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5435866 No.5435866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I work in a Japanese buffet making sushi but hot weather has exacerbated my eczema to look like pic related. I use a steroid cream which helps a lot. The constant washing of hands dries out my skin too. Thus I started wearing gloves (which makes my eczema worse).

Do you care if sushi chefs wear gloves? Would it be weird if one wore gloves and others didn't? It's just a simple $20 sushi buffet, nothing fancy.

>> No.5435877

hate to be a dick, but... seeing a guy with eczema handle my sushi would kind of kill my appetite.

i know... i know.. its not contageous, its autoimmune, etc. It's still just gross. That's how human nature works.

You wouldn't date a fat girl, would you? no.

>> No.5435881

regarding sushi chefs... i dont like when they wear gloves. Means they don't love the fish. Im not much of a weebo but i do respect chefs that spent their whole life perfecting sushi. Making them put on gloves is like ... i dunno making pornstars putting on condoms or something.

>> No.5435887

that is literally the worst logic and analogy you could have come up with
I get what you are trying to say, you just aren't great at putting words into a concatenated format

>> No.5435895

>seeing a guy with eczema handle my sushi would kind of kill my appetite.

>> No.5435896

People are weird about food and hygiene. I ran the line at a "gourmet" burger bar hipster shit place a few years back. Open kitchen/restaurant kinda deal so everyone had to wear gloves on the line. Was always weird to me that our prep cooks in the back never had to wear gloves, but the guys out front did because the customers could see them. So basically you have a bunch of sweaty guys working over a hot grill all day with gloves that get dirty in a few minutes and they never change them. Dirty gloves are way fucking worse than hands you wash frequently

TL;DR? Wear gloves OP. Customers are watching.

>> No.5435899

at least i said something. All i heard from your comment is fart noises... must be that TweenWave music

>> No.5435901

you don't get shit... he obviously said that putting a glove between the master and his art would decrease the connection to the food, and therefore the quality.

just like the quality of intercourse is decreased with a condom.

pretty solid analogy there, bud.

>> No.5435902

I didn't know that sushi chefs were expected not to wear gloves. I expect YOU to wear gloves because you have a skin condition that causes chunks of your body to fall off and drop into the food while you work.

>> No.5435913

Being a buffet our main customers are white families who mainly eat the cooked sushi and most other ethnicities come for the free birthday meal with 2 paying adults.

Yeah I've started to wear powder free gloves that are beige and can't see my flaky skin.

I'm Asian and so I get put in the front sushi station (pays more, easier) while the mexicans are cooking the hotfood in the back.

>> No.5435937

Just put on your fuckin gloves burger flipper.

>> No.5435953

Are you Asian let alone Japanese?

>> No.5435961

I don't really care about wearing gloves. If it's policy to wear gloves then yeah I'll wear gloves. It's just weird that you can wear dirty gloves all day and no one bitches, but clean, washed hands are somehow disgusting?

>> No.5435968


>> No.5435994

>dirty gloves

Well, yeah, if you take a hygienic measure and misuse the fuck out of it, it'll be as bad or worse than washed hands. You're supposed to change your gloves when they get dirty.

>> No.5436002

If a lot of dry skin flakes off, just prepare the tempura.

>> No.5436006

Yeah my main issue was the owner didn't give a fuck about making people change gloves so no one did

>> No.5436016

Hah the mexicans do that in the back. Yeah my skin also causes me to have dandruff so I wear a paper hat too. Dandruff shampoos barely help.

It's like my body doesnt want me to work in the food industry.

>> No.5436019


lol this sounds like the grosses sushi place ever... main guy in the front is raining skin onto raw fish....

mmmmm... salty.

>> No.5436020

I feel like I wouldn't notice unless someone pointed it out.

Go ahead and wear the gloves.

>> No.5436032

I have eczema too
Rub honey into your skin. Just keep rubbing it in for 5 minutes and then rinse it off. Helps a ton
Before putting on gloves, rub a bit of oil onto your skin. I use olive oil or canola oil.
Get pure glycerin from your pharmacy. Rub it onto your skin, put some cotton gloves over it and sleep that way. It burns when you first put it on but it got me through 12 hour daily stints at a bakery

Also, get a stronger steriod cream

>> No.5436048

I'm one of 4 people and it's the kind of buffet you walk up to so there isn't the same people sitting at the counter like you'd see in a regular sushi restaurant

I'd be kicked out for sure in those places.

>> No.5436059
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Except porn stars often have contracts that state they must use condoms. Wearing gloves is mandatory if you have a cut in food prep anyways.

>chefs and porn stars love their work and aren't just making money the same way the cashier at the walmart does.

Aspie as fuck in here. No one cares.
If they assume things because of your gloves, that's their fault for dreaming up bullshit like you never change your filthy gloves or U DONT LUB UR BUFFET FOOD.

>> No.5436083

oh okay, i see. Yeah, shouldn't be a big issue then. I thought it was a regular sushi place where you keep handing them the nigiri with the flaky skin falling off. :D hehe.

>> No.5436093

> Except porn stars often have contracts that state they must use condoms.
not the moviesi watch. more Wikipedia facts?

> Wearing gloves is mandatory if you have a cut in food prep anyways.
just in the money-based retard centers like America. In normal countries the guy that's cooking is the guy that makes the decisions. You don't like it? GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Simple logic. But in America its all "this guy "has" to do this" and "this is manditory.

human nature has a way of compensating... if you make putting gloves on manditory, there's a much bigger chance ill shit into my hands before putting my gloves on.

> Aspie as fuck in here. No one cares.
maybe you should record that and put it on a loop for yourself. Youre the one cool story braing up in here in the first place.

my analogy is solid.

>> No.5436145

Would /ck/ prefer to see an Asian making sushi or some other race?

first glance, before talking to them.

>> No.5436164

OP i have eczema too. i make sandwiches but naturally i am required to wear gloves, which can irritate the hell out of my skin.

what kind of gloves do you use? i find that latex and powdered vinyl gloves do the most damage. if you can, use non-powdered vinyl.

also what steroid cream do you use? i was recently prescribed clobetasol propionate (emollient) USP 0.05%, and as long as i apply it at least once per day my skin remains calm even when exposed to regular irritants. anything weaker than this cream has not helped for more than a few months, so we'll see (derm wanted to put me on steroid pills for 12 days but frankly i don't like the sound of that, so i'm foregoing that for now.)

also try wrapping your hands (not fingers obviously) in micro-foam after applying the cream and before gloving up.

>> No.5436168

as long as it isn't a nigger

>> No.5436184

>In normal countries the guy that's cooking is the guy that makes the decisions

Lol no, any inspection seeing you doing even such thing as cutting bread without glove will get the whole place shut and your ass fired and blacklisted. People aren't going to take the risk of eating your shitty blood just because Mr is too precious for gloves and overall hygiene.

>> No.5436186

I'll check the box next time. All I know is latex-free.

using Triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.025%.

I'll look into this microfoam.

>> No.5436216

exactly... inspection. I have an apartment inspection every month and i still get to grow weed.... so... what stops a restaraunt owner from only following the guidilines a few times a month during inspection??

>> No.5436227

>I have an apartment inspection every month
what the fuck, are you on probation or do you have the worst apartment ever? either way you're an idiot.
>so... what stops a restaraunt owner from only following the guidilines a few times a month during inspection??
random inspections are standard.

>> No.5436272

Different anon here. When banks have their dick too deep into apartments, they have regular inspections.

They gave me notice.... that the bank could be here in less than a day.

I was hoping they'd show up just so I could kick them out. Don't like it, I'll go elsewhere. You're not rousing me out of bed after work for a random inspection without me making hours of your life hell as well.

>> No.5436368
File: 39 KB, 474x503, hulk sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a cooking thread but I just wanted to point out to fellow eczema sufferers that steroid creams and topical ointments/lotions are bullshit.
Eventually we reach a point where the flare-up will be the worst you've ever experienced and the itch will consume you.
Having grown tired of MDs prescribing the same crap my entire life and treating the symptoms but not the cause, I did a lot of research and discovered my eczema was caused by a candida overgrowth. A lack of probiotic foods and reliance on antibiotics accelerated it.
Most doctors will dismiss candida entirely because they're either uneducated on the subject or it hurts their pharmaceutical cash cow.
Do yourselves a favor and read up on candida and candida treatments (raw garlic, coconut oil, caprylic acid) and cure yourselves for life.

>> No.5436375

>another health quack posts on /ck/

>> No.5436383


>i've never known a doctor irl

>> No.5436387 [DELETED] 

>work at benihana
>required to wear gloves
>water getting inside the gloves all the time
>constantly get new gloves every ten minutes or so
>hands have dead skin everywhere after work
shit sucks ass

>> No.5436393
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>See others suffering from same life-long condition
>Try to help them
>Immediate insult
So we'll hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero.

>> No.5436402

candida overgrowth is fatal most of time. Trust me you don't have. A lot of eczema symptoms like the nails can look like candida infection but it's not. Unless you also have thrush it's not that. Just go get a stool sample analysis done it will tell you nothings wrong.

>> No.5436416

anyway on that note, im cool with my management so they just give me OK and not even inspect me. lol. feels good to be cool with people

>> No.5436476

that is retarded. Wearing gloves does nothing. When you are busy it makes things dirtier cause you touch handles and non food surfaces (opening cooler door, etc) . Its gross.

>> No.5436484


ummm..... are you joking? ive never seen a health inspector in any restaraunt ive worked at and i definately NEVER wear gloves unless someone forces me to.

>> No.5436523

Let me guess, you watched an infomercial hocking probiotics?

>> No.5436561

The whole, "everything wrong with you is because of Candida albicans" comes from the ignorant quack Doug Kaufmann who, in his book The Fungus Link, referred to fungi as "simple plants".

Candida is a normal part of your body and can become an issue with prolonged antibiotic or steroid use, immunological problems, or other stresses.

It is very easy to determine if you have candidiasis and doctors are aware of it. There is no Candida conspiracy.

Also, as >>5436402 stated, if you had a serious candidiasis issue you would absolutely know about it.

>> No.5436562
File: 44 KB, 475x360, Feels Goodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, googled my symptoms and read up on others that were able to stamp that shit out pretty good by controlling the candida in their bodies.

Researched that stuff for about a month before giving it a try and now my eczema and asthma's almost entirely cleared up.

Prior to that eczema flare-up, It never affected me that bad for the past 10 years. That asthma was also only a recent development from 8 months ago.

Haven't watched TV in the past 6 years, anon. I don't feel like I'm missing much, least of all infomercials.

>> No.5436569

>Naw, googled my symptoms and read up on others that were able to stamp that shit out pretty good by controlling the candida in their bodies.
How did they quantify the populations of Candida in their bodies?

The logical thing is you started controlling your diet and excluded an allergen that was causing your eczema, not that you were "starving the Candida in your body".

>> No.5436576

Try to refrain from using a steroid cream. They can thin your skin and should not be used long-term.

Try slathering your hands in a good moisturizer (no alcohol or perfumes) and putting on thin cotton gloves (buy them at the pharmacy) and wearing them to bed.

>> No.5436577

Believe what you want. I'm back to eating the same foods before my condition worsened and am feeling fine now. Only difference is including some probiotic foods in my diet. Small price to pay to not feel like shit for months at a time.

>> No.5436578

I had really bad eczema, my hands were all fucked up skin splitting open all over the place. At any given moment I was bleeding on my hands because of my eczema, and naturally that kind of sucks working in the food industry. Ask your doctor for Desoximetasone Cream, my dermatologist gave that to me and it cleared that shit right up. Get it with a cortisone shot and your shit will clear up in 3 days no shit. I have psoriasis as well and I was using that medicine on my eczema and it was actually doing more damage than good so I'd suggest dropping everything except what I said.

>> No.5436584

>Believe what you want.
This isn't about belief. What evidence did those people provide showing that their diet reduced Candida populations or that Candida exposure caused their ailments?

I am a mycologist and heard about this Candida fad recently. I am curious about where people actually got their information from originally. No primary sources really support this, and the main websites are too vague to draw any meaningful conclusions.

>> No.5436586

Corticosteroids should only be a last resort...

>> No.5436589

Interesting that you would say that, I mentioned previously that Clobetasol Proprionate actually hindered my eczema recovery because of a chemical in it designed to assist penetration.

>> No.5436591

Top kek,
In Alabama it is NOT required to wear gloves, so no you won't get shut down for not wearing gloves.
However, if the health inspector sees everyone wearing gloves he might be more lenient on other things so there is that as well.

>> No.5436594

Maybe, but I'll be damned if all my stress and problems cleared up in 3 or 4 days which I had been struggling with for over half a year. I'm kind of hesitant to shit on it.

>> No.5436596

▲ ▲

>> No.5436600

I hope you are taking good care of your hands now instead of waiting until the next attack (and cortisone shot).

>> No.5436603

i think the only state you have to is commiefornia.

i think gloves for most things is a bad idea. it keeps people from washing their hands as much, gives them less control over what they are doing, and there are a lot of people allergic to latex and vinyl gloves suck. Maybe fast food and stuff should have them since its usually a bunch of kids who work there and dont care but a real restaurant with chefs that care and take pride in their work shouldnt have an issue

on a side not about the health inspector things, i agree ive always found having a clean organized environment like an orderly walk in they are less likely to notice any minor infractions whereas if they walk in and its messy theyll start really looking for stuff

>> No.5436607

>le hating bbws maymay

Stop. Go back to /fit/

>> No.5436609

Pretty sure most people don't find obese women attractive.

>> No.5436638

fuck i had a job at a bbq place and i had to wear them all the time and i hated it
it was just the owner but fuck it made everything so much harder

>> No.5436643

I work at noodles and company as saute and grill... its annoying to wear gloves since it starts to stick inside so you have to really dry it hard... We basically have tongs to pick up 99% of our shit and you dont fucking see dominoes wearing gloves to make pizza...

>> No.5436647
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I know that feel OP

This started out of nowhere ~2 years ago and it has never gone away

Pls halp

>> No.5436651

Wear thin cotton gloves with your hand slathered in a good moisturizer every night.

>> No.5436664

used to have it cut pretty much everything inflammatory out of my diet as well as caffeine. Stopped washing my hands in searing hot water went away in a couple weeks and has stayed gone.

>> No.5436669

do you use antibacterial soap?

>> No.5436678

Sushi chefs in most restaurants DO wear gloves.
Maybe Jiro himself fucking doesn't, but most do.
And you are in a fucking buffet, don't kid yourself into thinking you are doing the practice any honor.
Wear fucking gloves, it's for proper sanitation reasons. And that's gross, yo. I don't care if it's a slight inconvenience for you to wear gloves. Just do it.

>> No.5436680

At work, maybe. Not sure what kind of soap. It started around the same time I started this job

However, I have since left this job for close to a year and I still have this problem

At home, I do use antibacterial soap but this started before I started using ab soap at home (I think)

Also I get breakouts when I haven't used soap recently (like right after I wake up)

>> No.5436681

yeah it really hinders you,like those dicks that want you to wear cut gloves, for things like breading i can understand but not all the time. if you arent clean enough to be able to not wear gloves then you shouldnt be there anyway. glove wearing should be at the discretion of the wearer only IMO, at least as far as professional kitchens go.

>> No.5436703

well first thing is ya gotta kick that shitty AB soap. Wrecks all sorts of hell on your skin Second thing is see a dermatologist. Fungal infections on skin and nails are pretty normal even in the first world and they don't really respond to AB soap. Not saying this is that but only one way to tell for certain what it is.

>> No.5436712

I have seen one
They gave me clobetasol propionate like the other guy
It definitely helps but it doesn't go away. dont want to be taking steroids for the rest of my life
If a steroid is helping, I think it's due to allergies/autoimmunity and not yeast