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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 612x612, 26e72242baf911e19dc71231380fe523_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5388250 No.5388250 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ make for their kids?

>> No.5388260

If you are a breeder please do not bring your children into fine dining establishments of any kind.
Family dining or fast food only please.

>> No.5388266

I have a theory that James Holmes only conducted a shoot out because there were dozens of 4 year olds at a late night movie premiere.

>> No.5388277

nothing because I don't have children because I enjoy spending my time and money on things that don't require my full attention at all times

>> No.5388288



>having kids
>going on sites like /ck/

as a species, this is why we're fucked

>> No.5388327

>If you are a breeder please do not bring your children into fine dining establishments of any kind.
> breeder
Back to your containment board faggot >>>/lgbt/

>> No.5388333

>I couldn't control my raging hormones and now I have a screaming little monster I'll inflict on everyone, please give me special treatment!

Fun fact: only lower class people believe that birth control, eating vegetables, and having basic respect for other diners makes you gay.

>> No.5388340 [DELETED] 
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>Fun fact: only lower class people believe that birth control, eating vegetables, and having basic respect for other diners makes you gay.
Nope its your use of the term breeder which outed you on.

>> No.5388346


I'm not the one who used the term, but it pretty well applies to you. I suppose it's like "nigger" vs "black people". I don't agree with people who use the former, but sometimes I sympathize.

>> No.5388348

Don't have a kid, but I don't see a connection there.

>> No.5388351

>I suppose it's like "nigger" vs "black people". I don't agree with people who use the former, but sometimes I sympathize.
So you have never lived around a ghetto and believe that the plight of the black man is the white mans fault?

>> No.5388356

Just another term co-opted long ago.
Try to keep up even though your wretched live is over because you could not be bothered to don a condom.

>> No.5388359


No, where did you get all that? I happen to live about a 10 minute walk from a terrible housing project, not that it has anything to do with your inability to understand the instructions on the birth control.

>> No.5388365
File: 967 KB, 245x180, Thats a good one.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot wait until homosexuals are eliminated from the gene pool.

>> No.5388383

There is no connection. 20-something pseudo-intellectuals have a thing for spouting nonsense regarding children and the future of humanity in general.

>> No.5388388


You had an accident and you expect everyone else to treat it as a little miracle. It's anything but nonsense. You're disgusting.

Among decent people, family planning is actually taken for granted. Not so much with your kind.

>> No.5388395

OP thinks everyone is either a homo or a human larvae dispenser.

>> No.5388402
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How bootyblasted are you?

>> No.5388403

>you're not allowed to have children
>unprotected sex between two eternal bound lovers being referred to as an "accident"

I don't even have a girlfriend and where is your logic? A stork didn't put you on this earth. You weren't grown in a test tube. What kind of avant-garde trolling is this?

>> No.5388409

It's just a mad homosexual.

>> No.5388414

>being a breeder

>> No.5388416
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>two eternal bound lovers

Oh god my sides!

Sorry to upset you mister Flanders.

>> No.5388418
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Because not choosing to procreate at the optimal point in your life means "you're not allowed to have children"

>> No.5388429
File: 45 KB, 300x300, momsrecipehahashenevercookedagoshdarnthingactually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I'd make for my kids.

oatmeal for breakfast, with fruit
fish oil and vitamin
fried chicken for lunch
pita circles with pizza toppings at some point in life.
I want to delight in a happy growing little 4chan cup hopeful

>> No.5388433

i'd knock you up

>> No.5388435
File: 396 KB, 896x722, child support.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tend to you ugly children and leave 4chan, you fuck up.

If you have kids and are still coming here, you are a fucking retard with fucked priorities.

>> No.5388437

Why are the names blocked out? Is there an unedited version? These people should be publicly shamed.

>> No.5388439


Me first. You can have her later, after we split up and she realizes the one child will be lonely.

>> No.5388440

Fuck off, I called her first.
Claiming trip

>> No.5388442

Don't worry, married couples will be waiting for your permission before they decide to expand their family.

Also, how did you jump to the conclusions that any person bringing their child to a restaurant wasn't ready for children? And what does it take to achieve such an overwhelmingly adamant god complex?

>> No.5388445

Let's make trip babies.

>> No.5388446


No I totally said something sexually suggestive to her last year and she wasn't entirely hostile to my advances, therefore she's MINE

RoseBot you remember me right? We were discussing fitness in some fashion. Let's go make babbies together.

>> No.5388447

Rosebot I am a very attractive older man and would jump at the chance to taste your ... culinary delights.
I would fly to your city on a whim....
Just let me know

>> No.5388452


I'm more special.

>> No.5388462
File: 953 KB, 400x282, crazytaea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone around me is spawning and this is very arousing.

How about a fertili-tea party?
I'd serve tea with Viagra and let everyone have a speech on why theirs should be the first sperm to have a go.

>> No.5388465

Unlike those others, I don't need viagra.

>> No.5388468

I'm hard right now.

>> No.5388470


This guy is way too desperate as you can see, you and I have a great relationship already and I think my physique speaks for itself, there is no need for me to beg. Call me when you need satisfaction, I'll be here for you.

>> No.5388471

What is your age limit my lovely?

>> No.5388474

I'm not desperate, but having RoseBot would be sweet as fug. Getting tired of banging qt3.14 9/10s.
Get out of here, old tripless man.

>> No.5388475

I'm black and tall. I win.

>> No.5388477

Isn't lumen a girls name?

>> No.5388479

We shall have her at the same time, and may the best sperm win.

>> No.5388480

Deal. Just heads up, I might do you instead.

>> No.5388485

I'll be prepared for that.

>> No.5388489

Good lil' faggot.
Shall we return to the original topic? If you were my kid, I'd give you those lunchables, because why cook for my kids when I can cook for myself?

>> No.5388493
File: 39 KB, 388x388, so delicious coconut milk turtle trails scooped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmmm, what a concept!
nips currently about tree fiddy
I think all of us have wanted way more than we should for things, I understand the urgency
I like that kind language even though you've never seen me. I want to make love when I'm old too so I guess I don't have one. I would love a babby.

>> No.5388494

The original topic is "do not bring your slobberlings to a restaurant".

>> No.5388501

Do you have a wide on?

>> No.5388511

Incoming snail trail

>> No.5388520

I don't think so?
just 4 u

>> No.5388521

Oh god, this thread is killing me in a good way. The depravity, I'm no longer pissed I woke up at 8 on a Sunday. Girls are funny. I had two of them behind me AND the cashier asking to come over or for me to cook and come over because I had actual ingredients and produce in my basket. Don't ever let anyone tell you cooking is for faggots, it will get you laid.

>> No.5388527
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What does that have to do with anything in this thread?

>> No.5388570

I think anon is just feeling sexy.

>> No.5388667

Sexy in response to a picture of a kid.

>> No.5388693

children are for selfish assholes who want to make more selfish assholes.

>> No.5388707

The irony.

>> No.5388720

You can irony all day long asshole just keep your shitnosed kids the fuck out of fine dining.