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File: 456 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_ok7xeoempT1qdx71ao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.52797[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know you guys are still itching to talk.

>> No.52978

Eyebrows wants nothing to do with a smelly smoking deadbeat mom like Shiro. His tiddies press against Sendak's only.

>> No.53048
File: 70 KB, 970x545, Prince-Lotor-Voltron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was the previous thread deleted? Anyway let's continue talking about best ot3 Sheitor

>> No.53074

My body is ready for purple Legolas.

>> No.53138

I don't think anything's allowed to go to archive from today's threads. Just my guess though.

>> No.53167

No no, that's the thing. It's always Keith getting the fug from Lotor and Shiro is tangentaly involved, shows up later or is cucked.

Instead something more outlandish, something along the lines of Lotor fucking his newly broken in slut Shiro and goading Keith into it. Or gloating about his prize.

>> No.53217
File: 144 KB, 1009x953, C8YYcgVUAAU8UHC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found some Klotor.

>> No.53278
File: 378 KB, 617x1015, Gutshair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't link to the post in the previous thread, but:

>Anon 1: I think Shiro's hair is the result of genetic modification with Altean genes or something!

>Anon 2: <Historical Marie Antoinette reference that went over my head> (I took it to mean Shiro's hair turned white from stress)

I agree with Anon 2, despite the reference going over my head, because I am under the impression that Shiro's appearance was influenced by Guts' design, and he got his salt 'n pepper look from pure stress. I even grabbed this pic and cropped it for my post..

>> No.53299
File: 331 KB, 1200x675, 1491103929376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"That's your nightmare, champion, really?" Lotor's nasal voice was the first thing Shiro heard as he began to rouse from whatever spell he'd been under.

>"It's pathetic," Lotor decided but then amended his statement to, "You're pathetic."

>"You won't have to torment yourself for much longer though," he grinned lecherously and Shiro's stomach flipped, "I can't wait to add your little friend to my personal harem once this war is over."

>> No.53324

I just want Lotor violating newly minted Champion Shiro and making him cry.

>> No.53346

Sendak loves how Eyebrows' huge rack feels against his chest.

>> No.53391
File: 457 KB, 1200x848, 029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pance dance!

>> No.53420
File: 93 KB, 857x1200, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nananana Pance dance

>> No.53445

Maybe Lotor went to the Arena to enslave the champion only to learn he already escaped.

>> No.53449
File: 93 KB, 857x1200, 031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thats that!

>> No.53462
File: 117 KB, 540x305, tumblr_inline_onrg19Q1Qj1ux0jiq_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throk is smiling when his husbando speaks

It's beautiful.

>> No.53471

Ridiculously excited about Throk.

>> No.53497
File: 57 KB, 500x398, 1469138559289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly approve of this Pance dance.

>> No.53531

I bet he loves listens to his rambles as they fall asleep together.

>> No.53532
File: 77 KB, 916x1108, C8YYcgUUAAA_j5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53533
File: 158 KB, 798x785, Aku has a gun as well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Lotor is Aku-tier. Like, he can be camp fun one moment and then a legitimate threat the next and then back to fabulous at the end without it feeling out of character:


>> No.53540

>New toy denied
>Lotor throws a shitfit in front of the entire Empire
>Haggar facepalms

>> No.53569
File: 326 KB, 964x880, mice586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to make my own little piece of fan art. Drawing's not my thing, but I had fun and that's all that matters.

gotta love the mice

>> No.53573

Maybe if I send her a tweet with the same question, she'll be more inclined to answer?

I'll tell her that my fanfics depends on this.

>> No.53626

Are they smoking or eating chalk? Cute regardless.

>> No.53634
File: 133 KB, 718x512, 7697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lotor trying to lure Keith to dark side by being a slut

>> No.53654

Lotor was Shiro's favorite cigarette daddy cause he roams the universe and brings him back some good alien drugs

>> No.53679

That's really cute.
Shame that Shiro is such a bad influence, though.

>> No.53686

>mice smoking

>> No.53695

You also have to add

>> No.53743

>Shiro gets pregged by Sadak
>Lotor now finds Shiro gross and no longer gives him his tobaccy.

>> No.53750

All of us ask at once and maybe she will throw us another bone.

>> No.53753
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>> No.53795


>> No.53842

She gets enough of that from the Lancers.

>> No.53849

I don't want to come off as a total loon either.

You know it's worth a try.

>> No.53871
File: 376 KB, 964x879, mice587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, what? smoking?!
How could a little mouse do such a thing?
They're just really tiny lollipops, sir. Geez.

Happy belated April Fools day, anons.

>> No.53888

>Josh Keaton in a Sheith sandwich
omg guys he's condoning pedophilia :(((

>> No.53933
File: 1.72 MB, 700x394, DIE!!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could've just let Jack die to that quicksand
>kept him alive so he could prank him later

I wonder if Aku thinks it was worth it or if he wound up regretting that indulgence.

>> No.53945
File: 17 KB, 646x120, 12f13d231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So any words on those Voltron iOS stickers and what they look like?
Keep being you, precious mice anon.

>> No.53960
File: 731 KB, 1280x1218, 1487554550970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes completely wrong when Keith winds up marrying Zarkon

>> No.54077
File: 49 KB, 796x768, C7kVMH0VQAED42O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never form a sheith sandwich around josh

>> No.54087
File: 1.05 MB, 1791x1008, Allura and her mice are all mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is I, Lotllura elder anon!

Here's my impression of Mice anon. AHEM:

I will force the mice to love me!!

OW! Damn it, Chuchule, it was a joke!

>> No.54096

Wasn't everyone in agreement about Lotor being a pussy that got bullied around? Now everyone is saying he was Shiro's daddy and can rape Keith.

>> No.54099

He drunkenly played with Shiro's momtits once, though.

>> No.54222

Hmm idea then for something post Season 2. Lotor ends up getting his hands on Shiro, finds him before Voltron does. He personally inspects the Paladin, intending to send him off for torture and interrogation like usual. But then he realizes this is that smoking hot Champion he never got to take for his harem. Fuck protocol and interrogation, Shiro's got a new place in life.

Riding Lotor's dick, wearing space slut outfits.
In exchange Lotor promises not to obliterate his friends. I don't know if it'll either be all out ultimatum hate fucking and blackmail. Or Lotor pampers Space Guts and makes him a slut.

>> No.54223
File: 178 KB, 821x1200, stickers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54262

Didn't the mice almost fucking kill Lotor in the original?

>> No.54266
File: 492 KB, 800x900, 1490349611623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never liked angsty misunderstood Lotor that never fit in anywhere because he was a GalrAltean mutt. I like mind breaking abusive daddy Lotor way more.

>> No.54269

It's because of DEM HIPS

>> No.54319

Who sleeps on whos chest the most? Do they take turns? I'd imagine Eyebrows fights to sleep on Sendak's chest and wins most nights. It's hard to deny that fluff.

>> No.54383

Nah half us said he'd be a pansy ass crybaby and the other half said he's be Game of Thrones level manipulative daddy

>> No.54412

I think Eyebrows is just self-conscious about how big his rack is. His puritanical grandparents shamed him about his beautiful tits and probably called him a whore once for wearing a tight shirt.

>> No.54463

>Kallura elders predicted Locascio being a recurring VA over a month ago
>They say he will be playing Lotor
>They say he will be using a fake British accent

How the fuck did they know all of this?

>> No.54472
File: 35 KB, 567x437, 1491009508454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get to milk Shiro

>> No.54488
File: 38 KB, 163x200, 964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because I'm spoiled by LINE but these look awful.

>> No.54499

Just so you know, I would read the shit out of this.

>> No.54539
File: 180 KB, 798x1199, stickers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54546

They can read oracle bones.

>> No.54573

Bara definitely looks cuter once we got a nice close up of him. I hope Eyebrows speaks in season three too. NAMES FOR THOSE TWO WHEN.

>> No.54616

Don't forget they also said Lotor was the Weblum Galra but people kept on riding that Keith Momma bandwagon.

>> No.54632
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Allura doll w real lifelike texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything almost killed Lotor in the original. I vaguely recall him being kind of a bitch beyond his early appearances.

>> No.54635

Imagine sexting with just these

>> No.54637

Nothing shows your villain is "cool" like a fake British accent.

I'm not even joking. This trope is an old one.

>> No.54648
File: 37 KB, 620x694, C4h6-38VMAE8nUa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-greentext? please?

>> No.54666

They're really underwhelming. It's not like the show lacks reaction faces.

>> No.54673

I think some of them are connected to the VLD staff. Or it's just magic.

>> No.54711

>Lotor has Sadak thrown in solitary for an extended period of time
>As Sadak is dragged away, he screams "I DID NOTHING WRONG"
>this time, he's actually right

>> No.54726
File: 306 KB, 509x605, C3puPw7UcAA1tmF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills me

>> No.54732

Only the biggest retards thought the Galra was Keith's mother.

>> No.54751

Kallura is obviously the only true religion.

>> No.54771
File: 95 KB, 290x238, tumblr_onr5z3VT9d1w6anyto1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know which theories have the highest possibilities from inspecting alternate realities.

>> No.54805

They also think that 70's guitar rock he listens to is "the Devils music".

Sendak reassures him that his bust is beautiful.

>> No.54807
File: 140 KB, 1200x693, C5Dgv9SVUAEVZlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54812

No the biggest retards were the ones who thought it was Keith's love interest, Romelle, or a complete nobody.

>> No.54841
File: 83 KB, 1200x1127, C3Cy4czUEAArgaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No angry Shiro
What's the fucking point

>> No.54862

>Bara definitely looks cuter once we got a nice close up of him

The Galrafag headcanons are coming true...

>> No.54879
File: 354 KB, 300x169, exUYDX6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was never any doubt in my mind that Lotor would have a faux Received Pronunciation accent. It was only a question of who would do it. Clarke? Baker? O'brien? It had to be somebody.

>> No.54882

Keith has no ass, we've seen the profile shots.

>> No.54888

>implying lotor isn't keith's love interest
VLD will end in Kalluralot. Lance gets cuked thrice.

>> No.54969
File: 462 KB, 800x599, Shiro cow 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I'd contest is the brit prediction, I thought that was an easy pull considering how these villains usually end up. And the snooty factor gets cranked up.
Excellent! Though which would you prefer? The manhandled slut slave version that goes from begruding/hateful to ahegao. Or the pampered and spoiled new exotic harem member route, where Shiro's more confused and unsure.

Keith pls, I'll write the real damn thing. I could whip up a greentext at some point though, I've made more of those than anything else.

>> No.54991

Shit, sign me up for more of that.

>> No.54992
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, C33OWhHWQAUhN9J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will buy 5 of these.
Source please

>> No.54996

It's definitely not O'Brien. His fake posh accent is really distinguishable.

>> No.55014
File: 25 KB, 392x550, 076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys aren't using that Lance, can Pidge have it? She already took the jacket, might as well have the full set.

>> No.55060

God, I hope we get Klotor doujins. The Chinese fujos will be the most interested, no doubt.

>> No.55073

>Tfw no Grimoire Weiss space elf daddy
Cucked again!

>> No.55102
File: 503 KB, 1053x720, 180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know it's not him now, he was just one of my guesses in other threads. I was kind of hoping for Troy Baker after hearing his voice work in Odin Sphere. That Ingway was on point.

>> No.55128

>Sendak reassures him that his bust is beautiful

And gives one a nice honking for good measure.

>> No.55142

Fic when

How popular do you think this is gonna be? I'm a shit writer but if no one else does this then I might

>> No.55151

I like how they figured it out so long ago and only now the Klancers are catching up after Lauren responded to AJ.

>> No.55167
File: 143 KB, 723x814, 1473258179033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, what does Lance even have left to wear?

>> No.55202

A lot of people thought Lotor would sound American like all the other Galra.

>> No.55224 [SPOILER] 
File: 170 KB, 714x600, 1491110400397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to know?

>> No.55278

Either is good but I've got a bit of a thing for Shiro getting manhandled.

>> No.55289

Will the Sheiths and Klotors get along?

>> No.55295
File: 191 KB, 540x781, tumblr_on4r2pHGGx1r5yfc8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you o blessed writefag.

>> No.55300

I want Keith and Lotor's rivalry to extend to who can ride Shiro's dick the best.

>> No.55339
File: 89 KB, 741x592, 1488546035565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Grimoire Weiss space elf daddy

Oh my god the mental image of Grimoire Weiss!Lotor sneering 'SPEAK THE TRUTH HUSSY' to a shirtless Shiro

We have been robbed of the world's greatest scenes

>tfw you will never live in a world where Pidge is voiced by Kaine's VA
>Pidge will never call someone a little bitch and then fuck a Galran corpse with her dick

>> No.55358

Maybe if they join up forces against the Klancers.

>> No.55374

This Sheith is locked and loaded for some Klotor.

>> No.55377
File: 470 KB, 600x820, I-uh-borrowed these.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even his slippers are safe.

>> No.55388
File: 99 KB, 250x420, Vorkken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never saw them posting round these parts. Maybe it was a tumblr theory. We always brought up VAs known for doing the effete British snob accent whenever we broached the subject.

I'm also a little sad he won't sound like Vorken. No calling Keith "Blunder Red"

>> No.55463

Judging from twitter? The Sheiths will say Klotor is an abusive ship because they are enemies. Klotor is not "healthy and based on mutual trust" like Sheith. The Klotors will call Sheith boring and vanilla.

>> No.55474
File: 163 KB, 448x476, C5fSaBnWcAAA_3V_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hot. Also a rivalry on who can last the longest.

>> No.55494
File: 144 KB, 1080x1280, tumblr_on8rsocQuB1ri2v3ao2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KeithxShiroxLotor is hot as hell.

>> No.55505
File: 11 KB, 134x94, ewivfnewlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good someone is planning on writing it nevermind then. I'll be waiting anon

>> No.55550

Eyebrows returns it with a hard punch to the jaw.

>> No.55572
File: 878 KB, 1280x1811, 088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it went too far when she used Green to drag Blue off, but Lance never stays mad.

>> No.55576

Klotors are gonna be the WILD shippers. Some Sheithers are wild too but most seem pretty vanilla. The ones that are Keithfags will be glad and ship both.

>> No.55585

>freckles Keith


>> No.55597

kek. are the sheithers getting angry at klotor already? never change sjws.

>> No.55625

Haxus had a vague Bong accent. And Ulaz had some sort of accent, it definitely was not American.

But yeah, most of them sound American. But the whole "cool villain with a vague British accent" shit and all.

>> No.55647

That's the moment Sendak knew he would marry Eyebrows.

>> No.55709

I'd settle for Shklotor OT3.

>> No.55722

Shiro doesn't know what he did to deserve this.

>> No.55771

I think they will fight, but Klotor vs Klance will be the most intense. tumblr/twitter is gonna get drowned out by Klance and Klotor ship wars.

>> No.55803

Does Sendak have a streak of wanting to be bullied like Yurak does?

>> No.55809

But that's Keith and Lance's thing

>> No.55848

>tumblr/twitter is gonna get drowned out by Klance and Klotor ship wars.
Ask the Kallura elder if they think this will happen because they so far have a 99% success rate in prediction.

>> No.55901
File: 244 KB, 540x430, shiro chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would probably fit better anyway. If I did something where it was actually god forbid sweet there'd need to be a shit ton of AU stuff and OOC things to dick about with.

Shiro can't cook for shit. He's flexible and agile as all hell but for some reason I feel like he can't dance for beans. I need to know how his first striptease or lap-dance goes.

Horribly would be best in my opinion.

Also Lotor has a good set of teeth and fangs. Princes are possessive. Bites are a thing for me sorry.

Just remember though, expect nothing! I hopefully won't end up falling short of even that.
Clemp's videos have destroyed my sides with that line too much damnit.
>to a shirtless Shiro
Fucking kino
>tfw no Emi evans to do the OP
>tfw no Druid fights with this sort of theme bumping

>> No.55910

Lance is too straight for that.

>> No.55942

Keith and Lance's thing is more Keith focusing entirely on Shiro and slapping away Lance's hand whenever he tries to get involved.

>> No.55951
File: 86 KB, 1199x444, 1488822591209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pft. Not in a thousand years. Lance's not getting nowhere near that dick as long as Keith's around.

>> No.55977

Sheithfag here already in love with Klotor it's gonna btfo Klance as the fandom rival ship. Not to mention Sheitor (Klotoro? Lotoroth??) rustles all my naughty kink jimmies

>> No.55999

Not as bad as Yurak but yes. He's able to pass it off as liking his partners to be on the feisty side.

>> No.56004
File: 79 KB, 500x883, CvIzsmPVMAAlEPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never realizes that she's just trying to get him to start staying in her room

>> No.56038

Klotoro please.

>> No.56058
File: 146 KB, 900x1200, C8XPf0pWAAAi2ku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56061
File: 1.49 MB, 1248x1920, 545646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but considering Keith is an orphan and probably never had good food, what if he actually doesn't know how awful Shiro's cooking really is?

>> No.56092

/co/ Sheithfags and Klotor, yes. They'll all live in Harmony with the Zeiths, Kallurafags. All Keith ships are accepted here by the Keithfags except Klance.

Sheithfags from twitter/tumblr is a mixture of yes and no. The shippers are blinded by their entitled ideas and will seriously think that Klotor or Sheith will be canon. The other side just want to explore Klotors dynamics and have fun with their rivalry.

>> No.56129
File: 670 KB, 985x725, Sendak getting fucked cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch Sendak is the best kind of Sendak.

>> No.56161

Damn, Lotor has nice hair and hips.

>> No.56162

Keith got his manlet from having explosive diarrhea all through his childhood.

>> No.56218

I want a Lotor doll to brush.

>> No.56224

He basically lived off off-brand Dinty Moore straight from the can until he met Shiro. Food made with love is a novelty.

>> No.56259
File: 118 KB, 343x284, kcK6Z1w07e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keith is now standing where Shiro once stood.

>> No.56275
File: 117 KB, 486x648, Shiro&#039;s creation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please, that's too fuckin sweet.
>everyone holding back their vomit or passing out from Shiro's turn at being cook for the night
>Keith scarfing his plate down and signaling for seconds

>> No.56314

What about Shklotor

>> No.56338
File: 70 KB, 485x273, nkcK6Z1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56375

No. It sounds like Shklance.

>> No.56392

Watch people remain in denial about Keith being Black Paladin.

>> No.56397

>Lance stands in Keith's place
>Allura stands in Lance's place

oh my god, they were right all along.

>> No.56413

Eyebrows will never understand it, but always apologizes for hitting him when they are alone in private.

>> No.56420

I just want someone to make a My Neighbor Klotoro parody tshirt.

>> No.56450
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x4000, meet lotor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If it isn't PalaDIMs Wretch, Boob, Geek, Blech, and Sallow. My word, you Voltron Pilots are simply the worst."

"Hey, your dad used to be a Paladin."

"Your point being?"

>> No.56468

I'm triggered can the Kallura elders use their dark magic to bring Shiro back

>> No.56478

And you fuckers called us crazy for thinking there would be lion swapping.

>> No.56523

He will be back, but he's going to be having adventures with Romelle first.

>> No.56527

Is Allura getting Red or Blue, you think?

>> No.56543
File: 218 KB, 444x640, 3332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keith looks to the others confused
>They tell him its awful
>"Don't be so rude???"

>> No.56544

Yes, I believe this will happen. Keith's and Lance's bond will strengthen as a friendship but Keith will encounter a true rivalry with Lotor. It will become a Hero/Lancer vs. Hero/Nemesis situation.

>> No.56546

Anyone familiar with the OG Voltron knew this already

>> No.56550

Especially when he winds up knocking a couple of Sendak's teeth out. Or that time he cracked Sendak's monocle. All it did was turn Sendak on all the more though.

>> No.56567
File: 725 KB, 699x960, Shiro survival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of a man who has truly won against his boss.
>most of Lotor's harem doesn't even have sex with him
>he just only allows gorgeous people near his hair and he needs a lot of them

Wew, most here nailed it then on the way it's getting split up.

Shiro's gonna fucking die lmao, it's gonna be impossible for them to walk it all back ha he's so fucked ;_;

>> No.56569
File: 117 KB, 1000x1078, Cn_mkr3WIAEyjLy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want my special boy back.

>> No.56584

Lotor is Totoro, Shiro is Satsuki, Keith is Mei

>> No.56616
File: 65 KB, 1048x992, CtqA2J6VYAAltEy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just get SAD when realizing Shiro's possible fates

>> No.56628

I can only think Blue. Allura sounds nothing like the Red's pilot's description. She's not supposed to be a talented pilot either.

>> No.56636


>> No.56678

Did you arrive from tumblr?

>> No.56685

Sendak's husband and the mother of his child.

>> No.56726

I'm familiar with the original show, but there was so much talk about how they were going to make Allura so that she can be badass without being a pilot, that I began to believe anons they were going to pull something original.

>> No.56741
File: 61 KB, 500x444, 75666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want Lotor to be a jealous bitch about everything
>You got to fight Father?

>> No.56765

I was going to respond but >>56523 beat me to the punch.

>> No.56782
File: 488 KB, 1280x968, tumblr_onpvpu5rSC1u6p1avo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with the big bushy eyebrows, newfag.

>> No.56823

>but the showrunners said they were doing their own thing this time REEEEE

>> No.56829
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x2359, 1485750920623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any theories on what Lotor wanted/did with those Weblum crystals?

My guess is that he decided to go grab some crystals on a whim when one of the fan girls in his entourage read about ancient jewelry crafted with Weblum crystals. He flew off to find some without telling anyone and crashed into the worm and got knocked out. He was only missing for ten quintats so no one in the Empire paid it any mind.

It turns out Lotor does shit like that all the time and no one cares or pays much attention to it any more. Except Haggar, it pisses her off to no end. She has issued strict orders to NEVER EVER mention ANYTHING Prince Lotor does. The punishment for disobeying this edict is death by Robeast.

>> No.56847

Anon, this is a love letter to the original Voltron. In terms of plot points they're not going to stray so far from the original. Allura piloting blue and Lance on red was an important thing

>> No.56849

I'm sure we're getting him back. I'm not sure if they're putting him back into Black tho.

>> No.56913

He's fine. He'll be back in late S4 or S5. This is King Alfor's fault.

>> No.56923

Maybe he likes to collect the most valuable items from planets and creatures as trophies. Like the Bulmera crystals and the Weblum's.

I like to imagine he pulls some Jasmine shit from Aladdin where she just walks out of the castle and gets in trouble without anyone knowing.

>> No.56942

I might actually ship Klance if they develop a good friendship. But Klotor sounds hotter and better at this point.

>> No.56947

The saddest fate that will befall him is that he won't be as much of a central character as he was in the first two seasons, but he'll still play an important role later.

>> No.56979

The wildest sex always happens when Eyebrows maims (due to his stranger danger reflex) Sendak earlier that day.

>> No.57025

If Lance becomes the red paladin and Allura the blue then the Klancers don't even get to keep the fire/ice trope. Allura/Lance RISE.

>> No.57056

I really want a fun Lotor, I hope he'll be a little pos, and not some angsty prince.

>> No.57070

At first, his crew thought the injuries and limps came from battles. After a while, they began to put two and two together.

>> No.57084

I can't see the writers leaving him that long. I'm guessing it will be a while before he reunites with the team but that he'll have his own storyline that pops up every few episodes.

>> No.57101

So many to choose from!
>That "dead/dying Shiro will be uploaded to the Altean computer Allura's dad was in greentext
>and at first it's a bittersweet but positive feeling to have him in some capacity
>but eventually it gets worse and worse as they realize Shiro was corrupted by the Galra and infecting the ship again
>they have to let him go again

>Shiro's spirit has connected with the Lion enough that he's become one with it but it's all that was saved
>Keith feels him every time he gets in the Black Lion and its voice is now Shiro's
>he cries every time he goes to bed after piloting the lion for the first few weeks

And of course,

>Shiro being captured by the empire again and subjugated to even more torture and body modification, eventually becoming a mindless assassin and he goes full sacrifice when the control is broken on him, his last words to Keith are how proud he is of him

I mean there's also

>Shiro just flung to a far away planet that's uninhabited and uncharted, he goes on no grand adventure or deals with either side of the conflict
>he's just alone and forgotten for years until one day victory is achieved and the only way he notices is he's by campfire cooking whatever small animal he could scavenge and he looks up into the stars
>he thinks he sees an explosion, maybe a streak of light
>shrugs and goes back to staring into the fire and trying not to count the days again, trying not to blame himself for failing the team again

>> No.57107

Meh. I'm still hoping they don't do a shit ton of Lion swapping.

>> No.57112

I want to see Shiro develop a crush on Romelle and Shallurafags to go on suicide watch.

Allura piloting Blue and having water powers just makes her even more of a Katara expy. People were right about Kallura being a re-skinned Zutara. Holy fuck.

>> No.57161

They're done writing 'love letters' to the fucking ancient shit Voltron. There's not going to be any lion swapping, Kallura's not going to fucking happen, Lotor is going to die like a bitch. Leave your tired boring-ass tropes in the '80s where they died and stop shitting up now.

>> No.57204

It's not like Eyebrows does this all the time. It's only when Sendak touches him lewdly in public. Eyebrows never hurts Sendak when they're alone.

>> No.57233
File: 353 KB, 984x940, vld__perks_of_a_robot_arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiro will find an all female alien race, and start a new one.

>> No.57283
File: 893 KB, 1280x1373, tumblr_ob6ex5iUf11s0sgz7o2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so bitter?

>> No.57292

I want Romelle to have really strong thighs and crush a robot's head with them. And Shiro's only response is a squeak.

>> No.57293
File: 38 KB, 468x456, 1276720452806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the moment you see Romelle appear and what it'll mean for the Shalluras

>> No.57299
File: 91 KB, 896x700, 1481079615738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that, but we'll see. I expect frequent flashback appearances in S3 with fewer in S4, but a reveal of exactly where he is by the end of S4.

If I'm right, I hope the unthinkable idea of a show without (nearly as much) Shiro doesn't make these threads too somber.

>> No.57335

Well, he'd do it if it's what Sendak wants. He'd just be kinda confused about it. But then he'd be like "Okay...."

>> No.57336

The Lion swap is going to be a temporary thing because they need to form Voltron. Allura has no piloting skills so she should take Blue. It's the most accepting of all the Lions.

>> No.57352
File: 213 KB, 501x585, 1491103929331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57357

Sendak's death didn't really stop him from playing an active part in /co/'s everyday life.

>> No.57397
File: 847 KB, 1200x913, 1484609932154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very true!

>> No.57415

But let us never forget, black is the sluttiest.

>> No.57422

Even Throk and Bara find their relationship a bit odd, and Bara is the secret M.

>> No.57437

Klance isn't going to die but I'm glad Klotor will be stealing some of the spotlight.

>> No.57469

Blue is the only one to have five people in her at once, though.

>> No.57488

I feel bad for the Voltron crew that Lancefags are so hostile towards them on social media now. I've been in their shoes in the sense of liking a character that the writers just didn't really favor, but I didn't harass the creators about it ffs.

>> No.57501

Get ready for the inevitable Keith/Lotor sword fight and parallels.

>> No.57508

Yellow and Green have also taken multiple people for a ride. Is Red the only Lion that's still pure?

>> No.57545

That's probably because they find them both so strait laced and serious in public.

>> No.57554

Red had Keith and Allura in her at once.

>> No.57573

A lot of the Voltron staff are secret Zutara shippers.

>> No.57601

Also Keith and Shiro?

>> No.57606

Didn't Keith pick Lance up after the Nyma/Rolo incident?

>> No.57624

>There's not going to be any lion swapping, Kallura's not going to fucking happen, Lotor is going to die like a bitch.
You're going to get at least one of these wrong, you know.

>> No.57626

Sendak would honestly prefer to be more open in public, but Eyebrows doesn't like that, and that's where all the punches come from.

Also keep in mind that Throk and Bara are very affectionate in public.

>> No.57639


>> No.57682
File: 707 KB, 1000x3004, 1488146578516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that it's in vain, but I pray that Lotor gets a battle theme half as cool as one of these.


>> No.57770

This should be the Voltron opening

>> No.57817

I want Romelle to have a tite body and be raw as fuck.

>> No.57819

Sendak actually finds how open they are in public to be a bit weird. He'd like to be more open in public, but one also has to maintain a professional approach. Those two are so close to one another in public, it's a bit strange, but also kind of endearing.

>> No.57868

This is really good.

>> No.57879

I want Romelle to die in the episode she's introduced.

>> No.57895

>Voltron with an anime style OP and ED.

All of my yes. Don't know about Danger Zone...unless there's at least one reference to it by Lotor, to Allura when she finally admits that he did something cool.

>> No.57922

I can't decide if I like Danger Zone or Re:Re more.

>> No.57924

I would say most Galra find Throk and Bara's PDA very weird even for Galra standards, but everyone envies how little fucks they give and want to be as free as they are.

>> No.57966

Why so bitter?

>> No.57974
File: 217 KB, 626x550, 272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want stronk Romelle to try to make Matt her nerd bride, and for Pidge to freak out about it.

>> No.57988

It's 80s and it's great.

>> No.57995
File: 376 KB, 1136x640, beautiful couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice how these two are sitting so close to one another that their arms and thighs are touching while the other Galra are so far apart?

Could this truly be the gay pairing we have been praying for?

>> No.58037
File: 771 KB, 1000x2829, heathers-lotor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping for a deranged pop synth kind of deal:


Having Zarkon as your dad for 10,000 years would probably screw anybody up.

>> No.58041

This gives me old cartoon feels.

>> No.58067

Quit hatin' you crazy militant Shalluran. All ships are love, canon doesn't matter. Just ship Amazon Romelle with cute femboy Matt like I do.

>> No.58073

I'm fujoshit. I'm not interested in non-fujo interactions except for Kallura or Punk.

>> No.58082


>> No.58122

All the same, Sendak doesn't want to force Eyebrows out of his comfort zone, and in a way, the super private nature of their relationship only turns him on all the more.
I hope so. I hope this is our LGBT representation.

>those spread open Galra legs in the background

Christ. How can one species be so hot?

>> No.58136
File: 447 KB, 1700x1900, 1490756766150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Lauren and now the elders.

>> No.58141
File: 238 KB, 1200x927, 145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, guess you weren't the Shalluran after all. Never mind that then. Instead it's one of those rabid straight hating fujos I always hear about but never see. Neat.

>> No.58150

This is better than it has any right to be.

>> No.58152

Poor Bara can't even rest his hand on Throk's leg because his laser fingers.

>> No.58156

>tfw the greatest mecha OP is about a fucking boat

>> No.58177
File: 166 KB, 540x754, tumblr_obreaoB6tR1vbt7ulo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts shiro

>> No.58192

>not wanting more female characters because of shipping

>> No.58210
File: 459 KB, 600x720, 1488333665685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to serve.

>> No.58218

It's alright, he knows he'll be able to rest his cock in Throk's mouth later, so the sacrifice is fine.

>> No.58231
File: 160 KB, 625x619, 1490575612582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta love the smoker shiro

>> No.58237

I'm an elder that posted that.

Sendak must be feeling so good about his married life. It only gets better when Eyebrows has Sirk.

And I do hope that those two are the gay representatives. They can really do something where people can sympathize with the Galra even more if they go with that angle.

>> No.58291

We've speculated that Throk is going to be one of those sharks the showrunners spoke about. What if Throk got butthurt in the first place because they replaced his husbando's hands with fucking laser knives?

>> No.58313

Dear elder, do you think Throk/Bara will happen or is it the other elder who makes the predictions that all come true

>> No.58315
File: 47 KB, 782x606, C6CISaCWMAAO04Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to summon shirofags.

>> No.58355 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 836x1200, 1491114370285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiros are beautiful.

>> No.58359

We've all randomly mentioned things.
Honestly, if there is going to be LGBT representation, it's going to be with the Galra. It will not be with any of the Paladins.

>> No.58379

Did the animators forget to make his fingers glowy there, or can they turn off? It'd be nice for him if they turn off, but he still can't fingerblast his husbando with them.

>> No.58392
File: 87 KB, 500x690, shiro shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something something MATING PRESS
>something something titties
>something something semen demon, mattress enchantress, cock warlock, sperm wyrm, nut slut, penis machinist, spunk monk

>> No.58398

The greatest mecha OP is about a just wild beat though

>> No.58405
File: 110 KB, 899x1200, ClQqUUcWkAApuwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58444

Sendak becoming a father was one of the happiest days of his life. He was so excited about their little bundle of fluff, even though she was initially so fluffy, they couldn't tell what her gender was for two weeks.

>> No.58468
File: 205 KB, 623x1000, 1489897661758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you don't have to call me out like that anon...

>> No.58492

You're talking about me.

Other elder here, I agree. The representation will be among the Galra and/or other alien species.

>> No.58501

Looks like they forgot, but I'm thinking he can turn them off.

Even Zarkon was happy for him. Zarkon gave Sirk the highest honor by giving her an affectionate lick.

>> No.58559
File: 14 KB, 480x360, I came here to laugh at you and kidnap Allura but mostly to laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lotllura elder here with a theory of pure evil!

Throk is actually the Starscream of VLD. He will have Bara robeasted for failing (also Sam Holt at some point), and will eventually try to assassinate Zarkon, imprison Haggar and take over the empire only to be made an example of by Lotor and killed in a very dramatic way, to show the Galra and the Paladins that he can mean business.

Either that or Throk will form the left arm of Lo-Tron later on, with Bara as the right leg. One or the other really.

>thinkign 'bout grillin'
>[hums Walker Texas Ranger theme internally]

>> No.58577
File: 196 KB, 737x1000, tumblr_onouvyvfKn1s6hvlko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, this is what I want. I want to drown in shirofags pics.

>> No.58623

Klotor elder here.

I am still waiting for people to draw the good porn.

>> No.58648
File: 37 KB, 293x208, 1285647533986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He will have Bara robeasted for failing

Don't you fucking do this to me, Lotllura scum. I may be an ancient Kallurafag, but I will not let you besmirch this beautiful pairing.

>> No.58681

The Kallura elders were right about you Lotllura shippers being crazy and autistic.

>> No.58686

The lick made even the usually stoic Eyebrows smile.

He still gave her a bath as soon as he got home though.

>> No.58706
File: 429 KB, 852x1435, 1486681572139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walker Texas Ranger

>Not PALADIN (Have Gun Will Travel)

It's practically playing in Keith's head 24/7, taking breaks only for him to shout "Shiro!" periodically. This is canon.

>> No.58708
File: 192 KB, 500x603, 1492103929389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally have shirofags in thread
>Texas ranger theme won't go away
>ruining my fapping
You're plain evil.

>> No.58716

>He will have Bara robeasted for failing

>> No.58757
File: 59 KB, 485x376, 87845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old Lotllurafags act like corny Disney villains. Pic related.

>> No.58761

i-i like him, he's very animated like lotor and fun. we need more of these posters.

>> No.58768

They were crazy in the 80s, they were crazy in the 90s, and they'll remain crazy in this iteration too.

Yeah no one wants a 10,000 year old corpse stink on their babby.

The kids at school will all know that Sirk was blessed by Zarkon himself. That baby is going to go places!

>> No.58770
File: 8 KB, 195x265, Panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fandom has been full of crazy ass Klancefags since last year
>the autistic Lotorfags are crawling out of the woodwork, and have been since season two
>it's only gonna get even more autistic from here on out

I think I'm just crawl even deeper into my Galrafag foxhole and never come out.

>> No.58792
File: 134 KB, 1200x1164, 1489971671852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what you want anon? Do you enjoy this?

>> No.58864
File: 88 KB, 494x548, 6546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VLD S2 must have got them BTFO.

>> No.58867
File: 161 KB, 1005x1200, C8IlyIHVoAImEXs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58888
File: 633 KB, 1280x1428, Shiro sweaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a slut for Shiro too, it's just we're so predictable.
Exhibit A

>tfw want a daki but too afraid to buy one since I fear I might cut the pillow opening the package since I'm shite at holding knives

>> No.58929
File: 25 KB, 424x236, Slav didn&#039;t tell you about THIS reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time we're denied canon we get a little more disconnected from reality. I'm honestly starting to think Lotor never lost the Allurabowl, and the truth was just buried by jealous Kallurans in the 80s that couldn't handle the great victory of the Drule Prince! Yes, I finally said it out loud, and it makes just as much sense as I thought.

>> No.58945

This is the fucking funniest thing I have seen all day and it's April Fools. The Lotllura shipper has no idea it's the Klancers who are the real menace in the fandom. They are permanently stuck in the 80s.

>> No.59003

Kids try to cheat off her tests at school. They try to get in good with her parents. Some of them whisper that she has been "chosen" and is "gifted".

She has no idea what the fuck they're babbling about.

>> No.59083 [SPOILER] 
File: 247 KB, 540x651, 1491115524967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Shiro? ayyyy, gotchu senpai

>> No.59100

This is art.

>> No.59106
File: 2.73 MB, 350x263, 1401834885014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Svendak has to be the one to tell her what the kids think.

You can always join me in the Kallura Elder cave. I also happen to be a Galrafag!

Kek oh man you're going to be a thing, aren't you? I remember fighting with Lotllura fans on fucking angel fire and geocities.

>> No.59202


>> No.59210

Your cave sounds comfy, and I happen to like Kallura a bit too (plus it has the most power for blowing out all other ships and SJWshits).

Can we hang out in your cave and talk about how Sendak isn't dead?

>> No.59213

In contrast, her retarded, hairless monkey cousin never gets picked for dodgeball and has his lunches stolen.

>> No.59268

She eventually has to stand up for him. She scares the other kids so bad, that they start acting nice to Svendak. They even stop mumbling about his deadbeat mom.

>> No.59298

You saying Svendak inherited Yurak's disposition for being a bullying victim? He seems more like the type to bully as a way to compensate like his father. Eyebrows taught this boy better than that.

Sure, after me and the other elders finish analyzing everything,

>> No.59307

This is giving me violent flashbacks to the early 90s. They are calling Kallura shippers "K/A"s too.

t. Klotor elder

>> No.59358

Are there Shiro pillows? You got any links?

>> No.59368

Sirk is a good cousin and teaches him how to throw a proper punch.

He could've inherited Shiro's soft, Pisces ways, though.

>> No.59384

Amazing to see an OG Voltron fan still type like they're stuck in 2004.

>> No.59385
File: 284 KB, 1280x775, 149104360554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you shirofags, I've finished my fapping and now it's time to sleep.

I got to say that today was a pretty good day.

>> No.59433
File: 502 KB, 1280x1458, tumblr_onjhmsT96w1w5oq1go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep well, shirobro

>> No.59444

I can smell the autism coming off this guy. Still, I like him better than the resident Lotorfags who want him to be some sort of Mary Sue.

>> No.59454
File: 23 KB, 583x186, 54654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a twitter too.

>> No.59480

Sirk has a lot of Eyebrows' taciturn and eager-to-teach disposition, though she shares a lot of the same tastes as Sendak, especially how violent she can be.

>> No.59484

Lotorfags were otherkin before otherkin existed.

>> No.59523

I'm cringelaughing way too hard at this

>> No.59544

>Sure, after me and the other elders finish analyzing everything,

That could take forever, since you guys have become /co/s crystal ball. Clearly we need more Galrafags in this cave so I can have someone to talk about Sendak with.
She inherited the best qualities of both of her parents. And she's even fluffier than Sendak. But did she inherit Eyebrows eyebrows and sideburns too? I say yes.

>> No.59576
File: 584 KB, 3420x4500, Shiro daki mega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she originally just tossed up for anyone to use. Then she shut down her NSFW blog. Then she made a redbubble for her stuff but you can't buy dakis from there. So here's that.

But otherwise artist was totally advocating
>find someone to print your love pillows and follow your dreams

So here's the pic.

>> No.59587

You think this show will have the alt universe of Voltrons appear? Maybe Voltrex will finally be used in an actual story instead of it just being a toy?