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File: 8 KB, 160x160, limes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5316275 No.5316275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how are you handling the lime crisis, /ck/?

"Some restaurants who used to pay anywhere between $4 to $25 for a case of limes are now having to pay $100 per case."

>> No.5316287


>> No.5316289

You all think you have it bad, come to México, poor country with extra expensive limes-lemons.
Shit's going to hell sooner than expected.

>> No.5316294

Fuck, what are you gonna put in your Corona?

>> No.5316304

Why not just substitute them with oranges?

>> No.5316322

go to bed, timmy

>> No.5316352

I have a lime tree that yields between 2000-3000 limes per season twice a year. Some of those limes are as big as oranges. Lemon(lime?)ade every day because we don't know what to do with so many. I don't know how to sell them though, I doubt I can just go sell them to a supermarket or something.

>> No.5316370

what about the closest farmers market?

>> No.5316386

Only Walmart and HEB here. But then it's only a bucket or two per week, and it's a pain to collect them, usually just pick them off the ground. I think I'll miss on the price surge.

Anyway, last year I planted two seeds from the biggest lime the tree gave, it was as big as an orange. The little trees are growing healthy. Maybe I could start creating my own kind of super limes and become rich.

>> No.5317861

you might loose flavor when they get that big.
kinda like how tiny peppers are typically hotter than larger ones.

>> No.5317866

Why are limes suddenly becoming more rare? What's going on here? Why is it so hard to grow more?

>> No.5317867

>grow my own lemons/grapefruit/orange
>neighbor gives me his key limes
I don't even like limes.

>> No.5317873

If they look pretty then supermarkets will sell them and people will buy them. Look at what happened to tomatoes and red delicious apples.

>> No.5317879

the british navy bought them all

>> No.5317884

Walmart and HEB, you must be in San Antonio. Try the pearl farmers market on Saturdays. Your bound to find a chef wanting to save a bit of money on some limes right now. Especially for the thousands of margaritas this city makes every night.

>> No.5317891

I live in a Mexican neighborhood in Brooklyn. The local greengrocers have stopped carrying them, because they can't bring themselves to charge their customers 50 cents (or more) for a lime.

Especially after last summer, when limes were 25 for $2. Which means on the ground here the price of limes has gone up nearly 800%!

I've been substituting lemon for lime all winter. I was just bitching about it with a friend of mine who owns a bar. She's totally getting killed on the price of fucking limes.

>> No.5317894

There's a civil war in part of Mexico disrupting the agricultural industry, and the unusually harsh winter has damaged crops in the southern US.

>> No.5318359

I understood this reference.

>> No.5318637

I'm Canadian and limes are usually like $0.50-$1.00 each.

I bought some tonight. 4 for $3. They were almost all gone and the quality was really low. They didn't look like normal limes, they were much smaller and somewhat apiculate on the ends.

Not sure if this is because of the perceived shortage/price increase, but I haven't seen any like this.

>> No.5318686

Brah, we have Walmart and HEB in Houston and San Antonio and Dallas too? Jut because he planted seeds doesn't make him Autistic

>> No.5318710
File: 24 KB, 222x222, Nellie_n_Joes-limejuice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key limes in a bottle, this stuff is really good.

Nellie & Joes Key Lime Juice

>> No.5318725

Man, if I can't get limes this summer what the hell am I going to put in my gin?

>> No.5318874

Maybe your penis will sprout this summer and you won't need limes or gin.

>> No.5318885

DANG! You sure showed him who has the bigger peepee.

>> No.5318898



>> No.5320220

I'm in Mexico, and everyone is freaking the fuck out.
I am pleased that the stores where I live are now carrying real yellow lemons as a replacement. They usually don't even stock yellow lemons.

>> No.5320224
File: 2.10 MB, 352x326, 1389012358858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my minivan sized lime tree is just about coming ripe
>it usually fruits constantly for about 6 months
I counted the other day and there's probably 80+ already there.

>> No.5320225

well, this explains why my shitty local grocery store only sells rose's now

I thought it was just another instance of them being a shit grocery store again

>> No.5320244

Those greedy lime farmer bastards.

>> No.5320253

You sound mega poor if the prostpect of gtting 10 more dollars in a year makes you so hard

>> No.5320256

How old are you, really?

>> No.5320257


Limes are the only citrus fruit that are picked immature mate. You should pick the ones on the tree before they are mature enough to fall on the ground.

>> No.5320258

maybe he is jewish

>> No.5320268

limes r just unripe lemons

u guys are so stupid lol

>> No.5320311

I am poor.
It is nice to have more limes than I can handle, and they are great to trade with.
For as many as I eat/ the food i trade for I save a bit more than $10 a year.

Jews can't eat citrus, the acid dissolves their gold teeth and may even corrode the secret pouch many keep in an esophageal compartment.

>> No.5320372 [DELETED] 

>Soviet Union suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years.
>Antigovernment riots in Ukraine. Soviet Union invades. . . .
>Argentine currency collapses after adverse court ruling on debts.
>Mexico narco-terrorist conflict escalates. Lime harvest ruined.
>NSA spying revelations cause Germany and France to leave NATO.
>NATO dissolves. Lime prices skyrocket.
>United States stands alone.

>> No.5320380

>Soviet Union suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years.
>Antigovernment riots in Ukraine. Soviet Union invades. . . .
>Argentine currency collapses after adverse court ruling on debts.
>Venezuelan government opens fire on rioters.
>Mexico narco-terrorist conflict escalates. Lime harvest ruined. . . .
>NSA spying revelations cause Germany and France to leave NATO.
>NATO dissolves. Lime prices skyrocket.
>United States stands alone.

>> No.5320389
File: 81 KB, 1024x537, fingerlime_kath-705747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't seen any like this.
might have just been a different species of lime, there's like 13 of them and they vary a fair bit.

>> No.5320394

I dub thee turdlimes.

>> No.5320395

most funny Tom Clancyshit futurewar scenario yet

>> No.5320399


Fuck I love these.

>> No.5320400

Looks like caviar. Awesome.