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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5373126 No.5373126 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the pickiest eaters and/or food critics?


All entries must have a significant number of followers. No entry of a lone crazy guy who only eats his own poop freeze-dried from yesterday.

>> No.5373128


>> No.5373131

>lone crazy guy who only eats his own poop freeze-dried from yesterday
If you did that long enough, would you eventually achieve the pure essence of a turd? Rather than just a shitty version of the last thing you ate?

>> No.5373133

Going to say Vegans. I can respect vegetarians, but taking it a step further and not even drinking milk or eating cheese because you feel bad for the cows? Jesus Christ, they're just cows.

People from every country are picky about eating the food of other countries, but I see that as more of a culture thing than a food thing.

>> No.5373136
File: 131 KB, 800x1054, ComeAtMeBro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd die and a corpse decomposes like poo...


>> No.5373139

Well theoretically if you survived the process.

>> No.5373142

Picky eaters? Anorexics/OCDs. Seriously. If they're going to eat it HAS to, and I mean HAS to, be their way or they will panic. So they're excessively picky about what they're going to eat.

Food critics? Vegans. But I can understand why. And there is a very good reason for it.

>> No.5373146



>> No.5373147

Autists (legit) and vegans are tied for worst.

>> No.5373148

> a very good reason for it.

A hippy bullshit reason for it.

Being OCD wouldn't necessarily mean their rules and hang-ups are food-related.

>> No.5373151
File: 53 KB, 387x258, cowudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're just cows

You know you're doing a thing called speciesism.

>> No.5373152


vegans. raw vegans for sure

>> No.5373155

Here we go.

>> No.5373157
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>> No.5373161

>hippy bullshit reason

What? Wanting every inhabitant of this Earth to live well, without torture even worse than what would happen to the Jews during the holocaust? Wanting to reduce the CO2 emissions given off by factory farms?

Well, if you're talking about picky eaters and you list someone OCD it sort of implies the hangups are food related.

>> No.5373162

Cow rights are serious. They should be able to vote.

>> No.5373172

Cows rights are serious. They should be able to live without their children being taken away, killed for selfish, temporary enjoyment, without being artificially inseminated, without living with only enough room to breathe (filthy, feces-ridden air).

If you're currently eating mass-produced animal products, I think you're the one who needs to check your privilege.

>> No.5373180

>killed for selfish, temporary enjoyment
Cows should live in better conditions, sure. They're still going to get eaten though. We're all a part of the food chain, vilifying a meat eater for eating meat won't get you anywhere.

>> No.5373185
File: 924 KB, 1410x1800, Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without torture even worse than what would happen to the Jews during the holocaust?

Reported for anti-semitism. Nothing's worse than the deaths of the six trillion.

>> No.5373188

Let me ask: what if we didn't eat meat? What would happen?

>> No.5373192

Nothing. Except we do eat meat. Don't shame people for being their natural, animal selves. Like I said, it'll just get people to dismiss you.

>> No.5373194

>USDA slaughter stats 2008

Cattle: 35,507,500
Pigs: 116,558,900
Chickens: 9,075,261,000
Layer hens: 69,683,000
Broiler chickens: 9,005,578,000
Turkeys: 271,245,000

>> No.5373197



>> No.5373201

What the hell is your point?
Yeah, we know.

>> No.5373202

This is much more than six trillion animals being killed.

I'm going to shame the action of doing something completely selfish and unneeded at the expense of a life.

>> No.5373204

who the hell cares they're animals you retard

>> No.5373207


That this is much more than 9 trillion.

six trillion people*

>> No.5373208

>the expense of a life
K. Whatever. That has more to do with vegetarianism than veganism though. They're still just cows.

>> No.5373212

6 trillion*

sorry for the typos, I'm getting flustered.

>> No.5373215

It happens. I'm just frustrated that I said "veganism is weird, it's not like the animal is being killed" and you're posting animal kill statistics.

>> No.5373219

The dairy industry does even more harm to the cows, so it is about veganism.

>They're still just cows
Okay then, I'll kill your cat. It's just a cat. I'll kill your dog. It's just a dog. I'll kill every mentally handicapped person who had the intelligence of a rock because they're below me.

>> No.5373220
File: 62 KB, 254x255, bargaining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get so hot and bothered. You must not have many shekels with such horrible accounting. 6 trillion isn't he figure you have to match.

6 Quadrillion jews died in the holocaust.

>> No.5373223

I'm replying to the person who said "nothing worse than the death of six trillion." I'm showing him there are many, many more animals killed than people during the holocaust.

>> No.5373224

You're the only one bringing killing into this. Are cows being murdered for my milk? What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.5373232
File: 322 KB, 742x664, Witness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it. You think humans are better than cows. A master species. Just like Hitler, you're trying to kill all the cows.

>> No.5373235

8/10 for getting me to go this long. You really had me there, but calling me Hitler was a bit much.

>> No.5373253

That other guy wasn't me. But cows are artificially inseminated against their will (pretty much rape, but the cow doesn't know it's rape, they just feel pain because it does hurt), have their children taken away from them, have their udders pumped full of hormones which makes it is really painful. Their udders get so big sometimes to point where they can't even walk

And after all of this they're sent off to be killed for beef.

>> No.5373262

Of course we're not. If we did that, then there would be no more cows to eat.

>> No.5373633

vegans fo sho
anorexics second

>> No.5373640
File: 46 KB, 355x400, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans are better than cows
Even the most retarded, inbred cow knows not to knock its head against an electric fence.

A human will keep doing so, over and over, repeatedly, while complaining loudly that someone should do something about this fence in the way, and that this is making their head hurt and how the maker of the fence should be sued for it hurting them.

>> No.5373647
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>> No.5373733


Trying to figure out if this is the same twat crapping up every thread. It would have to be literally someone that spends as much time as I do on 4chan.

This person has dedicated so much of their time on an internet website trying to force-feed their dogma down strangers' throats.

It's sad. I'm bed-ridden from a bad illness; on medication that doesn't allow me to sleep.

What's your excuse for being on here as much as you are?

Maybe the reason you're alone all the time poking around on 4chan, /ck/ of all places, shoving your dogma down peoples' throats is because you're "that person"? Get over yourself and stop trying to force everyone to 'be like you'; it's not even working for you.

>> No.5373737


>> No.5373748


I hope you're out there stopping all those pesky animals from killing each other too. Hope you can rationalize with that cat in time before it kills that mouse. Or the lion as it's chasing the gazelle.

It's a god damned shame you can't see how utterly stupid you are. But hey, it really is amusing to watch you go on.

>> No.5373749

I'm not sure. I don't post that often about veganism because usually I just blow vegan threads off as people lacking the empathy to understand my positions. It's probably a collective of vegans... I'm not sure.

But even if it was me, you act like I'm dedicated a huge chunk of my life to converting a board on 4chan to veganism. Sorry, you have it wrong, That's not what I'm trying to do in this particular situation, and any other posts I make on veganism. What I'm trying to do is educate people; an imageboard is one of the places where I can do that.

I'm not self-absorbed (how does trying to do something for the animals make me self-absorbed?) nor am I forcing everyone to "be like me." I'm trying to get people to reevaluate their dietary choices in hopes of having them see what it is they're doing.

I'm trying to do good here, but I'm sorry you're not able to see that.

(This next part applies to you if you consume mass-produced animal products)
The reason passionate vegans annoy you or upset you is because you don't want to change, even if what you're contributing to is literally toxic to this Earth and is torturous, much worse than what the Jews would have been subjected to, as I've said. You don't want to change. You. Don't. Want. To. Change.
Stop trying to make me feel shitty when you're doing the shittiest thing here.

>> No.5373754


source: i'm a vegan

>> No.5373760


Killing innocent, sentient being is wrong. Period. Killing an innocent... cat, dog, mentally handicapped person, able-bodied person, monkey, raccoon... all wrong. I'm sorry you think of it as dogma, especially considering it isn't coming from an authority. I'm not superior to you. Maybe the particular choices I'm talking about are, but I'm not better than you for it.

>> No.5373764


>> No.5373953

What about kangaroos? Are kangaroo rights unimportant to you, you hemispherist-continentalist?

>> No.5373962

Have you guys ever actually talked to a farner? Because you know what happens if the cow is treated badly? Milk production goes. The calf is kept with other calves and fed mother's milk because guess what? They'll be the milk cows one day!

Don't you fucking dare to imply farmers mistreat their animals as a general rulem

>> No.5375861


>> No.5375909

>Killing an innocent
So what you're saying is, you feel yourself qualified to judge who lives and who dies. After all, using that adjective "innocent" implies the existence of the opposite category, and if you're going to be slinging categories like those around then obviously you've got some scheme in mind for determining who falls into which. You're actually on a par with Hitler, which should come as no surprise, seeing as he was a vegetarian too.

>> No.5375927

You wouldn't. It takes more than an ordinary kitchen freezer to kill E. coli, and getting that shit (so to speak) in your upper GI can easily make you dead. Reinoculating yourself over and over like that, you'd be sure to croak sooner or later, most likely sooner and very unpleasantly.

>> No.5375932

Maw, go in and fetch me my shotgun from down off the wall. Some damn fool just went and said "speciesism" again.

>> No.5375938
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>I think you're the one who needs to check your privilege.
pic very related

Eighteen billion chickens? Eighteen billion chickens! That's close to three per human living on this planet today!

You know, it's at times like this that I am truly proud to be part of a species which has refined predation to such an incredible apotheosis of efficiency.

>> No.5375943

Suburban Middle America.

Try and find something less bland than a Chili's or a generic brown-syrup Chinese restaurant in your typical middle American suburb. Only there do I consistently meet people who will refuse to eat entire food groups.

>> No.5375944

Ingrid Newkirk pls go

>> No.5376374

hands down

>> No.5376435

You're no fun.

>> No.5376806

People with aspergers.

Source: I'm an autist

>> No.5376824

>this thread
>nobody mentions children

>> No.5376986

I'm not allowed near them, so I don't know a whole lot about them.

>> No.5377018

How concerning.