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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5413729 No.5413729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

(Yes, I will eat them)

>> No.5413758

peanut butter and pickle

>> No.5413767

Ha! I'm eating that right now, it's one of my favorite sandwiches. Especially grilled, a peanut butter, pickle, and cheddar sandwich is AMAZING.

>> No.5413769

In a minute, after I finish what I'm doing, OP, I'll give you a list.

>> No.5413781

butter, tomato, sausage on dry ramen noodle instead of bread.

>> No.5413812

PB and bologna

bologna and coleslaw

>> No.5413816

foreverially tiedup bologna

>> No.5413916

Here you go, OP. Try this. (yes, this is a real sandwich recipe, I've had it.)
This is enough for 4 servings:
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons pickle relish
2 teaspoons chili sauce
1/4 cup minced cooked bacon
4 slices bread, toaste on one side
- Spread the mixture on the untoasted side of each slice of bread, and broil until the top is browned.

>> No.5414030

Honey, spiders and crack.

Also bird feathers if you have them, but only from songbirds.

>> No.5414038

Peach jam (not very sweet), peanut butter, pickles. I don't know why.

>> No.5414048

Mashed banana and HP sauce.

>> No.5414052


i like to eat peanut butter jelly and potato chip sandwiches and dip them into spaghettios.

>> No.5414412

when i was a kid:
>White Wonder
>Yellow American cheese
>Put it in sandwich maker
I would ad Nerds sometime to the mix.

>> No.5414426

2 fried eggs, bacon, on toasted bread that has hummus on it.

>> No.5414673

Fried egg, chilli, chutney sandwich.

Ever since hearing that from Red Dwarf, I have always wanted to try it, but never got around to it.
One day.

ice cream (smooth layers)
candy floss.
crushed mints (we gaki now)

>> No.5414871

what do you mean sandwich maker?

>> No.5414875
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he probably means one of those panini presses/george forman grill,s but where they purposefully made it sandwich shaped for retards.

>> No.5414889

>Fried egg, chilli, chutney sandwich.
>Ever since hearing that from Red Dwarf, I have always wanted to try it, but never got around to it.
>One day.

I have. It's delicious. DO IT.

>> No.5414893

Microwaved boudain and ice cream. This is why I don't smoke weed anymore.

>> No.5414894

cheese and ketchup

god I'm so boring

>> No.5414907
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>> No.5414912

Bologna, Dijon mustard, corn chips.

Great cold, awesome grilled

>> No.5414915


I tried this once but.. it made me throw up.

A pickle and Palmolive sandwich.

>> No.5414919


>> No.5414924
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>> No.5414937

Fuck that was a good laff

>> No.5414972

not too weird, just desperate... banana pepper and horseradish on french.

>> No.5414975

I was hungry and didn't feel like cooking yesterday. I put peanut butter on bread with raisins and ground cinnamon. Not really weird but delicious. Tasted like i put peanut butter on cinnamon raisin bread.

>> No.5414997

I actually liked this
Peanut butter and ramen
>Make ramen (the dirt cheap disgusting kind)
>Poor out water before adding flavor packet
>Toast bread
>Peanut butter on both sides
>Ramen in middle
Allow 5-10 minutes after consumption for regret to fully envelope your soul

>> No.5415009

that looks so good but im a college student so i cant afford bread

>> No.5415012

Anyone besides me would eat sour cream and fruit bread?

>> No.5415051


wtf? go to aldi, less than $1 for a bag of white or wheat bread

find a jimmy john's, 16 inch french loaves for 50 cents each.

you can afford bread

>> No.5415259

Kimchi, Sunny side up Egg, Mayo, Ham

>> No.5415270


or go to any bakery or supermarket and get one of the 20 free loafs of bread they put out ina shopping cart outside at night.

>> No.5415290


no supermarkets or bakeries around me do this.

>> No.5415305

om om om

>> No.5415361

rope mummified

>> No.5415373

peanut butter and cream cheese on a bagel

>> No.5415384
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>> No.5415420

Whipped cream and crushed potato chips, preferably kettle style. It's good.

>> No.5415430

i will never understand putting chips on a sandwich. starch on starch isn't exactly my idea of appetizing.

>> No.5415437

I have like a folder somewhere of all this guy's stuff. Seriously never laughed so hard at somones fetish. I imagine he's a full blown serial killer by now. Just imagine the victims.
>blood mayonnaise level was 99%

>> No.5415449
File: 667 KB, 2559x1903, Masago-1-Pixlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some Masago (capelin roe) from your local Asian food market. Spread mayo on a slice of toast from the toaster and then spread roe over the mayo.

>> No.5415452

300g's is a fuckton of masago

whats the shelf life?

>> No.5415455

About a week or two I wager. I can go through one of those in about a week.

You can buy smaller containers of 150 grams too.

>> No.5415560

It's not a 'weird' sandwich, but the amount of sacrilege it contains makes the mass graves in Germany churn...

>the business:
thick cut (with the grain) pastrami, heated on a griddle
swiss melted on top

>The office:
onion kaizer roll, toasted (lol @ rye)
Mayo (that's right, fucking deal with it)
spicy "kick you in the sinuses" mustard
shredded romaine (again, fuck you purist)

Pastrami is fucking awesome, but I've had it ruined too many times by fucking purists.

>> No.5415576
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Pic related. All of the flavors actually came together really well. Ordered this while bothering a friend that worked at this sandwich shop.

>> No.5415582

mass graves in germany

whos a good goy

>> No.5416348

>10 & 1/2 "
Land of the free, home of the brave.

>> No.5416626

Peanut Butter, Mayo, Onion, Banana
Peanut Butter, Jelly, Salami, Balogna

>> No.5416678

>home of the fat

>> No.5416725
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>> No.5417013

Toasted rye bread, cabbage, peanut butter.

>> No.5417054

Peanut butter and bacon.

>> No.5417805

At least you got to keep your foreskin.

>> No.5417888

In the midwest especially up north a lot of people eat summer sausage and banana sandwiches. I think summer sausage is mostly deer meat not 100% sure

>> No.5418770

Crunchy peanut butter (no sugar, duh), cheddar cheese and pieces of dark chocolate- have tried on oatcakes, ryvita, rye sourdough and white bread. (Best was ryvita)

Grilled tomato and mackerel with cream cheese and avocado on rye sourdough with some black pepper.

Cheddar cheese, apple, date and raisin in walnut bread.

Crunchy peanut butter, date, cream cheese and cheddar cheese.

Smoked salmon, home-made hummus (no olive oil because it just tastes.. oily), lettuce, carrot and cranberry sauce (sometimes with falafel) in a spelt-flour savoury pancake.. thing.

Not mine, but my dad's- pastrami, beetroot, pickle, sauerkraut, mustard, cheese and onion on crusty white bread.

And something I ate as a poor kid- ketchup and mayo sandwich on cheap, white bread- sometimes with lettuce... it was almost like having a burger... except no.. no it wasn't.
And cheddar, chutney and crisps/potato chips.
Also from my childhood, but I found them too sickly so didn't eat them often- bananna, crunchy peanut butter and nutella on soft white bread.
And lastly from my childhood- baked beans, sausage slices and cheese- sometimes onion. (Those were nice when toasted, actually).

And you aren't british unless you've tried a chip butty- chips (in the british sense), vinegar, salt and ketchup. Sometimes I'd put fried egg and/or baked beans in there too. The bread must be cheep, white stuff.

Those aren't really weird, but I think they're nice. (Except I've never tried my dad's, but he seems to enjoy it a lot).

That's an extensive list. But the weirdest sandwich I've ever had was disgusting- anchovies, pickles, sauerkraut, mozerella, chilli peppers and peanut butter. It was a dare, but I ate it because I can't stand to see food wasted- made me feel unwell, though.

>> No.5418775


be proud not to have a foreskin anon, cut dicks are beautiful and easier to clean.

the grills like it more.

>> No.5418790

One of my favourites is the anchovy sandwhich, though not sure if it's appropriate for the thread, since the ingredients are intuitively suitable for each other, it's just fairly rare to see anywhere

>garlic aioli
>fresh basil leaves
>sliced tomato

>> No.5420701

Peanut butter and ham.

I was having intense protein cravings.

>> No.5422162

so basically Peanut Butter and anything