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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5316408 No.5316408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of rich people food and have you eaten any

I can think of a couple

>Steak tar tar
>Filet Mignon

>> No.5316426

at work a couple of weeks ago the special involved a truffle risotto. the sous chef snuck me a few shavings when no one was looking. Probably 50 bucks wort. Most expensive handful of food i've ever had.

>> No.5316433

Steak Tar-Tar isn't very rich. Places just charge for it because of sanitation issues and class of clientele. It's very easy to make.

I've never had true caviar, but just about every other form of roe known to man.

Filet mignon I've had a lot. When we get high end parties and shit like that comes back, the best we can do with it is turn it into soup. So no one bats an eye is someone eats a filet, or any part of the tenderloin. Personally, I don't even find it a very good cut of meat. No delicious fat or collagen.

Lamb chops, rack of lamb, leg of lamb, etc. I've gone out my way to prepare them for myself. Lamb is fucking delicious. Goat is pretty good too.

>> No.5316437

I had beef welington once but it was on beef wellington night on a cruise and they were pumping out hundreds of them

it was edible i guess

>> No.5316591

>steak tar tar
>Filet Mignon

maybe in whatever shitty country you are from. In Aussieland even a dole-bludging ciggybutt brain can afford top-tier steak.

>> No.5316596

Don't know if this is rich people food but I had escargot on a cruise once. It was delicious, drenched in garlic and butter, I was pretty surprised at how good it was.

>> No.5316598


I think that counts that and frog legs because you dont often see them in the western hemisphere

>> No.5316632

I'm french and seeing people spelling it 'tar-tar'... I'm laughing my ass off.

Its Tartare, and I dont see how you could consider it expensive.
Caviar or Filet mignon on the other hand will always be expensive meals.

>> No.5316637

But you're French, nobody cares about what you laugh at.

>> No.5316660

>I'm french

Stopped having any measure of respect for you as a person right there

>> No.5316668

Dry aged steak

It was prime rib

Pretty good

>> No.5316676

Foie gras on brioche, was definitely worth the price and harassment from animal rights protestors

>> No.5316680

>Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that may be found in raw or undercooked meat.[10] Cultural differences in raw meat consumption are thought to be a cause of regional variation in the prevalence of toxoplasma infection (ranging from around 55% in France down to 10% in the United Kingdom).[11] Latent toxoplasmosis in adults, though not as harmful as congenital toxoplasmosis, is associated with psychological effects[12] and lower IQ.[13]

>> No.5316688

copy pasta from wiki much? GTFO.

>> No.5316718

Roast Lamb that I witnessed the killing of 5-6 hours earlier made me feel pretty pompous, partly because it was served in such a boring (but fuckin tasty)white people way.
Other than nothing in particular since i've only visited Europe once as a young child, and that seems to be where most gimmicky superior dishes come from. There's plenty of exceptions to that though.

>> No.5316731
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I had toro a few weeks ago.

Pretty underwhelming, but looked nothing like the pieces in the pic.

>> No.5316733


inb4 envirotard accusing me of contributing to the exctinction of bluefin.

>> No.5316758

It made me lol as well.
I'm American and this is just saddening.
So I cried for a minute after I laughed.
Steak tartare; why would you serve steak with tartar sauce? It's only for fish, right?

>> No.5316760

It's because they're moronic Amerifats.

>> No.5316829

>It's only for fish, right?

tartar sauce is great with lots of stuff

but yeah, if you don't know it's spelled "tartare", you probably don't know very much about food

>> No.5316837

>herp a derp I'm smrter than thu avrage... derp.
Best to keep your mouth closed and your fingers up your own ass, where they belong instead of "chiming" in.
Your stupidity has been established. We don't need your accolades.

>> No.5316838


wtf are you a highschool english teacher? stfu

>> No.5316842

Fuck that, I'm a professional writer and when useful get paid to write programs and shit. Fuck teaching, that doesn't pay shit, that's for the bearded hoity toits.

>> No.5316843


well why do you care that he copy pasted something from wikipedia? its not like it's wrong or anything

>> No.5316854


>Best to keep your mouth closed and your fingers up your own ass, where they belong instead of "chiming" in.

Ya forgot a comma after "belong", turbopleb.

>> No.5316858

Because it's not a true information source.

If you used that in a proper school as a reference you'd be laughed out of the place.

>> No.5316860


says who? you?

that and, i dont give a shit about school, we're not in school now. well, you might be lol

>> No.5316862

>If you used that in a proper school as a reference you'd be laughed out of the place.
No but you could just reference the reference. This is 4chan not university you autistic cunt.

>> No.5316869

No I get paid for my work, and in a professional environment using wiki as a source for anything would get one fired.

School is too simple, then you just get laughed at, professionaly you get fired.

>> No.5316870
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I was at a restaurant and I order a filet.

My brother, who came along quickly chastised me.

>"Why would you order something so small? All that money for a little bit of meat!"

Seriously, I love my brother but he's a dumbass sometimes.

>> No.5316871

Smack him with that fish fillet and ask questions later.

>> No.5316872


4chan isn't a professional environment, m8.
I think you may be deeply confused.

>> No.5316873

fucking hilarious, thank you

>> No.5316876


go back to work if you want to try enforce that shit, not on an anonymous image board for cooking, wtf is wrong with you

>> No.5316878

I'm not confused at all, I'm having fun.
Try it sometime instead of being an uptight cunt.

>> No.5316883


Some kicks you must get from being anal about people quoting wikipedia on 4chan.

I think I'll pass on the offer.

>> No.5316884

Foie gras

Legal in my state or was the last time I bought some.

Weirdest thing. Normally I am a mediocre co/ck/ at best but I knocked it out of the park pan searing it.

I guess it's the fact I was dealing with some very expensive shit so not wanting to fuck up a hundred dollar investment was motivation enough.

I gotta make some again. That shit tastes like MAGIC.

>> No.5316887

No, I mean he was bitching that I got a STEAK filet.

>> No.5316892

>I gotta make some
yur gonna make sum.
Cuz tht how it werks.

>> No.5316921

filet mignon at a high end restaraunt was ehh.

filet mignon at the poorest peoples pad was sensational. crispy and succulent. fuck yeah! amazing stuff!!

>> No.5316930
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>> No.5316960

>Steak tar tar

I don't get this. Why do /ck/ think it's rich people food. It's just raw grounded beef. I got it some what often as a kid. You just slam the beef on bread, instead of a pan.

>> No.5316969

It does take a little bit of effort to do steak tartare at home, but as far as prep goes it's simple as.

>> No.5316972

>can't spell it
>"don't understand" as an argument

You're just a retard

>> No.5316976

Most of the people on /ck seem to be socialists and love being poor. Working or making anything more than minimum wage is rich to them. They're your basic morons.

Anything above their socialist minimum wage is cause to RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE.

>> No.5316978

What's so rich person about Filet Mignon? I can get an 8oz cut for only £10.

>> No.5316980

Here, let me splain it, you take a leanest cut of beef that has no marbling (no flavor) and chop it up into little pieces. Then you charge people lots of money for it. Do you get it now? No? You must be dumbs.

>> No.5316986

Sorry, nobody gives a fuck about you euro money or your inability to breed cattle.

>> No.5316989

>your inability to breed cattle

>> No.5316993

Not all businesses are like that. It's nice that you assume everything that every buisness is but that's far from reality.

Some buinesses are sleazy enterprises but that's really not true for all. It really depends on specifics.

That's why you're a minimum wage shift worker and not a professional, you don't know about specifics.

>> No.5316996

>Work fine dining for 3 yeara
>Still don't get the appeal of high class dishes
Anyone else know this? Who spends 40 dollars on a dish that can't even fill you up?

>> No.5317002

Cooking is a pretty low class profession. Unless you're the lead sous chef, we're lucky to make over 11 dollars an hour even doing fine dining.

>> No.5317052

I was quoting OP. And it wasn't an argument. I wasn't trying to convince anybody. I just stated my confusion.

>> No.5317114

>top tier caviar
>sea turtle
>foie gras
>fried truffles (because I could)
>jamon iberico de bellota
Won't even mention the booze.

>> No.5317130

I've never had anything that fancy, but my gf's parents are pretty rich and they've travelled Europe a lot. Here's what they ate (at least what I remember):
>Shark (shark soup and shark fin)
>Frog legs
>Eagle (that was in Poland, what the fuck? Do they even have eagles?)
>Lamb and venison steaks

When I was in Paris I wanted to try some molecular cuisine, but then I realized that spending a shit ton of money on simple dishes, that are just presented in an unusual way, is fucking retarded.

>> No.5317151

>nonsensical and unrelated rant about "socialists"
The only moron here is you, my friend.

>> No.5317166

>rich people food
Most just eat whatever they can grab. Why are poorfags so obsessed with what non poorfags eat? Are you going to use this information to impress your poor friends?

>> No.5317173

>hey let's talk about fancy food you guys


>> No.5317216

Does rich people food mean 'food the real world eats and enjoys that's uncommon in 'murrika because muh freedom burgers'? Because that's what I keep seeing posted in this shitty thread.

>> No.5317227

>frog legs
>rich people food
What? Frog legs are swamp–nigger food. Not saying they aren't good, but they certainly aren't fancy or rich.

>> No.5317234

Because if people wanted to read shit from wikipedia, they would go to wikipedia. Copying and pasting something from wikipedia to here is entirely unnecessary and contributes absolutely nothing to the conversation. It's just pointless and stupid, the very definition of shit–posting.

>> No.5317245

Don't know what he's eating, who he is or where it's from, but this gif annoys the fuck out of me.

>> No.5317251
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>mfw you are both going to be born French in your next life

>> No.5317276

>Steak tartar
Raw steak with some garnishes.

Some caviar is expensive.

>Filet mignon
This is rich people food to you?

It's funny how 2/3 of your list comes from corn-fed, antibiotic-treated, subsidized cow meat.

>> No.5317364

If you own a cat you've probably already got that anyway.