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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5451502 No.5451502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>work at walmart as a cashier
>obese people who can't even walk, have hands that are always violently shaking often come through with tons of soda, frozen/junk food, candy

This job really makes me depressed. I'm not a healthfag or anything (I indulge in crap foods sometimes myself), but seeing people come through with a month's worth of groceries and not ringing up a single healthy item makes me weep. Why do people choose to deal with so many health problems, shit quality of life, and condemn themselves to early death rather than just eat real food?

>> No.5451510
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Blame it on being/remaining "young at heart".

Never growing up is fun.

>> No.5451515

>real food

Pretentious, self absorbed, city boy, college liberal nanny statist detected. You can't tell me what to eat. Show me a peer reviewed study that proves I'm going to die because I don't force myself to enjoy kale and avocados. You can't because your a women's studies major.

>> No.5451524

Its because junk food is like drugs (especially sugar). Eating it makes you feel really good in the moment and then later you are depressed and feel like shit. So what do you do? You go back and have another piece of cake because it made you happy when you ate it. Its sad but in a society where we have unlimited access to all the garbage its hard to say no. In my experience (ex-fatty) going cold turkey is the only way to go. I went strictly water and paleo-diet minus red meat. It sucked but after that I didn't crave sweets. Artificial sweetners sabotage the process of kicking the "sweet tooth" too since they are just recreating the sensation without the sugar. Sure in comparison diet coke is definitely better than a regular coke but it doesn't help you not crave other sweet things.

Sorry I got a little off topic.

>> No.5451525
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>> No.5451537

this, its like a drug cycle.

>> No.5451555


Holy shit, is that cherry 7-up or something? I've never seen that in my country.

>> No.5451556

if somebody want's to force me to eat avocados go for it. I fucking love avocados.

>> No.5451558

I eat reasonably healthy. Whenever I over eat bad food I physically feel like shit and then won't do it again for a while. I understand how people can get pretty fat. But have a look at OPs pic. That fat one. She must constantly indulge in nothing but shit to get like that and maintain it. How can you still derive food from joy?

>> No.5451560

To quote one Fat Bastard, "I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. Its a vicious cycle." He farted afterwards but he got the message accross.

>> No.5451564

>I went strictly water and paleo-diet minus red meat.
Why should we believe a retard like you then?

>> No.5451567

I did it to lose weight. I don't eat like that now.

>> No.5451575

Lets put it his way. faggot

Since your stupid enough to eat that "to lose weight" you are liable to do any other stupid shit just the same.

>> No.5451581

I don't see what you are trying to getting at?
I ate fruits and vegetables and chicken and only drank water. I also weight trained. I lost 45 lbs.

>> No.5451594

>I'm going to start a shitfest and no one can stop me
Parents not paying enough attention to you anon?

>> No.5451597

>work at walmart
>having the right to judge anyone else

>> No.5451599

Lets say I'm not surprised.

Projecting much?

>> No.5451600

Thanks man.

>> No.5451604

>takes out aggression by shitposting anonymously

I'd say you should probably take care of your own problems first, since they are glaringly obvious.

>> No.5451611


Try working at a liquor store and selling cases of booze to people with DAS

That's depressing

>> No.5451619

>okay smile coyly as your each for the 7Up and the 2 guys look annoyed as they attempt to squeeze past your bulk

>> No.5451621

He could be paying his way through school.

>Projecting much?
Just say, "I know you are but what am I". It's what you really mean.

>> No.5451646

they love shitty food and are enjoying their lives by eating it.
yeah they'l die a little earlier than everyone else, but what does it matter? they had fun in the meantime.

>> No.5451675

IIRC those guys are her sons and they help shop for all the food.

>> No.5451714

>they love shitty food and are enjoying their lives by eating it.
This is a lie. Most of their eating is joyless, even mindless. They don't even notice what they're shoveling into their mouths while they sit in front of the television. All they know if if they stop doing it they get hungry and bitchy.

They are disgusted with themselves when they look in the mirror or step on a scale. They have eaten themselves into practically being handicapped. They have aches and pains, and increasingly their lives become defined by the things they can't do anymore. That's when their health starts going downhill, and they end up pretty much trapped in their houses, stocked up with crap food and prescription drugs.

By this point their condition is so overwhelming they feel there's nothing they can do about it. They're not enjoying the hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, lack of mobility and general slide into decrepitude. They're depressed.

Maybe some cheese and crackers can take their minds off it for a minute, but when it takes them 30 seconds to get off the couch the enjoyment is over.

>> No.5451715

They look like children, and they appear to be pushing a second and third cart of groceries for her.

>> No.5451726


Sounds like an awful lot of projecting to me

>> No.5451728


>making fun of people for having a job

Sometimes I just don't understand anymore

>> No.5451733

You sound a little upset, I'm pretty sure he's talking about people that only by packaged cookies/crisps, frozen pizzas, fatty meats ect.
You'd have to be a retard to think that was healthy.

>> No.5451769
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their called chips. gb2/jew york

>> No.5451775

Just basing it on having a couple family members who have issues with obesity, and watching the state of them as they sail into middle age. Half of what they talk about is somatic complaints.

>> No.5451776


What the fuck is DAS?

>> No.5451784

watch the documentary Fat Head.

tldr: faulty science from the 1950s lead everyone to believe that fat=bad. Typical diets are mostly a metric fuckton of carbohydrates now. Constant supply of sugar into the blood leads to increased insulin production and eventually insulin resistance. Because of insulin resistance, fat people's cells can't take up the blood sugar properly, so while there is plenty of fuel floating through the body, the cells are still starving. The body believes its starving (even though you've just eaten and should be satiated) and thus you eat more. This of course results in a vicious cycle of increased obesity/eating leading to further insulin resistance leading to increased obesity/eating.

>> No.5451786

debilitating alcoholism, kid. it destroys your synapses, gives you the shakes.

i used to work morning shift in a bar, i've served plenty of jittery old men their first cider of the morning. it's awful. you can see the withdrawal ease off as they drink.

>> No.5451787

I used to work a register when I was 17 in a grocery.

The worst was when I would see people who looked poor buying slightly expensive food. Or name brand items.

It would just make me depressed because they could have just bought the store brand kind or whatever and saved enough money to buy even more food. Granted I dont know if they were ACTUALLY poor, but if they looked it I would just get depressed.

On the flip-side, people who used EBT on name-brand food and such or those godawful store made dinners for like 7 bucks would make me rage hard.

>> No.5451792


Yeah I've seen it. They get all jumpy and shit. Once knew the explanation too, something with involuntarily muscle reflexes/spasms. You've gotta be drinking heavily for a while to get to that point, though.

Still, what does DAS stand for? Debilitating Alcoholism Syndrome/Symptoms?

>> No.5451794

I work at a pharmacy. People pick up an assload of meds for things like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.. while also buying 10 king sized candy bars. I swear if I owned my own pharmacy instead of needing to suck corporate cock, these people would be getting BTFO by me.

>> No.5451817

>They're depressed.
And that's why they eat so much.
The depression and anxiety reduces their mental energy necessary to resist the urge to eat, and at the same time makes them crave food for the instant of gratification that doesn't make them feel as depressed.

>> No.5451832

>And that's why they eat so much.
That's how it starts. Then once they get big the vicious circle kicks in. They get more depressed by how they look, and the physical consequences of carrying all that weight around. Half-assed attempts at diet and exercise don't give them the results they'd like to see fast enough, they become disheartened, and blow up bigger. Being huge increasingly becomes the source of their depression, especially as it starts keeping them from doing things they want to, and starts fucking up their health.

I'm watching a few family members go through this, and just seeing it is fucking depressing.

>> No.5451841

That doesn't even make sense. That's not what projecting is.

>> No.5451896

Why do you hate America's freedoms, Osama?

>> No.5451902

It's the "I know you are but what am I" for 20-somethings who are borderline retarded.

>> No.5452048

fatty detected

>> No.5452066

Stores need to make it so that only the elderly can use those scooters, you know, like it's supposed to be

Instead I see subhuman pieces of shit riding around in them sending their fat kids out to stock the basket up on diet soda and junk food, while the older people have to push their carts around slowly.

>> No.5452068

OP, Wal-marts are located on the fringes of metropolitan areas. They simply are not the daily/weekly shopping meccas you think they are. People do actually stock up there, much as they do at Costco/BJs/Sam's Club, on great deals for their pantries. When they need salad, milk, bananas, bread and fresh chicken, they'll probably get that near their houses when they run out.

So, who shops Wal-Mart? Thrifty people who have cars and shop at several markets throughout the month. This is the de facto Costco customer too. This is how the prosperous shop, buying extreme amounts at the right price, and alternating stores. You might also spend at lot if you entertain, doing some party time shopping for houseguests.

Fat people will be fat. It's not a Wal-Mart thing, but people on fixed incomes, ie disabled/ill, might look into saving money and find it worth the drive.

>> No.5452069


>watch a comedy movie and accept everything it says as unquestioned fact

You make it sound like carbohydrates haven't been the main macronutrient of the human diet for millions of years. What's changed is too much food has been refined, and of course fat (the most calorie dense macronutrient) is present everywhere, providing excess calories, damaging the lining of our arteries, and raising cholesterol.

And I don't buy the idea that in the 1950s some mad scientist just decided to make up nutrition laws in his head and then everybody accepted it and nobody said anything until Robert Atkins came and told us the TRUTH (before having 2 heart attacks and dying, of course).

>> No.5452078

>work in a charity shop
> constant stream of people wanting to haggle on the marked price
>want 50% taken off in some cases brand new items of clothing
>think it's a garage sale and the charity this is supporting is them
>kill me now

>> No.5452081

Where I live I only see old people on those things. They're pretty fast too.

>> No.5452088

You have a bad attitude to be working in the charity business.

>> No.5452091

>Stores need to make it so that only the elderly can use those scooters, you know, like it's supposed to be
Huh? Have you no idea that people other than the elderly have fucked up knees or backs, or invisible diseases like fibromyalgia, MS, breathing disorders? Maybe where you shop, your store should paint more handicapped spaces, install more bathroom stalls with access, and have more than 1 single solitary charged up or working scooter.

Know why stores have scooters in the first place? To make money from as many customer types and bases as possible. You want everyone to shop there vs elsewhere. So, those people you can't stand are paying your salary. If you want only healthy people shopping where you get your paycheck, work at a gym.

>> No.5452093

You're probably right. I don't get paid though so I don't feel too bad.

Just gets depressing when you see so many wanting something for next to nothing, especially from a 'good cause'

>> No.5452103

Look haggling is cultural in most cases. It's just a completely different mentality. So, what seems like a rude person just trying to milk the system isn't always that, but someone taught a different way other than your own.

But, a thrift shop is supporting both sides of the community, the parent company benefiting from donations that bring income, and the types of people buying used clothing. You should feel vindicated in the zero tolerance prosecution policy Goodwill has when employees give discounts to poor customers, however, but note that hardly anyone else does that. If you have a charitable heart, you recognize need when you see it, and understand the intention of the person making a donation was to go towards exactly that type of person in the first place.

>> No.5452111

Need a scooder? Bring your own to the store. Don't have one? Then wheelchair your invisible diseased ass.

>> No.5452115

Can't fucking move for those bastard cripple carts where I live. They must hand them out to every lazy shit in Yorkshire.

>> No.5452116

I get you, and some money is better than nothing for free stock.

I still reserve the right to think of the shoplifters we get as cnuts though.

>> No.5452119

Oh c'mon, people who don't need a scooter around their house may very well enjoy using one at a theme park, a mall or some giant superstore in a warehouse sized building. You obviously don't live in pain and have a small mind. My mom has a broken shoulder, a rooster cartilage injected knee from a fall while running. She's fit. She would never use a scooter for pride, but absolutely drives out of her way to go to the smallest square foot supermarket or else has someone else shop for her or orders in, or suffers a entire down day with icebags and pain meds, after her activities. She uses a cane around the house, which she also doesn't use when not home. I'm sorry, kid, but your are a judgmental prick.

>> No.5452120

its called evolution, baby. if you're a fat fuck today w/all the knowledge we have then lol at you. the stupid/fat get what they get. just makes the rest of us look better.

>> No.5452150

come on now, your fat is showing.

>> No.5452156
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>> No.5452161

I started taking ADHD medication and suddenly I no longer crave anything. I can only assume you Americans don't take enough ADHD medication.

Make sure you start considering your basic urges from an objective standpoint right away. Don't wait until you start pissing blood to remember you forgot to drink fluids for a couple of days, like I did.

>> No.5452163

you ever seen someone wash down an entire extra large 12 topping pizza (about 18 inches) with an entire two liter of pepsi; without their eyes leaving the television screen? I would call that pretty joyless...and disgusting eating.

>> No.5452179

>yfw you rotate stores to buy booze in because you don't want to be judged for drinking so much

>> No.5452185

If I am anxious and depressed what does that make me?

>> No.5452188

It would just make me depressed because they could have just bought the store brand kind or whatever and saved enough money to buy even more food. Granted I dont know if they were ACTUALLY poor, but if they looked it I would just get depressed.

I think for a lot of people, the feeling that you can afford to eat "normal" brands that you perceve the better-off as eating is more satisfying then getting more food.

>> No.5452191

I used to do that. Dark days. I got clean. I hope you do too.

>> No.5452197

You can't be anxious and depressed at the same time

>> No.5452205

>Look haggling is cultural in most cases. It's just a completely different mentality.

It's really the normal way humans have interacted with one another for most of history when it comes to trading. The completely standardized and impersonal way we trade today is what's weird.

Of course working in retail, you get to be able to differentiate the people who want to haggle in a (mostly) friendly way from the people who just have a sense of entitlement and just want you to bend over and take it.

>> No.5452219

It is also tied to lower income cultural ties. Your environment when you are young helps to define your habits well into adulthood. Many cheap and "filling" foods are also quite cheap. A person on a tight budget will eat the food that will offer the most basic need of satiating hunger first and foremost and feed their children the same goods. These foods will, over time, cause obesity. They also create a cultural stamp on the economic class the person may live in, as it becomes expected to move in lockstep and enjoy the same foods everyone around you enjoys. You create a cyclical culture of poverty and poor health.

>> No.5452232


>> No.5452267

actually you can.
Although it seems that the anxious ones may deal better with their depression.

>> No.5452311

Try not to be so judgmental. People can become obese because of various disabling conditions. It's not all just grown-up kids who ate far too many Mars bars when they were young, you know.

>> No.5452316

Then the problem is that "anxiety" and "depression" aren't specific enough, and are used to bunch of different problems. Including general sadness with situations that people just don't want to change.

To some people, being depressed will mean you can't go out of bed and CANNOT DO ANYTHING. If you're in this state, you won't be anxious.

>> No.5452424

As someone who has been depressed enough to spend days in bed and feels anxious about thinking about all the things I had to do but all the people/problems I would encounter if I went outside, I think you are incorrect.

Although personally I think the majority of my depression is caused by my anxiety because I over think shit all day and try to think ahead of/plan/control the experience and outcome of everything I plan to do so I won't be surprised and therefore anxious about anything.

Yeah I"m a bit crazy. Caffeine and sugar do not help this really but they give Mr a temporary reprieve from having to feel and think toouch at once.

I don't know about going on the paleodiet thing but I firmly believe there's a point where you are incaoeable of eating moderate amounts of sweets and are able to have them regularly. That's a level of control and mental discipline that many people may find hard to have at first.

Going cold turkey from junk food/salt will probably give someone irritability, headaches, mood problems, etc for a week or two, but ultimately I think cold turkey is the best solution for junk food problems.

If you're not worried about how many sweets you had/can have or getting up and just eating it all then you have less to think/be anxious about and can plan your normal eating/living better.

>> No.5452441

> chubby/fat shota

I am okay with this.

>> No.5452484

That sounds like crippling anxiety, and not depression. Intense anxiety over a long period of time will wear you out and make you seem depressed. If you just focus on the depression though, you're dealing with a symptom and not the cause.

Have you been through a lot of traumatic events?

>> No.5452500

I've always been very socially anxious. Grew up not knowing a proper crime/punishment schematic so I ended up keeping a low profile and was anxious whenever I was noticed at all.

Kept up this pattern u til I was 22 when my mom died. My depression stems from being unable to deal with/process normal emotions. Emotion is a thing that is hard to control and creates unpredictable situations. Like I said, kinda crazy.

>> No.5452510

he wasn't advocating outlawing anything or telling people to change their behavior. He was just calling fat people disgusting pieces of shit, which they are.

Also go back to /pol with your bullshit buzzwords you fat slob.

>> No.5452511

Most obese people are that way because they eat too much shitty food and never ever work out, only a very small percentage actually have a medical problem that causes it.

>> No.5452513

When you're put in a social situation, do you almost instantly start feeling like you're being attacked and no longer in control of yourself?

>> No.5452525

In what part of his post is the concept of outlawing junk food mentioned?
And fat people should change their behaviour, else they'll stay fat.

>> No.5452555

No. I know what to expect from most social situations. Where I'm going, what I'm doing, who I'm with, what they are like, what they expect. I know all these things before I go places. So long as I know this and can basically predict the outcome/events that will happen, I'm just fine and in fact quite social.

Like I could go to a small concert and have fun by myself without drinking because the reality is most people will ignore me and unexpected things won't happen, but I prepare for some unexpected stuff like awkward mosh king or people with no sense of how to treat others who would rather make fun of me than ignore me.

What bothers me is going out to the store or going biking and receiving attention I did not warrant or expect, like guys shouting things from lawns (derogatory, I'm fat) or really awkward and unexpected social situations at the store. I end up feeling panicked and just want to go home as quickly as possible and bike as fast as I can to get back to my apartment which is safe.

I could never work as a cashier because it's too many people too fast and their behaviors and reasons for those behaviors are so varied that I would end up harshly categorizing them in order to deal, which would then make me bitter to many groups because the categorizing dehumanizes them, and it makes me more of an anxious, embittered person.

ButbI don't feel that way when I'm not constantly forced into such situations I work better one on one or small groups or repeat customers.

>> No.5452565

People actually describe me as being very intuitive and receptive to the needs of others. I just really tend not to get caught up in emotions, not even anger. I understand what emotion does to you, makes you act in weird ways, makes you do things you normally wouldn't.

My difficulty is in trying to balance having a level of control over things that I feel comfortable and safe, but to not overdo it and become obsessively neurotic to the point where any deviation from the schedule causes massive panic attacks or something.

Some days I'm just more effected by it than others. Having time to myself helps me recharge. I like being alone when I don't have to be doing something.

>> No.5452570

be 6 foot 4 at 300lbs with borderline type 2 diabeetus.

Dont even eat that much but i drank a 6 pack of pepsi a day.

That fucking feel when i cant have my pepsi.

Its like cocaine addiction

Still eat candy and sugary stuff, but it never really raises my blood sugar.

Fucking soda will kill your ass

>> No.5452614

I feel the same way, sometimes. Unexpected situations put you almost in a flight or fight mode.

I can only offer two choices that might help.

You could go to a doctor who will give you drugs that numb you and make your brain get incredibly frustrated while your body is like a zombie. I don't recommend this.

Figure out something that puts you in that fight or flight state, and work out all the energy associated with it. It probably won't ever go away, so you can try to control it.

>Fucking soda will kill your ass
No it won't. Addiction will.

>> No.5452620

Walmart has some nice ingredients actually, you just have to go to the right place.

>> No.5453298

>You make it sound like carbohydrates haven't been the main macronutrient of the human diet for millions of years.

Considering that pretty much every food that isn't a cooking oil/fat or meat contains carbohydrates, I don't get why everyone shits their pants about carbs. Yeah, the american diet is wayyyy too heavy on carbs from sugary drinks, white bread, cereals, pastries, and cakes; but a diet full of fruit, beans, vegetables, rice, oats, etc. is not harmful.

>> No.5453309


>> No.5453326

Where do they get all the money for that garbage food and their motorized wheelchairs?

>> No.5453330

I stock Wal-Marts on my route and the whole thing is depressing, front to back, manager to employee. I feel like I'm fronting shelves for animals at a zoo.

>> No.5453331

Aggressive marketing of junk food, massive amounts of sugar/HFCS and other high addictive substances, availability of such junk foods for cheap in low-income areas, increasingly sedentary lifestyles of many Americans, the list goes on and on...

Capitalist MURGA

>> No.5453338

This mindset right here is one of the main reasons people choose to live like this. That stubborn, defiant mindset so many Americans have. As in they will eat literal garbage knowing full well it will kill them, simply because "liberals" and "commies" tell them not to.

I can kill myself if I want to!

>> No.5453345

>Works at Wal-Mart
>Thinks he has a right to look down on and judge others

o im laffin

Clean-up on aisle 3, dumbshit.

>> No.5453346

Exactly. The whole, "it's MY RIGHT to be ignorant, stupid, and unhealthy" is pathetic.

Why not take advantage of being born where you were at this great period of humanity? Why not use all this technology, knowledge, access to quality food, etc. to be the best you can be?

It's really sad.

>> No.5453352

It's a great defense mechanism for the dregs of society.

>> No.5453356

I though Wal-Mart only hired middle aged Mexican and Indian immigrants and actual retards.

>> No.5453359


>hey, maybe lay off the meat and dairy a bit and eat whole grains and legumes

>> No.5453374

asspained vegan europoor women detected

>> No.5453400
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CSM here. Just stopped in to say fuck your shit, cashier.
Stop ordering a round of change just because you're out of nickels. Its annoying as fuck.
Just order a roll of nickels by themselves.
>Its 4:00.. better order a round of change
>Someone just bought bread.. time for a round of change.
>Getting dark outside.. better drink my piss.. but first i'll just order a round..

>> No.5453443

If the U.S. is so fat, why is Mexico the most obese nation in the world?

>> No.5453446
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Wall-E was a dystopian nightmare disguised as a Pixar film.

>> No.5453483

How do they contact you for a round of change without specifying which denomination?

>> No.5453491

What a load of rubbish. I cook and eat clean on roughly 30-40 dollars per week. I spent a lot more but when I was dieting on 1600 calories per day it was very easy on my budget. Chicken frozen veggies a few condiments some pasta bread no brand diet cola. Done. Stick to it. Success.

>> No.5453527

I hate every CSM at my store. I love how angry they get when I order a round of singles then an hour later ask for quarters when I knew I was gonna need them an hour ago but chose to make that fat, annoying CSM walk his ass all the way to my department twice.

>> No.5453532

I've had weeks where I had less than $10 for food, I spent an entire month eating nothing but frozen chicken nuggets

>> No.5453541

yup cherry 7up...also available in diet

>> No.5453552


You need to have time and energy to cook though. Hard to do if you are working two jobs.

>> No.5453559

if you are working 2 jobs you shouldnt have a food budget that low, I work atleast 60hrs a week and cook breakfast every morning and dinner when i get home everynight

>> No.5453586


The problem is when you force society to pay for your shitty decisions to keep your fat fucking ass alive. If it was more laissez faire, then I would be all for fat fucks killing themselves early. But it's been made into the responsibility of other people so that fat shits can continue living without responsibility.

>> No.5453591

Foreman grill or slow cooker.

Throw a chicken breast on foreman grill for 6-7 mins. Removed add sauce.

Microwave your rice. Done.

Protein + carbs. Easy to know macros as well just weight the rice and chicken on a kitchen scale done.

If you're extremely busy you can cook before hand and pack the meals into plastic containers.

You sound so fucking pathetic. Reminds me of my cousins. Moans and groans for me to help him with his diet as soon as I suggest something he says its too hard to make etc.

If its too hard then just stick with the excuse and tell us how far that gets you in the years to come.

>> No.5453607


>> No.5453615

because they're not happy with their lives or themselves
because they've been raised not to care
because they grow up in areas where obesity is normal
because they think they're too poor to buy real food
because they're too stressed out to make healthy decisions
because their impressionable minds have been molded by the corporations
the list goes on and on

>> No.5453630

>But it's been made into the responsibility of other people
It's a fallacy. The people that die young absolutely cost the social services/medical budgets far less. So even in some nanny state you dream about, the old geezer who is 93-100 in dementia care in a 20k/week nursing home is going to cost you far more than the heart attack victim at age 50 who had 15 years of diabetes and disability.

>> No.5453634

unless your so fat/"have a thyroid/gland issue"/fake fibromyalgia and get a disability check and food stamps every month + medicaid

>> No.5453659

Food is comforting. Food doesn't judge you. Food doesn't yell at you or tease you. Food is instant gratification, especially if it only takes 90 seconds to cook. Food is entertainment. Food is something to look forward to.

When you don't have anything else going on in life, food because a top priority; not for sustenance, but to keep the bad feelings away. When you've become so obese you've lost all mobility, what do you have to look forward to in life besides a heart attack?

When you see a morbidly obese person chucking boxes of oreos and twinkies and frozen tv dinners into the cart, don't think of them as gluttonous pigs, think of them as depressed fools.

>> No.5453667

i just throw a blanket over them as i walk by and try not to think of them at all

>> No.5453732

Alcoholism is more fun and probably healthier.

>> No.5453783
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They put in an 'action code' (theres quite a few different ones, one for change, one for reciept paper, one for bathroom breaks ect ) and they just type in how much of what denomination they need. Coins, bills, whatever.
Our palm pilot thing beeps and says "This guy over here needs ______"
Its really nifty, but a 'round of change' means they need a roll of every goddamn coin. Quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies. ...which 99% of the time they don't.
They're just getting low on dimes, but are too fucking lazy to press a couple extra buttons to order 'just' them.
I work alongside a couple lazy pieces of shit like that. They just like being able to stand around and tell people where to go. I'm usually the one who has to run around and actually 'work'.

>> No.5453806

You don't need alcohol to survive, so no, it's not "healthier" than food.

>> No.5453829

You don't need 4000 calories of food a day to survive.

It's unhealthy.

>> No.5453841

And the sick part is its usually paid for with foodstamps ....yep our tax dollars at work!!!

>> No.5453874

worst part
end yourself. Also, that kid has a weiner haircut

>> No.5453888

>reverse search image
>read news article
>woman intentionally wants to be the world's fattest woman
>read the comments section
>ohboy sure is tumblr in here
>"[Those of you saying she shouldn't] are the ones that are wrong, if she's comfortable being a SSBBW then good for her."

Anyone have a recipe for mustard gas so I can just go ahead and kill myself? I don't want to live in the world where a woman's decision to kill herself by overeating is an applauded feat.

>> No.5453917

Junk food can be addicting just like a drug.

[citation needed]
Did fox news tell you that?

>> No.5453919
File: 681 KB, 500x281, vegetables.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you watched 'Here comes honey boo boo' on The LEARNING Channel, and seen the obese mom gag and throw up when she sniffs a vegetable?

They get physically ill when even smelling good food.

>> No.5453920


nice argument for the health value of alcoholism there.

>> No.5453921

no but most of the time if they are that fat they are "too fat to work" or have some other "disability" so they get a disability check, food stamps, and medicade

do you think these 4,5 &600lb people work a 40 hour week? they cant even walk around a grocery store

>> No.5453934

Its not as easy to be "too fat to work" as you think. You have to have developed series health risks on top of being too large to hold a job (although thats hard to do with cubicle jobs) and at that point with your medical bills youre probably not even breaking even.

Generally the government doesn't want to hand out money any more than you want them to.

>> No.5453939

Were you expecting one? I can't imagine why.

>> No.5453942

>this is what idiots really think

>> No.5453992


>> No.5454331

I just try to eat 1 serving of each food group a day. Its harder than you think especially finding whole grains and fills me up just right.
Also, i try to make breakfadt the biggest meal while finner being the smallest.

I still live with my step mom and she buys just the worst type of food...

>> No.5454338

learn to control your damn self. Doesn't matter what other people eat or choose to bring into their homes. You don't have to shove the cookies/chips/chocolate/fried food down your gullet.

>> No.5454350

You're also going to get out of the house. You're going to go past a food court smelling welcoming food. Not everyone succumbs to the temptations of it, you just gotta control yourself.

>> No.5454362

That's the price of freeduhms. Freedom ain't free.

>> No.5454385

>human beings
>millions of years
You're fucking retarded. Turn in your computer/cellphone. You're not allowed on the internet.

>> No.5454415

But being fat is a race, /ck/ told me so. You can't have the civil rights act or an end to slavery and still fat shame. Muh donuts!!!!

>> No.5454428

This thread makes me wonder: Is there a lot of crossover traffic regarding /fit/ and /ck/?

>> No.5454445

Lack of impulse control and poor life outcomes are extremely related.

>> No.5454456


The board with the lowest percent of cross-posters is /b/ as far as I can tell.

>> No.5454459

possibly an INTJ

there are many like you. i'm one of them

>> No.5454460

>crossover traffic

Shitposting doesn't count, anon.

>> No.5454467 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up you snot nised kike /pol/ is the single greatest news aggregate of all time

>> No.5454470

shut the fuck up you snot nosed kike /pol/ is the single greatest news aggregate of all time

>> No.5454477


>> No.5454503

Jesus, I just happened to check in with this thread again. I guess I'll address your apparent issues with what I said
I wasn't advocating outlawing anything, I'm not even sure how you got that from what I said. I also wasn't suggesting people change their behavior (although I think if its that bad then yes they should but I wasn't getting at that in my original reply). I was just telling him the things I learned about junk food and sugar during my dieting process. I probably could find sources to cite, but honestly I really don't feel like it. And OP wasn't necessarily calling out fat people, its likely yes, but maybe he genuinely wanted to know what people thought. I answered him. Is paleodiet a "buzz word?" I didn't know, but its a decent description of the diet and most people know it and seeing its what I did it was easier to say that than explain my diet. I've also never been to /pol/. I don't know shit about politics, or really have an interest in them tbh.

>> No.5454513
File: 351 KB, 675x630, pol comes to visit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice, /pol/.

>> No.5454514

was thinking the same thing. what a fucking retard

>> No.5454741

Dude, at least OP HAS a job. The economy sucks and you take what you can get. A job at Walmart is honest, paying, and hurts no one. At least OP isn't some lazy unemployed shit who lives off of our tax money.

No one on this site has the right to judge anyone else. Look where we spend our time. But we do anyway so get over it. OP has as much of a right as you.

>> No.5454757

>Walmart is honest, paying, and hurts no one.

>> No.5454763

/pol/ is the most diverse board on 4chan
im certainly not a nazi

>> No.5454764

No, a JOB at Walmart is honest, paying, and hurts no one. The actual corporation of Walmart is the opposite. The employees and the corporation itself aren't the same thing.

>> No.5454767

>No, a soldier is honest, paying, and hurts no one. The actual country of Nazi Germany is the opposite. The soldiers and the leadership itself aren't the same thing.

Can't have one without the other bro.

>> No.5454773

Actually, the soldiers of Nazi Germany did what they had to to protect themselves and their families. I'm not saying it was right, but sometimes you have to do bad things to help yourself/the people you love. Call me a Nazi or whatever but it's true. The world sucks.

That comparison may have been a bit extreme but you kind of hit the nail on the head with that one anon.

>> No.5454774

I hate that whenever someone tries to get a point across they jump to the nazi or hitler comparison. Its absurd and you know it.

>> No.5454778

walmart isnt even evil
everyones just jelly of their supply chain
seriously it should be one of the seven wonders of the world

>> No.5454782

That's the issue with Wal-Mart. They destroy small businesses and subsequent jobs with better pay/benefits. People then have to work for them and make shit money. The employees invariably have to shop at Wal-Mart because it is the cheapest place in town. It's like a company store.

Obviously I wouldn't begrudge someone for working there, but I wouldn't consider it to be something of innocence. OP should at least be an instigator and surreptitiously leave pro-union pamphlets around to freak out corporate.

>> No.5454783

But you just proved him right a second time.

>> No.5454790


In my town Walmart has one of the highest starting wage for hourly employees. And people try to pull that "wahhhh no benefits" bullshit without knowing that NO PLACE in the grocery business will give you benefits.

Sure its not a great job, but Walmart is the place to apply if you need some supplemental income.

>> No.5454800

>In my town Walmart has one of the highest starting wage for hourly employees.
That's just sad.

>> No.5454805


It is so fucking pathetic people that put others down based on where they work. We weren't all born wealthy or same situation.

I've graduated and am working as a pharmacist but did quite a few jobs here and there during my studies. Maccas, grocery and even gardening lol. Maccas I was treated well by most but some customers especially younger guys around women were quick to mock.

Keep your chin up and keep trudging forward. Fuck I mean fuck everyone else in this world apart from yourself and those that actually care for you. FUCK EVERYONE ELSE PUMP IRON AND DONT TAKE SHIT FROM NO ONE FUAARRK!! TREN KICKING IN!

>> No.5454823

How so?

>> No.5454834

The highest listed salary there is like $12 an hour for a certified pharmacy technician according to glass door. That's four more dollars an hour then what I got paid to beta test games in college lol.

>> No.5454856

Interesting, when my friend went to work at ye olde wally world they started him at $12.50 doing customer service.

>> No.5454870
