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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5347141 No.5347141 [Reply] [Original]

wow is this guy for real? Who the fuck could possibly eat like that?

>> No.5347145


>> No.5347148

Haha, no.

>> No.5347150


>> No.5347155
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>A homemade coconut

>> No.5347158

>alkalised water

This is a bad idea; water is neutral for a reason.

>> No.5347161


A homemade muffin. containing, amongst other things....coconut.

Reading comprehension, bro. Do you have it?

>> No.5347162

What is the point of alkalized water if you're adding an acid to it?

>> No.5347165

i kind of eat like that, except no meat or milk.

i figure out how to do it and now its simple for me, and i get all my vitamins and minerals.

haha no its a muffin, keep reading it.

>> No.5347166

Please smite the idiot in the OP. Get your dad to help if you're too much of a pussy. Thanks.

>> No.5347168

> mixing vinegar and alkaline water

That just gives you fizzy, neutral water. WTF

>> No.5347170

i heard somewhere that things like fresh lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are "acidic" outside the body but once eaten they are alkalizing for the body.

>> No.5347173

emu meatballs?

>> No.5347180

I have heard that as well but I have never read anything on it.
If there is some anon who knows, could you please point me to a link.

>> No.5347183

>eating acidic things will make the body more basic


And why would you want to try to make your body more basic anyways? Your body has very rigid pH levels that it must maintain. I can't think of a good reason why you would want to intentionally make your water more basic.

>> No.5347188

Its fucking both, but ends up being alkalizing only in the end product of digestion.
Citric acid is a weak acid so all of the minerals in lemons that are very alkali remain.

>> No.5347192

As long as he eats meat I don't even care.

>> No.5347193

>putting water in your smoothie

>> No.5347199

I am, but I'm working on it, I've cut my hair and started eating meat again, in the mean time I'll ask daddy.

>> No.5347201

Activated almonds

>> No.5347206

Thanks mate. I take back what I said about you and A couple of the disciples.

>> No.5347212

/fit/ won't shut the fuck about this. What does it mean?

>> No.5347214

>not trying to be as based as possible

>> No.5347215

Don't tell anybody but...WORST DISCIPLES EVER.

Do you know how many time they made me turn water into wine? and not even the good shit either

>> No.5347219

supposedly your right about the body ph but people in america eat so much junk that their bodies are getting too acidic all the time

>> No.5347223

some smoothies need water, if there is nothing for the stuff to dissolve in, its very dangerous, like drinking sand. the water also helps your body absorb the nutrients in the smoothie.

>> No.5347226
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>> No.5347228

why not milk or juice

>> No.5347229


>> No.5347236
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>Eat breakfast at 7
>Eat breakfast again an hour and a half later


>> No.5347237
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>why not milk
>drinking milk

>> No.5347238

i heard that works too, but a little water is also good, because when you have a a liquid that is severely oversaturated (holding all it can hold and then some) of all these things floating in it, your smoothie is too thick first of all, having a decent amount of water in your smoothie allows better absorption into body because alot of the stuff floats in water and gets, well, absorbed better. think like tea.

>> No.5347241

So, if that guy eats so healthy, why is he such a soft rope-armed turd?

>> No.5347244

whats wrong with milk?

>> No.5347253

they keep cows preggers all the time and kill the babies to make veal and the mom cow keeps making milk for the dead cow babies.

they give the cow alot of unhealthy food made from gmo's, + antibiotics and other horrible things too, so you get alot of crap in your body.

I just drink organic almond/soy milk etc.

>> No.5347256
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He doesn't lift

>> No.5347262

>two organic, free-range eggs

Does he eat organic, grass-fed ice cream too? And free-range bacon?

>> No.5347265

Veal is fantastic.

>> No.5347270

>they give the cow alot of unhealthy food made from gmo's, + antibiotics and other horrible things too, so you get alot of crap in your body.

not all milk is like this and i could care less about the other stuff I love veal and its older when its killed than chickens, pigs, lambs, etc and killed more humanely than a lot of other things

also literally everything except humans gets eaten by something so why shouldnt we?

Cows, milk and everything that comes from them are fucking delicious.

If they taste good and you enjoy them i dont understand whats so wrong with it.

if you are drinking soy/almond because you think it tastes better or are intolerant then good on ya but if you dont drink because of some fucked up sense of morality then youre just fooling yourself

>> No.5347273

fantastic for evil people like you!

>> No.5347275

>also literally everything except humans gets eaten by something so why shouldnt we?

I meant get to eat not get eaten obviously

>> No.5347279


>> No.5347280

>if you are drinking soy/almond because you think it tastes better or are intolerant then good on ya but if you dont drink because of some fucked up sense of morality then youre just fooling yourself
you seem like a good dood. I just like the taste & texture of almond milk is all. don't understand why this board is so autism-prone to what other people, not even necessarily eat, but prefer for various reasons.

ya this board is pretty good

>> No.5347281
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too late i already make joke

>> No.5347287

uhhhhhhh why are you impersonating another anon

i really feel bad for the cows, and even though i enjoy cow milk, and also love the taste of almond milk, and just drink that insteed.

>> No.5347286

>wording is off on one line and was corrected immediately

>disregards entire post

>> No.5347289
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too late i already tell you i make joke here

>> No.5347294

>impersonating another anon

>> No.5347299

no wat u

>> No.5347312

I've been posting a lot of posts on a lot of boards today. Surely you don't expect me to keep track of who I'm pretending to be and what I'm pretending to believe in, can you?

>> No.5347314

>alkalised water+vinegar
>activated almonds
>cultured vegetables
>cacao nibs
>coconut chips
>fucking emu meatballs
what in the literal fuck

>> No.5347316
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To be fair, I kind of want to punch this guy.

Fucking yuppies.

>> No.5347319

can you wha?

>> No.5347322

Evil is as evil does anon.

>> No.5347326

i remember as a kid the family was at a restaurant and i asked what veal was and my dad said something about it and said he doesn't eat it and never would and remembered thinking how he's probably one of the most conservative and vegan/vegetarian hating people i know and for him to refuse to eat something like that must mean its really bad

>> No.5347343

I hope this pretentious fuck develops cancer.

>> No.5347389


>literally everything except humans gets eaten by something so why shouldnt we?

What kind of retard logic is that? Besides it not being good for us, it's also immoral. Lots of animals rape each other to pass on their genes, are you going to say rape should be legal too? How about cannibalism?

>> No.5347415

Evans is a massive faggot and a hack of a chef. Not even in the top 20 Aussie chefs

>> No.5347449

>activated almonds

what the lel

>> No.5347455

>not activating your nuts

>> No.5347458

they are dead pieces of wood

>> No.5347500
File: 77 KB, 928x696, emu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emu meatballs

I never knew people ate emu. The eggs, sure..but not the actual bird.

>> No.5347617



"He makes me look bad by comparison! Instead of bettering myself, I'll just pretend HE'S an asshole!"

>> No.5347622

so is the cross

>> No.5347681

>eating food that probably is three times the price of regular groceries since it has adjectives added to it to make it sound exclusive.
>not being a pretentious dick while youre at it .

>> No.5347720


Yeah we eat emu too. tastes kind of poultry but much darker than most poultry though not as pungent as some, and it does the same thing as goats, where they keep all their fat in one area on their bodies, thus leaving the rest of the meat very lean.

my father used to get chuck cuts of emu for cheap from a friend, we would have emu pie.

If you buy commercial emu, don't buy preground premade things, because producers sometimes do bad things to the meat to try and either up the fatty content of the meat or get it to stick together like a fattier meat will. Buy whole pieces, it'll taste better.

>> No.5347756

>activated almonds
What the fuck

>> No.5347769



>water is neutral
It can be but not necessarily is

>for a reason
absolutely not

are you dumb?

>> No.5347778

This shit has been explained a billion times. The guy is fucking Australian. Half of this shit is fairly ordinary, it's just his terminology is totally foreign.

"Alkalised water" = filtered
"Activated almonds" = sprouted
"Cultured vegetables" = fermented (kimchi, sauerkraut, etc)
"Cacao nibs" = cacao beans
"Coconut chips" = flaked/shaved coconut
"Emu meatballs" = pretty self-explanatory if he's in Aus

>> No.5347792
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>> No.5347810

I remember when Pete's diet came into the spotlight about a year ago and he basically just said stfu.
I hate it at work how everyone keeps bringing in cakes and shit and tell me I'm rude because I eat salad, people think I'm some kind of spectical to come gawk at.
Fuckin leave me alone.

>> No.5347815

>tell me I'm rude because I eat salad

>> No.5347821

fatties gun fat because they feel guilty eating their sweets and fatty food around someone who isn't stuffing their gob with massive amounts of calories and unnecessary junk.

have the same problem at my work. Eat balanced, healthy meals while everyone else rushes off to the mini food mall across the street to pick up chili cheese fries and burgers while complaining about their pants getting tighter.

>> No.5347833

Because they take turns cooking a cake for morning tea everyday, I don't really like eating sweets during the day.
At work I eat fruits and salad. They think I'm being rude when I decline slices of cake or whatever they have.
I like cake and icecream but I eat it at night with a glass of whiskey like a normal human.

>> No.5347864

I doubt it.
I have little interest in considering the dietary advice of someone much fatter than myself anyway. Shills gon' shill.

>> No.5347868

honestly it sounds like a pretty satisfying diet to me but i couldn't be bothered to do it

>> No.5347872

He is a judge on an Aussie cooking show, he owns health food stores and stuff.
He doesn't look anything like the pic now.

>> No.5347888


He is pretentious. Higher pH water is a fad, and they charge 3 times what they do for a regular bottle of water. But maybe you can tell me and the other people what the fuck an activated almond is. Or a cultured vegetable.

Course not all of us are hoity toity television personalities. Some of us actually have to work for a living and we don't have time to not only eat 6 times a day, but put the amount of time and money into it that privileged members of society do.

Fuck you and fuck him. I hope you both get cancer.

>People actually fucking think that their lifestyle has anything to do with health and that its not pure genetics.

>> No.5347898

>"smoothie of blended water"

>> No.5347902

>are you dumb?
no he has a point, would you want to neutralise your stomach acid?
fucking moron

>> No.5347910

You sound like a bitter poor person

>> No.5347929

Emu balls?


>> No.5347956

Activated means its basically been made to begin turning from seed/nut into sprout.
Cultured means fermented

>> No.5348014


>Higher pH water is a fad

the high pH thing confuses me cause he drinks it with vinegar

i don't know what the alkalinity is supposed to achieve

>> No.5348016
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>> No.5348018


maybe it cancels out? but that doesn't really answer the question.

>> No.5348019
File: 531 KB, 1000x1000, aphex-twin-4fc4b7fc75537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organic, free-range eggs

>> No.5348020

most of this stuff seems like it just doesnt work on a flavor level, let alone all the stupid adjectives

>> No.5348038


People who deliberate eat foods laden with adjectives like that usually talk about they can taste the natural goodness of the food.

I've eaten properly organic home farmed food, before, it was delicious but somehow didn't seem to fill me with the radiant warmth of "natural wholesomeness" or whatever that I've seen people gush over. Maybe I was eating it wrong?

>> No.5348039

>wow is this guy for real?
No. He is a shill for Weight Watchers. And pretty obviously on board with the "superfood" thing ignorant fatties put so much faith in. He looks like shit, and proudly eats like shit. Shill, shill, shill.

>> No.5348041

>alkalised water with vinegar
>all dem retard inner city pinko sucker nonsense foods

cacao nibs are based chocolate flavouring for brewing beer

>> No.5348045

>says he's an ambassador on the fucking picture

Don't think you know what that word means m8

>> No.5348046

If it tastes anything like ostrich, they are probably delicious as hell.

>> No.5348056

I hate to break it to you, but your dad is a closeted homosexual.

>> No.5348057

In certain situations, I don't see why not.

>> No.5348060

Because Weight Watchers is a country now? Maybe in terms of mass...

It says he is a chef and an ambassador. He is properly neither of these things. Yet he's clearly advocating for a specific kind of fad diet. Sounds like a shill to me. I sure hope his check has cleared already, because he'll need some time to develop his next career.

>> No.5348064


you are a retard.

>> No.5348071


>Sounds like a shill to me.
Well you don't know what it means. A shill is a plant. They don't disclose their interests. That's what the word means.

>> No.5348083

>don't disclose their interests
I'm quite sure this guy is not committed to the diet listed on this advertisement in anything more than a financial sense. Because if he were he'd be hawking his book instead of appearing in an ad for Weight Watchers, looking just chubby enough not to be threatening, while advocating a downright terrifying daily intake.

>> No.5348088


how do you still not get what a shill is.

>> No.5348096
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>> No.5348103
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>> No.5348104

>a homemade coconut

lol'd for some reason

>> No.5348136

top lel

>> No.5348142

>if there is nothing for the stuff to dissolve in, its very dangerous

As dangerous as eating the fruits unblended. So you are full of shit.

>> No.5348145

Typical metrosexual pussy

>> No.5348154

heh, didn't even notice that gem of retardation before, thanks for pointing it out

>> No.5348159

Cacao nibs aren't bean. They're raw cacao bins that are chopped into nibs.

>> No.5348162


They are the crushed/ cracked bean. They do not have to be raw.

>> No.5348182

The guy goes into debt by over reaching his restaurant empire. Then puts his name on pizza ovens and wine while getting a paycheck from Weight Watchers for going on about chia seeds and activated almonds. Uses the term "Ambassador" because the more accurate "paid spokesman" would make him sound too much like the hypocrite that he is.

And why are we even on about this?


>> No.5348207

>And why are we even on about this?

>> No.5348272

does this board not have a sticky? i want to know how to eat

>> No.5348283

>and that its not pure genetics
Fuck off to thin privilege you fat, poor pleb

>> No.5348305

But if someone had the right genetics they could become rich.

>> No.5348319

Absolutely not but water is not naturally pH neutral you fucking moron. Different bottled waters from different springs have different pH levels. Some are neutral, some are base, some are acidic. Cola is very acidic, Milk is slightly base. Neither of those will kill ya if you drink them. They won't make you healthy either though. This whole acidic/base model is pseudoscience either way. It doesn't matter, it just so happens that a lot of health food like all leafy greens fall into the base category but they are healthy for other reasons, not because they are base.

You are are just an ignorant moron with a big mouth on an imageboard though. Talking about something you know absolutely nothing about like you are an authority. You are pathetic.

Maybe he's just extra retarded? It doesn't matter anyway.

>> No.5348341

There's nothing wrong with that. Organic just means the chicknes get proper feed, free-range means they get to run around instead of rotting inside a battery all day.

Fucking hipsters can ruin everything but there's legitimate reasons to eat organically farmed food. It's not really a taste thing,except for the extreme cases, and there's no reason to be a pretentious twat about it.

"Superfoods" are nothing but a fucking snake oil marketing bullshit. There is no one kind of food you can eat and you'll be okay. You have to eat a balanced and wholesome diet overall. There's no way around that.

>> No.5348362

I don't think I've seen "superfood" used to refer to a food that covers all bases. Usually it's used to refer to particularly healthy/nutritious foods or dishes.

>> No.5348922

what in gods name are activated almonds?

>> No.5348933

It actually has no meaning. Just a marketing gimmick.

>> No.5348934

Jesus christ you plebian, that dude's vegies are more cultured than you.

>> No.5349030


>There's nothing wrong with that

I think what he's getting at is attaching words like "organic" and "free-range" to unhealthy foods just looks dumb

>> No.5349061


>> No.5349073

perhaps the body can overcompensate with bicarbonate

>> No.5349102

someone with too much money and time on their hands
> emu meatballs
thanks for the laugh

>> No.5349711

At least he isn't a closeted homosexual who eats babies

>> No.5349715

Oooh man this made me laugh.

>> No.5349724

There is no legal definition of free range. You can just put thousands of chickens in a room with a very limited amount of space outside and there, it's "free-range"

>> No.5349734

but theyre not even really babies, more like adolescents and there are a lot of other animals killed much younger than them and in worse ways but no one bitches about it

plus if its being raised to be killed anyway and have such shit living conditions arent you the asshole for prolonging its suffering?

>> No.5349748

Sprouted almonds

Which is why it's important to buy pasture raised eggs.

>> No.5349749
