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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5404384 No.5404384 [Reply] [Original]

You have a $100 a month to use for a food budget.

What do you buy?

>> No.5404387

A few bottles of tylenol to OD on, because I'm too poor to exist.

>> No.5404397

build up a supply of spices over time, use ethnic groceries or places that sell in bulk to get them for the right price, stock up on grains, learn to cook da'al, soups, curries, pasta dishes, rice and beans

badum badum badum

everyday this thread

>> No.5404403

I'm sorry, next time I'll make a thread about arizona ice tea, a new fast food item, some kind of grocery store candy, or some weeb asian food general. You know, something different.

>> No.5404407

get food at churches and spend the $100 on drugs.

>> No.5404412

That's a lot better than

>waaahhhh I'm poor, teach me how to budget and cook cheap meals

fuck, we had one yesterday asking how to feed two children on a budget.

>> No.5404421

Welcome to 4chan nigger

>> No.5404428

>calling someone else a nigger when you can only afford to spend $100 a month on food

>> No.5404440

I also whine and bitch about those threads

>> No.5404443

>still replying to me


>> No.5404524

i've been doing it for years, just more money on drugs. i'm in the best shape of my life.

>> No.5404527

Don't forget the $4 a slice "artisanal toast".

>> No.5404551

i buy a noose and kill myself because I hate being poor

>> No.5404558

400 of the little 25 cent slim jims

>> No.5404594

potatoes and chicken

>> No.5404604

dried up assholes.

>> No.5404605

Ostrich eggs, Kangaroo Steaks, and 9mm aspirin for dessert.

>> No.5404614
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>> No.5404619

Box of tea bags.
Bag of sweetener
4 cartons of eggs.
2 whole chickens.
a few bags of frozen veggies

And a buttload of ramen.

Cook, separate, and freeze the meat to add as needed to your soup, crack an egg in that bitch while its boiling hot, and add veggies into that shit.

>> No.5404621

>$100 a week for food
My parents give me $600/month just for food alone

I can't imagine living off of $100/month. What do you live on, plain rice and tap water?

>> No.5404627

What the fuck are you eating in a month that could possibly fucking cost $600.

>> No.5404631

uhhh my food bill is like 400 for 2 people and it's pretty ritzy. How do you just $600.

>> No.5404817


>> No.5405228

Mentioned this in another thread recently, but I spend ~$70 a month on groceries (TBH it's actually $140 between two people, or $70 per person)

I don't buy anything that's made in a factory (well okay that's a lie, I buy poptarts occasionally) but I think most premade foods are totally not filling.

Fruits, veggies, bread, milk, cheese blocks, ground meats and pasta are my best friends. I do most of my food shopping at Trader Joe's. Typical receipt looks like this:
5 Bananas/19 cents each - $0.95
bag of organic Kale - 2.50
pound of ground meat - 3.00
large loaf of sourdough/package of tortillas/6 rolls- 2.50
4 tomatoes - anywhere between 2.00 and 4.00 depending on whether I buy organic
6 cucumbers - ?? forgot the price
2/3 pound of Havarti - 3.00
package of linguini - 1.00
package of tortellini - 2.50
>total: about 20 dollars

This usually feeds us two for about 4 days. Some items we finish quickly, others last about a week. We go shopping for groceries 2x a week usually. Our pantry is full and anything we add to it usually falls within the $140/mo. So yeah, $100/mo on food is totally doable.

>> No.5405236

100 packets of ramen.
5 big bags of kale
apples & pears

>> No.5405240
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>tfw I actually live on 200€ a month, from which at least half goes to insurances, bank account fee, public transit ticket, etc
>minimum living standard here is 394€ + flat

life is suffering

>> No.5405457

Well I live in Canada so our food prices are higher. I also eat out several times a week (mostly ethnic places, which are usually cheap) and take my gf to a good restaurant every Thurs pm

>> No.5405608

I live on 1050SEK a month. Quit your whining-

>> No.5405651

I lived off of $30 a month for about a year. Bulk beans in 25lb bags, white rice, ramen, in season fruits and veggies that were on sale, and anything that I could get great deals on or for free via coupons.

Spent $346.71 at the end of the year.

>> No.5405662

>tfw my food budget is going to be 500 DKK which is less than $100, once I move out of my parents place in a few months.

Fortunately I'm going to be living just 20 minutes away, by bike, from my parents and I'm allowed home for dinner if it gets too bad at any time. My mom also has a massive vegetable garden so in the summer that'll help a bit.

These threads help me a lot with inspiration, I love food but I'm not terribly good at coming up with ideas. Doesn't help that I'm also a really picky person.

>> No.5405678

>$100 a month
For one person? That's more than enough for whatever the fuck I feel like as long as I skimp on meat.

>> No.5405686


All that stuff would barely total 7000 calories, and it's supposed to feed two people for four days?

>> No.5405687

I honestly don't know how 1 person can live on $25/week. That's less than $5/day.

I think $10/day is more manageable as the bare minimum. You're definitely going to need to look into some food bank assistance. If you had a fully stocked pantry at the start of this endeavor, all your meat, grain and beans, and only needed to spend $25/week to replace milk, and some fresh produce, you could do it.

>> No.5405695

>5 Bananas/19 cents each - $0.95
>pound of ground meat - 3.00
>2/3 pound of Havarti - 3.00

None of these things match the prices of my groceries in Miami, nor my Trader Joe's. This is half of the sale prices, in fact. Not even at Wal-Mart do you see sales like that here. Publix Bogo, is close, but not really. The cheapest meat is and seems to always be pork lately. I buy whole loins. But, you can bottom line count on $2/per person, for most meat servings.

I spend about $600/mo on three people, and that's not including dining out a few times a week, nor does it include my ridiculously stocked pantry (in case of hurricane). It also doesn't include anything like toilet paper, laundry soap, dog food, water pallets, other toiletries, medications etc, which I might buy on those trips.

It helps no one to underexaggerate your prices like you have some magical way to arrive at your number.

>> No.5405696

Where do you live? 100$ a month is plenty for large parts of the US.

>> No.5405730


and yet you both use internet, so life can't be that hard

>> No.5405845
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Better believe it does.

>Loaf of bread = 20 slices; add ingredients = 10 sandwiches
>2 Packages of pasta = 6 heaping bowls of pasta or 8 small bowls of pasta
Not saying this is all I eat but that's 16 meals right there alone

Breakfast is usually something small like a pop tart, oatmeal or yogurt with tea. The container of oatmeal I've been using has lasted me a few months now and a container of yogurt typically lasts me a week if I eat from it every day

I live in New York, meat is pretty cheap here, typical prices for ground meat are between $3 and $4 per pound. Other NYC anons have confirmed this many times in other threads. Depending on how badly you want proof I can go out to the store today and take a pic to show you

I wasn't exaggerating the price of anything, especially the bananas. Pic related, it's a receipt I found just to show you. I also have a 2/3lb block of cheese in the fridge right now (not havarti though, I bought wisconsin sharp cheddar this week) that I paid $3 for and I can show you that too if you're interested

Don't call me a liar just because food happens to be grossly unaffordable where you live.

>> No.5405855

>on a budget
>shopping at trader joes

>> No.5405868

Not on a budget, this just happens to be how much we end up eating. Grocery store is literally a block away from home so it's nothing for us to only buy what we need whenever we need it. We could spend 300 a month on food, but what would be the point? We would just end up eating junk, getting fat and throwing a lot of things out. Also I'm in college, I want to buy nice clothes and shoes and things for my apartment

>> No.5405888


>I don't buy anything that's made in a factory (well okay that's a lie, I buy poptarts occasionally)

>large loaf of sourdough/package of tortillas/6 rolls- 2.50

Unless you're buying from a bakery that makes stuff from scratch (which most grocery store bakeries don't - they ship in frozen doughs from their factory) you're buying stuff from factories other than pop tarts. Also the pasta could hardly be made from scratch at the store.

Better, tastier idea: get a bread maker, buy organic flours and yeast, make bread at home.
Fuck making homemade noodles though, it's a pain.

>> No.5405895

Why would you not shop at Trader Joes if you're on a budget? Their produce is cheaper than any other grocery store, at least where I live anyway.

>> No.5405935

You're probably right about the store bread and pasta. I like the way you think though. I've been planning to make bread at home for a while. I visited Berkeley and San Francisco recently and went to this nice place called the Cheese Board Collective. They made this crazy awesome sourdough that I still have dreams about so I ordered their cookbook to learn to make it. It turned out to be a long process that takes like 11 days of continuous feeding to begin with or something but makes a starter that lasts pretty much indefinitely. I'm a little nervous to start since it's a huge commitment at the beginning but it'll probably be worth it in the end

>> No.5405971
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>bare minimum

Rice $5/10lbs
Beans $1/lb
Chicken Breast $2/lb
Broccoli $1.5/lb
Mixed Baby Greens $4/lb

Four pounds of rice, three pounds of chicken, three pounds of beans, two pounds of broccoli, pound of greens = $19/wk

>> No.5405987

While that is true, eating the same thing for every meal every day is a quick way to sadness. I know

>> No.5405992

Vary up the meats and veggies. Could also buy dry pasta instead of rice and beans if you want to mix things up sometimes

>> No.5405993

lol you're such a fucking loser. Your parents are essentially paying your girlfriend to sleep with you.


If you didn't get that $600, you wouldn't be able to keep up the appearance of a normal lifestyle like you are - you wouldn't be able to afford to take her out to Thursday dinners, and she would dump your ass.

You should get your parents tickets to a spa or something, it's the least you can do for them providing you with pussy.

>> No.5406029

topkek I lived on $35 last month, ~$50 this month. It's easy.

>> No.5406078

I don't understand why people buy ramen. Banh pho and yet ca mein are dirt cheap, so are tom yum and beef pho pastes. Add a thinly sliced onion, 2-3 thinly sliced mushrooms, 2/3 to one cup of whatever meat you have lying around and one egg. It might end up being slightly more expensive, but it's soooo much better.

Also, salt pork, onions and potatoes will feed you forever for pretty much nothing.

>> No.5406243

get this man a book deal

>> No.5406251

That's it? I'll spend less than half at the store for two weeks worth of food. So I can get buy on nuts, meats, produce, and water.

>> No.5406254

is this some fucking arrested development shit where your parents dont know how much groceries cost

>> No.5406265


A fuckton of quinoa. If you want to get a lot of protein from a simple grain then look no further. A bowl of it fills me up for most of the entire day, i'm not exaggerating at all. Be sure to mix it with various spices and some fresh cilantro. It's classified as a "super food" because of how much nutrients you get out of it.

>> No.5406274

Senate bean soup, all day errday.

>> No.5406328

nice job spending more on shit-tier grain protein than good cuts of meat cost, you retarded hipster faggot

>> No.5406365



quinoa costs like $3.89 a pound here

you can't even get ground chuck for that, at least not the kind I'd want to put in my stomach

>> No.5406373

you can totally get good meat for under $3.89... ground chuck instead of buying the $5.99 package, you just get the $2.99/lb chuck steaks or small roast and ask them to grind it for you... for free.

either way, spending even close to as much for meat as for shit grain makes you a retarded hipster faggot, adn im not even the same person you were talking to

>> No.5406375

> the $2.99/lb chuck steaks

pig disgusting

just eat lentils if you can't afford good meat

>> No.5406381

He was just providing an example.

>> No.5406385


i was talking about making ground chuck from the steaks and making it into burgers, and that's fucking delicious. way better then pre ground chuck.

>> No.5406388

$0.99 cheese burger from mcdonalds every day.

pocket the rest. fuck you.

>> No.5406389


doesn't matter. $2.99 is suspiciously cheap for just about anything except maybe neck bones. guaranteed non-therapeutic antibiotics up the bunghole. do not want.

>> No.5406390

Split peas.
Tofu. (Sells for like a buck a lb here.)
Frozen veggies.
Bananas. Lots of bananas.
Peanut butter.
Things on sale/things I have coupons for.

Could also make my own tortillas, get some black beans, some salsa, add rice, and have burritos.

>> No.5406399

>nickel hot dog?
>that's too cheap! there's no way i could eat something so gross! it's probably going to get me sick!

>> No.5406408

>baww standards make me feel bad

lentils are good brah. eat within your means. this is like people who complain about tipping.

>> No.5406419

Were this not such a weekend thread, I'd contribute ideas about how a little pork goes a long way in lentils or barley. How things like onion & garlic ...

Well, nevermind.


>> No.5406432

I didn't say anything about lentils. Point is someone was overestimating the cost of meat, and meat can be pretty affordable. Additionally, cheap food is not necessarily evil, haunted food that will hurt you. Sometimes it's just cheap.

>> No.5406436
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Here is a 75 cent meal.

>Cut broccoli, carrots, garlic and onion
>1 T. oil, cook onions on med-high
>add garlic, carrots, broccoli. Cover and cook on med-low
>Add powdered ginger, soy sauce, and oyster sauce
>Cook egg, sunny side up style.
>Serve veggies over rice, put egg on top

Remember to buy oyster sauce, ginger, and soy sauce at a Chinese grocery.

>> No.5406919

My girlfriend comes from money too, it isn't that big of a deal for us.

Some parents can afford to give their children $10, others $1000. It's all relative.

>> No.5406991

My rich parents used to give me 300 a week, until I got a job and now I'm living off my measly paycheck. Must be nice to have parents that don't kick you out of the nest

>> No.5407000

My parents' rationale is that they worked hard to be successful and give their children the best head start they can afford. Obviously my lifestyle is beyond my own means and I grew up in relative luxury, but that doesn't mean I don't understand hard work, discipline, soft skills, networking and other important assets.

They would rather have me focus entirely on my education than have to support myself with menial jobs while studying and doing volunteer work. Getting into med school is insanely competitive and I want to have every advantage possible.

>> No.5407021

I guess my slow cooker would be getting a pretty good work out. Rather then spend the $3 dollars a day or whatever the budget would be I'd go and do a shop and spend the whole $100 in one shopping mission buying things in bulk and on special, a few things on the list would be potatoes, beans, lentils, a big lump of dirty old beef chuck, a bag of demented juicing carrots, oats, juicing apples, big bag of onions.
If I already have all the spices and herbs that I already have on hand I recon I could keep my meals fairly interesting.
I might even try it myself just out of curiosity to see how far I can stretch 100 bucks.
Of course my alcohol would be excluded from the budget, not that I spend that much on booze but alcohol would quickly bump me up over $100 in a month easily.

>> No.5407036

>all these people who thing $100/mo is poverty budget
Are you all kids who had their moms do all the shopping for the past 3 decades and now you don't know how to shop around or resist the urge to buy the most expensive brand?

>> No.5407037

My gf and I probably spend $100 a week on food.

>> No.5407042
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I hope you have a piece of land to farm and grow crops nigger.

Maybe you can dig up some more cash elsewhere and not feel the need to bring it up here.

>> No.5407995
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Mew2king pls go

>> No.5408001

bread and oranges and heroin

>> No.5408044

shouldn't there be a wiki or something for this shit

>> No.5408086

Ramen in bulk
Hawaiian Punch drink mix (8/1.00 USD)
Watermelon slices (1.50 USD)
Canned manarin oranges
I don't remember the last time I spent over 100$ in groceries but I'm also trying to hide an eating disorder I've had for ten years.

>> No.5408125

$100 dollars is amazing.

Instant oatmeal box x 2 - $8, 40 servings
Large peanut butter x 2 - $11, 84 tablespoons
Dozen eggs x 4 - $8, 16 servings
Pasta sauce - $3
Whole wheat noodles x 3 - $6, 21 servings
Vienna sausages x 4 - $2, 28 sausages
Strawberries - $16, 12 servings
Hummus x 1, baby carrots x 2 - $8, 12 servings
Wheat bread x 4 - $8, 48 servings

$70 + tax so far. Could buy some boxed rice for $4 and spring onions for $1 a bundle, and that'd add about a week or two weeks worth of meals. Also more fruit.

>> No.5408563

I'll just eat fruits and veggies from the local store like I always do. I only spend about $15-25 a week on food anyways, and even then I have some left over that carries to the next week if I freeze it.