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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5310750 No.5310750 [Reply] [Original]

I have just started drinking out after growing into the legal age. The only thing I seem to like is rum and cola, and cocktails with vodka in them. I have tried beer which tastes like dishwater, and cold sake I do not fancy over. I would like some suggestions.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.5310762


>> No.5310770

pls don't post chinese cartoons on /ck/
we have enough retards as it is, don't attract even more of 'em
on that note, try good beer. Artesanal beer, hipster beer, it's amazingly good.
Try this page, its a redneck reviewing god-tier beer. Mezcales, some wines, etc.

>> No.5310775

Forgot youtube page

>> No.5310805

>calling others retarded
>can't spell artisanal

>> No.5310820
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>> No.5310829

Please don't butcher the use of green text, it's for quoting not ebin maymay text. Also since I'm not a fucking philistine I use the correct term that stems from latin and not that disgusting, butchered that rapes all that's good.

Regardless, you are desperate or autistic enough to focus yourself on a small detail because you find yourself offended, somehow and even go the distance and use /s4s/ mannerisms here. Proceed to kill your self, newfriend.

>> No.5310866

What kind of beer did you try? There are lots of styles of beer. You can read too much information about them here:
I would suggest trying a belgian ale, a german pilsner, an IPA, a stout and a fruit lambic before giving up on beer. (I just sort of randomly picked those styles because I like them all and they're quite different)
I can't suggest anything else because I only like beer. Thanks for posting something cute.

>> No.5311529
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>> No.5311532


What >>5310866 said. You can't just say all beer tastes bad, because there are so many different types of beer out there. Even the girliest of girls like a good wheat beer with an orange slice in it. Start with girly drinks and move up until you hit a good balance with what you like. You'll find something.

>> No.5311620
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>> No.5311739
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>all this butt hurt
Try gin, it's kind of a horizontal move, but it will introduce you into drier liquors.

>> No.5312185
File: 110 KB, 480x480, based godoka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone is ass mad that madoka is cooler than them.

>> No.5312188

>Posting the worst puella magi.
>"Pic unrelated" when we all know animu is related all over ze 4chinz.
>Just reached the legal drinking age.
>likes rum and cola
>does not fancy cold sake (you probably had bad food pairing with it)
>not mentioning food pairing (only noobfags drink drinks on its own)

>> No.5312209
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>> No.5312211
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>>implying I even drink alcohol
>>implying the best meguca wouldn't gun you down for saying what you did.

>> No.5312333

Are you me?

>> No.5312347

Probably not. But it's nice to know someone is having the same problem as me.

>> No.5314742

Ok first of all nobody likes drinks to start with unless it's masked with some thing like coke or other fruity flavoured cocktails. Getting into enjoying the taste of beer can take months of trying different beers with different malts and hops. The same applies to wines, whiskeys, really any complex alcoholic drink. I would recommend to start drinking beer either with a pale or brown ale. I'm gonna geuss you're American and therefore say that the mahority of mass produced beers you can find will be absolutely flavourless. Once. You feel like you can handle the flavour of beer try an IPA which has a much hoppier flavour, or a stout/porter where the flavour of the malt is much more dominant, after that you can move onto more weird tasting beers like Trappists, sour beers and Weiss beer. There is also the world of lagers to go into. A good Czech Pilsner is delicious and if you can find a way to get real Budvar Budweiser in America that is delicious. A few commercial lager brands are ok, I'm pretty fond of peroni, but most of them aren't worth bothering with.

>> No.5314748

Probably should have proof read that. I'm a little bit drunk

>> No.5314769

>Ok first of all nobody likes drinks to start with
I remember enjoying the first taste of beer I tried. It was something from the Badger brewery.

I tried wine later and didn't enjoy it until I was in my early 20s though. However I only had access to cheap shitty wine before then.

>> No.5314797



so glad i dont live in north america anymore. the beer selection is crap crap crap with the occasional gem thrown in. and besides a few imports (usually absolute shit) you would never know that other places have a higher standard for beer. when friends and relatives visit they spend most of their time half-sloshed because of all the different beers they have to try. my cousin during a visit on day 6

>dude i can't anymore but they are soooo goooooooood.....

>> No.5316442
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If it's mixed drinks you're looking for I have thirty more of these I could dump. I've never played a Touhou game, but all of these sound really good.

>> No.5316456

Try wine, OP.

>> No.5317170

can I have source on the touhou drink, are there any more? weeaboo /ck/ poster here.

>> No.5319148
File: 10 KB, 229x231, seyiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell from black and white sketch, did you just reply with the actual worst meguca?

>> No.5319257

>I have tried beer which tastes like dishwater

wow what a faggot. and watering down hard with cola and drinking girly drinks like cocktails. double faggot homo-aids