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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5354381 No.5354381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Join in on an important social movement, /ck/

By not tipping food servers we can force business owners to pay them a decent fucking wage

>> No.5354385

Tons of waiters make way more than minimum wage from tips.

>> No.5354393

So they stop getting tips and they quit. The business hires the next desperate worker who will work for 7.25 an hour.

Rinse repeat.

>> No.5354396

I never tipped before anyways.

>> No.5354427

Enjoy your shitty nonspeak non knowledgeable wait staff and noticeably more expensive menu prices.

>> No.5354430

>caring about price at restaurants
what are you, poor? i bet the restaurants you go to even list the prices on the menus

>> No.5354437
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>non knowledgeable wait staff

>> No.5354438

minimum wage for servers =/= minimum wage for everyone else. its 2.25/hr where im from

>> No.5354451
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You're not starting a fucking movement, you're just being cheap..

>> No.5354458

Their employers are still obligated to pay them the difference if their tips don't bring them to equal or greater than minimum wage.

If they suck so hard that they don;t reach minimum wage or better off tips then they suck at life and will likely get fired.

>> No.5354459
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>tfw tipping threads will never be a bannable offense board-wide

>> No.5354463


> force the restaurants to charge more

top kek

>> No.5354469
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> tfw you can still report threads for shitposting and sometimes mods will delete them

Even if you get banned yourself for spurious reporting, at least you don't have to look at a bunch of shitposting threads.

>> No.5354470

its 8.25 where im from, same as the minimum wage for everyone else

>> No.5354479

You realize waitresses would fight YOU to stop minimum wage, right? They all make far more than minimum wage in tips even on bad nights.

>> No.5354498
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>mfw living in a civilized country that doesn't require the customer to pay most of a emplyees wage

>> No.5354518

Come on up to WA and make $9.32/hr PLUS tips.
People who start these think that the whole world lives in their tiny town.

>> No.5354542

>Join in on an important social movement, /ck/
>By not tipping food servers we can force business owners to pay them a decent fucking wage

I like how people use this to avoid looking like the cheap motherfuckers they are.

>> No.5354548

cost of living here is higher its all evens out. A lot of southern states are in the 2.50-3.00 range but rent, food & everything else is cheaper. It's expensive living in Washington

>> No.5354588

>just follow the status quo guys!!!

Big thinker.

>> No.5354609

Are you suggesting that rent, food, and everything else is more than 300% less in southern states?
That's quite a big difference.

>> No.5354611

when i was a host at a commercial chain (carrab(ass)) i asked my manager about no tipping. restaurants are going to just mark up the food prices to compensate for the servers wages.

>> No.5354615

yeah I don't need that excuse i'll tip as I please

>> No.5354631

And another thing...
Whenever minimum wage goes up (which is often) that just pulls the strings on my bosses coin purse. Less likely for cooks to get a raise when half of the staff is getting a raise.... So I have to change the menu prices... So the customers are feeling like they're getting gouged (running at 30% FC). It snowballs.

>> No.5354960

In Oz we tip little or none at all for regular dining. Only important gigs done well may earn the caterer a decent gratuity.

My dad paid a $2 tip for a $100 meal last week.

>> No.5354970


While there are fewer and fewer of them, I have seen a number of people who grew up during the Great Depression who couldn't bring themselves to tip more than about a quarter at a regular restaurant for their entire family and maybe a dollar at a really top notch restaurant.

>> No.5354979

But that was nearly 100 years ago. What percentage of the total ticket price was that?
I'm not a advocate or an opponent, just sayin'.
Maybe you were just sayin'.

>> No.5355011

In Australia we tip for good service generally, not to make up for the wages people are not getting.
It does make me think what came first in America, did the tipping thing happen because people we're getting paid enough, or did the tipping start because the diner could then pay how they felt the service was?

>> No.5355117

What the hell does "Waitress is dyel" mean? Please someone explain.

>> No.5355121
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Here is the story of Tipping in America:

>be post-war Murika
>soldiers come back with lotsamoney
>service industry boom
>tips for poon
>servers making more money than doctors
>doctors get mad
>server wage reduced to compensate
>competent happy servers replaced with baby boomer assmads
>thus begins the grabass nature of the waitstaff
>it continues to this day

The End

>> No.5355122

Really? Are you that fucking ignorant?
...I couldn't figure it out either.

>> No.5355125

Waitress is do you even lift? That's all I could find about "DYEL", and that still doesn't make ny sense.

>> No.5355129

Do you even lift tips?

>> No.5355141


>> No.5355163

yeah, it's 4:51AM

>> No.5355165

but I still don't know what "Waitress is dyel" means.

>> No.5355168

It means that the waitess is skinny with no muscletone.

>> No.5355181
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I was once visiting america and went to eat in a nice restaurant. Food was good and service wa軒 nice but when I leave they ask for tip. I didn't know what tip was so I just said "I already paid for my food sorry" and waiter got enraged

I've never heard people tipping elsewhere than in the U.S

>> No.5355182


customers pay 100 percent of all wages plus costs of the company in every country

>> No.5355184


this literally never happened.

>> No.5355188

No, but really...
What does it mean?

>> No.5355193

So you would say to her "Waitress is do you even lift"? That is not english, it's not even 'murrican.

>> No.5355206
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>> No.5355235

if you have to ask, you cant afford it.

>> No.5355278

This. I swear that 90% of most wait staff don't know this, and you can bet your ass that their management won' tell them it either.

>> No.5355308


Means the waitress is skinnyfat. if she lifted she'd have tone

>> No.5355315

No they don't.
They pay the company for goods and services, then the company pays the employees.

If you got money from your aunt for painting her shed, then spent that money on hardcore gay pornography, does it mean your aunt bought a gay porno?

>> No.5355318

but literally was correct in that instance.

Are you literally a retard or only figuratively?

>> No.5355319

seriously i don't know a single server that makes less than $12-15 an hour in tips

>> No.5355326

it means OP is a fucking retard. I hope he gets kicked or hit or whatever in his balls soon.

>using hash tags on a piece of fucking paper

>> No.5355341

It mostly only happens on overnight shifts at like diner style stuff.

>> No.5355436

Maybe you could take a pay cut.

>> No.5355451

However the requires the greedy cunts to declare their tips (and be taxed on them)

90% of the tip wait staff wont declare so they don't have to pay taxes

>> No.5355475
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not that huge of a difference but its still a huge gap. I lived down south for a period of time the price difference blew my mind.

>So I have to change the menu prices... So the customers are feeling like they're getting gouged (running at 30% FC). It snowballs.

I know that feel I have the same battle every year, Budges are a motherfucker every time your P&L's come out you end up sweating and try to figure out what belt your going to tighten next. Fuck the cost of food just rockets every year. Ground beef is going to go up so much this next year it makers me sick.

>> No.5355482

>90% of the tip wait staff wont declare so they don't have to pay taxes

most tips are left electronically mind telling me now they do not declare that?

>> No.5355485

electronic purchases aren't actually divided into categories, it's always just one big sum that the restaurant takes and then divides into cash
do you even know what a restaurant is

>> No.5355498

I would like to tip the cook not a half brain dish holder

>> No.5355507
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In France and other European countries, wait staff are considered professionals and are paid appropriately, tipping only done in extreme circumstances.

Here in U.S. I have to pay for my shit because they damn business doesn't want to pay. My family wanted to order Pizza Hut last night. Delivery fee and expectation for tip. What the fuck?

>pic somewhat related, i just wanted to highlight fees with arbitrary order

>> No.5355508

The people who run the restaurants have access to them and have to keep tight records or they get a visit from the IRS

>> No.5355510

>Not understanding cultural differences and then refusing to comply

It's like you're a retarded tourist or something.

>> No.5355511

not really, you'd be surprised how many people get away with how much shit

>> No.5355515

people always get away with shit but as of last tax season they have tightened down hard on tip reporting and the business owners are held at fault not the employee.

>> No.5355522

Non tippers get an anus rimes glass at minimum

>> No.5355524

well that's good.
i guess i'm supposed to feel some kind of outrage over this but my friend makes $140 a night under the table barbacking at a pub for 7 hours, and half of that is from tipz

>> No.5355528

Personal philosophies regarding gratuity are one thing but it's self-entitled assholes like you that are the reason why I'm glad I don't live in America

>> No.5355529

then he is getting cash and if its electronic its just a matter of time until the bar he works for get audited and either have to payback a shit ton of money or they close and assets are liquidated.

>> No.5355530

Yeah it's retarded, if that's what this guy meant.

>> No.5355534

or maybe the place has their shit together and you're being an extremely, extremely paranoid faggot that is afraid of the boogeyman
>the government
>doing anything

>> No.5355544

I just know the hoops Ive has to go through over the last 2 years. I've also seen a restaurant audited and shut down for the exact same shit.

>the government
>doing anything

yeah yeah they are slow and and a little retarded but they have a long memory and fucking around on your businesses taxes will eventually come back to haunt you.

>> No.5355551

There is no personal philosophy regarding tipping. In america it's how the system works. It is how the waiter gets paid. It is not a reward for going above and beyond.
I don't care how it works in your country.

>> No.5355565

Do you still think like this if the server is already making minimum wage otherwise?

For instance in California 8.00. Not a lot, but why should waiters get anymore than any other service staff. I've been a waiter, it's fucking easy.

>> No.5355585

First. No ex waiter ever says it's an easy job.
Second , waiting tables is well paid in america. Minimum wage has nothing to do with it.

>> No.5355589

>First. No ex waiter ever says it's an easy job.
You are correct sir these people usually worked a counter at a McJob and they think that's being a waiter

>> No.5355598

Gas is expensive. You don't want to pay, go get it yourself.

>> No.5355605

Even chef Gordon Brown believes in the sanctity of tipping

>> No.5355615

>Texas receipt

I guarantee that OP tipped with cash.
No way he had the balls to stiff the waitress and leave his name.
I call bullshit.

>> No.5355616

One time I made a restaurant thread that devolved into tipping and later got a warning.


>> No.5355662

this is the only reason why tipping is good. It keeps menu prices down.

and I get to reap the benefits 'cause I don't tip

>> No.5355669

You will reap an ass kicking if you try that in america

>> No.5355670

Menu prices wouldn't be any noticeably higher if we didn't have to tip.

>> No.5355681


Come back after you've taken an economics class.

>> No.5355697

You can't really be this stupid.

>> No.5355709
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>gordon brown

>> No.5355710

You're both fucking retarded. You're paying the same amount, if not more, by having to tip.

>> No.5355711

Here is a question, and it is a genuine "not trying to stir up shit" question. When did it become common to tip 20%? I was poor as fuck for about a decade, didn't eat at a restaurant once in that time. So I got a better job and to celebrate took myself out for a meal... and the debit machine under tip percentages listed 15/20/25%. My recollection is that the old standard was 10/12.5/15%. How does a tradition like that even change?

>> No.5355720

Honestly it has been more than ten years anon.
During the boom economy of the late 90s tipping really went nuts.
Back in the 80s, 10% was considered an old person tip.
Now 15% is considered that.

>> No.5355722
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he's right though, it will be a marginal increase, fuck the capitalists using fear to exploiting workers

>> No.5355728

which is unacceptable. they should make less

>> No.5355735

even if they did, people would probably be paying less in the long run. until then i'll stick to take out