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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 304 KB, 256x790, Imperial-Stout-Bottle-256x790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5359203 No.5359203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite combination of water, malts, hops and yeast? I don't give a shit about your e-wang-waving superiority complex or craft vs crap argument. What do you like? and What should others try?

>> No.5359212
File: 126 KB, 683x1024, Anchor_Porter_Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i must admit i don't go very far beyond what's available at my local grocery though

>> No.5359223

Not into the whole my dick is bigger than your dick long beard thing real ale fans have going on, but they have a point. Real ale is the best. Haven't really got a favourite though. English stuff id up there with the Belgians. Americans are getting there no debate on them improving a a great deal, but they need to get over the hops and the lol special flavours. You're making beer not flavoured water. Also guilty of the lol we're number 1 1 thing, rating your own beer top. You're close to actually being top. Focus on that rather than being nationalist cunts. So very close to actually being there.

>> No.5359234


Yeti. Anchor Porter. Lagunitas Sucks. Saison-Brett. Sam Smith Imperial Stout. Stone RIS. Rochefort. Maredsous. Victory at Sea. Weihensteph (any). Matilda. SN Southern Hemisphere. Trois Pistoles. Sofie. Guinness Foreign Extra.

Just off the top of my head. I could narrow it down by style

>> No.5359252

Anyone who has a favourite beer hasn't drunk enough beer! God knows. Currently into my Porters, anyone got suggestions for me?

>> No.5359253
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I was so upset when they didn't make Brown Shugga that year, but Sucks was an acceptable apology.

>> No.5359262

Founders porter and stone smoked porters are my store purchases right now, trade for some crazy good stuff

>> No.5359263
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definite best for me is Trooper. tried it at a festival last year and then went hard on it. its so fucking good, yet I cant find it anywhere

>> No.5359267
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This and Sam Smith oatmeal stout and imperial stout.

>> No.5359274

straub only

>> No.5359275

central waters bourbon barrel stout
southern tier chokolat
whole hog pumpkin
new glarus dancing man wheat, serendipity
great lakes edmund fitzgerald

ive had good beers from elsewhere eg lagunitas eg founders but im a little parochial

>> No.5359277


Yes it was. Lagunitas is one of my go-to's for something good no matter the style.

I'll also add a few of my local favorites. Almost anything from Jester King and Live Oak

>> No.5359281

It's nice enough, but pretty generic. You need to try more ale. Was on tap in my local in Norwich for a while.

>> No.5359285


Victory at Sea (Ballast Point) is one of my absolute favorite of any style. Anchor porter is very solid and easy to find and reasonably priced (as are Sierra Nevada porter and Deschutes Black Butte).

>> No.5359287

recommendations then? I usually drink spitfire and guiness when down the pub.

>> No.5359297

I have a thing for Miller High Life.

Judge me.

>> No.5359299

That Founders imperial is so damn good.
I really like Great Lakes Eliot Ness, but anything by that brewery is usually great.
Surly Furious is a good IPA, and I'm not an IPA person.
Fulton War and Peace is a great imperial coffee stout, and their new Patience barleywine was delicious
Oskar blues Old Chub is a great scotch ale. Idk. It's hard to pick favorites for me.

>> No.5359302

I'm terrible at remembering names sorry. Really should take a notepad to the pub. It's a Greene King owned pub so has the usual shit, but also guest ales week to week. Abbot Ale is my usual, it's a Greene King but not half bad and at 5.% does the job. Like to try the guests most of the time though. Dome of the summery stuff is especially good. Not into gimmick beers but had a lovely cesty orange one the other day.

>> No.5359311
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Not my favorite beer but what I've been drinking lately. I've had better stouts, but they were at least twice the price. Also had worse stouts for twice the price. For $5 the quality on this one is a good surprise.

>> No.5359460

Slightly off topic, but didn't want to start a whole new thread for this.

What's the best beer I could get from an average WI gas station? I don't drink much, so preferably something on the less bitter side.

>> No.5359482

some shitty wheat beer (blue moon, shock top, leininkugels). hoegaarden if you're lucky

or just get 30 'stones, mang

>> No.5359493


A regular gas station? Nothing hardly. Blue moon is something you might like. Sometimes they have guinness. I like both of those better than bud miller coors.

>> No.5359510

>What's the best beer I could get from an average WI gas station
Probably New Glarus Moon Man

Pretty much all gas station at least have the 4 most common New Glarus 6 packs, most have at least a few other good options but not sure if I could name any other that you will find everywhere

>> No.5359524

Why you are limiting yourself to gas stations?

>> No.5359528


heady topper
terrapin recreationale
southern teir live
maine brewing zoe
nj beer company scottish ale (local)
clown shoes double ipa
stone enjoy buy (from 2 years ago current batch sucks)
founders all day ipa (from before 15 packs it tastes worse now somehow)
six point resin
ballast point sculpin
bear republic racer 5
great divide rumble

just to name a few, i have loads of friends who work at liquor stores and i used to buy a different six pack every night

>> No.5359532

guinness, at least the extra stout, can seems very bitter to someone not used to beer like >>5359460

>> No.5359537


guinness tastes like a watered down pointless stout.

guinness is to stout what rolling rock is to pale ale

sorry to burst your bubbles but its a shitty beer, which is not to say your not entitled to enjoy it

just sayin

>> No.5359560

To me, Guinness is the Corona of stouts.

Nice when you want a refreshing and watery beer, but by no means is it indicative of other stouts.

>> No.5359579


yea i agree with that. also one of the only stouts you can drink a bunch of


just popped this fucking 6$ bastard it is incredible, ive had better it doesnt quite live up to the hype but if it was a reasonable price and was brewed often i would definitely buy it all the time

>> No.5359589

did you misquote? my post had nothing to do with the guinness's quality, or lack there of, just that someone new to beer may find guinness extra stout too bitter or overtly distasteful, like i did years ago when i first tried it.

and rolling rock has never ever tried to pass itself off as a ale, let alone a pale ale

>> No.5359604


yea but it says extra pale on the bottle/cans. that was what i meant

i get your saying its a good startr beer but i kinda disagree. much better stouts similarly priced, light, and way better. also i just hate guiness so i never miss chance to rag on it

id go with a milk stout for a non beer drinker

moo hoo by farmhouse
nitro by left hand
mothers milk by keegon

>> No.5359605

Guinness is a shitty tasting beer. I have no idea how it is popular beyond being the lowest common denominator of dark beers.

>> No.5359608

I see this around, and it seems to get pretty fucking good reviews (92/100 on beeradvocate). I think I'll try it.

My local liquor store is not only sketchy as FUCK, but tiny. I doubt the selection would be any better.

>> No.5359609

most very popular beers in any country are shitty

>> No.5359616
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trappist beers are awesome...trappistes rochefort is great

>> No.5359619

Sorry to burst your bubble but your whole family hates you.

>> No.5359620

Definitely should try Moon Man, any New Glarus beer is a good buy. I assume you live near inner city Milwaukee since you mention it being sketchy as shit, most will probably also have some Lakefront beers, most of which are pretty solid

>> No.5359640

admit it, guiness is shit, there are way better stouts out there, just look around and be amazed by all the better beer

>> No.5359641


no shit, thats what happens you rape your sister IDIOT

>> No.5359653

No FUCKING SHIT there's better stouts out there. But at a gas station it's pretty high tier. He was asking for good beers you could buy at a gas station. In an atempt to sound like a beer snob you came out looking like a FOOL

>> No.5359662

>all these retards shitting up what was a civil beer thread, kid

>> No.5359664

To be fair, he said a Wisconsin gas station, so it is pretty likely to at least have some good beers

>> No.5359718

Actually in WI almost all gas stations carry New Glarus. So Guinness can suck it.

>> No.5359719
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>> No.5359723

guiness is never high tier, ever, even at a gas station.

you can homebrew better beer for less money and be way more satisfied.

looks like i made you mad. cute. sit down and have a guiness hon, you need it.

>> No.5359748
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>> No.5359771
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>> No.5360001

not my favorite beer; but holy god...its delicious for a light dessert.

>> No.5360005
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and holy shit I forgot the picture.

>> No.5360041
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I like lambics better than all beers and styles to, but I like to list them separately since it's technically a beer but it doesn't taste anything like beer. My fav normal beer is either arrogant bastard or pic related

>> No.5360070

it's almost more of a wine really. Arrogant Bastard id the bee's knees too, every try 10 Barrel sinister?

>> No.5360264
File: 37 KB, 180x360, 506905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God's nectar

>> No.5360489

God's vanilla vomit water.

>> No.5360496

>clear glass
Wouldn't buy.

>> No.5360605

India Pale Ale.

American hops - all them C's (centennial, cascade, citra, chinook) and Amarillo.

>> No.5360619

all glass is clear
that class is colourless

also franziskaner weissbier is the shizz

>> No.5360643

Are ales popular because that's the cool, manly thing to drink nowadays? What about a nice German pils, like a Krombacher? Or an Erdinger Weisbier? Why does there seem to be such a stigma against a nice, refreshing beer that you can drink all day in the hot sun, but that doesn't taste like pisswater like the American rice beers?

>> No.5360676

Weihenstaphaner is probably one of my top two hefe-weizen that is exported to the US. The other being benediktiner. If you haven't had them, if give them both a try. Pour into a glass, any glass really, over drinking from a bottle. The aroma is part of the flavor.

>> No.5360724




ales are popular because their more bitter and better. like black coffee

>> No.5360727
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>> No.5360730

Smooth red wine pls, beer doesn't give me that warmth in my belly

>> No.5360732
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I don't drink much in the way of beer and related drinks, but when I do, it is invariably to accompany a meal.

My favorite is Dos Equis. It is excellent with both Mexican food and things like hamburgers and fries.

With German food, I prefer Carlsberg Elephant.

And sometimes, for a change, Guiness.

>> No.5360738

That's odd to me, because I exclusively drink black coffee, and I love unsweetened tea, but a lot of ale feels way too heavy after you've already had a couple, in comparison to the crisp taste of a lager. I appreciate deep, complex flavors as much as anyone here, but that's what I'm looking for in a scotch, not in a beer. To me, drink-ability is almost as important as flavor. It's finding that right combination of good taste and accessibility that results in a night of getting rickety-rekt while also enjoying what you're putting down your gullet.

>> No.5360745


terrapin recreationale is for you

>> No.5360750


That's perfectly reasonable. I love the strong hop profile many ales have but it's not for everyone. I wish the american craft breweries would get off their current obsession with making ales with so much bitterness it's hard to drink. As someone who lives in Texas, a good portion of the year I want some good saison/wheat/lager/etc and not strong hoppy stuff.

>> No.5360770

I'll give it a try.

>> No.5360774


Also, many people, like myself, drink beer like others drink scotch. A strong bitter ale or stout is something I will open and drink over 30min or so. That's why even for those that love these styles you won't see them at a pool party or bbq.

>> No.5360788


this so much this.


also the reason that brewers are making more ipa's is because that is what is in demand, microbrewers distributing the way they are is a very new thing and most people want that so they HAVE to make it. i just recently went to a brewery where the brewmaster was pissed that he had to start making an ipa (which was amazing btw i got 2 growlers) just because everyones been asking for one

>> No.5360799
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Shit-tier lambic, Lindemans adds sugar and bullshit to theirs. Find some legit sours. Pic very related.

>> No.5360801

I've always avoided that beer because I was told it is sweetened with aspartame. Deeeesgusting.

>> No.5360806


Yes it seems cyclical. A few brewers put out some phenomenal DIPAs. Fans love it and proclaim their love of the style. Brewers try their own hand at them but with subtle variations. Fans love some of these for the familiar but unique profile. Other breweries try to capitalize and the cycle continues.

>> No.5360807


What I would do to get my hands on some Cantillon.

>> No.5360887
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I don't think they've ever bottled the stuff (besides growlers), but Altamont Brewery's Scarcity triple IPA is the best beer I think I've ever had.

>> No.5360910

I tend to have favourite styles by season, more than any one beer as an all time favourite:

A well-brewed English bitter in the warmer months, A nice Czech Pilsner or golden APA or cream ale in the hot months, Browns in the fall and a good, heavy stout in the winter.

>> No.5360915


>implying some of the best Belgian beers don't use sugar in their recipes

gb2 germany

>> No.5360924

I tend to be the same way. Heavier beers in the cooler months and sharp/fruity and light beers when it's warm out.

>> No.5360964
File: 101 KB, 475x433, Zrv7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely LOVE I&G, but am extremely pissed i can only get the regular and rum version here in the states. I wanna try the Toasted Oak IPA and the limited Smoking Gunn so bad.

>> No.5360967
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>Inb4 i tried it because i saw that video with Michael Jackson reccomending it on youtube.

>> No.5360983

Michael Jackson endorsed Anchor? Weird. I tried it because I heard good things. Wasn't disappointed

>> No.5361010
File: 5 KB, 284x177, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not musical Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson the British master of everything that is beer.

See here


>> No.5361021

I love beer, but I've never cared less about anything in my life than this guy.

>> No.5361156


>tfw they're like 20€ per bottle
>tfw poorfag

>> No.5361166


People say the Irish one bought in Ireland is better. It's maybe a little, but it's still a wack-ass stout.

>> No.5361189
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The Polish town I moved to has a local brewery that produces some palatable beers, if a little too sweet for prolonged drinking. Trying three new Zywiec beers tonight. The Bock's going down quite well.
I mostly just drink Sam Smith's when I'm back in the UK though. Nut Brown ale of Tim Taylor's Landlord are my drink of choice.

>> No.5361545

Where are you from, anon? Don't drink that shit. Pale lagers suck.

Żywiec has a pretty nice Baltic Porter (it might be different than anything you know as BP though), Komes Porter is worth recommending (gold medal on Euro Beer Star, bronze on 2014's World Beer Cup)
Polish bock beers aren't really stylish, I didn't enjoy them too much.

Try Polish craft beers! Pinta, AleBrowar, Pracownia Piwa. They're pretty awesome.

>> No.5361963

Lol. I love Maiden and I was seriously considering buying a case of it, but it's way too expensive with shipping.

As for me, my favorite is either Bear Republic's Racer 5 IPA or Stone's IPA. At least those are the two I find myself going back to the most.

I'm currently drinking Firestone Walker's Double IPA, and it's delicious but really pricey. Their standard IPA is really good, too.

>> No.5361971


He also says good things about PBR

>> No.5362138

Exactly proof its horse shit,

>> No.5362144
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This, a 1000x times this.

>> No.5362147

Everybody's always posting this. I've never tried it.

What's so good about it?

>> No.5362174
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Pours super dark black, with a nice head. Really rich, roasted malt base with mostly dark chocolate, little dark fruit, and a little coffee flavor balanced out with some aggressive hops (but not too much). Gets better as it warms, and it's 9% ABV. The oak-aged is even better.

>> No.5362190
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Same anon here, I also enjoy this.

>> No.5362193
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And, also this.

>> No.5362256
File: 40 KB, 800x600, founders-backwoods-bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see both of these at the local liquor store. Celebrator is legendary dopplebock, but i've yet to try the old rasputin. Kinda got turned off with my first russian imperial which happened to be the Founders one OP posted.

This (pic related) though is bangin shit. Goes great with Brisket or any BBQ in general

>> No.5362262


Founders makes some good stuff. I really like their Breakfast Stout, and Backwoods Bastard is also top-tier. You should definitely try Old Rasputin if you get a chance.

>> No.5362286
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Celebrator's good, but I prefer Paulaner's Salvator. You can't really go wrong either way though.

>> No.5362482

Ever try Chimay's lambic? It's good. the sourdough-ness also makes savory food more savory. It's like a meat-enhancer...a meathancer

>> No.5362517
File: 248 KB, 625x617, NewTwoHeartedLabel2012[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two Hearted is the beer I buy the most. I'll either but some of that or some Three Floyds Zombie Dust tomorrow. I hate the Floyds and their employees but I love their beer.


Rochefort 10 is better than Westvleteren XII.

>> No.5362529

I'm new to beer, what are some good entry level beers? I've tasted generic ones like heineken and guinness and hated both.

>> No.5362547


Where do you live? When dealing with craft breweries distribution should be taken into consideration. Freshness is also much more of an issue with quality beer than something like the two you mentioned.

>> No.5362556

I live in new york. long island to be specific.

>> No.5362568


Brooklyn Brewery would be a good place to start then, their Lager is very good and would be an excellent beer to start with. Try their Black Chocolate Stout if you want something that kicks Guinness's ass.

Southern Tier is also a very good introduction brewery. Just about anything you can pick up off the shelf is acceptable.

Ommegang, the brewery making the Game of Thrones beers, makes some great Belgian style beers, try the Abbey Ale or Three Philosophers for something darker with a heavier malt bill or Witte is you want something a little lighter with a sharper grain and yeast flavor.

Sixpoint makes some fantastic beer, and they can them, so you can take them with you to more places and they hold their flavor for slightly longer. With them you should start with Bengali Tiger, The Crisp or Diesel.

If you want your beer to taste as fresh as possible be sure to purchase it within three months of its bottling/canning date. Different breweries use different methods of dating their products so use this site reference: http://freshbeeronly.com/

>> No.5362610

Never tried Westvleteren, but Rochefort 10 is great indeed. Not even that pricey out here, considering I live close to Belgium.

>> No.5362630


Westvletern XII is considered by many to be the best bee on the planet so people pay insane amounts of money just to get a single bottle of the stuff. It's damn tasty stuff, don't get me wrong, but for $8, available at local liquor stores and overall a better beer, I prefer Rochefort. As a matter of fact, it's been a while since I've had a Belgian beer, I think I'll pick up the trio when I'm out tomorrow.

>> No.5362684

Anyone score KBS this year?
Apparently my local bottle shop got 4 bottles this year. Needless to say, by the time I showed up they were long gone.

>> No.5363115

Wait. Chimay do a lambic?

>> No.5363122

Texas fag reporting in, you have fantastic taste

>> No.5363247


No, I don't know what they're on about.

>> No.5363249


Got 8 bottles, had access to more but passed. It's good, not worth the insanity so many people go through to get it though.

>> No.5363260

I've been looking to try La Fin Du Monde by Unibroue, but can't find it in local stores. I tried their Terrible and that was quite good, I usually don't like dark beers.

For now my favorite is Trippel by New Belgium.

>> No.5363268
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.5363282
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This shit right here. Its ridiculously good for a macrobrew and has the macrobrew benefits - price, 2.37 euros.

Thats my go to beer, tho I prefer saisons, gueuze, gose and spontaneously fermented beers usually.

>> No.5363301
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I love this stuff.

>> No.5363410

I've been going through and trying all the Belgian series beers from Goose Island.
>In b4 In-Bev buyout company
I'm sitting on a few bottles of Matilda, Pere Jacques and Sofie. The bottle shop a few blocks from my house has some 750mml bottles of Lolita, so I'm hoping to pick those up with the next paycheck, but the 21.79 price point is a little steep for me.

I'm aging some KBS down in the cellar right now too, along with some DFH World Wide Stout. Anyone else on /ck/ experiment with cellar aging their beers?

>> No.5363497
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Yeah I have a cellar going. KBS is best fresh IMO, but the 2014 is seeming to lack barrel character so I'm cellaring the rest of mine. This was lunch today.

>> No.5363554
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Nigerians make better Guinness than the Irish

Hardly even the same drink

>> No.5363580

I was actually surprised by this stuff.
Nothing mindblowing for a stout but significantly better than standard Guinness.

>> No.5363581

I've got a couple 2013 Abyss in my cellar right now. Excited to see how they turn out over the next few winters

>> No.5363603

Anyone tried fosters radlers ?

They are delicious. However I also share the opinion that fosters is pisswater in a can, there is just the right amount of lemon and beer.

>> No.5363606

May as well be marketed as just lemonade imo. Decently refreshing though.

>> No.5363620

2012/2013 vintage were the best years if you ask me, all the hub bub surrounding KBS lead to me being kind of disappointed by this year's offering. It's not a bad beer by any standard, it's just not as mind blowing as some people lead you to believe.

>> No.5363667
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I always was a big fan of Czech lagers and always thought that German and Austrian Pilseners were inferior, but today, on a whim I bought this one and it made me reconsider my bias. It's a solid Pils

>> No.5363738

My nigga, I've been on the hunt for a good Czech Pils to drink over the summer!

>> No.5363949


Try Trois Pistoles too. La Fin is great so keep looking.

>> No.5363956


Everytime I mention how much I like guinness I have to add the caveat that its the foreign. I think it's better than a lot of popular stouts.

>> No.5363964


I like Lagunitas Czech Pilz. Maybe not a czech pils but Victory Prima Pils is my favorite that I can find around where I am (TX)

>> No.5363991

I'm totally into dark beer atm.
I need recommendations on dark wheat beers.
I'm through all the major ones in Germany and the best of those is imho Schneider Weisse "Unser Aventinus" Weizenbock Dunkel. Next one is Erdinger Dunkles Hefeweizen.

I now need any craft recommendations. I have a large craft beer import shop in my city who also order on demand so I basically have the craft world available.

>> No.5363997


Nice, will do. :)

>> No.5364050

For dunkels, the german ones are all superior to any american crafts that I have had. Generally though I would say this is true for all wheat brews. The only american one I can even think of at the moment is New Belgiums Lips of Faith series. I've heard the dunkel is good.

Have you tried schwarzbiers? They aren't wheats (I don't think) but they aren't stouts or porters either. I'm a fan of the style but they are also semi-hard to find where I am.

>> No.5364052

I like Guinness (I'm drinking one now) but it is definitely the "Corona of stouts". There are lots of better stouts around, but Guinness is nice and refreshing.

>> No.5364263


Hacker-Pschorr makes an excellent dunkelweizen

>> No.5364289


got 1 was pretty amazing but not really worth the hype or price, if it came in say 11$ 4 packs i might buy some more

>> No.5364290
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I love dopplebocks. Haven't had enough to say my favorite brand, but probably my favorite type.

Had this last week and very tasty.

>> No.5364330

I just turned 21
I have no experience with alcohol other than drinking pisswater like Busch light

Where to start? I want to like beer. I should probably begin with sweeter stuff?

>> No.5364347

Find somewhere local that has a huge selection, preferably some place that sells single bottles. Buy one of anything that looks interesting, try them, note what you liked, try similar things.

This is what I did when I started getting into beer, led me to a lot of good shit.

If you really want to try something sweet, look for stuff like Belgian style ales, they tend to taste kind of fruity.

>> No.5364351

go to the grocery store and start buying mixed 6 packs of random beers that look good of a variety of styles

>> No.5364411


The crap you've had before is a pilsner. There are some really good pilsners out there and you'll be amazed at how they are supposed to taste vs what you've had before.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is a good intro to craft. You can taste hops easily but without a lot of the bitterness of an IPA

Hefeweizens are another good style to try. Light and crisp. Very refreshing considering it's warming up. Oktoberfests are also fairly mild but good. Saisons are another style that are easy for beginners.

If you want darker, try Anchor Porter. It's a really solid porter and one of my favorites without being too pricy, hard to find or strong. Deschutes Black Butte Porter is another good one. Stouts can get really strong and might be too much for someone new but you never know. A milk stout would probably be the best way to ease into the style. Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout is easy to find and good.

There's a ton of styles. I only recently discovered sours and love them now. There are a ton of belgian styles, all delicious.

>> No.5364508


Don't' age KBS, the coffee flavor fades and it loses its balance.

World Wide Stout Ages Well.

I have some 06 bourbon County Stout and some Rare Bourbon County Stout I'm waiting for a special occasion to open.


Capital Autumnal Fire is a damn good Doppelbock, but it's out of season now. I don't imagine it would taste bad if you found some, though, since it is such a malty beer.


Try some regional stuff first, stuff from breweries in your state. Beers that you can get as fresh as possible. Where do you live?

>> No.5364517
File: 100 KB, 500x666, fullers-esb-glass-closeup-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuller's ESB
The Trooper is good too (not surprisingly it is the same style of ale as the Fuller's ESB)

>> No.5364541


Anchor's Steam Beer is awesome. When I am in San Francisco that is my go to brew.

>> No.5364580

sweet jesus brooklyn lager is so good

also spaten premium lager is good too

>> No.5364801

To be completely fair here. I think that their Founders Breakfast Stout ages fairly decently, I had one that was 3 y/o and it was really good. Still had a subtle coffee flavour too it.

>> No.5364835


That's one of my favourite English ales too. I'm not from the UK so it's not always fresh over here (Canada)

>> No.5364851

thank you
around minneapolis. i feel like there might be some good local stuff here

>> No.5364911

fuck you guys were right. It was Hanssens. Chimay is also really good but Hanssens kriek lambic was the beer I was thinking of.

>> No.5364929


You have access to Surly then. Surly makes some damn fine beer. You may want to start with something liker Hell or Bender, but Coffee Bender, Furious, and Cynic are all great too.

There's a brew pub in Minneapolis called Town Hall that makes some really fantastic beer too. You really can't go wrong with anything you try there. I'd say start with the Dortmunder, Pale Ale or Oatmeal Stout. Their IPA, Masala Mama, is fantastic.

>> No.5364940
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Picked up the last 4 of these I could find in my city. Any other Toronto/Ontario bros here who know of good shit that you can find here?

>> No.5364960


Look for can of Central City's Red Racer.

>> No.5365024

A different kind of question I guess: Anyone know anywhere online where I can find well priced drinkware?

>> No.5365030

I can only get the Dark Hefe near where I live. They have other brews but I really want to try their normal hefe. Great stuff.

>> No.5365226

>What's your favorite combination of water, malts, hops and yeast?
The one I am holding.

>> No.5365250

Ausfag here, am looking for some reccomendations, trying to widen my horizens with beer, i enjoy Wychwood Hobgoblin and stuff from Matilda Bay brewers, had a summer release James Squire which was awesome.
So any other reccomendations for tonight?

>> No.5365349
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Yes, I live in Germany so there is Schwarzbier all over the place. But there not many I really like. For dark beer besides hefe I prefer the British and Belgian types.
Already tried it. It's great aswell.
Try Inifinum. It's awesome.
pic related

>> No.5365435

Check out Dangerous Man, Indeed, and 612 brewing. They're all right next to each other in Mpls and all put out good stuff. Dangerous Man is my favorite out of the three.
There's also some Hammer one in Lino Lakes that's supposed to be pretty good I hear. Oh and Rock Bottom brews their own shit too which rules.

>> No.5365475
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This is my favorite. Duvel is great and widely available where i live.
A really good beer to sip. Not so much for fast drinking, but that fits me.

I've started drinking some radler ( mix of beer and lemon ) the last few weeks. Really a nice drink for drinking in parks or so. Only 2%, refreshing.

>> No.5365478
File: 73 KB, 333x500, london-porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like London Porter because I can have a bottle in like one and a half minutes if I want one; it's the best my local shop has to offer. I usually buy a bunch when I have mates over because they larger in my local shop is all italian and stinks like weed

tldr this

>> No.5365505

bought that one time. it was disappointing for the price. nothing special

>> No.5365509

I drink it not as something special - more like favorite non-special beer. Other people at a party will drink 3 normal beers, I'll have one duvel - then the price is quite right.
Still, imho, it sticks far, far above the other beers.
Rochefort is something I can get, too; I like duvel more. More drinkeability, if such a thing exists.

Can see your criticism somewhat, but I still like it.

>> No.5365518

It's one of the best Belgian Golden ales. Really fucking tasty.

>> No.5365524

BraufactuM Darkon is a pretty good german Schwarz imo

>> No.5365596
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Duval is basically the easiest to come by of its type. Absolutely nothing wrong with it but you really shouldn't pound it back lol

speaking of which I bought a lot of this when I went to Scotland on holiday, it was also in the local shop where I was staying. I wish that was the case here

>> No.5365657

I have, I also grabbed their summer sampler last year when it was available. A great IPA to be sure, also quite liked their white ale.

>> No.5365661

I can't seem to find it. Since Ontario is a communist country, we can only buy beer from government-run stores which all tend to have the same selection. It's lame and expensive but every so often something great pops up in limited quantities.

>> No.5365708

Favorite brewing company?

Mine is Left Hand Brewing or LaGunitas.

Left Hand's Milk Stout is amazing, my favorite beer hands down. LaGunitas' Maximus Ale and Undercover Ale are my favorite ales. Gotta stock up on Undercover since its a limited release.

>> No.5365709


Just wanna say that Nitro isn't nearly as good as the original.

>> No.5365716

I disagree.
My favorite brewing company is probably Great Lakes. They've been the most consistent in quality IMO

>> No.5365730

I have yet to meet anyone who thinks original is better than Nitro.

>> No.5366315
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>> No.5366380

Nitro is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the original. It's not even close.

>> No.5366426
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Great choices guys !

Mine is Rodenbach Grand Cru, maturated in oak casks. Taste slightly like good wine. True shit.

>> No.5366479

I got some hefeweizens for tonight. I've had all but 1 of them but I'm looking forward to trying them next to each other.

>> No.5366491
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recently tried this, and i have to say i never had such a flavourful beer in all my life, also drank with the glass shown in pic related, best 13€ i ever spent on booze
i'd recommend drinking it as part of a meal and not alone, if you don't like a strong taste of beer, that is

>> No.5366518

on a regular basis i drink bendiktiner

>> No.5366641
File: 496 KB, 2322x4128, EbxaSy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First hefeweizen of the evening

>> No.5366651

what's the advantage of that glass?

also, any good summer pilsner recommendations?

>> No.5366662


Victory Prima Pils. Lagunitas Little Czech pils. Sixpoint The Crisp

>> No.5366710
File: 1.03 MB, 1936x1936, Raging-Bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good? i saw it in my local grocery store and im interested..

>> No.5366716

I'm personally not a fan of the theirs. Average to me.

>> No.5366873

There are better Belgian IPAs out there, not to say that Raging Bitch is bad by any standard. Where are you from?

>> No.5366890

You should try Omer then.
Where I live, It's taking over Duvel big time.

>> No.5366893

Cheap shit. I'm fairly easy to please. Red stripes and Modelo are staples for my cheapo. Never stray to the Red, White, and Blue beer section at the end of the aisle (Americans know about this, I think lmao).

I'm up for any hipster beer too. Not fond of stout/darks because of the coffee notes, but like IPAs and wheat beers with heavy or spicey foods..

>> No.5366976

queens, new york

>> No.5368954




Chimay Red (aged 2 years)

Rochefort 10

Zombie Dust

Founder's all day IPA (being in wisconsin is gr8)

Old Rasputin, solid as fuck stout

Can't go wrong with Fat Tire on a warm day

Sierra Nevada Kellerweiss is a wonderful
hefeweizen that you can get anywhere

KBS, duh

Pliny the Younger, got lucky with some

Pliny the Elder, got a few bottles right now.

That's really all I can think of. I would've added Dark Lord, which is GREAT, but REALLY over rated so fuck it.

>> No.5369015

>what's the advantage of that glass?

marketing, i guess? i dunno, but it was a neat way of having beer

>> No.5369556

extra stout is fine.

>> No.5369795

Vanilla dark lord is far from overrated imo. Though I will admit that I traded too much shit for it.

>> No.5369805

White Rabbit's White Ale is fucking gorgeous.

Holgate's pilsner is also decent as a regular drop.
Kicking myself I never tried more of their varieties before I left Kangarooland.

>> No.5369813

You aged Chimay Red?

>> No.5370593


Dark Lord is overrated. Most of Three Floyds stuff is. I just had a fresh six pack of Alpha King the other day and it was a watery mess. That showed me that they're cutting down on ingredients. I'm familiar with the beer and it should not taste like it did 10 days ofter being bottled.

Nick Floyd is a complete cunt and I hope this expansion backfires on them and some worker is crippled and sues the brewery and puts them out of business. Then he can talk about how metal he is collecting unemployment.