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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5459005 No.5459005[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he takes his asian girlfriend out
>for sushi
Seriously shigged.

>> No.5459013

Should've taken her out for hotpot and Taiwanese desserts like the faggoty yellow-fever autist he is

>> No.5459015


Wouldn't it be stranger if he avoided sushi places when he was with her?

>> No.5459017

spoken like a truly dateless virgin, OP

>> No.5459026

But we just had this thread with a Syrian girl. :(

>> No.5459034

I just don't like how the staff judges me.

I got an unadon and the sauce had made it so my rice wasn't sticky anymore. One of the waitresses saw I was struggling so she condescendingly asked if I wanted a spoon and then started making fun of me to the other waitress.
she didnt know that I understood her nip words and they dug deep

also I am a complete beta and still left her a reasonable tip

>> No.5459042
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>left her a reasonable tip

>> No.5459056


>leaving any tip

stay pleb faggot

>> No.5459058

>One of the waitresses saw I was struggling so she condescendingly asked if I wanted a spoon and then started making fun of me to the other waitress.
>she didnt know that I understood her nip words and they dug deep
>also I am a complete beta and still left her a reasonable tip
hahahaha good stuff

>> No.5459071

Ya rully. I mean they're foreign. It's not like they get the unspoken American tipping scheme. I tip no foreigners, and I ain't even racist.

>> No.5459094

>Have Chinese girlfriend
>Really really like Chinese food

I can't wait till we get past the phase where it's kinda awkward.

>> No.5459100

I just wanted to eat some sushi...

>> No.5459108
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Fucking lacist.

>> No.5459119

I would have tipped extra for that

>> No.5459200

I don't see what the problem would be. I mean, she might like sushi. Doesn't sound like such a bad dinner idea now, does it?

>> No.5459277

Your Trippin

>> No.5459390

my taiwanese gf introduced me to sushi, at first i was all "uh raw fish wtf" but now I love it, we have it maybe once a month.

>> No.5459420
File: 5 KB, 266x190, 1395025199854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a Korean girl takes insists on taking you to a good ass Korean BBQ joint and orders all the good stuff.
>cooks the food for you
>pours you soju the entire time
>extremely nice and doesn't just talk about herself
>makes a point of thanking you for paying

Why aren't western women like this?
>you just have yellow fever!
I have conservative women fever

>> No.5459449
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I don't get the reference, but this would have ensured action in the 90s when sushi was still a novelty in the west.

>> No.5459465
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>take my American girlfriend to an "American style" diner in Germany
>she said she never had such a good burger

Kinda makes you wonder what American burger cuisine has degenerated to. "Epic meals" and stupid ass shit "hipster burgers".

>> No.5459467

Dude, it's all an act.

>> No.5459577

That feel when a girl wants to cook a meal with you. Tfw I will have her in my arms when showing her how to use a knife. Tfw we drunk fuck after a good risotto and chicken dish and wine

>> No.5459619


stay the fuck away from the koreans


koreans are the most fucked up people ive ever met. they seem nice at first but theyre not...

>> No.5459621

this guy's right.>>5459420 is gonna wake up one day with half korean troll children, a frigid wife who looks like Psy in a dress, and no way out because no prenup.
>inb4 bitter virgin
i'm not saying don't enjoy your girl, just don't fall for the husband snare

>> No.5459629

I don't see why this is a bad idea?
It lets the girl know you got money, and are willing to spend it, and that you're willing to eat the type of food she likes.

asian girls are usually gold digging food devouring whores, taking um to sushi satisfies both of their needs out of a guy.

source: from asian dude.

>> No.5459645

subfag pls go

>> No.5459718

But my Asian girlfriend loves sushi.

Sage for shit thread.

>> No.5459841

Only Chinese, Malaysian, Thai and Filipino girls are like that. Japanese girls, as in the ones I've meet and talked to, aren't nearly as bad as the aforementioned ones.
Source: I'm Chinese.
And on another point, why are there so few asian people on 4chan?

>> No.5459853
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>he doenst have a gf

>> No.5459856

idk if there are few of us, i'm chinese too

>> No.5459857

do you like chinese food or american-chinese?
Does she eat traditonal fare at home?

>> No.5461035

>go out on a date with a black girl
>decide to do dinner and a movie
>dinner was at this soul food place that I love
>didn't even occur to me until this post that it may have been taken the wrong way and that could be why she didn't contact me again

But damn, those crispy pig's ears.

>> No.5461038

>he takes his jamaican girlfriend out
>for Haitian food

>> No.5461059


>psy in a dress

my sides. it's true too

>> No.5461067

did you pay for her meal?

>> No.5461076

I did.

>> No.5461082


Did you at least get some joy out of the meal before the sinking realization of being a race trader kicked in?

>> No.5461086

>It's not like they get the unspoken American tipping scheme.
LOL. They get every money making scheme in America, even more so than Americans do.
There are people, especially Asians, who only live in the US for Social Security and being able to get money without working.

>> No.5461088

Well, his ancestors betrayed their species in the part before.

There's a reason why Neanderthals went extinct: Sweet Neanderpussy.

>> No.5461108

>be chinese and dating white girl
>we go to chinese restaurant
>that look in her face that she's disappointed I don't speak chinese and ordered in english
It's like what? I'm 3rd gen, parents don't speak at home, and none of my chinese friends speak.

>> No.5461112


well, I thought this guy was a racist >>5461082
but you're basically saying you tried to date a black chick because you have some weird kind of apepussy fetish, which might be just as racist.

>> No.5461116

Unless you mean America as the whole continent,which still wouldn't make sense, Epic Meal Time is from Canada.

>> No.5461122

I've seen quite a few posts from Hispanics and Asians.
Black people are the ones I never see here.

>> No.5461129

At least learn to spell if you're going to be racist. It makes you look even more like a caveman

>> No.5461138


hey fuck you, you GD cross species breeding melting pot monkey no one cares about your opinion.

>> No.5461139

>went on a date at chinese restaurant
>asked for a fork
How badly did I screw up? Also I'm Asian.

>> No.5461140

Put down the club and go back to your cave where you beat your wife.

>> No.5461157

My chinese gf watches me browse /hc/ and /gif/. She never posts though...

>She always tells me to stop watching porn it's disgusting.

>> No.5461162

Neanderthals weren't apes, they were a human species. We have up to 2% on average of their DNA because of interbreeding.

Delicious interbreeding.

>> No.5461169


Well you share 99% of the same chromosomes with chimpanzees...would you fuck a chimp?

>> No.5461170

Get her into it.
I'm dating a Vietnamese girl who used to be like that until I slowly got her into it. She claims to hate watching it by herself but will randomly bring it up and want to watch it with me.
Keeping it food related; she likes sushi.

>> No.5461205

Mine too. We eat tradionnal chinese food at home though. It was kinda hard getting used to it.

>> No.5461222


hahaha you fucking faggot enjoy being fucked in the ass. koreans act like they're angels and then all of a sudden a massive barbed cock flaps out from between their legs and they anally rape you as you wail and try to compute how this seemingly sweet girl has just become your cause of death

>> No.5461273

As a korean man, I say you can date'em but never marry Korean women.

>> No.5461278

Not him but why not?
Every woman changes when they get married, as do men.

>> No.5461337


Do you live in Köln? :)

>> No.5461382

Just don't marry her, because she'll immediately drop the little act and turn into a crazy, controlling bitch.

>> No.5461796

Doesn't surprise me. Often the "authentic" version of a food isn't as good as the foreign culture remake. That's because the people that made it originally just slapped together whatever was available. Once it gets famous people in other countries try to make it as good as the reputation precedes it (usually beating the original).

Like sushi in the united states ;).

>> No.5461826

I have a Japanese gf. We never eat sushi. It's fucking nasty.we eat yakitori all the time