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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5433640 No.5433640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How am I supposed to decide which foods to eat for optimal health if there is dozen schools of thought on the subject. There is so much information and so many opinons on the net. Who should I follow? I just want this soylent style efficency in my nutrition. There are so many foods. All I want is a big list of the most nutrient dense foods and the amount my body needs and be done with it. Academics say one thing in planning a diet, FDA, WHO and such another, /fit/ says something else, different health gurus say a million fucking thing, etc. Who is telling the truth?

>> No.5433647
File: 765 KB, 1854x1450, HEPApr2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in moderation.

>> No.5433649

sounds like you need jesus

>> No.5433658
File: 254 KB, 1280x811, tumblr_n1s58aZFcx1tucgl1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also want to add this.

>> No.5433663

opinion discarded

>> No.5433682

soylent is expensive and for lazy people. You could literally make it at home for 1/8th the price. The guy who made it kept very public notes on it. There's no "truth" when it comes to diet the western worlds science related to food is so political and riddled with intentional misinformation it will take decades to sift through it all. Meanwhile the consumer guinea pigs pay the price. Macro-statistics generally point in the direction of people who eat mostly fruit and veg who eat meat occasionally. The china study had some interesting findings but even they are guilty of misrepresenting data.

The most nutrient dense food I can think of at agreeable prices are:
whore or steel cut oats
But almost everything has some drawback, like bananas have a sizable amount of radioactive potassium Although your body pretty much rids itself of excess potassium in 6 hours no one's certain what sort long term effect it would have to eat 20 a day like some idiots.
Lentils have a lot of protein and a lot of fiber. Fiber is something of a double edged sword for reasons that are still vague as fuck.

Moral of the story is >>5433647
(not the infographic)

>> No.5433746

>healthy oil
Yeah, that info graphic isn't biased at all

>> No.5433751

where can i get some whore oats

>> No.5433767

fuck me, I need to start proof reading. Almost all of my typos are seemingly intentionally vulgar.

>> No.5433782

The food groups most associated with good health: Fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts

Eat as much of these things as you can, eat as little of things that aren't these as possible

>> No.5433819


>/fit/ says something else

It's important to realize that /fit/ is not a health board, it's a bodybuilding board. All advice given is strictly anecdotal evidence about what people think is the most efficient diet for building muscle or losing weight quickly in the short term, not the best diet for long-term human health

>> No.5433827

eat what those hundred year old farmers eat in various parts of the world
also you have to live on a mountain

>> No.5433843
File: 497 KB, 2000x1455, healing_foods_pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5433885

>being part of a healthy diet ever

>> No.5433889


or eggs

>> No.5433893

Humans are more adapted to milk than they are to corn. Possibly even wheat grains.

>> No.5433901


How so? "Adapted" means more than just being able to digest it too. Humans didn't adapt to make saturated fats, cholesterol, and cow hormones healthy

>> No.5433906

>literally exists in every cell in your body
>not healthy

>> No.5433924 [DELETED] 


What are you, retarded?

>> No.5433937

whole foods. mostly plants.
that's it, op. it's no secret. this has been the cornerstone of sound nutrition for centuries.

>> No.5433938

yeah, they should've called it rape

>> No.5433973

>Saturated fats
>Not healthy

You go ahead and enjoy your chemically processed corn by-products.

>> No.5433981 [DELETED] 


What are you, retarded?

>> No.5434001 [DELETED] 

No, but clearly you are.

>> No.5434012 [DELETED] 


I'm not the one trying to sell "5 WEIRD tricks doctors DON'T want you to know!" like your paleo health blogs

>> No.5434022 [DELETED] 

I'm not selling anything, just pointing out indisputable facts. Just because you're having difficulties with them doesn't mean you need to lower yourself to name calling and attacks on character.

>> No.5434030 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 150x175, I kill you last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>indisputable facts

That no health organization in the world agrees with. You're a funny guy

>> No.5434039 [DELETED] 

you better call you police cuz you just rekt that nigga

>> No.5434045

i believe you are thinking of transfats. sat fats have no negative effects when eaten in moderation

>> No.5434046

Yeah, because Health Organizations, like the World Health Organization, who actually sponsored HIV-contaiminated Hepatitis B vaccines derived from Chimpanzees, truly cares about your health.

>> No.5434047


>the government just LIES, maaaan! All the world's leading doctors don't know what they're talking about, only my paleo blog knows the TRUTH! oww- my heart!

>> No.5434048 [DELETED] 

now we gotta a pile up, someone contact emergency services

>> No.5434050

cant produce facts
resorts to conspiracy tropes

>> No.5434052


What do you consider moderation, and why, if it's healthy, does it needed to be moderated so much?

>> No.5434057

Water is vital, however, you can consume too much of it.

>> No.5434059
File: 100 KB, 441x408, 1263335635165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Caldwell Esselstyn and Dean Ornish prove that heart disease can be reversed with a low fat, plant-based diet
>meanwhile Fattytits "eat more bacon" Atkins has two heart attacks and dies

>> No.5434061

everything can go from healthy to unhealthy if you eat too much of it

>> No.5434068


I agree with your point, however, saturated fat is present in virtually every food in some amount and has a very low requirement in the human body, so there's no feasible scenario where you have to worry about not getting enough. There is a scenario where you have to worry about getting too much, and as such it's best to avoid large sources of it, ie meat and dairy

>> No.5434077

do you really think you are going to convince anyone on here who eats meat and dairy to stop?

>> No.5434091

I'll agree that some people do need to concern themselves with such matters, however, it's not good to make sweeping dietary recommendations. Studies that show the efficacy of 'predominately plant based diets' are often limited, and sometimes only reach maximum participations of a hundred people, but often less. A much greater level of confidence in recommendations could be found in significantly larger studies. Unfortunately, such large scale studies require a great deal of funds, and those often come from questionable sources. If the money trail is better hidden, you are then likely to find shadiness within the meta analysis. I wish science wasn't so easily corrupted, and it was easier for more thorough, but untainted studies to arise, but it's simply the nature of the beast.

>> No.5434092


I'm not trying to convince anyone to stop eating meat or dairy any more than I'm trying to convince people to stop eating candy bars or smoke cigarettes; I'm just attempting to make it clear what foods should be classified as healthy or harmful. You don't have to stop eating cheese every day, just don't pretend out loud and in public to impressionable people who want to hear good things about their favorite foods that the cheese is good for them

>> No.5434114

Also, I meant to initially suggest that peoples' nutritional requirements are unique, just like their microbiota.

>> No.5434191

canola? enjoy your monsanto

>> No.5434197

do americans really do this

>> No.5434198

severely biased "how to give the corporations money" chart.

thats still way too much bread, and what in the world is corn and pumpkin doing mixed in with it, and not with vegetables? this graph sucks.

>> No.5434201

corns more of a grain than a vegetable nutritionally speaking

>> No.5434205


Corn is a grain, pumpkin is technically fruit

>> No.5434231

It's almost impossible to recreate the perfect diet. As humans we have grown up in different environments, eating different foods and we ourselves are unique individuals seething with a myriad of DNA mixed together chaotically. Without even going into the genetics of certain foods, the environment they were grown or raised in, it is fiendishly difficult to specifically tailor a diet for an individual.

Teaching common sense is the best we are able to do. That is why 'Everything in moderation' is the generic response preached by everyone.

>> No.5434242

yea i eat this every day , you guys can thank me when you live to 80

Salmon,kale and spinach, fruit, (Sprinkle flax seed meal on salmon and kale/spinahcoptional: cherry tomatoes
Fruit almond butter with flax seed crackers
avocado, fruit, if feeling a bit unsatisfied almond butter and flaxseed crackers or with fruit

drink water throughout the day

rinse repeat everyday, enjoy being healthy

>> No.5434244


>when you live to 80

Or add more vegetables and legumes and live to 100+

>> No.5434257

This is
>anecdotal evidence
but I've been eating heavy "paleo" for a while - no carbs, vegetables, heavy in meat and eggs - and my blood pressure is startlingly low.

>> No.5434278

there is no such thing as the perfect diet, but

more fiber. ALWAYS more fiber and veggies.
Less sugar. ALWAYS less sugar.
Less processed. ALWAYS less processed.
Non-processed meat, a little rice/bread, nuts, fruits, and veggies are literally ALL you need to eat healthy.

You're overthinking this.

>> No.5434288


This was brought up in a discussion I listened to between between John McDougall and Robert Atkins


Ketosis mimics a state of illness, one of the symptoms of it is a drop in blood pressure

I also encourage you to consider changing altering your diet, lest ye become another statistic


>> No.5434292

You're confusing ketosis with ketoacidosis.

Ketosis is when your body switches over to burning fat for fuel, instead of carbohydrates. This is pretty much the entire point of a low-carb diet, and is totally healthy.

Ketoacidosis IS a serious medical condition, which causes you to starve to death even though you feel full - but it only occurs in Type I diabetics.

>> No.5434293

I don't know what is so mysterious about the effects of fiber. Soluble fiber blocks you up and insoluble fiber forces shit through. Both have unnatural effects on the sensitive soft tissues of your intestines.

>> No.5434295

there is no need to go into ketosis in order to lose weight unless you have a metabolic disorder.

You quacks are selling people a false bill of goods

>> No.5434299

are you fucking kidding nigger.

Soluble fiber is necessary to absorb a wide variety of minerals, insoluble fiber slows down digestion and feeds gut flora (which themselves release valuable minerals via their digestive processes.)

Are you fucking stupid

>> No.5434300


Ketoacidosis is a result of ketosis though

>This is pretty much the entire point of a low-carb diet, and is totally healthy.

The bulk of the scientific literature agrees that low-carbohydrate, high animal fat diets are the worst diets for long-term human health. Again, I implore you to do more research and consider changing your diet

>> No.5434340

There are a few ways you can eat to remain healthy, and honestly the most important thing is to reduce stress(hormonally & environmentally).

A few key concepts that you may want to research further.

Avoid polyunsaturated fats entirely, they are not necessary, rapidly oxidize, destructive in high amounts, and completely unnecessary to supplement. This includes "Omega 3s".

Vegetables are often touted as being amazing for you when in fact some of them can be quite problematic, example being goitrogens. I believe root vegetables are relatively fine, primarily because they did not develop defenses against mammals.

I think sugars are superior to starches, but if you enjoy them then whatever. I think some grains can be kinda problematic, and often have less than ideal mineral profiles(high in phosphor). Rice is probably fine in moderation.

Organ Meats or Offal are wonderful and people never consider them when thinking about eating "meat". Look up the nutritional profile of Beef or Lamb Liver, it's incredible and you don't even need to eat very much of it. Less meat in general, more collagens and organs.

Saturated fat can be protective and healthy, but that doesn't mean it should be a large percentage of calories(something like 20-33%).

Fruits are the best source of sugars, though some people can be sensitive to pectin in a few fruits, and some fruits contain seeds which can be a gut irritant. Oranges are my favorite.

Milk is fine from healthy animals and a very important food in my opinion, other processed dairy often incorporates allergens or issues. Minimal use of Eggs.

There really is no "perfect" diet.
Coffee is awesome, fuck soy.

>> No.5434370


ignore this completely

>> No.5434371
File: 32 KB, 461x271, 1236630849266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still trying to trot out the "Atkins' diet killed him!" myth
He slipped on ice, cracked his skull, and died. He was old. Shit happens to old people.

>> No.5434380

>This is pretty much the entire point of a low-carb diet, and is totally healthy.

My name for a low-carb diet is a "death diet".

>> No.5434384

Ketoacidosis is what happens when you go into uncontrolled ketosis as a result of having balls-high blood sugar and no way for your body to process it.
Controlled ketosis achieved through a strict low-carb diet is a completely different story, and is entirely safe.
P.S. A strict low-carb diet doesn't have to be high in animal fats, ding dong. Low-carb is what ADA recommends for diabetics.

>> No.5434391
File: 68 KB, 700x900, atkinsmed4[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Slipped on ice" as in he had a second heart attack.

Upon autopsy, he was was noted for his history of miocardial infarction, conjestive heart failure, and hypertension. He was not a healthy man, and he was not promoting a healthy diet.


>> No.5434394

Yes, ignore a logical and relatively concise statement with the pretext of asking the reading to research further. Instead listen to this person with nothing to add, but "ignore this completely".

>> No.5434400


It can be a part of diabetes, but it's also a result of ketosis. It's the accumulation of ketone bodies that causes it, that's what a ketogenic diet does.


>Ketoacidosis occurs when the body is producing large quantities of ketone bodies via the metabolism of fatty acids (ketosis) and the body is producing insufficient insulin to slow this production.

>Low-carb is what ADA recommends for diabetics.

Can you link to that? I find it very unlikely that they recommend a diet that would put someone in a state of ketosis, and high-carb low-fat diets have been shown to be more effective than their recommendations anyway


>Both a low-fat vegan diet and a diet based on ADA guidelines improved glycemic and lipid control in type 2 diabetic patients. These improvements were greater with a low-fat vegan diet.

>> No.5434402


Rule of thumb: Always ignore the guy who claims vegetables are bad for you

>> No.5434415

Which is why we live in a nutritional dark age. I'm not saying vegetables are specifically "bad", but that there are pros and cons to consider when regularly eating things like kale. Most top ground vegetables developed complex defense mechanisms against mammals, some are poisonous, and some are only a problem when consumed too often. Fruits and root vegetables usually contain less of these potential problems while offering equal or superior nutrition.

>> No.5434422


Do you know of any study that finds regular kale consumption to be anything but massively beneficial to one's health?

>> No.5434435

Yes, you dumb shit. Just use the googles. There's tons of articles on how eating too much kale, particularly raw kale, can lead to hypothyroidism. Cooking the kale reduces those effects, but people who already have thyroid issues, or people on blood thinners, or people who already have problems with calcium absorption, should avoid it.

>> No.5434437

Yes, in the context of mammalian health.

The effect of prolonged Kale feeding on the thyroid glands of sheep

A satirical article with many click-able references

A more in depth article on this subject with many references at the bottom of the page.

>> No.5434442


>after 10 minutes of attempted googling for said studies
>"I'm totally right, just go find the data yourself to support the claims I'm making"

I'll even level with you and say there may be cases where people with underlying medical problems had their medical problem exacerbated by a compound that was in a certain plant food, but that's not grounds to scare the general public away from healthy food

>> No.5434447


I guess you should be careful if you happen to be a sheep whose sole food source is raw kale covered in blood

>> No.5434450

>Avoid transfat

Cis-gendered food chart. Discarded

>> No.5434537


>not activating your almond butter

Enjoy living to 65

>> No.5435373

thanks for the replies, have my answer now. much appriciated