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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 333x221, Thanksgiving-meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5332312 No.5332312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"..Give us Lord our daily bread.."

>> No.5332317

No thanks, I don't eat processed grains, aziodicarbonamide, or HFCS.

But thanks.

>> No.5332321
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"Good God let's eat!"

>> No.5332322
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>> No.5334438
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>edgy hat wearers on /ck/

>> No.5334450

>high school
>go out to eat with some guys from school and a couple girls they knew
>go to Denny's, fml, but whatever
>food comes, start digging in
>they all stare
>stop eating
>they close their eyes and start praying
>at fucking Denny's

>> No.5334457

>tfw not asian
>tfw no family sit-down meals throughout adult life

>> No.5334458

I love this so much.

>> No.5334502

I love her so much.

>> No.5334531
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>picking the wrong waifu

>> No.5334548
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>high school
>friend invites me to dinner in his house
>dinner table is set up
>wait for everyone to settle down
>"Anon, would you like to say grace?"

>> No.5334555
File: 13 KB, 300x200, Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family is so socially fucked.
My mother sets the table, puts a bowl of food or a roast or whatever it may be in the center of the table, everyone gets up from the couch and waddles over to the dinner table, fills up plates with food and goes back to watch TV on the couch, mother sits at the dinner table alone, eats then does the dishes.

>> No.5334562

Sounds like you need a screen at the dinner table.

It'll be like dystopian cow-boy game. Herd the cattle with the idiot box!

>> No.5334569

Heh, I moved away anyway, far far away.

>> No.5334574 [DELETED] 

It's more fun to make your family move away. I got that choice in NYC at about 20 years old... come to Georgia and live with us or keep this nice NYC apartment. The choice was clear, I kept the apartment, fuck living with my family in Georgia.

That took a lot a work to sort but I did it, and now, I'm the fuck out of NYC because it does get boring after a while and it's not what it was.

I don't care for the disney filled with glass version, so I go somewhere else, sometimes.

>> No.5334581
File: 125 KB, 600x450, gold-coast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in this city somewhere, the rest of my family lives lives in Tasmania, that little island at the bottom of Australia.

>> No.5334629 [DELETED] 

How come there are no people on the beach there? I know in some places the coast cuts off really quickly so it might get cold or you might get sharks.

Come to the Atlantic in Florida, don't worry about the bath salt cannibals, they're just weirdos. We all have weirdos! hahahaha!

Cheers to Tasmania folk from USA folk.

>> No.5334633

Not sure why no one is on the beach, might have been winter on a weekday and the rules are swim between the flags so people sort of swim in big groups.

Live of that same beach here, it is night time here now though.


>> No.5334636

hey, I used to live here. I wasn't a huge fan of the gold coast. surfer's is also a shithole, despite it looking awesome at night

>> No.5334639

Agreed, Surfers Paradise is a shit hole but there are some nice spots around, don't have to drive too far either.

Where do you live now?

>> No.5334641

Went to Brisbane. It's not amazing, but it has its perks.

>> No.5334656

I work in Brisbane but live on the Gold Coast, I find people in Brisbane really friendly and always up for a chat and the pubs up there are pretty cool, I like the old style pubs on the corners of the streets.

>> No.5334669
File: 40 KB, 634x482, 1396693450851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*covers entire plate in Tomato Sauce*
also lol @ filename
White 6-9 year old boys are the most obnoxious creatures on the planet when it comes to food. I think Louis CK (among less famous and funny personas)has a point in saying that it comes down to the shit we put/allow down their throats as to the extent of their irritating behaviour though.

>> No.5334682

oh shit

what'd you do?

>> No.5334684

That's probably one of the saddest things I've ever heard on this site.

>> No.5334713

oh yes everyone here is ridiculously nice. I got free coffee the other day just because the person making it liked my shirt. Australians, from what I've discovered, are just an all-around nice bunch. Bogans and abbos aside, of course.

>> No.5334723

I just said "thank god for this blessing and thank you for the meal you have provided tonight"

they coughed when it finished because I think it was too short

>> No.5334728


fucking religioners

>> No.5334774

I pray in private. I can't stand it when someone else's family asks me to do it for dinner.

captcha: because leadybt

>> No.5334833

Rubba Dub Dub Thanks for the Grub!

>> No.5334864

>family asks me to pray for a meal
>Fedora tipping atheist at this stage of my life
>figure that if I don't believe in god then the prayer is a sort of slight to him
>say the prayer in hopes that their souls burn in hell for eternity
take that, mom

>> No.5334869

you sure showed her

>> No.5334893

Bless us oh Lord for these they gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord Amen.

You fucking Protestants ruin everything.

>> No.5334895

Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give us something good to eat.

>> No.5334900

Nigger stole grace.

gibe it back

>> No.5334911

Even the rare religious people I've met don't seem to say grace, although maybe they only do it when eating in private.

>> No.5334915

>"..Give us Lord our daily bread.."

>> No.5334953

>God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food (and family)* amen

My family (methodists) are just more chill about grace I guess. OR they make it as simple and quick as possible so that kids can say it too

*usually omitted just to make it somewhat rhythmic and rhyming

>> No.5334966

this over and over and over

>> No.5335007

I'm atheist, and Asian, but I dated a white girl for a while and I would have dinner at her family's place for a while. They would make grace quick and short. There's something really relaxing about unwinding and taking a moment before eating with the people you love.

However, I will never forget the time I saw a Chinese family say grace at a Mcdonald's during breakfast time.

>> No.5335009

oh my

>> No.5335019

>fedora tipping atheist
>hopes someone burns in hell
I thought you cunts didn't believe in hell

>> No.5335084

I would like to thank science for this awesome food, you rock.

>> No.5335089

God is great, God is good. Thank you for the food. Let's eat.

>> No.5335094

>oh my science
>thank science
>science Christ

>> No.5335095
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>> No.5335097


I'm so glad I was never asked to say grace at any of my religious friends house. I was such a jackass when I was a teenager I probably would've just said "good food, good meat, good god let's eat!"

>> No.5335103


I actually did something like that when I was an edgy teen. I don't remember my exact words. They were totally cool with it, probably because they were new-age acoustic guitar playing christian types who think that Jesus loves everyone or some horse shit like that.

>> No.5335129

not even rice?

>> No.5335138

sit with her then

>> No.5335144

>mfw global warming and all this buildings partially underwater

>> No.5335744
File: 441 KB, 500x646, vNaa7zR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'll show those fags who live in warm places

>mfw snowing more today
>mfw still snowbanks taller than me everywhere
>mfw the ice in them is so compact it won't melt until late April

>> No.5336142
File: 128 KB, 502x461, 1380404296696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picking your waifu
>not the other way around
fuck off tourist