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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5394319 No.5394319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Organic milk
>Ultra-high-temperature processing/Cows are fed GMO grains
>USDA organic approved

Why do Americans love the word 'organic' when it's a fake word to sell products at a higher cost?

>> No.5394338

in america, there are people who don't think for themselves and always respond to buzzwords. these people heard that "organic" means "healthier". so, they buy anything labeled "organic".

>> No.5394339

every food is organic so that label is correct

>> No.5394349

>thinking processing has anything to do with whether food is organic
>fearing GMO's

>> No.5394371

That's not the point? Having the organic label on a non organic fed cow doesn't make much sense. Seeing as the USDA would approve such a product

>> No.5394378

All cattle feed is organic. Every last bit of it.

>> No.5394396

all food is organic

>> No.5394417

He means organic by the labelling scheme and you know it you fucking faggot.

>> No.5394422

the organic label is only marketing, there are no legal requirements for it since all food is organic

>> No.5394426

Untrue. It is a marketing tactic to bait idiots and housewives, but there are regulations.


>> No.5394427

Did you guys know water is a chemical that kills thousands of people every year?

You should be concerned with glyphosate resistance in weeds resulting from misuse stemming from Roundup-ready GMO crops. You should also be concerned with the health of key lepidopteran pollinators when farmers are planting vast monocultures of Bt-transgenic crops.

Well, you would be concerned if you had a relevant education or background in these issues.

Instead, you think agreeing with the implementation of all biotechnology makes you intelligent, progressive, and "not a luddite". You are worse than the ignorant people who are afraid of GMOs, because they would at least prevent the outplanting of potentially deleterious GMO cultivars (which are completely unnecessary to the economy and food security of N. America).

>> No.5394428

>only marketing, there are no legal requirements for it

Yes, there are.

>> No.5394430

>there are no legal requirements
why would you write this? It is easy to check the FDA website and realize this is false.

>> No.5394432


But you are not understanding the point

Organic symbol from the USDA supposed to be this higher grade than traditional

>> No.5394435

>look at me!
>implying anyone said all GMO crops are humanities savior

>> No.5394446

All the words I used are completely relevant to the issue and unavoidable when discussing GMO crops.

I'm sorry you are threatened by unfamiliar words and become defensive when someone who is educated enters the discussion.

>implying anyone said all GMO crops are humanities savior
Where did I imply this in my post?

>> No.5394450

>defends GMOs
>thinks terms like "roundup ready", "glyphosate" and "Bt-transgenic" are jargon

we get it, you literally have no idea what you are talking about but are still very strongly opinionated.

>> No.5394456

>hurr durr chemical pesticides

>> No.5394457

You really don't know about this topic, do you?

>> No.5394459

apparently neither do you

>> No.5394469

Why, because I used words you didn't understand and you countered with this gem:


I find that when you press people in the GMO threads it invariably turns into a circular discussion in which the ignorant anon (you) diverts focus on actual issues or data.

You will soon concede that you aren't talking about current GMOs in use, but the magical future GMOs that will solve everything.

>> No.5394472

>threatened by unfamiliar words

Do you even know what jargon is? Language which is specialized for a certain field is the exact definition of jargon, and opting for it on a fucking cooking image board instead of laymans terms doesn't make anyone quiver in their boots, it just makes you a pompous douche. Sorry, using "lepidopteran pollinators" instead of "butterflies and moths" really isn't necessary to anything but your ego.

>Where did I imply this in my post?

By turning the discussion into one about specific GMO crops no one was talking about or advocating for. The guy you were replying to could easily be against Roundup-ready crops, instead realizing being ok with GMO's doesn't mean you have to be ok with every application.

>> No.5394473

>and then there's this nigger who starts bitching about semantics and starts strawmanning

>> No.5394481

Oh, I forgot. The next step is opening your logical fallacies infographic and going from there.

But please, tell me why we shouldn't be worried about glyphosate resistance and pollinator health. Focus on this and do not stray into logical fallacies or semantics. Be as detailed as possible.

>> No.5394488

Because drug resistance has always been a concern in livestock that is currently being worked on and its level of usage hasn't surpassed fda recommendations for healthy human consumption, and colony collapse disorder's cause hasn't been concretely determined.


>> No.5394492

>using "science-y" words in a thread about biotechnology makes you a pompous douche
Again, only people who are ignorant in this topic would think this. Being threatened by new information and making it out to be elitism is the hallmark of the defensive ignoramus. If you claim to think "science fucking rules" and believe you are qualified to state that we should not be concerned about GMOs, you should at least be able to deal with basic terminology.

>By turning the discussion into one about specific GMO crops
What do you think OP meant when he said, "GMO grains"? He means Roundup Ready or Bt-transgenic cultivars. He isn't talking about virus-resistant papaya or golden rice or some hypothetical future GMO food that will make everything better.

You can't talk about current GMO usage without talking about specific cultivars. I know you don't like this because you lack relevant knowledge and fare better when the discussion revolves around "genetic manipulation being the same as selective breeding" or "future GMOs solving everything as long as the Luddites don't stop research".

But please, leave the big boys to discuss things of importance. Maybe you should start a "everything is organic" thread so you and your like-minded peers can have meaningful discourse.

>> No.5394493

Why do you fear progress, anon?

>> No.5394494

>drug resistance has always been a concern in livestock
Glyphosate isn't an animal drug. You cannot be serious.

What you are thinking of is antibiotic resistance, which is an immense problem that is not being seriously looked at. If it was, non-therapeutic antibiotic use in the agriculture industry would be banned overnight.

>colony collapse disorder's cause hasn't been concretely determined

>> No.5394496

I think he hates poor people more.

>> No.5394505
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>>using "science-y" words in a thread about biotechnology makes you a pompous douche

>defensive ignoramus
> leave the big boys to discuss things of importance

If the jargon doesn't, everything else you say will.

>> No.5394516

plant, animal, pesticide, antibiotic

same shit, different day

>> No.5394582

and the milk in the OP respects those regulation, so why the complaint?

>> No.5394584

This isn't people's special playground where you can say whatever you want and excuse it just because of the place you posted it. We're not in some secret parallel universe. We're on fucking 4chan. Anything you say here can be held against you, just like any other website.

>> No.5394591

>Being threatened by new information and making it out to be elitism
go easy on the projecting

>> No.5394593

>I posted it again.

I got my eye on you, and I'll call you erry time!

>> No.5394595

Let me guess, you're the guy who posted that sincerely?

>> No.5394600

>and the milk in the OP respects those regulation, so why the complaint?

because OP is a fag, why else?

>> No.5394614

using retardedly techincal definitions like "lepidopteran impollinators" in an online forum not on a specific technical board doesn't make you seem an expert on the matter, but just a douche who, lacking actual knowledge on the mapper hopes to impress his interlocutors by using a few words he's learned by reading some scaremonger posts somewhere.
And it's also evident by the fact that beyond the appearance the substance of that post was really poor.

>> No.5394617

this has nothing to do with the discussion and i have no opinion.

having said that, i have been buying Horizon brand "organic my ass" milk... that shit lasts TWO MONTHS PAST EXPIRE

no joke. that shit tastes like milky water the day you open it, and 60 days later. NO other milk does. NO other product does that. I don't NO what they put in it but it's not fucking NOrganic

>> No.5394622

Please fuck off.

is right and you're too fucking stupid to understand him

I'm glad someone else feels this way, everyone else seems to act irrationally about the issue.

>> No.5394623



please stop being so fucking stupid

>> No.5394629

Is that not because it's UHT?
I'm assuming that's what "ultra-pasteurised" means.

>> No.5394630

That's actually why I love Horizon milk, the expiration dates are ridiculous. I can stock up on milk and not have to leave my apartment for a long time.

>> No.5394651

so what do you want me to do, stop eating all together? would it healthier to starve myself to death instead of buying food from a grocery store?

what the fuck do you expect from me you piece of shit? There is death in every direction in life, quit thinking you're gonna live forever you little brat.

>> No.5394682

lots of companies overprice organic food by over triple after they get it in stock because they want to ride the organic hype wave and trick everyone into thinking that organic food really costs more. you haven't been shopping at the right places.

meanwhile the cow milk industry has always been shit, and I think its a very bad thing to drink that, for you and the cows.

besides the soccer moms and hipsters that have no stupid clue what they are doing, the rest of the people who buy USDA certified organic, buy it especially and specifically because they know what they are looking for,(less poison in their food) and what they are trying to avoid, namely gmo and monsanto.

it isn't organic as in carbon, 1/10 didn't even smirk. honestly if you weren't trolling, you should google, or better use duckduckgo to search what the true meaning behind the organic label is and you will find that there are alot of rules and standards they have to go by if they want to be organic. people buy organic labeled food because they don't want it to be loaded with poison.

read above^

read above^ you disinfo agents and trolls sicken me, you're not funny and you could be giving honest hard working people with families the wrong information.

absolute liar/10

this anon knows their stuff, other troll is not even trying.

not OP, but listen friend, when you buy a car you take care of that baby and change the oil and fuel it with premium unleaded and get the best insurance and you vacuum those seats and rotate the tires and give it a fresh coat of wax right?

you don't treat your car like crap so why treat your body like crap?

when I learn something is bad I try to learn everything I can from a bunch of different perspectives and gain as much relevant information as I can so that I can do some critical thinking and make an honest well thought out decision on what I want to do next.

almond milk > cow milk

>> No.5394685

Look at the projecting nigger over here. What's the matter, had a bad day? Get back from the doctor with an autism diagnosis AND found out that water is a chemical?

Get your shit straight: ALL FOOD IS ORGANIC. I bet you are afraid of teflon and BPA too.

Know the soy you base your bullshit vegan diet on? IT'S ALL GMO!!! Look in the mirror at your canines and weep.

>> No.5394689

>premium unleaded
Not my car m80,
doesn't need it.

>> No.5394690
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>what happens when you make a shill mad

>> No.5394698

just an example m80 arrrrr

>> No.5394699

Why are you so obsessed with Americans?

>> No.5394706

>not using superior cast iron or stainless steel cookware
>not buying organic non-gmo soymilk or other nut milks
>not fookin makin your own jamaican coconut milk mon

anon, I don't really know, yet I have a feeling, you should probably stop cooking everything in a microwave with some warped plastic container, and you should stop cooking your eggs with a fork in your teflon pan. those little black specs? thats not pepper bitch.

>> No.5394710
File: 40 KB, 621x623, 24353532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get your shit straight: ALL FOOD IS ORGANIC.

I don't know anon, I'm sure that several angry lawyers would disagree. (if they knew this thread existed) just saying, nothing implied.

>> No.5394712

>I've made this every christmas for the last 3 years.
And I bet your pleb family congratulates you on your ability to mix premade processed foods together.

I saw your pick and laughed out loud. Then I thought about fat pigs grubbing for leftovers on the dirty shag carpet and ended up puking on my dick, getting a weird boner, and letting it dry as a crust on my penis.

I plan on not showering and going to work like this in the morning. I'm sure no one will smell it and even if they do they won't think it is me or dare to ask. I'll be hard and horny throughout the day, just thinking about this puke crust on my dick. Maybe I'll go into one of the stalls and pull on off real quick when I have a few minutes alone.

I've gone to work with a huge carrot in my ass before. I carefully washed and peeled it and then used a paring knife to carve it into a properly tapered shape that filled me up but also allowed my o-ring to close over it and prevent it from getting lost.

It's really not a big deal. As long as you make sure to clean and peel the surfaces you don't really have to worry.

>> No.5394726


>> No.5394727

why are you quoting something that isn't even in the post you are replying too?

>And I bet your pleb family congratulates you on your ability to mix premade processed foods together.

projecting your families disappointment in your failure to make pancakes or something?

>"I saw your pick and laughed out loud. Then I thought about fat pigs grubbing for leftovers on the dirty shag carpet and ended up puking on my d-

okay this just got crazy, did I actually piss off a troll this bad? I shouldn't be surprised that the truth prevails, the Lord is great.

>> No.5394732


>> No.5394739


>> No.5394740

I am a white American. I am 22 and at a very renowned college. My parents have an annual travel budget of $150,000 and I have a stipend of $50,000/year. Just to give you an idea of where I come from.

Did you ever have a personal chef growing up? Have you traveled to over 30 countries before the age of 20? Have you ever hunted?

Maybe when you get past the idea of grilled GMO-corn-fed, antibiotic-treated, hormone-injected beef steak being the epitome of cuisine you will understand that it is a rather cheap ingredient that can be enjoyed in various ways.

Until that time, enjoy your bimonthly steak on you pedestal made out of cheap beer cans and unrealized goals.

>> No.5394751

no thanks, I don't eat meat.

>> No.5394757


Is this pasta, or just pasta in the making?

>> No.5394761

I have an 18 inch cock.

>> No.5394763

You're a dumb fuck.

You need an adequate supply of b12 and amino acids, peanut butter is not a complete protein. The only way you're going to complete them with rice is to shovel down carbs like a fatchick who just got dumped. The human body does not absorb plant based proteins as efficiently as meat based ones, so you must eat a lot more to make up for this as well.

Same thing for Iron, heme iron from meat is much easier to absorb than iron from plants.

>but muh spinach

The oxalate chelates the iron making it unabsorbable. This also makes calcium and zinc absorption difficult, because most plant based diets cancel out nutrient absorption or contain nutrients only in small amounts.

Oh and I hope you like beta carotene for your vitamin A, gonna need 6x the amount you would get from actual meat. That's why Golden Rice is a thing, lots people live on a vegetarian diet and it's not complete.

>> No.5394792

>You're a dumb fuck.

its okay, you can stop looking in the mirror now.

we all have our own way of life, and I certainly wont convince you that I know how to eat healthier than you, because I don't blame for just wanting to keep on living in la la land. your comfy and the big gov and corporations will keep you safe, sure.

have a nice day, friend.

>> No.5394793


Why try to talk about nutrition when you have no education on the subject?

>> No.5394796

Oh look, a vegan who has no idea what his food contains. What a shock.

>Sunflower oil and flax oil are wonderful souces of CLA and OFA.

No, they're not. Yes, flax has a lot of OFA. What is also has is regular linoleic acid, which is not the same thing as conjugated linoleic acid. Regular linoleic acid is the omega fatty acid that you're almost certainly eating way, way too much of so getting your omega 3's from something that's also full of 6 isn't doing you as much good, especially if you're eating a vegan diet that's already going to have an absrd amount of 6.

As far as I know, the only non-meat or dairy sources of CLA are some varieties of mushrooms

>> No.5394806

don't feed the trolls.

>> No.5394824


>bringing up random subjects you read on some carnivore health blog

Flax has a 4:1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6, the same as you find in salmon. You need omega-6 as well. It's funny to me that you have all these biased theories as to why vegetarians/vegans can't possibly be healthy, yet every time we study diet it's those two groups consistently showing the best health

>> No.5394825

>presented with a wall of facts
>durr don't feed the troll

vegans getting BTFO

>> No.5394830

I drink milk.
I eat meat.
fite me irl faggots

>> No.5394840

Wouldn't be better if they labeled food like "good for you" instead of using the word "organic"?

>> No.5394848

wouldn't it be be more green if they labeled it orgreenic?

>> No.5394902

Well the Mediterranean diet which is used for people who live above 100 years include meat, dairy, fish and eggs, though not in a high quantity, the ideal diet would include a wide variety of food, not just one type of food.

>> No.5394933
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know what you mean by "which is used for people who live above 100 years" but Okinawa, Japan is the place where more people live to be 100 than anywhere else in the world, their diet is essentially vegan aside from about half an ounce of fish a day, and of course on holidays they celebrate with pork. Their staple food for daily eating is the purple sweet potato, high in anthocyanins.

The Mediterranean diet isn't a terrible diet though, but its health benefits don't come from the meat and oil, but of the bountiful vegetables, whole grains, and legumes that it incorporates. Those are three food groups that many studies have shown to be healthy, regardless of the make-up of the rest of your diet, reducing risk of heart disease and cancers. I don't think any traditional diet is necessarily the best for human health though. That's why science exists; so we can isolate variables and find out for sure which foods are good for health and which foods we can do without.

>> No.5395043


>implying this thread isn't just one big trollercoaster

>> No.5395058

>their diet is essentially vegan
>aside from about half an ounce of fish a day

Eating fish every day isn't vegan, and they aren't foods you can do without, just food you should consume in low quantities.

>> No.5395061


context. in a chemical context, gasoline is organic. We are talking about organic agriculture, however, where the term has different meaning due to the context

>> No.5395078


>Eating fish every day isn't vegan

That's why I said essentially. In practical terms, you may as well consider them vegans for the most part, as 15 grams of anything isn't going to be a big factor in their health. That's not even half of a serving.

>they aren't foods you can do without, just food you should consume in low quantities.

And yet people do without them. I can understand you personally not wanting to give up things you enjoy, but it's a far cry to call them "essential" in any amount for anyone else

>> No.5395110

>15 grams of anything isn't going to be a big factor in their health


>> No.5395118
File: 20 KB, 354x240, ohreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know what I mean

>> No.5395251

you misspelled wall of lies

>> No.5395257

>science that disagrees with me is LIES!
>faux news!

>> No.5395259


I wouldn't call that "science"

>> No.5395266

no, because logically speaking it isn't healthy to eat an entire stick of butter just like that for no reason even if its organic.

organic food is just the same as every other food and should be treated with just as much dietary care as most other food.

the difference is that the plants grown under the standards of USDA organic were grown with much better soil conditions, and a junk ton less poison than gmo varieties. people like this because they like to NOT eat poison. it makes them happy to be clean and without poison.

>> No.5395276

same as always,

>shills shill
>trolls troll
>hue's hue
>organic captain planet defense force shows up with reasoning, logic, doesn't try to propagandize organic food, Tries to prevent the spread of false and misleading information about organic food and then go on to educate to the best of their ability, so that the world can be a better place.


it doesn't scare us, you just made that up. anyone reading the thread from start to finish can clearly see that so there is no need to tell lies that nobody will believe. go home, and re-think your entire life.

>> No.5395281

addendum (this got popular since legion, EA SUCKS though) people buy organic labeled food to avoid genetically modified varieties of food, especially since these gmo foods are changed in a lab to be able to handle even more poison being dumped on them than normal plants can handle.

people don't like eating a science experiment + pesticides

>> No.5395286

>shills v captain planet

Wow, you sure came up with a retarded and gay analogy.

>> No.5395295
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just a metaphor anon. relax.

>> No.5395439

>retardedly techincal definitions like "lepidopteran impollinators
Lepidopteran refers to moths and butterflies (I thought everyone knew this word) and pollinators means something which pollinates plants.

It really isn't that difficult.

>> No.5395521

>organic captain planet defense force shows up with reasoning, logic, doesn't try to propagandize organic food, Tries to prevent the spread of false and misleading information about organic food and then go on to educate to the best of their ability, so that the world can be a better place.

Every time.

>> No.5395665

>certified organic
>fed GMO grains

not sure about clapland, but in Australia animals must be fed organic feed to be labelled as organic.

>> No.5395677
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organic just means the molecules are carbon based, no food marketer uses this word correctly

read the first sentence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_chemistry

>> No.5395686
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>What? How can my hard drive have a "boot sector" Fucking computer scammers and their superstitions, a boot is a piece of footware look wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boot
>hurr hurr I'm so clever

This is what you people sound like

>> No.5395705

no, you misunderstand.

Organic food and farming is just a buzzword of arbitrary standards that has bearing over the composition of the food, and is just used to market to retards ignorant of this.


boot is just a word with multiple meanings.

>> No.5395719
File: 535 KB, 1500x1000, organic valley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting this brand instead

>> No.5395724

>the composition of the food

Just stop.

>> No.5395729


Oh look, 30 different meanings!

>> No.5396866

You don't think farming cultural practices impact the nutritional profile of foods?

Yes, and if you are from America or another developed country you can easily check the standards associated with foods labelled "organic".

It really isn't that difficult. I don't see retards arguing the semantics of "artificial versus natural flavors" and insisting all flavors are natural because they are created from matter on the planet or some nonsense.

Semantics are the last resort of the person with no arguments based on logic, fact, or reality.

>> No.5396869


I don't know what point of view you're attributing to me, but I think you've got the positions reversed.

>> No.5396879

Yeah, I just noticed that too.

>> No.5397573


>> No.5397587

read the rest of the thread, you uneducated fool.

>> No.5397592

stop spamming this around /ck/ you absolute liar

look up USDA organic certification

>> No.5397610

>look up USDA organic certification

I have. The certification conveys nothing of value.

>> No.5397627

Just say water is a chemical again as if it means something

>> No.5397636


Sorry, perhaps you were confusing me with someone else in the thread? >>5397610 is my first post here. I'm not the fag spamming comments about carbon.

I agree with you that it's silly to post "lol organic just means carbon and oxygen". But as dumb as that is, he/she has a point. The term "Organic" might conjure up the image of a storybook-perfect farm, but that's a connotation, not a denotation. What it actually denotes is little of value. It's just another marketing buzzword on a label. Personally I would rather judge a food by its taste, freshness, and appearance rather than a word on the package.

>> No.5397659

Well, yes. I guess we have one of those paradoxical yet frequent cases of overlap in the food world where people on opposite sides of the fence can agree for totally unrelated reasons.

See also: hating Laphroaig, hating chipotle, hating fusion cuisine, hating 'weeaboos'

>> No.5398282

the value is in that when I go to the store and buy an organic vegetable, i feel safer knowing that they grew it in better cleaner soil and didn't genetically modify it and dump pesticides on it like monsanto crops.

this may not have any value to you, someone who doesn't care about any of those things, but to everyone who does care, it does have value.

>> No.5398283

when I buy organic vegetables they look and tastes better to me.

you might not notice a difference, but I do.

>> No.5398356

>i feel safer knowing that they grew it in better cleaner soil and didn't genetically modify it and dump pesticides on it like monsanto crops.
then you're stupid.
organic farming uses pesticides as well, and more dangerous ones at that.
But they aren't considered because "natural" pesticides. And then there are the parasites and mycotoxins.
and of course "genetically modified" doesn't mean anything. Each living organism is genetically modified from those that preceded it. And there is nothing supporting the idea that organisms modified in laboratory are more dangerous. In fact there is indication of the contrary.

>> No.5398459

organic means that if you bury it, keep the soil moist, and give it plenty of sun, another one will grow. this is why all seeds are USDA certified organic.

>> No.5398490


>more dangerous ones at that

care to elaborate. Last time I checked, organophosphates were known as one of the most toxic classes of chemicals known. And don't start with muh rotenone... it's not approved by most organic certification boards

>> No.5398529

>organic farming uses pesticides as well, and more dangerous ones at that.
Provide examples.

>But they aren't considered because "natural" pesticides. And then there are the parasites and mycotoxins.
What effect would insect parasites or other specific biocontrol agents have on human health?

>and of course "genetically modified" doesn't mean anything. Each living organism is genetically modified from those that preceded it.
Oh look, this boring semantics again.

>And there is nothing supporting the idea that organisms modified in laboratory are more dangerous. In fact there is indication of the contrary.
There is evidence that genetic variation resulting from sexual reproduction is more dangerous than genetic modification? Really? I guess that is probably why evolution has been guided by the great genetic modifier in the sky.

>> No.5398536

>I have. The certification conveys nothing of value.
It's obvious you either haven't read it or are too dense to understand it.

>> No.5398541

If I bury and care for my organic eggs will they grow into egg trees? Shit, think of all the money I've wasted on eggs over the years when I could just grow them.

>> No.5398560

Why pretend we have anything to do with marketing?
We have as much say in it as you would a Volkswagen commercials content.

>> No.5398803

selective breeding and grafting is not the same as taking a tomato into a lab and splicing in genes from a fish and a rotten tumor potato so that it makes poison inside of itself.

go home shill, nobody believes you.

>> No.5398806

are you laughing and giggling uncontrollably as you type that?

carbon organic is not the same thing as USDA organic certification.

people buy organic because they want to avoid eating lab genetically modified monsanto trash with poison on it.

>> No.5398809

can't you see they are just blatantly lying about everything.

>> No.5398818

Not a first world country problem at all, in case you guys are wondering.

>brother likes to pretend he's a health freak
>comes home one day with a bunch of bananas, say they're organic and much better than the ones I eat
>I ask how much they costed
>"A lot, but you can't put a price on health"
>..we live in a tropical country
>..our house is right in front of a conservation area where bananas grow freely
>there's so many that people are encouraged to take them home
>mfw I have no face

>> No.5398823

Are you that guy who keeps shitposting about how much he hates the West?

>> No.5398829
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Europeans love UHT milk. It's all you guys drink

>> No.5398860

I eat organic food but If I lived in an area where things grew naturally like that and I knew that nobody messed with them, I wouldn't go to the store to buy organic, I would just eat those.

>> No.5398923


no, there's some indications that gmo might be better for our health than naturally occurring ones.
>this boring semantics again.
except this "boring semantic" is the key of the matter, and dismissing it only makes you look like a fool .

>what effects would mycotoxins have on human health?
really? seriously are you asking that?

>provide examples
what, you want me to link all the studies and reviews on the matter?

well you want examples, so here's an example

>> No.5398941

this horizon milk lasts like 2 months past expiration date.

i dont know how it can be organic... its full of preservatives.

>> No.5398959

indeed it's not the same.
in selective breeding and graftinc you cannot control which parts of the genome are recombined and how, while into a lab you can select which genes you want to insert, and modify only those parts, and control for adverse effects.
and the genes coming from a fish or a rotten tumor potato makes no difference.
it's still a sequence of basis that code for proteins.
to believe that a specific sequence which codes for a specific protein will carry on some transcendent property of the organist it was originally a part of is just superstition

>> No.5398988

As an actual rancher...

I wouldn't drink milk from any horizontal cow.

>> No.5398998

>to believe that a specific sequence which codes for a specific protein will carry on some transcendent property of the organist it was originally a part of is just superstition
You apparently to not understand what gene cluster are or the complexity of a plant species' metabolome. It isn't just "change one gene for one new characteristic".

>> No.5399050


you do know that conventional breeding is carried out after traits are artificially introduced for a number of generations, due to instability of the resulting organism? This kind of says a lot against the whole "GMO is more accurate manipulation" argument.

>> No.5399051

you apparently don't understand the concept of controlling for adverse effects.
In fact you don't seem to understand much of the subject at hand, and are simply parroting words and phrases you've learned on some blog to sound informed.




>> No.5399060

>conventional breeding is carried out
yes and?
are you against conventional breeding now?
>This kind of says a lot against the whole "GMO is more accurate manipulation" argument.

no it doesn't.
It does say a lot about the level of testing and control, which is absent in other kind if hybridization processes.

>> No.5399089

not so I was raised vegetarian and I'm the snake what apples are like

>> No.5399246

>what effects would mycotoxins have on human health?
You know I did not ask that. I asked what effects would approved biocontrol agents have on human health.

Grain storage-associated fungi =/= fungi selected for biocontrol.

>> No.5399303

This is one study looking at a single GMO cultivar and 169 metabolites. This is hardly evidence that targeting one pathway cannot have cascading effects in any GMO plants.

Also, the authors did not cite any competing interests yet the first and second authors are employees of Syngenta, the company that produces the herbicide-resistant GMO cultivar that is the focus of the paper.

The original developers of the transgenic cultivar noted a reduction in starch content as a result of inulin production, yet this paper found no unexpected differences in the metabolites between cultivars. This suggests that their focus on glycoalkaloids and oligofructans is not sufficient.

Guess you missed: OPLS-DA models of data from two independent experiments revealed a slight reduction in asparagine levels and an increase in proline and spermidine levels as potential unintended effects of genetic modification.

Anyone can cherry-pick studies to agree with them. The point is, it is obvious that unintended effects can occur and to think they can't, or that the major GM cultivars that have been in place for 10+ years have been sufficiently tested prior to outplanting, is ludicrous.


Zhou J , Ma C , Xu H et al. Metabolic profiling of transgenic rice with cryIAc and sck genes: an evaluation of unintended effects at metabolic level by using GC–FID and GC–MS . J. Chromatog. B 877 (8–9) , 725 – 732 (2009) .

Jiao Z , Si X-X , Li G-K et al. >Unintended compositional changes in transgenic rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.) studied by spectral and chromatographic analysis coupled with chemometrics methods . J. Agric. Food Chem. 58 (3) , 1746 – 1754 (2010) .

>> No.5400163

It's funny how Americans are so rapidly defensive about decisions by the FDA (as long as they agree with corporate mandates).

You guys pretend to hate the FDA and muh federal research, yet you always agree with the use of BPA, azodicarbonamide, ractopamine, rBGH, GMOs etc under the guise of being pro-science and progressive.

>> No.5400205

Their fedoras have cut off circulation of blood in their heads.

>> No.5400211

>I'm ascared of chemicals

>> No.5400243

No, that's not true, and your generalizing is overboard. Food Safety is important, but the FDA is corrupt and therefore not to be trusted. Technically, GMOs are safe, it's the corporations behind them that are vile because of their uses and plans that involve GMOs. Everything else you listed (BPA, azodicarbonamide, ractopamine, rBGH) should all be banned, along with others not mentioned here.

>> No.5401776

Describe why you think azodicarbonamide, ractopamine, and BPA use in food products is acceptable despite other countries banning them and mounting evidence suggesting America is just sucking the corporate dick at the expense of consumers.