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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 353x457, MORE Soda Pop Babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5321302 No.5321302 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst thing you've ever seen someone give their baby to eat?

>> No.5321307

Breast milk. Animals are not meant to consume milk. Formula is the only acceptable meal plan for infants.

>> No.5321315

I've seen people fill baby bottles with soda and those fake fruit juices/punches.

>> No.5321318
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Any alcohol or soda. Toddlers with sippy cups of coke piss me off

>> No.5321322
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>> No.5321333

I went to elementary school with a kid that had a mouth full of crowns because his mother gave him Pepsi in a bottle.

>> No.5321337

I grew up in a shitty neighborhood and all the kids I knew had mouths full of rotted teeth because of soda/fake juices in bottles.

>> No.5321339

I saw a woman mixing what appeared to be mashed sweet potato and cereal into a bottle that had some rich chocolate milk in it (it coated the damn bottle) and the proceed to shake it up and feed to her 75lb toddler. This was on the bus.

>> No.5321341

whatever wasn't anti-freeze.

>> No.5321381
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>> No.5321938

There was a guy I went to highschool with who had the mist spindly, needle thin, rotten teeth you've ever seen. Apparently his little brother had them too.

I don't know if it's true, as this is essentially high school gossip, but his mom was so thinned out from doing drugs that she could not breast feed and could not afford formula or actual milk so she fed them koolaid from the bottle when they were babies and they kept drinking it into their youth. The dude did honestly drink a ton of the stuff at school, like he'd bring a water bottle full of it to class.

>> No.5321949

anything other than breast milk. it's all a nigga need

>> No.5321951

take that back

>> No.5321954

am I the only one who has nightmares about getting cavities?

>> No.5321966

For the first 13 years of my life, I almost never brushed my teeth. The dentist always said my teeth were perfect, very healthy.
Within 3 years of brushing my teeth daily, I developed 3 or 4 minor cavities. I never drink soda, and barely eat sweets. Explain this shit

>> No.5321971

that time caught up to you moron lol

>> No.5321972

Do you drink citrus?

Drinking citrus for about an hour before/after brushing your teeth can wear on the enamel

>> No.5321973

were you going to the same dentist when he found the cavities or a new one? I didn't have any cavities until I switched dentists, turns out my first one just didn't like dealing with them unless they were really bad

>> No.5321975

Semen is loaded with glucose, go easy on the dick sucking

>> No.5321978


your dentist was a moron because he couldn't see the emanel getting thinner and thinnner and thinnerrrrr

until it was so thin that regular brushing strips it down.

especially if you brush right before eating.... boy what a dumb idea! Brush the teeth and then a glass of OJ! >>5321972

>> No.5322006

I brush my teeth, floss , and avoid soda but I've had 3 root canals now. My dentists says I just seems to have naturally weak teeth. It's hell on my mouth and wallet. If I did not have such a great dentist I'd go insane.

"Hey Anon, want a pillow? Mind if I turn on some Sonata Arctica while I work? If I'm really deep in there and you need to say something just use this mouse to point to what is wrong on the screen"

Based Dentist is my saving grace

>> No.5322007


>> No.5322020

my step dad agreed to watch his friends kid once, the kid was like 5 years younger than me and I had no interest in spending any time with him.
So I decided to go eat my lunchable which I had been looking forward to all day and he comes over "Arent you going to ask michael if he wants some"
"you arent being a good friend"
hes not my fucking friend, hes 4 and I am a sophisticated adult

he made me split my lunchable with this kid. to this day I am still mad about it

>> No.5322024

I couldn't confirm if their kid was actually sick but gatorade. I'm not sure if it'd be about the same content as an electrolyte drink for infants but regardless I think the one made specifically for kids under three would be the better choice.

>> No.5322051

shit, nigga. you're not a very good friend

>> No.5322078

Pedialyte is a better choice. I prefer the taste anyway.

>> No.5322324

I don't brush my teeth or gargle, I chew chewing gum occasionally, and I don't floss. I never eat sweet foods but I eat a lot of fatty salty shit and meats. My teeth are slightly stained but they are straight, don't need fillings or anything. I just have one chip from when I smashed my face as a kid.
My secret?
Since child I drink at least a litre of milk each day, you see my grandpa owned a dairy and both of my parents worked there.

>> No.5322401

Mother used to give me balut.

>> No.5322413

Babies eating babies, what has the world come to?

>> No.5322442

My old roommate used to give his two year old TV dinners. One time I checked the nutrition facts and the sodium was like 70% of your daily value

>> No.5322926


i shant take it back. LOOK AT IT!

bologna, processed cheese, and candy. Wash it down with artifically flavored sugar water.

>> No.5323002
File: 48 KB, 350x259, SAGGY BOOBS .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst thing to feed their baby!

pic related

>> No.5323015

I once put aome melotonin and a decent splash of brndy into a kids bottle. Kid was annoying as fuck, but that shut his ass riht up for the night. I hate kids who throw fits for just existing and moms that dont just leave them in their cribs working it out.

>> No.5323022


>> No.5323023

I remember a chick who had a baby right after high school posted an article about how leaving babies to 'cry it out' can be psychologically damaging. I have no idea how accurate it is though, and she was obviously not very intelligent.

>> No.5323024

my cousin was/is a really shitty mother. she put soda pop in her boy's bottle.

when i saw him at the age of 11, he had a mouth full of silver caps. his permanent teeth were all rotted. he was never taught dental Huygens.

>> No.5323026


>> No.5323031

Im not turned on by ababy, but I wonder if a sexual release is another way to reduce the anxiety that leads to crying.

>> No.5323033

I know toddlers will frequently masturbate until they are told to stop, because it feels good and whatever. I dunno about a baby though, and I certainly wouldn't want to go touching a babies genitals to see if they would stop crying.

>> No.5323042

my mom used to put brandy in my milk bottle everynight she got home from work

grandma reported it and i got taken away by dfcs. grandma got custodu. i hated it. but mom never did harm. i put a little whiskey into my sons milk at night otherwise all he does s cry

>> No.5323047
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>> No.5323048
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>> No.5323049

Mothers who peel apples are the absolute worst and reek of shitty parenting.

>> No.5323065

Jokes are funny you sad sad person.

>> No.5323074
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You just don't get it do you.

>> No.5323083

You're supposed to brush before eating. Enamel is weakened by foods, so brushing after strips the enamel off

>> No.5323091

so instead of evidence you put up some bullshit image to back up your claim?

>> No.5323099

I am >>5323047
but not >>5321307

I just posted that image cause I thought the guy was making a joke, not trolling.

You faggots really need to lighten up

>> No.5323128

A completely false statement is funny how?

>> No.5323137

never said it was funny, i said i thought he was making a joke. please pull the stick from your ass

>> No.5323142

You pull it out, I can't see it.

>> No.5323160

while soda is rare, sugar + water is common around there. Babies don't even have teeth and won't drink pure water. sweetened water is less unhealthy the milk.

>> No.5323165
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ok sure. I'll be right over

>> No.5323298
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Not exactly baby food, but I seethe when I see my own mother preparing hot dogs and mac n' cheese for my niece and nephew after she has already prepared a meal of perfectly fine, healthy food for the rest of us. The same foods I ate as a kid, but not she thinks her grandchildren won't eat.

>> No.5323315

I was a lazy ass but too ashamed to tell the dentist and they always said my teeth were fab and let me go.
Then I actually wanted to get a boyfriend so I started and since then I have 2 mini cavities now and shit enamel. Plus my parents quit what soda and watered down our fruit juice so even then. Makes me want to quit and go rogue again but I drink lots of black tea now.

>> No.5323318

Prolonged stress is bad for the baby, most of the time "crying it out" isn't a big fucking deal because kids cry and have to get over it. But some kids get super worked up and don't get over it, they just get more and more upset and cry for like EVER. THEN it can be damaging, but for the most part people bitching that CIO is harmful are just weenies.

I can't imagine why on earth any mother would give her baby or even a toddler soda or that fake juice, their stomachs ar so little, they need everything they eat/drink to be nutritious at that point. Also the fact that you're jacking your kid up on sugar for no reason. I think giving your kid soda or "apple drank" is a lot worse than a little nip of brandy or whiskey here and there.

>> No.5323319

OK, milk baron

>> No.5323325

yay brain damage. its a domino effect isn't it? one day it'll be their turn to spike a kids drink

>> No.5323328

Not really food related, but it pissed me off nonetheless: I saw a little girl, she must have been about three, wearing those leggings that women have been wearing lately, to show off their asses. Except she was like three. And the wind chill was below zero Fahrenheit. I was so angry. I just glared at her dad like, "Put some pants on your child, you fucking negligent asshole."

>> No.5323330

>Since child I drink at least a litre of milk each day

If I did that I would be shitting battery acid and flopping around like a fish from agonising cramps all day.
Feels bad man.

>> No.5323329

why do people keep posting this face everywhere

>> No.5323333

its only a problem if you were feeling aroused

>> No.5323350

Dressing a toddler like a slut is never OK.

>> No.5323357

It's a psychological experiment.
The face has a lot of features that stand out and, after seeing it, more likely than not, the face will appear in your dreams at some point.

>> No.5323366

I have never in my life paid attention to what a baby is being fed, unless it's a tit then I might sneak a look.

>> No.5323389

I bet you wipe your ass before you shit, too.

>> No.5323416

I once saw a gif where a guy was taking a dump on a baby. but then i relised it was april fools and just a joke so i started laughing to hard and masturbating at the same time.

>> No.5323466


Yeah I know, it was pretty sad. The kid was so round and shiny and his belly stuck out from under his food stained shirt. She pulled all this stuff from her baby bag and prepared it while the bus was going its way. The kid really seemed to enjoy it cause he polished it off within 5 minutes.

>> No.5323686

>that creepy thing appears in your dreams
fuck you

>> No.5323738

Dont worry man. It's just a joke, I wont actually appear in your dreams tonight.

>> No.5325734
File: 9 KB, 207x243, dream man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the face you are talking about.

I made that other one the other day on some dumb website. they got the same feel tho I'd agree.

Fuck maybe dream man has been haunting me

>> No.5325738

A gas station burrito during a bus ride.

>> No.5326737

>Toddlers with sippy cups of coke piss me off
that should be considered child abuse

>> No.5326739

>my step dad
problem identified

>> No.5326848
File: 31 KB, 250x250, 4chanmen-who-breastfeed-250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

male lactation is a thing

>> No.5326886

This does not really relate to infants being fed, but it kind of irritates me when people bring their toddlers to restaurants and just feed them Cheerios from the "baby bag" instead of letting them learn to eat whatever the restaurant serves like parents used to do. I knew one of these mothers and she used to give her toddler very syrupy sweet tea. He could not drink water.

I just imagine them growing up to be man-children looking for Pizza Bites on restaurant menu, chugging a two-litre of Coca-Cola with every meal and saying "Daaah I don't eat health food!" when you try to serve them a garden salad with dinner.

>> No.5326893

The only example I can think of is my ffat friend and his fat wife fed their baby McDonalds fries and bits of chicken nuggets before he had teeth.
Mac and cheese with hot dogs is fuckin' delicious though.

>> No.5327016

ITT: 18 year old virgins and their superior parenting skills

>> No.5327094


Red Bull.

>> No.5327099

Good parenting skills.
But whatever let your kid do whatever he wants, see if he doesn't grow up to be a little brat, like the faggots on Dr.Phil.

>> No.5327150

If you are such a great parent, why are you on 4chan?

>> No.5327247

This post is basically agreeing with mine especially since I don't have children.

>> No.5327272

I got a crown in the back that kept coming out when I would eat sticky things on that side. Now I have a recurring nightmare where I'm eating and it comes out and I keep crunching it between my teeth.

Sorry, this isn't /or/thodontia.

>> No.5327297

>being a 30 year old whore makes you a good parent

>> No.5327301

I don't think that's something to worry about, a lot of small children wear leggings by themselves, or soft pants that are probably better for them to wear if they still have diapers. When I was a little kid in the nineties I had stirrup leggings.

>> No.5327311

thats because your baby teeth fall out

you have been mistreating your friends for life

it takes TWO MINUTES A NIGHT to take care of them holy shit people are so fucking stupid

>> No.5327610
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>tfw you used to think lunchables kids' parents loved them more than your parents loved you
>tfw you now realize the homemade lunches your parents made you were a billion times healthier/frugal, in addition to their love for you

Thanks mom and dad.

>> No.5327669

My nigga.

>> No.5330159


This. The former is a barbaric form of nutrition and any of those who practice it are animals