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File: 107 KB, 728x600, sriracha-hot-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5437622 No.5437622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Huy Fong's version of Sriracha so dam popular in the past 2-3 years? It used to be known as this cheap and nasty version of Sriracha

>> No.5437635

Broad distribution.

>> No.5437641

Wide distribution, coupled with the good luck to have a wildly succesful chain of celebrity chefs and hipster line cooks espousing the glories of the product, putting it in their dish, and raking in the jack, thus prompting other celebrity chefs and hipster line cooks to crank out their own dishes with it.

>> No.5437646

Nice bottle design

>> No.5437648

It has become socially acceptable to like cock.

>> No.5437654

But why would hipsters even use this condiment on dishes? It's so bad and cheaply made. Now you see all these Americans claiming that it's the best thing that has ever existed

>> No.5437659

It's tasty that's why.

>hurr durr stop liking things i don't like

>> No.5437658

Cock sauce has been well known since the fucking 90's. All of the people finding out about it are either children or woefully late to the game.

>> No.5437670

>It's tasty that's why.

It was a the generic brand for Sriracha sauces and mainly used in restaurants as a cheap condiment. Reason why the bottle is shaped the way it is

>> No.5437673

None of that changes the fact that it's tasty.

>> No.5437676

>Why is Huy Fong's version of Sriracha so dam popular in the past 2-3 years
Two decades is more like it. But I'll bite. The design of the bottle is appealing, the product is inexpensive, many Asian fusion chefs started using it as a "secret ingredient", the story behind it was good enough to warrant puff pieces in the press, the stigma of hot sauce as a ghetto condiment has been fading over the last few decades and the popularity of spicy food, particularly Asian foods has been on the rise.

Basically, the timing was perfect for this product as popular tastes in America started moving toward spicy Asian foods.

>> No.5437675

That's how it got popular. People have seen it in restaurants for decades at this point.

>> No.5437679

That was way more of a response than this bait deserved.

>> No.5437680

This image for ants is the only one I could find, but I like Bells and Flower better than Huy Fong's.

It's got a more pronounced garlic flavor.

>> No.5437682

> the stigma of hot sauce as a ghetto condiment has been fading over the last few decades

lol, no. it's just that cock sauce looks "foreign" and therefore is somewhat immune to the pre-existing stereotypes.

eventually the backlash will happen when reddit realizes that 99% of the people consuming this stuff are just heaping it on their godawful bachelor slop.

>> No.5437687

Everyone uses hot sauce. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5437690
File: 12 KB, 300x200, 6691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my ant image.

>> No.5437693

>everyone uses hot sauce

nope. last time I used stuff like that was in dorm life, 10+ years ago. I don't know anyone over 25 who actually uses it except in emergencies (roadside diner situations)

there is no reason to use hot sauce at home if you are doing anything more complicated than thawing a microwave dinner.

>> No.5437694

>because i don't use it means no one else does

Hot sauce is the shit, everyone uses it in almost every dish around here.

>> No.5437699
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>> No.5437701


well, yes, some places just don't have good food culture.

>> No.5437707
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>> No.5437708


facts are trolling. got it.

>> No.5437709

If it was so 'tasty' why wasn't it popular when it first came out? It was a cheap condiment that's why

It's like saying heavy duty mayonnaise is 'good'

>People have seen it in restaurants for decades at this point.

That doesn't make any sense

It's a cheap condiment for several decades used in asian restaurants

>> No.5437715

Hot sauce is great when you can't get good chillis or you're cooking for a number of people with varying spice tolerance

>> No.5437716

>Two decades is more like it

What? It's cheap that's why. It was not popular with the local asian community only with white bread americans

>The design of the bottle is appealing

Do you understand why it's shaped like that? Or why it's so huge and easy to squeeze? Used in restaurants

> ghetto condiment has been fading over the last few decades

You mean last few years because it was never like within the asian community and always had a ghetto stigma

>> No.5437727
File: 78 KB, 194x262, durr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded

>> No.5437730

> implying Huy Fong's Sriracha is not the equivalent of eating industrial grade mayo

>> No.5437732
File: 51 KB, 670x472, 1398878955567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5437733

I find a reasonable answer sometimes negates the power of the bait.
>it's just that cock sauce looks "foreign" and therefore is somewhat immune to the pre-existing stereotypes.
That alone shows a major shift in American eating. Spicy food was often looked down upon in America because it was "ethnic" food of usually poor people. But since the 80's we've seen many top chefs step away from French canon, and start incorporating "street food" flavors and dishes into their menus. This is a major shift in American fine dining.

The fact that some of this mentality made it to Peoria over the last few years just shows that it's no flash in the pan.

>> No.5437738

I'm >>5437679
and I live in Peoria. Hot sauce has been a common thing here for as long as I've been alive(21 years). Caterpillar brings in a lot of Chinese and Indians, and there have been a shit ton of black people here for a long time.

>> No.5437739

>Spicy food was often looked down upon in America because it was "ethnic" food

You do know the Tabasco has had a huge influence in our culture?

>> No.5437742

Also, we're only 2 and a half hours from both Chicago and St. Louis.

>> No.5437747

I was referencing the old "will it play in Peoria?" line to mean not all cosmopolitan successes are successful in the rest of the country. The trend of embracing street food flavors from Southeast Asia and Latin America has managed to play in Peoria.

>> No.5437748

>and start incorporating "street food" flavors and dishes into their menus

This. It's about being "authentic".

>> No.5437750

You don't remember the oversized pepper grinder "fancy" Italian restaurants with too much glass and not enough flavour.

You sweet innocent child.

>> No.5437768

Marketing and retards on the Internet going "yeah dis is da best ting evur nxt 2 nutella and bacon!!!!"

>> No.5437772

>Nobody can possibly like these things because idiots on Facebook obsess about them

Also as an actual marketingfag I can assure you nobody markets on a board with a grand total of 12 people on it.

>> No.5437796

I am forever grateful to have not lived through the 80's.

>> No.5437802

In my backwards fucking country it is really hard to find Sriracha in stores. Maybe Vietnamese and other Asian places have it, I don't visit them so I don't know. But I finally managed to buy a bottle somewhere. I was disappointed, I've seen many threads and discussions praising it. The ingredients sound tasty - I absolutely love garlic and I like chili too, but the sauce itself was a total disappointment for me. It tastes like plastic for some reason. And yes it is the same brand as in OP's pic.

>> No.5437810


Who said anything about 4chan?

>> No.5437814

>implying he ment just 4chan

>> No.5437817

Getting a fancy sriracha is like buying one of those fancy ketchups that taste like shit next to Heinz.

Sriracha needs to hit like 4 notes: hot, salty, garlicky, vinegary. Trying to turn it into something to be elitist about is stupid. Not to mention all the 'fancy' srirachas are too watery, too sweet and not hot enough.

>> No.5437818

The.. The food.. It was so bad

>> No.5437820

Iconic bottle design

Ketchup and mayonnaise are widely used, this is just a condiment in a new form

>> No.5437824

>not making your own hot sauce or marinade

Jesus fucking Christ, it fucking slays me.

>> No.5437835

Not everyone's got time for that bro

>> No.5437848

>Not growing your own peppers or herbs or blowing your own glass to store your homemade hotsauce or marinades in

>Not raising and slaughtering your own animals for the meat

Makes me want to vomit.

>> No.5437856


this is why we have crafts and skills. A glassblower doesn't bake his own bread.. (even though he could, he has an oven. Lazy fuck.)

A baker doesn't blow his own glass.

> >Not raising and slaughtering your own animals for the meat
another millionaire making fun of us not having million dollar farm.

>> No.5437860

>Not creating heavens and earth in 6 days

You humans disgust me, the only thing keeping me from Gomorrahing your ass's is my faggot pot smokeing son.

>> No.5437863


And glass makers and bakers don't make their own hot sauces or marinades, as >>5437824
implied should be the preferred way of doing things.

>> No.5437885
File: 20 KB, 300x205, MyFatherWasAtree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I once knew a glass blowarr who made hot sauces. Heard he dissappeared after crafting his favorite recipe, the Scratcher. Legend says that he used to put shards of broken glass in the sauce... that would scratch your throat as it went down.... another legend said he just added too many habaneros...

A word of advice? Stick to what ye' know! Or you'll end up like ole Blowjob, just a legend around these parts.

>> No.5437892

he looks like a mesh of bruce willis and john malkovic

>> No.5438056

He looks like Adam Sessler

>> No.5438100

more like ketchup

>> No.5438111

Is it because they are both red? You're so observational and not retarded at all.

>> No.5438121

because they are both too sweet and also because it is like ketchup

>> No.5438129

Because it's red, AMIRITE?

>> No.5438134


Sriracha is what manchildren put on their horrible food to make it edible, while ketchup is what actual children put on their food to make it edible. Obviously, that's completely different

>> No.5438140

I know, man. Imagine adding stuff to food so it can taste better for you. What shitheads.

>> No.5438144

because it is too sweet like ketchup, and the contents are like two at most ingredients away from tomato ketchup.

seriously if you weren't such a faggot you'd know it is pretty much pepper ketchup.

>> No.5438150

I put sriracha in my coffee because of how sweet it is.

>> No.5438227

Tabasco has always been considered trashy, though. Hell, most Louisiana cuisine was considered kinda looked down upon by the fine dining crowd until Prudhomme fixed that perception. Which pretty much started the New American thing of taking ingredients and dishes considered lowbrow, and elevating them to fine food.

I would make the argument that Sriracha was introduced right as this New American movement was taking off, and the fact that it ended up in the kitchens of some hot chefs (unlike Tabasco, which remained in the bar) led to its popularity. It kind of piggybacked on the New American thing, as that ting incorporated more Asian influences.

God, I'm old enough to remember when raspberry sauce from a squeeze bottle was cutting edge. That was around the time salsa started giving ketchup a run for its money.

While I am thoroughly bored with street food and fusion in fine dining it's still better than that.

>it is too sweet like ketchup, and the contents are like two at most ingredients away from tomato ketchup.
Those being HFCS and tomato paste? You have no idea what you're talking about - Sriracha is hardly at all sweet, and in no way reminiscent of the cloying mess that ketchup is.

>> No.5438335

>bad and cheaply made

Boom, that's your reason right there

>> No.5438349


everyone knows it's been around. but you cnan't deny that it's been trending recently.

>UV vodka
>recent sriracha documentary

>> No.5438353

So? Just because other people starting liking it, doesn't mean I have to stop liking it.

>> No.5438360


i was always under the impression that "hipsters" stray from the mainstream and try to construct an against-the-grain image. but sriracha is very popular. i don't think it's a "hipster" thing, but then again that label is tossed around so casually that it essentially has no meaning.

>> No.5438363


when did i say i don't like it?

i do like it. i was just commenting that it doesn't matter that it's been around for a while, because the point of OP's post was the fact that it's a trend.

>> No.5438368

I never heard about sriracha until I bought a vegetable samosa from a kiosk near my place that was run by some asian people. I asked for a spicy one so they cut it open and poured this stuff in the samosa. It tasted great.

I don't really know why you say it's bad. I've had another brand of sriracha (Lee Kum Kee) which didn't taste as good as this one. If there's a better brand of sriracha sauce you know of, feel free to share... unless you are just saying you hate sriracha.

>> No.5438371

Because OP is talking out of his ass, that's why. Except for Thai people, nobody has ever heard of sriracha sauce in the first place.

>> No.5438394

my roommate eats it on everything, talks about how much he likes spicey stuff and how great it is. Tried it once and never looked back

>offered him some of my beans
>he starts coughing screaming about how spicey they are

using fresh or dried peppers are where its at, not that factory/mcdonald gade shit

>> No.5438397

srirachamovie. com - watch this faggots, you will get the idea

>> No.5438470

sugar is literally the second ingredient in sriracha. are you retarded?

>> No.5438490

Tabasco is seen as trashy because its made by white people, whereas, since Sriracha is made by a Viet, its seen as cool and edgy, and excitingly cultural.

>> No.5438664

I switched over to their Chili Garlic Sauce years ago. I remember Sriracha being sweeter, but nowhere near as sweet as ketchup, which I never liked.
>Tabasco is seen as trashy because its made by white people
I'd say Tabasco is seen as trashy for the same reason Budweiser is seen as trashy - a mediocre product that was considered the standard a generation or two ago, so now people want to distance themselves from it so as not to look like rubes. Kinda like McDonald's, Campbell's soup, Wonder bread, Hostess cakes or California Chardonnay. People like to think they know better now.

Tobasco is still great with Cajun food, but it doesn't work so well on Mexican or Asian dishes, which are currently more popular across the country. So many turn their noses up at it.

Fashion comes and goes. Sriracha will be a joke before too long, just like salsa from a jar became.

>> No.5438667

>It used to be known as this cheap and nasty version of Sriracha
Nope. I've been going to Vietnamese restaurants in Toronto for the last 20 years and it has always been a staple wherever I've gone.

People (like you) are for some reason butthurt because of its recent mainstream popularity.

I have no idea why...

>> No.5438710

>vietnamese restaurants


>> No.5438716

So what brands of Sriracha are superior? I only ever see Huy Fong

>> No.5438721

Lee Kum Kee chili garlic paste beats all.

>> No.5438887


There are basically 2 kinds: huy fong clones, that come in the same style of bottle and are all basically saltier, more garlicky versions of it, and 'traditional' ones that come in glass bottles, are thinner, less hot and sweeter.

The clones are all acceptable clones, and the traditional ones are all crap.

>> No.5439034

>butthurt because of its recent mainstream popularity.

But that doesn't make any sense? Just wondering why people love this stuff so much when it was intended for a very different purpose

>> No.5439040

>lee cum kee

>> No.5439042

Not really. Their shit is made in China. I rather not have rat fur in my chili sauce. Thanks.

>> No.5439045

>Tabasco has always been considered trashy
>Over 100 years old

> Louisiana cuisine was considered kinda looked down upon

Tabasco is the only long lasting hot sauce we have in this country. It's used in a variety of dishes and not just Cajun

>unlike Tabasco, which remained in the bar)

It has over a century of popularity in this country while Sriracha is a new fad

> Sriracha is hardly at all sweet, and in no way reminiscent of the cloying mess that ketchup

Huy Fong's version of Sriracha is sweet compared to the other brands and types. You see, Huy Fong's version is made to be a cheap condiment

>> No.5439054

I'm a little pissed off. I didn't have any sriracha in the house, hadn't for a while, but I needed some for a specific recipe I was going to make. So, one night, I went drunk shopping and bought some (along with other groceries). The next day, I didn't remember buying it, so I stopped on the way home and bought another bottle. Now I have two fuckhuge bottles of sriracha that will be there forever. I don't use sriracha for everything, so it takes me a long time to go through a bottle.

>> No.5439057


Woah there, gramps. You can have your hot sauce and we can have ours.

>> No.5439062

Just relax. I had a 2 year old expired sriracha bottle and it tasted fine.

>> No.5439066

>>unlike Tabasco, which remained in the bar)
>It has over a century of popularity in this country while Sriracha is a new fad
But tabasco sauce tastes like shit. It really doesn't add any flavor to the food, just spiciness. I don't understand why people like that shit.

>> No.5439067

Tabasco can't even really be called a "sauce" because it is the consistency of water.

>> No.5439068

>Sriracha is a new fad

>so dam popular in the past 2-3 years

Hate to break it to the children in here, but the huy fong shitracha fad has been going on for at least a decade now.

>> No.5439070

its relatively new to the majority of americans though

>You can have yours and we can have ours.
i wish the world was really like this unfortunately last time we tried separate but equal we pissed a couple people off

>> No.5439083
File: 43 KB, 408x450, Shark_Brand-Sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a lot of people are just too lazy to try things out for themselves.

There's nothing wrong with sriracha as a type of sauce, but as others of said it's the popular one. For the best one and I've tried various ones, look to the picture of Shark Brand.

You also have to look into the investors who here in the USA, make an overnight media thing over something that sucks, hence twitter. Anyone else notice that it literally appeared overnight on every media outlet? Again look to the investors.

If on twitter, wouldn't make that twitting and posts called twits? You can see that with other things from the media you all use the same term or terms at the same time such as "fiscal cliff." There's a list of these.

Just remember Shark Brand.

>> No.5439084

How is someone buying sriracha preventing you from buying Tabasco? It is also not our fault some hick has finally heard of sriracha.

>> No.5439087

>You also have to look into the investors who here in the USA, make an overnight media thing over something that sucks, hence twitter. Anyone else notice that it literally appeared overnight on every media outlet? Again look to the investors.

What investors? Aren't they a private company? Also, they have never advertised AT ALL even when they were a shit small company selling door to door.

>> No.5439092

no one said it was, he said it wasnt new i said it was to most americans. can you not read anything besides squiggles

>> No.5439101

Because it's exactly that. It isn't new. Those who say it is must live in some boonies or have never visited Chinese or Vietnamese restaurants.

>> No.5439116

What are you talking about?
I never mentioned Tabasco, so why bring it up? And who is "our" who do you speak for. I speak for myself, I've liked Shark Brand for 20+ years now since some Thai dude turned me on to it at his little store in Chinatown NYC.

Are you trolling or stupid, or did I destroy your shill thread?

>> No.5439120

I just don't like the chilli itself, there are better chilli's to get sauces from.

Shut the fuck up with this cock sauce hatin crap.

>> No.5439124


>> No.5439127

Are you a Shark Brand shill and retard?

>> No.5439139

What you're asserting makes no sense troll. Just because a company is private doesn't mean that it doesn't have investors, direct or indirect such as through loans.

I'd never heard of rooster brand when I was told of Thai Shark Brand. Companies don't directly have to avertise these days and you know it, they get some idiots to market it for them for free to the company.

You really are a either a stupid shill, a troll, a moron, or some combination of all three.

>> No.5439147

>not sure if serious
Toronto has a large Vietnamese population and many, many restaurants.

>> No.5439154

Guess what Shark Brand investor. People can actually like things that you don't like and maybe even things that you've never heard of.

>> No.5439157

Is vietnamese food any good?

>> No.5439159

Try it and find out.

>> No.5439163
File: 34 KB, 74x233, shark-brand-sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill no, retard no.
I just know after tasting a bunch of various products the ones I like the best.

It's the one in the picture, that's Shark Brand.

>> No.5439164

Huy Fong's has only been around for a short while and they were only found in asian markets. Now you can find these things in any vendors shelf

>> No.5439170

As long as you stick with the surface level stuff: pho, banh mi. Go any deeper and prepare for disgusting.

>> No.5439171

>But tabasco sauce tastes like shit.

Been selling well for a century

>> No.5439173

So you stating you preference: Not shill
Other people stating their preference: Shill


>> No.5439175

How do you eat it? I can't imagine anyone just pouring it on food. It just doesn't work for me on its own.

>> No.5439180

lol n o

>> No.5439202
File: 358 KB, 1542x863, bun thit viet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My taste are my own as I would imagine your own would also be. I for one have no issues with bbq pork over vermicelli and usually take it over pho.
Allow me to highly recommend it. Its seasoned pork (or beef) over vermicelli noodle type salad.

>> No.5439206

Sometimes though some posts are clearly shill posts, as much as shillary clinton.

>> No.5439211
File: 164 KB, 1201x930, 1371477493809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has always been a staple of /ck/. People of say it's new or its shilling make me laugh.

>> No.5439214

That sounds good, though I suggest trying over some egg noodles. Sliced beef brisket with a sliced and diced habanero or scotch bonnet, no need for sauces sometimes.

>> No.5439235

Yeah, it's it's the one's shilling and horking their lame shit that usually do laugh first as a defensive manouver, but then you already know that don't know.

Go twit that!

>> No.5439238

I know! Thanks for the shilling tips!

>> No.5439981

Hipsters love mainstream hipster shit.

>> No.5440482

I fry it into eggs. I don't give a fuck about anything else. It's delicious.

It's not a condiment, though, Fuck that noise.

>> No.5440493
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>bitching about hot sauce on the internet

i don't get it. Use it or don't. Either way, don't be a butthole about it, god damn. People are going to like shit you don't like, get over it

>> No.5440850
File: 92 KB, 277x256, 1399311581887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the garlic/lemongrass variant.
It's nice.

>> No.5442126

>Hear about stupid sriracha bullshit for last three years
>Finally acquire a bottle
>TheOatmeal let me down
>Sriracha isn't bad but didn't live up to expectations
>Why does this shit have a fanbase?

It certainly makes bland/bad food more tolerable but it's not even close to being the greatest thing in the world.

>> No.5442153

Tabasco sells well because it's the default go-to condiment for covering up the blandness or poor preparation of shitty diner food.

Why it achieved this status as opposed to something like generic Lousiana hot sauce, I don't know.

>> No.5442201



>> No.5443800
File: 37 KB, 247x479, Sriracha_sauce_extra_gralic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized the sauce in question is not the same brand
I thought of flying goose brand

>> No.5444557
File: 98 KB, 180x180, 2352823458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/10 made me reply to this bullshit
first off it sure as hell isn't cheap
it's overpriced to hell and back
second even if you don't like the flavor it actually has a flavor which is not something you can say about 95% of the shithouse sauces commonly sold in the US
finally it's not that watery tobasco garbage

>> No.5444576

top kek, you silly bastard. top kek.

>> No.5445754

Its chilli sauce, not hot sauce. If you put it on a taco its hot sauce.

>> No.5445921

>Sriracha is what manchildren put on their horrible food to make it edible, while ketchup is what actual children put on their food to make it edible. Obviously, that's completely different

What an excellent post.


I am going to email moot and suggest that you are given an honorary 4chan pass.

>> No.5445939
File: 1021 KB, 500x281, 4chan_russia_boardwalk_jimmy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietnamese is fucking amazing. Try north and south, and they do really fucking great versions of chinese food too.

>> No.5448294


>> No.5448299

Does chili sauce go good on a ham and salad sandwich?

>> No.5448307

This is the lazy way to give something flavor. The other day I wanted to punch someone when I saw that they are selling spicy mayo in bottles at stores. Spicy mayo is the bane of my culinary existence.

>> No.5448368

No, hot sauce will drown the subtle flavours of the salad. Mayo is superior sandwich condiment.

>> No.5448553

It's breddy good and wide spread enough you can get it anywhere
There's a reason obscure shit doesn't get popular on a national level

>> No.5449490

I remember as a kid growing up in LA's Chinatown when these first came out.

I feel old. My buddy actually knows the owner David Tran.

>> No.5452227


I've seen this in stores on a number of occasions but have never tried it.

The next time I see it in a store, I'll buy a bottle.

>> No.5453455

>If it was so 'tasty' why wasn't it popular when it first came out?

Because people didn't know it existed or was good? Dumbass.

> It was a cheap condiment that's why

How in the fuck did you make a connection between "not popular" and "cheap"?

>> No.5453459

siracha is the best

>> No.5453463

everyone loves the cock

>> No.5453471


Really have no idea why you would think it's bad. Just because it's popular? grow up retard

>> No.5453472

Iconic green spigot. That is literally it.

>> No.5455333

Many, many amazing restaurants from everywhere on earth.

Best thing about Toronto, the food. Hopefully they solve their food truck problems soon, too.

>> No.5455378
File: 1.20 MB, 2592x1944, tmp_IMG_20140521_155402639269355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I heard that you dislike spicy red sauces...

Here's a picture to cheer you up.

>> No.5457005
File: 1.79 MB, 200x133, 1392836332411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tabasco. Really?

>> No.5457020

i know, right?
>not buying tabasco jalapeno

>> No.5457445

>Tabasco is the only long lasting hot sauce we have in this country. It's used in a variety of dishes and not just Cajun

As someone who recently visited Louisiana for a wedding, I was extremely disappointed in the food there (outside of the wedding) as I was led to believe everyone loves spicy food. I kept asking for everything extra spicy after trying it as-is the first time and I either got no heat or was forced to drown my food in tabasco to get a hint of a kick.

My mom theorized I've killed my tastebuds because of how much spicy food I normally eat. To give you an idea I can down habaneros as if they're bell peppers.

>> No.5457877

What is a superior version of sriracha than Huy Fong's?

>> No.5457901
File: 2.65 MB, 2448x3264, Voodoo Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Habaneros don't burn as much as I usually expect. Keep a bottle of this with you if you want hot and better flavor. It's hot, spicy, and has a very rich fruity flavor that goes well with almost everything.

>> No.5459876

idk still I eat plenty of it

>> No.5459903


Look at where it's from, civilian casualties, and expenditures.

>> No.5461149

I always see these at noodles and co but never tried it and it always gets in the way and kinda annoying

>> No.5461185


>> No.5463004

Pho is absolutely one of my favorite meals, and it's really good with some Sriracha and spicy peppers and shit.