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5385378 No.5385378 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realize there are people on earth that drink decaf coffee

>> No.5385381
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some people like coffee but have an adverse reaction to caffeine.

>> No.5385386


Except caffeine is naturally present in coffee so removing it changes the taste.

>> No.5385391
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so go blog about it, nerd.

>> No.5385394

Some people like coffee-like flavors

Some like a warm one before bed

>> No.5385397

I just started a new job at an upscale coffee shop/bakery and I had to suppress laughter every time a middle aged woman paid three dollars for a styrafoam cup of decaf.

>> No.5385399

And you people do realise that most people really don't drink coffee or think that it's the best thing of waking up.

If the best thing of waking up is folgers in your cup you should kill yourselves and leave the rest of us alone. Please. I don't drink coffee and I don't care about it or you creeps that appear to depend on it.

>> No.5385400

why the fuck would you drink that? It's like drinking alcohol free beer or wine

>> No.5385405

>getting this angry at at least a third of the world
have a cup of coffee, friend, you'll feel better

>> No.5385418

I don't get your crap, OP. Some people can't drink it or too much of it. My sister had an arrhythmia, and if they messed up at a restaurant, she would have an adverse reaction.

I have no issue buying decaf coffee for the nightcap, or the third or fourth cup that day. I love coffee, but I don't need to caffeinate so much all day and night. At some point, I get a bit of a blood pressure change or a tinge of a headache or tension in my jaw.

>> No.5385426

No I really wont. coffee makes me want to go to sleep, it's boring. And that stupid starbucks smells makes me want to vomit. I used to have to walk by twice a day wnen going and coming from work. Seeing the morons standing in line outside of it plus the stench of the smell was enough to make me want to heave from time to time.

That's serious, I don't need the bullshit.

>> No.5385431


do you have a learning disability of some sort?

>> No.5385435

I enjoy coffee, but yeah sometimes the smell can be overwhelming.

>> No.5385447

Protips to OP:

1. You couldn't tell the difference between a decaf and non decaf blindfolded.

2. A good decaf is always better than a bad regular coffee

3. One does as one pleases, stop making threads just to point out that some people like some things you don't

>> No.5385453

Caffeine doesn't affect me. It does nothing to wake me up, give me energy, or keep me awake at night. I only started drinking about a month ago, a cup a day, so it can't be that I've become conditioned to it already.

>> No.5385478

It's these self centered threads that make me believe that there's no hope for the future of mankind.
OP, many people enjoy the flavor of coffee, but not everyone likes the effects of caffeine. I personally enjoy a cup after dinner, but if I don't drink decaf, I won't sleep at all during the night. There's many reasons why people might prefer decaf. Stop being such a narcissist.

>> No.5385487

I can drink it if I have to, an Irish coffee one or twice every few years is just fine, but it does nothing for me. I'm certainly not going stand in line outside of a fucking starbucks like a NYC import that needs to stand in line to be seen. The smell really does give me an upset stomach, then I have to deal with the fucking nasty subway smells, especially in the summer.

This is just one of the reasons why I find is so much nicer here in upstate NY. I've never seen a starbucks or a coffee place up here and I hope never to.

>> No.5385488

No you do. I don't care about either. What's there to learn?

Please educate me if you're capable.

>> No.5385492


Not that guy, but starbucks is the mcdonalds of coffee. I know exactly what you mean by "that starbucks smell". It's a combination of scorched milk and overroasted beans, along with nasty flavored syrups. Even people with low standards don't go there. It's morons to the last customer.

>> No.5385498

I thought McDonalds was the McDonalds of coffee

>> No.5385508

Only with chicken mcnuggets

>> No.5385513

I know, the really annyong thing is seeing these self absorbed starbucks chicks who think that they do something for a real company standing nearby balancing their starbucks coffee and their phone. Once I see that, it's time to move because in general the bitch is gonna spill it and don't want to be the target of that spill.

It's bad enough riding the nyc subway in the first place but dealing with thoughtless cunts, and it's always females, ALWAYS, just makes me want to move away from their thoughtless cuntholes.

>> No.5385547

there aren't it's a myth

>> No.5385549

>I hate people who balance their coffee on their phone
>initiate perma-virginity sour grapes rant
surprise, surprise

>> No.5385552

mcdonalds coffee is actually really great for what it is
huge amount of caffeine and cheap as shit
they don't fuck around, that shit really gets you going and that's all its meant to do

>> No.5385556

Out of curiosity, how old are you?

>> No.5385558


>> No.5386774

you must be new here - ever been to a local coffee shop that's NOT a Starbucks... try that

>> No.5386804

how's Biggby? are they just the Wendy's of coffee?

>> No.5386858

I wouldnt know... i have like a dozen local shops

>> No.5387135
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>drinking shit coffee
>not just taking a caffeine pill