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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 714x871, BeefMarbling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5423822 No.5423822 [Reply] [Original]

can we get a kobe beef thread going? I've never actually tried it... but would like to. How do you feel about it?

>> No.5423824

I am not really fond of any marbling in steak. Maybe a little bit.

Also I like to cook it slightly past well done, with just a little crispness on the outside. This is so that I can rehydrate it with sauce.

Am I alone?

>> No.5423826
File: 67 KB, 900x607, 50_by_paniikki_apina-d4n59d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no marbling
Well, at least you're using cheap steak.

>> No.5423830


I guess it's just what I was raised around.

I don't imagine there are too many people raised around high quality steak with premium marbling, so I guess it's main appeal is because it's a luxury food.

>> No.5423832

Is there any meat with that fat?

>> No.5423834

that's a fine way to eat cheap meat... but a terrible waste of good steak.

it's like smashing caviar and mixing it into a broth instead of enjoying it.

past well done works well on skirt steak... like Carne Asada, but that meat has loads of marbling.

>> No.5423839
File: 142 KB, 645x883, MishimaBeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah... that's a photo of some Mishima beef... some tiny island in Japan. It's technically not Kobe beef.. but Japan has many different kinds of premium beef.

In fact, Kobe is not the best one.
> disclaimer: i am not a weebo

>> No.5423842


I was thinking the same thing.

There's no way that's only 25 percent fat.

>> No.5423844

You do realize you can get the crispness without cooking it to well done, right?

I was raised in a strictly middle class household and I've had it on multiple occasions, it was a 'holiday' thing, something for special occasions and what not.
The main appeal is that it is tasty, full of flavor and tender to the point where it pretty much just melts in your mouth.

>> No.5423848

>I've had it on multiple occasions
No, no you haven't.

>> No.5423850

I was raised around cheap meat, too. Any time we used beef it had no marbling and we mostly made stews out of it.

The only time we made steaks were chicken-fried steaks, where we beat the shit out of them with a mallet to tenderize them - once again because the meat was cheap.

I've had the priveledge of tasting delicious cuts of meat and took the tmie and effort to study about it. Haven't tried kobe beef yet, so what does that say? There's always something to look forward to.

Anyway, point is - if you enjoy food and new experiences you should probably try a medium rare ribeye sometime. its delish.

>> No.5423852

it's woven into the fibers of the meat, and it could be over 25... after all 25% is the minimum.

he probably meant "well marbled meat", not like staright up kobe beef.

>> No.5423855

I dunno if I'm alone on this but having random veins of fat looks dDisturbing, if not disgusting in a way?
Yeah it probably tastes good tho

>> No.5423857

it's not the fat you think, though. it's not saturated fat, not the white stuff on the outside... its actually monounsaturated which means its kind of soft and oily, kind of like the fat in salmon...

>> No.5423859


I just don't get the appeal of steak that is so tender it "melts" in your mouth.

I really don't.

What I would consider a premium steak, is a steak that is gristle free and slightly less chewy than stew meat with little fat or finely dispersed marbling and you can taste the charcoal from the sear. Mmm...

The kind of steak where you salivate so much you dissolve the meat in your mouth regardless of tenderness, and the tangy sauce smell hits your nose as you open your mouth and your saliva glands jet a stream of it out your mouth like your a snake spitting venom at your prey.

>> No.5423863

I agree to an extent, I've never had Mishima Beef but it looks like it could have the texture of sausage.

A good steak should have a bit of a chew to it. I also sear the shit out of my steak.

>> No.5423866


I love chewy steak :)

>> No.5423868
File: 97 KB, 500x333, carneasada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are all good qualities, but you're lying to yourself if you're saying that taking your same steak you described and making it twice as tender would make you not enjoy it. I really think you should try it before knocking it... it doesn't literally melt in your mouth, that's just a figure of speech.

Look, you guys are just talking about a different experience, that's all. I love chewy well seared steak too, and I already mentioned it - skirt steak or flap meat carne asada - delicious and chewy!

>> No.5423880
File: 17 KB, 308x145, steak-well-done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my steak cooked to what most would consider burnt.

This is the best pic I could find in 30 seconds.

Completely cooked through. No red.

>> No.5423885

come on, seriously? there's no way. Thick steak like that, all cooked through? It's not even juicy, it's dry...

gross man. We could never be friends. Do you also like fat women, slow cars, and reading instead of watching tv?

>> No.5423889

Hey guy if that's how you roll then enjoy.

But for the respect of the animal that died to create delicious meat DON'T order fine steaks well done. Just get the cheapo $2.99 steaks at the market.

>> No.5423890


guess I have a McRib then

>> No.5423892
File: 24 KB, 310x250, 1399622346813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

looks like slabs of fat marbled with meat.

>> No.5423894

It is possible to cook a steak well done and it remain juicy. This is beyond the skill level of most cooks though.

>> No.5423895
File: 104 KB, 794x635, steakSurprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you guys are smart about it you can get the good cuts and pay the cheapo price.

>> No.5423897 [DELETED] 


>implying my steak is dry

>> No.5423899

no it just means they cooked it medium and told you its well done... yawn... zzzz

>> No.5423904

>Some cattle farmers in Japan are known to treat their cows as members of the family

Do Japanese people kill, butcher, and eat/sell their children?

>> No.5423905
File: 44 KB, 600x600, heinz-57-steak-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying my steak is dry

>> No.5423907
File: 36 KB, 200x200, 1265702670454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But for the respect of the animal that died to create delicious meat

Like you give a shit about the animal

>> No.5423908

lol add zest to steak hahahaha

>> No.5423909
File: 196 KB, 342x359, 1396059342332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5423912

I don't particularly care about the animal but I do care about food, and it's a waste of good food to overcook it, Mr. President.

>> No.5423913

>Completely cooked through. No red.

looks dry as shit.

>> No.5423921


>> No.5423923


hes just a joke, he already blew his cover with that terrible ketchup joke...

>> No.5423927


>> No.5423933

Kobe beef is only exported to Singapore. You can't find Kobe beef anywhere else but there and Japan. You can find wagyu, Japanese beef, outside of Japan, but it's not Kobe beef. I've had well marbled steak in Japan when I lived there. Don't listen to weeaboo fucks that tell you, "THE ONLY WAY TO EAT WAGYU IS RARE, OTHERWISE YOU'RE DISHONORING THE COW!" There is so much fucking fat in the meat that you need to cook it past rare. Some of the fat needs to render to get that nice beefy flavor. Otherwise it tastes like a mild, somewhat rubbery piece of fat in your mouth.

>> No.5423935

If you have a real butcher in town it's a lot of fun to experiment with unpopular beef.

Beef Cheeks when Braised just melt in your mouth.

>> No.5423938


>Beef Cheeks

Do you eat testicles and anuses too?

>> No.5423940

beef cheeks sounds so good... that fatty tissue in the head is the best.

pleb doesn't know what he's talking about - of COURSE we eat testicles and anuses, those are the best parts after the head meat.... duh

>> No.5423946

Gordon Ramsay holds 14 Michelin Stars and likes Beef Cheek too. Don't be a baby anon it's not like I'm telling you to eat brain (which can be tasty too).


>> No.5423947



>>5423824, >>5423830, >>5423842, >>5423859, >>5423866, >>5423880, >>5423905, >>5423909, and >>5423921 are all me.

And it wasn't ketchup.

Heinz 57 Steak Sauce ISN'T ketchup.

It's Heinzs brand of steak sauce.

And it's incredible.

I'm very fond of A-1 too, but as I've aged I've started to prefer the subtle taste of Heinz. My dad got me started on it. My mom is more of an A-1 person, though.

I love sauce. I can drink Worcestershire out of the bottle, and I like to pour a little A-1 into the palm of my hand and lick it off every now and then.

My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

And to me, these pretentious fucktards that think steak cooked blue is steak are the abominations.

That's not steak. It should be called by its butcher name for whatever cut of meat it is. Steak is the mix of a nice cut of beef infused with high heat and cooked over charcoal.

I'm a human being and we cook our meat instead of eating it raw like some mangy lice ridden animal.

>> No.5423954
File: 24 KB, 265x293, gettoutta_heeeaahhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm very fond of A-1 too
yeah yeah, ive seen your show in Minneapolis, you can't do the same bit and expect everyone to buy it... get outta heeaahhh...

you gotta learn subtlety. The art of comedy is all about subtlety. Deadpan is a good example - not laughing at your own jokes enables the people to come up with their own conclusions.

A-1? come on.... that's a dead giveaway

>> No.5423955


no it doesn't

>> No.5423959

OP here... yeah... it kinda does.
> *drools*

>> No.5423965


>you need to cook it past rare. Some of the fat needs to render

one of these does not beget the other

>> No.5423968
File: 294 KB, 1200x771, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you're pulling some quality bait right here, can't help but bite.

>Steak Sauce
You've overcooked your steak SO FAR that you have to replace the lost juices with a cheap sugary sauce. You like cheap things then fine but please buddy you're not cooking proper if your serving sauce is in a mass processed bottle.

>Blue Steak
A Steak cooked with some pink color is not blue. It's ok if you're turned off to Rare many people are but you're losing so much by cooking beyond medium.

>> No.5423969


I'll admit it's over powering, but it's savoury.

It makes my saliva glands pop.

A-1, Heinz 57, and Worcestershire are at every single dining establishment that serves steak in this place, with possibly a few exceptions at restaurants in very small towns. Even Japanese restaurants.

>> No.5423978


I can't stand the feel of chewing the center of any steak with red in the middle. It's slimy, soft, congealed thing that only degenerates would do once upon a time.

To me, it's taboo. I've never liked it.

I'm sure there is a reason why every culture developed social stigmas about eating raw meat. It's like having sex with a girl on her period. It's like picking off a scab to lick a skinned knee.

>> No.5423979

Believe in what you like.

I've had Kobe beef steaks graded as A5 quality once, Mom brought it back from Japan.

A3 grade Wagyu is actually only marginally more pricey than what I would expect to pay for a premium cut from other breeds.

I usually opt for A4 grade when looking to impress. A5 is surprisingly expensive on the retail side compared to the whole sale cost.

>> No.5423983
File: 48 KB, 533x400, medium_rare_porterhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a nice medium steak that i would eat.. but thats about my limit. any more after this, and i couldn't do it.

> I'll admit it's over powering, but it's savoury.
> It makes my saliva glands pop.
lol... i thought you were talking about good beef for a second because that's how it makes me feel. Enjoy your steak sauce... you're missing out.

I had my steaksauce phase too, but that was just when i first started eating steak. Like ... some dennys steak or something. A1 is a godsend for that kind of stuff.

>> No.5423990

> not having sex on period
> not eating your scabs
> not eating the center of slimy, soft, congealed steak....

you are all sorts of pleb, anon. there is no hope for you.

>> No.5423996


You're right and I'll give you that. I eat cheap steak.

I haven't had steak in months, though. I'm craving Western Sizzlin now because of this thread.

>> No.5423998
File: 136 KB, 585x775, WesternSizzlinReview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, well at least you're a good sport in admitting it. This Western Sizzlin place seems just the fit for you.. just read some reviews.

>> No.5423999

>it's like having sex with a girl on her period
So THAT'S why I like rare steak...huh.

>> No.5424000
File: 24 KB, 453x470, 1399503324549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to tell me what i'm seeing

>> No.5424002

> implying that's not possible

> what is marketing
> what is negotiating
> what is the media
> what is news channels
> what are self help books
> what are comedians

you need people to tell you what to see. You're blind.

>> No.5424003

>I'm sure there is a reason why every culture developed social stigmas about eating raw meat.

Steak Taretar

Beef has been eaten raw for ages. If the beef is of upstanding quality and freshness there is almost no health risk and it's absolutely delicious. You cannot possibly call it uncultured when France and Italy eat raw meat.

>> No.5424004


Like period sex, just because people do it doesn't mean there isn't a social stigma involved in it.

"Hey, that's bleeding. Maybe I shouldn't stick my penis in it."

"Hey, that's bleeding. Maybe I shouldn't put it in my mouth."

>> No.5424006


That is why they have take-out.

>> No.5424008
File: 201 KB, 433x313, 1399529620059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i don't care

>> No.5424010

If you can't tell the difference between blood and meat juices you're utterly hopeless.

>> No.5424014


I've eaten medium steak plenty.

I'm just being a troll by describing habits I had when I was younger. I'll probably have those habits again. I'm already back to hitting the sauce. Pun intended.

>> No.5424018

looks like slabs of lard
overpriced shit

>> No.5424022

the only food that's hyped but not overhyped because it's so good that it's impossible to overhype it.

I tried it only a few times, and each time it felt like it was melting in my mouth holy shit it was so good.

kobe beef a best.

>> No.5424023

holy shit leave pls

>> No.5424024

The fat is where the flavor is. I live in Japan and nearly all the domestic meat has marbling, not that much but a lot. It cooks really fast but is WAY better. The only thing I hate is that since its so expensive they cut it really thin. It hard to find a thick cut in the grocery store even when I want to spend the extra money

>> No.5424025

It does look like spam almost, but the amount of effort and resources put in to make the meat look like that are kind of insane so the price point makes sense

>> No.5424027

Just ate a tampon, mixed results.
Will try cooked, then attempt to age it for 12 days and repeat the experiment.

>> No.5424028

You can't even go to a butcher and ask for meat that isn't precut?

>> No.5424032

poorfag's jealous

>> No.5424037

thats the most vanilla thing ive ever read on this site

>> No.5424065


It looks like naturally occurring spam in the picture.

I've had Wagyu, and heavily marbled steaks before. I really don't see what the hype is all about. I bet if this stuff wasn't so rare, people wouldn't be gushing over it.

If Wagyu was more common, people would be saying "That's too fatty... A1 - A2 are about my limit, anything after that is just drinking warm fat from a meat sponge."

For some reason I find people have a harder time being objective about food more than any other stimulus. Next time you eat, really think about what you're eating, drop all your ego and stigmas and really eat.

Does your coffee need cream and sugar, but you're afraid of not drinking it black? I find a lot of people make fun of others for altering their coffee too much to be able to drink their own coffee any other way.

Do you really actually like your steak cooked a little more than you say you do?

Maybe you don't like bacon in everything, you just don't like the way most foods taste and like to cover it up with bacon?
> Does that make you any better than those guys that drown food in ketchup?

"You do stuff differently than me, therefore you're wrong."

People rag on each other too much. Fuck it. Enjoy your burnt, raw, fatty, or lean steaks with or without ketchup. Drink your sickly sweet creamer with a splash of coffee. Drown your food in bacon, or just stop covering up the actual flavour of the things you're eating, or fuck, just eat bacon.

(This post was suppose to be a lot shorter...)

>> No.5424087
File: 9 KB, 410x240, Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> maybe the machines didn't know what chicken tasted like, and that's why everything tastes like chicken!

Shut up, Mouse...

>> No.5424089


Living in Japan for 8 years here. I've had A5 on a few occasions and many other variations of top quality wagyu before. It is really tender and obviously very juicy. The only downside is that it is very rich, so eating a huge slab of it isnt really that appealing or practical.

The small individual pieces for BBQ like OP are best IMO because you dont have to overload yourself with too much, plus its much cheaper.

>> No.5424093

That's pork faggot.

>> No.5424095

I think you need to go back and read the fucking thread.

>> No.5424099
File: 65 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5424103

LOL! nice one. Might as well be...

you're crazy... kobe beef has been legal and exported to USA since like 2012 or something.

>> No.5424104

japs don't know shit about really good food, there fat is loved more than meat itself
the fattier the fish the more it costs in japan
same goes for every cut of meat
you are paying premium for fat over there

meat needs some fat, a bit for flavor and juiciness but they just go overboard

>> No.5424115

>I don't imagine there are too many people raised around high quality steak with premium marbling

Texan, checking in.


>Kobe beef is only exported to Singapore.

Nope. Gourmet supermarkets in the D.C. metro area carry it. It's imported by SFOODS Inc. and resold by the American Meat Company.


It's even in English for those of you who don't read rune.

>> No.5424117

>D.C. metro area carry it

*et al.

>> No.5424162

>that OP

holy shit it looks so good

>> No.5424183

That looks fucking disgusting, I wouldn't feed that to my dog.

>> No.5424206

>Mom brought it back from Japan.

I thought that Kobe imports were illegal into America?

>> No.5424275




>> No.5424293

There's something about this post I just don't like. I can't even pinpoint it, it's just, idk...

>> No.5424295


Same here.

>> No.5424303

beef fat taste vile, I don't get why I would want MORE of it, the less the better as far as taste goes.

>> No.5424315
File: 1.75 MB, 294x350, whiterussuans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off
>mfw veggiefags dont understand no one gives two fucks what they think

>> No.5424318

Mhh, veal brain with kidneys is delicious.

>> No.5424337

Sorry a steak sauce of some kind always makes the steak taste better no matter how its cooked. Pretty much every culture that eats beef knows this. You can eat a good steak without it but people like you with boring taste buds that think there is only one way to prepare a food are just awful.

You should only put salt and pepper on your food right and everything else covers up the taste? So glad America for the part is finally realizing why the spice trade was even a thing and has given up its roots of disgusting bland British food

>> No.5424342

>Asking the butcher for a cut of meat

Thats not really a thing here. I've seen it on occasion but its pretty uncommon compared to America. Usually they are just a way to up sell the same meat they package and sell in the meat aisle. They aren't doing any cutting or grinding of the meat during the day

>> No.5424345

I'm right and you're wrong - the thread

>> No.5424349

chances are he's not a 'veggiefag'. his point is valid

it's valid in the same way that lamb fat tastes disgusting to a lot of people. personally I like some beef fat, but it seems tastes for fats can vary

>> No.5424351
File: 457 KB, 805x714, 1390063743551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is so that I can rehydrate it with sauce.

Maybe you should just drink a bottle of steak sauce, because that is all you will taste with a well done steak covered in it.

>> No.5424362

Im sorry, my whole family is a sinner with high quality steak from the local butcher.
We have no trust in animal meat, as it can bring diseases with it if not made correctly, that said, well done steak is a necessity, and used
in soups as its quite dry.

>> No.5424418

holy shit i had no idea there were this many trolls on /ck/
im impressed

>> No.5424437


it plainly looks like meat marbled with fat.

>> No.5424473

Looks like slices of Spam to me.

>> No.5424505

>kobe beef
>How do you feel about it?
Kobe beef does not inspire any particular feelings in me. I've had it a couple times in Japan, and it is tender and delicious. And expensive.

I guess it would be exciting to someone who really fetishizes beef, but to me it wasn't a big deal. Just especially tender, flavorful beef.

>> No.5424697

Every time I see Kobe beef I want to bust my nut all over it. Is there any place I can get it in the UK?

>> No.5424722

That looks like the fat I cut off from my steaks and feed to my dogs before I prep my microwave.

>> No.5424740


A lot of steak houses dip their steaks in liquid beef fat before cooking them.

There's a lady near me who raises Waygu. I buy steer from her (Angus/Simmental crosses), and have been interested in the Waygu. I've never tried it, but hope to get some burger and some steaks from her to see what I might be missing.