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5360725 No.5360725 [Reply] [Original]

Started a modified juice fast today. Pretty excited about it. I'm not a fat fuck but could stand to lose a few lbs for summer. It seems easy enough so far.

Pic is juice of red cabbage, sweer potato, apple, pineapple, mango, peaches. I tried to mix some quinoa flour in but it all settled to the bottom.

>> No.5360733

If you juice beets your poops turn purple.

>> No.5360740

i met my gf after using a juicer and drinking my juice, it was a good talking point

had kiwi fruit, orange, apple and some other stuff in it

>> No.5360742

carrots, oranges and ginger. Awesome breakfast. Fresh carrot juice is way better than the bottled kind.

>> No.5360781

Tried carrot orange ginger last night. It was good but very bitter. Next time I'll peel the orange first.

>> No.5360840

Is juicing filling and used as a meal replacement or only supplementary to a small meal? Do you lose all the fiber and just eating the fruits and vegetables?


>> No.5360879

apple, carrot, spinach, arugula, squirt of lemon. Erry morning.

>> No.5360943

> sweer Potatoe
> french fries

>> No.5361009
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Not juice but something I have been doing recently is:
>Take 3 oranges and MANUALLY (dont be a pussy) grind the juice out of the fuckers
>This will yield one cup of orange juice
>Throw that and the pulp (again dont be a pussy) in a good blender
>Put one cup of frozen strawberries in blender
>Put frozen banana in blender
>3 ice cubes
>Blend the fuck out of it
>You now have a delicious frozen treat
You have to eat it with a spoon. I eat some of it right when I make it then put the rest in a container in the freezer and it makes for a great treat when you want something sweet.
Also add water while blending if it wont blend right.

>> No.5361044

You can juice just to supplement a small meal if you want. I'm doing it as a meal replacement. So far the juice has been quite filling. I'm on my second glass plus one cup of green tea matcha and two glasses of water.

You get soluble fiber which remains in the juice. Insoluble fiber is left out.

Do you cook your spinach first? I have read that raw spinach is bad.

Gonna try that, it sounds awesome.

>> No.5361056
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>I have read that raw spinach is bad.
Where did you read that from?

>> No.5361065

Came across it on a juice blog last night. That raw spinach has oxalic acid that interferes with iron and calcium absorption.

>> No.5361143

ive been whole juicing since i got a nutribullet a few weeks back.

it's a good maybe even great blender for the money. it's the definitely the best you can do without $300 for a blendtec (or more for a vitamix). main gripe with the nutribullet is the small cup size and the overflow problem that accompanies that. basically you need to blend in batches.

my go to recipe for a green smoothie is the following: an apple, a cup of strawberries, half a cup each of spanich and kale, and a scoop of whey protein unflavored. Good meal replacement. Fills the fuck out of me. The earthy greeness is counter balanced nicely with the sweet from the fruit.

>> No.5361351

chicken nugger

>> No.5362283

Nope completely raw. I do wash it thoroughly though. Been doing it every morning for almost 8 months so if there were any disastrous side effects I would almost certainly have run into them by now.

>> No.5362295

raw spinach makes me shit uncontrollably

>> No.5363275

I think I'll address the elephant in the room.

juicing as a diet strategy is retarded and promoted by people selling expensive food processors you don't need.

>b-b-buh liquid food fills you more
correct, but why won't you just make soup or stew like a normal person? Or simply drink more water with your meal?
>b-b-buh I like my juice
I don't see why not. fuck, I love me some OJ and strawberry juice to accompany my lunch. But if you just start to juice to completely replace your nutrition, you might just be gullible.

and dont even get me started on "detoxing" and 'anti-oxidants".

>> No.5363389
File: 84 KB, 640x480, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, good to know. Green smoothies are gonna be a lot easier now.

Liquid fills you as much as food but not for as long. I couldn't care less about buzzwords like detoxing and anti-oxidants. All anti-oxidants are not equal.

The body spends like 65% of it's energy on digesting. By juicing you release vitamins and minerals, leaving out fiber so the body is able to digest them faster, promoting autolysis.

It isn't meant to be a permanent meal replacer.

Anyway, the complete juice fast idea without preparation was a bit ambitious. Last night was miserable, even though I had some almonds. So I'm doing one meal a day now. That meal is lunch since some days I work two jobs.

>> No.5363481
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OP confirmed for retard

if you want to actually lose weight how about you grow up and realize that there is no such thing as a quick-fix

>> No.5363504
File: 45 KB, 240x230, crying_baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not chewing you food is a sickening thing.

In order form your food to be absorbed into the body saliva needs to break it down first. The fiber left behind is exactly what you actually desire to eat as it will keep you from getting hungry ... liquids run right through the body as fast as possible all these thing coming from juicing the lack of chewing, the lack of fiber, the usefulness for the body are all basically shit. The excuse used "convenience" is rather despicable just the same. All things said at least its not bacon and eggs is hardly a major difference. Did I mention fuck coffee too because fuck coffee.

>> No.5363510

>The body spends like 65% of it's energy on digesting
I smell bullshit

>> No.5363518
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well shit, I feel like being more helpful. OP seems like a good guy who is trying but is very misguided.

What do you typically eat? Is there anything that you could easily cut out (salad dressings, sauces, spreads, alcohol, soft drinks, etc)?

On a typical day what do you eat and drink?

>> No.5363520

Fasting is not any sort of quick fix. Its a chance for the body to get rid of excess retained waste think about it as cleaning out the tank once in a while.

>> No.5363530

>Its a chance for the body to get rid of excess retained waste think about it as cleaning out the tank once in a while.

wow please read my other post >>5363518
before I've got to insult you again

>> No.5363703

Dear lord you are retarded

Fruit juice is terrible for you, you're eating copious amounts of sugar with few nutrients

>> No.5363713
File: 1.95 MB, 640x402, sick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for mixing up fruit juice fasting and real fasting asshole

>> No.5364167

That's why you swish it.

I think I eat pretty good. An average day of food is veg hash with eggs, yoghurt, trail mix, and either beans, chicken, salmon, pork (steak is a rare treat) with rice and tons of veg.

I drink filtered water, coffee w/cream+sugar, or green tea matcha. Maybe two homebrews a week. No salad dressings, no spreads, breads, cheeses or pastas. And I walk my dog.

At the beginning of February I was helping out some dying relatives which required a lot of traveling. Hitting up take-out and fast food joints was the easiest at the time.