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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 355 KB, 500x500, forty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5446398 No.5446398[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you had an ice cold forty?

>> No.5446414
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>40 oz
>not buying the 12 pack

>> No.5446415
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Never because I'm not a nigger :)

>> No.5446416

What does malt liquor taste like?

>> No.5446420

on a warm summers day....like heaven in a glass bottle

>> No.5446421

funkier beer

>> No.5446425



>> No.5446440

In my country they have these 11% beer that only alcoholics and desperate teenagers drink. It has this weird sweet, fermented from regular sugary after taste. I'd imagine that's similar to malt liquor.

>> No.5446451

some are sweet

>> No.5446455

Its brewed with just sugar and yeast. I've made shit like that myself before. Unfortunately, I'm still just as much of an alcoholic.

On that subject, I drank 3 of them in one sitting 4 nights ago. 1 Steel Reserve and 2 Olde English.

>> No.5446465
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>oh rly

>> No.5446471
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Been close to two years, I guess.

>> No.5446472

Well played anon, well played...

>> No.5446474
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its been a while some time around the release of the original chronic.

switched to thunderbird w/lemonade kool-aid

>> No.5446479

13 years

>> No.5446481

I drank that shit once. I had a hangover for two fucking days. Never again.

>> No.5446487


Few weeks ago but I regularly drink steel reserve, we only have it in 24's here though.

Last 40 I drank was I think hurricane, tasted like shit.

>> No.5446491

drink more water and B Complex pussy

>> No.5446498


Used to drink Wild Irish Rose. That shit works, and kind of tastes like skittles once you're drunk.

>> No.5446499

>regularly drink steel reserve
>Hurricane tastes like shit
U wut M8

>> No.5446501
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the drinking song


slurr-- it --- up

>> No.5446502
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I'm more a M/D 20/20 Person.
The bottles make great flasks afterward

>> No.5446517

whats the word? THUNDERBIRD

whats the price? THIRTY TWICE


>> No.5446520
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yeah those years in school were a bunch of wild ones ... booze bitches shmoke and dope {angel dust/cocaine/acid} no limits

financed by robbing and mugging

>> No.5446538
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I need to get absolutely pissy drunk on bum wine. I don't think I've consumed a drink of transients since I got married.

Wild Irish Rose had a green flavor for a while, it was apple I think. What color of MD20/20 is best?

>> No.5446544

>what color is best
just like kool-aid bum wine is refered to by color, not flavor. I like blue the best, the colder the better. It tastes a melted popsicle that way

>> No.5446549

>>regularly drink steel reserve
>>Hurricane tastes like shit

Yeah I get that a lot lol, I just have a taste for it now, never used to like it. Its cheap and 3 of them gets me wasted.

Don't really drink it for the taste.

>> No.5446554

>financed by robbing and mugging

I was with you until the last part. Nigger.

>> No.5446558

hey that was then

people live and learn

>> No.5446565

Not the ones who get magdumped for trying to rob me.

>> No.5446574

if I regularly drink 3 steelies, my sense of taste would be shot

>> No.5446579

Never OP

>> No.5446594
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when i was in college me and a buddy of mine would pick up a few of these on the way home from the bar, get home and play some Tecmo fucking football until 4am

miss ya Steve

>> No.5446598

enough day dreaming

reality check` give or take

hollywood isn't real like this so just let it pass live and fight another day

>> No.5446631

You know how a brewery can make a 'double' or 'imperial' version of a beer by using more malt and getting a higher alcohol content? Like an IPA might be around 6% ABV, but an imperial IPA would be around 9% and taste sweeter? Malt liquor is kind of like if you did that with Natty Ice. It's like an Imperial American Light Lager. More corn, more rice, probably more malt. So it's just beer.

>> No.5446641

When I was in High School

>> No.5446648

If you must supplement your drinking with vitamins in order to avoid a two day hangover, I would suggest rethinking your drinking strategy...

>> No.5446672

The fuck are you talking about?

If you break into my house or try to mug me, if practicable, my gun is coming out.

>> No.5446680

Did 40 hands last halloween
First 60 oz were fine, last got a bit uncomfortable
And the crawl after it was killer

>> No.5446730
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Have you guys seen this bullshit? Plastic fucking 40s.
They go flat soooo much faster.

>> No.5446751

Last night, my brother come over to visit, enjoyed some Colt45 and wizard poker

>> No.5446763

Bro i think 40's are meant to be drank in one sitting

>> No.5446765

as someone who cut his hand playing ed 40s hands, I can support this. Also the wide opening makes it faster to down

>> No.5446770

right now.

12 pack.... lol. Pleb.

>> No.5446774

> go flat?? wtf? you leave an opened bottle of disgusting malt liquor in the fridge? To air out, get a more sofisticated flavor?

maybe you should get a decanter for your King Kobra

>> No.5446775
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Niggers, you doin' it all wrong.
This is the drink of gods.

>> No.5446779

>never have hangovers no matter how much i drink
feels good man

>> No.5446788
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it really, really isn't.


>> No.5446789

>swift gt

what sidekick was the shit to have.

>> No.5446809
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>liking flat room temp beer
>not cracking open a case and riding the tiger

12 pack OE mustard rice

>> No.5446817

This is the best thing Britbongs are responsible for

>> No.5446824

I said the same thing for the first couple of years. It never lasts, man, it never lasts....

>> No.5446836

i'm 27 hopefully it lasts for a while longer.

>> No.5446837

Just right now.

But just Bud Ice since that's the only thing in my fridge and I can't go outside since it's hot.

>> No.5446869
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not even one mention of MICKEYS
>i am dissappoint mu

>> No.5446878

only on st paddys

>> No.5446889

OE>Colt 45>Mickey's>Rest

>> No.5446896

Old E can give you one hell of a hang over.

>> No.5446897

Going to the convenience store, what beer should I buy?

>> No.5446902

Go for broke! Johnny Appleseed and Steel Reserve!

>> No.5446908

what sort of funding have you got?


>> No.5446922

I can get anything there, but I live in a rural area so they don't have a huge selection.

>> No.5446927

Where are you at?

Build a six pack, a 40oz/tallboy, and 30 rack of your favorite macro domestic (Miller High Life)

>> No.5446931


40 ounce to freedom!

>> No.5446950
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now I go for a nice ol tecate or corona familiar


>> No.5446983

enjoy youth.
I would love to be able to get Colt45, or even King Cobra, in cans but I've never seen any malt in cans up here in new england.

>> No.5446989

its all drink till its gone


>> No.5446993

Quite literally, never.

>> No.5447007

...right, if you try to jump me and steal my shit you are getting shot in the foot.

>> No.5447034
File: 106 KB, 364x312, lets hope you dont crap out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

player please drink responsibly


>> No.5447040

enjoy your lawsuit

>> No.5447072

Wow how will you ever enjoy the wild side of life NIGGER!! DRINK UP


>> No.5447078

the FOOT? hahaha... enjoy paying medical bills all your life for that nigger.

aim for the head when you seem go get em nigga

>> No.5447113

Lucky motherfucker, I started getting killer hangovers at 19 if I didn't drink a shitload of water and force myself to stay awake until I'm starting to sober up.
Still my goto technique, works way better than any vitamin combo or raw egg smoothie in the morning.

>> No.5447141


never, because 19 and only have secondhand relationships with anyone 21+ so I have to make the most of every trip to the liquor store for now

which means 10.99 handles of store-brand vodka

>> No.5447150

I was staring at your post for a minute trying to figure out what the fuck being 19 had to do with it
Then I remembered the American drinking age
I always forget when I'm drunk and watching American movies with parties constantly being broken up, like you have anti partying laws or something, must suck being 18-20.

>> No.5447160

Yeah, it's dumb. You're old enough to be a "responsible adult", join the military, and drive a one ton vehicle down the middle of town, but you can't have a beer.

Fucking priorities.

>> No.5447179

According to tramp juice (great site) frosty jack is a lot more palatable than other strong cheap cider.
I'm usually drinking strongbow because It's pretty cheap and I refuse to lower myself to white lightning or supers, but frosty isn't too bad I'll try it.

>> No.5447187
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Boy you sure are dim. Get a hook up here and there you can always use connections.

>> No.5447192


yes. it does. I was broke, jobless and 18 so I started making garbage hooch. Kilju. Sugar, water, yeast. Disgusting, labor-intensive, strong as FUCK. But I was unemployed, I needed a hobby, I wanted to get drunk, and the price was rock-bottom. One time I decided to live large, and make actual cider. It didn't taste bad, used to mix it with cheap store-brand apple soda and it tasted pretty damn good. But while it was drinkable, it would also make me skip the 'drunk' stage and go directly to hangover. terrible.

Now I have a job and so I get by with what I can. 19 sucks. I never cared about 21 being the drinking age until I turned 18 and started drinking. Now I feel like a second-class citizen.

>> No.5447203

>skip the 'drunk' stage and go directly to hangover
Sounds like you had some methanol in there, I've never brewed but a guy I used to know who brewed and distilled cane sugar alcohol said it would give you a nasty headache as you got drunk if you didn't throw away the first bit from the still.

>> No.5447209
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Its called being dumb and not knowing how to to talk to people that makes it worth anything. I have no problems buying kids drinks if they look close enough to going the service they have every right to smoke, drink, vote or whatever fuck the police.

Just give me a shoulder tap if you need a hand.

>> No.5447210


I was 14. It was the first time I got drunk, and that last time I ever drank that piss water.

>> No.5447215

>Then I remembered the American drinking age

I'd take a 21 year old drinking age if I could have the first and second amendment.

>> No.5447217

Why do you have to go starting political shit in a quality alcoholic thread

>> No.5447223


because another anon was talking about american priorities and he obviously does not have his straight

>> No.5447228

fuck this politic shit they are huge crooks done and done
drink goes so well with a bit of shmoke fuck it let it go

>> No.5447230


I didn't distill it, there'd be no unhealthy level of methanol concentration. Methanol would kill you, fusel oils are what fucks you up.

I actually did distill once. It was a 5 gallon batch of kilju which I added raisins to to help the fermentation. I was told you wouldn't be able to taste them. You could, it tasted terrible, and the distillate tasted horrible, rather than just tasting like alcohol (not that I had any intention of it tasting good in the first place). I only distilled 2 gallons of it but it took all day, my still was poorly-constructed and so it was a constant juggling act of leaks and ice. Exhausting, messy, terrible, not worth it. I get to say I did it, though. The resulting distillate and the rest of the undistilled wash (which I did end up drinking, because of course I did) were the worst things I've ever drank.

>> No.5447233

I understand completely, most people at my school were drinking before 18 but my friends and I could never find the corner shops that didn't ID or older people who would buy for us.
If I hadn't lucked out on a dealers number from a guy in my physics class I probably wouldn't have even smoked weed until I went to uni.

I would think more people on 4chan would have had problems making connections as kids.

Nobody else noticed it and you only mentioned politics, whereas he contributed to the thread as well, why don't we just leave it here and continue to talk about how we erode out livers on the cheap.

Maybe slow down a little

>> No.5447238

*our livers

>> No.5447239


I've tapped some shoulders for a 6 pack of Miller High Life before, don't get me wrong. But it ain't exactly a reliable MO.

>> No.5447855

Brass Monkey was my go-to drink in college, might have to go back to that Friday

>> No.5448532


>> No.5448718

no no its fouwtiey not fourty

>> No.5448738

you realize it's just a retarded name for a strong beer?

>> No.5448785

Yesterday, I always get one from Tedeschi for DnD sessions. Just regular beer 40s like bud or busch though, malt liquor is disgusting

>> No.5448826


>> No.5449977

Haha, they go flat if you drink them in anymore than 5 minutes.

>> No.5449982

Bud Ice Master Race reporting in.

>> No.5449989


It is pronounced "foh-dee".

>> No.5449997



>> No.5450157
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Like a week ago... Mickey's and OE are the closest thing to lager drinkability IMO

Pretty nice little buzz for <$3

but we all know original 4loko was the GOAT cheap drunk

>> No.5450597

I love 40s. I used to have a good group of guys that I partied with a few years back, I got sick of their mooching ways and complaining when I just started buying them some Oh E. One of them came over a while ago and my living room is pretty much covered in empty 40s and he was just like "damn you're still drinking that shit". I'm also way more well off than he is, don't think he works actually.

>> No.5450634
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about 2 years ago after I spent the latter part of an evening drinking 3 then subsequently deciding it would be alright to take a dump in the shower.

>> No.5450639

Tonight, I had a steel reserve.

>> No.5450677

So what the fuck IS Malt Liquor? The only place I've ever seen it is the US.

>> No.5450692

it's high alcoholic beer over 5%
so that makes some microbrews technically malt liquor
it's the bum wine of beer if it comes in a 40oz bottle

>> No.5450861

Wild Irish Rose 17%

>> No.5450897

>over 5%
>high alcoholic
Low standards make me laugh.

>> No.5450899

"High-alcoholic" is referring to beer. 8% is high as beer is typically lower.

>> No.5452967

"High alcoholic" also refers to myself.

>> No.5452988

When I was in high school and made ghetto sunrises with friends.

>> No.5453907

never because they dont sell them in china. But i look forward to visiting the states one day and sampling these, perhaps during a visit to compton or watts

>> No.5454193


But I had a carlsberg special brew a few months ago, which is the English equivalent (I think?). Was horrible.

>> No.5454242
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>> No.5454244

I think supers are a usually stronger than 40s, an 8% super is on the weak end, I think standard super strength larger is 9.5%-10.5%.
It's been a long while since I bought one though

>> No.5454251

I had a big ass can of sopporo tonight which is almost the same thing

>> No.5454266


>> No.5454272

It's just a beer, but like a high ABV budweiser AFAIK, I tried to explain it here >>5446631

>> No.5454440

High strength lager is fucking expensive now since the government raised the duty(tax) sky high. Most alkies have switched to high strength cider, which is stupidly cheap. Til the government tax that to hell as well.

>> No.5454447
File: 34 KB, 450x600, private-stock-malt-liquor-40-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip in peace

>> No.5454532

0 seconds ago
currently drinking one

>> No.5455232

I prefer an Earl Grey.

>> No.5455236
File: 14 KB, 215x175, edward_40_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doing Edward 40 Hands with HG Steel Reserves

dude, don't be a fucking pussy.

>> No.5455250

A neighbor invited me for a beer on his porch when I was walking my dog. he handed me a forty and I begrudgingly accepted it to be polite. When he went inside to answer the phone I poured most of it out in a flower pot.

>> No.5455411

What the fuck is this shit how do you expect to drink the next pair of 40s to get drunk IDK

>> No.5455774
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It also won't stay cold for shit. But I do appreciate shatter-proof, have dropped at least a handful of those fuckers when they were glass

>> No.5455892
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Gotta get to know the seniors at a young age in high school. I'm 20 and all my closest friends are 23+. Although to be honest, they hate buying me 40s. They're all about pic related while I'm getting absolutely smashed on 3 40's of steelies.

>> No.5455935
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>> No.5455949

Do British people have feelings?

>> No.5455954

Before I was legally allowed to drink. I never bought one or consumed one after that.

>> No.5455958

>all of this shitty beer
You are a nigger and your friends are all fags.

>> No.5455983
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>> No.5455986
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>tfw parents leave them in freezer and forget about them all night and they explode like a gunshot in the middle of the night

>> No.5457835

yesterday. icehouse is cheap and effective; two to three and im great

>> No.5457862

>caffeinated fortified wine
Buckfast and tanora is pretty great, shame you can only get tanora in Cork, Ireland

>> No.5457864

Last time I had a 40 I was playing edward fourtyhands. That was about three or four years ago, makes me wanna try it again. I had Steele Reserve and Mickey's.

Can someone give me a power ranking of the best brand of 40?

>> No.5457879
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Steel reserve and a black and mild.

>> No.5457882

They don't sell 40s in DC to prevent homeless people(thanks obongo). They sell them in MD though so you can go there and get one for like $2. God bless america

>> No.5457889
File: 480 KB, 876x2619, molsondry5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the good shit.

I miss my Canadian springbreak

>> No.5457892


Really? Didn't know that, I live right outside of Annapolis.

I had my 40s from a Baltimore liquor store that doesn't card.

>> No.5457895
File: 15 KB, 96x300, molsondry101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, no.

THIS is the good shit. I drank 1 and a half of these in my hostel in Montreal then made out with a Canadian girl and bought weed from a kid on the street . Then fell asleep on a bus.

God bless canada

>> No.5457907

Yeah, although there was a really shitty liquor store in NE DC that sold MD 20/20. It was ghetto as fuck, there were kids in there dancing and bulletproof glass in front of the cashier.

>> No.5457913

They should allow the new plastic bottles, less chance of it being used as a weapon

>> No.5457931

Last night, shot some pool in a leaky garage and drank a 40 of Magnum.

>> No.5457932
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My nigga!

>> No.5457941

I drink 2 40ozs of steel reserve a night, and have been for almost 4 years now.

borderline alki I guess?

>> No.5457943

P stock, Rainer Ale and Big Bear are all rip :[ so is mickeys ice.

>> No.5457946

fun fact, the east coast version of Olde English is 5.9% alcohol, while the "west coast" version is 7.5%

>> No.5457948

No. You're gone.

>> No.5457955

I just discovered that 40s are also illegal in Florida.

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.5457957

you really think so? i mean im not where I have to swig when I wake up or anything like that.

>> No.5457963


The law restricting sizes has been in effect since 1965, and wholesale distributors have successfully defeated bills to repeal the bottle size restriction in the past with arguments that such a change would boost beer prices. They argued more warehouse space and bigger trucks would be needed to handle the wider variety of cans and bottles.

More recently, I looked up the statute in question, which is Fla. Stat. § 563.06(6). The statute states:

(6) All malt beverages packaged in individual containers sold or offered for sale by vendors at retail in this state shall be in individual containers containing no more than 32 ounces of such malt beverages; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall affect malt beverages packaged in bulk or in kegs or in barrels or in any individual container containing 1 gallon or more of such malt beverage regardless of individual container type.
For those of you who are wondering, the statute uses the term "malt beverages" to refer to both malt liquor, and beer. Florida's Legislature did in fact amend the original statute in 2001, however it simply deleted previous language specifying acceptable bottle sizes, substituting instead the current ban on bottle sizes between 32 ounces and one gallon.

>> No.5457974

Never because im not a nigger on welfare.

>> No.5457988

so a bottle of malt beverage cannot be between 32 and 128floz, but any other type of container or beverage is exempt?

>> No.5457995
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1. Start selling 1.1-2 gallon jugs of malt liquor
2. ????
3. Profit

>> No.5457997

They used to make 64oz bottles of malt but no longer do, dunno if the goverment stepped in or what

>> No.5458005

4. Dead hobos jam the doors of liquor stores

>> No.5458008

People kept trying paying in change but couldn't count that high.

>> No.5458055

the come in plastic bottles by me now. shit is weird i feel like a child drinking them now

>> No.5458061

I don't see how this is a problem. Just sweep them out into the street and you're good to go.

>> No.5458313

I hate the plastic bottles

>> No.5458407

this is exactly what the chick in front of me at the convenience store bought yesterday.

>> No.5458580

my type of girl

>> No.5458987

I know a fraternity that used to do this with the kids pledging. When the bottles were finished, they would smash them together to remove them.

The frat ended up facing reality when one of the kids cut a vein because apparently glass is fucking sharp. Kid almost died

>> No.5459825

Drinking some Mickeys right now

>> No.5459837
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>> No.5459840

i'll usually get some high life or some olde english when its hot and i jsut want to sit on my porch and thug out like a middle class white boy

>> No.5459898

How much does a 40oz cost generally?

>> No.5459902


>> No.5459928
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>beer under screwcap

>> No.5460645

Would a 40oz normally get somebody buzzed or should I get 2 to be safe? Secondly could i use any brand to play beer bong with?

>> No.5460664

1 = buzz
2 = drunk
3 = v. drunk
~3.5 = blackout

>> No.5460672

Judging from this post you don't drink much so just get one. If you're playing beer pong bud light, budweiser or any cheap beer will do bro.

>> No.5460697
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This is only somewhat true for the drunk this is almost certainly true, still some no good fucking drinkers baby the bitch and wont ever even get a good buzz going.

In order to be a good drunk you need to drink at least 2 40's a hour. Honestly working about halfway down your 3rd has me nice and drunk in the first hour.

>> No.5460732

A little over ten years ago. I had my last lukewarm fody about 10 minutes after that.