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5416216 No.5416216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well I almost got fired the other day for turning up drunk, and one of my best friends will no longer hang out with me because she thinks I "Have a problem". As a result, I've basically been blackmailed into quitting drinking for a week minimum.
Any coo/ck/s have experience in this? Been drinking heavily for about 3 years now, I'm pretty much lost without it. TELL ME YOUR STORIES

>> No.5416223

>my best friend is female
i'm a girl btw

>> No.5416224

>As a result, I've basically been blackmailed into quitting drinking for a week minimum.
Or you could just, you know, stick to one or two drinks in the evening like a normal person.

>> No.5416226

You're either part of the functioning-alcoholic master race or bust. Step it up OP.

>> No.5416228

don't stop
any woman that want's to change you so hard does not like you at all, your friends should encourage you, read bukowski
there is a woman out there for you who will accept you as you wish to be
I'm drinkng a super cheap drink right now it's called brandy los reyes
I'm a beaner btw

>> No.5416229
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>Been drinking heavily for about 3 years now, I'm pretty much lost without it.
>my best friends will no longer hang out with me because she thinks I "Have a problem"
yeah it definitely sounds like she's full of shit, you should keep drinking

>> No.5416235

I love you guys.

Nope i just happen to have a female friend.

I can't be trusted

>> No.5416238

this. there is nothing wrong with showing up to work drunk, just make sure nobody knows it

>> No.5416239

i know this feel brah..
my best friend the last 3 years completely started ignoring me a few months ago because i cant stop drinking..
ive gone to AA and it doesnt really help
>tfw im sipping a fifth of vodka as i write this
>its 5:30 am in cali

>> No.5416243

My boss can smell booze from miles away, I don't know how he does it. He's a Muslim but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. Customers have no fucking Idea how trashed I am, and I still do my job better than anyone else in that place.

>tfw britbong 1330 been drinking jack since i woke up an hour ago
I never thought that something like AA would help, and yes we do have it over here. It just seems like a bunch of dudes who used to be fun masturbating to how boring they are now.

>> No.5416245

3 years? You'll either need an iron will or rehab. Enjoy those painful withdrawl symptoms OP. At least you don't have a problem.

>> No.5416247

Chronic pancreatitis is a condition where the pancreas becomes permanently damaged due to inflammation.

The most common symptom of chronic pancreatitis is repeated episodes of abdominal (tummy) pain, which can be severe.

Long-term alcohol misuse is responsible for around 7 out of every 10 cases of chronic pancreatitis. This is because heavy drinking over a number of years can repeatedly damage the pancreas.

Between 2012 and 2013, over 35,000 people visited hospitals in England with the condition.

In most cases of chronic pancreatitis, there is no specific treatment to reduce the inflammation and repair the damage to the pancreas.

Maybe they just give a shit

>> No.5416248

I just made sure that I got hammered the night before so smelled of alcohol still while not actually being drunk, surreptitiously I started accustoming people to this and drinking on the job,
Keep the dose low so you can still actually function during the day, hit it harder in the afternoon, stop drinking a couple of hours before going to bed, BREAKFEST OF CHAMPIONS!
it's 7:30 here and I'm still working on my reyes

>> No.5416250

Alcohol is probably the shittiest drug to abuse. You've gone full retard OP and these people are right. Taper down and get a doc to write you a script for some benzo or whatever is good for withdrawal. Ride out the storm and get your life back. The longer you go down on this road the more lost you will be.

>> No.5416262


I quit drinking heavily this winter, the idea of quitting was much scarier than quitting itself.

Basically I made sure I only had very small amounts of alcohol around each night, and allowed myself that small amount for about a month. It was hard at first and I broke down a few times and found a way to get smashed anyway (usually by making excuses about how much I really needed to keep around).

After that the next step was zero, and that was the scariest part.

Oh, also I've completely eliminated my social life because that requires drinking. Now I have 4chan and not being drunk. So, yeah, sorry if you wanted to have friends.

>> No.5416266


In spite of having a bottle of blended Scotch whiskey, a bottle of single malt Scotch whiskey, a bottle of Irish whiskey a bottle of gin, and a bottle of rum in my computer desk at work, I actually only take a drink of hard liquor about once or twice a year.

As for beer, I've bought one six pack this year and still have four of them left. I generally drink a beer only with either a hamburger and fries, with Mexican food, or with summer sausage.

>> No.5416269


Cool blog post bro.

>> No.5416275

Normal person please go. Alcoholics only.

>> No.5416276

>almost got fired the other day for turning up drunk
>my best friends will no longer hang out with me
>thinks I "Have a problem"

Logically speaking, the only problem you have is finding a different place to work at, and a new friend...

Perhaps work in the restaurant/bar business. You're bound to find new drinking "buddies" that are more positive and more understanding to your situation than the place you work at and the friends you have now.

>> No.5416281
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Reminds me of this scene from Barfly:


>> No.5416283

Welp, shit

Yeah probably

Boss was pissed off I turned up hungover despite me still being his best member of staff even in that state

Not even sure they perscribe things for withdrawal in britbongland, but might be worth a try

Well yeah but the problem is that i drink too much and now my friends refuse to hang out with me

This ain't your personal blog

Dude I work in a gastropub

>> No.5416287

I was thinking of the books but yeah
maybe get a work at a bar or with late night staff

>> No.5416293

>Dude I work in a gastropub
>I work in a gastropub
>work in a gastropub
>in a gastropub
>a gastropub

There's your problem right there. Work in a real bar that allows the employees to drink (for free) on the clock.

There's a term for it in the biz... "Maintaining Public Relations".

>> No.5416294

I used to drink fairly heavily on a daily basis but eventually realised that it wasn't making me more happy. The answer is a lot simpler than you might like to think. Start lifting weights three times a week, go for a run/cycle on off days, change your diet so it's not full of shit. This will reduce the want to have a drink.

To deal with the alcohol urges the best thing that I found is to find a fruit tea/hot drink that you really like, and always have that to hand. I drink about 10+ hot drinks a day as I feel I need to have something in my hand, especially if I'm not busy and just watching TV or something. I don't drink alone very much at all anymore. I do drink when out with friends, there's no point going cold turkey if you don't have to.

>> No.5416296

>there is nothing wrong with showing up to work drunk
Yes there is. They are paying you to do you're job. Not do your job while being a drunken idiot.

>> No.5416298

Already did in this town and they had the same attitude
Maybe I just need to get out of doge

I lift 4 times a week, and I have a good diet (except for the booze)

As stated before, I'm still the most competent and reliable member of staff there even when smashed. Others have commented on it as well.

>> No.5416299

You're too in deep with the myth that being a functioning alcohol is a good thing; it's better to be able to function without.

>> No.5416300

>Maybe I just need to get out of doge

Sounds like you need a new start...

>> No.5416301


I also lifted while drinking and have continued after I quit. I had hit a plateau about a year ago which shattered the instant I quit drinking. I failed to mention it before but I've basically replaced alcohol with an exercise addiction, you'd be shocked at the gains you were giving up for booze. Oh god I miss wine though. But it's best not to think about that.

>> No.5416305

i hope you're trolling. bukowski is a damn child who dealt with nihilism and disgust at his own privilege by running from it with alcoholism and misogyny. OP, get help before you hurt someone close to you

>> No.5416308

dont go cold Turkey on this OP
Just take one drink, maybe 1,5.

or find a replacement, try pot. Dont get stoned, just take one hit from a joint to help you relax.

>> No.5416310

>disgust at his own privilege

What does that even mean. He had a shitty childhood and was literally one of the ugliest motherfuckers ever born. He's a hero to neckbeards because he still managed to get laid constantly and turned his freakishness into a literary career.

Fuck you.

>> No.5416314
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>> No.5416318

i mean that he makes it pretty evident he was drowning in guilt at the destructive nature of masculinity but just decided to power through and be a stubborn shit. a hero to neckbeards is still a gross fucking neckbeard, whether he got laid a couple times or not.

>> No.5416320

What a tragedy! You're not even drinking something nice.

>> No.5416321


i think you don't know how addictions work

>> No.5416326


>> No.5416329

>drinking with a friend
>drink more than him but before I'm getting close to drunk he passes out

>> No.5416345

>Been drinking heavily for about 3 years now, I'm pretty much lost without it. TELL ME YOUR STORIES
Being a raging alcoholic can (and will) ruin your life. But there is the option of being a functional alcoholic. I've been drinking steadily for about 25 years. No health problems. Have fucked up a couple business situations because of it, so I no longer send emails when drunk.

Some tips:
- only drink in the evening/night
- drink liquor only once in a while - never vodka
- wine is a good choice
- if you're falling down drunk you've overshot the mark. Try not to do that
- enjoy your buzz, but only drink enough beyond it to put you to sleep at night
- when you're out and realize you're getting hammered start formulating your way home. No reason to be hammered in public
- Once you're drunk, drinking more is just bricks in the Grand Canyon. Stop. Take a big piss, and go to bed

>> No.5416353
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I'm an alcoholic, OP. I'm 27, been drinkin since I was 19. I've even had a doctor to prescribe barbiturates to me to ease my abdominal pain, my liver was a bit swollen even a couple days after getting really drunk with my ex. That was about 3 years ago. Got a new girlfriend after that and actually quit drinking so much because she didn't. I would have maybe a beer at night in bed if we were watching a movie or something.
Then I realized that really is the secret to some people, don't hang around other alcoholics/people under 24. And don't be alone for too long (really hard sometimes, I know..I'm alone now) and you will stop drinking so much.

I got a DWI, couldn't drink for a whole year as I got drug tested and they can test for the metabolites of alcohol for up to 80 hours I believe and I had a breathalyzer in my car (hell, by the way). The first week of not drinking was horrible. After that I just daydreamed about drinking all the time. Nobody would drink around me except one hardcore alcoholic, it was hard being around him, and my girlfriends dad, he would just pour me whiskey so he'd have someone to drink with, that was really hard too.
Try to find out what normalizes you, OP. Try not to sweat it and not drinking wont be so hard. If you really want a drink and it's late and you feel like you're gonna snap, try seeing a late movie by yourself, the whole process of going out, relaxing and not being around booze will help. I did that one a lot. Also, yes having a woman around that doesn't really drink is amazing, only for the lucky I guess. but she's gone now :'(
Good luck OP, don't get a DWI like me, gotta get it under control.

>> No.5416469


this is really good advice.

i drank heavily for two years and i regret it so badly. i already had anxiety and depression to begin with, alcohol made it a thousand times worse. i've been unemployed for a year now and i seriously only just stopped drinking 1 month ago and this is the longest i've been sober since i started.

i would tell anyone i can that has depression/anxiety or a history of alcoholism to make sure they limit their drinking no.matter.what. the withdrawls from alcohol is a hell i wouldn't wish on anyone. honestly thought i would have to go to the mental institution for a while.

>> No.5416472


oh and i also gained 15 lbs which looks terrible on a 5' frame and now none of my clothes fit me so i sit around all day wearing pants that are too tight so it hurts me so i won't eat.

>> No.5416481

It's been really enlightening to hear your stories, everyone. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.5416483

Yeah...I'm going through this now. Been drinking heavily on and off for 3 years, and shit's come to head now and I have to stop. It's only been two days, and I'm struggling with it. Last time I tried to quit, I felt like I was going insane. Anxiety/panic attacks are what got me drinking on a daily basis to begin with, and of course, in the long run it makes it so much worse. I know this, and I'm determined to get my shit together, but it's really fucking hard. I also have gained weight from the drinking and it's just fucking pathetic. I hate living like this. (which is why I'm determined to change it).

>> No.5416484

I'm a raging alcoholic, I'm drunk all day every day, and nobody knows (yet)

and I associate with the sort of people who wouldn't hesitate to bring it up if they suspected

so if you're unable to control your alcoholism to the point where you're almost getting fired at work then you have a fucking problem

you don't seem to have any intention in taking care of that though so good luck

>> No.5416489



haven't gained weight though but I do around 20 hours of cardio a week so I guess that helps

probably going to kill myself, I don't even like being drunk I just feel compulsed to drink

>> No.5416490

Goddamnit 4chan, /tv/ and /ck/ are my favorite boards.

And both are fucking full of alcos. Maybe i should just smoke meth like other fags.

>> No.5416494
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you can't buy clothes in moon land or something?

>> No.5416495

don't kill yourself before putting your money in my bank account anon.

>> No.5416500

Why kill yourself? Not trying to dissuade you, just curious.
I couldn't do that to my family. As much as it sucks hanging around for nothing, I'd never want to be that selfish

>> No.5416501


sorry anon. been dealing with panic attacks since i was 6. they are awful. and of course alcohol takes away your coping mechanism on top of raising your anxiety so you reach for the bottle to cope and it's just a vicious awful cycle.


no fat me doesn't deserve new clothes i'll diet and wear the only few things that fit until i get thin again.

>> No.5416505


same anon. i think about it on a daily basis, but my family has already been through so much. i always imagine how my dad would lose it and it feels like my heart is being ripped out.

>> No.5416518

As one alco to another, I have to say your kidding yourself if you think you'll always be in control of your drinking. That's not how alcoholism works. I know very few people who have been able to control their alcoholism well enough to function normally their whole lives. I have friends who are alcos and think they behave fine, when in reality they're an embarrassment to be around. Yes, you may be in control of it for now, but it will only get worse over time. And then, when you get older, you'll also have the health problems that go with it. Aint nothing pleasant about it. Yes, I'm an alco too, but I'm not in any denial about how fucking bad it is. And coming from a community of alcos (friends, family, friends' families, workmates, all in a drinking culture) I've seen some shit. The two worst things I've seen is someone with alcohol induced hepatitis going through withdrawals (THAT was fucking terrifying) and the son of a guy I knew who's liver basically exploded and he died.

>> No.5416519

I really don't know what I'll do when my parents die. They're the only people making me stick around. Maybe by that time I'll find some other reason to live, or maybe I'll be too big of a pussy to do anything about it

>> No.5416520
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because I'm extraordinarily depressed and it's miserable to even be awake

I know it's selfish, I used to always talk about people who killed themselves in such an extremely negative way because it's so selfish. How ironic.

>> No.5416534

Sounds frighteningly relatable. Idk man. With that type of apathy, try just walking away from everything. Literally. Just get up and leave.

>> No.5416540


my mom is a rare example of this. she was an alcoholic for about 3 years after she gave birth to my brother, then she stopped. every once in a while she'll have a beer, but nothing else. i'm so proud of her and hope i can be like her some day.

>> No.5416551

I have began my heavy drinking since i started working as a chef, to much stress to stay sober after work.

>> No.5416557
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>not waiting until 5 o'clock to drink

>> No.5416564


Showing up to work high is god-tier, showing up drunk is shit-tier.

>> No.5416575
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"It's 5 O'clock somewhere.."

This always keeps my conscience clean.

Mulroy estedal

>> No.5416581

>not just having the self control to not overdrink

>> No.5416594

I began heavily drinking at the age of 19 because I work at a stripclub and it made talking to customers easier.

Then it became drinking everywhere. Before work, after parties, anywhere and everywhere. The party never stopped. I lost a really good friend because of it.

One week recently I went on a bender for a week in Montreal, (I'm 24 now btw) and got hammered the whole week off of scotch, bottles of wine, and tequila chased with beer. It was awful. I came back fucked up because I cut cold turkey. OP NEVER CUT COLD TURKEY! I had alcohol withdrawals so bad I ended up at my doctor completely embarrassed, tripping balls halicinating. Put on benzos, but it's always someone's party when you're in your 20s so I haven't stopped completely.
I have cut down a lot to what I was, but that's because I found a better job. One that involves thinking rather than drinking. I'm keeping my heavy drinking to the weekends with the exception of wine at dinner during the week.

>> No.5416610

I'm an alcoholic and I have an alcoholic friend I can't be around because I am trying to quit. Hardest thing to do, good luck To anyone dealing with this

>> No.5416619

What's worse, alcohol addiction, food addiction or internet addiction?

>> No.5416623

>go to store hammered
>falling down in store
>store calls police
>police pull behind me just as I get through loading car
>they let me go because I hadn't turned the key yet, calls for someone to pick me up

Any other stories of getting out of something you otherwise completely deserved?

Anyways I was drinking like 100oz of beer a night for about 4 months, and recently cut back to once a week. I already feel great, if only the once a week weren't still the 100oz....

>> No.5416627

For me it's alcohol, but I can't live with out internet, and fuck me if I'm not thinking of recipes that match my liquor.

>impossible question

>> No.5416631


Jesus Christ Cunt!!!

>> No.5416638

That's not what he needs.

He needs responsibilty. A pet, or a new job, or a holiday where you can make use of your brain.

I feel the worst parts of me are just bored by the mediocrity of my existence, and thats why i drink.

>> No.5416641

I'm a recovering alcoholic, I have not had a drink for 9 months. Before that I had been to inpatient rehab for a month, then stayed sober for 7 months. Went off on a bender all summer, was in the ER 4 times in July for various reasons.

I was just so sick, I couldn't do it anymore. Now I jsut smoke a lot of weed and I feel great all the time instead of feeling like my heart's gonna explode and I'm so dehydrated I can't speak

>> No.5416642
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try to switch to opis. they allow you to work harder and longer hours. feel good. dont make your breath smell and are much easier to conceal than alcohol. especially while driving. less likely to get caught with them and wont walk in all wibbly wobbly.

its also makes things better esp if you are depressed and dont like being awake like >>5416520

also great confidence booster

>> No.5416645
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You guys sound a lot like me. I have terrible social anxiety and can barely look someone in the face without feeling like imploding.
But I started noticing how it was a lot better after a few shots and it all went downhill from there.
At this point it isn't about the anxiety anymore, it's all about the alcohol.

>> No.5416653

Yes, just came back from drinking at the bar, All night long, decide to hop into car with girlfriend. Cop traffic stop up ahead one way. Fuck. "Can you both get out of the car?" I get out and am told I can't drive after breathelizer. Plead with cop to let my friend drive because "they are sober". Didn't breathelize them. Then another cruiser comes up and my drunk friend says, "is there a problem officer?"
The cop turns to his friend, " breathelize her as well"

We fucked ourselves. Thankfully we didn't get tickets or anything. They drove us home and we picked up our car the next day.

>> No.5416654


in terms of consequences, alcohol addiction easily


I started drinking because of anxiety too, now it gives me panic attacks almost daily when I only rarely had them before. I know it's the booze because they went away when I was dry for 3 months.

>> No.5416661

sometimes cops are bro as fuck

>> No.5416665

Internet and food fucked my life pretty bad too you know. It's just that with alcohol the consequences are clear and quick.

>> No.5416689

Sometimes yes, another story was when a friend of mine was drinking while driving and she stashed the bottle under the seat. She Flirted with him, and he let her drive away. She used to take glass cups filled with Vodka into her car from home. I'm glad she eventually lost her license and is no longer driving because I'm positive she would have killed someone.

>> No.5416708

The difference is she didn't learn from the episode

>> No.5416793

Alcohol use for anxiety doesn't always turn downhill, it all depends on if you're the type of person that could regulate it. I usually have two drinks a day and I find that it keeps my anxiety and depression at bay, and whenever I feel like I'm starting to build a tolerance I just stop drinking for a while. Moderate drinking is healthy both mentally and physically, much more so than weed, only reason why people say weed is healthier is if you're looking to get completely fucked up, and if you are then you have other issues you might need to deal with anyways.

>> No.5416796

yeah just take benzos

>> No.5416803

The problem with benzos is if you're the type of person to abuse alcohol you're probably going to abuse xanax as well (I have a friend in mine), which could be even worse for you down the road. If you really need to escape I guess pot is your best bet but you should ask yourself why you need to get so fucked up in the first place, and I totally understand that feeling but maybe you should talk to someone about it.

>> No.5416811

Just get drunk on your own you spazz

>> No.5416963

Not the same addiction, but my significant other recently left me for similar reasons. I've been smoking everyday progressively more. Cold turkey is a personal preferred method due to how I could potentially just start again. Good luck, OP.

>> No.5417137

An alcohol here who is trying to at least cut back. I had three shots all evening yesterday, not much for me and I went to "sleep" mostly sober. I never sleep sober. After several hours of sweating and half sleeping I finally slept around 5 a.m., good lord. I had the weirdest dreams I've ever had one after the other, and they were all fucking lucid dreams that I had full control over.

Guys, I've seen some shit. Some good and some bad. Most of it was really cool but there were points when it got too weird and I'd try to force myself to wake up but was stuck in the dream.

>> No.5417150

you can trade your alcohol addiction for an opiate one but its harder to kick that and the withdrawal is 100x worse

or do opiates every 4 days and find something else to fill in the gaps and keep switching things up so you don't get addicted to anything

>> No.5417169


>> No.5417485

When I got out on benzos it was for 16 pills to be taken over 6 days. It was 3 at first then 2 then 1 daily. It wasn't bad but you have to follow it. They wouldn't prescribe me more than that and I'm glad they didn't

Same as I just stated above, don't try to ween yourself off its hard as fuck. I had the same dreams you did and then because I wasn't sleeping, I started hallucinating in the daytime. I also couldn't eat anything or keep anything down. It's easier to go to your doctor trust me. It felt so good to eat again after 4 days, I gorged myself on everything and slept like a baby.

I keep count of my drinks now and I was 2 bottles of wine a night kinda person.

>> No.5417588

I haven't had too hard of a time today, I've had one shot a couple hours ago and don't feel compelled to take another right now, though I certainly wouldn't mind one. Work was a little rough but today was much more stressful than a usual day, hopefully tomorrow is easier.

I sort of like the dreams for the most part, they were so weird and I was so aware that I was dreaming, usually when I go lucid I wake up pretty quick but I could stay there. I sort of became the owner and creator of my own mind and would pull all these objects, forms, settings and people into and out of existence. I got scared a couple of times, once when I knew I was asleep but couldn't remember anything about myself and another time when these abstract forms that I was literally "dreaming up" started to change into more sinister things that I didn't like the look of. Both times I tried to force myself awake and had trouble doing it.

>> No.5417599

Just wait till you get off work to get fucked up. Is that really that big of a deal? If you cannot wait till after work to drink then you may have a problem.

>> No.5417611

I've never drank at work, at least not the job now. Used to work at a family owned restaurant though and I think everybody there was an alcoholic, even management. I'd be drinking beer mixing bloody mary's for the crew and working the grill at the same time, nobody cared. It was cool but sometimes the bosses would get really plastered and irrationally fire a random worker just because.

>> No.5417614

A lot of restaurants are like that. Alcoholism is rampant in the restaurant business.

>> No.5417619

And anon, I'm tough as shit and can take a beating. If its hard I can do it. I'm not as worried as I used to be, I had an uncle who drank so much he got hepatitus and his insides exploded and it sort of made me think all alcis went through the same shit when they try to quit. He drank so much that he would physically die from withdrawals if he quit but was going to die quick if he kept drinking. Pretty extreme case, I see now that quitting will be a challenge for sure but it won't kill me.

>> No.5417642

im 23, have been drinking about 3 - 5 times a week for about 2 years now, Sloppy drunk most of the time. Felt like i needed to stop so here i am 3 days in. I did quit smoking but back on that bandwagon. I dont handle stress well and every male in my family is an alcoholic so, i guess this is where i put my foot down and say no more.

>> No.5417644

I'm not an alcohol, but I have been indulging too much in recent months/years. Most days I have a couple but I get blackout drunk/high most weekends and it's been taking it's toll. My brain and body are not functioning at 100%, so I'm taking May off. No booze, smokes or other drugs. It's been a slow week. I can't wait to cut loose in June

My family rule is not to start before midday (except special occasions)

>> No.5417649


good luck

it won't work but young people (so, 4chan) think AA is a cult so you're not going to take that route, so have fun

>> No.5417652

That's Bryan Brown, cunt

>> No.5417656

Thanks man, i used to go with my brother to AA meetings when i was younger (16-18) he was trying to look out for me, but i guess that didnt work so well.

>> No.5417657

There's nothing wrong with being drunk in any situation, as long as you can handle your shit. I went to work drunk today and everything went just fine.

>> No.5417660

>already pulled over
>asked a new cop "is there a problem ociffer?"
Fuckin lel>
Do you actually do opiates?

>> No.5417661

I also use the internet as my AA, Its a lot more useful.

>> No.5417668

Did you shower, brush your teeth, floss?

Bet you didn't. It works like this, get drunk, EAT, shower, floss, brush teeth and change clothes. Not sure what you're drinking, but vodka is fucking impossible to detect. It sounds like you can't handle your liquor.

Also, if you think you have a problem or you think you need to cut back on your drinking, you undoubtedly have a problem.

>> No.5417670


That's where I'm at too. He's my only friend and I love him full no-homo but I really want to stop drinking and he doesn't.

I think ultimately I would rather die slowly and horribly than part ways with the closest friend I have ever known.

I'm gonna go listen to some Will Oldham now.

>> No.5417690

You must be tougher than me then, I hid my drinking problem from my family but if you looked under my bed there's TONS of bottles of all sorts. I like my rum straight up and I chase tequila with beer. If I go to bed drunk I usually drink to wake myself up and get myself started in the morning. I love putting rum in my coffee, having a smoke and browsing the chan before I have to get up-up. Then my day usually revolves around drinking. I look forward to having lunch with people especially now that it's patio season, then head back to work. It worked for me. I've been functioning like that for a long time, now I'm feeling it in my health. Stopped cold and learned that old habits die hard. I know if I drink during the week, I can't have just "one"

>> No.5417789

Just don't let them catch you. I could work awesome drunk if I wanted but I get so paranoid about smelling like alcohol that I go in sober. I will have a shot of bourbon most mornings to open my eyes and get me moving but never more, that isn't even enough to give me a buzz. But yea even if your the best there being drunk at work is a liability for them and highly frown on at most places. I've gone to weekend meetings drunk and nobody knew the difference, I'm just too paranoid to come in drunk for a shift.

Don't get caught, keep your appearances up and don't get too drunk and slip up or get too comfortable and say the wrong thing. Good luck fellow functional.

>> No.5417794

Hmmm....about how much would you drink? A 1.75 liquor lasts me between 3-4 days. One shot in the morning, one shot right after work, and the rest drank randomly throughout late evening.

>> No.5417809
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I don't drink any more because literally ALL the guys I have drunk with tells me I act like a fag when I'm drunk, like I touch their balls and shit. I tell them NO, I don't swing that way. They don't believe me, now all I have are girl friends, which is TERRIBLE.

>> No.5417819

I didn't count. I just drank, and lots

>> No.5417822

>op wants to be ass-patted, instead of fixing his problems.

Well you've come to right place!

>> No.5417824

lol faggot, for everyone elses sake don't drink. I've known guys that "ironically" act gay when they drink and it just makes regular people uncomfortable. Same with people who like to get violent or cry when drunk, please don't drink.

>> No.5417826

>This ain't your personal blog

this isn't yours either, nigger.

>> No.5417830

I have a friend like that. He gets fucking wasted and runs around grabbing people's balls and asking if they want him to suck their dick. I avoid drinking with him, ever. He went to Catholic school, those places fuck you up.

>> No.5417853

I'm a pretty bad alcoholic myself.

I'm not above drinking equate brand Listerine.


Sad times.

>> No.5417858
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I'm regretfully a functional drunk. I'm back living temporarily with my parents for the time being and I have to come up with pretty creative lies and hiding places so they don't know just how much I drink.

I wish I weren't so good at it all because then maybe I could be forced to get some help.

>> No.5417859

Tried that once because I was depressed and ran out of things to drink. It was... not good.

>> No.5417864

You get to be pretty good at it when you want to, but eventually your frequent trips out at night to buy booze will be noticed. When I was living with them, my parents one time confronted me and asked me if I was a junkie. Well, at least that means they didn't find any evidence of my drinking.

>> No.5417866

I just realized half of /ck/ is female and the other half are alcoholic dudes. I've never been on a board with more females or more drunks. I think I'm in good company here.

>> No.5417868

>all that hydromorphone
fucking delicious

do you have a terminal disease?

>> No.5417869

Yeah, I know. I've been living with them for a few months now and I've gotten pretty good at my excuses. I'm at the point where I'm working again so I just grab booze on the way home.

>> No.5417870

I lived with my parents as an alcohol for a year after graduating college, it sucked. Pretty sure they knew what was up but I was never directly confronted. I'd buy those plastic flask shaped fifths and wait til they went to sleep, walk out and get it from my car and hide in my front pocket and sneak to my room. I'd hide the bottles in a compartment behind a nightstand.

I never was directly caught or confronted but one time my dad made a comment that mom was getting worried about how every night after work I'd just come home and lock myself up in my room.

>> No.5417872

I did that as well when I could, but I didn't want to go to the liquor store wearing my work uniform and have them recognize where I work, so often I would have to stop at home first to change because I could never remember to bring a shirt to change into. This is less of a concern during cold weather when you can cover up with a coat.

>> No.5417874
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It feels so good knowing I'm not alone.

>> No.5417897

Of all the threads on here the alcoholics of all people are the most helpful, friendly, and on topic.

Thank you base alcoholic bros.

>> No.5417898

that's bretty funny. When will you come out of the closet anon?

>> No.5417906

Is bourbon hard to detect? I used to drink one beer before work but always felt like I smelt like beer, when I'd go in a hot area I could sort of smell it faintly in my nose. I'd feel like my sweat smelt like beer too. I started taking one shot of bourbon and I don't ever get that feeling anymore.

>> No.5417907

>pretty much lost without it

You're lost with it you fucking drunk.

>> No.5417913

the drunker i get,

the drunker i get

>> No.5417914

One of the upsides of being a werewolf is I can go to drunk after a few nips of liquor and none of my coworkers notice.

I need to stop by the store on my way home for some more, thanks for the reminder.

>> No.5417924

lel, what's with the one bottle of smirnoff? for the price of that shit you could have had stoli

>> No.5417926

People will only notice if you drink it just before leaving for work, or during work. Beer should be the same. I always drink what I want and then brush my teeth and use mouthwash before going to work. No one seems to notice. One time a customer's kid told me I smell like beer, but I'm pretty sure it was because I had just been using hand sanitizer and to a child, that alcoholic smell is so sharp it's all he noticed.

>> No.5417936

Cool. I'll wake up like an hour early, have my drink, have a little coffee, and clean up good. I still get paranoid. The other day I was standing next to somebody hours after I'd gotten to work and she kept saying ooooo boi sum un smellin lik al-co-hoooool!!!! o boi big time, sum un stinkin lik sum good booze shit then started rapping some bullshit about getting drunk. She's a half retarded nigress and I've calmed down and really doubt I smelled like alcohol but I got so paranoid.

Paranoia, one of the many reasons I drink.

>> No.5417940

welcome, I'm the beaner that makes mexican food threads (the more serious ones) once in a while, I do like to stay on topic and try to be useful.
I feel appreciated
I'll get back to the rest of my reyes bottle and beer

>> No.5417942

No, but it gets you drink.

>> No.5417943

> one of my best friends will no longer hang out with me because she thinks I "Have a problem".

she is not your friend. she never was.

even if you do have a problem, friends stick by friends. sometimes they need to create some distance, and this is ok, but anybody who claims to be your "best friend" and burns the bridge because they don't want to deal with your shit is no friend at all.

>> No.5417949

okay can someone tell me HOW the fuck this happened to me, like 4 years ago.

>be me
>average college guy
>drink once or twice a week, get drunk
>went on 2 week bender, 14 days getting black out drunk
>stopped cold turkey
>got withdrawls, DT's/hallucinations

why the hell did that happen to me? It was like a 2 week thing? could i just have been pre-disposed?

since then, I drink probably 2-3 times a month (get drunk)

rarely i'll drink 2 nights in a row, never 3 since that was fucked up.

i wasn't depressed, or anything. I just wanted to fuckin party for 2 weeks wtf

>> No.5417950

>I had the weirdest dreams I've ever had one after the other
this shit really fucking freaks me out. if i'm not drinking daily, i'll generally binge pretty heavily for about 4-5 days, then take a day or two off due to being broke or some sort of obligation or something, and every single time i never sleep through the night, i have some crazy dream and end up jumping awake in a cold sweat 3-4 times a night. shit's terrible.

>> No.5417954

Dude, holy fuck yeah. Not him, but I get that shit too and the dreams are scary vivid. Most of the time they end up being terrifying nightmares too.

>> No.5417955

Not an expert, but look at it this way. If you aren't used to drinking and you drink alot one night you'll have a bad hangover the next day. Now imagine not being a full blown drunk just an average drinker and being drunk for two weeks. Thats a regular hangover x14. Even us drunks have a hard time after a real bender, I only have one like once a year.

>> No.5417958

pretty sure a solid chunk of the females are drunks as well

>> No.5417960
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>tfw get drunk every night, even have a beer or few during work, but am not as pathetic as some of the people in this thread

Feels goodman.

>> No.5417961

my grandad has a sign that says that in his little house bar

>> No.5417962

that could be it. fuck was it crazy. i tried to stay at home for 2 nights, but i couldnt sleep because my eyes were moving, and id hallucinate seeing people giving birth and eating their babies. and i kept on fucking hearing ASTRONOMY DOMINE (pink floyd) come out of my ceiling fan. I'm still paranoid about it lmao. I get bad hangovers after drinking now, its kind of a drag but has been actually getting better the last month for w/e reason.
anyway, I went to the ER and got 6 pills of Valium. took 1 and finally slept a few hours. took another when i woke up, slept a few again. woke up and took another and slept like 8 hours. and that was that, no more symptoms. hopefully my liver has healed from that!!

>> No.5417966

I want to ask, has anybody tried to drink those sterno solid alky, supposedly you just have to squeeze it with bread or something

>> No.5417969

literally the only thing preventing me from becoming a legitimate alcoholic is my eating disorder.

i am so terrified of gaining weight that i WILL stop drinking when i start to see signs that i've gained.

cycle kinda goes like this: drink all day every day for a few weeks; clothes start to feel tighter and belly gets flabbier, freak out and try to cut down unsuccessfully for a few days; freak out EVEN MORE and finally stop drinking for a couple of weeks; start drinking again slowly, once or twice a week only on outings; gradually start drinking more; back to drinking at work and whenever i'm bored; gain weight, freak out; repeat cycle.

i obviously have a problem with booze, but if managing my weight didn't dominate my life i would be drinking constantly and be at risk for withdrawal and such. i don't care about my health and feel that i need booze to enjoy anything in life and diffuse existential pain, as well as intense social anxiety. but being thin is more important than anything.

>> No.5417974

Guy who posted the dream post, I enjoyed my dreams mostly. I felt like God, I had full control but I knew it was all a dream so I created five tornados at once and destroyed a town, I flew, I created family members and celebrities out of thin air to talk to me, and I tried to have sex with a girl I like. I could never stay there long enough for sex, I think I'd get excited and wake back up. I drank a beer with my deceased grandfather who I decided I wanted to be there.

I wish I could remember more details, I hate how dreams are like that. The whole experience was as surreal as some of my first acid trips. I hope whatever triggered me to realize I was dreaming stays with me.

>> No.5417976

I've had lucid dreams before, but only very few during withdrawals. Normally mine are so horrific I can't even get a grip. Now when I went on melatonin for a few months I had some crazy awesome lucid dreams. The best ones are where you're in a scary/shitty situation and you realize you're dreaming and then turn the tides.

>> No.5417977

Hangover question

anyone ever feel like they're going to fucking have a seizure? i always feel like it but ive never had one. feels like my heart skips a beat sometimes

whats the hangover CURE god fucking damn it!!!!

>> No.5417983


nigga that's withdrawal not a hangover

>> No.5417984

That's called heart palpitations. I know what you mean though, I've gotten some bad palpitations and I get so paranoid, my mouth also gets this really strange feeling like I feel like I will start having a seizure. It's never happened though, and I've had my fair share of hangovers/withdrawals.

>> No.5417985

It's difficult to see someone you care about destroying themselves and people will withdraw to spare themselves the emotional pain over something they are helpless to resolve. The fact that OP's friends feel it necessary to take such steps indicates that OP's problem is more severe than he knows or wants to admit.
I've been down this road myself, from both sides, as the addict and the concerned friend.

OP. With 3 years of daily heavy drinking, you're probably going to have some withdrawal symptoms. That shit sucks. I didn't sleep for three days one time. Panic attacks, being startled by things that don't exist. Brain gone wild.

>> No.5417988

>terrifying nightmares
it's funny. i never really had nightmares when i was younger, even as a kid. but some dreams i have when i'm coming off a bender just make me feel like my life is crumbling around me, and it's so real that even for a while after i'm awake, it's still in my head. kinda funny how the scariest dreams i ever have are never anything supernatural or the like, just shit going terribly wrong in my own life. injuring someone close to me, getting sentenced to a long prison term, simultaneously losing my job and getting evicted. shit like that where i wake up and i'm like, "holy shit that was just a dream... right?"

see, i almost never have dreams like this. it's always incredibly real, to the point where i'm seriously not sure whether i'm dreaming or not until i jump awake sweating and shivering at the same time. feels weird man.

>> No.5417992

yeah thats exactly it. never noticed anything with my mouth though. pretty sure its not withdrawals since i only drink like 2 times a month.

>> No.5417998

>whats the hangover CURE god fucking damn it!!!!
if you're not an alcoholic- prevention. don't drink too much, drink water while drinking, etc.

if you are an alcoholic, a drink or 3 when you wake up.

certain drugs that are good for numbing pain can help a bit. weed, opiates, etc. but outside of weed, shit can be dangerous if you're drinking a lot.

>> No.5418002

I've had them on melatonin when I used to take it but I never got such a grip on my own mind that I could control very much and they wouldn't last very long. It was mostly me realizing that I was asleep, this was the dream given to me and I'd sort of walk around until I woke up.

Last night was one of the most profound experiences I've ever experienced. Not only did I fully realize it was all a dream and nothing there was physically real, I somehow figured out how to take enough control to create things out of thin air. I think its because they lasted sooo long, much longer than ever before. After long enough I figured out how to manipulate my surroundings however I wanted.

I can barely explain it.

>> No.5418012

Yeah, man, lucid dreams are incredible. When I started experiencing them I obsessed over them a while. There's actually ways you can induce them and make them happen, just look it up. I used to be super into them, but one of the ways I tried to make them happen just freaked me out and I couldn't go through with it.

You had to basically lay there keeping your mind focused and awake and you aren't allowed to move your body at all. So you essentially trick your body into falling asleep while your mind stays awake. You go through several processes during it. Your body starts to tingle and your breathing goes shallow, and you notice this all and you have to force yourself to endure it and not move. Then you start to see crazy and/or scary imagery and you hear a lot of sounds. I'd always lose it during this step and I'd force myself to move and cancel the entire thing because it freaked me out.

Anyway, if you manage to get through it all, you end up in a dream that you're aware of, but it's very difficult, and it's hard not to wake up so you have to learn all these techniques and blah blah.

I won't shit up this thread with irrelevant bullshit anymore, but just look it up. It's incredibly interesting and very much real.

>> No.5418024

I've never noticed that body shit.

Just kept practicing and practicing. Just think about lucidly dreaming before you sleep, and having a trigger before you usually wake up helps. Also alcohol.

Jumping around neighborhoods you know and seeing your mind try and generate the landscape like a compute is pretty fun. So is rape.

>> No.5418031

>one of the ways I tried to make them happen just freaked me out
Thats why I stopped trying to lucid dream. Freaked myself out a few times.

>> No.5418035

AA IS a cult, though.
>75-80% of people fail/drop out within 6 months
>It's never the group's fault, it's THEIR fault
>But for the 20% who make it stick, they're required to preach about it as part of the 12 steps
"Pass it on" is the Ponzi scheme of the fucking century.

>> No.5418039

AA is basically
>drop alcohol and obsess over God instead

>> No.5418043

AA's fucked

>> No.5418049

I think thats what I did, probably not on purpose but by just trying to get some sleep with a non sloshed and sober mind. I just laid still like normal but my mind wasn't drunk. I wouldn't mind discussing more but I feel like we are getting onto a good non thread relevant topic in a thread that isn't technically relevant to begin with. you think people on /x/ would like to talk about it? Or any other board?

>> No.5418054

>you think people on /x/ would like to talk about it?
I can't really see any board but /x/ being interested in it. It's worth a shot.

>> No.5418064

>scary imagery

fuck fuck fuck I read over that the first time. FUCK. And the music. I didn't remember until just now, I think the wild dreams after it made me forget and thats what I was thinking about when I woke up. A voice kept saying something like "you are going through K hole, you are passing through hell" or something like that. I didn't wake up through it.

I'm not as excited about going to sleep anymore :(

>> No.5418068
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>> No.5418091

Alcoholic /ck/ is best /ck/.

Why is this?

>> No.5418096

mostly because nobody takes the trolls seriously in alcoholic threads like they do in 90% of /ck/ threads (tipping, fast food, etc). so the threads tend to stay on topic.

also i'm pretty sure the majority of /ck/ are alcoholics (or at least drink to some capacity) so plenty of people contribute.

surprisingly, not a lot of mean drunks here. stark contrast to real life, in my experience.

>> No.5418103

I also think it's because we're kind of really the only people who know what one another's going through. We've lived it and most people would shun it and think it's this awful thing so we don't really have many people to turn to.

>> No.5418106

>tfw friends call themselves alcoholic because they get drunk and go out on weekends

...i think you're right, people really don't get it.

>> No.5418108


I used to smoke all day erry day. But now, everything is nugget/hydro/kind bud/whatever niggas are calling it these days.

To someone without a tolerance, even half a hit has me stoned for an hour.

>> No.5418148

i go through a fifth of vodka each night ... not really trying to do it in a "HURRRRR LOOK AT ME SO HARDKORE" way but i've built up a massive tolerance. i'm 37. not proud of it but it is what it is.

>> No.5418154

How long have you been drinking? I just turned 25 and I've been binge drinking for a good 5-6 years now. Before that I drank quite a lot too. I don't want to end up your age and still doing this shit (and I mean no offense by that).

>> No.5418158

learn 2 delay gratification and drink like a fish at night/smokeup, like the rest of us functional alcoholics/stoners

>> No.5418183

i don't do it because i like it ... i just can't relax or fall asleep any other way

i've probably been doing it for ... damn ... maybe 10'ish years?

i never drink during the day (except weekends :( ) although when i do drink straight up Sat AM through Sunday PM ... i feel so fucked up all of Monday (shakes, paranoia, etc) i regret it ... but i inevitably pick up another bottle and tear into it again.

anyone that thinks "lol so edgy alcoholic oh i'mma party animal" is a fucking idiot. i swear to God i wish i'd never touched a beer.

>> No.5418186

functional alcoholics often don't delay gratification and smoking is nothing like drinking in that aspect.

>> No.5418192

>i don't do it because i like it ... i just can't relax or fall asleep any other way
Yeah, I never assumed you did. I'm the exact same way. I can go days with next to no sleep because I just can't fall asleep without booze. Sorry if I implied you enjoyed it, I know how it is.

I don't drink during the day either. I went through a period where I would wake up and keep drinking, but that phased out pretty quickly. It was awful.

And I know what you mean. If anyone I know thinks about beginning to drink I tell them it's just not fucking worth it. I fucking hate alcohol, I've fucked up my life a lot because of abusing it.

Stay strong, m8, I'm sure you can get through it some day.

>> No.5418197

"Quit" drinking about 5 months ago but all that really means is i only drink a few and I'm fine
However tonight is the most drunk I've been in months
Fuck tequila

>> No.5418198

>Stay strong, m8, I'm sure you can get through it some day.

i appreciate the concern but i've pretty much given up hope

>> No.5418201

serious question to all my fellow alcoholics

am i the only one who has had less of a problem with alcohol than any other drugs?

example- when i was in high school, i rarely drank. but i loved smoking weed, and did it so much that i'd blow off school work and eventually became a mediocre student and just sat around smoking all day. this even carried over into college. even got a DUI due to it. once i quit and started drinking more and more, i find that i don't have any of these types of problems. my productivity is still perfectly fine despite near constant drinking.

i know i won't be able to sustain this vice like this forever, but i've found that alcohol has created less problems for me than other vices.

>> No.5418204
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>> No.5418206

Honestly just try stopping
If you have a DT then drink until you don't die but just try
That's all it takes
Effort and a real desire to stop

>> No.5418208

Alcohol's the only thing I've ever abused.

>> No.5418215

that's sad, then please don't try other euphoric substances

>> No.5418217

I'm the exact, literal opposite, but with no dui (thank my lucky stars)
It's all the same man, you find the one drug you like you abuse it

>> No.5418218

Yeah, I don't plan to. I have a pretty bad addictive personality.

>> No.5418227

that's just it. i've abused multiple drugs in my life. i really, REALLY like alcohol, but i find that it doesn't bring me a lot of the problems i ran into with other drugs. maybe i've just gotten more mature about my abuse as i've grown up, but i just find it strange.

i guess i shouldn't complain and just accept my vice for what it is.

>> No.5418228

if you watch the video of this the cat really isn't into it

>> No.5418232

Hey, at least it's not opiates

>> No.5418238


i mean, unlike hard drugs alcohol is legal, making it much easier to obtain and openly consume, and is even a social staple. it's not surprising that you would run into less real-world problems (vs. health problems). i imagine that's why so many alcoholics are still functional.

>> No.5418247
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I know. They're just "playing" in the video, completely ruins the sentiment of the gif.

>> No.5418251

that's a good point. but the main thing i've noticed is that my productivity doesn't take a hit regardless of my drinking. i still get school work done, still make it to work on time and get shit done. definitely a much more sociable person. obviously there are negatives to go with all the positives, but thus far, after a few years of heavy drinking, they haven't gotten bad yet (yeah i know it gets worse... not looking forward to that one bit)

true fuckin that man. don't get me wrong, opiates are fucking great. but i've never really felt the compulsion to do them on a regular basis.

i guess it really is dependent upon the individual how all of these drugs will affect your life.

>> No.5418263


i'm kind of the same way, alcohol actually increases my ability to focus and thus my productivity. i think my anxiety levels and tangential obsessive thoughts, as well as my sensitivity to outside stimuli, impair my ability to focus normally. i think the booze slows down those processes and numbs me to external stimuli, allowing me to essentially... relax.

but yeah, drinking isn't exactly an ideal way to go about "remedying" those problems.

>> No.5418264

>tfw palpitations and anxiety

>> No.5418271

>but yeah, drinking isn't exactly an ideal way to go about "remedying" those problems.
definitely not. but the thirst is there anyway, so i see no reason to stop just yet. plus i'm a college aged male so nobody looks twice when they see my drinking at 2PM on a wednesday.

>anxiety levels

normally i'm a fairly relaxed person, but one thing i hate about drinking is waking up feeling panicked until i get my bearings and realize nothing is wrong.

>alcohol actually increases my ability to focus
for me, it's not so much this as it not ruining my ability to focus. it doesn't help, but it doesn't hurt either.

although being in a STEM field for school, i definitely find that doing any sort of calculation is much more difficult when drunk, but abstract thought isn't really hurt.

>> No.5418276

i just drank some Johnnie Walker Red on the rocks, how terminal am i?

>> No.5418288

>Red Label has been reported to be former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney's drink of choice.[9]

been on any hunting trips lately?

>> No.5418291

do you have a pulse

>> No.5418316

>passively uses the female pronoun referring to a friend

>> No.5418352
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>All these disgusting fags condoning marijuana to an alcoholic

You fags are fucking horrible. You don't give a person with an addictive problem more fucking drugs. I don't care what you believe, nothing's going to change, not even if you feel that legalizing it will cause leniency

You need to go to fucking rehab OP. I'm not even joking.

>> No.5418393

My dad was an alcoholic. a bottle of wine + a day, or half a bottle of a hard spirit. He was disgusting, and I hated him for it. He'd drink to spite my mother and me.

He went though the DUI thing, immobilizer in his car, etc. for a year. Got off of that, and went back to binging.

couple years ago, he went to the ER because of necrotic pancreatitus. Was almost sent home the first night because the ER's here are shit. They found the issue, and he was bedridden for 2 months in the hospital. He'd get up and walk around the floor he was on, but beyond that, nothing.

He was fortunate enough to have 70% of his pancreas left, and lost a lot of weight as well. rarely touches a drop of alcohol..

Lost two months of his life, got a half a million in hospital costs (that the VA took care of, fortunately.). I almost lost of one of my best friends due to him drinking. And I did lose a friend thanks to some dumb spic piece of shit drinking and driving.

You are not a functional alcoholic. You're an asshole who's being selfish and dangerous not only to yourself, but to everyone who's around you. That's the reality of it.

>> No.5419329

Holy fuck are you me? I had the exact same hallucinations. That's fucked up!

>> No.5420897

I wonder if making gallons of alcohol for yourself means you've reached some sort of tipping point.

I'm at that stage right now.

>> No.5422449

Being out of control really sucks so I regularly quit drinking for a week or two and when I do drink I (usually) have only one or two. The AA/one day at a time cult is really a super weird religious thing. Google "non 12 step" to find some good help if you need it.

>> No.5422466


yes but at the same time you have found a craft in your addiction, and you are working for it. that's kind of respectable?

>> No.5422473

What are you on about m9?

>> No.5422602

if somene cares enough to mention, you might have a problem. I have lost jobs(civil and military) and no going back. I don't know what to tell you. I've never been a "mean drunk", but most jobs or places... their tolereance is exactyl, exactly zero. I understand. would you want a surgeon, pilot,dentist judge or.. never mind.I've never killed or run over anyone .God's grace. It's not like tv or movies.everyone dont wal around with a drink all the time. bhut you are not alone 'scuse me while I get a beer.(just one but 25 oz, to go with a burger. and that's another damn thing,alcohol, any kind, is calorie dense fat city. rode hard and put up wetI like a beer or 9. any stories would be too embarrassing.

>> No.5422671


Rehab doesn't always work. I was in a rehabilitation program for alcoholism through my union job a few years ago and I had no plans to stop drinking. I wanted to stop the volume I was drinking that got me to where I was (half a gallon of Vodka per day,) and I told this to them. They wanted me to go to AA meetings and I refused; I only went to the weekly bunch meetings on Sundays for the month I was in the program to satiate their desires.

Well, after I go through this bullshit program and not touch a drop of alcohol the entire time out of respect for the curators of the program and the program itself I was craving a drink badly. On the last day I told them goodbye and that I was picking up a six pack on the way home. They said that I shouldn't do that and that I should, instead, stay another week in the program. I politely declined and got up to leave. They refused to let me leave and called a local hospital and had me dragged out in a fucking straight jacket by two paramedics. I was absolutely furious that I had to spend three days against my will in a mental health facility.

As soon as I got out of there I went to the store and I bought a six back, sat back, and enjoyed the wonderful taste of my favorite beer that I had missed for over a month.

What I'm saying is that rehab is a double edged sword. You have to be careful with what you do and say because some of the workers in these programs take their jobs very seriously.

>> No.5422715

switch to drinking nothing but the cheapest tequilla you can find

see how much you drink now, faggot

>> No.5422736


a lot more, because it's cheaper.

you don't get alcoholism, do you

>> No.5422750

i heard somewhere you have to find your bottom before you can get better

im just doing my part

>> No.5423150

make yourself drink a gallon of water everyday before you start, its how the injuns keep up on their taxes

>> No.5423578

Do not do this. You will die. Sterno isn't any cheaper than a 40.

>> No.5423641

amen. years go. snowed in, in college I drank a bit of isoproypl and oj. bad idea. methanol (wood alcohol) and ethanol are not the same. nor taxed the same. rubbing alcohol is a great disinfectant, a buck a pint, but you drink it a quick trip to the hospital (if lucky) or funeral home. your body can't metabolize it.Though I live in the mountains, I don't drink "shine unless I know who made it, and how. you drink the wrong stuff, you are dead. no do overs.

>> No.5424396

>trying to explain to a non-alcoholic why you can't just "drink a little bit or in moderation"
>trying to explain why you can't just keep booze in the house

Also, serious talk here, have any of you ever thrown up a bit of blood? Happened to me last night. I live in a small town with no way to get to a hospital for the next couple weeks so I didn't do shit. I'm not about to bother anyone I know to take me either. It was just a little blood mixed in with other vomit. It freaked me out but all signs kind of point to a ruptured vessel in my throat.

I don't know anymore. I'm probably dying. I want to quit drinking so badly. Help.

>> No.5424415

Everybody's got to die sometime, m8.

>> No.5424453

>its how the injuns keep up on their taxes


>> No.5424899

If you've been drinking that much for three years you should seriously consider going to a detox and getting your shit together. Detoxing from alcohol or benzos is very dangerous and I don't recommend you do it on your own.

I've noticed that there are a lot of heavy drinkers on here so I'm sure I'm going to get shit for saying this but you should really reconsider what you're doing with your life. It isn't cool and you're only going to get fucking worse. Get help now before you lose everything. I'll have a year clean/sober whatever on the 16th and it was the best decision I ever made in my life. And you know what? Honestly, it pisses me off that I can't drink or do anything but I just have to accept the fact that I have absolutely no limits and cannot handle booze like a normal person.

>> No.5424905
File: 73 KB, 360x480, Girolamo_Savonarola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont you have some paintings to burn

>> No.5424907

The only ones who care about your lack of self discipline are the other two time losers at 12 step, fagholio.

>> No.5424908

Protip: Nobody can 'handle' booze. The human body isn't designed to.
That's why you get sidewise when you drink it.
That's why the body is quick to get it the fuck out of its system as quickly as possible.
You are, quite literally, poisoning yourself.
Still, helps a man get laid.

>> No.5424922

Yeah, I get it. Still I choose not to participate in drinking anymore because drinking to the point of blacking out and pissing myself certainly is not helping me get laid either.

>> No.5424965

Why do some people have such a hard time stopping?

Like.. just fucking stop you stupid shithead.

I quit smoking that way, I used to smoke all the time, now I only smoke like 1 time a month or less. You could do the same thing with drinking.

>> No.5424967


How long were you smoking, and how much did you smoke?

It takes most people years to become addicted, decades for it to become deeply ingrained.

When I was 19 I wondered how anyone could have trouble quitting too.

>> No.5424979

You have no idea how addictions actually work.

>> No.5424982

Maybe he's more familiar on how the mentally weak work. I know I am.

>> No.5425033

Use a combintion of tapering off and mindfulness meditation for depression or anxiety.

One poster on here said he lost his social life as it required drinking. I would recommend mindfulness to him; it helps with self-esteem, which is something people drink in order to boost.

>> No.5425042

>One poster on here said he lost his social life as it required drinking. I would recommend mindfulness to him

I'm that guy. Hanging out at a bar without drinking is like hanging out at the movies without looking at the screen. Perhaps you might want to try it, with your arsenal of Eckhart Tolle techniques, and tell me how much fun that is.

>> No.5425063

>The human body isn't designed to.
Actually, it sort of is. The introduction of alcohol to cultures where it was not previously known, such as native Americans has a devastating affect on the population. Presumably it had the same effect on other cultures when it was discovered. Those who could reap the benefits of fermentation and distillation while suffering less from the side effects would become our ancestors.

>> No.5427034 [DELETED] 


>> No.5427061

he can smell the booze because he's suspicious of you drinking.

>> No.5427095

I used to do this too anon, then I came out as bi and stopped repressing. Do yourself a favour and accept it.

>> No.5427097

Yiff in hell furfag

>> No.5427188

As for your first question, I crave it. And also as a good friend of mine put it, why what's the point in drinking if you don't drink to feel good?
I don't see the point of having "just one" because I know that isn't going to have the desired effect for me. I used to drink socially, then to get fucked up before heading out, now it's just to function.

I always believe I can stop, but at the moment I'm just choosing not to. I know that I can't stop cold right now because I don't have the time for DTs right now.

>> No.5427191

Sorry, not question I meant statement, haha

>> No.5427261


>> No.5427270

>shit college semester for friend and I
>gf left me
>friend and I drink almost every day
>several occasions where we've drunk for more than 12 straight hours
>both smoke a pack a day
>drink during the day if we don't have to drive, or find people who can drive us
>keep this up for 3 months
>neither of us get really drunk anymore
>can't get hung-over anymore