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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 275 KB, 501x550, be7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5427041 No.5427041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"I am vegan because of the health benefits!"
>all his diet consists of heavily processed soy products

>"I don't like the taste of meat!"
>he says while eating his fake meat nuggets

>> No.5427046

>I'm a carnivore because of the health benefits
>he says as he shovels pucks of pink slime slathered in mystery sauce down his gullet
>give it to me still mooing
>he says, despite never haven taken the life of an animal he was about to eat

Why are the most shrill meat militants also the most willfully ignorant about food?

>> No.5427052

>Restrictive diets working in the long-term

>> No.5427062

>"I just want to have a discussion!"
>he says while shitposting.

>"I love Trashman!"
>he says while choosing which Ben Teller picture to use.

>> No.5427075

Vegans are like Beetlejuice- you say the name and they reveal themselves

>> No.5427082

I don't think anyone here is a carnivore. More than likely, the vast majority of us are omnivores.

>> No.5427089

>Ben Teller

It has been scientifically proven that vegans are skinny little liberal shits. I don't know why you tumblr queens have to bring up magicians whenever you're feeling wrong.

>> No.5427090
File: 91 KB, 496x700, landwhale_diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that moderate caloric restriction isn't sustainable and beneficial

>> No.5427161
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>don't judge me its genetics!

>> No.5427186

I'm not a vegan but eliminating suffering is an acceptable reason not to eat meat.

>> No.5427205

I hate that picture so fucking much
fat landwhale looks so fucking smug

>> No.5427209

It doesn't matter how many there are of you, animals will die regardless

>> No.5427211

>I'm a fat piece of shit who could consume enough food to feed all of Africa in one sitting, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT
That's exactly what that fucking expression says.
It irritates me too, and I hate her so much for it.

I think he might be talking about how some food animals are raised in horrid conditions, since slaughterhouses and factories focus more on efficiency and cost reduction than the comfort of the animals.
It's sort of necessary when you need to feed so many people in a short time.

>> No.5427212

why does she eat two loaves of bread AND four sandwiches
does she just eat toast all day

>> No.5427215


I'm working on it. Problem is that meat is expensive.

>> No.5427220

The amazing thing is that when you see people of this size you know they pretty much have to be eating >>5427090 amounts of food.

Except for the minority that are actually fucked by genetics.

>> No.5427226

Why do fires never seem to happen when groups of fat people are around?

>> No.5427237

Move to the US. It's cheaper than corn here.

>> No.5427242

yesterday I was walking through midtown and there was some fag in a tank top holding up a sign with peta stock images of chickens in cages screaming at people about going vegan as they walked by

>> No.5427244

you realize it's not a choice, don't you?

>> No.5427247

sounds like he's got some good points

>> No.5427275 [DELETED] 
File: 970 KB, 976x608, sdfasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened to me about three years ago

>Was visiting Philadelphia during easter break to visit my grandparents.
>In Center City (business district) and there was a large mob of people with signs and one with a megaphone.
>Really vulgar pictures of outdated systematic animal slaughter on the boards, people screaming, chanting.
>I happened to be eating a hot dog at the time. >One dude got up in my face, screaming that I was part of the problem, literally chest to chest with me.
>Tried to be calm, told him to back off.
>Thrusts the sign up, grazes my face a little, knocks the hot dog out of my hand.
>Shoved him back and throttled his face with all of my might, laying him the fuck out. >People get quiet and then start screaming.

I ended up getting arrested, spend 12 hours in lock up. The little spineless faggot tried to press charges but the owner of a restaurant we were in front of was a real bro and had the whole thing on video vindicating me. Vegans, not even once.

>> No.5427280
File: 109 KB, 432x576, 1399483891268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened to me about three years ago

>Was visiting Philadelphia during Easter break to visit my grandparents.
>In Center City (business district) and there was a large mob of people with signs and one with a megaphone.
>Really vulgar pictures of outdated systematic animal slaughter on the boards, people screaming, chanting.
>I happened to be eating a hot dog at the time.
>One dude got up in my face, screaming that I was part of the problem, literally chest to chest with me.
>Tried to be calm, told him to back off.
>Thrusts the sign up, grazes my face a little, knocks the hot dog out of my hand.
>Shoved him back and throttled his face with all of my might, laying him the fuck out. >People get quiet and then start screaming.

I ended up getting arrested, spend 12 hours in lock up. The little spineless faggot tried to press charges but the owner of a restaurant we were in front of was a real bro and had the whole thing on video vindicating me. Vegans, not even once.

>> No.5427285

see I was very tempted to get a big fat hamburger and just stand next to him eating it

>> No.5427517

You win the internets for the the day.

>> No.5427528

Looks just like my friends wife.
Yes she eats like that.
A buddy of mine and myself did catering. The people didn't want the left overs. So we had taken 26 whole smoked tri tip back with us.
We figured we could eat that for months on the weekends while playing D&D.
Fucking bitch ate every single one in a day. EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

>> No.5427534

Cross fitters
Paleo dieters

because they will always tell you. It doesn't matter if you asked or not.

>> No.5427538

This is what you do.
Find out their next rally, Get permission from the city to have a BBQ on the side walk and sell smoked meats right next to them.
All the while not allowing them to know you have permission.
When they call the fire marshal you stop you, present the paper work. Then give the firemen free meat.
That will burn their tofurkey.

>> No.5427539

She can easily be converted to biofuels when SHTF. Fatties are a blessing and a great potential market. You just don't realize it.

>> No.5427541


Why do defensive carnists always turn into nihilists to excuse their behavior?

>> No.5427548

>stories that never happened

>> No.5427550

When people talk about a "restrictive diet" they usually mean that a diet that cuts out a particular type of food: keta is restrictive because it cuts out carbs, vegetarian is restrictive by cutting out meat, etc. I've never heard some say restrictive as in restricting calorie intake.

Though I don't know how you can get to the point of needing to restrict it anyway, just eat normally aka eat three meals a day and eat until you're full, not bloated, not in pain, just full and don't snack too much, just every now and again as a treat and then you shouldn't even need to count calories. It truly boggles my mind how someone can eat that much without feeling sick.

>> No.5427554

Lets bury them all then.

>> No.5427567

She probably snacks on the bread loaves. White bread is a very snackable food as it's very morish.

What I don't get is the two bottles of coke and two bottles of milk. I can barely drink half of one of those coke bottles in a day let alone two (though mainly because I don't like coke or fizzy drinks in general bar ginger beer) and a pint of milk is super filling how she can stomach four pints is truly beyond me.

>> No.5427618

Because they're trendy, preachy idiots most of time just like the gluten free crowd.

Compare and contrast: vegetarian indian dude why plays videa with you vs. white dude with dreadlocks who can't STFU about how so and so corporashun is evey whenever you two walk past its logo.

>> No.5427637


>white dude with dreadlocks who can't STFU about how so and so corporashun is evey whenever you two walk past its logo.

That's not a vegan, that's just an annoying person in general. There's plenty of those who eat meat, you just don't bother classifying someone you dislike by their diet unless their diet is different from yours

>> No.5427772


> carnists

lol, you really have no idea how stupid you look when you make up forced buzzwords. It's like your dad trying to be 'hip' and 'groovy' by saying "hip" and "groovy".

You do realize your "carnists" do eat vegetables too right?

You know what that means we're called?
Hint since you people seem a little dense:

Starts with an 'O', and ends with an '-mnivore'.

And still to this day, I have yet to meet a vegan, (specifically a vegan, vegetarians are usually cool) that actually eats well. Most eat a tremendous amount of processed food, thus eating worse than the "carnists" they seem to hate.

P.S. If you're trying to get people to help you with animal rights, or whatever your political dogma is before you become a functioning adult in society... it helps to not be so aggressive, insulting, loud, obtrusive, and um/misinformed when you're trying to 'convert' others.

The way you go about things is akin to going on a date, pulling up a picture of your genitals, and angrily shouting in a crowded restaurant how good sex feels and it will benefit everyone. If you were to do that, do you think you would have a very successful date?

>> No.5427789

Depends on the girl, really.
She could surprise you by whipping out a cheeky nipple and agreeing wholesomely with your point.

>> No.5427830


You know... I wrote all that, and had my girlfriend read it, and she said: "But you've done that."

I don't think I've done 'that' specifically, but she(and you) do indeed have a point. Saw a cheesy motivational that's fitting here: Life is all about finding that special person that's your kind of weird.

It's going to be so hard to eat my girlfriend and wear her skin, she was a very rare find.

>> No.5427840

Nobody does that.

Making shit up doesn't help your arguments.

>cue in random story about a friend of a friend whos a vegan and only eats oreos for every meal.

>> No.5427846

You know what's gonna be harder?
Accidentally bumping into her family while wearing the girlfriend coat.
You don't think things through, sir.

>> No.5427871


Two words:


I'm a low meat omnivore, practically vegetarian, and I cook a lot. Friends like to sucker me into cooking, and I like to do it. The majority of "vegans" (my mother included) eat a tremendous amount of processed foods.

I'm not saying it's the majority of their diet, but it's pretty fucking close. And they definitely eat more processed food than anyone else I know.

>> No.5427908


Forgot a key point in that post:

I end up at a lot of peoples' homes cooking for them, and I see what's in their fridges/freezers.

I've seen what they bring around to eat when we're just hanging out.

I've heard what they eat because the majority of them are always complaining about how shitty they feel and I, being health conscious and know food is important, ask them what they eat.

Typical vegans eat like shit.
(My mom is a little better than most.)

Vegans live in a cloud, as well they wear a blindfold, and put a hood on. They think they get all the nutrients of a 'normal' diet. And I'll agree they do, but I ask: to what degree?

You get all your protein sure, but what percents of which aminos? How much lysine do you get? Too much? Enough? Which? Just because you get the variety, doesn't necessarily mean you get enough of each.

What about your B12? And which one are you supplementing with? Cyanocobalamin? Methyl-? Hydroxo-? Adino-?

Are you as militant and tipped to rage as you are because you lack certain cholesterols? Are you tired because you don't have enough niacin? Has your existing tryptophan been converted to niacin instead of dopamine? Is that why you have a general sense of dread and increasing tendencies to being a control freak?

Eat some eggs once in a while, fish. Have a cheese board with some fruits and fermented veggies. You'll feel a lot better.

>> No.5428158
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>> No.5428406

those people aren't true vegans and they are doing it completely wrong.

remember OP, hipsters and soccer moms are not really vegans.

>> No.5428410

>shitpost some trollbait to screw with vegans
>expect them to not come to the thread and call you a dumbass

>> No.5428415

>world is shit because of people
>people throw trash on the floor everywhere
>might as well keep throwing trash on the floor, hey everyone else is doing it.

you suck, and you are wrong. some people refuse to be part of the problem, unlike you.

>> No.5428416

>limiting yourself mentally so much that you can't even consider another way of life as even being real.

>> No.5428417

he sounded upset, I don't blame him, but some people just can't handle the stress.

>1 crazy person of x/group does not = every person of x/group = crazy.

>> No.5428421

this probably never even happened, but there are plenty of psychopathic people in this world, vegan or not.

>> No.5428425

>implying that everyone who is a vegan always bothers you about it.

yes there are some, but not all are pains in the ass.

>> No.5428429

maybe some people are finally going crazy seeing stupid corporation logo's everywhere every day of their lives? like STUPID COKE get out of my life

>> No.5428447


> trolls

you really have no idea how stupid you look when you make up forced buzzwords. It's like your dad trying to be 'hip' and 'groovy' by saying "hip" and "groovy".

You do realize your "trolls" do eat vegetables too right?

You know what that means we're called?
Hint since you people seem a little dense:

Starts with an 'T', and ends with an '-rolls'.

And still to this day, I have yet to meet an omnivor, (specifically a burgurmurrica) that actually eats well. Most eat a tremendous amount of processed food, thus eating worse than the "vegans" they seem to hate.

P.S. If you're trying to get people to agree with you about political dogma is before you become a functioning adult in society... it helps to not be so aggressive, insulting, loud, obtrusive, and um/misinformed when you're trying to 'convert' others.

>> No.5428450

if they eat a ton of processed foods they aren't vegan, they are junk food snackatarians.

>> No.5428525




>> No.5428533

>Omnivores being so desperate to have reasons to hate vegans that they make up stories.

>> No.5428540

lol, look how insecure this kid is

>> No.5428550

Oh fuck off with this "if they eat processed foods they're not vegan" shit.

Some vegans are vegan for reasons other than themselves and might not care as much about their health, and they can eat as much processed food as they want. Fuck off.

>> No.5428554
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>> No.5428560

As if soy is as bad for you as meat, or bad for you at all.

As if fake meat doesn't often taste better than real meat and/or completely different.

>> No.5428562

>completely missing the point this much

>> No.5428564
File: 107 KB, 540x551, anecdotal evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5428565

Am I the only one who fucking hates Penn Jillette?

Why is he glorified on the internet?

>> No.5428568


Reaction image.

>> No.5428572

Except it's not just anecdotal evidence. It's completely valid evidence that a "restrictive" diet can work very, very well long term.

How to make a scientist's head explode:
>Make an absolute statement.
>Respond to someone proving that statement isn't always the case, and it can be quite the opposite.
Claim it's merely anecdotal evidence.
>Give absolutely no evidence for your statement.

>> No.5428602

the oldest person to ever live smoked cigarettes every day
this is evidence that smoking is good for you long term

>> No.5428621
File: 357 KB, 500x375, Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not just anecdotal evidence.
Except it is. They attribute their longevity to their diet, but on what basis? What other factors are in play? What about all they other people who live long lives who aren't vegan.

>very, very
>long term

Yes, science and facts just love vague, qualitative, relative terms. You can believe whatever you want. I'm not going to stop you, but you can't convince me with belief alone.

>> No.5428622

You fucking moron.

No, that's proof that smoking won't necessarily cause you to die an early death.

Just like my evidence was proof that a restrictive diet CAN work long term (especially a restrictive diet like veganism).

How can people be this dense?

>> No.5428626

Pseudo-intellectuals make my eyebrow twitch.

You have such a poor grasp of this discussion I'm not even going to bother because you'll probably just misunderstand my response anyway.

>> No.5428629

>1 case/data point
>calls it proof

You're dense, aren't you?

>> No.5428640

So you're going to hide behind an insult and just dismiss the comment instead of trying to defend your stance? Are you unwilling to defend what you're saying, or just unable to? I haven't even been attacking the substance of your argument, but how poorly constructed and illogical your argument is.

>> No.5428648

Actually there were three cases but I could have added more + studies showing vegans and vegetarians to live longer than omnivores. But I figured three was more than enough to make my point. And it was proof. The problem here is you're deliberately misunderstanding what it's proof of. It's quite obviously proof that a restrictive diet CAN work long term, but you guys are so determined to argue no matter what that you don't want to understand that simple fact.

>> No.5428651
File: 84 KB, 768x480, le epic win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting OC

>> No.5428707

>>he says, despite never haven taken the life of an animal he was about to eat
Except, I have

>> No.5429089


Except you're forgetting that most of the "blue zone" areas and centennial dense areas are mostly omnivorous. Japan & the Mediterranean just to name two.

But you know what, it doesn't matter. People could hand you research and strap you down and show you proof beyond doubt that you're wrong and you'll still refute it.

Veganism (assuming you are one) has become your identity, and to admit you're wrong means that you're existence is flawed.

You've reduced your diet to the equivalent of educational television. Sure it can be amusing, or in the case of dieting, it "gets the job done", but you're missing out on a lot of good stuff.

I suggest you go watch some porn, have a steak, and masturbate. You really seem like you could use some release on all levels.

Captcha: Feral Ashwolf

>> No.5429105
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Okinawa specifically is the area known for people living long, healthy lives. Look how "omnivorous" they are

>> No.5429118


>81% of total calories from sweet potatoes and rice
>ideal human diet you guize

>> No.5429123


I'm confused...

You post an image of a report that proved your oppositions' position perfectly...

Yet, you write in a tone of "haha! I got you good!".

Please explain.

>> No.5429124

10/10 OC. Saved in my "comedy gold folder". Screencapped and saved in my"best of 4chan" folder.

>> No.5429128


It's like being beaten senseless and saying "ha ha I messed up your knuckles real good with my face"

>> No.5429140


>Please explain.

Well if you look at the image, it shows how much of those foods are in the diet by weight and by percentage of total calories. Less than 1% of calories for meat, eggs, and dairy, 1% of calories for fish (15 grams, about half an ounce). If that's what you consider an omnivorous diet, I'd have to agree that a diet of atleast 99% healthy plant foods is a good diet

>> No.5429152

Well it is an island nation, meat is expensive. But when your main staple is sweet potatoes you don't need much else.
Also I have had Okinawan sweet potatoes, they're fucking delicious.

Though overall they do digest less sugar and salt than main island Japanese. Which is probably why they don't get stomach problems as much as main island Japanese.

>> No.5429202
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>he cares about how someone eats their meals

>> No.5429225

I wont fuck off, sorry buddy :)

when jackasses like you run around complaining that vegans don't know what they are doing and that they are so unhealthy, and then make it sound like every vegan is like that, I will pop up and explain the truth to people so that you can not deceive them.

true vegans eat lots of fruits and vegetables, not donuts and white bread all day long, you poor poor confused fool.

>> No.5429226

/ck/'s new meme
>do u liek vegetables
>do u enjoy organic fewd
>yur a foget

every threed.

>> No.5429227

>all soy is bad for you

depends on who you are. some people are allergic while others are not.

>> No.5429228

>completely missing the point this much

>> No.5429242

no, /ck/'s new meme is
>you eat _____
>LMAO fat ahmehricaunnnn leh hau hau

>> No.5429273

>implying that there isn't more than one meme going around.

however I do notice that almost half of the threads sometimes are alot of "hue i just got 2 tons of lard recipe plz"

>> No.5430174

> carnivore
We t-rex now

>> No.5431334

why do you assume everyone is the same?

>> No.5431874

seems like you met a hypocrite, not a true vegan.

>> No.5431936


Naw, it's pretty much every vegan.

>> No.5431939

>do u enjoy organic fewd

*Do you enjoy placebos?

>> No.5431955
File: 29 KB, 262x273, 1397898835226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casually chatting with girl
>talk about studying and that stuff
>offer that we could switch class schedules as a jokr because hers are so much easier
>"well not too sure how you would like the cross fit training :P"

>> No.5431983

vegans eat fruits and vegetables, not junk food and crap. you clearly didn't meet the right people so you have no excuse to judge all vegans because of a few misguided people.

no, and organic food is not a placebo.

was this a bad thing? what you can't handle playful talk? think about what you said.

"haha we should switch classes because you have very easy classes!" this sounds condescending. she got you good.

>> No.5432771

FUCK OFF WITH THIS SHIT. None of that makes a vegan a hypocrite. Vegan just means abstaining from animal products. Stop projecting your retarded ideas onto it.

I'm starting to develop a hatred for dietary vegans. They can be almost as annoying as defensive meat eaters. At least when they try to speak for all vegans. Vegans do not all care about their health and it shouldn't concern you what they eat, as long as it's not harming anyone else.

>> No.5432776

>organic food is not a placebo

Only it is, ABX and blind test studies have shown that people only prefer organic food when it's labelled organic.

>> No.5434220

Only it isn't, biased test studies funded by fox guarding the chickens nest have shown that people only prefer organic food when it's labelled organic.

In real life, People like things that they like because they have good reasons.

although I buy organic vegetables because I want to avoid monsanto, they have tasted the "normal" before, and have also tasted really really good to the point that I was shocked.

>> No.5434253


It must be nice to be 20 years old and think you know something. Don't worry when you get older, you'll look back on these days and laugh as much at you as the majority of us are right now.

>> No.5434304

you are wrong to believe that I will change my point of view in such a way. I have given my decisions great thought and I have been guided by the one and only G-D. these are the decisions that I have made and they are the best I can do at the moment. Do not be mistaken that I will look back and think I was foolish to try and feed my body and soul the healthiest food I could in avoidance of monsanto and other groups who I know in my heart to be evil. you may laugh now, and you may laugh then, but know that I will laugh as well because I know that G-D almighty the only G-D and my king is with me. can you say the same?

>> No.5434401

>don't use legs
>why bother wearing shoes and pants?

>> No.5434487

people are just trying their best.

>> No.5434517

do vegans really eat that much soy? There's plenty of other sources of protein, which is only one part of a balanced diet.

I would imagine a vegan mainly eats fruits, vegetables, beans (including but not limited to soy), and nuts. Well that's what I would eat if I were so inclined

>> No.5434547

this is much more realistic. some people are very, well I don't want to say stupid, but they just have no clue how to eat a balanced diet, so a few people think its okay to just eat a ton of soy all the time and not much else and then they complain when they don't feel so great, but then they go further and say that they are quitting because being vegan sucks and everyone gets pissed off at them. then they switch diets and complain that they don't feel good again just eating cold cuts all day long.

>> No.5434579

I was vegan for three years and I never went for all of that processed or fake meat shit. I adapted my style of cuisine instead of trying to imitate everything. I did it for slightly different reasons than other people do though

>> No.5434612
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There are actually worse health outcomes overall for Veganism, it's mainly a moral thing I think.
Veganism is fine so long as they know how to properly supplement their diet to make up what they would miss out on normally.

The problem is when the expect society to cater for their needs and then get angry when they don't.

>> No.5434620

No, the claim means literally nothing. There isn't even a causative link discussed.

Christ, has no one here ever done Statistics before

>> No.5434629

>hasn't heard about zero carbers

These people eat nothing but animal products.

>> No.5434663

>There are actually worse health outcomes overall for Veganism

nope, people get sick when they are stupid and have no idea how to create a balanced diet.

people that eat meat/chicken/fish are exposed to way more bad things than people who eat just plants.

>The problem is when the expect society to cater for their needs and then get angry when they don't.

what in the b8 are you talking about.

why would anyone ever want to have no carbs? I guess to each their own, but for me that is just crazy.

I usually eat beans/nuts/seeds/fruits/vegetables/mushrooms and things like that. I need a little good sugars, good carbs, good salts, good fats, good proteins, etc.

>> No.5434974

depends on what choices you make. some can be very successful, and the opposite of restricting.

>> No.5435005

>These people eat nothing but animal products.
Gee that sounds healthy.

>> No.5435017

I can easily eat a whole load of bread, or two, in a day, especially with butter and toasted. It has to be grainy though. But I have a small sensitive tummy, so I won't be able to fit in anything else for the day. Or I just go bulimic because I really want that cupcake or salmon that is in the fridge,

>> No.5435025

People who eat meat are exposed to more bad things? Ever forget where most plants come from? The dirt. Dirt can have innumerable variation in delicious bacteria and fun organisms like tapeworm eggs. If ingested because of an unwashed plant, these eggs hatch and form cysts in the flesh and brain of the host.

If someone eats a tapeworm cyst from undercooked pork, the cyst hatches into a normal tapeworm, which can be treated a little easier than cysts in the flesh.

Point is though, both plant and animal products have their 'dangers'. Unless you are an expert on disease, I don't believe your notion that meat eaters are exposed to more "bad things" than vegans.

>> No.5435037

>If ingested because of an unwashed plant, these eggs hatch and form cysts in the flesh and brain of the host.
uhhh no

>> No.5435052

You don't believe me?

Look up Cysticercosis.

The disease is usually spread by eating foods that contains the tapeworm's eggs.The foods most commonly believed to be the cause are uncooked vegetables.

>> No.5435059

This wouldn't be a concern if one did not raise pigs in close proximity.

>> No.5435078


Also it is just one example of a disease one can get from under washed vegetables.

Plant, or animal, there is always a way to get sick from them unless they are prepared properly and hygienically.

If we compare a person who eats well cooked vegetable products with someone who prepares meat dishes unhygienically, it is going to appear to the biased mind that people who eat meat are exposed to more 'bad things'. Fucking lol. Bad things.

>> No.5435176
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I've been a vegan for 5 years without taking a single supplement. I'm also an active athlete who has been sick once the last 5 years.

Please tell me again about how I'm not healthy.

>> No.5435186

>Veganism is fine so long as they know how to properly supplement their diet to make up what they would miss out on normally.

Your ability to read and comprehend doesn't seem too healthy to me. Proof of veganism whittling down at the brains of people.

>> No.5435187

I think most ppl kill lobsters before they cook them…

>> No.5435190

Also supplementing diets does not mean using pills. It also just mean a certain food.

>> No.5435196

Probably the weakest athlete with the least muscle.

>> No.5435216
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>MFW all this vegan buttmad

Keep eating your fake chicken products and telling me about how meat doesn't even taste good

>> No.5435219

Say that to his face.


>> No.5435222

i dont

>> No.5435252

Vegans are waffly on how much shellfish count as murder. On one hand, we shouldn't eat them because their shitty little nervous systems "feel pain just like us ;_;". On the other hand, we can't use them to prove that we are willing to kill our own food - nothing less than slaughtering our own cows will do.

I wonder why that is. Wait, no I don't, it's because vegans don't actually think about any of the retarded shit that comes out of their mouths.

>> No.5435257

Are you against eating non-sentient bivalves like oysters? They're a good way to get your B12 fix. It's not vegan, but oysters don't experience pain unlike other animals since they lack the necessary physiological structures.

>> No.5435281

>all this buttmad from trolls trying to harass vegans and getting absolutely schooled with knowledge.

vegans don't eat shellfish or any animal products. you are completely incorrect.

how do you know, have you even been a oyster b4

>> No.5435322

>vegans don't eat shellfish or any animal products. you are completely incorrect.

Vegans don't learn English either, apparently, because that isn't what I said at all. Go back and try it again.

>> No.5435352

Good job OP, you caught one immediately.

>> No.5435414
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I describe myself as a vegetarian who does not eat dairy.
I will not describe myself as a "vegan" as i do not want to be associated with the type of people who label themselves as "vegan"

does this sound dumb?

>> No.5435463
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You now owe me one keyboard to replace the one I just spit coffee on laughing.

>> No.5435491

nah bro you just don't like labels because as soon as you do something you want some jackass jumps up and says AHA!! YOUR NOT VEGAN YOU DO X

I'm the same, but as my standards go right now with food, all my friends and family call me vegan anyway.

>> No.5435497


Just refer to it as "a plant-based diet"

>> No.5435498

>implying there hadn't been many millions of animals more that had lived a life of full-time torture if it wasn't for vegetarianism
I'm not even vegetarian

>> No.5435507

I wont contribute to it.

>> No.5435509




>> No.5435583

Yeah i thought millions sounded like a bit of an understatement

>> No.5436880

I posted this last time, but think of this

>Jim is a vegan. Let's say Jim has a car and it breaks down. He takes it to the mechanic. Let's call the mechanic Bob. Bob eats meat. The money that Jim pays Bob for his services goes onto to pay for Bob's groceries (which contain meat). Isn't Jim indirectly paying for animals.

Yes I know its a bit meta, but unless that vegan lives in an isolated commune (highly unlikely), they still support the industry in some way shape or form.


>> No.5436885


*animal slaughter

>> No.5436919

>yfw jim has leather seats in his car and has a leather belt
it is impossible to be a vegan in todays society with certain exceptions

>> No.5437356

We hope to someday leave and go somewhere where we can live in peace and not contribute to that system at all.

>> No.5437449

Please hurry.

>> No.5437491

i have nothing against vegans.
then i get a little isy

>> No.5437526

I'm a vegan and a triathlete.

>> No.5437530

>I'm vegetarian because it's healthy!
>eats nothing but donuts cake and bagels

>> No.5437578

I thought you would shove the hotdog in his face

>> No.5439719
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This is what I like to follow not in the least vegan but still pretty damned healthy when I stay busy enough with exercise.

>> No.5440532

Who's the dumbass now though? the guy shitposting or the guy falling for the bait?

>> No.5440534

Given there's no requirement in being a triathlete other than signing up that's not entirely impressive

>> No.5440557

>implying you have to count calories if the majority of your food is healthy
>implying healthy food won't fill you up and keep you at a moderate weight because holy fuck our digestive system has had a long time to evolve and if you put the right things in, you'll be fine

You only have to count calories if your problem is overeating any food. If your problem is eating horrible junk food, then you need to worry about that.

>> No.5440698

says the pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.5440733

>going to wholefoods in Portland
>Disgusting woman with dreadlocks standing out front holding a "Meat is murder sign"
>I'm getting beer, and cheese.
>come outside
>she walks up to me
>start laughing like a retard
>start trying to walk away
>laughing so hard I start seeing spots.
>have to sit down and stop my self from hyperventilating.
>serious laughing fit again
>get up
>stumble to my car
>get in
>people are looking at me like I'm a crazy person
seriously, I thought I was going to pass out from laughing. I thought she was joking about the burning off the breast thing...until I realized she wasn't and I just couldent hold it it. The fact that she was spreading such incredible misinformation and truly believed with all her heart that was true was just hysterical.

>> No.5440739

i always humor crazy people. They have this wine tasting thing... and there's this one nutbag that goes there. He's like 55 years old, still dreaming to be a stand up comic, and hes involved with a pyramid scheme.

Everything that comes out of his mind is comedy to me... though obviously not intended to be funny. He calls himself "Mr. Positive" and refers to himself in the third person.

Others just listen to his 2 minute shpiel and back away slowly. But i ask more questions. "Interesting... so you're saying if i give you $300.... i will be allowed to take 300 dollars from other people... as many as i want?"

>> No.5440746

it really did catch me off guard though; I couldent process what I was hearing. "alright, this is a joke right? no ones this stupid and tries to scream it at people...right?"

>> No.5440747

more like fried food, potatoes, pasta and pastreys

>> No.5440780
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>> No.5441607

so funny. tell the rocket scientists to hurry up so we can terraform mars.

>> No.5441614

>said nobody ever

people like that aren't vegan, they are just junkfood snackatarians that want to pretend to be vegan. real vegans eat lots of fruits and vegetables and very little processed food.

>> No.5441616

at least someone is pointing it out to warn other vegans from falling victim to the retard

>> No.5441622

when people say they "are a triathlete" it usually means that they actually run around and do that.

>> No.5441630

I agree with this.

wow that sounds awful, here is my experience.

>go to wholefoods
>walk to freezer section
>organic peas
>buy it
>was nice
>go home

crazy people can show up anywhere though.

>> No.5441793

why do you give a crap what vegans do? we got so many trolls raiding our threads and trolling us, we don't want to bother anyone.

>> No.5441851

I'm not vegan, but I don't eat meat for reasons and I fucking love fruit and veggies, beans, quinoa!!!, make my own Seitan. Occasionally will buy a tofu brick if I'm doing a quick stir fry or something, but yeah, I try to be smart about the way I eat. Most everything I buy is organic produce, eggs from the backyard, make my own rice milk from organic brown rice. Will only eat a pre-formed meat substitute if its a last minute thing or party that I forget about.

>> No.5441855


>make my own rice milk from organic brown rice.

Be careful with that rice milk, even organic brown rice is known to have high arsenic levels

>> No.5441865

[citation needed]

>> No.5441898



>> No.5441905

thats really sad they found bad things in some food, but that happens all the time. I will try my best to eat as healthy as I can. I wont stop eating organic brown rice because of this, and I will try my best to not eat contaminated rice.

>> No.5441918

Its a couple days a week type thing, really just something to wet my cereal, but I do consume rice probably 2 - 3 times a week. I did read that cite and FDA's and Lundberg Farms (place I buy my rice from) and had no idea, so thanks for the link. I'll keep an eye on further research.

>> No.5441920

wowoww. Sorry about that. site*

>> No.5441927
File: 139 KB, 545x1000, Lotus-Foods-Heirloom-Bhutan-Red-Rice-708953001609[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't stop eating rice either, but I'm more careful of where my rice comes from. This isn't really a case of "some rice is contaminated," it's virtually every rice you find in the store has significant amounts of arsenic due to the nature of how rice is grown, where the flooded fields they grow in soaks up a lot of environmental pollutants. In the case of rice grown in the southern US, it's especially arsenic-ridden because the fields they grow rice in used to be cotton fields, and since cotton isn't a food crop they could spray as much of anything as they wanted, which collected and lingered in the ground to this day.

This rice right here is what I buy. Organic, fair trade, heirloom red rice that's much lower in arsenic than US rices and a lot tastier as well, with a really good texture.

It's a little expensive to make rice milk out of, so my advice is to get a rice like this for eating, and instead or rice milk make oat milk

>> No.5441943

Shiii- Thanks my nigga, I will check this out. I assume you can only get this around a co-op or whole foods?

>> No.5441952

he wasn't saying vegans eat shellfish, he was saying a lot of vegans will try to discredit people killing lobsters when they say "but u dont even kill any animals u dont have teh ballz." It is taking another life/causing pain, and if you want to get uppity about lobsters being part of that then you can't say that those people have never killed something to eat it before.

>> No.5442003
File: 35 KB, 260x500, Lotus-Foods-Organic-Madagascar-Pink-Rice-708953501581[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I order it through Amazon. I really liked their other rice, forbidden rice, but that's grown in China, and despite being organic it still has around 190 ppb of arsenic, while the red rice has 57, which is about as low as whole grain rice can get. If you don't mind a not completely whole grain rice, Lotus Food's madagascar pink rice has only 3 ppb of arsenic, which is practically nothing. I haven't tried it myself, but if the red rice and forbidden rice are anything to go by, it should be pretty good stuff. According to the description, it's not completely whole grain, but it's much more on the whole grain side than the refined side

>> No.5442054
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Should unnecessary suffering be minimized or eliminated where possible? Many would say yes; best practices in the meat industry follow this by following humane raising/slaughtering guidelines.

What is is that makes an omnivorous diet better than a plant based diet? The common agreement would be that a meat or dairy centered meal would have a taste or texture that is more enjoyable. But a properly planned and if necessary supplemented plant based diet can fulfill your nutritional needs (this is taken only for those in a developed country with a robust transport and agriculture infrastructure, animals as food are a critical part of the diet of many indigenous peoples and those in less developed nations)

So this extra 'more enjoyable' feature of an omnivorous diet, could it be seen as a luxury and if so unnecessary? It fits the description well: "something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary". So could it not follow that all the unavoidable suffering in the meat and dairy industry is unnecessary? If you accept that then it comes down to a matter of personal choice as to how much value you give to the suffering of those of different species to you.

>> No.5442066


Then you have the matter of the efficiency of the dairy and meat industries. The amount of food energy required to sustain the herd, corn feed or pasture for grazing, is significantly greater than the amount of food energy in the final animal product. This is poor use of space, resources and time; this could become very relevant later in this century for societies wishing to reduce their agricultural waste streams and increase food production.

>> No.5442071

while this sounds absolutely delicious, and I would probably even buy it if I saw it for sale at the store, I will just stick with my organic rice.

>> No.5442073

how much is it per bag? how big is the bag? no ripoff on the price right?

>> No.5442077

I actually have that brand of Forbidden Rice in the pantry but will need to try both pink and red.

>> No.5442079

Pink smile isn't less healthy than meat. It is meat.

>> No.5442081
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>> No.5442086

>The living conditions for cows are deplorable, I'm going to stop buying meat to make sure none of my money ever reach these cows!

>The living conditions for Africans are depolorable, I'm going to stop donating money to make sure none of my money ever reach these Africans!

>> No.5442087
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Gotta love the flipside of this too

>"A vegan diet isn't healthy!"
>proceeds to spend the rest of the day eating junk food and never touching a fruit or vegetable, being deficient in a number of nutrients to the point where they have to supplement something as common as simple plant fiber or else they only shit once every couple of days, while plaque continually develops on the walls of their arteries

>> No.5442092

As to the argument for or against eating some types of shellfish I would side for it. Taking mussels as an example: From a physiological stand point, their nervous system is very basic and lacks a central cluster allowing for some form of pain response, it would be closer to a dismembered forearm/hand connected to a blood supply, yes nerve signals travel through it when physical damage occurs and it might twitch if stimulated correctly (as a shellfish would close its shell as a response to stimuli) but there is nothing to interpret these signals as pain.

From the environmental standpoint, mussel farming is very 'green' when done right. Taking as an example a successful NZ farming operation. The mussel spat or seeds that are used are taken from seaweed washed up on a specific beach, these spat would have died if left. The spat are then transferred to long ropes attached to buoys, grown without the use of any added nutrients/feed, and harvested.

They don't violate the ethical or environmental concerns typically associated with plant based diets, and it shows that you aren't setting up arbitrary boundaries (i.e. 'I eat nothing from the kingdom animalia, because').

>> No.5442097

>said nobody ever
People have made those arguments on both /ck/ and /an/ so don't try to act like it's never been said.

>real vegans
Lotta no true Scotsmen in this thread.

>> No.5442099

keep on chugging that choo choo on that lie train of deception

>> No.5442102
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It's about 4 bucks a bag, a bit cheaper than purchased in bulk. It's hard to call it a rip-off when it's fair trade, but I think it's worth the price, especially with how unique the rices they offer are. I've never had a rice this HEARTY, it looks and feels so much more "whole grain" than the brown rice at the store

>> No.5442109
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*when purchased in bulk

Also, their forbidden rice was pretty badass too, but like I said the arsenic content was too much for me

>> No.5442110

It's good because it's GMO a patented product of Monsanto

>> No.5442157

man, every time I go to Wholefoods in Portland I see some shit.

>> No.5442172


Go to the deli or meat section of your local walmart

>> No.5442192

nah man; I have never seen a woman playing the guitar wearing a strap-on in walmart. I know you're trying to be cleaver...but Portland is just strange and upscale hippie stores are a breeding ground for the strange...mainly because they think they will have a sympathetic ear.

>> No.5442200

Because of my weird self-employment hours I go shopping at odd times. Over the last year I've been to stores at all hours on the clock.
Late night trips have only few options such as convenience stores and Walmart. Witnessed either the mentally ill or druggies talking loudly to themselves and fighting a few times. Was a couple aisles away from some nutjob who pushed over a pallet of glass bottled something making a huge mess.

January I started going to Wholepaycheck, stopped going there last month... I thought some of the freaks wandering Walmart at 2AM were retarded, drugged, and mentally deranged. Wholefoods... wholefoods... I saw an balding extreme-body-hair guy in his 60's or 70's wearing a bikini, pink plaid skirt and platform heels. A pair of guys fondling each others crotches. A 30ish woman who came to me shortly after I entered, grabbed my arm, and followed me around the store asking my opinion on the foods and what I liked (FREAKED ME OUT and started me wondering why I was going there).
Even angrily confronted about my "privilege" for being a white guy.
Repeated sightings of people wearing "awareness" clothing; PETA, veganism, LGBTQ, etc.
And shoplifting, possibly more frequently than I've seen at any other store.

>> No.5442221


Fire is put out by smothering, all they need to do is sit down.

>> No.5442230


>The way you go about things is akin to going on a date, pulling up a picture of your genitals, and angrily shouting in a crowded restaurant how good sex feels and it will benefit everyone. If you were to do that, do you think you would have a very successful date?

10/10 would marry

>> No.5442247

what are you talking about, please be more specific?

>> No.5442250

your wholefoods must be crazy! whoa.. Ive been to a few different wholefoods all really calm and normal. just lots of happy people buying organic vegetables etc.

>> No.5442252

this has got to be a lie of epic trollz, wholefoods wouldn't allow things like that to go on at their store, the cops would have been called, no doubt.

>> No.5442279

ITT: /ck/ plays find the vegan

>> No.5442289

It's not like they hide. They're pretty quick to out themselves.

>> No.5442402

this is a stereotype

>> No.5442412

>mfw american rice is full of toxins

Feels good to be european.

>> No.5442424
File: 1.83 MB, 275x154, 8519rhq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gluten free

Those fucking marketers, man. They know what they're doing.

>Hey Jeff, what's a current food trend?
>Hmm, well people seem to be crazy for gluten free at the moment
>Hmm, well Jeff, that gives me an idea.
>Oh yea Bob?
>What's a normally gluten free, low gluten product?
>Uh, rice?
>Perfect, lets package our rice as "gluten free", people will fucking love it and avoid all other rices but ours.
>Bob, you're a genius.

>> No.5442426

>I fucking hate vegans
why do people care about others that much.
is it really that hard to say "cool." and then move on with your life instead of bitching like a baby.

>> No.5442428


Your irony is showing.

>> No.5442557

As a vegan myself, I agree that those that eat all the fake processed meat and stuff ALL OF THE TIME is just stupid health-wise. I would like to add though, that I do eat them occasionally, and they don't really taste like meat, it's more the texture and the seasonings.

>> No.5442584


The problem is, a lot of grains (yes, even rice) are often cross-contaminated with wheat or other gluten containing grains.

The exact legal definition of "gluten free" changes from country to country. Here, it's anything with more than 40 parts per million of gluten. I believe Australia has it at 5 ppm (which is the smallest amount we can actually detect).

If cross-contamination isn't an issue for you, then you're not actually gluten intolerant.

>> No.5442586

>Here, it's anything with more than 40 parts per million of gluten.

Errr, LESS than 40 ppm. Anything above isn't GF.

>> No.5442594

I have to have meat with every dinner. Breakfast and lunch are healthy but dinner is my time to shine. I have learned an appreciation for tofu though which I substitute a couple of times a week.