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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5319238 No.5319238[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I get my boyfriend to eat better?
His diet mainly consists of fast food, pizza, pizza pockets and anything frozen.

I came over today and here's what happened
>him: "babes I'm hungry so I'm going to make something to eat"
>me: "what are you thinking of making?"
>"scrambled eggs, I usually microwave them"
>"you do what? I'll make them for you instead"
I pull out a pan, 3 eggs, milk, butter and do them low and slow like Gordon Ramsay would. Salt and pepper to taste.
He then does this in picture.

I would like to make him things but he is a picky eater. I throw my hands up /ck/ I need help. Anything is appreciated- thank you!

>> No.5319242

>How can I get my boyfriend to eat better?

Cook better.

>> No.5319245

Put carrot sticks in your snatch.

>> No.5319247

Good luck with your manchild

>> No.5319248

That sucks. Do you usually make a healthy dinner for you two, and when you do, is he a picky shit about it?

Was he brought up with frozen/shit food?

>> No.5319250

>3 eggs, milk, butter

you guys were made for each other

>> No.5319254

Does he keep margarine in a butter bell?

>> No.5319255

>"Thanks babe"
>Proceed to drop I dont what on the eggs his girlfriend made him
>"Dammit, what are you doing! Don't eat anything, I need to take a picture of this and post it on the Internet"

I don't think food is the problem in that relationship.

>> No.5319266

Get a better boyfriend?

I ended up dumping my girlfriend because she doesn't eat
>pickled vegetables
>chili or any spice-heat.
>lamb (the baby animals! ;_; )
>soft cheese (I heard it's bad for you! Only if you're pregnant and get listeria you daft girl.)

What's even the point?

>> No.5319279

Are you buying these things for him? If yes, stop that shit. If you buy these things together, make him put it back. Throw that bottle of ketchup out too.

Try to encourage him to cook with you.

>> No.5319284

I have no idea, his idea of meals is usually mc Donald's and he works crazy hours. I would like to think I cook well, I really enjoy vegetables in most things I make. He only eats tomatoes on blts.

I'm asking for better ways to cook for a picky eater because I like our relationship.
I do cook well.
Lol okay, because a picky eater WOULD have creme at his house

>> No.5319303

When you make food always cook two meals. The basic shit for him and the food you enjoy for yourself. Hopefully curiosity will get the best of him and he'll want to try your dish.

>> No.5319310

He better have a big cock to make up for his pleb tastes.

>> No.5319312

Try this OP, but make his slightly shitty.

>> No.5319319

He doesn't really have much of an enthusiasm for cooking. I tried to show him but I think he would just prefer the quicker way of getting food into his mouth.

I actually love cooking for him also, It's just that he doesn't have a huge palette which I want to work on extending, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

He doesn't eat any type of seafood either.

>> No.5319322

eggs and butter bitch, eggs and butter

cream (not creme, thats something else) is only used in very small quantities to finish the eggs though its not a very common practice

>> No.5319329

This is actually embarrassing to read, Americlap in It's prime over here.

>> No.5319334

how so?

>> No.5319335

Eggs cooked with butter is American? Lol

>> No.5319338

Sour cream would be better than milk.
The person I cook for also used to be a childish eater, but I cook everything slightly different each time, maybe a bit more pepper one time, more cheese another time, it's helped to make their palate adjustable. Unless he's diabetic, replace sodas and sweets with juice and fruit, replace sugary cereal with "the boring kind". After about a year those things will taste too sweet to be bothered with.

>> No.5319355
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why? You can put world-leading chefs in a room and they will argue about how to make scrambled eggs.
Personally I just scramble them with a whisk until they are smooth and then slow cook via double boiler, adding some butter at the end to give a nice glaze.

>> No.5319356

Start having sex with his best friend(s) and using produce as sex props when you are having sex with your boyfriend. These can range from the obvious large cucumber, to the lesser used but equally erotic chicken fried steak with a side of hashbrowns.

>> No.5319381

Wait for him to come back from a long day of work. Give him the cold shoulder when he leans in for a kiss, and slowly pick up the remote. Turn on some women's talk show with the volume louder than normal. From here, he will calmly ask you to turn it down, once he does that he's fallen for your perfect trap. Turn off the TV, and start walking out. He will try to stop you and ask what's wrong. Tell him everything, and that you can't do it anymore. The look on his tired overworked face will be priceless. From here you can start to nag and bitch about every little thing that you've mentally noted against him that you don't like. Just let it all out, and keep on pushing him. Watch his self-esteem deflate. Watch him weaken at the knees. If he's a good beta, he should promise to change and do whatever it takes to please you. After this, you can start fucking other people. He's yours.

>> No.5319396

I don't eat much of anything sweet, maybe dessert if I go out but he loves icecream. We also don't live together so I'm not with him when he goes grocery shopping.

>> No.5319419

Yeah absolutely there is no 'set in stone, be all end all' way to make scrambled eggs

But it actually is common practice to whisk in cream/milk prior to cooking the eggs in a lot of different countries for a 'fluffier' end texture.

See, to me and a lot of 'classical' thinking or styled chefs those eggs are over cooked and rubbery trash. But in the other hand that's the scrambled eggs i was raised on, and still don't have a problem eating although i do prefer them berverse,

To each his own, but to disregard an ingredient as flat out wrong is just silly.

>> No.5319426

common practice for people who cant cook eggs.

theyre plenty fluffy on their own

>> No.5319429

This >>5319355 method is the best, makes them the creamiest, silkiest possible.
Also you can hold it on a bain for quite a while, which is better than cooking to order at times.

>> No.5319430

Is his name Bryan? I know a guy named Bryan who eats his eggs just like that.

I even like ketchup with eggs, but holy shit that's too much ketchup.

>> No.5319474

Alright m8

Oh yeah i wasn't criticizing the technique, only his pic. overcooked? preference i guess. I'd still smash the shit outta that plate.

>> No.5319524

>Low and slow
>Not hot and fast like a passionate lover

No wonder he didn't want to eat your shitty eggs. I bet you can't satisfy him in bed either.

>> No.5319526
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OP here,

Lol no it isn't. I agree, too much ketchup.

I always add milk and butter to eggs, sometimes chives. I make my omelette this way as well. Pic related

>> No.5319531

It ain't premature ejaculation babe, it's called being a hot and fast passionate lover.

>> No.5319537

Looks good, would marry

>tfw gf doesn't put half as much effort in as this

>> No.5319554

Woman detected. How does it feel you will never experience the only true love there is, love between two hard, manly, hairy men?

>> No.5319565
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Thank you! Here's another pic of a wicked soup I put together not to long ago. I really do enjoy cooking, I just want to make things I can eat with him and not separately because I have to wonder whether or not he will like it.

I want to broaden his diet and want advice or tips on how to add things in to meals.

>> No.5319573

I don't know about you faggots, but this is how I omlette.


>> No.5319600

That's the method I use. I don't like big curds

>> No.5319608

Pls be in New Zealand.

that's the true omelette there anon.

Captcha: Stove oftbled

>> No.5319613

>implying I haven't been between two hard, manly, hairy men
Contrary to my expectations, plunging at the same time was better than alternating strokes

>> No.5319622

Gordon Ramsay is great but duck his scrambled eggs they are more butter and cream than actual eggs.

>> No.5319638

get a chunk of italian dry salami and some garlic and add those to your eggs. then put them on bread. he'll see it as a fast food kind of deal and be more inclined to eat it that way. also, pull a Christmas Story and use all the ketchup on something stupid and "forget" to buy more.

if all else fails dump him and find someone else. anyone who douses their scrambled eggs in ketchup needs to go back to kindergarten

>> No.5319646

This isn't so much a cooking problem as it is a relationship problem...

>>We also don't live together so I'm not with him when he goes grocery shopping.

Then there really isn't anything you can do. Unless you're living together and jointly working on a food budget/grocery shopping he'll stick to his same eating habits.

Sure he might pick up one or two things that you expose him to and make it part of his regular routine, but based on what you're decribing here:

>is diet mainly consists of fast food, pizza, pizza pockets and anything frozen.

It just won't be the change you're looking for.

So give up on the starry eyed hope that you'll improve him. Just give him whatever encouragement you can and go in with no expectations. His habits won't change until he's either 1) forced to by living conditions & gradual change 2) he chooses to

>> No.5319653


That's not really a fair statement, since a lot of people learn how to cook eggs "the wrong way"

You can't really judge how well a person cooks by whether or not they add milk. How knowledgeable they are, though, yeah, that's a given.

>> No.5319683
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He comes over often. I just don't go grocery shopping for him, I shop for myself. I just enjoy cooking for him when he comes by, nothing to do with a relationship. I do agree with you that people do not change unless they want themselves to, and he has suggested that he wants to improve his own diet but is just picky. I think most of the things he doesn't like were just prepared improperly when he first tried them when he was younger and he refuses to try them again now.

Here's another dish I made, I post here often though so you may have seen some of these.

>> No.5319718

scrambled eggs are decidedly bland food. Don't be surprised when even the most basic eater takes them up a notch with salsa or something else.

P.S. it's cute and all that you made him scrambled eggs in a pan, but if you've ever tried them in a microwave, they're pretty darn close. you're not exactly expanding his pallet by making the "leap" from microwaved scrambled eggs to pan fried.

>> No.5319726


>microwaving anything for any purpose other than defrosting
Disgusting. Dump him.

I used to have those bowls but with green decoration instead of black or whatever that colour is.

>> No.5319751

nice plate

>> No.5319753

>using a microwave to defrost meat

>> No.5319761
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>microwaving anything for any purpose other than defrosting
>other than defrosting

>> No.5319766

Are you confusing the word "defrost" with "dethaw"? If so, you are the retard.

>> No.5319832

The quickest way to ensure he stays set in his ways or, worse, that you find yourself single is to press him on the matter. Don't try to force him into eating certain foods, or manage his grocery list for him. He's not your/a child. Instead go to restaurants with him, anything relatively decent. Places that will have food that isn't wildly out there and will appeal to him, like, say a steak or a chicken breast but also serve more appealing food you can order. Share your food, frequently. Don't make it about fixing him, both of you try one another's meals, make it a fun bonding experience with no pressure to eat more from the other's plate if you dislike it. Cook foods he'll like along with new ones or ones he says he dislikes as sides or things he can otherwise only try if he doesn't want them. Above all be encouraging and positive about new foods and new experiences, not discouraging or negative about his current habits or diet. If he continues liking drowning his eggs in ketchup, that's his business. Don't try to press it as the wrong way, or your way as the right way.

In regards to getting him to try food without drowning it in ketchup, salt, or whatever else, just politely ask him to taste the food before seasoning it. It shouldn't be an issue beyond that, and if it is, explain why it's important to you and that doing otherwise can come across as rude if you've worked to prepare a meal for someone else. If you really want to press it beyond that, you might consider suggesting he only add a small amount of ketchup at first that he can dunk in, and if he runs out add more as needed, so that he doesn't waste any.

>> No.5319846

Thank you. It's still kind of early on in the relationship and I don't want to come across as Pushy or nagging but I love to eat a variety of foods, like Indian, Thai, etc, whereas he is more of a steak and pork chop kind of person. I am looking forward to taking him to different restaurants, but I'm unsure of the outcome.. Thankfully a lot of restaurants cater to picky eaters by having common staples on the menu.

>> No.5319848

Wouldn't that be freezing it?

>> No.5319869

Maybe you can just leave him and start fucking someone else. Then you won't have this problem anymore

>> No.5319876

those eggs look fucking garbage

>> No.5319881

Do you ever get tired of being belligerent over matters which you clearly have nothing of value to add?

>> No.5319887

post some good ones that you made

>> No.5319889

I got my girlfriend to eat better early on in the relationship by busting out the oldest date in the book: let's cook together.

With her I made some really good stuff that mixed simple and delicious and sparked her interest in better food. Eventually she was hunting down recipes and trying things on her own.

Don't know how well let's-cook-together dates work if the girl is initiating it though. Most guys are afraid that learning to cook will make them gay or something.

>> No.5319932

Sounds like a man child, there's nothing you can do except move on. Seriously there's nothing you can do to change him and it will only bring you down in the end.

>> No.5319966

You cant. he is a jackal, essentially. you cant really train that out of him. move on with your life, he will be dead and or fat soon.

>> No.5320088
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I saw gordons scrambled egg recipe. and by that I mean disgusting half cooked fetus goop. I like his shows but I would never touch eggs like that.

>> No.5320143
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>half cooked
You mean just setting?

Are you one of those horrendous human beings that eats hard scrambled eggs?

>> No.5320779

putting them on and taking them off the stove is essential. Overcooked eggs are atrocious, rubbery, and unenjoyable to eat.

>> No.5320836

well where's the problem?

you're trying to fix something, but why?

think about it like this: nobody willfully changes for no reason. if he does not feel like his lifestyle is an impediment, he won't change it. very simple. so if you want him to change something... well, that's not your choice to make. but if it is clear as day that his lifestyle is preventing him from living the way he wants to live, then he will see the reason to change. until he sees that, there's no point. he won't. and you should remind yourself that you can drag a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

otherwise... all you really CAN do, like others have said, is be confident and positive about your own lifestyle and hope that he catches that vibe. poking and prodding him breeds negative energy that is ultimately counterproductive.

>> No.5320842


>> No.5320877


If you're cooking for his fat ass then you can cook healthy for him, it only takes 1 healthy meal a day to lead to weight loss (maybe 2 if you eat fast/processed food). experiment until you find out what he likes


alternately, just leave him for chad thundercock

>> No.5320978

Your /r9k/ is showing, anon.

>> No.5320998


>it only takes 1 healthy meal a day to lead to weight loss

not when your other meals exceed the amount of calories you burn per day. doesn't matter if it's processed or home-cooked.

>> No.5321007

lost my shit

>> No.5321006


>> No.5321062

Sounds like he's an impulse eater if he can't go 30 minutes without stuffing his face when he's 'hungry'.

>> No.5321080
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Get chicken breast or pork tenderloin (both are good).
Cook them thoroughly.
Apply spices to enhance taste (optional, probably should because your boyfriend is a bitch with his tastebuds).
Serve with (brown) rice.

If he doesn't eat it, call him a snack nigger and dump him. That's all you can do.

>> No.5321097

Man, I'm so glad my gf isn't a picky eater anymore. She used to live on McDonald's and Sour Patch kids, but I'm in culinary school and showed her the light. I love cooking elaborate meals for her.

>> No.5321130

Cook whatever the fuck food you want to cook, and let him eat it if he wants to. It doesn't seem likely that he'll want to bust out a Hungry Man when there's a pot of homecooked food on the stove. And if he does, who cares? Let him eat his crap and you can keep the leftovers, and you can worry about things less inconsequential than food.

If you really feel like you need to change him, he's just going to come on /ck/ asking how to hide butter under margarine and Hungry Mans under couscous.

>> No.5321244


Just doesn't work that way man. Meals are a labor of love, its like if you dragged your SO to a concert by your favorite band and they could care less whether the music is good or whether you are enjoying yourself.

I feel you OP. My ex wanted nothing more than cheesy garlic hashbrowns and hot cheetos every day. It drove me insane.

>> No.5321254


>want boyfriend to eat better
>make him eggs with milk and butter

Do you also buy grass-fed ice cream, OP?

>> No.5321255

my sides

>> No.5321326

>and do them low and slow like Gordon Ramsay would
and into the trash they go.

>> No.5321392

This is easy, OP:

>"[Boyfriend], I've been thinking a lot about how this is going to go in the long-term. I know we haven't been dating very long, but I don't want to feel like I'm wasting your time. I can't be with someone who survives off junk food. What happens if we get married and you die from a heart attack at 40? Why should I get into a relationship where that's a risk? I just don't know if I can stay with you unless you broaden your tastes to include healthy foods."

>> No.5321585

OP here, wow im surprised this thread is still on here, then and again it is /ck/ and the threads stay up longer than some boards. Awesome!

I did say something along >>5321392 lines today based on the advice you guys shared with me.

Once more, since we dont live together the situation is a bit different and not as serious right now, but he has expressed the fact that he wants our relationship to go that way eventually and thats why i'm a bit nervous about it.

At first I thought he was this way because of his late work hours and being that nothing is/was open other than fast-food, but now I know it is actually because of his tastes and aversions to foods.

>> No.5321588


if my SO mentioned marriage before we were even living together i'd run for the fucking hills

also marriage? people still want to do that shit? fucking lel

>> No.5321611


I didn't say OP had to believe any of it. It's just to get her boyfriend to quit being a picky shit.

>> No.5321659

This. Talk about jumping the gun. You're not living together, the fuck does it matter. You just sound clingy and a control freak. Also, the whole "you'll die at 40 how can I put myself in that situation" There is no guarantee he wont get hit by a bus tomorrow, or die from a staph infection 3 months from now.

>> No.5321699

Only decent advice in this thread.

I'd begin by attempting to replicate his go-to foods, be it burgers/ pizza & whatnot. There is always plenty of room for gradual exerimentation and introduction of flavours, and comfort foods need not always be lacking entirely in nutritional value. If you're a good cook like you say, he should eventually come to appreciate and enjoy other foods and flavours, at which point I would either try involving him in the cooking process, or eating out more and trying different kinds of food.

>> No.5321729


this is becoming a meme

i am happy

>> No.5321788

Until he goes back to being a bitch. You may have to repeat every few months. Maybe even stay at your parents house for a weekend to get it across.

>> No.5321811

I add milk to stretch the eggs out. Growing up in a big household will make you pick up little tips.
Just don't make him a separate dish. I never have and I never will. He can eat what you just spent your time on or he can find something else. Soon he'll get sick of it. You can always ask for his input in meal planning, other than that, if he's going to act like he's 6. let him starve. My bf was the same when we started going out. Now he trys just about everything.You just have to put your foot down and not be his fucking mother when it comes to food.

>> No.5321816

running joke maybe, but not a meme you spaz

>> No.5321901


So you just ignored the post above yours, then?

>> No.5321914
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This is kind of funny so we have had the dude with a vegetarian girlfriend and everyone says dump her for trying to change how you eat ect.

Here comes the funny part it turns into a girl wanting to change this guys eating habits and hes a man child and dump him....soooooo whats the difference?

Why the holy fuck is it so hard for people to leave each others meals alone?

>> No.5321957


>> No.5321963

>It's just to get her boyfriend to quit being a picky shit.

You seem to have a hard time comprehending. So let me try to explain this as gently as I can
Marriage = bad.
If she scares him away, it doesn't really matter what the intention was.

>> No.5322140


I thin marriage is dumb too. I did not advocate getting married. Hence "I didn't say OP had to believe any of it."

If his eating really bothers her that much she can pressure him into getting over it with a long-term relationship "bluff." She doesn't have to actually care about the LTR. Just make him think she does. And if he leaves, even better. She probably wasn't going to be happy with him anyways.

>> No.5322145


Considering what OP cooked for her boyfriend, I don't think she cares about his health, she just wants him to eat fancier food instead of being a pleb

>> No.5322152

She cooked him scrambled fucking eggs, how is that unhealthy you mong

>> No.5322161


Keep reading the thread, then respond. Always do things in this order.

>> No.5322162
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Don't mind me, just shilling aboot.

>> No.5322164


>she cooked him cholesterol dipped in saturated fat with a sprinkle of casein and animal hormones
>how is that unhealthy?

Just because it's a common dish doesn't mean it's good for you

>> No.5322171
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its bathing in ketchup or bbq sauce. Are you unaware of the sugar content? also /fit/ fags say egg yolks are unhealffy

>> No.5322174

how did he avoid copyright infringement?

>> No.5322176

Don't try to make him a better eater, try to make him a healthier eater. I've found that the two often go hand in hand. Once you start eating healthy you wind up having to cook more for yourself and cook foods you never use to eat in different ways.

>> No.5322184

it is possible to incorporate eggs into a nutrient balanced diet.

have you tried just talking to him?
plan what you're going to say to convince him of your position, and be clear about how you feel.
tell him you want to negotiate a reasonable strategy to get him to expand his culinary horizons in a positive direction; and that you also are concerned for his health.

if that doesn't work, learn to accommodate one anothers' quirks, or find a better boyfriend.

>> No.5322190


it is possible to incorporate ice cream into a nutrient balanced diet.

>> No.5322206

it is possible to incorporate dildos into a nutrient balanced anus.

>> No.5322213

literally any food can conceivably be unhealthy if one eats enough of it.
it's retarded to avoid a food purely because of this fact.

>> No.5322225


The difference is most foods would require an unrealistic consumption to be considered unhealthy (100 cups of broccoli a day for 3 months), while foods we consider unhealthy show their unhealthiness in relatively small amounts (1 or 2 eggs a day)