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File: 13 KB, 300x223, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5360327 No.5360327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

FUN FAX: banana color is not a reliable indicator of ripeness

some bananas start decomposing before the skin loses its green. so stating that bananas are ONLY ripe when they're straight yellow (or whatever) is silly

smell that shit instead

MORE FUN FAX: there's tons of banana cultivars. the one you find in the grocery store is called cavendish and is kind of a shitty banana that used to be considered fit only for cooking.

all those chiquita posters you've seen telling you nanners are ripe when lightly spotted? that information is accurate only for the old cultivar called Gros Michel that died out before you were born.

cavendish are (probably) ripe when the green is almost gone.

cavendish with spots are (probably) already rotting.

if you like the taste of spotted cavendish, more power to you, but don't call them "ripe". just be proud of the fact that you like rotting bananas.

use it as a conversation starter

>> No.5360346

thanks. make sure to mention that water is a chemical and lobster was poor people food

>> No.5360551

You can make your bananas last longer if you separate them and keep them a good distance apart from each other. The gasses the bananas release that induce ripening goes much slower when they aren't all together.

You can also use bananas to induce ripening in other fruits and vegetables. Got some strawberries that aren't ripe, for instance? Stick a banana in there and leave for a week or so.

>> No.5360572

What's your point? All fruits and vegetables in the process of ripening will EVENTUALLY become rotten so you could say all of them will eventually rot. That doesn't mean you're eating "rotting" fruits and vegetables.

>> No.5360589

>Gros Michel that died out before you were born
But that's wrong, you fucking idiot.
The Gros Michel survived in southeast Asia and is still common there, as well as Japan and China.

>> No.5360592

th-thanks for coming to /ck/ telling us factoids we had all heard countless of times.

>> No.5360595

We all went through 9th grade biology class, dude. We know about all that shit.

>> No.5360596


Bananas are yellow.

>> No.5360621

But sometimes they are green
They are just the right shape
To penetrate a teen

>> No.5360652

Once, I bit into a normal looking banana, and there was a penny sized hole in the middle filled with tiny pale white spiders. Stop eating bananas.

>> No.5360653


You didn't get rid of the spiders, did you? Banana spiders do a remarkable job of killing fruit flies and other such pests that surround fresh fruits.

>> No.5360659

They also do a remarkable job of growing to full size and killing people with their toxic venom.

>> No.5360709

I wait till they are completely yellow with large brown spots. I know the sweet taste is from them being slightly decomposed, butt fuck it. Hasn't made me sick yet and likely never will.

>> No.5360710

>tfw you find out that artificial banana taste doesn't taste like the real thing because the banana it was modeled after went (nearly) extinct long ago


>> No.5360714
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Pic related I leave them till they look like this or worse.

>> No.5360735

any fruit with a 1cm hole in it has been compromised

>> No.5360921

I eat them a little less brown than this. So it's actually rotting? Damn didn't think rotting bananas tasted so good.

>> No.5360928

That's my limit. Any more browness and they start to smell toxic.

>> No.5360962

I remember an espisode of The Mind of a Chef where Chang's head-of-making-sweet-food chef person explains they wait 'till their bananas are almost entirely a dark brown/black to use them for confections of any kind, as that is when they have the best taste.

Thing is, people are stupid and will buy a bright yellow, gigantic banana over an actual good fruit. It's just the same as tomatoes : homegrown Ox-Heart tomatoes look like arse compared to storebought, but although the later is watery, tasteless and disgusting, the former is flavourful, almost seedless and basically better in every way.

Looks before taste is a staple of supermarket fresh products.

>> No.5361412

I think there's something wrong with me in that regard. The rest of the house fucking hates me for keeping bananas that long and claim that sometimes the smell makes them gip if they walk past the fruit bowl when it's so late even I feel adventurous for eating them. But I've never thought the smell was bad, not good, just one of those neutral smells, like dirt or carpet must.

>> No.5361523
File: 13 KB, 421x201, platanos[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canary banana's are GOAT. Small, cubby, yellow, and sweet as fuck. Too bad the EU has banned them in most of Europe. I only get to eat them in Spain.

>> No.5361533

Yeah but customers prefer bananas that have a little bit of brown so that's how they are sold.

>> No.5361548

It probarly differs a lot. But that is NOT my experience, I can only find green bananas in my area. The second a banana gets a brown spot, that shit gets thrown out by the supermarket. I hate buying bananas, it's expensive, and they have to lay put for days before they are use full.

>> No.5361563


bananas are not ripe until they are black. You silly americans even remove half the banana before you eat it. Maybe if you let it ripen the outer part would not be so bitter to you.

>> No.5361567

There's a chart somewhere with the different stages of coloring of bananas. Supermarkets can order bananas in each stage if they want since all commercial bananas are picked green and gassed with ethylene to the desired color. I assume preference varies from town to town and store to store but they've done a lot of market research on what color bananas consumers prefer.

>> No.5361572

Some foods are very starty and stay starty, like a potato

Some foods are very sweet and stay sweet like a apple

Some foods are very sweet and turn starchy like a corn

some foods are very starchy and turn sweet like a banana

Turning brown is not rotting, it is simply starch transforming into sugar. Many foods are left out to ripen off of the vine. Like avocados and pears

>> No.5361573

Thats just bruising, they'll get the same effect by rubbing or poking it. What you want is brown spots, I wait until they're totally brown(the skin) though, so sweet and tasty.

>> No.5361602

Am I the only one that prefers green/ yellow bananas with absolutely no spots? Fuck that goopy sweet fruit if you want it go eat asian fruits

>> No.5361605
File: 30 KB, 434x394, 1387270792129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate all of you

>> No.5361624

Bananas are asian fruit

>> No.5361635

Except I still buy Gros Michel because I don't live in a shithole.

Please proceed to eat a dick.

>> No.5361654

>implying there is a difference between ripe and rotten

>> No.5363149
File: 209 KB, 1000x1333, musa-finger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lady finger banana so good

>> No.5363166

You know, I genuinely don't think I can eat bananas now

>> No.5363173

I won't eat anything that isn't at least 20% Green

>> No.5363177

TIL I prefer rotting bananas. I don't really like the texture of pure yellow bananas at all and the ones with green on are even worse.

>> No.5363179
File: 23 KB, 377x345, Obama wiping sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like bananas but I always wonder how many fruit fly larvae I'm unknowingly eating

>> No.5363186

fruit fly leaves maggot, the think people actually see and confuse them with is vinegar flys

>> No.5363197


Why the heck did they ban them?

>> No.5363205

shit to do with tariffs and trade

>> No.5363238
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, 20130120_015340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the poison insaide

>> No.5365215

ripening and rotting are two different things, have had plenty of fruits and vegetables rot before before making it to ripeness.

>> No.5365351


Not rotting, fermenting and becoming awesome.

>> No.5365362

artificial banana flavoring is based off the Gros Michel

>> No.5365365

Google red bananas
I bit into cherry guavas filled with maggots for a few days assuming I was just imagining they were maggots
They were maggots

>> No.5365367

people used to think red tomatoes were rotten

>> No.5365374

I remember eating fresh bananas in Indonesia or Thailand and they were small, almost orange and had seeds like coffee beans inside. They tasted amazing though.

>> No.5365517
File: 14 KB, 300x225, 1397739234154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat bananas when they actually turn yellow with brown spots
Fun FAX - When you poke em' they turn blacker on the inside of the poked area and it tastes/eats way fucking better.
I don't know why the fuck people even buy bananas that are still as green as a fucking newfag on 4chan
>Green = Shit
>Yellow = Good
>Yellow with many dark spots = Fucking amazing nigga yo'

>> No.5365519

Those were papayas bro

>> No.5365548

I was thinkin wtf but you cracked it. Haha

>small, almost orange and had seeds like coffee beans inside
>it's probably some weird Asian banana

>> No.5365556


Nope. Wild bananas do have hard seeds in them. The cultivated ones that we generally eat only have tiny 'vestigial' seeds inside.