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5314664 No.5314664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I keep hearing that over fishing on the east coast has caused lobster populations to explode.
This is why golden corral has them and why you can get lobster in east coast Canada mcdonalz.

I have heard that maine lobster men are losing their asses because the price has plummeted. They are selling them on the roadside 5 for 20 bucks.

Also DFW thread.

>> No.5314667

I have never set foot in a golden corral because I am not a poor stupid hick.

However, DFW was pretty cool. Lobster sucks though.

>> No.5314674

>Lobster population explodes
>I'm okay with this

brb...making a gallon of drawn butter

>> No.5314708
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I'm fine with this.
They'll just have to find something else to fish for while I stuff myself full of cheap seabugs.

Or they could stop being so greedy and capitalize on it by banding together and only agreeing to sell 'just enough' of them to get the prices back up.
Fishermen alone control the price of lobster, not some snooty restaurant in New York.

Its like diamonds. There are mines in Africa with so many diamonds that they're tripping over the fucking things like regular rocks, yet they're so expensive because the men who control the mines decide on how many of them get distributed and when, and how much they 'should' be worth.

>> No.5314713

>government regulation alone control the price of lobster

>> No.5314716

Lobster was once considered the rat of the sea.

>> No.5314754

Rat was once considered the lobster of the dumpster.

>> No.5314766
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I'm going to be making so many lobster-related posts this summer, you'll hate me by the end of it

>tfw when i get mercury poisoning

>> No.5314771

Are they high in mercury? I thought it was only elevated in top-tier predators. Tuna, for example, because they eat everything smaller than they are. Lobsters are so small.

>> No.5314779

I always assumed they were high in mercury for some reason, I guess they aren't

I guess i'll just be in constant tears after killing so many of immortal gods of the sea

>> No.5314781


>> No.5314838
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How u r gonna catch em anon?

Pic related. Burbot are the lobsters of utah.

>> No.5314850

I thought you could always get lobster rolls in maritime mcdolans.

>> No.5314862

Crab is better.

>> No.5314871


those aren't American Lobster at places like Golden Corral.
they're cheap ass south american ones.

>> No.5314877


not year round.

>> No.5314883

Mainer here.

We can buy lobster on the side of the road for 2-3 dollars each.

>> No.5314894


is that what you call cheap canadian border whores?

>> No.5314940

I am so jelly right now I could fucking strangle you and rape your fucking mouthface.

>> No.5314945

I'm became friends with some lobstermen through my job

I can just walk down to the dock when they get back and get free lobster

>> No.5314946

>being jealous over lobster

This post depresses me

>> No.5315536

Do you not like lobster?
Here its 18 bucks a pound at the grocery

>> No.5315548

I still have never read "Consider the Lobster." Have read "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" and loved the hell out of it.

Just picked up his first novel, Broom of the System. He'd definitely come a long way by the time he wrote Infinite Jest, but I'm still enjoying it.

Why is it always the good ones who off themselves?

I usually only have lobster about once a year during clambake season (fuck the Midwest, I want my seafood, goddamnit). I'll bet the prices still remain artificially high here but I'll be keeping an eye out. I still think crab's tastier though.

>> No.5315602
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I work in the seafood department of a large Canadian grocery store. The price of lobster has remained steady over the last two years at:

$10.99lb for lobsters under 1.5lbs
$11.99lb for lobsters over 1.5lbs

The fisherman sell them for cheap and complain about it because they expect demand to keep up with supply. But unless you live on the east coast the cost of transporting these fuckers is astronomical.

>> No.5315604
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>I have never ate good lobster
Stop being bitter you retard.

>> No.5315610

Well my uncle is a lobsterman so we get free lobster but really we ate it too much.

>> No.5317122
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>> No.5317129

Have you all forgotten Larry the Lobster from Saturday Night Live back in the 80's when it was actually funny they did a call in vote. Put larry the lobster into the pot or not.

>> No.5317346

There's nothing like driving to a fishing port and buying four lobsters for five pounds.

>> No.5317366

I thought lobster were only in america.

>> No.5317883

They tried to do the banding together shit and found themselves running into anti-price-fixing laws and shit.

Crustaceans/bottom-feeders can be high in mercury.

>> No.5318285

I used to have a wonderful photo of a pretty naked girl with a lobster on her zorch.
I really miss that photo :(

>> No.5318324

Y'all should read the Pale King. Some parts of it are just so unbelievably real and painful.

>> No.5318472

>Why is it always the good ones who off themselves?
Because the rest of us suck.

>> No.5318486

He was just too shy to be happy.
He wanted to mess around with his female students. They wanted to mess with him as well.
It ended up not happening very often partly because of scruples but more often because of crippling shyness.
So hard to fail in a deal like that.

>> No.5320328

>anti-price-fixing laws
Well, hey, all they have to do is quit the business. Dat supply-demand curve.

>> No.5320344


>too shy to be happy

he had treatment resistant depression, you dick

>> No.5320392

Mental illness is complicated especially for the exceptionally bright.

>> No.5320396

>treatment resistant depression
oooh that sounds legitimate, like MRSE

>> No.5320398

>exceptionally bright
>mentally ill
Pick one.

>> No.5320405

>You are a fucking idiot.
> Go fuck yourself

Pick two.

>> No.5320408

>He is so intelligent (shows capacity for learning, awareness, and understanding)
>He can't harness his emotions, is irrational, and mentally defective
Yeah, makes sense.

>> No.5320434

It actually is legitimate. Some people don't respond to medication (either because it doesn't work in the right way on their brains, or because their bodies stop absorbing it, or because their livers metabolize the stuff too fast to let it work), and "talk therapy" is pretty useless if it's not a situational problem. There are electrostim implants that can help but they are experimental and expensive.

>> No.5320544
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Are you a serious? Some of the world's greatest minds suffer or have suffered from some form of mental disorder. Ever heard of idiot savants?
They're like you, except the savant part.
>capacity for learning, awareness, and understanding
You do understand those work in different parts of your brain, right?

>> No.5320566

>idiot savants
A poor example of intelligence.

I like you belief in the duality of emotions and intelligence though.

I suspect you have a western medicine diagnosed mental illness and have built a defense mechanism to convince yourself that your crippling weaknesses are actually strengths that separate you from the mental normies.

>> No.5320583

Not the same anon but my uncle is a well to do caltech grad. He can read a schematic for a month straight and keep all that shit in his head at one time when he's done. He finds the potential glitches in medical equipment before it's even made.
Ass burgers like a muthafucka.
That fucker is damn sure pulling his weight on this planet but having diner with him is brutal for most people.

>> No.5320586

>western medicine diagnosed mental illness
Is it fucking thai fishermen's pants raw food vegan o'clock or something?

>> No.5320590

So you think the increase in young children being prescribed anti-depressants and ADHD meds is an indicator of progress?

>> No.5320592

>western medicine so bad
Do you think elephant dick is a viable alternative?

>> No.5320601

You did not answer my question. I did not say western medicine was bad, but the current mental health paradigm is a travesty.

>> No.5320613

>A poor example of intelligence.
How about Isaac Newton, Michelangelo or Vincent van Gogh?
>I like you belief in

>> No.5320620

Ok not the same guy but van gogh is not even remotely in the same league as Newton or Angelo.
That fucker was a phony

>> No.5320626

>How about Isaac Newton, Michelangelo
Oh, you mean historical figures who were diagnosed by "experts" hundreds of years after theirs deaths based on things they read about them?

Yeah, sounds like a real scientific approach lol

>> No.5320656

lobsters take 10-20yrs to get to any substantial size.

this is horse-shit.

i do wish they'd restart the series "Lobstermen" though.

>> No.5322262
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Lobster used to be relatively cheap anyway.

>> No.5322269
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Do you just sit here hitting F5 so someone can post a lobster thread so you can post that brilliant observation?

>> No.5322270

>this guy

>> No.5322274



>> No.5322280

$5/lb in 1860 is pretty fucking expensive.

>> No.5322335

It's $5/lb in 2004 money which would be less than $0.27/lb.

>> No.5322337

That is still twice the price of beef back then.

>> No.5322396

They're bottom feeder this fact follows

>> No.5322398

crustaceans do not have high mercury content compared to a lot of things we do eat though, like tuna, swordfish, and halibut.

>> No.5322407

>>vaccines are bad guize!!!
just because its not perfect does not make it a travesty, though i guess it has its drawbacks that it allows shit heads like you to exist and criticize it. they really need

>> No.5322410

>crustaceans do not have high mercury content compared to a lot of things we do eat though, like tuna, swordfish, and halibut.
There are 50,000+ species of crustaceans.

>> No.5322411

>mental health paradigm
Well, you tried.