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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5459292 No.5459292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is plain water really that good for you? I am trying to lose weight and am giving up all sugary drinks, but my cousin told me that water has calories and is actually very fattening to a lot of people because they assume it is calorie free and drink it way too much as a result. What is a healthy amount to take in per day?

>> No.5459294


>> No.5459295

your cousin's autistic

try and drink at least 5 to 6 cups of water a day

>> No.5459301

reminder stay hydrated

>> No.5459303

Your cousin is an idiot.
Water is always and without doubt the healthiest beverage you could drink. That said, you don't have to flood yourself with it. 6 - 8 8oz (1 cup) glasses a day is just fine.

>> No.5459314

This thread can't be real.

>> No.5459347

>Water is always and without doubt the healthiest beverage you could drink.

Except for the fact it has no nutrients.

>> No.5459349

I drink at least three liters a day. It's good for you and will help you lose weight and feel better.

>> No.5459367

If you're relying on drinks to bring your body nutrients you're most likely on a fad diet.

>> No.5459381
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Glass of orange juice in the morning, milk in protein drink and water the rest of the time.

this routine cleared my acne up and honestly made me feel way better then I felt drinking mountain dew all day err day.

Case dismissed.

>> No.5459391

Drinking water is practically the first thing you need to start doing if you want to lose weight.

Hint: you're not cutting off your flesh, so there's only one way to actually lose weight: by excreting it.

>> No.5459394


You're right, it's pointless, stop drinking water and see how it goes for you.

>> No.5459419


>> No.5459454

Water is a fucking nutrient, the single most important one. Try going a long time without water, you will fucking die.

>> No.5459458

Don't listen to these tapwater shills. Hunt down diet water at Asian grocer's it's all the benefits of water but with none of the calories.

Regular water is awful for you, considering how hard uninformed people circlejerk over it.

>> No.5459462
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>Except for the fact it has no nutrients.

Do Americans really believe that?

>> No.5459497


What point?

>> No.5459505 [DELETED] 


>> No.5459510

Except for the whole part where it keeps your body hydrated. Go 3 days without it, let us know how it goes.

>> No.5459543

Your cousin is mad that you're trying to improve yourself. Drink at least two liters a day. It has no calories.
Your cousin is a faglord

>> No.5459552

... What?
>inb4 b8

>> No.5459560

If water has no calories then why do people who can't cook say that they would "burn water"?

>> No.5459602

>water has calories and is actually very fattening to a lot of people because they assume it is calorie free and drink it way too much as a result
You're on the right track giving up sugary drinks for water but your cousin is completely retarded.

>> No.5459608

what the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.5459612


>> No.5459613

>Drinking water
Please can you stop jumping on every flavor of the month fad diet. People have been thin long before the advent of wate, and also every fat person I've met has at one point in their life drunk water, this is just a scam by the water department.

>> No.5459616

finally someone figured it out

big government really is the root of all evil

>> No.5459630

For a typical drink, it is the best.

A raw juice made from greens is probably healthier.

>> No.5459634

He's right. My dad worked for water and he brought home a water with an unedited nutrition label on it. a 16 oz bottle had 170 calories!!! not only that, trans fat, sugar, sodium, and worst of all, cholesterol!!!! DONT DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5459635
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>> No.5459640
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>> No.5459648

I know this is a troll thread but I'll humor you for a bit

If your cousin legit believes that he's either guilting you for trying to better yourself, or is so unbelievably retarded that you shouldn't take advice from him anyway.

For beverages, water is really the best thing to drink out there that isn't protein shakes I guess. It's a natural part of your body and something you need everyday. Aim for 64 oz a day (or 8 generic glass fulls.) If you don't like room temp water or aren't a water bottle buying shill, refill soda bottles or previous water bottles and house them in your fridge. You can also buy refillable 32 oz ones in grocery stores. I got mine as a gift from the valve store.

If you're losing weight this really honestly needs to be the first step. Stop drinking sugary crap, juice included. Unless you're juicing the fruit yourself, it's most likely garbage.

>> No.5459657


I lost ~30lbs by cutting soda - after the first week everything was better - I might drink a cup of tea every day, and now I only drink soda when I'm mixing with liquor, but I make manly drinks with little non alcoholic content.

to lose weight you cannot go on a diet, a diet is a fad, you MUST make a life change - you will put weight on much faster than removing it.

>> No.5459668


"shill" is not synonymous with "advocate." stop misusing words.

>> No.5459674

why do you mix your liquor? you don't HAVE to, and you're ingesting extra calories you definitely don't need. and you're already getting that from the alcohol.

>> No.5459693


some people prefer the taste of mixed alcohol to straight alcohol

>> No.5459722

8 glasses is too much and based on total water requirement. You get a LOT of water from food. More than you probably realize. 4-5 glasses is fine.

>> No.5459729


it's not about preference, it's about what you're putting in your body

and if you'd stop mixing your liquor and drink it straight up you can actually learn to appreciate and enjoy the tastes, did you know that?

>> No.5459740


im not the person you first replied to just so you know

but i personally dont even drink liquor

regardless, you cant tell someone to drink liquor the same way as you and say definitively that they will like it as everyone has different tastes

>> No.5459744

Holy fuck, shut up.

>> No.5459748

>diet water

This is bait right?

>> No.5461706


>> No.5461719


Water has zero calories. That said, it's only good for hydration, which plenty of other stuff is good for. Pretty much any liquid that isn't alcoholic will hydrate you, there's often some amount of water in fruits, vegetables, and even meats (less in meats, more in watermelons, hence the name). Recommendations for specific amounts of water like >>5459295 are pretty much hapless bullshit. As long as your urine is fairly clear/light colored, you're hydrated enough.

And don't forget, losing weight is silly if you don't also lift some weight.

>> No.5461720

no its a joke in the same vein of the retarded/bairinf op. not everything is bait dude. mankind invented something called humor.

>> No.5461752
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>> No.5461776

If your goal is to lose weight I highly recommend drinking a lot of water. North Americans have a very weak thirst reflex and it often is mistaken for hunger. So if you feel hungry during the day drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes, it's possible you were just thirsty and did not realise. Worked wonders for me.