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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 272x185, images-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5327417 No.5327417 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think is fair to feed them .anyone ever had to eat it

>> No.5327419

mexican food

>> No.5327428

But that might give person gas.

>> No.5327439

Shit, they used to feed them lobster.

>> No.5327441

My cuz fucked up and went to jail for a few months, he told me about this shit called "cheechee". Its when you buy a medium bag of cheetos, a packet of ramen, and you pour the ramen, seasonings, and hot water into the bag of cheetos and shake it up and eat it. It sounds like shit and I never tried it but he said it was really good compared to normal jail food.

>> No.5327444
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primate chow.

>> No.5327445

I have found myself waking up and going to sleep incarcerated. Organic vegan meals would help these guys calm down ... anything would still be better than fast food.

>> No.5327449
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Cheechee I would try it

>> No.5327454
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>ZuPreem® Primate Diet Canned is formulated to be a nutritionally complete diet when a source of Vitamin C is provided. Designed to be fed as the primary diet for Old and New World monkeys, great apes and other primates.

Only $1.43 a can for a 14 oz can.

>> No.5327455

Spent a night in the drunk tank once and they tried to feed me the next day. Couldn't eat that slop because I was still slightly drunk, and also it was pretty nasty. If I were there for an extended time I'm sure I could stomach it tho. BTW it was some kind of goulash with corn bread and a very watered down kool aid iirc. Sure I sound like a bitch but whatever

>> No.5327459
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Dude monkey food?

>> No.5327477

Cheechee is so gross lol, but ya jail food is horrid. I spent 60 days in jail and they would feed us mountains of minute rice and cheap sauce less egg noodles. The worst was the nazi way they acted about ketchup mustard salt and pepper, they would only allow it for certain meals and those meals were rare... You had to get commissary money to get peanut butter for your bread in the morning and even sugar packets to help choke down the sub par basic fiber packed breakfast they chose for us. You never got enough food to properly poop it would always be like sticky peanut butter shits which were damn near impossible to whipe your ass clean from. Sometimes we would get lucky and they would leave the leftovers out which didn't happen often due to the fact people fought over it and it sucked getting the tv taken away due to some idiots fighting over an extra sloppy joe which tastes like sandy BBQ sauce. I also saw two grown men beat the shit out of eachother when they let us have cake in there.. One lost a tooth.

Just thought you guys should hear something real.

>> No.5327496

>nazi way

You deserve it for being in jail

>> No.5327514


Not saying that guy didn't deserve to go to jail, as I don't know his situation, but it's pretty stupid of you to assume that he wasn't jailed unjustly. The US justice system is pretty shitty.

>> No.5327522
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if I was in prison with you .I would use you for a woman

>> No.5327545
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>> No.5327550


lobster used to be thought of as dirty sea bugs though.

>> No.5327554

I'd feed them whatever I could make from the things they grew in the prison garden.

>> No.5327556

more expensive than beans IIRC

>> No.5327587

Beans and rice.

Even prisoners have a right to basic nutrition, but it should be done in the most frugal way possible.

The sad thing is they feed them shit that's cheap for all the wrong reasons. Heavily subsidized, processed slop. That's no good.

>> No.5327595

been there done that. shit's not enjoyable but it'll sustain you and if you're in jail/prision you don't deserve to enjoy your food

>> No.5327597

Duh fuq is that?

>> No.5327599

Why done we just make em grow their own food? They're not doing anything all day anyway

>> No.5327803
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some communities used to do that. convicts would work and run gardens. it would provide food for the jails and schools.

>> No.5327810

that would take an insane amount of land, at least in america

do you realize how overcrowded our prisons are

highest incarceration rate in the world, motehrfuckers

>> No.5327827

>pretty stupid of you to assume that he wasn't jailed unjustly

If you work under the assumption that everyone in jail might not be guilty you pretty much can't justify jailing any of them in the first place.

Jail is where you go when you are found guilty, you kind of have to work under the assumption that the system works.

>> No.5327830

>implying they are not dirty sea bugs

>> No.5327869

They still do this in some rural areas.
This wouldn't be a problem if they built more prisons in rural areas.
You're either a moron, or exceptionally ignorant of the system and how it works.

>> No.5328307

And a twix every Wednesday

>> No.5328556
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>you kind of have to work under the assumption that the system works.

>> No.5328569
File: 3 KB, 300x57, scopes trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember this. Vaguely.

What was the name for this "challenge", because I'm having trouble googling it.

image of google being seriously scary.

>> No.5328633

But they are right.
You don't decide guilt in a prison.
You decide it in a court.

>> No.5328646

>You decide it in a court.

I don't decide guilt at all. A large system full of many people, each of whom is highly susceptible to corruption, decides guilt. You simply can't assume that someone is guilty of a crime because they have been imprisoned for it. That kind of confidence in our justice system is really dangerous.

If you want examples, just google all of the cases of people being exonerated 30 years after being jailed. Then consider that those are just the ones lucky enough to have someone take on their case, and think about how many innocent people like them are sitting in prison because they don't have money or family members to fight for them.

>> No.5328647

legally guilty and actually guilty are two different things. just because someone is in jail does not mean, ethically, that he "deserves" to be there. the law is a very arbitrary thing, more used to facilitate order and political interests than to actual enact justice, therefore you are not equipped to say whether or not someone deserves to eat shit in prison

>> No.5328653

different anon, but this isn't even mentioning the gross injustice of inconsistent, and especially over the top sentencing that happens in the US. it's fucking ridiculous when you look at sentencing between the US and other developed countries.

>> No.5328690

Food should vary in quality depending on what the person's crime was and how they're behaving in the prison, and those with better food should be allowed to eat seperately from the violent animals and their trough of garbage.

If the person's "crime" is soft drug related or white collar then I see no need to give the person too hard a time, I'm not even sure those people should be in jail at all, they just need someone keeping an eye on them. And why not give prisoners the chance to work, earn money and buy luxuries like better food?

The bottom line is that they're there to be rehabilitated, and food would be a good way to reward good behaviour and help them become worthy of living in a civilised society again.

>> No.5328774

>white collar

>steal $200 from a corner store to buy crack? 20 years.
>embezzle $400,000? Probation, maybe.

>> No.5328778

Which crime is the victim more likely to catch a bullet in the head?
Apologies if question is racist.

>> No.5328797

If someone's stealing money to feed an addiction, I'd say they need to be in rehab more than jail, same way a schizophrenic would go to a mental institute instead of jail. They're clearly ill, and their illness made them commit the crime.

If the crime is violent though, they need to be off the streets for sure, until they're clean and able to be civilised around decent folk..

With embezzlement, the guy isn't a danger to people's safety. He just has to demonstrate that he's doing evreything he can to pay back the money, and needs to be kept away from working with large amounts of money.

That said, I think political corruption is a white collar crime, but it's more on the level of treason and could affect thousands of families, so I'm fine with hanging those cunts.

>> No.5328832


do you have brain problems or something?

>> No.5328834

>They're not doing anything all day anyway
Prison populations are enslaved. literally.

making all kinds of shit for pennies a day

>> No.5328914


yea, we just had a big thing about a multi-millionaire not being sent to jail for raping his 3 year old daughter because the judge ruled that he wouldn't "fare well" in prison

>> No.5328922

why don't prisons just use the terrible school lunches?

>> No.5328928

aka the judge would lose his job if he didn't get his ass out

>> No.5328953

Prisons in America are just legal slavery systems.

>> No.5328957


>they get paid
choose one

>> No.5328965


There are many different types of slavery. Just because it does not fall into the type with which you are familiar does not mean it is wrong.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wage_slavery is an example.

>> No.5328994


>> No.5329020


wrong, fagbucket.

>> No.5329077

>forced to work or punished
>not allowed to leave

it's slavery bro

>> No.5329095

Ive been to jail a couple times... The food was not bad, if you are expecting it. I used to eat nothing but rice and beans, the food was slightly better. Imagine a very plain, very lackluster breakfast from the 1800s, in a poor family, with moderate portions that resembles the most poverty stricken cafeteria food you can imagine.. Thats what you get. It does taste a little off at first, but you get used to it. Cheetos is really popular in county jails as are other foods to makes sauces and spreads to put on the ordinary jail food. But the food itself is doable.. less of a concern than the crisis you are in. Its like waiting in a waiting room for however long without magazines.. It is literally that boring.

>> No.5329101
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Imagine a McDonald's employee.
They make just enough for rent, food and basic amenities/provisions. No more.
Tell me how they are not a slave?
They are only barely kept alive by modern standards.
The only real difference is that they can try to find another job.

>> No.5329108

what the fuck does "barely alive by modern standards" mean? Can you elaborate please?

>> No.5329110

I knew someone that had this mentality once.. He had no friends, did nothing for pleasure, acted foolish and was avoidant of everything. He was picked on and excelled in nothing, like a jellyfish. He avoided any kind of situation which would put his views into jeopardy and knew nothing about life. He would talk like this all the time as a way of getting under peoples skin because he was tortured from controlling himself.

I have a spotless record and am doing just fine socially and finacially and ive always realized that we are living in a toilet bowl fueled by greed.. cheating/corruption is common and accepted.. and you are denying it exists in the first place? Most people know this.

The people that are the most violent criminals, to me, are people that are ambitious and accept cheating/corruption.

>> No.5329114


>> No.5329117

Depends on what level of offense / what type of jail. I was black out drunk (up until I heard the siren, that will sober your ass up quick!) and had to stay in the tank until I sobered up to a much lower BAC or had spent a certain number of hours.

We were given two sack lunches. They had a surprisingly decent plain bologna sandwich, two smallish oranges and some orange juice. I was fine with it.

Stuff like that is fine I think, as long as you vary the meals for people in there longer than a night. PB&J some days. Milk available. Some kind of raw vegetable (whole carrots are cheap). Apples and bananas are cheap.

I think having at least one hot meal a day is fine, if it keeps them calmer. As someone said, beans and rice. Spaghetti with plain marinara. Something like that is cheaper than school lunches and, in my opinion, actually more palatable.

I think rehabilitation should be the top priority of of jail. It shouldn't be so nice that it isn't a deterrent. But, if you just want revenge on them, you might end up making them worse off.

>> No.5329118

so why didn't you/they just say that?

>> No.5329134

everyone knows the system isn't perfect. in fact it's far from it. even if every one was guilty for sure, what does that mean? They deserve to suffer? Not everyone is a murderer, not everyone is irredeemable.

>> No.5329138

>Tell me how they are not a slave?

voluntary contractual agreement

>> No.5329143

I think food corps should do testing on the lifers. See what effects some newly designed GMO food has on them, test some foods that could potentially be harmful to them, etc etc. Fuck ethics, if these cunts raped kids or murdered a whole bunch of people, bad things should happen to them too.

>> No.5329146

Just give them carbs and sugar, keep them out of shape and lethargic

>> No.5329149

If you've never been in jail or at least the tank, I'd say your opinion on the subject doesn't matter. The food there fucking sucks, and you only get enough money for smokes, and maybe enough ramen to eat 4 or 5 times a month.

>> No.5329155

As a taxpayer and law abiding citizen I'd like to think my opinion matters more than yours you fucking leech.

>> No.5329159

Call me names because you know you'll never amount to anything

>> No.5329163

1. Never been locked up but I've locked up plenty of shitheads
2. Tough titties

>> No.5329165

says the criminal

>> No.5329166

Being a someone's bitch in prison isn't exactly milestone you should be bragging about.

>> No.5329183

Still though, you can't withhold punishment from someone in jail that was found guilty in a court of law because they MIGHT be innocent. It's stupid, what's the point of jailing anyone at all in that case?

>> No.5329189

Sure you have

I'm proud that I made it out, unlike you faggots who will never amount to anything.

>> No.5329204

Congrats on the life accomplishment of getting out of prison. Gold stars all around.

>> No.5329225

>I'm proud that I made it out, unlike you faggots who will never amount to anything.

You keep saying that, that's some little coping mechanism you came up with isn't it?

>> No.5329265
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stahp fighting u guys. no one wins

>> No.5329269

Exactly. There isn't any point in jailing people.

>> No.5329328

>Fuck ethics, if these cunts raped kids or murdered a whole bunch of people, bad things should happen to them too.

But what if they didn't, and everyone just thinks they did?

>> No.5329358

There is almost no one in prison like that.
It's mostly potheads and black guys that did petty crimes repeatedly.

>> No.5329372

Not the guy you replied to here, but I'm sure that you writing a 10X longer post about your superiority as a reply to a factual statement tells more about you than the other guy.

America has shit people, the system is fine and it works in the rest of the civilised world.

>> No.5329379
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there is this things call nutraloaf used in prisons. it is nutrionally satisfactory. it can be eaten by hand. it taste like nothing. they use it to feed prisoners who are in solitary for being asses.

I think prisoners should only eat what they can grow. Turn all prisons into giant farms and the prisoners have to work the fields and the kitchens. if they don't work together and be peaceful, they will go hungry.

>> No.5329382

and /v/ thinks they should play videogames all day and /tv/ says they should watch tv all day

>> No.5329386

>the system is fine
10/10 master troll

>> No.5329392

If you're suggesting prisoners get fed nastier shit as part of their punishment, they already are.

For starters portions would be about a third of what you receive on the outside, without subsidizing from the commisary it would probably be enough to keep a grown man at about 140 lbs. If you're fat you WILL lose weight. Some of the before and after pics of fat people that went for a stint in jail or prison are incredible. Man comes in 350 lbs. Leaves 160.

Everyone is hungry. If you wonder why stealing/taking/trading/begging people's food is so common, that is why.

And to the food it's self. Like styrofoam, tasteless and usually served coldish. If anything is hotter than room temporature that's unusual.

Pretty sure the biscuits are just water and bisquick thrown into an oven for about 30 seconds.

So believe me, prisoners, at least in America, are already punished by their diets in lockup. That's why if you've ever seen someone that's just got out, it's like they're on the Olympic competitive eating contest for a couple days.

>> No.5329395

Me and my taxes don't care if they eat at all.

>> No.5329397

That you, prison Mike?

>> No.5329401

>Me don't care if they eat at all

I have a feeling you don't pay a whole lot in taxes, friend.

>> No.5329409

I write quarterly checks that probably rival your yearly salary and I'm not your friend, pal.

>> No.5329413

which one has the greater knock on effects?

>> No.5329416

>implying I'm not a student
>implying my family isn't load

Regardless, I have a hard time believing anyone with such a poor grasp on a very simple grammatical concept that most people learn very early in childhood makes any amount of money greater than what a mechanic or plumber would.

>> No.5329418

>With embezzlement, the guy isn't a danger to people's safety
not directly, but are you gonna tell me the 2007s recession (caused by white collar crime) didnt directly increase violent crime?

>> No.5329419

The greater what on what?

>> No.5329426

licensed plumbers make pretty damn good money.

pretty much best paying job in construction, besides electrician

>> No.5329428


>> No.5329429

That still wouldn't make you rich until you started getting entrepreneurial with it.

>> No.5329446

Most master plumbers end up doing that because they can show up to a job a few times and sign some papers and get paid thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for it while their crew does all the work.

I know plumbers with million dollar and up houses in Rochester

>> No.5329450
File: 203 KB, 1018x768, school food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most prison food is furnished by companies like SodexHo and SysCo, which you might remember as the company that made the food prepared by your high school cafeteria.

They more or less specialize in making food as cheap as is humanly possible, with absolutely zero regard for quality or nutrition. And in the case of prisons, since they have to cut costs anywhere possible and are dealing with a population that nobody has an ounce of compassion for, they always serve obscenely undersized portions.

Your only alternative is to supplement your meals with food from commissary, which is basically just the bullshit you'd find in a run-down gas station convenience store. Just chips, candy bars, any other crap that comes prepackaged and lasts forever.

I swear the lack of acceptable food makes me more afraid of prison than the prison rape does.

>> No.5329453

Touting grammatical superiority works better when you don't make any mistakes in your own writing, kid.
That first lesson is free.

>> No.5329457

Oh, sorry, I forgot some commas around the appositive.
Protip: that's punctuation, not grammar.

>> No.5329458
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I've heard most (humane)prison food is quite similar to budget airline food.
Seems reasonable given the comparable circumstances/requirements.

Nutritionally; it's largely absolute shit. I'd definitely change that if I had the power. It doesn't need to taste great but prisoners shouldn't be limited to the choices of starvation and greasy, low fibre & protein, high fat, crap.

>> No.5329466

you just burned him noice

>> No.5329471

Go back and recheck your spelling too, junior.
I am going to have to start charging though.

>> No.5329473

you're an idiot shut up

who the fuck says that anyways? "junior".

just shut up and stop being a faggot

>> No.5329475

Oh, sorry. I wasn't looking at my greentext because I assumed everyone treated that format like I do

>can do whatever I want
>spel howeever i wunt
>dat nigga tried to write a real sentence and failed horribly
>not the same thing

>> No.5329476

You're the worst writer in the whole class, sonny boy.

>> No.5329481

Food quality being divided into tiers based on behavioral status could have its benefits.
Problem would be that if guards had any input it'd be corrupt/biased as fuck though.

>> No.5329489

were you born in the fucking 40s or something shut the fuck up

>> No.5329493

I'm the original guy he was replying to. We got trolled.

>> No.5329495

You should have written out the word 'forties', you uneducated little scamp.

>> No.5329521

what the fuck is a scamp isn't that a fucking lesser daedra from The Elder Scrolls

maybe you did but I fight fire with fire mo fuck bitch

>> No.5329531

it seems like a lot of prison food is chosen on the basis of being

1. cheap, because prisoners don't deserve fineries, and
2. unenjoyable, because prisoners deserve punishment

but I think more reasonable criteria would be selecting food that doesn't provoke mood swings or discomfort (low glycemic index / nutrient-rich, and not awful to eat) and that promotes good health in general (because disease is more expensive to treat than to prevent)

like dudes should be eating beans, rice, lentils, greens, quinoa, seasonal vegetables, and shit

if you want to keep it cheap just don't give them much or any meat

>> No.5329533


Sort of on that topic, I worked at a hospital who contracted the food out to SodexHo and the food was actually really really good.

Of course, I'm sure the hospital paid a lot more than a prison would.

>> No.5329568

My university uses Sodexo, and I personally find the food to be utter garbage outside of the salad bar.

>> No.5329624


>And in the case of prisons, since they have to cut costs anywhere possible and are dealing with a population that nobody has an ounce of compassion for, they always serve obscenely undersized portions.

Well gee, then why are there so many fatties in prison?

>> No.5329631

why not let those who want to, grow in the prison garden as a hobby?

hell, my great grandfather said they used to let prisoners FUCKING FISH on their time off

>> No.5329652

Prison is not a hobby farm or a fucking fishing lodge.

>> No.5329659

I'm pretty sure that was before prisons became a business.

>> No.5329669

> eat nutritional, healthy foods
> less likely to chimp the fuck out

food has an extreme effect on mood.

my friends brother is in prison currently, and they just had to start giving him multivitamins because the food they were serving was deemed detrimental to their health.

one guy got scurvy in solitary

>> No.5329684

Well, there's a solution to that too.
Stay out of fucking prison.

>> No.5329695


omg so funnee and clever anon simply epik

>> No.5329705

> be poor
> after working your shitty ass job as a carpenter you smoke some dope
> get caught with a gram
> hope you enjoy a year in a half in prison

why not just solitary all of them as soon as they get in and keep them that way? it'd save money and if they act up just execute them

>> No.5329708

It's a fact, Jack. Not trying to be funny.

>> No.5329718

Move to a state that allows it or follow the laws.
Am I really explaining Life 101 to you retards?

>> No.5329719

You make it sound like it's so hard to stay out of prison.

Are you a nigger?

>> No.5329727

the worst part of that I agree with this. in prison, insubordination should always equal death. if you question authority, death. hit an inmate? death. damage property? death.

>> No.5329729

>implying innocent people never go to prison
>implying guilty people don't go free
I remember when I was 10.

>> No.5329734

Prison food is the same as school cafeteria food. They're made by the same companies and everything. So, imagine eating cafeteria food three times a day every day for the duration of your sentence. It's not really BAD, but it's not good either. Just kind of bland functional meals. The portions are big enough to give you enough calories but too small to give you that satisfying full feeling.

Sometimes people use shit from the prison canteen to make their own 'meals' but it's usually pretty gross. Like, crushing up a bag of doritos then pouring a bottle of mountain dew and crushed up brick ramen+flavor packet into it. Then shared between 4 people. Stuff like that. Super low-quality junk food, but it breaks up the monotony of eating cafeteria food so they eat it anyway.

>> No.5329739

Dude, you are so simple it literally hurts me to read your posts. You are the very definition of why people hate tripfags.
You may be older than ten but you have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.5329740

Over two million people would like disagree with you, sir.

>> No.5329747

So I was wrong? Every person in prison is guilty 100% of the time? Every guilty person gets put in prison? No? I didn't think so.

>> No.5329753

numbers=/= not guilty etc

when Stalin had many people executed, and I mean many, did it mean he had the wrong people killed? no. they were dregs on society and deserved it

>> No.5329754

0/10 worst troll ever

>> No.5329761

>implying I said innocent people never go to prison
>implying I care when I have nothing in common with the average person that gets put into the system

Go look at the innocence project and sort them by race and socioeconomic standing. There are many common factors.

>> No.5329777

>only caring about people you have something in common with
What's it like to be a sociopath?

>> No.5329786

probably better than an forever emotionally immature bleeding heart

>> No.5329788

Dirty, immortal sea bugs.

>> No.5329790

Sorry good sir, my generation grew up in the 80's with babyboomers screaming in our ear "money talks and bullshit walks", so you'll have to forgive me if I'm deaf in one ear to lamentations of those that share no commonality with me

>if you didn't want a generation of sociopaths you shouldn't have raised them to be soiciopaths

>> No.5329791

It's bad. Not as bad as school food, but not good.

Shit's popular.

>> No.5329795

Why are you faggots not sageing this shitted up thread and reporting this goddamned tripfag baitmeister?

>> No.5329803

I'm bored and I'm certain the retard believes everything he writes.

>> No.5329807
File: 488 KB, 499x367, 1395538794197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about both of you shut the fuck up, stop waving your dicks around, and let this thread continue

>> No.5329812

why havent you filtered out all tripfags yet?

>> No.5329823

I'm younger than you. I'm sorry you were raised by such horrible people / you're incapable of believing anything other than what you've been taught

>> No.5329829

>being sensitive and compassionate is a bad thing

Shit, I forgot where I was for a second. Go back to these 3edgy5me characters you're all playing. Sorry for ruining your roleplay.

>> No.5329834

>I'm younger than you.
You don't fucking say.

>> No.5329837

>Fucking queer tripfag kikery shitting up the board
>"lol jus ignores it mang"
This is why /ck/ is all bait threads and viral bullshit.

>> No.5329844

If you want rehabilitation you feed prisoners well. Making them grow food and allowing them to cook small meals helps prepare them to leave. Nutritionally balanced food helps greatly reduce intra inmate violence and improves mental health.

If prison is just punishment and you don't mind guards and other prisoners dying, feed them crap.

>> No.5329845

>if you didn't want a generation of sociopaths you shouldn't have raised them to be soiciopaths

I wonder why I thought you thought I was older than you. Maybe you should learn how to communicate better. You probably meant to use the non-specific "one" instead of "you"

>> No.5329849


this isn't /pol/ fucko. take your ignorant racist ass back there.

>> No.5329852

>believes in criminal rehabilitation

>> No.5329860

>boo hoo dey says a bad word on 4chan
back to youknowwhere

>> No.5329864

>Doesn't believe reducing prison population is a good thing
>Thinks feeding people shit is going to change their warped view on Law.

Its like you want to pay more taxes

>> No.5329865

I don't care that you said it. I'm not gay or Jewish. I just want to let you know that we all see you for what you are: an angry white male who is super afraid of losing the power that we've had for centuries. Things are changing. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.5329866

viva la revolution, amirite?
You don't mind if I don't hold my breath, do you?

>> No.5329867

I was gonna say ''let them grow their own food and cook it'' but then I realized that they'd stab each other to death with gardening tools and kitchen utensils.

>> No.5329871
File: 4 KB, 258x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The equivalent of dogfood for humans, i.e. soylent.

>> No.5329873

You make it a privilege that's earned. Give it some status boosters like fruit they can take to their cell then the hardened lags will do anything to hold on to it.

>> No.5329875

Works in europe

>> No.5329876

you should treat theam as good as every person deserves, they are not there to get tortured. the punishment is the imprionment, wanting to punish them additionaly says a good chunk about your understandings of basic human rights

>> No.5329882

Everything is changing before your eyes, dude. There will come a time when the white man is the dominant group in society. No amount of bitching on stormfront is going to change that.

>> No.5329901

>Faggot is jewing up the cooking board with his Xtreem-leftwing "lol abolish prisons 1 guy in 300,000 in there is totally innocent he only fucked a baby a little he din do nuffin bad" bullshit
>Can't call a spade a spade because muh tumblr feels

I hope you and the tripfag both get imprisoned, shived, and raped in the shiv-hole.

>> No.5329908

Ow! Be careful! I cut myself on your edge. I hope I don't get any blood on your fedora and cape.

>> No.5329917

5329837 here
>I don't care that you said it.
Hence the reply.
> I'm not gay or Jewish.
>Then why are you being such a kike faggot?
>you are: an angry white male
One out of three correct. Angry.
>who is super afraid of losing the power that we've had for centuries.
Get fucked, whitey faggot. You don't see me bitching about my ancestors being slaves to yours.Why? Because the past is fucking over, the jews who imported my people are all dead, and the south is a fucking shithole now so they got theirs.
>Things are changing. Get the fuck over it.
Maybe this time you can call me Massa while I whip your faggot ass, if they're gonna change that much.

>> No.5329918

>you kind of have to work under the assumption that the system works

painfully stupid.

>> No.5329921

Why do I have a hard time believing you're anything but a 13-23 year old white neckbeard? Oh, that's right, because that's exactly how your posts come off.

>> No.5329924

Keep /pol/ in /pol/.
This is a cooking board. This conversation is not about cooking.

Ah, I see. Fuck off back to tumblr and never return, SRS.

>> No.5329930

This attitude is why nobody can take you seriously.

>> No.5329935

>implying I associate with those fucks
I've been coming here since 2007. I have every right to be here that you do. I like how not being a bigot means I'm some kind of tumblr idiot on 2014 4chan. When did this place stop being people pretending to be assholes and start being filed with actual terrible people?

>> No.5329938

>acts as a bigot
>claims to be black in order to save face
If you're so black, prove it. Oh, that's right, you can't.

>> No.5329941

When some tripfag asshole started going off about the prison system not working on the goddamned food and cooking board.

>> No.5329956

>started going off about the prison system in a prison food thread

>> No.5329963

>prison food thread
>prison food

Funny, no one is talking about food.

>> No.5329969
File: 22 KB, 292x396, mayberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, ask this guy

>> No.5329970

blah blah privilege blah your a racist blah blah blah.

Wassa matta whitey, im nut blk if i dun types liek dis?

A small portion of us can take to education, you know.

>> No.5329976


foodscraps containing the minimum required nutrients that food needs to be fed to inmates. The food scraps are mushed together into a bar. This food is usually used as punishment for misbehaving inmates.

>> No.5329982

they steal food from prisoners beneath them

>> No.5329983

I know real black people. I live with one. You are most definitely not black.

>> No.5329989

There's a difference between a black person and a nigger, nigger.

>> No.5329991

Until I see a timestamped photo I'm just going to assume you're a white crybaby racist who's afraid of the 21st century.

>> No.5330006

This thread just reminds me of how blessed I am for not having been born in the states.

>> No.5330017

Until I see a timestamped photo I'm going to assume you're a kike crybaby faggot who's afraid of vaginas.

>> No.5330041

Amen brother

>> No.5330051

If they are there for growing pot I would give them Steak and lobster, if they are child rapers I would give them the shittiest possible food.
I know the courts ruled they could not be fed army K rations , they said it wasn't good enough for prisoners.

>> No.5330072

Is English your 3rd langauge or do you just suck at typing?

>> No.5330092

Rations are meant for short-term subsistence. If you made them prison food staples, any sentences longer than a year would suddenly be unofficial death penalties through the most inhumane method of constipation. Hell, two months on K-rations alone would leave your hemorrhoids capable of choking a grizzly.

>> No.5330170

so >>5329143 is still wrong?

>> No.5330174

what the hell would a photo prove?

>> No.5330180


Judging by
>f they are there for growing pot I would give them Steak and lobster

I'm guessing he's a stoner.

>> No.5330185

That you're not some angry white douche pretending to black for the sake of an argument.

>> No.5330208

>Fuck ethics

Man, and geniuses like you even get to vote?

>> No.5330226

Well given the slippery slope that the nation is on now (cheap prison labor), wouldn't this be the logical next step in monetizing prisoners? Not that it actually needed to be suggesting. I'm just sayin'

Kinda reminds me of the workhouses in the UK but with more capitalism

>> No.5330315

>gilded cage at worst

>> No.5330517

despite being a meat eater I have to agree with this
you're in prison because you fucked up and need to get on the right track, not because you're an innately bad person and you need to be mocked and insulted by society until to understand that. food should be provided on the principle of, whatever gets them going and allows them to go about their daily routine and nothing more; not shit so unbearable they get to learn more every day about how much society doesn't give a fuck about them and how that's not going to change once they make it to the other side. it's already punishing enough that they aren't going to eat steak, lobster, fried shrimp, ice cream, nice wine, cold beer, and whatever else a free man could see himself getting, the least the prison system could do for inmates it needs to be reforming is have them eat functionally nutritional food.

but nooo, the conservative taxpayers say we can't have prisoners eating like they're at a fancy resort. jesus christ.

>> No.5330527

authoritarian socialist here.

FUCK prisoners

>> No.5330539

I did 30 days at the James Musick facility in Orange County, CA back in the 90's. They grow most of their food on the premises. I actually ate pretty well for that month...

>> No.5330563

I hope you realize that most authoritarian socialist countries rely upon the idea of prison as a deterrent and reform center rather than a means of punishment. Even Singapore, aka Disneyland With The Death Penalty, utilizes caning as an open statement to the people that crime is to be avoided, because their goal is to have as many people harmoniously working OUTSIDE of prison, whereas America loves to have as many people in the slammer as possible due to its effective contracting culture.

>> No.5330596

>le judicial system in America is perfect face

>> No.5330623


Thanks for posting nothing of value and acting obnoxious throughout the thread. I just wanted to read about food and jail, not your bullshit. Why do you even have a trip code?

>> No.5330707

I actually just got out of jail for some stupiid bullshit assaulting a police officer charge. It was like high school in there with their fucking drama and the food was awful. We got weird water from above the toilet and in the mornings we got hot sweet tea.

>> No.5330743
File: 5 KB, 509x204, 00653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great job. Now you can go tell your roomie about that evil, privileged white man who was posting on /ck/, and when he asks how you knew, just say that he could stay out of prison.

>> No.5330758

>voluntary contractual agreement
Their alternatives being? Death? Homelessness?

>> No.5330790

Anywhere else that's hiring.

>> No.5330802

You know the average McShit employee is barely marketable on paper right?

>> No.5331190

they used to, but then parents demanded more nutritional meals that were more expensive. No one gave a fuck what inmates got, so companies lowered the standards of prison food to help offset the cost.

>> No.5331210

Jail food can go from acceptable to complete pig slop depending on the area and day.
I was in jail for a few days for a DWI. I got sick as a dog the second night along with a couple others. It was this weird bean slop they kept reheating, I should have known better. I couldn't eat solid food the third day, felt so weak, I just took the toast and drink and gave my tray to some mexican dude in my block.

Everyone was looking forward to "corndog day" on Friday. Which I got to eat before getting out the next day. That was the only acceptable food in that piece of shit. A jail in north Texas.

A side note, that guy that I gave my tray to, he got out the same day as me. I was walking to a gas station to call for a ride, my phone in lockup died. Him and his "cousins" saw me walking and picked me up, drove me to town. None of them spoke any english but legit motherfuckers.

>> No.5331222
File: 60 KB, 220x231, ass (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 99 percent sure this is bait, but fuck it, I'll bite.

Jail, at least here in the U.S is a place you go after being arrested, and you stay there until being convicted. You go to prison if you are convicted of a crime and the punishment is 365 days or more incarceration.

It's not all that uncommon that drunk drivers are put in jail, just until they sober up and can make it to court to be given a fine.

Wheras prisons are usually segragated based on type of crime, such as violent criminals in one area, and drug related convicts in another, Jails are a melting pot, you could see a drunk driver next to a serial rapist, next to someone who just killed 6 people, next to someone who sold some pot.

>> No.5331236

Fantastic direct reply to my point.

>> No.5331251

I get sick of tripfags sometimes too, but this guy is right. Decent food should be in jails and prisons. Innocent people can be there. People that are tried for no violent bullshit crimes like possession are in there...they are already taken out of society, now rejoice normals, they can't bother you with their differences anymore, but they shouldnt be tortured with shitty food that barely keeps you going and makes you sick. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.5331323

In no way was the 2007 recession caused by white collar crime. It was caused by over-optimism and stupidity (like most bubbles).

>> No.5331459
File: 183 KB, 796x952, commissary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Chef Commissary go

>> No.5331468

Jesus fucking christ, I am fairy regular on several boards but rarely have I seen a single trip faggot totally ruin a thread by himself to this extent
congrats lumen

>> No.5331472

I've seen this on tv.

>> No.5331477

lol is this true?

I found this post unreasonably funny

>> No.5331505
File: 12 KB, 356x444, uwatmothafucka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT edgy faggots who have never earned their stripes talking about food they've never eaten and rationalizing why they're above the flawed system. You pieces of shit know nothing.

>> No.5331545


Get laxatives, and shit all over someone when they try to rape you.

Also, to everyone saying prisoners come out skinny or underfed, that's bullshit. Got nothing but time when you're inside, and there is a lot of reasons why you'd need to be semi fit or heavy. Watch Lockup, you don't see someone with ribs showing.

>> No.5331559

The judge was a stupid woman.

>> No.5331617

how come they all lift weights then?

>> No.5331623
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1341785804930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fighting about nothing on the internet

>> No.5331666

Ethics are what we base the entirety of the penal system upon. You can't "fuck the ethics" in a question of ethics. You don't reduce or redeem crime by sacrificing the principles of a just, sane and reasonable society in an animal spate of vengefulness. The primary achievements of this sort of behavior would be further devaluation of human life, further spread of disenfranchisement and direct fear of the very society people are needed to feel part of, and the setting of a precedent on the acceptability of a society torturing its own citizens.

Not that the yankees don't do all of this already, but really, there's no point in exacerbating the situation in the name of fixing it.

>> No.5331691

why the fuck do people say things like this? what the fuck are they supposed to be? constant work camps? functional work camps while people are being underfed, and you expect to let these people back out into the world one day after being surrounded by thugs and underfed and trained by you, the taxpayer, to believe that no one in the world respects them? are you heartless, stupid, or a terrible mix of both? only wannabe-libertarians are happy with paying taxes into the system just to spite pot smokers and people from bad homes while jail lords to make money off their dime

>> No.5331716

But, the most important thing is:
what does a prisoner do throughout all the day?
Does he read? Does he paint? Does he listens to music? Does he kill the cellmate for touching his soap during the shower?
If I was a prisoner, I would write a lot, read a lot and live as a rinascimental litterate. What a good life.

>> No.5331725


Yes, it's true. In the 1700s, famously, lobster was a common prison food in coastal New England, because it was considered trash food that no one else would want to eat.

>> No.5331731

you know people who speak English as a third language tend to be better at it than people who speak it as a second. it's hard to learn a second language but it takes someone with a good knack, experience, and learning aptitude to make it to a third language, and by the time you've gotten well enough along in a second language that you could legitimately use the term "third language" (not that it's a real term, but I'm humoring you), you become good at pattern recognition and linguistic deconstruction (breaking a phrase down into its logical value rather than going word for word in translation)

just thought you should know because you sound like a tard

>> No.5331785


In Louisiana they absolutely do that. Angola Prison sits on 18000 acres of land and they utilize it to farm and even have a rodeo. Different approach than most jails for sure. Another fun statistic is 90% of the people that go to Angola, die in an Ango. Its like a new age slave plantation, especially when you see the guards on horse back with shotguns

>> No.5331804

>new age
kid, Angola's been around since before slavery was illegal

>> No.5331811

Huh, thanks. I did not know that. I always assumed jail and prison were two words for the same thing (both meaning prison).

>> No.5331833

>shooting an escaping convict from horseback with a shotgun
Holy shit, that may be the manliest thing I've ever read. I bet the horse freaks out when that shotgun goes off.

>> No.5331835

>shooting an unarmed person while on horseback
Are you 10?

>> No.5331874

>letting the murderer kill a bunch of guards with his shank and escape because it's "not a fair fight"
You'll never work this rodeo again, Cletus.

>> No.5331880

uh yeah, that's exactly what this conversation was about.

>> No.5331891


>> No.5331921

>I bet the horse freaks out when that shotgun goes off.
no way they train those fuckers at gun ranges
cold blooded

>> No.5331931

>no way they train those fuckers at gun ranges
Of course they do. People train gun dogs to not be afraid of gun fire, there is no way you aren't going to acclimate a giant skittish animal you are sitting on to be comfortable around gunfire.

>> No.5332038


I'm not a kid, and obviously I'm aware of that. They just kept it rollin I guess

>> No.5332044


No. The horses hate niggers too

>> No.5332157

I remember hearing two women who have been to prison talking about this and some other prison concoctions while I was waiting for the bus. I can't remember any of the other weird shit they made, though.

>> No.5332384

My friend was in for a couple of years, worked out and read a lot.

>> No.5332504

>giving "them" weapons
You know what would happen

>> No.5332552


there are actually some fair non-candy non-chip options on there. I'd probably be eating a ton of brown rice and canned stuff...

>> No.5332559

What exactly do you define as "fair" that's a marketing term you know.

I don't subscribe to what hippies call "fair." So please what do you think is called "fair" since you brought it up?

>> No.5332568

have inmates go through garbage and find scrapes of food that people throw away and eat that also make them recycle while there at it.

>> No.5332853

>that's punctuation, not grammar.
Punctuation is a component of grammar.

>> No.5332859

Beans, rice, leafy greens.

But I'm sure they feed them whatever derives from corn subsidies and the processed food industry.

>> No.5333033

I probably shouldn't be saying this, but after embezzling over 1.7 million dollars worth of goods from a major corporation as acting CEO, a friend of mine is still quite free today. They gave him four months in a minimum security prison and his food was prepared by an actual chef each day. They'd bring him a menu in the morning, he'd tick off what he wanted, and they'd bring it to him. His biggest worry was securing the tennis court twice a week. He's out today and hasn't paid back a cent of it, either.

>> No.5333111

>implying either is a component of 4chan