tries to bum something else off my plate, but I'll cut a motherfucker if they fuck with my potatoes.

>> No.5457940


>I don't know why. I can drink a gallon a day, no problem. I fucking love milk


Milk contains opiate compounds that, in nature, are used to encourage baby mammals to continue drinking the milk. You're an adult human drinking it and you're addicted

>> No.5457944

what an obvious troll. its right in the OP's pic

>> No.5458053

frozen peas. I can eat bags of them

>> No.5458441

goldfish, cheeze its, beef jerky, skittles

also, remember the flavor blasted goldfish? the nacho ones were so bomb

>> No.5458451

Any carbs at all. Goddamn I'm going to be fat....I want to do a keto diet but it just isn't working because of carbs. I'm going to end up like one of those disgusting fat fucks on tumblr :(

>> No.5458553

Pizza, feta cheese, greek yogurt, anything resembling trail mix or snack mixes, white rice, nachos. Ohhh man.

>> No.5458554

Beef jerkey man, especially if its good

>> No.5458556

going to try this and frozen corn

>> No.5458569


No you're not Rummy, you drunk...stop it.

>> No.5458587

nice post... Confuse!

>> No.5458602

Milk is great. I used to get mad cheese cravings. Now it's fucking nuts and dried fruit. I have to stop myself buying them.
Some days I've eaten so much that I've had no meals and still gone into thousands of calories.

>> No.5458611

Don't do a keto diet. Esp. if you love carbs. You'll just get mad cravings and end up binging then getting all upset because you binged.
Just man up and eat stuff that makes you full and have some self control. Stick to whole grains, avoid sugar. Limit carb intake if you're trying to lose weight. And treat yourself like once a week to something carbtastic.
Soon the cravings for pasta and sugar will disappear.

tfw I live in a family full of people on low carb diets and they're all fucking crazy.

>> No.5458612

Smoked Salmon.

I hate eating it on bread or with crackers. I always eat it straight to get the most intense flavor out of it. I've eaten almost two pounds in one sitting. Usually accomplished by a nice bottle of Single Malt Scotch.

>> No.5458832

Chips and salsa.

I can eat those until i get sick

>> No.5458857

are you the person who recommended the trader joes blue corn chips?

>> No.5458863

bagel bites man. I got the worst manchild diet when it comes to those. 40 pack gone in like 1 day

>> No.5458870

No, that was me. Did you get them?

>> No.5458871
File: 62 KB, 610x458, pepperidge-farm-cookies-chunk-sausalito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comes mightly close. I can eat a package in one sitting, but it sure ruins my appetite.

>> No.5458877
File: 209 KB, 800x600, ohc-review_kettle_jalapeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bad motherfuckers. I lose all self control after the first chip, there is no way to eat these in moderation.

>> No.5458912

why recommend trader joes products?
they are all pretty much shit tier.

>> No.5458953
File: 11 KB, 250x250, peanut cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to make cookies.

Oatmeal cookies and choc chip are the ones I make more often. They stay good for days and I eat them for breakfast or for snacks sometimes.

I'm looking further making peanut butter cookies (the classic ones)
This is a recipe I found plus the advise I found in the comments:
>2 3/4 flour cups
>1 teaspoon baking powder
>1/2 teaspoon salt
>1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
>1 cup of sugar
>1 cup of brown sugar
>2 eggs
>1 cup butter
>1 1/2 peanut butter

Does chunky peanut butter makes the recipe tastier?
I'd appreciate any tips.

>> No.5458982
File: 156 KB, 500x375, general_tsos_chicken_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Chinese food, esp General Tso's, steamed pork dumplings and beef chow fun.

I will sit and eat that shit all day on a Sunday, then spend the rest of the week making up for it.

>> No.5459001
File: 222 KB, 300x451, Old-Bay-Potato-Chips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking chips. I don't even think they're my favorite type of chips, but plop a bag in front of me and I will not stop eating til it's done. For a time they weren't selling them anywhere near my home and it pissed me off.

On the other hand, sushi. Not only could I spend all day eating sushi, but I can't stand it when someone asks for a piece unless I'm getting one in return, mostly because of how expensive it is.

>> No.5459109

I got them and you said they were low salt, but the actually had the same salt as tostidos but tasted even saltier

going to bed now so check me later

>> No.5459114

>they are all pretty much shit tier.

you haven't even tried them

>> No.5459126
File: 61 KB, 339x500, bagel-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These, and they're so unhealthy for you too.

>> No.5459131
File: 82 KB, 448x543, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Salty and peppery and sososo good. Never touched jack links again because they taste sugary to me now compared to mcsweeneys. 10% Tuesdays I rape the shelf and stock up, I spent more on beef jerky per month than I did when I smoked cigarettes. The amount of salt I'm getting is probably disgusting, I refuse to add it up.

>> No.5459137

Pringles, chips, cadbury top deck bars

put that shit in front of me and i lose it

>> No.5459139
File: 1.33 MB, 2592x1944, img_20130328_190532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've eaten almost an entire one of these in one sitting...

>> No.5459142

mall pretzels.
it's so bad I'm about to take up baking

>> No.5459151

>Not the infinently superior Extreme Flavor Blast Cheddar
Kill yourself

>> No.5459250

No, Trader Joe's is god tier for anything prepackaged or frozen.

Hmm. I thought they sold an unsalted or a low salt version of it, I might be mistaken though. The pic I posted is my usual bag and I've been happy with them for my tortilla chip needs. I just grate some cheddar over them, broil a few mins and top with salsa or pico. Fulfilling drunk snacks.

>> No.5459266

steak. Fuck I would love a good steak right now

>tfw poor uni student

>> No.5459362

>Killing a box of Cheez-its in only 2 days
Get good scrub and try an hour.

>> No.5459371

Sour cream flavor Pringles. I can go through 1 1/2 tubes in one day.

>> No.5459398

Lay's BBQ potato chips. I can easily down a whole bag in one sitting. Worst part is I live alone, so I feel no shame.

>> No.5459442

I was thinking the same thing about OP; one of those things last him a week? I can down one of those in a day or two

>> No.5459453

Peanut M&Ms. I can't keep them in the house because I will eat a whole fucking big ass bag of them in one sitting. I have self control when it comes to other candy/sweets/food, but holy fuck, you give me peanut M&Ms and I will devour them and begrudgingly share if asked.

>> No.5459455
File: 3.67 MB, 4254x2814, donuts_stacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could eat a dozen right now. I could eat a dozen every morning.

But I can't. Don't wanna get that diabeetus. Life is a cruel jape.

>> No.5459457 [DELETED] 


Skinnyfaggots detected. I beat you guys order one chicken sandwich at McDonalds.

>> No.5459460

Utz Salt 'n' Vinegar chips. Holy shit, so fucking good. I'll eat almost a whole big bag and my mouth will hurt from all the acid and salt but they just taste so fucking good.

>> No.5459463


>Goddamn I'm going to be fat

You'll be as fat as the billions of asians and africans eating high carbohydrate diets

Seriously, how did "carbs make you fat" even become a thing? Look everywhere in the world where carbs are eaten in large amounts and fat intake is kept low, and you find the world's skinniest people

>> No.5459473

Either one of these three:

Japanese curry with white rice
Miso soup, white rice, and a few pickles.

I grew up from a poor region of Japan so I placed all the things I kind of got used to eat when I was still there.

>> No.5459481

fucking pistachios.....on my birthday my aunt gave me a one pound bag....fucker wad gone after a handle of tequila. I cannot stop with them. Don't even get me started on pistachio ice cream.

>> No.5459485

Also tortilla chips and spinach artichoke dip.....fuck. sorry i am drunk and hungry

>> No.5459520
File: 50 KB, 500x500, ohfug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. I could spend a week eating nothing but these.

>> No.5459568
File: 51 KB, 610x458, 20100329mangoprimary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ataulfo mangoes, pic related. I bought a box today and already ate four or five. mmmmm

>> No.5459586
File: 621 KB, 1700x1062, Strawberry-afbeelding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fruit stall about to close for the night
>discount prices
>buy a 5kg box of strawberries
>it's gone in a day

>> No.5459590
File: 224 KB, 1024x930, steamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know ive asked if this was a thing and never got a straight answer
thanks, my worldview just got a little more clear

also steamers

>> No.5459592

I did something like that once. Some mexicans had just started standing out on the street corner on a really hot day. They had these boxes of strawberries that were probably 1'x2'x4" for $10 a piece. I bought 5 boxes worth and had blended strawberry shakes, and fresh berries for a solid week for my whole family.

>> No.5459605
File: 36 KB, 600x400, bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bacon, I buy bits n ends, 3lbs for $8

I can go through 3lbs in..4days - I have been known to eat it with every meal for a week straight.

Also I use to be a very heavy whole milk drinker, now I average 1cup/week.

>> No.5459609

enjoy your diarrhea

>> No.5459617

I did, it was a beautiful combination of hangover runs and fiber induced mud butt

>> No.5459618
File: 314 KB, 1500x1500, trader-joes-roasted-seaweed-snack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fuckers

or those purple, sweet, super hard grapes

>> No.5459633

i am betting real money that this is a white girl

>> No.5460291

You'd say that, but one of my friends (who isn't a white girl) sits down with a thing of humus and doesn't get up til it's done.

>> No.5460302

White male here, I can eat a tub of hummus without slowing down or feeling regret.

>> No.5460407

Huh. Weird.
Well, there are worse drinks to be addicted to, I guess. Milk is pretty healthy for you in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.5460412

Cheese and garlic roulade with sesame breadsticks.
Will happily eat until I vomit, even if it takes 3 entire roulades

>> No.5460413


fuck, I picked those up just a couple days ago and finished off a package in one sitting.

Great stuff

>> No.5460428

i'm israeli i can do the same
but your choice in brands sickens me

in merica your best bet is sabra

>> No.5460848
File: 246 KB, 1600x1600, jalapeno chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are way too good. I try to eat the serving size, but goddamn I finish the whole bag every time.

>> No.5460866

Tortilla chips. Don't get me started, I will devour that entire bag in one swoop.

>> No.5460872
File: 137 KB, 964x723, 11241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


crispy cream = top tier

but there is one doughnut that surpasses the top tier of donuts.

this bugger right here (pic related)

they come as big as my hand, they're fried, and glazed and when done just right.. god i can eat two or three of them in one sitting.

but ohhhh the calories.

and they're ALWAYS from some asian owned doughnut shop... why isn't there a white mom and pop owned doughnut shop anymore :(

god my mouth was watering just looking for this image

>> No.5460876
File: 42 KB, 533x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, just slightly lower than the apple fritter above

(pic related) the glazed croissant.

man... i can go through a dozen and just hate myself all day if i allow myself to go fullretard.

>> No.5460886
File: 70 KB, 709x531, 20130226_hot_cheetos_takis_bags_91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally hot Cheetos and Takis. I just love spicy snacks, maybe even more than actual meals. I'm trying to get into eating gluten-free tortilla chips with habanero salsa instead in hopes that it won't ruin my health as much.

>> No.5460892

sweet poop bro

>> No.5460894

mah jerks.

I eat so much teriyaki jerky its retarded

>> No.5460903


you wouldnt be a ni....ce guy who really likes hot spicy crunchy things... would you?

>> No.5460917
File: 98 KB, 341x504, sunchips_french_onion1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't buy a full size bag of these. Most other snacks I can be reasonable and limit my eating but these turn me into a goddamn ravenous fiend. I can't buy the small bags either because they leave me unfulfilled and wanting.

>> No.5460929

Yeah, I don't know what it is. Maybe I just like my food to be "intense" (I'm not sure if that word would apply here). I just hate plain-tasting weak-textured shit. I guess I like some "hair on my chest", as I've heard that saying used to describe food.

>> No.5460947

Honey mustard and onion pretzel bits, the X-treme pizza Goldfish, any brand of ridged sour cream and onion chips, cheddar jack Cheez-Its, and corned beef.

Oh, and Halloween Kitkats. Thankfully they only come around once a year.

>> No.5460955

How are those Takis? I see them all the time at the super market I work at, but I've never bought them.

>> No.5460959
File: 2 KB, 90x90, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole damn bag. all 2400 calories of deliciousness.

>> No.5460975

I've been picking away at a bag of those for months now. They never seem to go stale and there seems to be a neverending supply of them. I can't even imagine eating that many at once.

>> No.5460992

it'll be everything I eat in that day or 2 but I'll eat the whole bag

>> No.5461068

I have a good story about goldfish

>obscenely high
>entire body feels like a spring made out of water
>listening to other people talking because I dont know if I can make sound without being a moron
>bag of goldfish beside me
>the one thing I know I can do competently
>every so often, concentrate like never before on putting my hand in the bag, grabbing some goldfish, and bringing it to my mouth

apparently I looked like I was defusing a bomb, but the effect of that night is that now I fucking love goldfish

>> No.5461074

The only goldfish I like are the pretzel ones, but I can devour those in a second

>> No.5461092

Wafers in any flavor and warm brownies with chocolate milk

>> No.5461097
File: 126 KB, 320x268, Nutty Bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.5461110

And I also didn't mean chocolate milk. I mean regular milk. I must've just been thinking of chocolate brownies.

>> No.5461146


they're like rolled up Doritos with tons of flavory. Also kind of salty.

>> No.5461150

Cheez-it crackers.

Either tobasco or duos (parmesian and cheddar)

>> No.5461155

fuck those cheese it crackers are good

I started eating them once at a frisbee tournament and finished 3 bags

>> No.5461160

Nothing you just said doesn't sound delicious

>> No.5461168
File: 96 KB, 570x238, sour cream and onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, I'm hopeless when it comes to these.

>> No.5461227
File: 147 KB, 627x400, cheddar_fries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good

>> No.5461239


Monster drinks

> not a food

Screw the system I'm replacing meals with it anyway!

>> No.5461275

Dat monster with juice in it. Gawd.
>orange juice
>almost any kind of cheese

>> No.5461281

Crunchy Tacos from taco bell. I just bought a 12 box yesterday. It lasts me a good two days always.

>> No.5461288

>Drinking monster
>being mentally over the age of 12

>> No.5461381

God I cant eat those any more as beautiful as hot, fresh versions of these suckers are.

My weakness is slices of pepperoni or salami, heck any lunch meat like things I realy shouldent down. When there arnt any dryed fruits or fruits in general are my thing.

my biggest weakness above all else is friggin cheese and pickles, jeasus I can down whole jars of the suckers and wheels.

>> No.5461398

>Krispy cream = top tier
Are you joking? Krispy Kreme is so pleb it isn't funny.

>> No.5461410

Salted roasted peanuts in shell, I have this autistic ritual where I get two bowls, fill one up and eat the peanuts by splitting the shell in twin with my mouth and then discarding the saliva-covered shells in the next bowl. Sometimes I'll just have a bowl of peanuts for lunch and that's it, leaves me hella constipated sometimes though.

>> No.5461423

Wait, so thats biscuits in a carton? Dont they put stuff like this in individual baggies to protect them?`

>> No.5461436

no bro, gold fish are very tiny. You can buy little packets of them, but they come in huge cartons too.

>> No.5461439
File: 49 KB, 343x500, Gardettos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im pretty much fucked when I get a bag

>> No.5461443

that looks fantastic

>> No.5461445

Biscuits = cookies in America, right? These are little crackers, and they aren't in individual packages when they're in cartons like this. They are also sometimes sold in little bags or bigger paper bags like >>5458871

>> No.5461449

Do you like the rye chips? Kids got Gardetto's all the time from vending machines in high school and there was a constant debate over whether they were gross or delicious.

>> No.5461452

>not getting the bags that come with rye chips only

>> No.5461453

Yeah, people are always split on rye chips. I like them, but I prefer bagel chips.

>> No.5461467

I think I'm confused as to whether they are gross or delicious too... But still ;_; I always refrain from buying a bag because I don't want to make it a habit. I probably get it once a month.

>> No.5461470
File: 89 KB, 800x600, rye_chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rye chips

we get these rye chip cups, they are so damn good filled with cream cheese and reindeer or salmon

>> No.5461471


>> No.5461472


>> No.5461480

mah fucking nigga. i havent had these in forever and ive had the biggest craving for such a long time and i can never fucking find them. i could binge on about 3 bags of those bitches

>> No.5461497

Pistachios. Like if I buy a bag of them, I'll think to myself "okay so these have a lot of calories so I'm just going to eat a bit whenever I get the munchies for something salty" and end up inhaling the entire bag in an hour. Every. Single. Time.

Also McDonalds regular cheeseburgers. I know they're not that great but sometimes when I'm lazy as shit I'll just buy a bunch of them to binge on.

>> No.5461510
File: 272 KB, 600x450, Chowder_Desktop_2__AWWW_YEAH_by_stef_o_chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be in australia taking classes for 3 years on a lark

>go to mcdonalds ERRDAY

>find out this mcd's allows you to customize orders

>Order doublecheeseburgers ERRYDAY

>get all friends to order the same, they love it, they order them erryday

>start doing it with the cheap chicken sandwiches (adding cheese)

>friends amazed by amerifat ingenuity and start ordering them as well

>their friends start ordering them

MFW i the manager actually put them on the menu

MFW he actually THANKED ME for doubling his profits for the month

>> No.5461539

those flavored pretzel pieces, i'll go through a bag of the cheddar ones in a day

>> No.5461543

>doubling his profits
probably because you were the only one who dared eat there more than once

I kid, nice job man

>> No.5461544
File: 599 KB, 1280x1024, America-hetalia-31249139-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'murica, if there's one thing we know, it's boiguhs

>> No.5461555


wait, what?

have these things not been a mickey d's staple for at least few decades now?

because they sure as shit have been here

>> No.5461588

Cereal. I love almost every kind of cereal, but when I buy something I REALLY like, I can eat a box in a day if I don't stop myself.

I don't know why, but I just find cereal to be the perfect food.

>> No.5461593

Not a soda drinker but I like a Monster sometimes just for that tart flavor. It's like sweet tart flavored soda.

Rye chips are my favorite part of the snack mix but they get nasty pretty quick if I have a bag of only rye chips. They've got to be in a mix.

>> No.5461596


in my defense this was from 2001 to 2003

I was enrolled in TAFE.. mount druitt. GO LEBBOS :(

>> No.5461599
File: 190 KB, 768x1024, TimsCascadeStyleChips-Jalapeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna have to try a bag of these. I'm a sucker for Tim's.

>> No.5461608

Ugh.... Tom's Sea Salt & Vinegar, too....

>> No.5461633

Not a food, but I can guzzle Dr. Pepper like it's going out of style. Though lately, likely due to such a propensity, I've become able to recognize when I'm becoming oversugared and stop before I feel like crap.

>> No.5461685
File: 47 KB, 500x500, banananutcrunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cereal. it doesn't even really matter what kind. i have no self control.

anyone with me?

>> No.5461687

i feel ya

>> No.5461695

They're okay from the stores that make them fresh. The ones that get them delivered are absolute shit.

>> No.5461764
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Ricos Cheddar Popcorn
Zapp's Voodoo Gumbo
Zapp's Smoked Cheddar and Bacon
Chips and hot sauce
Fried Chicken Gizzards and Gravy

>> No.5461797

>Grow up cooking for myself most of the time
>easiest way to make shit taste good is fat and salt
>Be a fatass for most of my young life
>Lose the weight
>Study at a university
>Recommend dormmates unhealthy ways of making things taste great
>They all balloon like crazy
>Never eat my own food

It's a mixed feeling. Also, fucking Cool Ranch Doritos.

I don't know why.

>> No.5461812
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All donuts = top tier

I'd binge on Save-a-lot glazed donuts every day if it didn't kill me.

>> No.5461825

If you give me a box of Wheat Thins, it will be gone, fast. I don't know why, but I cannot stop eating them when in their presence.

>> No.5462216

They just started coming back to my area, I think. I only know of two places to buy them - my supermarket, sometimes, and a local Wawa.

I wish you luck, man, because they're incredibly addicting.

Definitely try them Jalapeno cracker things. Maaaad good.

>> No.5464859

Beg to differ. Cedar's.

>> No.5464905

Dill pickles, I will eat an entire jar, even to the point that my feet swell from the sodium. So fucking good. And like about no fucking calories.

Maple syrup. You've seen that scene in Super Troopers with the syrup chugging contest? Well ...

Asian pears. fucking nom.

Sunburst tomatoes. Tiny orange bastards, sweet as fucking sugar. Hnnggg.

>> No.5467098
