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5368842 No.5368842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have any American anons tried Canadian beer before? What's your opinion on it?

>> No.5368848

Americlaps usually die from the extreme alcohol content of 5% or so.

>> No.5368850

Yes, that's why we have a massive IPA culture

>> No.5368854

Unibroue is pretty good, haven't tried anything else that is good from there, but not to many canadian breweries sell down here

>> No.5368855

How does /ck/ manage to complain that americans don't like beer with much alcohol while also complaining about how american breweries are too obsessed with high ABV

>> No.5368859

I once bought 5 cases of Moosehead because my liquor store had them on a ridiculous sale, like 9 bucks for 12 bottles.

Drank one, and they immediately became my giveaway drink at barbecues at my house. I was not impressed.

>> No.5368876
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Had this last night. It is pretty fucky. Never thought I'd use the term 'cedar bomb' to describe a beer.

>> No.5368878

Maybe it was way past date or something.

Moosehead is a decent lager, nothing no write home about but pretty good served cool on a warm day.

>> No.5368891

I love Labatt.

>> No.5368893

Do you want the bad news or the bad news?

>> No.5368896

Weird, I am drinking moosehead for the first time in years. Its ok.

>> No.5368905

Oh no he is going to say I have shit taste. D:

Sorry for enjoying something you don't.

>> No.5368907

It's swill. No better than American macros.

>> No.5368908

wretched stuff op
>mfw i realized i said in front of my grandpa, who's from toronto, that canadian beer is trash

>> No.5368913


>implying I'm drinking rochefort 10 with 3 bottles of dark lord in the cellar

get out of here europleb

>> No.5368917


not drinking*, fug

>> No.5368920

>Americlaps usually die from the extreme alcohol content of 5% or so.
DO you live in the mid 1980s?

>> No.5369023
File: 1013 KB, 1656x2884, OGH-S10-GGG_SteamWhistle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steamwhistle is the bomb diggity

>> No.5369998

I have a completely warped sense of humor. At college parties whenever drinking a canadian beer I would rub my finger on my asshole. Extended said finger by the top of the beer & ask people if this beer smelled like ass. No one questioned this when the beer was canadian. Just "yeah that does smell like ass".

>> No.5370017


Ausfag, had Les Trois Mousquetaires and Unibroue before, both were very impressive.

>> No.5371108
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>> No.5371117

Kokanee is my beer of choice. But im Canadian so you guys dont care. Its the best as far as our domestics go. Hells gate is a good local brew (BC)

>> No.5371138


moosehead is the best cheap beer, its so cheap and so nice, and im typically a snob.

having said that i think i got an old case once too and it fucking sucked but i bought a case this week and its great, just dont wanna drink all my nice beer at once nice to have these lying around

>> No.5371162

Hells Gate is absolutely disgusting apple vomit piss.

The next worst is cariboo which I'm drinking right now

And finally pacific pilsner is Satans asshole brew. Literal piss. BC beers that aren't craft are usually shit and expensive.

>> No.5371166

I'm an Amerifag, I like moleson but that's the only canadian beer I've ever tried

>> No.5371249


>> No.5371259

I'm drinkin me some Labatt Blue right now, going to Toronto for the first time on Wednesday. Friggin rights.

>> No.5371271


It goes off fast. It should be illegal to put beer in green bottles.


I dunno, Labatt 50 is good. Nothing too impressive, but maybe the most flavorful macro ale in Canada. Better than ex anyway. It's the only macro I've ever tasted that I can actually detect the hops in it


Everything from the Pacific Western Brewery is garbage water. Especially TNT. Okanagan Spring is probably the best big BC brewery. Their pale ale is nice on hot days.

>> No.5371281
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>mfw I live in the same where the Okanagan Spring Brewery is.

>> No.5371284


>> No.5371301



I'm sorry to hear that

>> No.5371321

It could be worse. I could live in Surrey with all the crack addicts and hindu gangs.

>> No.5371367
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Of course I've tried it, I'm Canadian. The only good beer in Canada comes from independent breweries like Mill Street. Everything else tastes like water.

Labatt is Belgian.

>> No.5371374

>labatt is belgian

Really gonna need some confirmation for this, the burden's on you

>> No.5371384
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>> No.5372020


So every other beer IN THE WORLD is Belgian by this logic.

>> No.5372143


I used to love Molson Ice. It was the best but I can't find it here anymore.

>> No.5372198

Hey man im in Kamloops!

>> No.5372221

It's worse than the shittiest beer you can find in America.

>> No.5372259

Not if it's made by independent local brewers. You shouldn't be drinking tasteless beer made by a multinational corporation.

>> No.5372293


see, the thing is, many of them are wholly or partly owned by multinationals. Like how Sapporo owns Unibroue, Sleeman, Okanagan Spring and others, or how Molson-Coors owns Creemore Springs.

Just go for taste. Don't be a hipster. Shit, if you like a boring yellow adjunct lager, that's okay. I'd rather people go and support independent businesses, but I won't turn down a free cold beer when I need one on a 40 degree day, unless it was made by the Pacific Western Brewery. Shit breaks records for how bad it is. I hope to god they don't export it. It will ruin what little reputation Canadian beer already has.

I just brew my own, and drink whatever the fuck I want, and sometimes if I thirsty enough, it won be a craft or micro brew, but a cheap, generic lager

>> No.5372303

Popular Canadian macrobrews are as shitty as popular American macrobrews.

I'm Canadian and would never drink Labatt or Molson. There are plenty of good beers around, you don't have to drink that stuff (unless your sole reason for drinking is getting drunk).

>> No.5372308

I've never had a Canadian beer here in America that didn't taste like complete and utter shite

>> No.5372406

some are good, some great, and some for shyite (sorry irish leaking out and believe you me, just 'cause stamped erin, lot's of their beers leave plenty to be desired.) Same with Mexican. In op's pic..labatts is nice, molson not bad,moosehead in the pale bottle acceptable, never tried far feft or right, and would soon as drink pisswater keystone or tecata as third from left moosehead. HERESY
! we all have different tastes.I dislike tecate or corona, bit apparently many do. who am I to say. I dislike heinekin, but like harps. All different, yet the same. I get gout sometimesw, and some brands give it to me, some don't. your body changes over time. I like red stripe (jamaqcain) but most friends hate it. though I used to like miller and plank road, more than a glass or two (same with coors or rolling rock), I can hardly walk the next day. no condemnation. they did not change. I did.

>> No.5372475

Question for other Canadian anons: Can you guys get Granville Island Brewery stuff outside of BC? I like their stuff, but I'm not even sure people outside of BC have ever tried it.

Okanagan Spring makes a decent 1516.
I'm a big fan of Steamwork's pilsner.
There's a decent selection of micros I haven't gotten around to trying in the area.

>> No.5372510

St. Ambrose from Montreal is GOAT

>> No.5372673


I've seen it over here in Quebec at some places, mostly grocery stores. OK spring too. Their pale ale was my go to-beer before I moved here. I might go buy some for nostalgia's sake

>> No.5372678

Molsons is alright

>> No.5372679


werd. Their pale ale and stout are probably the two best canadian beers there are. Quebec is full of good beer. But those two are special in that they are kind of unique in style for Quebec beers. Most of quebecs beers tend towards being belgian, and if they try to make english style stuff they rarely hit the mark. But those two are really well balanced for quebec beers

>> No.5372715
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moosehead is ok I guess, I live a few blocks from steam whistle's brewery and would never drink water from lake ontario, I would say fuck ontario beer until I found this stuff

>> No.5372740
File: 10 KB, 202x202, Etq_Blonde_d_Achouffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to cheapness and hipsterish demands, most bars in Quebec now serves Pabst on tap and bottles (deal with Sleemans I think.) I used to order big Labatt 50 in generics bars but now that they got cheap beers like that I mostly drink at microbreweries. Sorry just rambling.

Anyway Blonde d'Achouffe is pretty good

>> No.5372861


We're lucky here in Sherbrooke. We don't have hipsters. It's glorious. And you can still find all of those "vieux bonhomme" style beers like 50, Tremblay and Ex on tap. Alongside st ambroise and all that.

I think 50 is the best macro in Canada hands down.

>> No.5372940
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>We're lucky here in Sherbrooke. We don't have hipsters. It's glorious.

No it's not. Sherbrooke is full of hipsters. Like its the full-blown fad for kids 15 to 30 yo. Nothing so glorious in here. Are you a troll?

>tfw I was talking about dive bars in Sherbrooke in my >>5372740 post

>> No.5372954


Sherbrooke quebec, in the Eastern Townships, not the street in MTL

>> No.5372962

yup, I was talking about Sherbrooke city.
Are you ever been downtown? Kids in skinnies with thick-rimmed glasses. pastels shirts and longboards are mainly of hipterish decent.

>> No.5372963

I'm in Australia and found a case of St. Ambrose Oatmeal Stout and it was awesome.

>> No.5372967


Wow, I must be out at different times than you. I see a lot of young college kids, but none of those art school faggots who think they can get away with heroin that have invaded montreal. But I stay away from Wellington on the weekend and thursdays as a rule.

And hippies. Lots of hippies.

>> No.5372979 [DELETED] 

Not much heroin in Sherbrooke. Users are on morphine / oxy / coke / any pills they can get (Reference: a social street worker I know). But for the hippies you are right, Sherbrooke is a big crusty hippies bastion.

Anyway to stay in-topics, one in Sherbrooke should go to the Siboire or at least at the Boquebiere to try some of the local brews. Lion's pub in Lennoxville is a good place too

Trip d'automne (7% belgian beer) is one good beer at the Siboire

>> No.5372987

Always been a fan of Keiths. Canadian is basically water to me, not that it's a bad thing I suppose.

>> No.5373004


Judging by all the obvious welfare cases, I'm sure prescription farming is pretty popular here.

yeah man, I'm hooked on the brown from the Lion. I pick up a growler from Au Vent Du Nord, like as often as I can without my hippie girlfriend getting upset with my drinking. I haven't been to the siboire for two years (just moved back not long ago). Boquebiere do some good stuff... come to think of it, the atmosphere there is kind of... hipsterish.

>> No.5373265

For some reason the only good beer seems to come from Quebec. Diel du Ciel, Unibroue, etc.etc.

>> No.5373272

labatt blue is bretty good, and I like their commercials

>> No.5373275


Some of the best is from quebec for sure, but BC has some good micros too. They just rarely make it out of the province

>> No.5373289

I moved to Quebec a few years ago and there is definitely a lot of good microbrews here.

>> No.5373730

Molson XXX oil cans are one of my favorite hobo piss beers, that edgy XXX black can and high ABV is just perfect for relaxing on a riverbank catching garbage fish. Also, shout out to Labatt's for becoming the Bud Light of WNY. If Labatt's could bring back the OG recipe for the lime beer that used to be sold in the summer cases, and bump the alcohol past 5% Id be happy as hell.

>> No.5375156

Too many people want to drink beer that doesn't taste like beer. Keith's isn't much better than Canadian.

>> No.5375661

just got home today to the US from my first trip to toronto. i enjoyed alexander keiths, tankhouse, and the steamwhistle brewery was very enjoyable too. and yea they seem to be big on IPA's which is just fine with me.

>> No.5375669

oh, and double trouble hops and robbers, that was def my favorite. had that at a place called loose moose.

>> No.5375699


Ontariofag here, I haven't been drinking much Canadian beer, mostly DAB and homebrew as of late, but Mill St., Steamwhistle, Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Railway City, and Wellington have been great breweries that I've always liked, The last Canadian beer I had was made by Flying monkeys, it was a chocolate stout or something like that. I haven't liked much of their stuff before but this was really good IMO.

With that said, if you want no nonsense good beer with nearly universal appeal, Steamwhistle will never let anybody in Ontario down - I don't know where you can get the stuff elsewhere though.

>> No.5375702

>The last Canadian beer I had was made by Flying monkeys, it was a chocolate stout or something like that
Was it The Chocolate Manifesto? The one that comes in the yellow box?

Muskoka Mad Tom IPA is nice, just finished one.

>> No.5375707

>Was it The Chocolate Manifesto? The one that comes in the yellow box?

That was it exactly. I wouldn't drink it all the time, but it was a nice change from the hop-bombs I've been getting tired of.

>> No.5375752


In the inland northwest and even kinda seattle, Kokanee is as ubiquitous as Bud Light

Actually more, since places with minimal taps, like 4 or less, will often carry kokanee in lieu of domestic lights.

Never had anything else in that picture

>> No.5375824

Yeah, I've only had Steamwhistle while visiting Toronto. I don't think they really ship it outside of a small local area since it doesn't keep that well for whatever reason (maybe because they put it in green bottles??).

Aside from light exposure, I don't really understand what the negative effects of time on beer are, since all my home-brewed beers end up way better with a few months of aging. But whatever it is, it's not friendly to Steamwhistle.

>> No.5376373

Had Flying Monkey's imperial maple wheat. Interesting, lots of maple syrup. Not sure if I liked it or not.

>> No.5376478

sup Shane Doan, do you know kippers? she does it for free ;)

>> No.5377566

Ive had alot of unibroue before, really like their La Fin du monde when im in a dubbel mood.

Given their background though I wonder why you canucks dont try to marry the scottish wee heavy with a quebecois style saison.

>> No.5377573

I really like it. I bought half a dozen bottles and have had 4 so far. It is a nice change from my normal beer (Mad Tom IPA) and is truly a chocolate stout with a chocolate taste. Definitely something I wouldn't drink all the time though.

The beer in Quebec is quite nice. Some good breweries include Les Brasseurs du Temps and Les Trois Mousquetaires. Lots of good Belgian-style beers here.

>> No.5377576

>Tried Canadian beer
Probably. Couldn't recall any specifically however, so that might answer your question about what I think of them.

>> No.5377580

Tfw I just don;t like beer.

I've tried so fucking hard bros. Literally everything from Keystone Light to Dark Stouts/Lagers that are $5 a bottle.

Pls god. I also hate onions.

>Tfw you dont deserve to live on this planet

>> No.5377632
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I know that steamwhistle is available pretty far from Toronto - I'm not particularly close to toronto and I can get it pretty easily, I'm just not sure about it being available outside of the province due to shitty liquor laws. To be honest though, the green bottles really don't help - I don't get it at bars unless it's on tap for that very reason, it's usually skunked by the time it gets to you. Other than that though, I toured the brewery and they do seem to try really hard to keep their product quality as good as possible, or at least they're not dumb enough to say that they don't care about it. Either way, I've always really liked the beer.


I'm honestly not too fond of flying monkey's in general, I think they're trying to be innovative too much, instead of trying to make a great beer - they seem to always go for an extreme flavour rather than a balanced one, they seem to be doing fine though, so more power to them.

Yeah, it was a great beer, but I've been tending to drink lighter bodied/flavoured beers lately, I dunno, I guess I'm just tired of the "super heavy double chocolate oatmeal and pumpkin spice bourbon barrel aged black IPA saison with brett" stuff that's been going around. This stuff is trendy in the states, so now it seems to be catching on here, and at first I loved most of it, but now I just want a beer sometimes. That said, if it weren't a 10-hour drive to make it to la belle province, I'd drive out there in a heartbeat for a beer run.

>> No.5378153

You need to try sour beer, different lager styles, wheat beers, belgians, saisons, amber ales, pale ales and barleywines. If you hate all of these you truly hate beer.

>> No.5378236

Did you visit the Bier Markt?

>> No.5378276

that shit is so fucking over priced, stepped foot inside there once, never going back there again

>> No.5379125

Well, you have to understand, it's named after the manner of obtaining the "beer".

>> No.5379832

Has anyone dried King Dark Lager?

>> No.5379835

Not with any success. I probably need a better dehydrator.

>> No.5379909

I have had Labatt Blue and Moosehead. Labatt was gross, the Moosehead was good. I'd buy it again.