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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5389242 No.5389242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sup /ck/. /fa/ here. paris fashion week is coming up in a couple of months and i've been instructed that i'm not allowed to eat anything outside of the following list:

- chicken
- any fish
- eggs
- almonds
- avocados
- vegetables

i've been cooking that stuff separately and throwing it on a plate and eating it for the last couple of weeks but it's starting to drive me insane

using those foods, plus maybe anything else you can think of that doesn't contain too many extra calories, can you suggest some stuff to make?

thanks :^)

>> No.5389256

egg avocado scramble with veg
steam chicekn with steam veg
steam fish with steam veg

>> No.5389261

Go to fit, they'll give you a cutting regime that isn't made by retards.

>> No.5389454

>not doing a trout almondine
>not making a salmon omelet

Besides which, who the fuck are they to tell you what you can and cannot eat for the next two months? Just go to Wendy's and have a Triple Baconator and never tell them.

>> No.5389459

I am not OP but deal with the same stuff

ITS A FUCKING JOB, you do what you need to do to have a job and when that career is based on your body we have to do it a particular way

Agents know what they are talking about .

>> No.5389461

Please tell me you can at least use oil/butter/fat

Otherwise you're in for a bunch of bland bullshit. Maybe make some lettuce wraps with pickled vegetables and grilled chicken tossed in basalmic vinegar.

Or grilled salmon with grilled asparagus. Or a nice veggie omelette.

>> No.5389462

foil-baked fish and veggies, almond-crusted chicken, spinach-filled deviled eggs, curried egg salad, the list goes on. Do you want specific recipes?

>> No.5389463

How about a fish soup?

>> No.5389470


do they make sure you remain healthy both physically and mentally throughout these practices?

>> No.5389473

And that diet is unhealthy? If you ask me that is possibly the optimum healthy diet: lean meat, vegetables, and nuts.

Are you retarded?

>> No.5389477

>when that career is based on your body we have to do it a particular way
Nonsense. One fucking cheeseburger isn't going to kill you. Or even make you fat.

>> No.5389482

>casino showgirl scene.vhs

>> No.5389488


but they keep these girls BONE fucking thin. i highly doubt limiting the types of food they eat is the ONLY practice they use to ensure they stay this way. and this career is a perfect breeding ground for anorexia nervosa. i would think it to be necessary, or at least humanitarian, to ensure that their models don't slip into the danger zone.

>> No.5389500

It's low carb, so it isn't healthy. It had eggs and fish in it. It isn't healthy.

>> No.5389507

Depending on the contract, 1cm of gain on hips, waist, or bust can be enough to get you fired.

>> No.5389510

All that matters is how they look, and that is dictated by diet an activity level. It is their job, and diet is one aspect of it. If they don't like it, they can fuck off and get a real job.

>> No.5389519


ok, i'm not asking you.

>> No.5389539

his legs are like toothpicks

>> No.5389548

He's fucking disgusting. Goddamit yurop

>> No.5389559


>> No.5389578

Yes they make sure, they can get fined and put in major hot water if (especially) the girls are not doing okay but that's mostly because they are 14 to 17 while most male models are 18-24.

Size 00 is illegal now and they've actually fattened girls up and mind you off fashion season no one looks like that haha

>> No.5389595

Typical fat bitch response :^)

>> No.5389605

>Size 00 is illegal now

interesting, i didn't know that. a bit relieving i guess.

good to know it's not necessarily a ruthless industry, though.

>> No.5389634

Double zero can't fight back from rapey situations and it's not fair to make they illegal.

>> No.5389637

dat's discrimination!

>> No.5389663

Making 13-15 year old girls so thin they don't get periods is not okay

>> No.5389670

Why is having a period so important?
I thought women hated having that?

>> No.5389672

Dude it means you are so undernourished that your body is not able to do its basic functions; it can lead to a number of long term deleterious effects down the road.

>> No.5389673

We get it, you are a perma-virgin with a strong defense mechanism.

>> No.5389679

I believe not eating is the fault of the person who's not eating. But hey, personal responsibility and politics don't mix, easier to just play the victim card to appeal to the braindead feelgoods.

>> No.5389691

I don't think that's true. The body just knows that without larger fat supplies , getting pregnant is not a good idea so the girls do not go into heat.
No permanent damage is being done.

>> No.5389697

You're delusional if you actually believe that.

>Inb4 I'm only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.5389703

These are little girls; often not speaking English/Japanese/French being shipped around the world to do fashion shows/shoots; they are under contract that if they don't fulfill can put there families in major debt.

Fuck you if you don't know the world yet hold unfounded judgement.

>> No.5389708

Are you not allowed to have spices?

>> No.5389711

What does that have to do with anything about being malnourished and women missing their periods, both of which are considered unhealthy?

>> No.5389723

"Women with a history of teenage onset of AN are more likely to be osteopenic than age-matched women without this history, even after many years of weight and menstrual recovery."


Please stop talking

>> No.5389726

He said its the girls fault but they are kids under modeling contracts to maintain specific weights through (sometimes severe) calorie restriction.

>> No.5389736

Woah woah woah. There is a big gap between a skinny model not getting her period and a walking skeleton AN chick.
Apples and oranges here.

>> No.5389739

He also made the claim that women missing their periods due to said severe calorie restrictions isn't actually damaging to them in the long term, which is the what I was refuting.

Women who become so malnourished that they miss periods suffer from increased health complications later in life; claiming otherwise is pure ignorance at best, and outright deceitful lying at worst.

>> No.5389766

been there, not going to judge...
green curry is probably one of my favorites... might be hard to find. Eggplant, bamboo shoots are the only musts, I like to add chilies, and onions. Most indian/asian vegetable dishes are really low on calories if they're not served with rice. You can always add chicken to them if you're concerned about losing too much lean tissue.

>> No.5389772

Periods stop long before girls can be called anorexic.
Many many skinny women have irregular periods without being unhealthfully thin

>> No.5389774

Cilantro is evil, just so you know.

>> No.5389818


In the context of 13-16 years old models yes severe malnourishment caused by diets of less than 1,000 calories a day is anorexia.

>> No.5389884

Yes but they don't need to be that malnourished to have their period stop.
interrupted menses does not equal anerexia. Not even close.
Get your facts straight.

>> No.5389892

Having young models severely underweight not having there periods in the CONTEXT OF A FUCKING THREAD ABOUT FASHION MODELS WHO ARE FORCED TO BARELY EAT IS ANOREXIA.


>> No.5389901
File: 73 KB, 600x603, kellygale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

healthy model diet? fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, salad for dinner, cardio. follow raw vegan instagrams and go to "what did i eat today?" beauty vlogger videos (they bullshit and make it seem like they eat as little as possible; emulate that) oh other models instagrams.

classic unhealthy model diet? sleep thru breakfast, black coffee, cigarettes, diet coke, coke coke, gum, obsessive cardio, vodka sodas, twitch a lot, get a photo holding up a burger excitedly if ppl express "concern"

pictured: victorias secret model kelly gale poses with cucumber, celery, spinach, green apple, mint and lime juice after her morning workout

>> No.5389904

no it's not anorexia nervosa is not something that occurs because you're underweight does no matter by how much. It's a name for a specific condition not just for being massively underweight.

>> No.5389910

You keep saying that but you are wrong.

>> No.5389936


When you go into model agencies and when you go to lower Manhattan seeing the models outside with no lighting or filters you will see the signs of anorexia; this is obviously not your world.

>> No.5389947

Victoria secret models are not the same as runway and editorial models; Victoria Secret models requirements are completely different.

>> No.5389949

Missing a period is not normal. Ever. You miss a period, you go to the doctor. The only girls I know who have missed periods had:
An unexpected pregnancy
A Uterine disorder
Unhealthy amounts of weight loss from dieting/exercising/crackbinging

Imagine not shitting for a month. Imagine if your body just stopped producing sperm for a month. "Huh, I mean, less cleanup right?" Reproduction is high priority for your body, even if it isn't for you.

>> No.5389950

Zip it fatty.

>> No.5389956

post fit fuccboi

>> No.5389961

you can see signs of it. But that does not mean that some who exhibits 1 or 2 signs of it is anorexic. It's a complex neurological disorder not just the state of someone's body. Most models even dangerously underweight ones are not anorexic, because their motivations for weight loss/ maintaining a low weight are external. You're using a term that means something very specif as an umbrella term for underweight people.

>> No.5389973
File: 90 KB, 605x600, kellygale2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kelly gale walked galliano gaultier kane hilfiger etc. the same season she did victoria's secret sooo

>> No.5390014

There is nothing even remotely unhealthy about that woman's physique.
Only a fatty or a chubby chaser would say otherwise.

>> No.5390028

inb4 you're gay, if I wanted to fuck a little boy, etc

fat acceptance is out of control. it's probably the same people who rail against vegans, ironically.

>> No.5390076


> you're gay, if I wanted to fuck a little boy

>> No.5390083 [DELETED] 

Here is a chunky girl that looks like a little boy. Am I gay for wanting to fuck her too?

>> No.5390091
File: 767 KB, 160x160, bmDcdT0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a chunky girl that looks like a little boy. Am I gay for wanting to fuck her too?

>> No.5390103

You can tell by her arms that she's a healthy weight. Her thighs though... either she had work done or she's just really genetically blessed

>> No.5390110

Many many women have thighs like that when that age.

>> No.5390218

How is this chunky?

Protip: it's not. Distorted perceptions ITT grow up kids

>> No.5390251


Corn fed midwesterner detected

>> No.5390263

shes a weightlifter, ofcourse she has some beautiful thunderthighs.
she could squash your head in between those.

>> No.5390267

she's not chunky but she does have a higher bf% power lifter often keep a big of fat on for the glycogen store.

>> No.5390271


>> No.5390293

I meant that her thighs were disproportionately skinny

All the girls I know have stick thin arms, slim waists, and big thighs.

>> No.5390298

Also I guess skinny thighs aren't as attractive on women as big or muscular thighs? I'm gay so I don't really know what's supposed to make a girl attractive

>> No.5390302

Dude. Glycogen is stored in the liver, not fat. She is also a weightlifter, not a powerlifter.

>> No.5390456

What the hell is the difference?
She is the only attractive one of her ilk.

>> No.5390491

It depends on the woman and your personal tastes, really. For some women, their curves work for them. For others, they're just overweight. Some people love really skinny girls, while others prefer girls to have a bit more meat on them.

>> No.5390517

I like any body type as long as it comes together nicely.
Some girls look amazing with a big ass.
Most do not.

>> No.5390531 [DELETED] 

paris, stopped reading after that.
I don't care.

>> No.5391298

I am willing to have sex with bigger girls bit only fall in love with very skinny ones.

>> No.5391714

Are you really so gay you can't tell what makes a woman attractive?
Lucky fucker.
Wish I was fucking gay.
Women fucking suck.

>> No.5391834


It's not a very healthy diet. Very little carbohydrate, lots of animal protein and cholesterol

>> No.5391866

Lots of protein and healthy cholesterol? And carbs from vegetables and not grains? That's a good thing, you dunce.

>> No.5391913


ANIMAL protein, and

>healthy cholesterol

The fuck?

>carbs from vegetables
>while implying grains are bad for you

Unless that includes sweet potatoes, you're going to be quite deficient in carbohydrate. It can be an effective short-term weight loss diet, but this kind of high protein fad diet has been shown to be pretty shitty for you


>> No.5391927

>thinks animal protein is bad
>doesn't know what "good" and "bad" cholesterol is

Stopped reading there. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

>> No.5391968

So.. does the guy in OPs pic have aids or something?
He doesn't look very well

>> No.5391969
File: 12 KB, 244x251, 1265948370779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you're confusing good and bad cholesterol in the blood cholesterol sense with dietary cholesterol, which is all considered bad. I don't know why this offends you so much

>> No.5392518
File: 3 KB, 114x171, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be a really fatty two by four to say that girl is not chuncky.
> Enjoy trying to get through the bathroom door.

>> No.5392586


yeah no. i'm 5'2" 110 lbs, and she is not chunky. she has muscle.

>> No.5392601
File: 961 KB, 500x190, tumblr_n0navp1Gwm1rb8tmvo6_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has muscle and body fat.
That equals chuncky little monkey.

>> No.5392612


chunky to me denotes overweight. she just looks healthy to me... very attractive body.

>> No.5392617


I'd call that thick, whenever I hear chunky I think flabby

>> No.5392622

Overweight is pretty subjective. By American bmi hight and weight charts I am not overweight at all.

By my personal standards I am about 25 lbs overweight and have a horrible beer gut.

>> No.5392648

>Samantha Wright
She just has a normal bf% on top of muscles instead of competition bodybuilder level bodyfat.

>> No.5392650

those charts are in no way related to bf%
I can't believe such a crock of shit has gained such widespread acceptance.

>> No.5392660

Yes and that equals chunky in my book.

>> No.5392698


are you 16 and/or a virgin?

>> No.5392750

I have never been with a big girl if that's what you mean.

>> No.5394341
File: 2.05 MB, 1366x1025, Sacha-Baron-Cohen-borat-django-unchained-tarantino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl will be strong on plow.

>> No.5394352

Why is his head so huge in comparison to his body? Is it really that hard to design for people with mass (lean or otherwise)?

>> No.5394356

I have once. I wanted to see what all these chubby chasers were getting so angry with me about. Turns out it's not so much fun. As you would expect it's a case of low standards.

>> No.5394357

>Twiggy little bitch boy detected
Still mad about being beat up by the field hockey team, eh anon?

>> No.5394359

>needledick detected
I almost feel bad for you, son.

>> No.5394410

So are you a chubby chaser or a big girl?

>> No.5394476

yea, sorry about these guys. it always gets real /pol/ up in here whenever anybody places any kind of restrictions at all on their diet.

youd think /ck/ would have a good relationship with /fit/ right?

anywho, i'd explore the fish option. mahi mahi, halibut, sole, bass, swordfish, snapper, or even tuna and salmon.

there are lots of fish and lots of ways of preparing.

pan fry, bake, blackened, steamed, grilled

try this

>> No.5395039

What is this 'real job' that everyone keeps talking about. Oh right, typing at a desk all day is the greatest job ever. Cry more, faggot.

>> No.5395042

you are a retard.

>> No.5396778
File: 174 KB, 950x1500, 270662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what a cow. I'm amazed she's able to stand up without a walker.

Meh. A little fat, but what the hell.

Now, the photo I'm posting is clearly a healthy adult female. Look at those huge udders! Probably a little overweight, but not much.

>> No.5396781

>youd think /ck/ would have a good relationship with /fit/ right?
Right on, brah. Who could possibly find fault with recipes consisting solely of tunafish, protein powder, oatmeal, and supplements? IT'S HEALTHY EATING DAMMIT! DO YOU CO/CK/SUCKERS EVEN LIFT, BRAH?

>> No.5396805
File: 1.00 MB, 270x270, rlykid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youd think /ck/ would have a good relationship with /fit/ right?
Why would anyone think that? We're the opposite forces of decadence and self-control.

Also, /fit/ likes dudes.

>> No.5396808

follow the food pyramid, you bitch nigger

Count calories and exercise. There are no magical foods that you should eat to lose weight or vice versa.

>> No.5396812

ITT: whiny white knights who like fat chicks

>> No.5396825

>implying a significant part of this board isn't female
>implying there are no gay men
You're oppressing me, anon.

>> No.5396841

>but but I'm a womyn :(
>muh fags

Fuck off faggot kike

>> No.5396842
File: 24 KB, 599x336, BNyzqfqCQAI5y7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can make a taco salad with marinated grilled chicken on shredded romaine with black bean corn salsa and red salsa :)

>> No.5396859

>follow the food pyramid, you bitch nigger
lol no

How old are you?

>> No.5396863


>> No.5396868

>walking up and down a runway is a "job"

>> No.5396875

actually he is KIND OF right but it has more to do with hormonal dysfunction due to nutritional deficiency which is involved in the damaged sexual function/desire of anorectics (one could argue that in some cases, such as when anorexia nervosa is a reaction to childhood sexual trauma, that this is an unconscious way to avoid sexuality altogether)

>> No.5396878

anything that you do in which you are compensated with money is a job, moron.

>> No.5396880

>. Oh right, typing at a desk all day is the greatest job ever
yes typing at a desk all day doing the intellectually stimulating task i needed 3/4 years of training to be able to do

>> No.5396882

>inheriting money is a job

>> No.5396883

>walking up and down a runway is a "job"
A job means you get paid to do something. Lots of models get paid more money than you ever will.

Whether it is inane or not, their "talents" are obviously in demand. Don't be all sour grapes because some people get paid a ridiculous amount of money to wear clothes and walk.

>> No.5396885

i said anything you DO. actions, effort. dietary restriction to maintain a certain physique, dealing with superiors and the public, attending shoots and etc. counts as a job. way to pull out of your ass some shit i never said.

>> No.5396889

>models inherit money
Describe your thought process.

>> No.5396893

>Don't be all sour grapes because some people get paid a ridiculous amount of money to wear clothes and walk
>stop disagreeing with me
some people make millions off the misery of others being slum lords, they make more money than i do, but fuck you i can still judge them

you said anything you DO in which you get money is a "job," you have to be alive to inherit money, you are actively someones child
how is being alive something you are not DOING?

>> No.5396894

>you said anything you DO in which you get money is a "job," you have to be alive to inherit money, you are actively someones child
>how is being alive something you are not DOING?

and now you are splitting hairs rather than being sensible because you like to argue. you're retarded.

>> No.5396896

>splitting hairs
i dont think you know what that phrase means

>> No.5396898


sure, it means you are drawing useless technicalities. i kind of used it in an inverted way, but you obviously get the idea if you are able to determine what i meant to say vs .the technical meaning of the idiom.

>> No.5396916

i dont see how what you are saying; that anything whereby you are compensated money for doing something constitutes "a job", excludes inheriting money from its definition of "a job"

>> No.5396975

>models = millionaire slum lords
Babby's first analogy.

>> No.5397874

human mannequins.

>> No.5397875

Hey I figure someone here may know more about this than I do

My brother lives in NYC and he's been scouted. They've taken a few photographs of him wearing SLP and then said they would get back to him. He sent the scouter a portfolio of modeling he's done in the past, and he's had a few consultations with some girl named becky that works with the scouter (the scouter had some crazy name that I forgot). Apparently they contacted him the other day and said he "made the cut" for paris fashion week", and that Heidi Slimane has even seen his portfolio. I'm hugely skeptical because they haven't even seen him walk yet. My brother's not a compulsive liar or anything so It's not like he's making this up. Is he being bullshitted and if so how hard? He's definitely model material but this is happening so fast that its suspicious.

>> No.5397897

Shit like that happens here a lot, but its hard to tell, look up the agency and read what people have to say

>> No.5398069

I had a roomate in LA that got scammed by a "scout". He would get to photo shoots but would be told at the last min he had to pay the makeup lady or this or that.
They extracted over a grand from his dumb ass.

>> No.5398126

how does low carb=unhealthy?

>> No.5398139


I work in the industry, it's possible that it is real but very likely that it is a scam.

>> No.5398160

glycogen is stored in muscles as well, and fat can be stored in the liver

glycogen has to be stored in muscles for an energy source

>> No.5398249

Broccoli spears, wrapped in a slice of deli ham, with grated parm, baked. Sweet potato or yam, baked, broiled or boiled, brushed with olive oil, or A LITTLE butter and sprinkled with cinnamon. No sweets/carbs--- No sugar jello topped with some aerosol whipped cream. still < 40 cals. Grapes, the kind with seeds,strawberries. At different times and stages in life, weigh ins and military I've done different "diets" ranged from pretty bad to harmful. None worked. I think op's pic is representative, straight or gay, the guy looks miserable. eat a bit of everything, in moderation, higher fiber (pushing 60 and can't remember "metamucil" 20 years ago?). Remember, you didn't gain it in 2 weeks and ain't gonna lose in in two months. Maybe a specialized market you speak of, but the majority of my clothes come from k-mart, wally world, sears and belks or stores at a local mall.. don't sweat it.