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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5366592 No.5366592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat mama June's cooking, /ck/?


>> No.5366603


>> No.5366628

That looks so good

>> No.5366635

What you don't like butter? Chicken? Rice? Ok pleb.

>> No.5366632
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 5454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5366639

Yeah, and then let's drown it in half a bottle of cheap bbq sauce.

>> No.5366647

You don't like BBQ sauce? Ok fag.

>> No.5366648

You wanna go, motherfucker.

>> No.5366698

holly shit
if there is any butter left just rip your hert off and let it absorb it over night

>> No.5366737
File: 23 KB, 362x372, 1314124706256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter keeps the chicken moist
Nooo noooooo

>> No.5366741

>Butter in the south is a big staple item
Is this true?

>> No.5366750

Let's go you rice hating bitch.

>> No.5366761
File: 10 KB, 161x161, 1391102054631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bags of rice? What the fuck?

It's too hard to scoop it out of a sack into hot water for ~20-40 minutes?

This makes no goddamn sense whatsoever.

>> No.5366770

are you that poor that you can't afford easier-to-cook rice instead of bulk bags? lmao

>> No.5366774

>i'm completely unaware and ignorant of sous vide

>> No.5366787

that shit is convenient as fuck but I don't buy it like that because it's more expensive nor do I fag it up with a rice cooker

all I need is a pot, basmati rice, water and a little salt

>> No.5366789

does the bitch know any recipies that have no butter in them?

are these people really this disgusting in real life or is it exaggerated for "entertainment value"

>> No.5366790

look at the sidebar, retard. the porkchop casserole has no butter in it.

>> No.5366791

Maybe she has a few Paula Deen cookbooks.

>> No.5366797


you don't have to be mean just because I didn't watch all of them :(

>> No.5366798

you don't have to be so quick to judge people that don't act exactly like you do, prick.

>> No.5366802

I think the only prick here is you, fat ass.

>> No.5366808


>> No.5366872

she keeps talking about butter, but she uses margarine.

>> No.5366901

Nothing will ever be worse than the fucking abomination of sketti. I came dangerously close to vomiting when I saw that shit.

>> No.5366912

She actually had some talk show host try it while she was on the show and you could tell the host was trying not to gag while pretending to like it.


>> No.5366916

it looks edible besides the 3 cups of margarine

>> No.5368509

>plastic fork

hope all those bitches get diabetes.

>> No.5368541
File: 105 KB, 239x209, 1391945848632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bbq chicken
>just baked chicken with (cold) barbeque sauce on it

Is this what people think barbeque means?

>> No.5368600
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What...is this fresh hell?
That is the most ungodly disgusting thing I've seen in a long time. For the love of fuck, someone needs to teach that woman how to cook real food. That's...not even...I don't....no words....

>> No.5368624


you guys should all watch this...

>> No.5368628

It really is a wonder how she got so fat on food that is absolutely devoid of any kind of appeal.

>> No.5368639

jesus fucking christ... she's an animal...

>> No.5368640

OH LAWDY! That's good. She tries it around 8:20 and you can see she has to psych herself up for it, then at 8:45 you can see she brings a napkin up to her mouth and the camera quickly pans away. She totally spit it out!

>> No.5368650


>> No.5368653

A demon in the guise of a human being.

>> No.5368654

Dear god, that's disgusting. The chicken must be so terrible over cooked. The rice looks unimaginable, she doesn't even wash the starch out. That's just incredibly disgusting.

>> No.5368663


top lel

>> No.5368667

Holy SHIT:


>> No.5368675

worth watching just for the sounds he is capable of producing.

>> No.5368692
File: 110 KB, 400x345, 1380268839624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show starts with animated MJ with butter love apron
>Proclaims butter love repeatedly
>I literally can't believe it's not butter she's using.

>> No.5369620

>using her hands to scoop butter on the chicken
>uses a spoon to scoop butter on the rice

Such inconsistency!

>> No.5369624

The worst part is June actually seems like a really nice lady, she's just...yeah. I don't need to say anything.

>> No.5369631

You think that's bad:


>> No.5369713

Here's what happened when they tried something different...
