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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 800x800, absolutelygross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5419720 No.5419720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Disgusting Food Thread

>> No.5419723
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>> No.5419727
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>> No.5419729
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>> No.5419730
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>> No.5419733
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>> No.5419737
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I've tried it in so many things, but I just can't into cilantro.

>> No.5419741
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fookin paki's m8

>> No.5419745
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>> No.5419753
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>> No.5419758
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>> No.5419765
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>> No.5419770
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>> No.5419802
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>> No.5419820

nigga r u srs

>> No.5419836
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>> No.5419848


WTF is this bizarro day on /ck/?

>> No.5419884


I don't like McDonald's, and even I'll say that the McRib is one of the best sandwiches created.

>> No.5419890

So what the fuck do you actually eat?

>> No.5419896
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>> No.5419904

Can be tolerable when it's hot and sticky as fuck and drenched in soy sauce though.

>> No.5419906
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>> No.5419907

I hope you're not serious. The McRib is honestly shitty.

>> No.5419914


I will slap your bitch ass. You must be one of those rentboy BK BBQ rib sammichfag.

>> No.5419928

Tim Horton's

what do you eat pleb?

>> No.5419930

>Tim Horton's
I lol'd

>> No.5419932

honestly fuck you faggot chicken fries were the best thing to happen to bk and you know it!!!

>> No.5419951

>all the fruit and veg in this thread

nice going yanks

>> No.5419954
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>> No.5419959
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stay mad at your shit food britain

what the fuck are jellied eels?!

>> No.5419960


Shit-tier taste.

Ham is gross. I eat all pork products except ham. Also tuna fish sucks.

>> No.5419964

eels, in jelly. eel is an actual food, not processed from an industrial separation machine, so you wouldn't recognise it

>> No.5419973
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this is honestly one of the grossest things i've ever heard of.

at least the kebabs taking over the uk have brung you some flavorful food

>> No.5419975

dont' worry I'm sure someone will find a way to process it, deep fry it, serve it with fries and a ten billion dollar ad campaign to get you to eat it.

>> No.5419978
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Hi there.

>> No.5419984

get out

>> No.5419986

quit being an ungrateful little bitch if it wasn't for the usa you'd all be speaking german

>> No.5419991

Dont be hating on the traditions now

>> No.5419993

This loaf looks okay, but store-bought pre-sliced white bread? ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh

>> No.5419994
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>> No.5419997

You got me.

>> No.5419998
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sheep head soup


>> No.5420014

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Being multi-lingual, having a good infrastructure, and a functional economy based around exports and added value rather than American-style finance/services bullshit and trade deficits.

>> No.5420015
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Along with everyone else in this thread

>> No.5420017

I actually love the stuff. Given you got cream and enough sugar to go with it.
The fact that it looks like shit and the unfamiliar taste of rye malt is probably why it's so disgusting for most.

>> No.5420018

>being this stupid

>> No.5420028

Go on, tell me one advantage of American-style thatcherite neo-liberal, asset-stripping, outsourcing, debt-oriented 'taking each others washing in' economics over German engineering and exports?

>> No.5420032
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>> No.5420041

Implying Britain or Germany would have a "functional economy" now if Hitler was allowed to take over Europe

Cry all you want, but the UK owes its current existence to the US

>> No.5420047
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Yeah, a bit of cream with sugar is all it takes to make it eatable in small quantities.
I myself hate the taste of Vispipuuro when served without milk

>> No.5420050

Look at all the shit the Germans got built. Explain how anything is worse than minimum-wage, zero-hours jobs in Starbucks and record trade deficits because Wall Street looted everything is a good economy.

>> No.5420066
File: 24 KB, 156x257, EggplantPickledZiyad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the worst food item I've ever tasted. Not sure if I had an off batch or something, but it was repulsive. Imagine all the mild bitterness of a standard sized raw eggplant, concentrated into a space about the size of a cherry tomato. Now imagine biting into that and having it's juice burst into your mouth, immediately coating your tongue, a small amount trickling down your throat. The putrid odor overflows, escaping your puckered lips and filling your nostrils from both directions, a sickening pincer attack that leaves you no choice but to retch. But no matter how much you retch, the taste remains, overwhelming your senses. Squinting through tears in your eyes you eventually stumble over to the kitchen sink and fill a glass with water, your only remaining respite against the bitter onslaught of the eggplant bomb. As you pass the liquid through your quivering lips your senses begin to recover, to return. But in the fight against the bitter menace you've just ingested, the victory is a minor one. The eggplant yet remains, clinging to your tastebuds. Time is the only thing that can rescue you.

>> No.5420090

Again current day Europe would not have been possible without US intervention

>> No.5421950
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>> No.5422347
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>> No.5422361

Dont make me find you, I will hurt you

>Who woulda thunk that /ck/ would make me the angriest i've been here

>> No.5422419

Not the game guy, but olives remain one of two foods that I've never been able to get past my hatred of.

Both olives and water chestnuts are the only foods I never grew out of hating. Olives make me want to throw up like a little girl.

>> No.5422664

please consider committing suicide

>> No.5422721


>> No.5422835
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>> No.5423031

Turkey cold cuts are fucking disgusting, it's like eating a dry boot

>> No.5424046
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>> No.5424490

Fuck mayonnaise

>> No.5424506


Yes these are shit, but everything else is fine.

>> No.5424628

i hope you're not serious

>> No.5424976

brit fag here, I live in the north but have visitied the south a few times and never even seen jellied eels, I think it must be a really old english thing since phased out.

>> No.5425025

oh my god those things are disgusting.
I like normal olives, but these, there are vile.
There must be a special hell for whoever invented them.

>> No.5425832

c'mon honestly what is wrong with tomatoes

>> No.5425839

My girlfriend is a weirdo and loves tomato dishes, but refuses to eat them in anything when they are just sliced.

>> No.5425843

Biting into a fresh tomato is fucking disgusting.
No food has the right to violently jizz its juices into your mouth with every bite. Then that inside...those seeds...

>> No.5425885

are you fucking kidding me??
how can you not like caprese

>> No.5425888

Why you no eat your veggies?

>> No.5425901

veggies are for plebs

>> No.5425910
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Pinto Beans
Lima Beans
Iceberg Lettuce
Brussels Sprouts

>> No.5425911

Mustard is the worst condiment ever invented, fucks up anything it touches.
That goes for all mustard from the yellow shit to the garbage with seeds in it.

>> No.5425927

you are wrong 100%

>> No.5425929

You are a terrible person.

>> No.5426061

So you're ten years old?

>> No.5426125
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confirmed for troll thread

penus fish

>> No.5426189

I agree. I can eat anything, but cilantro is gross.

>> No.5426192
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>disgusting food thread
>didn't post actual food

>> No.5426198
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>> No.5426211
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>never enjoyed glory of a dry martini

>> No.5426224
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>> No.5426319

I agree, these are fucking shit and basically make nothing better. Worse is I have a few friends who love them.

>> No.5426323
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This son of a bitch

>> No.5426332

You mean, "Spoiled Picky Eaters Thread."

>> No.5426352

shit-tier plasticy chocolate

>> No.5426412

At first I never got why people hated these things, was it because it was so salty? or that it was this weird 'its soaked but still firm enough to crunch', or was it the huge kinds that are so fucking salty even an anchovi would dry up on it. Or even the 'butter pickles' witch are kinda more ment for salads or some shit and are kinda disgusting on there own.

Fucking love pickles

>> No.5426624

fucking autistic

>> No.5426792
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Im 25. Not everything tastes good to me, anon. Berries, for example, are so bitter that I can't stand them. They're not 'disgusting,' but I can't enjoy them. I'm not a fatty who lives off of sugar, either.

>> No.5426808

I went to America when I was 10, and brought some of them back to give to my friends at home.
When I ate mine, I had a huge allergic reaction, which has never happened before or since.
What the fuck do you yanks put in your chocolate?

>> No.5426819
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>> No.5426848

nah oats arent that great imo

I actually love that stuff if its on rice. Sticky as though

>> No.5426992
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this got SHIT on its green brother.

>> No.5427007
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Eaten mainly in East London.
My dad and lil bro still eat them.
The jelly is actually a salt jelly and not sweet, kind of used to preserve the juiceness of the eel which is actually really good. I'm not a fan of the jelly but a lot of Eastenders do.

Also Pie, Mash and Liquor is fucking awesome

>> No.5427012

Also, smells like fart.

>> No.5427292

Rocky Mountain Oysters

>> No.5428060

dried fruit, coated in sugar, paprika, and cayenne--mexican style

>> No.5428068

broccoli, vile weed.

>> No.5428105

Natto served withtuna sashimi is the bomb though. On its own it kinda lacks a punch

>> No.5429026

that's a funny way to spell dirty

>> No.5429060


>> No.5429061

my dick is rock hard

>> No.5429065
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forgot pic lol

>> No.5429087

To be fair, cilantro is genetics. Tastes like soap.

>> No.5429092

Any food from any fast food place.

>> No.5429191



i chuckled

>> No.5429193

>Tastes like soap.

Why do people keep yapping that? Do people actually eat soap on a regular basis to act like expert in the matter or something?
Most people don't even know what soap is, they use all those liquid stuff that is nowhere near close to be soap.

>> No.5429196

how i pity you

>> No.5429234

didn't you ever swear when you were a little kid

>> No.5429256

I never see burgers look so bad, how do they get like this?

>> No.5429267

damn I'm hungry for this now

>> No.5429340

I hope you wash your face.

>> No.5429373

confirmed eurabia supporter

>> No.5429388

>on your face

>> No.5429390

you bastard, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.5429398

no because my breath would smell bad

>> No.5429409

Brussels Sprouts
Junk food

>> No.5429545

Broccolli is delicious when baked with Bami as a fast snack!

>> No.5429548

>I learned about economics from the internet

>> No.5429567

>disgusting food
What are you 6?

>> No.5429580

What's so gross about eating fish? The jelly?
No, you're just being picky because it's not a fish you're used to.
No go eat a overcooked steak with bland gravy on it.

>> No.5429590

>doesn't like a dish
>must hate all good food

Retard logic.

>> No.5429594

But the juicy part with the seeds is the best part.

>> No.5429738

i'd rather not eat anything cooked in shit looking ky jelly. fucking britbongs defending their gross food

>> No.5429755


It truly is a bun full of processed artery hardening, processed goodness. thank god you can only get it once a year, except last year, of course. I mean what marketing genius thought the public would prefer "mighty wings" to the preformed pork Ambrosia that is the McRib?

>> No.5431866

how can something that's wet be dry?

>> No.5431877

not that guy (i'm the other guy who responded to him, in fact) but dry in this case means little to no vermouth, and what vermouth is added is white vermouth. I actually went to a restaurant and ordered a martini and they put sweet vermouth in it. It tasted like bile. It tasted like a war crime.

>> No.5431908

i was also like that until I went to college and I actually still would rather tomatoes be diced for everything.

>> No.5432044

black olives
raw tomatoes

I'm not wild about pineapple either

>> No.5432052

'The authors propose that this odor gene contributes to a person's dislike for cilantro because it increases the herb's soapy smell.

But, "it didn't make a huge a difference in cilantro preference from person to person," Nicholas Eriksson, the lead author on the study, tells The Salt. In fact, their results suggest that a hatred for cilantro has only a small underlying genetic component.'

>> No.5432055
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I hate it so much.

>> No.5432073

I hate the textures of tomatoes and peppers, which I wouldn't mind so much if they weren't shoehorned into everything.
This looks gross in general, but I think it would probably taste halfway passable if not for the giant chunks of tomato. It adds a really odd texture and sweetness to things that don't need it. Broccoli and cauliflower stalks are also really hard to chew/bite into without gagging a bit, though I like the heads/top bits of the stalk.

And straight mayonnaise is disgusting. I can stand it in tuna and a few sauces but eating it spread on a sandwich is just horrible.

>> No.5432077

I like the taste of cilantro, but something about the smell drives me crazy. If I'm making something with cilantro in it, I'll still be smelling cilantro hours later.

>> No.5432806

lmao are you serious that literally looks like an explosion of vomit

>> No.5432839

i love brown bread, but toasted brown bread is horrible
porridge without sugar is horrible, but is delicious with it
I hate salt and vinegar crisps, carrots and cabbage

>> No.5432846
File: 42 KB, 450x600, 450px-H%C3%A1karl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you guys are pathetic.
None of these foods are actually "disgusting". You just don't enjoy them as much as you enjoy other things.

There is only one acceptable answer. Pic related.

>> No.5432914

there's not such thing as disgusting food
everything can be prepared in a tasty way
hakarl's okay it's just you being pleb (and I'n not even Scandinavian)

>> No.5432922
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>> No.5432938

>not eating superior cracklins

>> No.5432939
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>everything can be prepared in a tasty way
I have an entire landmass that disproves you

>> No.5432984

how are you supposed to eat that? That's one of the food items I just don't get. It's literally like eating salty plastic. And I can't enjoy it like candy because it's too salty.

>> No.5432995


>hurr da british fud bad :DDD

>> No.5433002

i can understand the saltiness but where do you get plastic. i regularly chew on pens and things and they taste nothing like cracklins texturally or flavor wise

>> No.5433015

I mean that they're so hard to bite. Then again, I'm not a regular pen chewer, so maybe my jaw muscles just need training.

>> No.5433154

i lol'd

keep pretending like it's not the truth

>> No.5435236
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>> No.5435250
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literally bowled diarrhea