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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 700x501, 4_dollar_toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5399841 No.5399841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. Do you live in San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, or New York?*
2. How much do you currently pay for your artisanal toast?
3. Modern wheat is the perfect chronic poison, yet some stubborn people still choose to eat it. Whose rights are more important, those who prefer to source their artisanal toast from an ethical, wheat-free establishment, or those who prefer to poison their cells with wheat toxins to feed an addiction?

>*this thread is for people who live somewhere that matters, people from other places need not participate in this thread

>> No.5399845

Does Providence not count for anything?

>> No.5399854

>rhode island
>counting for anything

>> No.5399857


>> No.5399858 [DELETED] 
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>*this thread is for people who live somewhere that matters

Oh...this thread is already off to a great start.

>> No.5399859

>San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, or New York
>artisanal toast
>Modern wheat is the perfect chronic poison

OP needs to be punched in the throat.

>> No.5399875

Dude, I live in Portland and in a mile radius of me there is probably about 100 food trucks (5 different parking lots) and I'm not even hipster enough for "artisan toast"

I go to food carts for (relatively) cheap and hardy food.

There are quirky food carts everywhere here too, but they close as soon as they open. The ones serving real food are the ones that stay.

>> No.5399876

You underestimate the hipster level of Chicago.

>> No.5399877

Oh come on, we have...uh...shit. Do you like frozen lemonade?

>> No.5399883

i second the punch to the throat

uh, Berlin motherfuckers.......

>> No.5399896

>tfw live in chicago
>tfw the artisanal toast movement has not yet made it's way here

i make my own special toast. but i have to go to the bakery to get my gluten free thick cut rye bread, the japanese grocery store to get my organic maple syrup flakes, the cheese store to get my beurre d'isigny, and then go down and beg at the fishing cleaning station to get fresh salmon roe.

just wish i could get it all in once place

>> No.5399902

>artisanal toast movement

Jesus Fucking Christ, this is really a thing?

>> No.5399907
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I've seen fancy toast like that here in Portland. Although not the portland youre thinking of.

>> No.5399923
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Yes, unfortunately. I live in the Bay Area, and yes. God help us all, it is a real thing. And the place that started it....makes me rage. San Francisco is an amazing city for food, but this...this.....I can't...don't even....I have to stop thinking about it, or I'll have a fart attack.

>> No.5399934

The ironic thing is that it's all the elitist tech industry's fault. The real counter culture despises these hipster douchebags.

>> No.5399935

pls share where Best toast place in east village, manhattan is my dear f

>> No.5399936

Yeah, you're right. Fucking idiots. This is what happens when special snowflakes have too much money and time on their hands.

>> No.5399940

Even the Haight is overpriced bullshit nowadays. At least there's still plenty of street people there.

>> No.5399955

>*this thread is for people who live somewhere that matters, people from other places need not participate in this thread

fuck you, you placeist piece of shit

your thread is shit anyway

>> No.5399978

NYC. Don't buy toast. Wife buys organic red winter wheatberries, grinds her own grain and makes whole wheat sourdough bread at home. Our homemade bread is far superior to most of what I could buy, so I almost never buy bread.

Feels good man.

>> No.5399981

i hate living in a hick flyover state. the only toast restaurants offer is texas toast with margarine and garlic powder.

>> No.5399992
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>1. Do you live in San Francisco, Portland?*

I'm genetically unable to be white enough for that, what with both of my parents being roman catholics.

>> No.5400007

you have to be gay or asian to live in San Francisco

>> No.5400016

>confirmed for having never been to San Francisco

I bet you call it Frisco

>> No.5400024

if I called it Frisco my post would've said

>you have to be gay or asian to live in Frisco

>> No.5400026

Or San Fran

>> No.5400031

>willingly going to san fransisco

>> No.5400115

Anyone who refuses to ever visit San Francisco is ignorant, and is missing a crucial part of the American experience. Like most other large metropolitan port cities in the US, it has a distinctive character that you can't find anywhere else. You shouldn't believe everything you hear on tv about San Francisco, the diversity there is amazing, especially when it comes to food and drink. It's not all gays and vegans. In fact, Austin is more aggressively gay and hipster than San Francisco.

>> No.5400123

This. Also, there's so much cheap and middle of the road dining. Unless you're going out for a fine dining experience, the more expensive places tend to be shitty over priced tourist bullshit. Rent may be impossible to meet, but at least the food is cheap.

>> No.5400180

What's wrong with "San Fran?" It rolls off the tongue so easily. I have family that live in the Bay Area and my S/O is from there as well. Apparently everyone there calls it "Ess Eff."

Why is west coast slang so bad? It makes your mouth move in such weird ways. Think about it, after saying "S," your teeth are clenched and then you have to open your jaw to make the 'eh' sound in "F." If you say "San Fran" it's a easy transition from the 'nnn' sound to 'fff' because there's no change in jaw position. It sounds so much more natural and rolls off the tongue imo. My S/O who was born and raised there agrees with me as well

>> No.5400213

I've been to SF a couple of times and it's a really cool place and totally not what I expected. I was born, raised and still living in NYC so based on statistics I thought SF sounded like a really small place and was therefore irrelevant. (800,000 people is hardly a city lol) My friends schooled me quite a bit while I was there. When describing SF to New Yorkers now I explain it as the following:
>SF is to the Bay Area what Manhattan is to New York
>Bay Area is almost as populous as NY
>Instead of different boroughs contained in one city like we have in NY, Bay Area is a bunch of cities that basically function together

I never quite understood this until a real Bay Area resident showed me around. I love SF and can't wait to go back. It's the only place I can ever imagine living outside of New York

>> No.5400228


1/10 bait....

/ck/ you're not really taking the bait on this one? he didn't even try....


>> No.5400231
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lots of big cities are like that.... los angeles is the same way with:

LA, West Hollywood, the Valley, Long Beach, East LA, south central, etc.

id never live in san francisco cause of those fucking hills.

>> No.5400234

I call it frisco and dont give a fuck

Born and raised in the bay area

>> No.5400236

I thin it Patton Oswalt that said LA in like 7 good towns and 10 shitty ones under the same city

>> No.5400245

ess eff is easier to say for me then san fran.....

because ess eff only has 3 sounds.... Eh, Sss, and Ffff.... while san fran has Sss, Aahh, Nnn, and then Ffff, RRrrr, and nn again.

too much work. Es. Ef. Es. Ef. Es. Ef. you only need to move your tongue once, and the E's come out automatically due to muscle memory.

This is probably one of the most retarded conversations i've ever had with anyone though, so thanks. lol.

>> No.5400246

I truly thought I typed "I think it was"
Jesus. My mind just does not work correctly when I'm sober.

>> No.5400250
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yeah, it's true but it's more like 3 good ones and 99 shitty ones....

LA is dirty, full of blacks and mexicans, everyone litters, smokes, etc....

unless you go to Calabasas, Beverly Hills, or Orange County.

Even hollywood is disgusting. This is Hollywood Blvd, the one with all the stars on the ground

>> No.5400255

>he doesn't smoke

Typical Cali faggot

>> No.5400258


I do smoke, im smoking right now. Just because I said "everyone smokes" doesn't mean I don't smoke.

it's just subjectively disgusting... San Francisco and San Diego... you can walk around all day and not see one cig and the whole city is clean.

In the OC and Calabasas - it's actually illegal to smoke outdoors. And the cities are clean.

Then you come to hollywood where a bunch of disgusting bums aggressively panhandle you and if you don't give em some shit theyll yell "faggot" at you while smoking a cigarette butt

i see a bunch of fags smoking pens though... that shits gay.

>> No.5400259

it ain't b8 m8.

>> No.5400260

ur 'hella' weird

>> No.5400263


im fucking weird? youre the one talking about a longer word is easier to say.

i tried to explain to you in your own fucking language ... I went alll the way down to your single celled level and explained to you that S.F. is easier to say then San Fran....

YOU'RE the weird one. You're calling me weird for playing along with what YOU said? what a fucking faggot.

id fucking knock you out if this shit was in real life. how does one start talking nonsense and when someone else joins him he says "no, shutup. Only Im allowed to say retarded shit."

/ck/ people are such fucking pricks.

>> No.5400264

Not the anon you're responding to, but I used to hate LA. Then I found the neighborhood I like. Los Feliz/Silver Lake is nice enough that I've lived there for months at a time without complaint. Kind of like LA's Brooklyn.

In any major city, quality of life has a lot to do with how good a fit the neighborhood is for you.

>> No.5400265

this is why we ostrecize the homeless as much as legally possible back east
god i hate california

>> No.5400266

>Silver Lake

hipster pls go

>> No.5400268

Come at me bro

>> No.5400271


yeah i guess... but the neighborhood i like is the one close to my family and friends... im not moving to buttfuck loz feliz until ive given up on life and spend my entire paycheck on stacks of lottery scratchers.

plus i dont want to be too far from hollywood, cause at the end of the day that's where all the entertainment is - the comedy clubs, music venues, and ability to walk around from bar to bar...

you can't barhop anywhere but hollywood or down town.

>> No.5400274

>hipster pls go
I invented hipsters in Williamsburg back in 98. Deal with it.

>> No.5400275

eeew i hate hipsters. is that what silver lake is? gross.

>> No.5400277

Silver Lake, and Echo Park especially

>> No.5400278

You sound like an idiot. What kind of moron gets this worked up over something so infinitesimally inconsequential?
>id fucking knock you out if this shit was in real life
Confirmed for either b8 or retard.

>> No.5400280

Living somewhere makes you a hipster now?

>> No.5400283

That's how it's always been

>> No.5400285

I live in minneapolis. Does this mean anything?

>> No.5400286

gross. ill stay in El Parque de Canoga for now. All i have to deal with are cholo gangbangers, which I can at least talk to.

>> No.5400289

You're either pretty cool, or a Somalian.

>> No.5400292

You actually nailed that one.

>> No.5400293

Brooklyn =/= Williamsburg

There are many, many neighborhoods in Brooklyn that aren't filled with hipsters. Hipsters are mostly confined to Willy-B and Bushwick (the most northmost areas of Brooklyn basically). I live in Southeast Brooklyn (Italian as fuck) and hipsters don't exist in this neighborhood or anywhere within a 40 minute train ride.

>> No.5400295

I know I did. That's why I said it. I am the king of stereotypes.

>> No.5400296

whoops I meant I live in southwest brooklyn lol

>> No.5400301

I loved going to San Francisco and smoking a cigarette while having a fat body. Oh the looks I got.

>> No.5400309

I lived in Williamsburg back in 98. It's insufferable now. I wouldn't call what it's become hipster, though. Just lots of wealthy white middle aged urbanites trying to pretend they're still 25 while they push a stroller through the organic food gourmet grocery. And a fucking hamburger is $12. Fuck that. Once the polish and Dominicans got pushed out the neighborhood became as much of a theme park as the East Village.

Currently I'm hiding out in Sunset Park, keeping a wary eye to the north, as the creepy Park Slope sphere of influence widens toward me.

>> No.5400325


Italians >>>>> hipsters.

>> No.5400331

As someone that lived in SF for eight years and has currently lived in Austin for almost six, I can honestly say that you're full of shit.

You probably fucking live in Petaluma.

>> No.5400336

Bensonhurst or Bay Ridge?

>> No.5400338

This isn't actually a thing right? People seriously go and pay for a slice of toasted bread? Please tell me this is not an actual thing.

>> No.5400340

Bensonhurst, though I spend a fair amount of time in both. Bay Ridge has great food so I'm there a lot

>> No.5400341
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>El Parque de Canoga

>> No.5400343

The sausages from Pastosa are amazing. I make excuses to hit Bensonhurst just so I can buy them.

>> No.5400351

>San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, or New York?
> thread is for people who live somewhere that matters

Thanks OP, I needed a good laugh.

>> No.5400352

I grew up in Austin, lived there for over 20 years, and have lived in SF for 5. You can get fucked, hipster trash.

>> No.5400353

see >>5400259

>> No.5400355
File: 99 KB, 500x609, hold on buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artisan toast
Only the cracker can come up with this absurd concept.

>> No.5400359

>You can get fucked, hipster trash.

I seem to have hit a nerve. Do you ever go out without wearing a keffieh? I moved OUT of CA, especially SF, for a reason you fucking dolt.

>> No.5400361

I'll have to try the sausages soon then. The fresh ravioli there is great too. Sadly, a lot of the Italian businesses in B-hurst are going out of business because all the young Italians are moving to Jersey/SI or wherever, leaving only the older ones behind to die off. Gotta try everything at this place before it goes out of business too

>> No.5400369

Austin rules. Good ass barbecue and a decent music scene. It does smell like piss though.

>> No.5400377

> I moved OUT of CA, especially SF, for a reason you fucking dolt.

And straight into wannabe SF. You're an idiot.
Also, I make three times as much money here as I did in Austin, there's a reason why I left there, but you wouldn't understand that, as you seem to be more concerned with living where ever you can still live your pseudo-hipster lifestyle the cheapest. It's people like you that have turned Austin into a fucking caricature.

>> No.5400380

I live in SF and I've never had it, it's really not that much of a "thing"

>> No.5400383
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>> No.5400386

>Ever living in the South.

I cannot wait till I move away from these niggers and red necks.

>> No.5400393
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>> No.5400425

>"people like me"
It costs about a third to run my business in Western Texas than what it did in SF. But you wouldn't understand that, since you're so fucking obsessed with calling people hipsters and acting like the typical knee-jerk 4chan kiddie.

I'm still at a loss on why you keep insisting I'm a "hipster". Granted, you're obviously confused and dumb as a stump, but I'm still at a loss. I'm originally from L.A. and lived there until the early-90's before moving to SF. Does this also make you angry? Does having lived in a 902XX zip code add to my hipster cred?

God, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.5400459

You started your little pissing contest, and now you're mad about it.
Also, Austin is not "western Texas".
>confused and dumb as stump
Stop projecting.
You really have nothing of value to say, you just want to play at being important, ON 4CHAN. You're mad at being called "hipster", but your little Napoleonesque rant is filled with name calling and insults in an effort to make yourself seem right. You sound like a retarded asshole. You need to rethink your approach to life.

>> No.5400469


>> No.5400491

I hear ya. I'm 45, and it always strikes me that everyone behind the counter at Pastosa is a good decade older than me. I understand people younger than me not wanting to spend their life in a grocery store. But whoever makes the sausage is a genius. Be sure to get a couple of the parsley and cheese.

And as much as I'm happy to shit on what W-burg has become, as long as Bamonte's is still in business it's not all bad. (Their pork chop with vinegar peppers is a national treasure).

>> No.5400506

You seem like a genuinely fucked up person. No one is trying to be "important", there's no "contest" and the only one projecting is you.

You have a lot of misplaced anger. I hope, for your sake, you get your shit sorted out.

>Also, Austin is not "western Texas"

>> No.5400511

I went to San Francisco once. I immediately ran into a yellow-eyed guy asking me for four dollars near the BART station, then I got on a plane to Vegas, a far better place.

>> No.5400543

>being this mad on 4chan
Are you really this thick?
>believing Austin is in west texas
You must be a fucking troll, otherwise there's no excuse for that much stupidity if you supposedly live there.

>> No.5400547

You seem like the madder one out of you two, friend.

>> No.5400550

>I went to San Francisco once. I immediately ran into a yellow-eyed guy asking me for four dollars
SF is one of the nation's great food towns. But sometimes the city does feel like a giant open air mental ward. The Tenderloin especially...

>> No.5400553

Please, get help.

>> No.5400563
File: 1.94 MB, 230x175, chucklefuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be concerned about strangers on 4chan

>> No.5400573
File: 1.78 MB, 300x199, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Tenderloin especially...
Jesus fuck...yeah, that's the one area I routinely avoid.
>mfw I have to wade through aggressive mental homeless to go see shows

>> No.5400593

I passed through the Tenderloin when I was visiting there once. Saw a bunch of people shooting up heroin. They were sitting on chairs set up in between cars and were doing it in broad daylight

>> No.5400598

Sounds punk as fuck

>> No.5400601

I've stayed at the Phoenix Hotel, so I got a serious dose of that shit. The one upside is how easy it is to get a good, cheap bahn mi there. And proximity to venues.

>> No.5400602

Fucking this. Rich cunts are driving prices through the roof, and all these crappy tourist trap deals that put more effort into decor than their food are shutting out the good restaurants.

crackdowns on dealers every day, brother. Haight was only cool in middle school.

>> No.5400603

> Saw a bunch of people shooting up heroin.
> I've stayed at the Phoenix Hotel, so I got a serious dose of that shit.
> The one upside is how easy it is to get a good, cheap
>bahn mi there.

>> No.5400607


It's funny that there are actually a bunch of good restaurants in the tenderloin


yeah that's par for the course

>> No.5400608

Yep. Once, we were going to a show at the Warfield, and had driven there (for various reasons, too much to explain). We parked in a garage right down the street, and as we were walking there, the huge line of homeless people were all asking us for money. Instead we asked if they wanted some bottled water (this was in July), and went back to the car to get the 24 pack of water we had in the back. We gave them the water and they practically fought over it. As we were trying to walk on, a homeless dude who was obviously hopped up on something started coming at us from across the street, acting aggressive and yelling at us because we didn't go give them any water. The other homeless people got in front of us and chased him off. It was....an interesting experience. I try to stay away from the Tenderloin.

>> No.5400610

Those days are well behind me, and managed never to get hooked. (Occupational hazard - music business). Now if I could only manage to quit smoking...

>> No.5400612


all this tenderloin talk and no mention of pill hill? come on guys, where else you gonna buy preloaded rigs

>> No.5400614

punk rock is not music. And all punks have HPV and track marks.

grosses sub culture there is.

>> No.5400620

White kids gotta do something.

>> No.5400629

I could go for some good, cheap heroin right now.
brb going to get some because it's easier to get than even weed where i'm from

>> No.5400631

MDC and Dead Kennedy's are great bands. Suck it, nerd.

>> No.5400641

>Somewhere that matters
hate to break it to you; but Portland only matters to those who live in Portland.

>> No.5400654

providence counts for cigarette smoking pregnant women and opiate addicts with neck tattoos

>> No.5400677

>MDC and Dead Kennedy's are great bands.

Jello Biafra is an insufferable douchebag.

>> No.5400691

doesn't meant the band weren't great.
>implying the Ramones and AgentOrange weren't fantastic as well.

>> No.5400698

>all these old ass and broke has been hipster cities.
>come and just try to fit in Buffalo, scrub
>on second thought, don't. You plebs will fucking ruin it.

>> No.5400716

>doesn't meant the band weren't great.
I never liked SF punk, except for Flipper, who had their moments.

Decent, for an OC punk band. Adolescents were better.

>> No.5400725

Buffalo has been dead for 30+ years. It's nearly as shitty as Rochester, but with more homeless and unidentifiable odors.

>> No.5400727

He was the only cool guy in that group. Great sense of humor, too.

>> No.5400731

>He doesn't know!
>How off the pulse can you be!

>> No.5400734
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I know a lot of you faggots hate on this shit, but its a sign that we are in fact living in an era of extreme prosperity and societal stability. That small niches like this and others similar to them, because no matter how ridiculous it seems some of these people are genuinely passionate about their product and the quality is often top-notch. I love specialists.

>> No.5400742

You're right. If it wasn't for my 4 years at UB, I might have never eaten a proper chicken wing.

>> No.5400804
File: 35 KB, 568x400, 11232 AGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no faggot its entire pompousness needless usesless horseshit

To call it prosperity and stability is to be blind to the fact of its use

to be passionate of such bullshit means them and other have far too much free time for whatever cancerous reason.

>> No.5400814

Go crawl back under whatever socialist shithole rock you came out from.

>> No.5400821
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Is that cancer comment eating away at you?

Did that actually hurt?

>> No.5400827
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If its an efficient business model, and it obviously is, it only contributes to society

>> No.5400832

You know, as someone that lives in the DC Metro area, I hate being called some provincial rube.

... I LIVE IN THE CAPITAL, you dork! If anything you're the PROVINCIAL RUBE!


Also, the fuck is artisanal toast and why the hell should I care?

Also, how the FUCK would you get break that's wheat free? It's not bread if it's wheat free you dipshit.

>> No.5400846
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>> No.5400881

>Orange County
Two different places m8

>> No.5400887


>> No.5400888

>have nothing of value to say
>hurr durr I'll just insult him


>> No.5400894

Wow can anyone actually talk about toast instead of droning about what city is cooler?

>> No.5400897

Wow. And we wonder why our government is failing at getting anything done when even the people in the nation's capital act this stupid.

>> No.5400899

It would be best to not touch shit as it is a great idea not to get stained.

>> No.5400903

I did a couple months contract work in DC and I can confirm it's a city of provincial rubes.

>> No.5400904

nice attempt at a turnaround, but you still failed miserably.

>> No.5400923


Fuck the both of you.

>> No.5400939
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>> No.5400945

>owl socks
I want these NOW

>> No.5400976

Kill it with fire.

>> No.5401231

Fuck, it's been almost ~40 years since I've heard anyone mention those towns. People still live out there in the boonies?

>> No.5401244

One time on a flight from SFO to JFK we had to land there due to a ground stop in NY. I think Buffalo but it could have been Rochester. I didn't see any other planes but the airport had enough facilities to take a fully loaded commercial flight so there must be something there.

>> No.5401251

OMG righttttt?!11!!??? They're so like, ~cute~ and ~quirky~ and ~oRigiNaL~ and it's not like 9 out of every 10 girls and hipster dudes are covered head to toe in owls now, righttt?

You're pathetic.

>> No.5401271

I've honestly never noticed and I live in Brooklyn, where people like you think 'hipsters' would live (if there were any left)

Where do you live?

>> No.5401408

Brooklyn, same as you. Go into literally any clothing store and be awed by all of the owl accessories

>> No.5401456

Hipsters don't exist anymore. It is just upper middle class girls and boys who like to pretend like they are poor and try to be quirky. It was once a sub-culture but it is dead. Dead like goth and punk. It got sold to the corporate machine. They think they are original, but they aren't. They are conformists like everyone else.

>> No.5401477

Pretty much.

>> No.5401509

>mfw europeans have been making "toasts" for a long fucking time now...
>mfw douchey hipsters think they've created something new and cool...
>mfw I have no face

>> No.5401539

every day a troll thread on /ck/
it's like summertime kids got kicked out of /b/

>> No.5401550

did you not see the opening post? people from places that matter only please
no europeans

>> No.5401558

Seattle bro here.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5401590

I don't go into places like urban outfitters if that's what you mean by 'any clothing store'

>> No.5401626

Native San franciscan here, I miss our hipsters. techies douches have overrun the place. I am so tired of pakis and hindoos .
please bring back our quirky, weird, effete white people with terrible fashion tastes. We're sorry we bullied you. come backl.Goths and punks too.
Well, you can still find those guys in Oakland at least. For now.

>> No.5401632

>people from other places need not participate in this thread

But it's not my fault I can't live in shitty places like you can.

>> No.5401715

I don't go into Urban Outfitters either, I don't support them since many of their t-shirt designs are blatantly stolen from a lot of artists' works. At F21, I've seen owl shit more times than I can count over the past half decade, though especially in the last 2 years. I've also seen plenty of owl accessories in Kohl's, Rainbow, Joyce Leslie, Macy's and many small boutiques during that same time period, though not in more expensive places like Zara, Express or MNG. I see more people wearing them on the street than I see them in stores too. Open your damn eyes.

>assuming I didn't also live in Brooklyn
>assuming I ever shop at UO
You like to assume a lot of shit, don't you?

>> No.5401724

Yeah, the owl accessory thing is pretty mainstream. There was a little section on owl jewelry in In Style magazine a few months ago, so yeah, it's not really hipster or sub culture at all.

>> No.5401833

It appears you're female, or at least you closely follow female trends. Speaking as a male, it's really not a thing.

Also: Kohl's? Seriously?

>> No.5401873

Kohl's is great for getting quality basics but trendy things, not so much. I mostly go there to get shoes. Some things I've gotten from there have looked brand new after 2 years of regular wear and machine washing.

>> No.5401914

austin isnt west texas you fucking idiot

>> No.5402445

>1. Do you live in San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, or New York?*
>2. How much do you currently pay for your artisanal toast?
my what?

I rarely buy bread, and when I do I just buy the filone loafs from Safeway.

>> No.5402537

i miss my drug days ;_;

>> No.5403196

1. yes
2. artisanal toast isn't something i have very often; maybe once or twice a year mostly because it's not something i particularly crave
i don't recall how much i pay but its something deep like $3-5 but the accompanied jams and butters are tits