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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5350264 No.5350264 [Reply] [Original]


Whether you love or hate organic food.... it's coming to the mainstream America.

It's no longer a taboo way to eat - it's becoming the new way to ingest food.

>>>>inb4 "bullshit too expensive same as regular food GMOs good LOVE Monsanto"

>> No.5350269

Walmart doesn't care about health, they see us as peasants

>> No.5350271


well at least it'll drive the prices down of organics

>> No.5350272

Only in the USA would having organic food in supermarket worthy of the news, and considering "breaking a taboo". Seriously wtf.

>> No.5350275


welcome to murrica

>> No.5350279

Who would go beyond indifference and actually HATE organic food?

I can't imagine anyone that would see organic carrots and think "what the fuck is this? spray some poison on my food, pretentious faggots!"

>> No.5350278

Organic food is paying my mortgage.
I don't eat it myself, I just sell it, lol.

>> No.5350280
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It's going to be a while before people here in the states will actually look at the ingredients in their food.

It's why so many of them despise organic before knowing what it means.

>> No.5350284


because it costs more, literally the only reason why its still taboo

>> No.5350295

I don't actively seek out organic food from the store, mostly because I'm broke.

But I have my own garden and its 100% organic now, just because its an excellent way to maintain healthy viable soil at almost no cost.

I turn my fruit and vegetable scraps, cardboard, yard waste and my friends horse manure into the most amazing soil I've ever seen. Its pretty cool to actually utilize the natural decay process. I used to use fertilizers and have to replace the soil in my raised beds every year, it just turned to sand and didn't hold water or nutrients well. Now I just incorporate my compost and keep the beds well mulched, use black eyed peas as a fallow crop and the soil stays very healthy.

I know we had several billion more people to feed, but it seems crazy we ever stopped farming like this. Soil erosion from intensive farming is going to bite us in the ass eventually.

>> No.5350302


> Soil erosion from intensive farming is going to bite us in the ass eventually.

It already is. The yield rate world wide is dropping roughly 2% now.

The greatest struggles ahead will be whether or not food is on our store shelves.

>> No.5350304


the honestly and reasonably priced organic food I have ever seen only cost 1-2$ more than "Normal hue" food. places like publix are horrible scams when it comes to organic food because they CRIMINALLY overprice everything organic almost as if to trick people into thinking that that is the normal price of organic food, and to ride the wave and get rich off of it.

>> No.5350307

also the saddest most unfair thing is that food we consider to be normal is not normal, organic food is normal while monsanto frankenfood is the disgusting thing that doesn't belong.

think about this, we live in a world where the most widespread available food is this poison drenched shit from monsanto, and to get normal food without all the extra shit all over it, you need to pay extra. its a nightmare, and we're all in it!

>go to sub shop
>I'll have a sandwich please, but just X
>sorry but that will cost you 2$ more
>what? why!?
>well you can get this cheaper one but it has poison and all this other shit on it

>> No.5350309


Survival of the fittest. Let them wither away.

>> No.5350316
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lol organic haha

siersly like you mean natural? wats wrong wth the anti bug spray? i just buy wathever tasts better i mean like what does it matter too u? justeat what u want to eat and thats it like come on man whocars you only life once so stop wrrying lol faggot bitch

>> No.5350317


Not only is it drenched in poison, they actually have pesticides built in to the dna of many of their plants. Its poison before they even spray it with their poison.

It would be awesome if it wasn't so horribly sad

>> No.5350318

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Everyone I know here looks at the ingredients.

>> No.5350321

>justeat what u want to eat
I'm trying to but people keep putting shit in my food that does not belong there.

>> No.5350324

supposedly that's why people get chrohns and celiac and other messed up diseases because all the gmo bacteria and enzymes make it into the their digestive system and wreaks havoc.

I always read the ingredients and try to pressure my family and friends (not in a douchy way) to read the ingredients on everything they buy because I want them to understand that they are putting these things into their body without even knowing. I am actually teaching them how to eat better and they are always slowly taking (some) of my advice. it really makes me happy to see them changing even if its just a little bit. they went from eating chemicals that were in the shape of doughnuts, to eating organic vegetable chips... at least. they make chocolate covered strawberries for desert too, which is better than all the crap they have sometimes.

can't give up, gotta inform everyone with knowledge...

>> No.5350328
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>> No.5350330
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It's happening little by little in society.

My local Albertsons grocery store now has an organic isle.

5 years ago that would of been unheard of.

>> No.5350336

>mfw I went through every ingredient on trident and looked up the related studies.
None of the artificial sweeteners are remotely toxic or bad for you. It's just misinformation that started in the 70's and has just been circulating so long everyone accepts it as fact before doing any reading what so ever. It's like the MSG thing all over again. The only concerning ingredient is was BHT.

>> No.5350466


English not your first language?

>> No.5350502

>>It's no longer a taboo way to eat
What is this. What country are you talking about? Just because Americans don't like to eat like faggots doesn't mean its taboo

>> No.5350504


I don't understand this post. What are you implying? He used it correctly

It's an adjective as well as a preposition

>> No.5350512


No, it's not. But I suppose you think "axed" is an acceptable alternate spelling for "asked", so why am I arguing.

>> No.5350511

because organic food people are literally the same as anti-vaccine people.

We find ways to make food grow faster, larger, better tasting, and desise resistant and what the fuck do we get? ITS UNNATURAL ITS POISON. ONLY GOD MADE DNA IS HEALTHY

>> No.5350517

>confusing GMO with Organic with blah blah blah

You're the one who seems to be treating this as a sporting event between two cults. Is that what "science" means now? Blind loyalty to a multinational corporation you've never directly done business with and never will?

>> No.5350518
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Yes, it is.

>> No.5350520

I'm not blind to anything. I'm not saying GMOs, and by GMOs I mean Monsanto, shouldn't be looked at with caution. But retarded words like "organic" mean fucking nothing. I'm pretty sure the word organic is literally defined as carbon based for fucks sake.

Poisonous foods naturally, without mans involvement, evolved into existence. But somehow we're going to say natural food is just magically more healthy than a tomato that we made grow larger. We might as well stop breeding plants too because man shouldn't fuck with genetics.

>> No.5350521

>But I suppose you think "axed" is an acceptable alternate spelling for "asked", so why am I arguing.

Nice straw man retard

>> No.5350536


1. organic is a misnomer, you're right. just try to concentrate on the idea behind the word.

2. there are many, many stupid people who shout nonsense shit about poisonous food etc and are even inconsequiential and have no idea what they are talking about - this does not however deconstructs the basic idea of "organic" food

3. speaking of this - there is no unified idea or ruleset about what is organic. In germany alone (basically the biggest fucking bio-organic stronghold in the world as far as i know) we have 5 major certifiers (the european union standard, Bioland, Naturland, Demeter and Agriculture Biologique(french)) and countless minor organisations all with different rulesets and definitions about what should be the best way to do agriculture

BUT - the basic idea is as simple as it should be sound: Treat your most precious ressources - the land, the ecosystem, the very ability to sustain and feed your people - in a responsible and long-term sustainable way.
And most issues with modern agriculture show problems with this very basic premises: Pesticides ruin ecosystems, erosion destroys the farmland, groundwater is poisoned, pests develop resistances.

If you just think of this, at least the very basic idea should be sound and logical to you and to all, really.

>> No.5350557
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>implying it won't be meglorganic

>> No.5350571

ty anon. I never got why some folks need to be on one side or the other of every conflict. There's rationality on both sides of the issue, but the bad outweighs the good in Monsanto's case.

>> No.5350574

that is certainly the case. the agricultural industry and the food industry are some of the worst sectors when it comes to crime, greed and shortsighted thinking.

>> No.5350575
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> In germany alone (basically the biggest fucking bio-organic stronghold in the world as far as i know)

Wow, who in 1939 would have predicted that the world's leading innovator would come to reject science like that. Sounds like they got "culturally enriched" if you know what I mean.

>> No.5350577

>there goes the environment

>> No.5350587


Why bother? But if it forces places like trader joes and whole foods to close i am all happy for it

>> No.5350590

actually i don't get it. or are you just being racist for the "lulz"? If so, go back to highschool and be edgy there.

>> No.5350720

so you're telling me you looked up the ingredients, did you own research, and found everything to be okay with ONE product? okay m8 good for you, that's what you were supposed to do.

just because you should absolutely read ingredients on your food, doesn't mean that you always have to find something bad otherwise you would starve right? finding out that everything is okay in your opinion with something is a good thing because for you, you can eat it. congratulations.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5350722

yea I thought it was okay too?

okay are you trolling or high? haha

>> No.5350726
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>> No.5350734

so you
>like your vegetables with extra poison
>like (thymerasol?) mercury in your vaccines when it wasn't necessary because they could have just made a single use dose without it, (supposedly only there so they can keep putting needles in it) retarded right?

listen anon, people don't simply have the right to be concerned, distrustful, or even outright paranoid, they have a huge good reason to do so. look at the data and tell me how much autism and cancer rates are skyrocketing in the USA. I used to think it was just another problem people were having but then I began to know someone who had it, or died from it, or got a chunk cut out of them, or a piece of their skin burned off for it, so many I know now who have died of it. its extremely common at this point. coincidentally I just watched this video:


>> No.5350736

>Treat your most precious ressources - the land, the ecosystem, the very ability to sustain and feed your people - in a responsible and long-term sustainable way.

Except using pesticides, GMOs, and modern farming techniques it not irresponsible or unsustainable. By contrast, trying to feed the entire world with low yield organic techniques is unsustainable. Maybe we should avoid using flouride in drinking water because its poisonous in large amounts and potable water is a precious resource.

>Pesticides ruin ecosystems, erosion destroys the farmland, groundwater is poisoned, pests develop resistances.

None of these are problems if the right pesticides are used in the right amounts. Except erosion but that has nothing to do with organic at all.

>> No.5350743

you just went full retard...

Organic materials like a chunk of wood on the side of a lake is one way to use that spelling, but not that meaning.

USDA organic certification comes from when a farmer or company uses strict standards to keep the worst shit out of the air, water, soil, plants etc. and genetically modified plants can't legally be "organic" like the USDA organic seal you see on lots of foods at the store. people buy it because:

>some notice a difference in flavor and quality and are just fancy pantsy people who love higher quality
>alot of people buy organic because they absolutely want to avoid anything from monsanto, since gmo's can't be organic (do not get selective breeding confused with this) then the food is extremely less likely to have come from them, and therefore wont be some killer franken corn that makes its own cyanide inside of itself.

like another anon has said, I can't believe anyone would ever go past simple neutrality on the organic stance.

"wow someone is selling some vegetable grown in cleaner conditions, FUCK that please put poison all over it, fucking assholes, how dare they want it without poison!"

I mean seriously, are you really this retarded that you don't like something that is helping other people and if used full scale could help the planet before we totally fuck it up? something that doesn't effect you in any way other than giving you more options at the store? don't want organic apples? you don't have to buy those, enjoy your monsatan meal

>> No.5350747

I don't know about the stuff overseas, I do like how Europe totally banned the junk out of monsanto garbage, so they must know what they are doing, but in USA the USDA organic seal has specific and strict requirements that need to be met or it doesn't get the sticker.

just saying for reference.

>> No.5350754

if you are that other anon who I though was being a massive dumb dumb, please forgive my other outrageous rage post, and take the information only and not the insult... peace... (its very hard to convey emotion on the internet and sometimes people who are not trolls seem like them)

also for the hue hue: I ate too much fiber and got hemorrhoids and I am so butthurt that everything pisses me off more easily lately... I need the extra sleep to recover. sorry /ck/, gotta keep it real.

>> No.5350764

>USDA organic certification comes from when a farmer or company uses strict standards to keep the worst shit out of the air, water, soil, plants etc

Organic doesn't mean "clean", organic means a farmer uses "natural" methods and inputs to grow their food. But synthetic chemicals and GMOs are not "the worst shit" and there is nothing inherently better about "natural" chemicals or food.

>I mean seriously, are you really this retarded that you don't like something that is helping other people and if used full scale could help the planet before we totally fuck it up

GMOs have much higher yield than organics. Switching over to organics would require more intensive agriculture and more arable land to feed the same number of people. Now *that* would fuck over the planet.

>> No.5350771

its not becoming a "new" way, its the normal way that food has been grown for a very very long time before monsatan showed up.

I don't give a single crap about walmart selling organic food, I will keep doing business with the ones who are about organic food in the first place. why should I start to give my money to the jerks who wanted to sell me monsanto trash in the first place? I don't want my money to go there, I want my money to go to wholefoods and trader joes, as well as local farms and other nice hippy places so that they become stronger and better than walmart. screw those guys.

>> No.5350774

I don't get how people could accuse Monsanto for ruining the environment, when, surely, they'd have most at stake for the _protection_ of the environment since that's where they fucking make their money from.

>> No.5350773

>USDA organic certification comes from when a farmer or company uses strict standard

USDA is kinda loose with the whole requirements...

>> No.5350777

>monsanto trash

You do know that it's very rare to find places that sells non-gmo seeds? Even grass fed cows are very rare in this country since a lot of the farmers do not mention that they feed them grain. Have you seen the requirements for the word 'organic'? Basically none . Local farmers lie as well and fool the consumer in what pesticides that they use or deny it all together

>> No.5350779

>if used full scale could help the planet
Hah. At the current rate of population growth, in 30 year you'd be lucky if you feed half the population while competing for space with residence, industry, etc. with only your precious 'organic' crops.

>> No.5350781
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using gmos and pesticides is absolutely irresponsible and unsustainable, it creates horrific problems and pesticide resistant superbugs, poisons the land, water, and air.

organic food doesn't have low yield, you just pulled that out of your ass. gmo bullcrops however don't do as well as they would have you believe, they have the same problems as normal crops plus a thousand other issues, and they have to get drenched in glyphosate. just recently I heard something about monsanto sending out batch#2 of modded crops that can handle not just their usual poison, but also a bunch of other terrible new things.

guess what just got re-approved for use? agent orange! look it up and tell me with a straight face that you still want to eat food that comes from these people.

and yes we should avoid using fluoride in the water, beside the horrible places that sodium fluoride, aluminum fluoride, and fluorines come from, like being the byproduct of uranium enrichment, fertilizer and aluminum factories. don't even get me started on how people for thousands of years have eaten extremely small amounts of naturally occurring fluoride in nature from rivers and natural water sources, as well as the plants they ate, I believe it was calcium fluoride, not sure though so don't go and eat this, but we should absolutely not ever have something used in rat poison pumped into our water supply.

only in america ( and a few other retarded gov's) do we have just enough fluoride in our toothpaste for topical application (brushing your stupid freaking teeth) and then decide "hey lets just put it in the water too because who gives a crap?" and then people drink it and take it into their bodies, causing dental and skeletal fluorosis. people are getting fluoride poisoning and all kinds of hormone issues and higher risk of cancer because fluoride messes with the glands in your brain that regulate hormones.

why would you ever defend this?

>> No.5350789

>organic food doesn't have low yield,
>dust bowl
>preventing free market

>> No.5350790
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>"organic doesn't mean clean"
please prove that organic is Not cleaner than monsanto crap
>"GMO's have much higher yield than organics"
[citation needed]

>> No.5350798

>"Have you seen the requirements for the word 'organic'? Basically none ."

citation needed. unless you mean basically none as in "grow the plants naturally and don't add pesticides or gmo's" simple- than I may understand, otherwise you are a complete liar.

>> No.5350803

if ever single farm switched to more sustainable methods and grew everything organic, everyone right now would as a norm, be eating organic. anon you truly do not realize how much land, how much space we really have. jeez, even how much more we could create if we grew a bunch of other things hydroponically as well.

organic full scale is absolutely possible and would help everyone in the long run as long as it was done correctly, with absolutely nobody from monsanto or the fed working with it or even allowed near it.

>> No.5350806

>please prove that organic is Not cleaner than monsanto crap

"All pesticides are rigorously assessed to ensure that
they do not pose any significant risk to human health or
the environment before they are approved. Pesticide residues
in the food chain are also regularly monitored to
check they are within safe and legal limits (FSA 2006).
The results from recent surveys of residues in food and
drink found residues to be absent in about 70% of
tested produce. In almost 30% of remaining samples,
residues were below the statutory limits (maximum residue
level), therefore posing no safety concerns for consumers
(Pesticide Residues Committee 2006).
additional research in this area is still needed, but
so far there is little evidence to suggest that organic food
is any ‘safer’ than conventionally produced food."
From "Is organic food better for our health?" CS Williamson - Nutrition Bulletin, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
(Sorry, no link, your library needs access to this journal)

>"GMO's have much higher yield than organics"
Onfarm field trials carried out with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton in different states of India show that the technology substantially reduces pest damage and increases yields.

>> No.5350809

>cereal and milk

>> No.5350812

USDA recently announced that it will allow prohibited substances to be used in the organic labeling ad justifying it.


Seeds used in growing are GMO's as well but the farmers do not mention that either. I think you are being fooled into this organic fad

>> No.5350814
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I wonder who that study was funded by... hmmmm

also image related, they say so much is safe, all this shit is approved to be in food, and chemicals used to make agent orange were re-approved for use, how does that make you feel that some corporate scientist is getting paid big bucks to make all these decisions about what is safe for you?

>> No.5350816

Did you forget about the dust bowl? Traditional farming kills the land . Take your reddit logic away from /ck/

>> No.5350820

Raw milk is well known for salmonella /e coli

>> No.5350821
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did I just flush myself down the toilet, slip on a bar of extra antibacterial stupid and land in hue hue world?

>> No.5350824

loose how? stop making things up.

>"You do know that it's very rare to find places that sells non-gmo seeds?"

not that rare at all bro, loads of places sell organic seeds, internet and local markets etc, you can find it if you look for it.
>"oh I can't find it"

stop looking for it in walmarts garden section?

>> No.5350825

>Organic farms in the middle of a city
>Organic farms in the fucking jungle
>Organic farms in the fucking desert
>Organic farms anywhere much higher than 500ft above sea level
Oh yes, anon. We have lots of land. So much land we don't have any idea what to do with it. Because that's the point. We don't have many idea what to do with it because a lot of it is useless to more than a few specific functions. Not to mention us humans tend to prefer similar conditions to live in as these crops (again, competition for space). And trust me, if hydroponics were such a viable way of producing crops, Monsanto would have send droves of their 'evil minions' to find ways of using turning it into cold hard cash. Hell. They might be onto it now.

>> No.5350828

>how does that make you feel that some corporate scientist is getting paid big bucks to make all these decisions about what is safe for you?
I feel complete confidence when scientists from the FDA or AAAS publish in peer reviewed journals saying something is safe and the only opposition comes from "natural news" and other ideological sources whose evidence is a drawing of a guy in a gas mask and not science.

>> No.5350829

What the fuck have you got against aluminum, man!? You'd best explain yourself or shut that aluminum-dependent computer right this instant, pal.

>> No.5350832

> internet and local markets

They sell you pollinated seeds infected by GMO's . Yes, but the majority of people are naive when it comes to selling seeds and origins of said seeds. Not only that but the water contains chemicals as well

>> No.5350833

your lack of smarts disturbs me, and you mistake me for someone who is uninformed and uneducated.

the dust bowl occurred because they were using unsustainable methods that basically left all their dirt unguarded and let it all catch the wind and fly away. they weren't being responsible with their crops or their land and everything blew away. smarter farmers would have planted other plants around their farm to prevent soil erosion, a big problem was that they just put a thousand of one type of crop in one place and gave no shits and then everyone went nuts when it caused problems. look it up.

>> No.5350834

And the true form of the intellectually bereft surfaces as it runs out of excuses.

>> No.5350835

just look at the conditions the cows live in, in the USA. other countries drink raw milk without all that fear, I wonder why?

>> No.5350838

there is plenty of room in a mind unrestricted

>> No.5350837


Excess alum in waters can cause problems with your kidneys. However, alum is usually only used for coagulation and flocculation of harmful organics/metals in the water, and that any engineer of any worth would only leave such a small trace of alum after a cleaning that no problems would occur. That chart is very very biased and doesn't any reasons/uses for some materials on there.

>> No.5350840

Yeah, over farming the lands until the dried up and these conventional methods you are suggesting are also part of those old traditional methods. 'Organic' is a non sustainable industry filled with false hopes. The funny part is that the USDA has allowed more chemicals and allowed them as 'organic' .

>> No.5350843

Not all other countries. Don't think the US is unique in this respect. Or that all such farms in the US operate like this.

>> No.5350845

look up all the monsanto, government, fda scandals and how they are all puppy guarding each other to protect their wallets. fox guarding the chicken coop full circle.

sorry that you hate some random website

>> No.5350851

But they do drink milk and people do get sick I mean how hard is that to understand. The thing is that it's not reported by the media . Not only that but regular milk is not sustainable in mass market. You would need more cows to produce the same amount of 'milk' than standard pasteurized methods

>> No.5350852

With all this hate for GMOs, I expect to see a mass death somewhere around here. Otherwise, this is no better than mindless droning based on elitism.

>> No.5350853

>cooking with, or eating aluminum.

no thanks.

the risk is real, but you have to do your best to get the best source of organic seeds if you want that.

can you look at me and tell me you read what that post is shocked and replying too?

please tell me you read it, but if you are the one who posted it, you sicken me.

>> No.5350856
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>using gmos and pesticides is absolutely irresponsible and unsustainable, it creates horrific problems and pesticide resistant superbugs, poisons the land, water, and air.

Blaming GMOs is nonsense, many GMO traits such as drought resistance creates literally none of these problems in any case. And safe FDA approved pesticides can be used in the proper amounts to avoid causing those other problems. Superbugs (or pesticide resistance) does occur but they're only resistant to the pesticides you don't want us using anyway.

>organic food doesn't have low yield, you just pulled that out of your ass
"Overall, organic yields are 25% lower than conventional, the study finds."

>only in america ( and a few other retarded gov's) do we have just enough fluoride in our toothpaste for topical application (brushing your stupid freaking teeth) and then decide "hey lets just put it in the water too because who gives a crap?"

Water fluoridation has been proven safe by numerous studies, has major dental benefits, and is used by many many countries.

>> No.5350859

Best source when the source does not know the origins of the seeds? Not only that but GMO's are airborne as well

>> No.5350863

Take care not to get vomit all over your screen.

>> No.5350868

Not to mention an unnervingly growing trend of conspiracy theorists.

>> No.5350870

Organic food is better for a simple reason: you know where it comes from. I have an orchard and a farm: you know what you have done for growing nice tomatoes, you always have done the best for your calves, and whatever you have done, it's only you who will eat those products.
So, if you have sprayed anti-bugs, ONLY YOU will eat those carrots. Good for you.

>> No.5350876

1. The study I cited was from the UK, not the FDA.
2. The FDA is a reliable source for food safety and is not controlled by Monsanto.
3. "Natural News" *is* controlled by people with an interest in promoting organic.
4. Even if the FDA was unreliable, is literally every scientist conspiring against organic? Where is the scientific study in a peer reviewed journal showing that organic is safer than conventionally produced foods.

>sorry that you hate some random website
I don't hate them, I just don't trust "natural news" to be a more reliable source on food safety than an FDA scientist.

>> No.5350880

Not that anon but fighting picture of starving white people is hard.

>> No.5350881


This has a lot to do with the large scale of modern dairy production. Hygiene is harder to control properly in such conditions. Smaller scale dairy production is a lot easier to keep clean. It really depends on the scale of the operation.

>> No.5350882

Do you? Really? Did you manage to interrogate Farmer Fran at gunpoint about his farming habits before you bought his veggies?

>> No.5350886

there are all kinds of aluminum related problems in food, cookware, and the environment right now.

conventional methods are not the same as organic farming, the rest is citation needed, and please don't post a source funded directly or indirectly by the enemy, unless you literally are "they" then just leave.

agreed, I can potate with this, but really have you seen these cows, and the chickens? worse conditions than 100 holocausts combined. zombies live in better conditions.

milk and cheese is very tasty but its very unnecessary because the cows get fed all kinds of things they were never meant to eat, pumped full of antibiotics and hormones and then people eat them, and drink their milk.

I'll stick to nut milks. don't get me wrong, some cow farmers as few as their may be in this world, Some do it right.

everyone in america is becoming at higher and higher risk for cancer at an alarming rate. autism rates are also shooting up like crazy.

as for mass deaths in people? its happening slowly and painfully.

in animals? mainstream news doesn't report very often but there have been many strange mass die offs of birds and bats and ocean life happening like crazy everywhere (you might say its always happened) but recently its been happening alot since around 2008 or so, and more so until now. might just be some climate change (didn't say algorebal warming) or it might be fukushima still dumping or a thousand other things. this world is fucked and we need to unfuck it but all these anti organic douche bags are holding it back for no reason.

>> No.5350896

What? No, I have a farm in Italy.

>> No.5350911

who was the study funded by? no way it was funded by someone unbiased, not like this, and not in this crazy world.

>"Water fluoridation has been proven safe by numerous studies, has major dental benefits, and is used by many many countries."

its also been banned by many and been found to have major dental and skeletal issues, all that fluorosis.

tell me why does it have to be in toothpaste which touches our teeth, but then we have to swallow it in the water? toothpaste contains a severely higher concentration than in water and even has a warning label to call poison control if you swallow it, so why on the lords green earth does some more need to be added to the water? its medication without consent, and I believe it to be unconstitutional and I consider it illegal even though they do it every day.

they should be in jail.

it is good to know the source of the source bro.

sucks that monsanto is notorious for having their gmo stuff blow over into an organic farmers area and then sue them to death for "stealing their patent gmo seeds"


>"unnervingly growing trend of conspiracy theorists."

for you

I have to move somewhere with nice rich clean land, I would love to grow my own food. I would put so much love and care into it, if I knew the swat team wouldn't show up and rip all my shit out for no reason.

>The FDA is a reliable source for food safety and is not controlled by Monsanto.

I'm sorry but I can't trust that.

>"Natural News" *is* controlled by people with an interest in promoting organic.

I don't go on natural news, the image was just one that I had laying around, someone else posted it on /ck/, but anyways if they want to promote organic then great, good on them.

>" Even if the FDA was unreliable, is literally every scientist conspiring against organic?"

the evil pyramid eye has lots and lots of money, and money is what many people believe in.

>> No.5350919

>if I knew the swat team wouldn't show up and rip all my shit out for no reason.

Your one farm isn't going to be significant enough for a fucking swat team to come get you

>> No.5350921

>"Where is the scientific study in a peer reviewed journal showing that organic is safer than conventionally produced foods."

you could ask
>every hippy ever
>people that work at wholefoods
>people that shop at wholefoods
>organic fanatics
>thousands of websites all over the internet
>the growing evidence that gmo's cause gluten intolerance and celiac disease and chrohns
>the fact that gmo's are often loaded with poison

there is just so much obvious evidence out there and the hate on all that gmo crap is very well earned.

very funny and racist but no, there are all kinds of people from every race/religion/gender/etc. there is much variety on this planet.

the scale, or how much the people working there have a heart for the animals. you should see the videos, the documentaries... the horror..

I don't know why but I found this funny. peace italian anon.

>> No.5350924

you should watch all those youtube videos of little old ladies getting a city permit to grow a garden and then the swat team shows up for this DANGEROUS little old lady with a swat tank and m16 rifles to rip her entire garden of herbs out that she uses for arthritis.

happens like every freaking day.

>> No.5351090
File: 6 KB, 250x175, 1389610764542s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When someone says

>"GMOs are safe, pesticides are safe, fluoride is safe"

It's literally the equivalent to someone saying the NSA is here to help us be safe because they said so. The government simply cannot be trusted.

>> No.5351378

the voice of reason

>> No.5351493
File: 266 KB, 1435x1079, Picard TEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The next step is to convince average America to actually look at the ingredients in organic food and compare it to non organic food. What they currently fail to realize is that there is a distinct difference between the two. Organic is much more than just Non-GMO/Pesticide Free ---- it also has to do with how the food is made in the manufacturing process. This has been my hardest task because so many people simply do not understand. They won't care to understand until the prices go down because money is God in this society. It's only a matter of time before most people follow the trend much like marijuana going on right now. Once the mainstream moronic Dr Oz and Opera crowds start demanding it is when you'll see a seismic shift in the food market.

Until then average America will moan and cry about how it's not real and a scam.