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File: 70 KB, 600x400, MEN-FM10-poultry-feed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5455875 No.5455875 [Reply] [Original]

Any other foreign students studying in America here? What did you find difficult about American food?

For me it's the meat. Even though it's bigger there's something different about it. If I make American recipes like Southern Fried Chicken, I don't notice because all I taste is the salty crust, but if I make a home style recipe where you can really taste the flavours of the meat, it gives off a weird smell when it's cooking and it doesn't taste right. Sometimes if I just sauté pieces of chicken in a pan, a weird liquid comes out too and the kitchen smells like chemicals. It's not rotten because I know what that smells like. It's more like it was soaked in something.

It's gotten to the point where I mostly eat tofu and seitan now because I'm afraid the meat might make me sick. I've read about American factories putting arsenic and stuff in the meat and it's disturbing, like something that would happen in China. In my country this kind of thing is not accepted.

>> No.5455886

American and Chinese citizens don't tend to think highly enough of themselves to even get to the point where they realize they could be living in a better world.

>> No.5455888

> thisisbait.jpg
Just stop buying old chicken

>> No.5455894

I haven't experienced anything as horrible as that but I can confidently say that while the meat I can buy in my home country are usually smaller, it's a fuckton more flavorful than what I can buy here. Especially the chicken.

Fuck your bland chickenz America. Oh wait...

>> No.5455977

The best part is, you're eating American chicken no matter where you're from

>> No.5456701

>I've read about American factories putting arsenic and stuff in the meat
Yeah, bullshit.

>> No.5457573

It's not bullshit

>> No.5457579

Haahaa but you Chinese have a counterfeit problem to the core, fuck knows what's in yours unless you see it cut in front of you...

But fuck American meat to man there's definitely something wrong here...

>> No.5457583

I'm not sure about meat but there was a scandal awhile back about American rice being full of the shit because it was grown in old cotton fields. Cotton being not for consumption was easily sprayed with loads of the stuff getting into the soil and is now effecting American rice.

>> No.5457590

>a weird liquid comes out too and the kitchen smells like chemicals
that's the flavor injections bb ;)

>> No.5457603

Stop buying the really cheap shit then.
Doesn't have any weird chemicals or anything, it's just injected with salt water to make it appear bigger.

>American factories putting arsenic in meat
Yeah, no. This isn't China. Whoever told you that is full of shit.

Anyway this thread is obviously bait, don't know why I'm even replying.

>> No.5457625



>> No.5457627

>injected with salt water to make it appear bigger.
Do they really sell the chicken already brined? That HAS to be illegal, it's basically cheating on the meat weight.

>> No.5457638

I'm pretty sure they have to tell you on the package if they do that.

But it should be illegal? Why? It's not cheating if they tell you how much solution they injected.

>> No.5457639
File: 17 KB, 320x240, democratically elected leaders laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That HAS to be illegal, it's basically cheating

D-do you really thin someone would do that, anon? Just willfully deceive people in order to make MONEY?!

>> No.5457643

I call that seling adulterated meat.

>> No.5457647

it's really not.

they tell you what percentage of the meat is water weight.

Also, it's not "injected".
they put the freshly slaughtered chicken in a cold salt water bath to cool down the corpse and prevent it from getting infected by bacteria (salt water is a natural antibiotic). This can result in up to 13% of the chicken being water by weight.

Not all chicken manufacturers do this. some prefer to do air cooling in freezers. Those chickens are about 3% water by weight.

>> No.5457649

Most chicken from the supermarket comes from companies that inject the chicken with a saline solution for "juiciness". Yeah, it's fucking gross. When I want to buy chicken, I either have to go to one of the 2 supermarkets that carry free range organic chickens, the asian market, or the farmer's market. You're going to have to be more careful about reading the packaging. Now that I haven't eaten the injected chicken in so long, if I do get a meal that uses it, it's terribly rubbery and salty to me. It's fucked up. I don't even order chicken in restaurants, I only cook it at home, so I can control the quality of it myself.
As far as meat in this country, the beef industry is by far the most regulated meat industry. I'd stick with that, unless you can get good quality poultry. Poultry and pork are bad news, unless you really search out the good stuff.

>> No.5457652

>deceive people in

don't you read labels?

>> No.5457654

Internal and external market have different products. The american beef I can buy in italy is exellent and comes frome free roaming cattle, but for the internal market you'll find beef full of roids and antibiotics

>> No.5457673

just do like every foreigner that comes to america ever seems to do

make a ramshackle coop out of whatever garbage you can find around you and raise chickens.

however... if you buy a rooster one of your neighbors WILL kill you.

just a warning

>> No.5457721

Is being offended by your neighbor's chicken coop an allowed reason under the stand your ground laws?

I have a constitutional right to enforce my HOA bylaws, I should think.

>> No.5459758

>this thread is obviously bait, don't know why I'm even replying.
That's why Moot invented "sage". Just put it in the email field (no quotes) and the thread won't get bumped.

>> No.5459768

>stand your ground laws
Which only means that you are not obligated to try to run away when you are attacked. These laws are to prevent the situation in Massachusetts where a judge decided that a woman who shot a violent psycho in her house could have thrown herself out the window and escaped -- even though it meant the violent psycho would be able to kill her children, which he had said he intended to do.

>right to enforce my HOA bylaws
Sure. Go talk to your HOA, and they will start fining the neighbor until he gets rid of the chickens. If he waits too long, the HOA can seize his house to pay for the fines, evict him, and PROFIT.