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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 649x865, 2014-05-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5455160 No.5455160 [Reply] [Original]

Is this burger /ck/ worthy?

>> No.5455169

did you BOIL it? Where the hell is the crust, the milliard reaction?

>> No.5455174

I like my beef raw to blue so I never get the crusty type.
This is beef I bought at butchery so no need to burn it :)

>> No.5455176

what kind of cheese is that?

>> No.5455178


...and into the trash it goes.

>> No.5455181

>he can't make really rare meat that also has a crust
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.5455185

Topped with a pear/red onion "compotée"

>> No.5455187

Did you caramelize red onions?

>> No.5455192



you realize if you get a pan rediculously hot you can easily brown the outside in seconds without cooking the innards?

>> No.5455195

I did not want it to be very sugary so I just put the onions and the pear together in a pot and let the sugar from the pear give flavor to the onion.

I don't know if it's caramelization at that point

>> No.5455201

Yes but the beef would not be hot in the center.

>> No.5455206

>caramelized onions
What? Doing what you did made the onions sweeter than caramelized onions.

>> No.5455212


>no bacon
>no merican' cheese
>too many vegetables
>dat bun isn't even white bread
>gross chunky onion
>why in the fuck are there holes in the cheese?
>who busted a nut under the damn burger?
>dafaq is with all the ashy shit on top of the bun?

>> No.5455214

Welcome to the other side of the sea my friend!

>> No.5455215

theyre not reduced near as much as carmelized

>> No.5455218

the beef should be mooing when you bite it.

>> No.5455219

Correct me if i'm wrong but to caramelize something implies that I'd have to add sugar+water and wait for it to thicken, no?

It would even harden at room temperature if done correctly, that's not what I wanted.

In French we have two terms for this
compoté and caramelisé, I don't know how to translate compoté in english :/

>> No.5455222
File: 137 KB, 250x250, 1393846156443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about your burger, but could you please give me your plates.

Thank you.

>> No.5455223


i realize you're trolling but here's my take

>ciabatta bread is meh unless it's pan fried with butter

>onions are far too large, and need to be caramelized better

>cheese is too thick and not melted, thinner slices, but more of them, would be superior

> burger not cooked properly

>mayo is a good touch, needs ketchup and mustard though

3/10 would cringe and not eat

>> No.5455224

caramelized is just cooke alone or a bit of salt and cooked slow on low heat until the sugars inside the onions sugars caramelize and the water evaporates

>> No.5455230

>ciabatta bread is meh unless it's pan fried with butter
It's not ciabatta bread

>onions are far too large, and need to be caramelized better
I did not want to caramelize the onions, I wanted them to be melty, big chunks are not worries when everything is melty

>cheese is too thick and not melted, thinner slices, but more of them, would be superior
Picture has been taken just after cooking, with resting time cheese was closer to melted

>burger not cooked properly
Burger was 100% beef cooked to my liking and plenty of taste

>mayo is a good touch, needs ketchup and mustard though
Ketchup and mustard would not have gone well with the other components of the burger

People don't like what I like!

>> No.5455234

>Correct me if i'm wrong but to caramelize something implies that I'd have to add sugar+water and wait for it to thicken, no?
No. Not even close.

>> No.5455239

Care to elaborate?

>> No.5455253
File: 19 KB, 300x224, LoadedSteakhouseBurger_medium.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you know what, you're right. I might like it the way i described but in the end you're the one nomming.

if it's delicious to you then godspeed :)

as for me, this is my happinessburger

>> No.5455260


>> No.5455264
File: 595 KB, 2150x1209, IMG_20140521_150752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-heh-heeere w-we go

>> No.5455274
File: 552 KB, 2124x1194, IMG_20140521_151108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5455275
File: 98 KB, 649x865, 2014-04-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind stranger!

Here is bonus random food pic you can convert to internet points in your brain.

>> No.5455294
File: 450 KB, 1160x2062, IMG_20140521_152235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya this is gonna need some help

>> No.5455295
File: 80 KB, 541x566, 1307210665390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a burger

Wow. That burger had the potential to be great. However, your lazy addition of tomato has dashed any chance of such praise. Did you stop to consider the repercussions of including tomato on your burger? Or did you just slap it on with sheep-like stupor, following toll of mass media which includes tomato on every hot sandwich regardless of its fit? If you still have not realized your error, allow me to spell it out for you: tomatoes do not belong on sandwiches. Do not be fooled by the government. Tomatoes do NOT offer a "fresh crunch" or worthwhile flavor. They sog the bread, sully the meat and ruin the crucial balance of the sandwich. Their mere PRESENCE is counterproductive to the goodness of a burger. I hope that in the future you will never use such an ill-fitting ingredient on your burger again.

>> No.5455302
File: 21 KB, 254x293, 1356871677932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5455303

B-b-but, it's colorful!

>> No.5455308
File: 513 KB, 1147x2039, IMG_20140521_152702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god its worse than i remember

>> No.5455317

Gosh, I don't like where this is going

>> No.5455325
File: 497 KB, 1137x2021, IMG_20140521_153540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol its not even pink

>> No.5455335

>Not baking your own bread and buns

Are you even trying op.

>> No.5455336
File: 480 KB, 1060x1884, IMG_20140521_153831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all know where this is headed

>> No.5455339

I saw this and thought it was a veggie/soy patty until I scrolled up.

Turns out I was about half right.

>> No.5455342

>horrible grease stains

What is that white shit congealing on the plate there? Mayo? Cheese?

>> No.5455345
File: 469 KB, 1097x1950, IMG_20140521_154135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows my burger /ck/?

>> No.5455348

melted cheddar i flipped it upside down and had to scoop it out of the pan

>> No.5455350

How much beef is in that beef?

>> No.5455354

i have no idea it tastes like bread
making another though must be the msg

>> No.5455364

I wish I had msg sometimes :(

>> No.5455366

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times; HANBURGERS ARE NOT, NOR SHOULD THEY BE GOURMET FOOD. Hanburgers are sloppy, greasy, drippy goodness covered in shit ingredients and placed between two cheap buns that are nevertheless fucking delicious. They can come from either a drivethru or a backyard grill. The do not contain gourmet beef, or artisnal cheese or any topping ground between stones. If no one ever considered putting it on a burger 50 years ago, it doesn't belong on one now. The bread should not have anything even resembling a wheat grain. Put it this way if your grandparents or great grandparents were to served and say "what the fuck is this?" it ain't a burger, it's some sort of fagified pseudo-gourmet abortion of what someone with a board so far up their ass it sticks out of their mouth thinks a burger would be if they wanted to charge $15 or $20 or even more for fucking picnic and carnival food.

/ had to get that off of my chest. rant over.

>> No.5455382

My grandparents and great-grandparents didn't even eat burgers, so where is your god now, faggot?
That said, I'll put whatever I damn well want to on my burgers, and you can fuck right off with your grease traps.

>> No.5455399

>no tomato

>> No.5455408 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I did read somewhere sub Saharan niggers prefer goat and bugs.

>> No.5455419

Sorry for not being American.

>> No.5455453

You should melt the cheese, OP.

Shortly before the burger is done put the cheese over it and cover the pan with a lid. The cheese will melt over the patty and you can move the whole thing to your bread.

>> No.5455459

It's not that. I'm just really disturbed by the current trend to "gourmetify" comfort, picnic, and other pedestrian foods. Don't get me wrong, I love good, well prepared food using high quality ingredients cooked to perfection and assembled in interesting ways. When I have to cash I don't mind throwing a lot of money at a restaurant for an experience I cannot easily reproduce at home. However, I have never, not even once in my life, nad a hamburger and thought "gee, this could really be improved with a bit of fois gras" or "this mac and cheese would be so much better with truffles and neufchatel". By the same token I've never had lobster thermador and thought "this would be better if it were battered and deep fried on a stick" Some things just shouldn't be done, even if you can

>> No.5455476

adding different ingredients outside of regular shit isnt "gourmetifying" it, its just adding different stuff for different flavors

its not like is a filet shattered by nitrogen mixed with duck fat patty and cooked sous vide with a 63C egg on "ciabatta soil" with pickled tomato strings, bibb lettuce oil and shaved truffle

>> No.5455506

>its not like is a filet shattered by nitrogen mixed with duck fat patty and cooked sous vide with a 63C egg on "ciabatta soil" with pickled tomato strings, bibb lettuce oil and shaved truffle

DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS!!! Actually that sounds kinda good, in a twisted sort of way ;)

>> No.5455519
File: 515 KB, 2048x1152, spicyhulaburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm with you to a certain extent on that. I agree that putting ridiculous, try hard, expensive ingredients on burgers is a waste of good ingredients and inappropriate for burgers. But, I also don't think it's wrong to use good cheeses, or unique ingredients, like say, a homemade or unique condiment, or greens like spinach or arugula, or, like I made the other night, grilled spam and grilled pineapple. There's a fine line between making a delicious and different burger, and being a pompous twat who thinks that throwing money at something makes it better.
Pic related, my spicy hula burger from the other night.

>> No.5455625

What's between the pineapple and the patty?

>> No.5455647

Grilled spam :)

>> No.5455659


well, I guess that's why I've never seen a skinny Hawaiian.

>> No.5455692

I've had spam once, when I lived in the UK.
Not bad, not good.
We have something called Pâté Hénaff, it has the same taste but sadly not the same consistency.

>> No.5455893
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots jelly?

Pic related, my lunch today.

-78/22 ground beef with sea salt and copious amounts of ground rainbow peppercorn
-Melted Brie
-Crispy smoked applewood bacon
-Brioche bun toasted in a bit of the bacon grease
-Caramelized onions
-Plenty of chipotle-lemon mayonnaise
-Sliced tomato
-Chopped iceberg lettuce

>> No.5455898

brie and ice berg lettuce.. fail...

also your patty is too thick. that s a meat ball sandwich

>> No.5455906
File: 613 KB, 120x113, 8d51c5474f5659abb0901e1c0912c3634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iceberg lettuce
>wet tomato
>cheese not melted
>meat patty is small and lacks color

>literally boiled onions

and is that fucking cheese wiz I see hanging off the bottom bun?

>> No.5455928


It's not too thick. I made a dimple in the middle. Your whole post sounds like you need a proctologist or some butter and toast.

>> No.5455950


>dissing on iceberg lettuce


also you guys dissing on his onion compote for not being caramelised onions are douchebags, he clearly didn't want to caramelise onions, caramelising is not always better.

>> No.5456043

YES fucking oath

all you faggots bitching about iceberd can suck my dick. its great on burgers and sandwiches

>> No.5456109

take off the lettuce and toms and im in

>> No.5456452



>> No.5456572

Just going to ask quickly, why do you people hate tomatoes? It's one of me favorite burger condiment, next to onions.

>> No.5457062

I like tomato in a burger but in very little amount.
If too much, it makes the burger soggy and watery.

>> No.5457269

>Not liking tomatoes on his burger
Being this pleb.

>> No.5457275

I wholly disagree with your choices in burgers, but I respect your awful choice to make them.

That said, it looks atrocious. I've made better shit on a hot plate.

>> No.5457517

Yeah fair enough. Just like 1 or 2 slices, enough for texture and taste but not enough to overpowered and be like a *tomato patty* sized thing.

>> No.5457540
File: 75 KB, 925x550, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must only have ever eaten supermarket tomatoes. My hamburgers are like 50% tomato.

>> No.5457554

Needs more beer

>> No.5457560

It ever a food fused with a beverage. Burger & beer, it's a poem written in drool.

>> No.5459808

>Do not be fooled by the government.
Well said.

>> No.5460780

nope, too much shit on it. salt, pepper and meat. don't get fancy it only fucks up perfection.

>> No.5460842

>the milliard reaction

Winner, 4chans most autistic post of the day