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5332396 No.5332396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be 20
>want to get a pallet (20 pack of 16 ounce tall boys) of pic related
>cannot find local pricing for Orlando fucking anywhere
>can't find any 30 case prices or 24 of bottles either
>why does no one advertise their price
how much can i expect to pay for either a 30 pack of busch cans, a 24 pack of bottles, or a 20 pack of pint cans?

>> No.5332410

I don't know. If you're drinking that stuff, I suggest you check your purse.

>> No.5332416

they sell 18 packs of busch bottles for 10 something around here
30 rack, like 22-23
why am i helping you?
'here's 40 bucks bring me all the busch you can'

>> No.5332424
File: 99 KB, 800x565, Wooden_pallet_with_glove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5332422


Well excuse me for enjoying a cheap macro that's easy to get hammered off of. Some people would rather spend $20 for a case of beer than $6/bottle of Satan's Assfuck Dogfish Chocolate Milk Jalapeno IPA Stout.

>> No.5332430

thanks for your input, sperg. can you not into colloquialisms?
>a 20 pack of pints is called a pallet as well

>> No.5332438

Do you think he meant palate or palette?

>> No.5332441

florida has the worst colloquials though so people feel the need to call you gator fuckers out on it

>> No.5332450


> :^) that'll show him who's boss

>> No.5332463
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>Satan's Assfuck Dogfish Chocolate Milk Jalapeno IPA Stout
pretty spot on

>> No.5332475

why don't you go blow some oxys

>> No.5332486


because pills are for pussy fuccbois, DMT and wax is where it's at

>> No.5332591

I like all kinds of fancy beer and I find Busch (not Light!) to be absolutely delicious. It has a nonsweet soda taste and feel, and is really bright and refreshing, a perfect summer drink that has the delightful corrollary of getting you hammered, as OP said. Much less cloying sugariness or aluminum taste than most adjuncts.

>> No.5332614


an ice cold Busch is so refreshing. i can slug em back like a case of La Croix water

>> No.5332617

idk why i'm talking shit im literally drinking busch right now

>> No.5332623


so then how much should i expect to pay for a 30/24 pack or a 20 of pints

>> No.5332632

i told you
25 bucks tops
but thats pussy shit give the man 40 dollars for busch he'll get you a very healthy amount and some nips for himself

>> No.5332633

A 22 of glass bottles in Taxachusetts is ~12 bucks, so I would guess about that for a 24, and maybe 15 for the others?

>> No.5332642


25 is my limit, i'm saving the rest of my money for weed

>> No.5332647

well that should get you a thirty
more than a 24 thats for sure
usually it goes .75 a beer for busch
.95 bud light
1 something bud heavy

>> No.5332657


>> No.5332666

how are you going to buy it if youre 20?

>> No.5332734



>> No.5332778

wax over pills? Are you serious? Haha. Wax is just concentrated THC. Take a quarter of an Opana 40 and tell me how you feel. Pussy my ass.

>> No.5332791

opiates are for pussies that can't handle reality

>> No.5332795
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>wax is just concentrated THC
and cannabinoids
have fun with your spins and nausea and dope sick retard
Go brew some ayahuasca and throw a handful of datura leaves in the pot and chase it with a handful of Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds.

>pic related, you and your opinions

>> No.5332799

>Go brew some ayahuasca and throw a handful of datura leaves in the pot and chase it with a handful of Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds.

>> No.5332802


because that's real fun drugs. pills are shit compared to the bounty of the earth.

>> No.5332807

im not the pill head that just sounds like misery

>> No.5332822


it's just an intense psychedelic experience

>> No.5332830

any of those are intense on their own
and fuck adding datura? you know thats how haitians make zombies?!

>> No.5332845


and the ecuadorian native tribes would use it combined with banisteriopsis caapi root (Vine of the Dead or Vine of Souls) to send unruly children to the underworld to have their ancestors scare them into behaving

so fucking what? as long as you're in the proper setting it's a perfectly safe drug to do.

>> No.5332852

dude you're nuts

>> No.5332883

I actually thought you were talking about a shipping pallet of beer and was going to lecture you on wholesale rates, but now I see you're just a retard. What you are talking about is called a flat.

>> No.5332898

>easy to get hammered off of

It's 4.1% ABV. That must take fucking forever.

>> No.5333065

Seriously. And taste like shit in the process.

Spring for a good craft beer and get drunk faster and more enjoyably instead.

>> No.5333081


>> No.5333082

I get a buzz of two 4.4% ABV Rolling Rocks. Quit being fat.

>> No.5333087

If you're gonna drink cheap, light beer then you might as well drink miller high-life. It is honestly the best beer in the light category I have ever had. Also, they sell 30 packs for $18 at wal-mart.

>> No.5333091

Yuengling distributes in Florida. It's usually under $20 for a case of cans.

>> No.5333098


Quit being asian, you pussy.

>> No.5333924

bad president, bad beer

>> No.5333933

rolling rocks are obviously the best cheap beer

>> No.5333942

>Also, they sell 30 packs for $18 at wal-mart.
oh shit do you live in the south? Its like $14-15 up here