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5423236 No.5423236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it's worth the hype? I saw a few people with several 12 packs in their cart at the store.


>> No.5423259

Do people not realize you can go to Taco Bell and get it? They even have free refills.

>> No.5423265


>> No.5423267


I saw a bunch of AIDS infested trannies shooting smack in a McDonalds PlayPlace on Christmas....

think it's worth the hype?

>> No.5423271

do you seriously not realize the different utility of canned/bottled soda vs fountain soda?

>> No.5423311


Do you not realize the sole reason people are making a big deal about it is because this is the first time it's been sold outside of Taco Bell in a decade?

It's the only selling point the shit has and you're saying to go to Taco Bell and get it?

>> No.5423438

haven't seen any yet.

Seems like its just in major cities at the moment.

>Do you think it's worth the hype?
No. I still want to try it.

>> No.5423459

I really like it, and get it every time I go to Taco Bell. Might buy a 12 pack. One anon one time said it was just mountain dew and powerade, but I've never confirmed or debunked that.

>> No.5424131

I think it's a damn fine soda. Even better than Mountain Dew. 170 calories per can is deadly, though.

>> No.5424140

baja blast tastes like cat litter

>> No.5424156

in Euroland when.

>> No.5425191
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>> No.5425223


what we need is that apple soda

>> No.5425275
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To answer, it's a pretty good soda, but no it's not worth the hype. It gets hyped up anyways because
>muh meme foods
doritos and mountain dew get it the worst because they're consumed by the same audience that look at image macros and rage comics all day

>> No.5425293

what we need is milk soda

mmm mmm
creamy moolicious mooilk

>> No.5425374

You're probably right. You're better than everyone else on the internet. Give yourself a pat on the back for being the only person on 4chan that has a normal life

>> No.5425502

its pretty good. i'll probably buy some but isn't the whole deal that it was designed to specifically compliment taco bell food? never really had it just by itself (or with anything else). might not be as good

>> No.5425878

Honestly, I think Taco Bell's food tastes alright without it. I'm sure the soda is the same way

>> No.5425896

Regular Mountain Dew is great but every other flavour that I've had tasted like Listerine.

>> No.5425902

Calpis is stupidly easy to make, anon.

Sage for PepsiCo shill.

>> No.5426267

I feel the same about the other mountain dew flavors other than Baja blast

>> No.5426325

I have not had a normal soda in years.

I might just pick up one bottle though, as I like the flavor.

Oh sugar, why must you fuck up my shit tier metabolism? It's not fair!

>> No.5426390

Thanks breh

>> No.5426409

Shit, I was at Walmart earlier and I didn't see it anywhere. I would definitely have bought it in the hopes that I still liked it. All they had in rare varieties was White Out.

>> No.5426414
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A friend of mine bought one of the giant cans of it last night before we left work.
She said it was pretty good.
I'm kinda curious about it now.. because they can't keep it stocked on the shelves without people loading thier carts down with it.
((..or the local gas station indians buying like 3 carts of the shit for thier store))

Is it hype? Or is it really 'that' good?
I'm not a fan of Dew, but i'm wanting to try it now to see what the fuss is about

>> No.5426422

Having tried it before (see: before the hype) I could give it a recommendation. It's not as good as Voltage, but it's great when you want a lighter tasting Dew or just something different.

That having been said, it's probably not worth the hype, but I'd really like to get my hands on some without having to pay insane Fountain prices for it.

>> No.5426539

> it was designed to specifically compliment taco bell food?
It was "designed" to line pockets of PepsiCo and Yum! at the same time with a new Mountain Dew flavor when Mountain Dew flavors were picking up hella slack in the "food is pop culture" trend.

>> No.5426542

It tastes like something that someone who eats at taco bell extensively would find particularly remarkable.

So somewhere in between battered burger king fries and crystal pepsi.

>> No.5426596

You shut your whore mouth about Crystal Pepsi!

>> No.5426665

>baja blast
Formulated for taco bell and hispanic foods right racist redneck cockgobbling faggots.


>> No.5426674

If you mix Baja blast, code red, and classic in equal parts you create the orange kind of mountain dew that tastes awesome.

>> No.5426833

I would try it but I definitely wouldn't get a giant can. A small can is already 170 calories on it's own. Even if you aren't a fan of regular Mtn Dew, I would try it, as it really doesn't taste like it. Dew Classic basically tastes like sugar water, whereas this is more refreshing and lighter. It has a nice lime flavor with hints of other stuff, like blue raspberry flavor. It's a little less "in-your-face" like Regular or Code Red.

>> No.5426837

I just saw it at Walmart and bought a 12 pack. I fucking love BB. Though I heard if you mix the blue gatorade with regular Mountain Dew it tastes just like BB. I actually heard that on a boxxy video

>> No.5427348

There are a few recipes floating around Youtube.

>> No.5427390

who's boxxy?

>> No.5427537

They sell livewire where I live consistently and I never ever buy it because it is just shitty orange soda

How does that make you feel?

>> No.5427553


It's better than that if you ask me.

I used to work at taco bell and we would always make a mountain dew suicide.

I think having it from a fountain is what made it so much better. Mixing it at home might not be the same.

>> No.5427683

>who's boxxy?
This is either low-quality b8, or you're THIS new.

>> No.5427704
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I'm the Duke of New York, A #1 fool!
You better believe it, honky.

>> No.5427717

Tried it once, didn't like it. But that new Sangria flavor they have at Taco Bell is fucking delicious.

>> No.5428087

Damn it, I can't find it (well, outside of a Taco Bell) here in SoCal...

>> No.5428268

Never seen it. Still in test markets?

>> No.5428297


It seems to be region-specific as well as being restricted to certain Taco Bells, but I've seen it here in SoCal.


>> No.5428611

Like most of the "specialty" Dew flavors, it tastes too sweet.

Green Dew is the only respectable flavor.

>> No.5428643

>Green Dew is the only respectable flavor.

Gross. After Diet, regular Dew is the worst variety.
Voltage master race.

>> No.5428977

It's just like a nice soft drink. Not too harsh like most of them are. I wish more sodas were like it.

It's not better than mr pibb though.

>> No.5428989


>Green Dew is the only respectable flavor.
>46g sugar per 12 ounces
>other varieties taste too sweet

Nigga you dumb though.

>> No.5429021

We have it in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere, Missouri so I assume it is not in test markets anymore.

>> No.5429027

>live in san diego

>can't find this shit anywhere.

Im so fucking annoyed with mountain dew, every time they release promotional drinks its extremely difficult to find where they're being sold.

You would think a drink labeled 'baja blast' should be easy to find being so close to mexico, but i guess not. They really need to get their shit together

>> No.5429369

Target stores seem to carry a lot of new PepsiCo stuff, and very quickly when released.

>> No.5429485

I work at taco bell and let me just say that I hate mountain dew. Baja blast taste better than the original flavor, but boy by much imo. Not worth it.

>> No.5429888

mannnn I miss Apple Slice!!!

anyone know if there's going to be a diet Baja?

>> No.5429892

7-11s in San Diego are getting a new flavor, "solar flare" or something

>> No.5429896

I hope. The extreme amount of sugar in BB and Mountain Dew in general gives me stomach pains.

>> No.5429899 [DELETED] 

>having a vagina
shiggy diggy

>> No.5429900

What flavors of Freezes does your Taco Bell have? Mine has Baja Blast, Black Cherry, and Typhoon. BB is the strongest flavor of the bunch.

>> No.5429902

My Taco Bell has the syrup for Diet Baja Blast in the back, but we need a bigger rack from Pepsi before we can hook it up.

>> No.5430285

I'm sure they are taking their time since it probably tastes horrid

>> No.5430700


last time i went black cherry was advertised but not available yet. you don't get distortion? oh man, dat lime. first choice every time.

>> No.5430710

>not just combining Mountain Dew and blue Gatorade

It tastes exactly like the Taco Bell variant.

>> No.5432124

I would like to try it. They need to dump typhoon and black cherry. Pina colada was way better

>> No.5432152

Either this is complete bullshit, or I got the measurements wrong multiple times. Im leaning towards the first.

>> No.5432322

I tried many of the "recipes" on Youtube. None of them recreated the flavor. Mountain Dew classic is just too strong

>> No.5432426

Can you get it at stores in Canada? I've only ever seen it at Taco Bell.

>> No.5433161

It's awful.

>> No.5433587

It's kind of one of those things that shows combining the proper beverage with the proper meal is very important. I had some Baja with pizza last night and it just tasted weird to me.

>> No.5434599
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>> No.5434628

My roommate came back with a 12 pack last night. It tasted alright, but I really craved taco bell after drinking it. I also felt weird drinking it without eating taco bell.

Probably going to get taco bell tonight now. Maybe this is an attempt to get more people to eat at taco bell?

>> No.5434635

I got hammered mixing it with Bacardi last night.

>> No.5434842
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Tastes like blue powerade mixed with green mountain dew

>> No.5434947

Air makes me want to eat taco bell

>> No.5435870


>> No.5436597

Got a bottle of this last night, it tasted like windex.

>> No.5437355

Have you tasted windex?

>> No.5438307

Sounds about right

>> No.5438346

I don't drink soda anymore. when i used to drink it baja blast was great. always asked for it at taco bell. anyone saying
>"hurr durr tastes like shyt xdDd"
is just pleb tier. at the end of the day it's a drink. Water is bettter with your food. taste the food.

>> No.5438580

What kind?

>> No.5438586

>water is better with your food
Not all the time
I rarely have soda, but if I eat Pizza it tastes a million times better with a cold Soda than a glass of water.

>> No.5438778

>mfw I tried to order the apple soda at the drive thru and the retard person was just like hurrr what

>> No.5438858

The shit from tap just tastes like watered down mountain dew. The canned stuff actually tastes way better.

>> No.5439178

I tried pizza with Baja and it just tasted weird. Definitely meant to be eaten with taco bell

>> No.5440316

So tropical

>> No.5440331

No. It tastes like all the other 9001 flavors of mountain dew.

>> No.5440392

Baja Blast was my favorite kind of Mountain Dew, back when I drank it.
I'd be tempted to get a 2-liter for nostalgia.

>> No.5440785


You must have picked up Voltage.

Baja Blast is a delicious, refreshing angel baby and I will not have you slandering its good name with your lies.

>> No.5440803

I bought a can yesterday and it was amazing. For some reason drinks in cans make them 100x more delicious. I'm not going to buy much more because it has a metric shitton of sugar

>> No.5440829

Why do you keep viraling this unfunny faggot's video?

>> No.5441495

Haven't tried that, but trust me when I say it's terrible with vodka - I've made that mistake.
For Vodka use blue voltage mountain dew.

>> No.5441525
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can we get this back

>> No.5441548

Why does that look so foul...?

>> No.5442377

I, too would like to know what alcohol to mix Baja Blast with. Maybe Captain?

>> No.5442558

Just like Sriracha and Nutella, it's just another fad food.

>> No.5442590

Tequila. It was great.El Ultimo Agave. Breddy gud tequila for the price too.

>> No.5442606
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Tequila sister, she's a hottie.

>> No.5443309

Oh god. I've never had a night that I could remember after drinking tequila

>> No.5444284

whodafug is that?

>> No.5444291


>> No.5444304
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