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File: 33 KB, 376x251, t-save-water-our-save-water-initiatives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5428247 No.5428247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"I hate the taste of water!"

>> No.5428286
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, +1 water pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will do the trick give water back some taste

>> No.5429630

Water in some areas taste like shit, so that IS a valid reason.

>> No.5429692

fucking this
Grew up with awesome well water, moved into the city for uni and next thing I know the tap water tastes like utter ass

>> No.5429703

I'm with you on this. I'm on a well that tastes like the most refreshing spring you have ever drank from. when I go down to visit my mom, her water tastes like shitty old chlorinated swimming pool water.

>> No.5429908

To be fair, water in North America is shit. In Europe it's alright, and where I live I think it's great.

>> No.5429909 [DELETED] 

>water in north america is shit
buttmad brownskin with a superiority complex spotted

>> No.5429926

I don't drink the water in West Texas. It's full of arsenic.

>> No.5430228

Most water really does taste bad. If you drink it from the tap, it's all nasty and polluted. If you filter it, it is tasteless or tastes of plastic.

It's rare to find naturally pure mineralized water.

>> No.5430243


That's because "pure" and "mineralized" are mutually exclusive. Pick one, not both.

>> No.5430280

You can add a bit of lemon juice in it, that's what nonfaggots do.

>> No.5430552

>live in a town where we get our city water from local reservoir
>half the year it tastes fine and the other half it taste like straight lake water (or worse)

>> No.5432011

ANY water in Texas is full of arsenic, hell, that entire state IS arsenic.

>> No.5432022


tap water at my parents has so much calcium in it it tastes metallic and ruines the taste of coffee/tee

>> No.5432121


Also, have a constant supply of ice cubes in your fridge.

>> No.5432123

Live in the Wetlands a.k.a Netherlands,

Have one of the cleanest crane water in the world, "i hate the taste of water"

No excuse anon.

>> No.5432153

>water in North America is shit. In Europe it's alright,
I live in Canada and we have more fresh water than you Europeans could dream of. And it isn't all hard as fuck and right beside millennium-old human settlements (and pollution sources).

>> No.5432154

>I don't drink the water in West Texas. It's full of arsenic.
That should be the first sign you shouldn't live in a place.

>> No.5432180

this was honestly just to point fingers at people who don't even drink restaurant or even bottled water because they hate the taste

>> No.5432184

>restaurant water
You mean tap water? Or do restaurants you visit bottle their own artisan water for their clientèle?

>> No.5432213

hilariously enough an american restaurant out here does that

>> No.5432220

MZ tap water tastes fuckin great. And it's always refreshingly cold

>> No.5432223

I mean NZ

>> No.5433813

>tfw I quit drinking soda 3 weeks ago
>tfw I have more energy now with only drinking water

Didn't think I will save that much money but dayum that water is so cheap

>> No.5436493

My big cantaro broke ;_;

I'm off to grab a new one.

>> No.5436505

Scottish tap water master race. That shit's delicious.

>> No.5436685

Mew Zealand.

>> No.5439392
File: 58 KB, 600x335, Kraft-MiO-Liquid-Water-Enhancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used these in water

Then found out worked great as a mixer. Water and pineapple for example with rum.

Then I discovered they just make various soda flavors explode in my mouth, and stopped using them in water

>> No.5439405

The water here in Scandinavia usually tastes like fresh springwater, but in all the capitals its pretty shit

>> No.5439419
File: 15 KB, 181x200, 1397611298347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>live in rural america close to lake erie
>tap water nice and fresh
>go to university
>tap water smells and tastes like it came straight out of a fucking pool
>there's so much chlorine in it that it irritates my skin
>have to buy chlorine water filter just to have normal water

>> No.5439424

Tap water tastes better than bottled water. Bottled water tastes bitter.

>> No.5439430

well, the city water where I live tastes like it's from a lead pipe lined with fluoride deposits....so I understand that stance. HOWEVER; a good filtration system and water is delicious.

>> No.5439442

You're fucking full of shit. NY water is from our resevours, and they're pretty good. One of the nice things that I like, that I really like is coming back to NYC after being away for a long time and say getting off of an airplane then getting into my own place and running some water and the smell is really nice.

Fuck you.
Something you'll never know.

>> No.5439443

I live in brazil. Water here tastes like shit.

In most of the areas water isn't properly treated/cleansed so people don't drink it straight from the tap. If you do, it tastes horrid. If you filter it, it still tastes horrid. Last option is mineral water which, guess what, is still terrible (although a bit less) and, looking back on it, is still very unhygienic.

you can't win

>> No.5439473

>not just boiling water to make it fit for consumption


>> No.5439476

water is great when you add some cool aid mix or similar to it

>> No.5439477

This. I love water straight from the tap. Ice cold bottled water is shit-tier.

>> No.5439485

Hot coffee and a cool glass of water is one of my favorite combos.

>> No.5439488

Where I go to school, the water has a film of oil from local drilling. People new to the area get sick from it.

Where I live, the water is contaminated by minerals underground and tastes like a silver spoon. Unpleasant, unless you have a home filter, but you get used to it.

Coffee, Tea, Soda; it covers the taste.

>> No.5439493

Water in nyc is fucken glorious

Went upstate and the water tasted like fucken toilet water

>> No.5439499

We have reverse osmosis everywhere out here. I don't know how they survived before that invention.

>> No.5439531

I think water, by definition, is rather bland. And as many people have mentioned, it doesn't taste good everywhere. I live in Los Angeles so the water is tolerable depending on the zip code and I'm fortunate my neighborhood gets good water.

But that aside I understand why people would opt for something with more flavor. Lemon and orange slices in your drink are a nice way to add flavor, as is adding mint leaves. Its not really 'water' at that point but most juices are much too sweet for me and we are cheap so we water down our juices to the point it its 90% water 10% juice.

>> No.5439532
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the water on an entire continent is shit

>> No.5439539

Is this a real thing? Do people in the first world use these?

>> No.5439549

what makes reverse osmosis so great? even the engineers at my Uni. talk about it and develop a shit ton of tech around it

>> No.5441133
File: 717 KB, 1272x702, britta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you are correct. NYC has some of the best water in the world.

The reason NYC pizza and NYC bagels are better than other places is the water used to make them. No shit.

So here's my thing, I put my Cincinnati tap water (hello brown Ohio river) through a Brita pitcher, and it tastes just fine.

If you don't like you tap water's taste, why not just use a Brita?

>> No.5441189

Okay kids, here's a primer on hydration:
1. distilled water > spring, "reverse-osmosis", or filtered > fruit juice
2. Non-melon fruits like oranges, pears > distilled water
source: general things nutritionists know

>> No.5441226

I was told that orange juice is more hydrating than water. True?

>> No.5441230


>> No.5441245

good bye enamel

>> No.5441259

a 2l of bottle water is the same price as a 2l soda lol

>> No.5442628

lmao no given that out of 100 ml of orange juice some of it is sugar and other shit the juice has compared to 10ml of water the water is the best choice

>> No.5444609
File: 41 KB, 315x329, ___012512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your internet black belt has failed you

>> No.5444632

>paying money for bottled water

>> No.5444731

Guys help I drank like 3 tall glasses of water in a row and I'm full of water but I'm still thirsty as fuck what do I do?

>> No.5444749

Eat some honey asshole
If you have pollen seeds even better
You might want to check and see it you are mortally wounded.

>> No.5444804

me too

>> No.5444883

>chloramine nearly ubiquitous throughout tap water
>bottled water regulated like shit
>distilled water is actually bad for you
Congrats on demonstrating a soccer-mom tier understanding of how water works, OP

>> No.5444888

Adding a pinch of sea salt to a glass of water is helpful, a bit of unpasteurized vinegar as well slacks my thirst but like less than a half teaspoon

>> No.5444892

Not everything you eat or drink has to be delicious grow up you 24month old

>> No.5444893

"I can't drink water unless its filled with HFCS!"


>> No.5444899

Actually chloramine is a by product of the treatment process. It works really well for the destruction of slim bacteria but it is poor for choliform bacteria